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Warmer 2 min. T greets students and takes attendance. She asks T-S Speaking
Ss to let her know how they are feeling at the S-T
T: How are you feeling today? Are you excited
for the weekend?
S: I am supper-dupper excited for the weekend?
Creating T asks Ss about the previous class they hand and T-S Speaking
expectation 2 min. about the topic they learned (superheroes) and to S-T
about the new asks them different questions that lead to the
lesson topic of the lesson.
T: Now, let’s thing about our previous lesson
about superheroes. They are soo cool. They help
people and fight the bad ones…they fight a
lost….these means that there are a lot of bad
people. Right?
Ramona: Absolutely!!!
T: have you ever been into a fight?
Diana: yesss. I was in a fight with a boy because
he tried to bully me?
T: Oh really? Anybody else? Have you been into
o fight or bullyed?
(goes on until all the sudents answer)
T: Well let me tell you that even myself I was in
a fight and I was even bullyed but not by my
class mates or friends but my teachers.

Announcing 1 min. T announces the title and the objectives of the T-S Speaking Board
the topic and lesson; writes the date and the title on the board; Writing Notebooks
the Objectivess Ss also write down the date and title.
of the lesson
Communicatio 2 min. T starts the discussion about bullying: T-S Speaking Handout
n of knowledge -do you know what is the definition of bullying S-T
or can you give me a synonym?
Students are given handouts. The exercises are
going to be interactive, as T will constantly stop
and check Ss’s understand.
Listening 3 min. T plays plays the corresponding audio for the Ss Listening Handout
Ss listen carefully.. T explains the unkown Reading
words and waits for the Ss to read the text.
While listening 5 min Ss’ are reading the text for themselves while Listening Handout
listening and are asked to underline words linked Reading
to bullying. Writing
While reading 3 min. Ss read the definition of bullying reading Handout
Reading for 10 min. In pairs, Ss choose the traits of different types of S-S Writing
1detailed bullying. Then they come and stick them to the T-S Board
information board.
T then asks some Ss to google characteristic of
10 min. cyberbullying. Then they come and write them S-T Reading Handout
on the board Writing

Fixation 8 min. Ss read to find out more information about the S-T Reading Handout
causes of bullying. And add their own opinions T-S
if needed.
T asks Ss to stand up and say the poem from the
last page.

Evaluation and 3 min. T gives feedback and praises the most active T-S Speaking Handout
feedback students, while encouraging all of them to have S-S Listening
more courage next time. Reading

Homework 1 min. T gives Ss the homework. Write a short text (at S-S Writing
least 5 sentences) on the topic: What would my S-T
life be like without internet?

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