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University of Eastern Philippines

Pedro Rebadulla Memorial Campus

Catubig Northern Samar




Topic: Variables Expression vs Sentence




A variable is sometimes thought of as a mathematical "John Doe" because you can use it as a placeholder
when you want to talk about something but either you imagine that has one or more values but you don't
know what they are or you want whatever you say about it to be equally true for all elements in a given set
and so you don't want to be restricted to considering only a particular, concrete value for it. There are some
examples such as, is there a number with the following property: doubling it and adding 3 and it will
represent as, is there a number x with the property that 2x+3x= x2. The advantage of using a variable is
that allows you to give a temporary name to what you are seeking so that you can perform concrete
computations with it to help discover its possible values. There is also a second use of variables like for
example, no matter what number might be chosen, if it is greater than 2, then its square is greater than 4.
This will express as, no matter what number n might be chosen, if n is greater than 2, then n2 is greater
than 4. To understand further there is an example in writing sentences using variables such as: a) are there
numbers with the property that the sum of their squares equals the square of their sum? this is written as
are there numbers a and b such that a2 + b2= (a+b)2. Another one is, b) Given any real number, its square
is nonnegative. This could be, given any real number r, r2 is nonnegative.

University of Eastern Philippines

Pedro Rebadulla Memorial Campus

Catubig Northern Samar




Topic: Some Important Kinds of Mathematical Statements



To start with, there are three important kinds of sentences in mathematics, the first one is universal
statements, second is conditional statement, and the last is existential statements. I have learned in the
discussion that if we define universal statement that a certain property is true for all elements in a set. Like
for example, all positive numbers are greater than zero. From the key word "All" we can already identify that
the given statement is universal.

Then, conditional statement says that if one thing is true then some other thing also has to be true. Here is
the example, if 378 is divisible by 18, then 378 is divisible by 6. In this statement we can clearly find out
whether it is conditional statement. There is also a key word which is "if" and "then".

Then the last is, existential statement says that there is atleast one thing for which the property is true. The
example is, there is a prime number that is even. (Search about this)

The aim here is for you to realize that combinations of these statements can be expressed in a variety of
different ways. One way uses ordinary, everyday language and another expresses the statement using one
or more variables

Universal Conditional Statements the important facts about this is that they can be written in ways that
make them appear to be purely universal or purely conditional. The following are the example: a) if a is a
dog, then a is a mammal. Thee are also a combination of these 3 statements such as: Universal Existential
Statement and Existential Universal Statements.


Indeed, the three kinds of mathematical statement is important in order to identify, define and totally
understand (Search the importance of 3 math. state.)
University of Eastern Philippines

Pedro Rebadulla Memorial Campus

Catubig Northern Samar




Topic: The Language of Sets



(Search the importance of Topic)

According to what i have learned and hear in the discussion, set is a formal mathematical term that was
introduced in 1879 by George Cantor together with cartesian product. (Search who is George)

Set-roster notation by writing all of its elements between braces. For example {1,2,3} denotes the set whose
elements are 1,2 and 3. Here are the example using Set-Roster Notation: a) Let A= {1,2,3}, B= {3,1,2}, and
C={1,1,2,3,3,3}. What are the elements of A, B, and C? How are A,B and C related? The solution here is A,
B and C have exactly the same three elements 1,2 and 3. Therefore, A, B, and C are simply different ways
to represent the same set. b) How many elements are in the set {1,{1}}. The solution is, the buset {1,{1}}
has two elements: 1 and the set whose only element is 1. (Search use of set roster notation)

In addtion to what I have discovered that R is refers to set of all real numbers, then Z refers to set of all
integers and Q set of all rational numbers or quotients of integers.

Another notation was mention in the discusion, Set-Builder Notation is the set of all elements x in S such
that P(x) is true. It turns out that unrestricted use of this notation can lead to genuine contradictions in set
theory. Here is the example using set-builder notation. a) { x € R|-2<x<5} The solution is: a) { x € R|-2<x<5 }
is the open interval of real numbers between -2 and 5.

Subset if A and B are set. In every element of A is also an element of B.

Proper Subset if every element of B is in B but there is atleast one element of B that is not in A.

Ordered pairs consisting of a and b together with the specification that a is the first element of the pair and
b is the second element.

University of Eastern Philippines

Pedro Rebadulla Memorial Campus

Catubig Northern Samar




Topic: The Language of Relations and Functions




There are many kinds of relationship in the world. For instance, we say that two people are related by blood
if they share common ancestor. Similarly, the objects of mathematics maybe related in various ways. A set
A maybe said to be related to a set B if A is a subset of B, if A is not a subset of B or if A and b have atleast
one elemenf in common. A number x maybe said to be related to a number y, if x<y or if x is a factor of y or
x2+y2=1. It was said that a relation R from A to B is a subset of A x B. The set A is called domain of R and
the set B is called its co-domain. Otherwise, A function F from a set A to a set B is relation with domain A
and co-domain B. In overall, we can identify a given examples if it is a function or not. It is a function if each
element is related to some element but if it was said if a certain example does not satisfy a property and an
ordered pairs have the same first elements but different second elements. Therefore it's not a function.

University of Eastern Philippines

Pedro Rebadulla Memorial Campus

Catubig Northern Samar




Topic: Inductive Reasoning and Deductive Reasoning




Inductive is a type of reasoning that forms a conclusion based on the specific examples. The
conclusion formed using inductive reasoning is a conjecture because your conclusion may
or may not be correct.

Counterexamples is a statement wherein you can identify or find a false statement.

Deductive reasoning is the process of reaching a conclusion by applying general

assumptions, procedure or principles.
University of Eastern Philippines

Pedro Rebadulla Memorial Campus

Catubig Northern Samar




Topic: Deductive Reasoning vs Inductive Reasoning



University of Eastern Philippines

Pedro Rebadulla Memorial Campus

Catubig Northern Samar




Topic: Logic Puzzle




Logic puzzles can be solved using deductive reasoning and a chart that enables us to display the given
information in visual manner.

University of Eastern Philippines

Pedro Rebadulla Memorial Campus

Catubig Northern Samar




Topic: Problem-Solving Strategies




Polyas four step problem-solving strategies such as: understand the problem, devise a plan, carry out the
plan and review a solution. Polyas four step are deceptively simple. To become a good problem solver it
helps to examine each of these steps and determine what is involved.

Understand the problem isoften overlooked. You must have a clear understanding of the problem.

Devise a plan successful problem solvers use a variety of techniques when they attempt to solve problem.
In devising a plan you can make a list of information needed, draw a diagram, work backwards and so on.

Carry out the plan once you have devise a plan you must carry out it. You must be work carefully and
realized some of your initial plans will not work and that you may have to devise another plans or modify
your existing plan.

Review the solution, once you have found a solution. check the solution.

A mathematical prodigy

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