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Let us tell an old story anew, and we will see how well you know it.

In a land
lived folk like you and me, greeting and toiling through their days, and in this land
lived one such spirit. You might take her for a girl, but she was not just any girl.
She was an immortal , the goddess of truth and good fortune, her supernatural
gits bestowed by the ultimate deity Pegasus - and her name, was Aurealas. Her
wings, glorious than any seraph, were held together by her goodness. Her golden
dress clothed her mysterious redolence, and her crown, firm and sure, was the
resolute of strength and prosperity. But the most striking about her was her heart
- it was made out of the purest gold, quite literally and metaphorically. Together
with her fellow ethereal and brother Argantis, they watched over this land flowing
with milk and honey, and were worshiped by its thriving citizens who needed
neither king nor queen, because they trusted in one another.
However as the seasons changed, Argantis grew jealous of the people’s
increasing reverence towards his sister. By reason of his weak heart, he was
enticed by a prophecy - that in time one hero with a pure soul shall rise to the
Golden throne, a throne that will bestow immeasurable powers to its master.
From that moment on the spark of greed and lust inside Argantis was fanned into
a flame. He spread his corrupted redolence throughout the land, and like wildfire
it surged into every innocent heart. Fearful that Aurealas will take the throne for
herself, he sent the people - now enslaved by his dark purpose, to rise against his
sister while he fought without relent nor mercy with other heroes vying for the
throne. So vast was the discord among the realms that Aurealas decided not to
fight her way to this throne, but instead stop her brother’s wicked intentions. Like
an eagle scorned she rose and overpowered Argantis’ spiteful forces. In one epic
standoff, she surged all the truth and goodness inside of her and hurled it all to
her brother. Argantis was incapacitated, and worn down - his malicious force was
no match to Aurealas’ selfless retribution. As punishment, she cast him into a
bottomless pit, where he could no longer disturb man nor beast for the rest of his
days. Aurealas was forever hailed as the rightful ruler of the golden throne, for
people became aware that a heart of gold will truly outshine those whose souls
have been blackened by ambition.

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