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"When Brothers share a wife"

If we focus on title not the content of the article, we will find the title is weird and
unreliable because I've never been heard in my eighteent existing here in this world that
brothers would share in just one wife, it is confusing yet interesting. Starting the article there
are three brothers who are jointly marrying a woman from the next village in a few weeks, the
form of marriage they are about to enter is fraternal polyandry in anthropological parlance, so
when we say fraternal polyandry is a state or practice of having more than one husband and
which several brothers and their wife live, work and bring up their children cooperatively, Im
not familiar with this kind of marriage like what I've said awhile ago that I've never been
heard or saw that kind of marriage , all I know is polygynous family/polygynous marriage
which consisting one husband and more than one wife, particularly happen this in Mindanao
(Muslim's), but Im not generalizing.

It says that the mechanics of fraternal polyandry are simple, take note the word simple
because for me as a girl having a husband of more than two is hard to handle because
woman is not an object/things that everyone can hold, touch, use and make their as own, but
it doesn't mean that I don't respect their culture. It just when we looked into reality here in the
Philippines, having a husband of more than two is enough to call you a flirt/bitch in some
reason, for example, you'll not divorce with your past husband then you already get into a
relationship with another man. The Tibetan believe that in this way fraternal polyandry
reduces the risk of family fission. In addition, Tibetan purpose in this kind of marriage is that
those brother could continue to live together and the family land could continue to be worked
jointly. Im a bit agree with this brothers working together in order to maintain and continue
what they have started for their future, we all know that every work will only fulfill, achieved
and successful if there is cooperation and working together, but this families are unstable
because if there are children from different wives in the same generation they will be
competing sets of heirs and that's make such families inherently unstable because of those
heirs can result into conflict, but the most serious and harshly bitter situation/problem is
sexual activity between the wive and husbands, we all know that when we are already
married to someone is not just doing their responsibility at home for instance, washing their
clothes, doing household chores and work together. Aside from that, they will feel a desire to
have a sexual activity/sexual intercourse, I was just imagining the situation that what if all
those 3 husband wanted to have a sexual activity, are they going to have it in just one bed
and one night? Since it said that the norm for wife should treat all the brothers the same, so it
means what you did from your one husband should you also do to your another husband.
Actually as a girl image it was not good because as my own understanding the girl in Tibetan
is like a material, I can't explain why but the only thing I can say that the girl in Tibetan they
look so small and I feel and see my self so small if I enter this kind of marriage.

Polyandry is prevailed in Tibetan because of a various reason. To start with, it is seems as a

measure of population control as some females are relegated to a lifetime of spinterhood,
fraternal polyandry is perceived to support the standard of living of the Tibetans, since Tibet
is barren and bareland.

In my further research Olivia Buster react in this article which caught my attention, she said
that "Im a firm believer in husband and wife, Polyandry should not even be recognized as a
marriage because marriage is union. How do you have a union if all partners are not happy."
She has a point because not all brothers will become happy in sharing a wife and besides
the eldest brother is normally dominant in terms of authority, then means he can choice a girl
he want to marry even though it doesn't want his brothers so they would not be happy but
they don't have a choice but to accept it. There is a circumstances that one of them will not
be loyal and contented because some of them will cheat and find some desires to others,
since their purpose of polyandry is prevailed in Tibet because of some reason and those
reason are only to support the standard of living, cultivate land, females are relegated to a
lifetime spinsterhood and that's only, the author was never mention that those brothers who
enter in such kind of marriage are they want it and their wife would love them truely and

Overall, in this article those reason presented is still not enough to have this kind of marriage
but maybe this is the only way that all family will live together until they get older. But in my
own views, Im not agree with this kind of marriage that all brothers share one wife, lets put it
into our mind that were not talking here about things, objects, gadgets, foods and any
materials that can we share, we are talking about human especially women. Me as a women
I will never give my body and use in different man even were married because one husband
and having an offspring is enough for me to be happy, contented, live well, and do everything
just to give and provide their everyday needs.

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