Alternative Fuels (MEE1012) Digital Assignment-1: Name: Rahul Kumar Agrawal Reg. No.: 17BME0302 Date: 12-08-2019

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Name: Rahul Kumar Agrawal

Reg. No.: 17BME0302
Date: 12-08-2019

To identify and Analyse Health Status, Fault Detection and Condition

monitoring of Wind Turbines and its Maintenance Strategies

There are thousands of sources for generating renewable energy. The wind
energy is one of the available plentiful with no kind of limitations. Wind
turbines are used for tapping out the potentiality of the wind energy that is out
there in millions of Mega Watts. For extraction of huge amount of energy from
wind we are reliable on wind turbine. The health status of wind turbines has to be
identified because it has become crucial to cut back the impact of failures on
generation costs (about 25-35 percent). A human expert on an individual basis
has to explore all the wind turbines which can be very time-consuming task. For
monitoring the performance of wind turbine many different kinds of algorithms,
methods and techniques are developed so as to detect the fault at an early stage to
keep away the wind turbines from the disastrous conditions because of
fulminant breakdowns. Condition-based maintenance is applicable in numerous
industries to monitor and management of vital critical assets and to optimize
maintenance efforts. Its pertinence to the offshore wind energy industry has
been thought of for nearly twenty years and has resulted within the development
and implementation of solutions that have contributed to lower price of
maintenance and increased asset accessibility. However, there is presently no
public domain guidance available that gives the data required for:
I. Prioritize systems that condition watching would generate highest price.
II. Understanding the parameters that require to be monitored by a selected
system from failure cause to failure mode.
Both things are addressed in the paper, providing a clearly structured, risk-based
assessment methodology and corresponding results for progressive offshore wind
turbines. A complete of 337 failure modes are identified and analysed by
specialists representing just about seventieth of the European offshore wind
market to assess potential benefits of condition monitoring systems.
Methods: Implementation of condition monitoring system and fault detection
system is important to keep the turbine in operative condition, and for the same
ample of data for the two kinds of systems is important. They also
need bestowed a method supported Self Organizing Maps, cluster and more
grouping of wind turbines supported the centroids of their SOM clusters,
generating groups of wind turbines that have same kind of behaviour for
subsystem failure. The human expert will diagnose the turbine’s health by
analysing small sample of every cluster. Therefore, by introducing post-
processing tools such as Traffic lights panels and category panel graphs, the
conceptualization of the clusters is increased, by providing extra info of the
real scenarios the clusters point out contributing to a stronger diagnostics.
Results: The expressed method has been experimented in real wind farms with
entirely different characteristics (no. of wind turbines, manufacturing companies,
power and other kinds of sensors) and compared with cluster. And also
accustomed target the development of condition monitoring systems that focuses
on vital systems and to search out optimum O&M methods by understanding
failure methods of main offshore wind turbine systems leading to a lower price of
energy and a more optimum risk-return balance. Conclusions: Experimental
results show that the states healthy, intermediate and unhealthy are detected. Also
the operational modes identified for each and every turbine overcome those
obtained with cluster techniques possessing the intrinsic stationarity of the data.

Self Organizing Maps (SOM); Fault Detection System (FDS); Post-processing
tools; Condition Monitoring System (CMS).

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