The Prohibition of Employment As Manual Scavengers and Their Rehabilitation Act, 2013: A Review

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Space and Culture, India 2014, 1:3 Page | 9


The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act,
2013: A Review
Dr Aparajita Baruah †
Manual scavenging is a caste-based and hereditary occupation for Dalits (untouchables), which is
predominantly linked with forced labour or slavery. In this article, an attempt has been made to
trace out the brief history of the practice of manual scavenging in India. The author has also dwelt
upon the constitutional commitment as well as measures taken up by the successive governments
to improve the conditions of this class of people. The hallmark of the article lies in the detailed
analysis along with some suitable suggestions on the Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scav-
engers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013 recently enacted by the Parliament of India.
Key words: manual scavenging, dalits (untouchables), harijans, India

Assistant Professor and Research Guide in the Post Graduate Department of Law, Gauhati University, Email:
© 2014 Baruah. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
(, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided
the original work is properly cited.
Baruah. Space and Culture, India 2014, 1:3 Page | 10

Introduction article lies in the detailed analysis along with

some suitable suggestions on the Prohibition of
With the passing of the bill on Prohibition of
Employment as Manual Scavengers and their
Employment as Manual Scavengers and their
Rehabilitation Act, 2013 recently enacted by
Rehabilitation, 2012 in the Parliament of India
the Parliament of India.
on 7 September 2013, it is becoming
increasingly difficult to ignore this pertinent Brief History
issue. Concisely, as the name implies, manual The Prohibition of Employment as Manual
scavenging entails the manual handling of Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Bill, 2012
human excreta from insanitary and manual or that has become an Act on 19 September 2013
dry toilets, built without a flush system. Rather, relates to the eradication of untouchables in
this method involves the removal of such
India. In Indian society, the problem of
wastes using conventional brooms and tin untouchability can be traced to approximately
plates. According to one of the latest to two thousand years ago based on a strictly
publications of National Human Rights
defined division of labour. The origin of
Commission, India, these wastes are piled into untouchability lies in the restrictions imposed
baskets, which are then carried by the on the lives of the depressed classes, which
scavengers on their heads to such locations comprise the untouchables amongst other
that are sometimes several kilometres away primitive and backward classes in various
from the scavenged toilets. These wastes, as forms. The most obnoxious and shameful
already well-established are the cause of many aspect of untouchability was that the touch or
notorious enteric diseases such as cholera, even the shadow of the untouchable was
diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid, infectious considered unclean by the upper caste people.
hepatitis, hookworm and other such deadly The key reason for considering this class of
diseases. A number of studies reveal that people as untouchables originates from their
majority of the infectious diseases are vexatious and unclean professions such as
contagious and are responsible for causing scavenging, mending of shoes, hair cutting, and
nearly 80 per cent of the infections in
so on.
developing countries (Srivastava, 1997).
From the middle of the 19th century, efforts
Ironically, this task of scavenging is often caste-
were made to improve the lives of these
based and hereditary especially for the Dalits1
untouchables in India. However, no spectacular
who are linked traditionally with forced labour improvements were achieved in the lives of
and (or) slavery. According to latest statistics these untouchables until the matter was
published by the International Dalit Solidarity seriously taken up by the philanthropists and
Network, approximately 1.3 million people, social reformers. Evidently, in 1901, the then
mostly women from the Dalit community are Census Commissioner, Sir Herbert Hope Risley
engaged in manual scavenging. In this article, classified the census data into seven key caste
an attempt has been made to first trace out the categories according to their social hierarchies,
brief history of the practice of manual thereby ranking the jatis in the local hierarchy
scavenging in India. Following this, I draw upon and varna affiliation of each (Srivastava, 1997;
the constitutional commitment as well as see also, Bhattacharyya, 2009, 2013). “The
measures taken up by the successive scavenging castes which were known by
governments to improve the conditions of this different names in different states like Bhangi,
class of people. However, the hallmark of the Balmiki, Chuhra, Mehtar, Mazhabi, Lal Begi,
Halalkhor, etc. in northern India; Har, Hadi,
Dalits are socio-economically disadvantaged group of Hela, Dom and Sanei, etc. in eastern India;
India who often suffer from social segregation. The Mukhiyar, Thoti, Chachati, Pakay, Relli, etc. in
obnoxious caste system of India considers the Dalits as Southern India ; and Mehtar, Bhangias,
untouchables and the members of the lowest rung of the Halalkhor, Ghasi, Olgana, Zadmalli, Barvashia,
caste system (Srivastava, 1997; Srividya, 2011).
Baruah. Space and Culture, India 2014, 1:3 Page | 11

Metariya, Jamphoda and Mela, etc. in Western desh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. Some mu-
and Central India, also made an effort to get nicipalities in India still run public dry-toilets.
united and have a common name. In 1911 The biggest violators of this law are the Rail-
census, some of them started returning as Adi ways. “[W]ith 172,000 open discharge toilets,
Dharmi, Adi Dravida, Adi Karnataka and Adi the ministry continues to deny the practice of
Andhran.” (Srivastava, 1997: 20) manual scavenging” and thereby to employ
scavengers to clean it manually. 1
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, the father of Indian
Constitution and the champion of human rights Constitutional Commitment
was the foremost amongst the backward After India’s Independence in 1947, the
classes to take this cause of social reform, who problems and conditions of the disadvantaged
in 1927 launched a movement against classes were taken care of by the framers of the
untouchability (Keer, 1990; Srivastava, 1997; Constitution of India by making special
also, Bhattacharyya, 2009). provisions for them to protect their interests. A
In the wake of this movement, on 16 August wide range of minority rights2 were enshrined
1932, the British Prime Minister Mac Donald in the articles 14, 15, 16, 25, 26, 29, 341 and
announced a communal award. The statement 342 of the Constitution. Articles 15(2), (4), (5),
of the government’s position on the communal 16(3), (4), (4A), (4B), 17, 23 and 25(2) (b) seek
issue granted separate electorate to the to remove social and economic disabilities of
disadvantaged classes. At that time, when the deprived classes of people.
Mahatma Gandhiji, who was in jail heard of the
Besides the fundamental rights, certain
award, he decided to resist it (even it)
directive principles of the state policy3 make it
necessitated going fast unto death. The central obligatory on the part of the State governments
logic of Gandhiji behind this decision was that to ensure the welfare of the disadvantaged
granting of separate electorate for the
classes. Article 38 of the Constitution requires
disadvantaged and vulnerable classes would
the state to promote the welfare of the people
result in vivisection among the people of India.
by securing a social order based on justice.
Consequently, this decision of Gandhiji
alongside his declaration of fast unto death Measures Taken Up in the Post-Independence
raised the red alarm. Following this alarm, Dr. Period
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, known popularly as In 1953, a Backward Classes Commission was
Babasaheb brought forward a separate constituted under the chairmanship of Kaka
proposal of joint electorate and greater Kalelkar. The Commission in its report
representation of the backwards, including the described the condition of sweepers and
depressed classes. This formula of Dr. scavengers. The recommendations of the
Ambedkar however ended the imbroglio. Commission, which, inter alia, emphasised the
Nevertheless, following this imbroglio, Gandhiji need to introduce mechanical and up-to-date
began to devote himself to the cause of the methods of cleansing latrines in order to do
Harijans whom he called the children of God. away with the existing system of manual
Gandhiji declared that it was a sin to treat the scavenging, were brought to the notice of the
Harijans as untouchable as they have every State governments by the Ministry of Home
right to live like other human beings. Through Affairs in October 1956.
the efforts of Gandhiji and many others, wells
and temples were opened to Harijans. 1
Manual Scavengers: Indian Railways in Denial (2013,
Moreover, gradually, the age-old restrictions on February 25). One World South Asia, available at:
their entry into such places began to crumble.
Notwithstanding, manual scavenging continues
(accessed on 12 December 2013).
to survive in many parts of India— prevalent 2
The Constitution of India
mostly in the states of Gujarat, Madhya Pra- 3
Part III and IV of the Constitution of India
Baruah. Space and Culture, India 2014, 1:3 Page | 12

Following these recommendations, in 1956, a District Collectors of each districts accountable

Central Advisory Board was further constituted for any continuation of these banned acts of
under the chairmanship of Late Pandit Govind manual scavenging. The Supreme Court Bench
Ballav Pant, the then Home Minister to review comprising of the then Chief Justice K. G.
the working and living conditions of the Balakrishnan and Justices Arijit Pasayat and P.
sweepers and scavengers, which recommended Sathasivam allowed the District Collectors six
a centrally-sponsored scheme for the purpose. weeks’ timeframe to discontinue these banned
acts of scavenging by arguing on the ground
Consequent upon, in October 1957, under the
that the State governments had more than six
chairmanship of Professor N. R. Malkani the
years to destroy all the dry latrines in their
Board constituted a committee known as
respective states (Zaidi, 2006).
Scavenging Enquiry Committee to prepare a
scheme to abolish this ignominious practice. In spite of the relaxed barrier to standing and
The committee also suggested some measures direct involvement in the problem, the Court is
to be taken to ameliorate the working and able to confront manual scavenging head-on
living conditions of the Harijans. and to resolve the problem in flexible and
creative ways. 1 2 Indeed, in the case of Safai
However, in 1965, the question of abolition of
Karmachari Andolan v. Union of India, 3 the
customary rights of the scavengers who
Court had begun the process by issuing orders
acquired hereditary rights to clean latrines of
that directed the Central and State
particular individuals prevalent in some parts of
the country further resurfaced the attention of governments to determine where manual
the government. This led the Ministry of scavengers work and find other jobs for them.4
Labour, Government of India to constitute the In 1970, under the pioneership of Dr
National Commission on Labour under the Bindeshwar Pathak, a follower of Gandhian
chairmanship of Shri Bhanu Prasad Pandya, ideology, Sulabh International Social Service
who examined the working and service Organisation, a non-profit voluntary social or-
conditions of sweepers and scavengers. The ganisation was formed with an aim to emanci-
commission suggested that the Government of pate the scavengers. 5 Since its inception,
India should undertake a comprehensive Sulabh has launched a sanitation movement
legislation for regulating the working and and has been working for the removal of un-
service conditions of the sweepers and touchability and social discrimination against
scavengers. It is unfortunate that the system of
manual scavenging still exists in India even after 1
Jamie Cassels (1989). Judicial activism and Public
67 years of independence. Inspite of adequate Interest Litigation in India: Attempting the Impossible?,
provisions in the Constitution for the welfare of The American Journal of Comparative Law, 37 (3) 495,
the disadvantaged classes, the eradication of 505-07 as cited in Samuel D. Permutt (2011). The Manual
Scavenging Problem: A Case for the Supreme Court of
manual scavenging remains a far cry in many
India, Cardozo J. of Int’l &Comp. Law, 20, 277-312,
parts of India. available at:
In 1986, the plight of the manual scavengers
.1_permutt_note.pdf (accessed on 12 December 2013)
again came into focus when a group of south 2
Section 260, Code of Criminal Procedure
Indian Dalit men and women started a 3
Writ Petition (Civil) No. 583 of 2003
campaign vigorously against this obnoxious 4
Safai Karmachari Andolan, Writ Petition (Civil) No. 583
practice (Raghunathan, 2009). The campaign of 2003 (India) (Nov. 14, 2005) (interim order)
gained momentum and snowballed into an all- Social Inclusion of Manual Scavengers (2012). A Report
of National Round Table Discussion
India movement known as the Safai Karamchari Organised by United Nations Development Programme
Andolan (SKA). It achieved a significant and UN Solution Exchange (Gender Community of
milestone after the honourable Supreme Court, Practice), available at:
heard their petition on 30 April and 8 May 1986
respectively and thereby decided to hold povertyreduction/Social-inclusion-of-Manual-
Scavengers.pdf (accessed on 12 December 2013).
Baruah. Space and Culture, India 2014, 1:3 Page | 13

the scavengers. It is to be noted that Sulabh Thus, from the above discussions, it is apparent
Movement is known for achieving success in that inspite of various recommendations and
the field of cost-effective sanitation, liberation suggestions by the committees to improve the
of scavengers, social transformation of society, working and service conditions of the sweepers
prevention of environmental pollution and de- and scavengers from time to time after
velopment of non-conventional sources of en- independence, no concrete measures were
ergy. 1 The statistics of Sulabh reveals that until initiated either by the State or the Central
now, Sulabh has made 640 towns of India scav- governments until 1993 when the Employment
enging-free, where 15 million people use toilets of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry
based on Sulabh design. In addition, the Latrines (Prohibition) Act 1993 was passed,
movement has gained spectacular achievement which provides for the prohibition of
in constructing 1.3 million household toilets employment of manual scavengers and
and 54 million government toilets. construction or continuation of dry toilets. It is
to be noted that Article 17 of the Constitution
Notwithstanding, as per the house listing and
of India forbids the practice of manual
housing census, 2011 there are still 0.794
million toilets in the country from which human
excreta are being collected by scavengers and Hence, the constitutional aspiration was given
are manually disposed of. 2 While implementing effect to through this 1993 Act. All the State
the National Scheme for Liberation and governments were asked to frame rules under
Rehabilitation of Scavengers, from 1992 to the Act. Accordingly, from 26 January 1997, the
2005, 0.7 million manual scavengers and their Act became applicable in Andhra Pradesh, Goa,
dependents were identified by the States and Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tripura, West Bengal
Union Territories. Later on, the self- and the Union Territories In addition; the
employment scheme for rehabilitation of assemblies of Orissa, Punjab, Assam, Haryana,
manual scavengers was launched in 2007. In Bihar and Gujarat also had adopted the Act.
course of implementation of the scheme, as Despite efforts from the Government of India
many as 79454 eligible and willing beneficiaries to rehabilitate the scavengers, the disgusting
were provided assistance. Ironically, all these reality is that the struggles of the scavengers
figures indicate the seriousness of the problem, continue. Recently, the National Human Rights
which remains to be eradicated in the 21st Commission, India and the National
century modern India. Commission for Safai Karmacharis further put
Unsurprisingly, in 2009 a study conducted by efforts to eliminate this degrading practice
the Asian Development Bank unwraps that over (Trivedi, 2012). In the said context, the National
700,000 Indians are still engaged in manual Human Rights Commission, recommended,
scavenging, which by itself speaks about the inter alia, that the presence of too many
lack of the value of human dignity on one hand agencies is often delaying the elimination of the
and on the other hand, the continued practice of manual scavenging and their
challenges faced against sanitation in terms of rehabilitation work. It further recommended
its impacts on human health and environment that both water scarcity and space scarcity in
(Koonan, 2013). certain pockets of some states needs to be
addressed by adopting appropriate technology
Sulabh International Social Service Organisation, and methodologies.3
available at:
(accessed on 12 December 2013)
Rastriya Garima Abhiyan, Analysis and
Recommendations in the Context of the Prohibition of
Employment as Manual Scavengers and their NHRC Recommendations on Manual Scavenging and
Rehabilitation Bill, 2012 at p. 09, available at Sanitation, National Human Rights Commission, available (accessed on 15 October 2013) at:
(accessed 30 November 2013)
Baruah. Space and Culture, India 2014, 1:3 Page | 14

Present Scenario 4. The Act prohibits the employment of man-

ual scavengers, the manual cleaning of
As stated above, The Prohibition of
sewers and septic tanks without protective
Employment as Manual Scavengers and their
equipment and the construction of insani-
Rehabilitation Act, 2013 received assent of the
tary latrines.
President of India on 18 September 2013 and
published in the Gazette of India on 5. Section 2(1) (d) of the Act defines the term
19 September 2013. This Act replaced the ‘hazardous cleaning’.2 It refers to the use of
existing “Employment of Manual Scavengers protective gear and other cleaning devices
and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) and ensuring observance of safety precau-
Act, 1993 as it appeared to be ineffectual. The tions. However, the type of protective gear
key purpose of the 2013 Act is to freshly and other cleaning devices is not at all de-
investigate the condition of the manual fined under the Act.
scavengers, as there were reports on existence 6. Section 2(1) (e) define the term ‘insanitary
of approximately 2.3 million pit (insanitary)
latrine’. 3 It is well known that the Indian
toilets according to 2011-census report. This Railway is the major promoter of manual
2013 Act bears stricter provisions to abolish scavengers and continues to practice man-
manual scavenging completely from the ual scavenging inspite of the stringent pro-
society. As such, the present Act has been visions laid down in the Act. There may be
framed in such a way that there is a wider
certain difficulties for the railway to avoid
scope and higher penalties than the 1993 Act.
manual scavenging in case of small latrines
The Salient Features of the Act and its Analysis constructed inside the railway compart-
1. The preambular paragraph of the Act stipu- ments. Rather the Railway Authority should
lates the dignity of the individuals as one of devise a method to clean the latrines by
the goals, which is in tune with the goals way of constructing portable/removable
enshrined in the Preamble of the Constitu- small septic tanks beneath the small latrines
tion of India. It is important to note that inside the compartments, which may be
work is worship and therefore it is neces- cleared in the stations from time to time.
sary to remove the stigma attached to the This will do away with the practice of clean-
profession. Instead, these people should be
treated with full dignity.
2. The Act also highlights the Fundamental
still observe their tribal ways, their own peculiar customs
Rights conferred on the people irrespective and cultural norms (Jain, 2012: 1524-1529; also
of caste, creed and religion. Bhattacharyya, 2009; 2013).
Section 2(1) (d) of the Act says: ‘hazardous cleaning’ by
3. The Act has also referred to Article 46 of the an employee, in relation to a sewer or septic tank, means
Constitution, which, inter alia, provides that its manual cleaning by such employee without the
the state shall protect the weaker sections, employer fulfilling his obligations to provide protective
and, particularly, the scheduled castes and gear and other cleaning devices and ensuring observance
the scheduled tribes1 from social injustice of safety precautions, as may be prescribed or provided
in any other law, for the time being in force or rules
and all forms of exploitation. made thereunder.
Section 2(1) (e) of the Act says: ‘insanitary latrines’
means a latrine which requires human excreta to be
Scheduled Castes, according to Article 366(24) read cleaned or otherwise handled manually, either in situ in
with Article 341, are those castes, races or tribes, or an open drain or pit into which the excreta is discharged
parts, thereof, as the President may notify. They are part or flushed out, before the excreta fully decomposes:
of Hindu society. Similarly, Scheduled Tribes, according provided that a water flush latrine in a railway passenger
to Article 366(25) read with Article 342 are those tribes coach, when cleaned by an employee with the help of
or tribal communities, or parts or groups thereof, as the such devices and using such protective gear, as the
President may notify. They are known as aborigines, are Central Government may notify in this behalf, shall not
those backward sections of the Indian population who be deemed to be an insanitary latrine.
Baruah. Space and Culture, India 2014, 1:3 Page | 15

ing the railway tracks in and around the sta- jurisdictions to construct sanitary communi-
tions.1 ty latrines.
7. The Act seeks to rehabilitate manual scav- 9. Section 4(1) of the Act says that every Local
engers and to provide for their alternative authority shall: (a) carry out a survey of in-
employment. In view of the existing heredi- sanitary latrines existing within its jurisdic-
tary obnoxious and inhuman condition of tion, and publish a list of insanitary latrines,
manual scavengers, the government has in such manner as may be prescribed, with-
formulated various schemes/programmes in a period of two months from the date of
for their social and economic upliftment.2 commencement of this Act. It is observed
However, large-scale corruption was ram- that the Act refers to identification of only
pant in the rehabilitation scheme, which in- insanitary latrines. However, the Act does
volved ₹ 7356 million at the time of imple- not mention about the identification of
mentation by the Government of India. Ap- spots where open defecation is done and
proximately, 76 per cent people outside the consequently someone has to clean manu-
eligible criteria received benefits. This fact ally these faeces from the open spaces in
came to light in the public hearing of Rastri- urban areas.
ya Garima Abhiyan (National Campaign for 10. The owner or user of insanitary latrines
Dignity and Eradication of Manual Scaveng- shall be responsible for converting or dis-
ing) at New Delhi on 28 March 2012. mantling of insanitary latrines at his or her
8. Under the Act, each local authority viz., own cost. In case of failure to do so the lo-
Municipality, Municipal Corporation, Gaon cal authority will demolish the same and
Panchayats, village councils have respective construct a sanitary latrine in its place and
local authority is authorised to release the
cost of demolition and construction from
The “Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers the person concerned.
and their Rehabilitation Bill, 2012” was referred to the
Standing Committee on Social Justice and It is observed that financial assistance for
Empowerment. The Standing Committee presented its demolition and construction of sanitary
report in the Lok Sabha and tabled it in the Rajya Sabha latrines will be necessary in case of Below
on 4 March 2013. One of the major recommendations of
the Committee was as follows: the Committee noted that
Poverty Line (BPL) families and this class will
under the new legislation, a great responsibility devolves constitute the majority. Such families
on the Ministry of Railways as far as Manual Scavenging should be exempted from penal provisions.
is concerned. There are reportedly about 7114 Rather the local authority should be
mail/express/ordinary trains, which have direct discharge entrusted to construct sanitary or
or controlled discharge system type of toilets. The
Committee had been informed that the railway tracks at
community latrines in such cases.
important stations so that the safai karamcharis can 11. The District Magistrate and the local au-
clean the track with high-pressure water jet cleaning
thority shall be the implementing authority.
system, instead of doing it manually. The Committee
recommended the construction of more such concrete It is observed that often, the District Magis-
aprons on all railway stations in a time-bound manner. trate is a member of the civil services (and
The various schemes/programmes are: Valmiki Malin in states, the same person as the District
Basti Awas Yojna (VAMBAY), Total Sanitation Campaign Collector) and has powers of an Executive
(TSC), Nirmal Gram Puraskar Yojna (NGPY), National
Magistrate. Several other Executive Magis-
Scheme of Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers
(NSLRS), Pre-matric Scholarship for the Children of those trates would be in his chain of command.
engaged in Unclean Occupations, Integrated Low Cost Granting the Executive Magistrate the pow-
Sanitation Scheme (ILCSS), Pay and Use Toilet Scheme, er to try cases for non-implementation of
National Safai Karamcharis Finance and Development provisions of the Act could lead to a situa-
Corporation(NSKFDC), Assistance to State Scheduled
tion where the judge is trying a case against
Castes Development Corporations (SCDCs), Self-
Employment Scheme for Rehabilitation of Manual himself or against a person who falls within
Scavengers. the same administrative set-up. It is unclear
Baruah. Space and Culture, India 2014, 1:3 Page | 16

how this conflict of interest will be re- and rehabilitation both. This is because despite
solved. 1 the presence of the Employment of Manual
Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines
12. Offences under the Act shall be cognizable
(Prohibition) Act, 1993, there has not been
and non-bailable and may be tried sum-
even a single conviction and until date, the
marily. While the maximum punishment
inhuman practice of manual scavenging
laid down in the 1993 Act was two years, it
has been raised to five years in the 2012 continues.
Act. The concept of summary trials was in- Laws, however strongly worded and framed
troduced in India through an amendment to with a good intention, cannot bring about a
the Section 260, Code of Criminal Procedure change in the attitude of the people towards
(CrPC) in 2008. Summary trials were permit- the less-fortunate brethren. It appears that the
ted for certain types of offences, particular- concepts of freedom, justice, equality and
ly those of a minor nature for which the dignity, which find a place of pride in the
maximum imprisonment is two years. Ac- Constitution of India, have not yet become
cording to the CrPC, the maximum sentence ingrained in the hearts and minds of the
of imprisonment for an offence that is tried people. The need of the hour is to educate the
summarily cannot exceed three months. 2 common people about the use of sanitary
Given the nature of summary trials under latrines and to inculcate the habit of hygienic
the CrPC, it is unclear how offences carrying sense after use of such latrines. With collective
punishment of five years, as is the case in efforts, we need to completely eradicate
the Act, will fit into this framework. manual scavenging.
13. The Act permits the state governments to Further Readings
empower the Executive magistrates to con- Bhattacharyya, R. (2009). Examining the
duct trials for offences. This may lead to Changing Status and Role of Middle Class
conflict of interest between the executive Assamese women: Lessons from the Lives of
and the judiciary. 3 University Students, PhD Thesis, Newcastle
14. As far as the constitution of the Vigilance University, UK
Committees stipulated under the Chapter Bhattacharyya, R. (2013). Are We Empowered?
VII of the Act is concerned, there must be Stories of Young Indian Working Women,
inclusion of at least one member who has Saarbrücken, Germany: Lap Lambert Academic
adequate knowledge in the field of Human Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-659-20580-4
Human Rights and Manual Scavenging (2011),
15. Further, the Central Monitoring Committee Know your rights Series, National Human Rights
should meet at least once in quarterly in- Commission, India
stead of once in every six months as stipu-
lated under the Act. Jain, M.P. (2012). Indian Constitutional Law, 6th
edn. Wadhwa Nagpur: LexisNexis Butterworths
Briefly, it can be concluded that the
rehabilitation of the manual scavengers is a Keer, Dhananjay (1990). Dr. Ambedkar: Life
laudable feature of the Act, but it will have to and Mission (3rd edn). Bombay: Popular
adopt strict and focused strategy of prohibition Prakashan Private Limited

Koonan, S. (2013). Background Note on
Legislative Brief: The Prohibition of Employment as Prohibition of Manual Scavenging and
Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Bill, 2012,
PRS Legislative Research, available at Protection of the Rights of Sanitation Workers
(accessed on 28 October 2013) in India, available at
Section 262, Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
Article 50 of the Constitution of India provides that “The (accessed on 10 October 2013)
State shall take steps to separate the judiciary from the
executive in the public services of the State.”
Baruah. Space and Culture, India 2014, 1:3 Page | 17

Manual Scavenging, International Dalit Parliament banning it, Frontline, available at:
Solidarity Network, available at: c&page=flonnet&rdurl=fl2318/index.htm
issues/manual-scavenging/ (accessed on 1 (accessed on 30 November2013)
December 2013) About the Author
NHRC Terms Manual Scavenging as One of the Dr Aparajita Baruah, LL.M., PhD (Law),
Worst Violators of Human Rights (2008, August University of Gauhati, is an Assistant Professor
29). Hindustan Times, New Delhi, India and Research Guide in the Post Graduate
Raghunathan, S. R. (2009). Supreme Court Department of Law, Gauhati University. Her
Steps In: Struggle in Progress, Frontline (25 June current thematic interest lies in Constitutional
2009, available at Law, Human Rights, Women’s Rights, which she has been teaching for several years. Her book
-court-steps-in-struggle-in-progress-frontline- on Preamble of the Constitution of India: An
article/ (accessed on 14 December 2013) Insight and Comparison with other
Constitutions (ISBN 81-729-996-0) has been
Srivastava, B.N. (1997). Manual Scavenging in
widely accepted to be pathbreaker in the
India: A Disgrace to the Country. New Delhi:
otherwise overvisited province of constitutional
Sulabh International Social Service International
research. She has presented several papers in
and Concept Publishing
Srividya, P.V. (2011, March 07). Discrimination seminars and conferences. She has also written
against Dalits Prevalent: Study, The Hindu, modules for the MA in Gender Studies
available at: conducted by Indira Gandhi National Open University, Delhi. She has successfully
11030762870900.htm (accessed on 14 completed online advanced diploma course on
December 2013) Copyrights, Electronic Commerce and
The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Intellectual Property conducted by World
Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Bill, 2012 Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva. Her
latest publications include Establishment of the
The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Institution of Ombudsman (Lokpal): The Need of
Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013 the Hour, PRAGNA (Annual Journal of Gauhati
Trivedi, Divya (2012, March 30). A Blot upon University Teachers’ Association), Vol.XXII,
the Nation, The Hindu, available at: 2012(ISSN 0976-9072); Promoting Rights of Women: Global Trends and Influences GUJL
le3261450.ece (accessed on 30 November2013) (Gauhati University Journal of Law) Vol. VIII,
2012 (ISSN 2277-2545).
Zaide, Annie (2006, September 22). India’s
shame: Manual scavenging is still a disgusting
reality in most States despite an Act of

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