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Please Provide Following information to assist New fermentor Design

Name of the Company :

A Data for the Old fermentor

1) Working Volume of reactor before aeration start

2) Reactor Volume at the end of Fermentation ( After frothing and froth development )

3) Power Consumption of reactor

a) Installed HP
b) Actual Amp drawn before air and after aeration

4) Diameter to Height Ratio

5) No off impellers inside the reactor

6) Air Rate and pressure per hour

7) Batch Time

8) Present Problem you would like to solve in the new reactor

B Data for New Fermentor Design

1) Working Volume Require

2) Working Temperature and pressure

3) Density of Reaction mass

4) Viscosity of reaction mass, or name the content of Liquid

5) a) % quantity of suspended mass at the end of the reaction

(wt of Suspended mass divided by wt of liquid mass)
b) Density of suspended mass
c) Broath or cell size in microns

6) Air flow rate require per hour with its pressure

7) Any suggestion for the selection of impeller

We recommend , combination of Hollow Blade turbine + Gas inducing Turbine + Sparger
Do you recommend to use any standard or proprietary impeller ? Name it
A study on the suspension of
microcarriers using Chemineer 3-blade HE-3 impellers which
are axially down pumping hydrofoils succeeded in producing
homogeneous suspension of the particles at 0.5 x 10^-3 , Wieght in Kg
which is half the threshold value of specific energy that causes
cell damage [17]. The study implied that available impellers can
be used in tissue cell culture without necessarily designing new
devices with special features for the fragile system.

Biotechnology : Bio-Reactor -Design of Mixing Systems for Plant Cell Susp

Pauline M. Doran

and aeration. The fermentor design varies greatly depending on the type and the fermentation for which it
Bioreactors are so designed that they provide the best possible growth and biosynthesis for industrially im

A bioreactor should provide for the following:

(i) Agitation (for mixing of cells and medium),

(ii) Aeration (aerobic fermentors); for O2 supply,

(iii) Regulation of factors like temperature, pH, pressure, aeration, nutrient feeding, liquid level etc.,
(iv) Sterilization and maintenance of sterility, and

(v) Withdrawal of cells/medium (for continuous fermentors).

Meaning of Fermentor:
A fermentor (bioreactor) is a closed vessel with adequate arrangement for aeration, agitation, temperature and pH c
and drain or overflow vent to remove the waste biomass of cultured microorganisms along-with their products.

Construction of Fermentors:

Industrial fermentors can be divided into two major classes, anaerobic and aerobic. Anaerobic fermentors require litt
equipment except for removal of heat generated during the fermentation process, whereas aerobic fermentors requ
more elaborate equipment to ensure that mixing and adequate aeration are achieved.

Cooling Jacket:

Large-scale industrial fermentors are almost always constructed of stainless steel. A fermentor is a large cylinder clos
top and the bottom and various pipes and valves are fitted into it. The fermentor is fitted externally with a cooling ja
through which steam (for sterilization) or cooling water (for cooling) is run.

Cooling jacket is necessary because sterilization of the nutrient medium and removal of the heat generated are oblig
successful completion of the fermentation in the fermentor. For very large fermentors, insufficient heat transfer take
through the jacket and therefore, internal coils are provided through which either steam or cooling water is run.

2. Aeration System:

Aeration system is one of the most critical part of a fermentor. In a fermentor with a high microbial population densi
a tremendous oxygen demand by the culture, but oxygen being poorly soluble in water hardly transfers rapidly throu
growth medium.

It is necessary, therefore, that elaborate precautions are taken using a good aeration system to ensure proper aeratio
oxygen availability throughout the culture. However, two separate aeration devices are used to ensure proper aerati
fermentor. These devices are sparger and impeller.

The sparger is typically just a series of holes in a metal ring or a nozzle through which filter-sterilized air (or oxygen-e
air) passes into the fermentor under high pressure. The air enters the fermentor as a series of tiny bubbles from whi
oxygen passes by diffusion into the liquid culture medium.

The impeller (also called agitator) is an agitating device necessary for stirring of the fermenter.

Adequate mixing:
Continuous and adequate mixing of the microbial culture ensures optimal supply of nutrients and O 2, besides preve
accumulation of toxic metabolic byproducts (if any). Good mixing (by agitation) also creates favourable environment
optimal and homogeneous growth environment, and good product formation. However, excessive agitation may dam
microbial cells and increase the temperature of the medium, besides increased foam formation.

The stirring accomplishes two things:

(i) It mixes the gas bubbles through the liquid culture medium and

(ii) It mixes the microbial cells through the liquid culture medium. In this way, the stirring ensures uniform access of

The size and position of the impeller in the fermentor depends upon the size of the fermentor. In tall fermentors, mo
one impeller is needed if adequate aeration and agitation is to be obtained. Ideally, the impeller should be 1/3 of th
fermentors diameter fitted above the base of the fermentor. The number of impeller may vary from size to size to th

Dissolved oxygen:

Oxygen is sparingly soluble in water (0.0084 g/1 at 25°C). Continuous supply of oxygen in the form of sterilized air is
the culture medium. This is carried out by introducing air into the bioreactor in the form of bubbles. Continuous mo
dissolved oxygen concentration is done in the bioreactor for optimal product formation

Foam formation:

The media used in industrial fermentation is generally rich in proteins. When agitated during aeration, it invariably re
froth or foam formation that builds in head space of the bioreactor. Antifoam chemicals are used to lower surface te
the medium, besides causing foam bubbles to collapse. Mineral oils based on silicone or vegetable oils are common
antifoam agents.

Mechanical foam control devices, referred to as mechanical foam breakers, can also be used. Such devices, fitted at
the bioreactor break the foam bubbles and the throw back into the fermentation medium.

The aspect ratio of a stirred tank bioreactor is usually between 3-5. However, for animal cell culture applications, the
ratio is less than 2. The diameter of the impeller is usually 1/3 rd of the vessel diameter. The distance between two i
approximately 1.2 impeller diameter. Different types of impellers (Rustom disc, concave bladed, marine propeller etc

suryakant @100%
user name : scranderi


s for Plant Cell Suspensions in Stirred Reactors

the fermentation for which it is used.

iosynthesis for industrially important

iquid level etc.,

agitation, temperature and pH control,
s along-with their products.

Anaerobic fermentors require little special

whereas aerobic fermentors require much

fermentor is a large cylinder closed at the

fitted externally with a cooling jacket

al of the heat generated are obligatory for

rs, insufficient heat transfer takes place
eam or cooling water is run.

high microbial population density, there is

ater hardly transfers rapidly throughout the

n system to ensure proper aeration an

are used to ensure proper aeration in

h filter-sterilized air (or oxygen-enriched

a series of tiny bubbles from which the
nutrients and O 2, besides preventing the
creates favourable environment for
ever, excessive agitation may damage
m formation.

rring ensures uniform access of microbial cells to the nutrients.

fermentor. In tall fermentors, more than

the impeller should be 1/3 of the
r may vary from size to size to the

en in the form of sterilized air is done to

orm of bubbles. Continuous monitoring of

ed during aeration, it invariably results in

cals are used to lower surface tension of
ne or vegetable oils are commonly used as

be used. Such devices, fitted at the top of


mal cell culture applications, the aspect

eter. The distance between two impellers is
ave bladed, marine propeller etc.) are in
Design Guidelines for Fermenter

Consider following Fluid dynemics

1 Macro-aspects suchas anerobic or aerobic Broth size
2 Effect of Local agitation on life of broath
3 Local Enery dissipation Rate
4 Bulk Gas phase and Fluid mixing
5 Power drawn
6 Air dispersion Capability
7 Oxygen Transfer Rate
8 Heat Transfer Rate

Other Aspects of Design consideration

1 Biological Performance Parameters , System specific
2 Growth and product secretion
3 Damage to micro -organisms
4 Change in Morphology over mixing and time
5 Nutrient demand including O2 i
6 O2 and CO2 Transfer Rate
Check Points
1 Quality of Homogenation is juge by
2 Oxygen toxicity
3 Oxygen starvation
4 CO2 Concentrationo
5 pH Control or change
6 Shear Damage due to bubble/cell interaction

Impeller Diameter to Tank diameter Optimum: 0.35 to 0.4

Benz, 2004
Select D/T ratio preferably lower, 0.33 to 0.35 to get higher speed,
Select 0.4 for curved blade. Curved blade and hollow blade has lower po
This would maintain Qg rate variation in control and get higher average

Tank dimeter to Height Ratio Normally slected between 3 to 5, preferably 3 to 3.5

Exception: For Animal cell culture , It is 2

Open Space : Keep 1/3 space free at the top of liquid level to allow acumulation of Br
The expansion of liquid volume due to gas hold up generally varies betw

Tank Configuration: Distance Between two impeller , 1.2D to (4/3)D standard , Max 0.51*T
Bottom impeller Clearance = 0.33T to 0.5T is very common for the soild s
The common practice is to keep clearance 0.25T for two pahse mixing o
Sparger location from bottom , S = 0.5D
Bafffle width = (1/12)*T
Baffle wall clearance = (1/60)T

Impeller Selection Foam Breaker/controller at the top of the reactor

Top impeller, select upflow axial turbine
Middle Impeller : select Combination of Lightning A315U first choice,
second choice : SCABA Axial 3SHP-U, narrow blade
Bottom impeller:
Open Curved Blade impleler such as CD-6 , BT-6, HBT, Parabolic or Ellipti
Down pumping PBT because it will have mechanical instability due to vari

Air/Gas Sparger Larger diameter , dimeter same as impeller or 1.05 to 1.2 times impeller
Location : At bottom , 2/3 of impeller bottom clearance
Noenow, recommanded 1.2D since larger ring handles 50% more gas bef

Nozzles Check nozzle requirement for Liquid addition, PH Controll, gas sparging
Follow Standard practice for design

Heat Transfer Provision for Cooling Jacket or Coil is must

Select Viscosity 50 to 100 mPas

Supefitial Gas velocity Preferable ~0.1 m/s if other data not available

Air/Gas Flow Rate Select vvm: 1.0, Range 0.5 to 1.0

Bacteria or Mycelial fermentation: 1 to 1.5 vvm or QGV
Animal Cell Culture : 0.01 vvm or QGV is just sufficient
Gas Flow or Aeration numbers FlG
FlG = QG/ND^3
Select and Use Flow number : 0.05 <= Fl <= 0.07
45°PBT & Hydrofoil :Fl = 0. 65*Po^(1/3)

Mass Transfer Coeff. KLa Preferably require KLa >= 0.1 (1/sec)
Archis A. Yawalkar & Other , 2002 General Correlation
KLa = (1/Sec) = 3.35 *(N/NCD)^1.464 *( VG)

Impeller Speed Adequate mixing , not to break cell culture or micro organism
Select and UseFroude number : 0.08 <= Fr <= 0.15
Froude Number Fr = D*N^2/g
If the impeller is operated below a minimum tip speed (2.25 m/s for RT)
hydrodynamics are dominated by the gas flow and the reactor acts as a
Higher Speed disturbs Broath formation
The selection of impeller type and its rotational speed should be such th
a) It over come critical speed for the gas dispersion ( Flooding )
b) It over comes critical speed for the solid suspension
c) After slecting impeller speed it should not disturb formation of micro -o

Power input/Power Demand : The selection has with wide range . It depends on the type of fermentor
Power input/Demand : P (watt) = Po x ρ x N³ x D^5
Nienow, 1994
a) Lightnin, A315
Po = 0.76 when C/T = 0.45 Fl = 0.73
Po = 0.84 when C/T = 0.25
b) Scaba Po = 1.45

c) Prochem Maxflow-T Po = 1.58 Fl = 0. 82

d) RT
W. Bujalski & Neon , 1987
Po = 2.512*(td/D)^-0.195 *T^0.063

Gas Hold up, Orvalho,2000, Irrespective of Type of Impeller

ƐG = 0.10*(PG/VL)^0.37*VG^0.65

Minimum agitation speed required to prevent Flooding

Flooding is defined as the flow regime where the impeller can not dispe

Flooding Transition is regime between flooding and good dispersion con

Nienow & Co-workers , 1985 for RT

FlF = 30*(D/T)^3.5 * FrF

Flooding Regime
Henzler's ,1982
FlF = 0.21*FrF^(2.1*(D/T)) *(T/D - 2.04)^-1.3 + 0.14*FrF^(7.54*(D/T)) *(T/

Corellation for Flooding Transition

Greaves and Kobbacy, 1981

At the low Gas flow Rate when Fl < 0.17

Saghatoeslami, 2006, RT, Concave Blade, PBT, Vane Disc
(a) Flooding flow regime in low gas flow rate exist when Fl > 0.02555+1.
(b) Loading flow regime in low gas flow rate exist when Fl < -0.032552
(C) Transition flow regime is in between (a) and (b)

At the High Gas flow Rate when Fl > 0.17

Saghatoeslami, 2006, RT, Concave Blade, PBT, Vane Disc
(a) Flooding flow regime in low gas flow rate exist when Fl > 5.464*10^-
(b) Loading flow regime in low gas flow rate exist when Fl > 2.917*10^
(C) Transition flow regime is in between (a) and (b)

Liquid Circulation Bulk Velocity, Vc (m/sec)-To define Scale of mixing Operation

For All sparger Located 100 mm below the impeller
Rewatkar 1991, Vc = 0.196*N*D*T^-0.11 *VG^-0.262

Crtical Speed for complete dispersion: For Axial Flow

Chapman et
Nc = 11.7 *QG^0.5 *D^-1.63

Critical Speed for Solid Dispersion Rouzbeh Jafari ,2012 forRT

(with out Gassing) NjS =( 4.7 +1.1*C/T) *ѵ^0.1 *(( g*(ρp -ρL/ρL))^0.45 * dp^0.2 *D^-0.85 *

Critical Impeller speed for Solid suspension in presence of Gas NSG

Chapman 1983
NjsG = Njs + 0.94*vvm
Bjjalski, 1988
NjsG = Njs + 0.65*vvm

Mixing Time or Mixing Index, General useful correlation

Mike Cooke, 2005
Φ = 5.3 /(N*Po^(1/3) *(D/T)^2)) ---seconds

Impeller Specific Selection Depends as under

(A) Selection for Gas Handling Capacity
A315U & Scaba 6SRGT > A315D & PBTU , Rushton turbine > PB
(B) Selection for Gas Hold up Capacity
A315U & RT > PBTU > A315D & PBTD > Scaba 6SRGT
(C) Selection for KLa and SOTE
RT > A315U & PBTU > Scaba 6 SRGT, A315D, & PBTD
(D) Selection based on OTE ( Oxygen TransferEfficiency )
A315U,A315D,PBTD & PBTU, > Scaba 6SRGT & RT
In general itcn be seen that when axial flow impellers are operated in the
They give superiour performance in gas dispersion and mass transfer app
down pumping configuraion with in specified operating range

Relative Power Demand (RPD)

(Pg/Po) Maintain RPD value between 0.9 o 1 for the stability of stirring system in
Ealier, RT was used to get lower RPD at higher gassing rate and to get high
However, the instability of operation has recommanded to select pair of i
of Axial flow and radial flow as explain above

M. Cudak, 2014
Rushtom Turbine, Pg/Po = 0.25 + 0.75/((1+2594.7*(1+x)*Fl^2.26)) + 0.16
Smith Turbine, Pg/Po = 0.25 + 0.75/((1+3056.1*(1+x)*Fl^3.06)) + 0.40*(1
A315, Pg/Po = 0.25 + 0.75/((1+8885*(1+x)*Fl^3.16)) + 0.60*(1+x)*(Fl/Fr)

Remark Do not copy tip speed or Reynold number , use standard scale up factor

The author has prepared Excel sheet program for the selection and desi
mechanically agitated reactors, including all types of hollow blade turbin
to assist process design engineers and professionals for the design of Hy
For further details:
Contact : Suryakant Randeri,
The post graduate retired chemical engineer of Dharmsinh De
40 years management and process design experience
please visit me at google search " Suryakant Randeri"
Email address :
ic Broth size

tem specific

0.35 to get higher speed,

e and hollow blade has lower power number
control and get higher average KLa number

ably 3 to 3.5

evel to allow acumulation of Broath, Foam etc

as hold up generally varies between 10% to 20%

(4/3)D standard , Max 0.51*T

5T is very common for the soild suspension .
e 0.25T for two pahse mixing operation.
Ungassed Power number in turbulant Region

f Lightning A315U first choice,

ABA Axial 3SHP-U, narrow blade hydrofoil

6 , BT-6, HBT, Parabolic or Elliptical Blade impeller

mechanical instability due to variation in gas hold up


ler or 1.05 to 1.2 times impeller Diameter

ottom clearance
r ring handles 50% more gas before flooding

ition, PH Controll, gas sparging etc

1 to 1.5 vvm or QGV

m or QGV is just sufficient

al Correlation

re or micro organism

mum tip speed (2.25 m/s for RT), the reactor

s flow and the reactor acts as a bubble column
ational speed should be such that
dispersion ( Flooding )
d suspension
not disturb formation of micro -organisam

pends on the type of fermentor : 0.125 to 4 Kw/m^3

here the impeller can not disperse the Gas properly

ooding and good dispersion condition

1.3 + 0.14*FrF^(7.54*(D/T)) *(T/D - 2.25)^-1.5

PBT, Vane Disc

rate exist when Fl > 0.02555+1.4064*Fr
rate exist when Fl < -0.032552 +1.3615*Fr

PBT, Vane Disc

rate exist when Fl > 5.464*10^-3 + 1.17035*Fr
rate exist when Fl > 2.917*10^-3 + 1.18075*Fr

he impeller
1 *VG^-0.262

/ρL))^0.45 * dp^0.2 *D^-0.85 * X^0.12

D & PBTU , Rushton turbine > PBTD

& PBTD > Scaba 6SRGT


nsferEfficiency )
Scaba 6SRGT & RT

ow impellers are operated in the up-pumping mode,

ispersion and mass transfer application than the
fied operating range

the stability of stirring system in fermenter

gher gassing rate and to get higher Kla value.
recommanded to select pair of impeller in combination

1+2594.7*(1+x)*Fl^2.26)) + 0.16*(1+x)*(Fl/Fr)^0.5
3056.1*(1+x)*Fl^3.06)) + 0.40*(1+x)*(Fl/Fr)^0.5
x)*Fl^3.16)) + 0.60*(1+x)*(Fl/Fr)^0.5

er , use standard scale up factor

gram for the selection and design of gas-liquid-solid mixing

g all types of hollow blade turbines
ofessionals for the design of Hydrogenator, Gas liquid reactors, Gas- Liquid solid reactors , fermenter, bio reactor etc.

mical engineer of Dharmsinh Desai University with more than

cess design experience
h " Suryakant Randeri"
rbulant Region Axial Flow Impeller
four-wide-blade hydrofoil impeller (WH)

CBY (narrow blade and wide blade)

reactor etc.
Experience show that radial flow impellers exhibit 20% to 50% higher oxygen
transfer efficiency than axial flowimpellers. However, radial flowimpellers
have the weakness of bad homogenization and relatively high
power consumption .
Comparatively radial flow impeller in combination with axial flow impeller ,
showed better performance .

It is very common to install mix flow or radial flow impeller at the bottom
and wide blade) of reactor to break and disperse the gas introduced from gas sparger
The axial flow impellers are installed above it to circulate gas-liquid flow

RT is the radial flow impeller usually used very commanly

but it has weakness of significant drop in gassed power draw. This
disadvantage can be tackled by retrofitting of RTwith streamlined impellers,
such as impellers of CD, HEDT and PDT.
characteristics for mixed flow impeller combinations.

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