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Blue 3

English III

May 3,2019

Analysis of Different types of Bullying...

Did Students know that 1 out of every 5 students get bullied in the United States

according to what the statistics have shown. Cyber Bullying leaves impacting thoughts in

individuals mind and affects them emotionally.Physical bullying is caused aggressively toward

the person and bothering them by touching and hitting them. Verbal bullying/​abuse is when a

person forcefully criticizes, insults, or denounces someone else. ​Cyber bullying should be stop

because it brings them to suicidal thoughts and depression.​It ​ should be stopped because it

causes a lot of damage with family members and especially the victim.

Cyber bullying occurs mostly in social media outside of school ​Cyber bullying is

bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. ​Cyber

bullying can also cause mental health and it can be devastating.(“What Is Cyber Bullying.)Cyber

bullying is the most common because it can be done anonymously and they see it as a way to

stay popular. Cyber bullying is a form of pain relievers for someone who have suffered some

infliction from a family member ,strangers, and parents. Cyber bullying is another form of

bullying just not face to face. Usually with technology. Children send mean, rude and hurtful

messages to other children who have no control over it but can only just ignore it.Bullying is

aggressive behavior that seeks to control or harm others: Cyber bullying is just bullying that

happens electronically. Cyber bullying could lead to the hospital Example: ​Her sixteen year old
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son was cyber bullied on Facebook over a period of 8 hours. The event was so traumatic it

caused her son to have an acute psychotic break and to be hospitalized in an adolescent

psychiatric ward for almost a month. He is changed forever and will never be the same mentally.

Internet bullying can hurt and affect people and kids need to know this. These kids are not being

punished in any way and think the incident is funny! Cyber bullying is not funny at all.

Cyber bullying leaves impacting thoughts in individuals’ minds and affects them

emotionally. Cyber bullying happens all in technology since technology has advanced,there are

more ways to harass through media and through internet access. Cyber bullying could also cause

the victims to feel different from the others, they can feel hopeless and meaningless and low

self-esteem. Cyber bullying lead a teen girl in texas pushed to suicide death Brandy Vela’s

family says cyberbullying pushed the 18-year-old over the edge, leading her to shoot herself in

the chest Tuesday afternoon at the family’s Texas City home as family members watched. Cyber

bullying on social media is linked to depression in teenagers, according to new research that

analyzed multiple studies of the online phenomenon.Victimization of young people online has

received an increasing level of scrutiny, particularly after a series of high-profile suicides of

teenagers who were reportedly bullied on various social networks.

Instagram-38.2% Facebook-33.6%

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Girls are about twice as likely as boys to be victims and petrators of cyberbullying 36.7%

of adolescent girls have experienced cyberbullying in their lifetimes, as compared to 30.5% of

boys. This could be sending intimidating emails from a fake account ​includes sending, posting,

or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else​.

Cyberbullying causes more effect to girls than boys because girls spread rumors about

each other, even if it is not true and they get hurt by that person that is making those rumors.

(​“Why Cyberbullying Affects Girls More than Boys).​Cyberbullying is online committed as fake

pages,harassment known as online bullying to make another person depressed they could make

them feel suicidal.With the advancement of technology and the rise of social media, today’s

youth are bringing their bullies home with them. Home, which used to be a safe haven, has

become a whole new battleground where bullies are guaranteed anonymity and direct access to

their victims on a consistent basis.Almost 60% of children aged 10-17 have reported being

bullied or harassed over the Internet and via social media outlets, but 90% of these victims will

never report the incidents.

Verbal bullying is ​ ​when a person forcefully criticizes, insults, or denounces someone

else. Verbal bullying occurs in mostly in schools because there are alot of people and mostly the

victims will be scared to tell what is happening to the teachers because they will think that the

bullies will know who told them and go more against to the victims. Verbal bullying can be very

damaging and may have long term psychological effects on the victim.People that do verbal

bullying have low self-esteem and they want to bully other people to make themselves feel good.

Verbal bullying is the most common type of violence in schools. It is equally present among

boys and girls. Still, in many cases, verbal bullying is the province of girls. Girls are more subtle
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than boys and use verbal bullying, instead of physical one, to dominate others and show their

superiority and power. Bullying separates children from their peers, making them feel unworthy,

less attractive and unwanted. Grade school is a time when kids are developing their mental,

social and emotional skills. Being the subject of verbal abuse can easily destroy a child’s

self-confidence and enthusiasm to learn and grow. Rather than physical harm, verbal bullying

can hurt children emotionally and spiritually for many years to come.

Why do people verbal bully, They might be enjoying the attention or or reaction towards

the victims. They could of may have been bullied themselves and to deflect the attention or

because they are angry, they go onto bully someone else. Verbal bullying could affect the

person's emotions not only emotions but also make them feel humiliated with all them insults

towards them.The victims with all them insults the bullies do to them will also make them

believe it or blame themselves on why they are getting verbal bullying. The person might bottle

up their emotions and try not to let it show to their friends or family. It can be hard for someone

to feel all those things and try to keep it to themselves and often as a result their behaviour may

change. Someone who is being bullied in this way may feel lots of different emotions. Often a

young person might act like they are ok on the outside but inside they may be feeling very low.

They might not want to show how they are really feeling in case others think they are making a

big deal out of nothing, or cannot take a joke and perhaps they are even worried it might get

worse. They may also start to believe the verbal bullying and this will knock self-esteem.

Verbal bullying is most likely taken place in high school because the bullies are

supposedly mature to be bullying the victim. More effects of verbal bullying are shyness,

withdrawing from school and family activities, panic attacks, sleeping too much, not being able
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to sleep, nightmares, and worse.( ​“Verbal Bullying in Schools.”)​Verbal bullying can also make

learning more difficult for the child. It can cause loss of concentration which will affect your

ability of remembering the things that your learned that day. School shootings can result from

verbal bullying. . Example of Verbal bullying it can lead to death this women found her son

hanging himself in his room all caused by verbal bullying can lead to suicide caused by his

busdriver because the little boy's name was ben he said 'It is Brian, the bus driver, he is horrible

to me. Ben was only 11 years old he suicide himself because of the busdriver he could not handle

it no more and said a goodbye hug to his mom.

Physical bullying is a serious problem during two people or more physical bullying

causes affect not only on the bully or the victim but also to the other people witnessing the

physical. Physical bullying deals with aggressive toward the victim. ​Physical bullying is rarely

the first form of bullying that a target will experience. Often bullying will begin in a different

form and progress to physical violence. In physical bullying the main weapon the bully uses is

their body. Physical bullying is not just violence it's also about stealing, shoving, hitting,

fighting, and destroying property all are types of physical bullying also it is physical abuse.This

is an age where young people want more to fit in with their peers, making some students more

likely to bully or condone bullying to fit in, while those who don’t fit in stand out more as

victims. Bullying can also occur in earlier grades, as well as through high school and even into

adulthood.Physical bullying can lead the victims to cut themselves skip some several classes

because the bully is in that class and do not want to be picked on.

The effects of physical bullying it's really the victim that suffers a lot during the bully

aggressively hits the victim. Also the effects of physical bullying could lead to death. Example
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Recently in South carolina in a elementary school a little girl that was 10 years old the mom of

her said that the cause of the fighting was because they was bullying her daughter and that led to

fighting and caused her daughters death this happen in march 25 in Forest Hills Elementary

School. Physical need to be stopped we do not want little kids being killed just because the bully

felt like bullying the victim this can not happen anymore it brings the victim family sad or

depressed because they left that women with suffer because she does not have her daughter

anymore and it all happen because of physical abuse.

Physical bullying is an abuse that is caused Rape, Sexual Violence, and Domestic

Violence. Physical abuse there are people out there that would rape you forcelly and could cause

you aids,HIV. Physical bullying Could also cause Physical abuse in a relationship often starts

gradually, such as with a push or a slap, and then becomes progressively worse over time use to

beating up your partner until death over something that is not worth it.(​“What Is Physical


Physical bullying the bully could make threats to the victim about Kill yourself and the

victims feel bad because they could end up just killing themselves. A student from from garinger

high school was bullied physically and told her parents and her parents went to garinger high

school and the staff did not do nothing they did not believe her and wanted proof but she did not

have none it occured in her 4th block that boy abused her and touched her stomach inappropriate

and called her out and said “Come to my House” and she have a mind of a 11 year old so she

was feeling uncomfortable. The point is that they did not do nothing not the principal neither the

administrators. Physical abuse could cause many problems with your health and mind it could

damage it by much bullying to the mindset and brain and cause brain damage. In high school,
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victims of physical bullying can easily wind up in the hospital or dead. In some urban secondary

schools, violence has reached exceedingly high levels, with students being beaten, knifed and

shot on a daily basis.

These types of bullying should be addressed because it is causing a lot of harm to the

victims that are getting affected by it. Cyber bullying is mostly happening by social media by

anonymous where people spread rumors about the victim for example snapchat, instagram,

facebook etc. Verbal bullying is when people criticize and forcefully criticizes, insults, or

denounces someone else. Physical bullying is when the bully punch,kick hit physically to the

victim.This information about the different types of bullying are important because we need to

know that bullying could cause a lot of damage to the victim and it should be stopped because it

could lead to suicidal thoughts also they could lead to death by that. It matters to know this type

of information about bullying.

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Work Cited “What Is the Definition of Verbal Bullying.” ​BRIM

Anti-Bullying Software,​ Alcaris Inc.,

“Physical Bully.” Bullying Statistics, 21 July 2015,

“Verbal Bullying in Schools.” ​Novak Djokovic Foundation​, 14 Mar. 2016 ,

“What Is Cyber Bullying.” ​​,

“Where Does Cyberbullying Commonly Occur?” End to Cyber Bullying Organization (ETCB),

“Why Cyberbullying Affects Girls More than Boys | Gaggle Speaks.” Gaggle, 8 Jan. 2019,

““What Is Cyberbullying.”,

“Why Do People Bully?” ​Bullying Statistics,​ 7 July 2015 ,

“What Is Physical Abuse?” Abuse and Violence | ReachOut Australia,

Yee, Gregory, and Michael Majchrowicz. “Community Seeks Answers after SC 5th-Grader Dies

Following a Fight at School.” Post and Courier, 2 Apr. 2019,

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