Pipe Friction PDF

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Diameter of the pipe, D (mm) 26.2 Viscosity of water at 25 deg.C (Pa.s) 8.

length of the pipe, L (mm) 914.4 Density of water at 25 deg.C (Kg/m3) 997
manometric reading hydraulic
time for 1 L Flow rate friction exponent raynolds Turbulent/
no (mm) gradient vlocity (V) K
water flow (s) (m3/s) factor (f) (n) no. (Re) Lminar
left right head loss (i)
1 1.75 5.70E-04 600 580 20 0.021895 1.057 0.0101 31030.4 Turbulent
2 2 5.00E-04 575 560 15 0.016421 0.927 0.0098 27219.7 Turbulent
3 2.1 4.76E-04 560 550 10 0.010947 0.883 0.0072 25923.5 Turbulent
4 2.25 4.44E-04 555 545 10 0.010947 0.824 0.0083 24195.3 Turbulent
5 2.3 4.35E-04 545 535 10 0.010947 0.806 0.0086 23669.3 Turbulent

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