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The following literature and studies shall guide the conduct of the study. The

proponents have to study the basic concepts of briquetting. The following gave them

insights relative to the study.

Related Legal Bases

Republic Act. 9003. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of Republic Act

No. 9003, otherwise known as the "Philippine Ecological Solid Waste Management Act

of 2000," and by virtue of Executive Order No. 192, Series of 1987, the Department of

Environment and Natural Resources. The passage of Republic Act 9003 (RA 9003)

enacted on January 26, 2001 puts solid waste management into proper perspective. It is

hoped that this law will help to meet the growing need to improve the management of

increasing volume of solid wastes generated in the Philippines. Anonymous. (n.d.).

Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 RA 9003, A Major Step to Better Solid

Waste Management in the Philippines. Retrieved September 20, 2018 from



This mandates the Department of Energy to prepare, integrate, coordinate,

supervise and control all plans, programs, projects and activities of the Government.

Relative to energy exploration, development, utilization, distribution, and conservation

specially to financial matters as we use the coconut husk briquettes instead of LPG and

light lamps in our community.

Republic Act No. 7638 of December 9. 1992 also called the “Department of

Energy Act of 1992”. It is hereby declared the policy of the State: to ensure a continuous,

adequate, and economic supply of energy with the end in view of ultimately achieving

self-reliance in the country’s energy requirements through the integrated and intensive

exploration, production, management, and development of the country’s indigenous

energy resources, and through the judicious conservation, renewal, and efficient

utilization of energy to keep pace with the country’s growth and economic development

and taking into consideration the active participation of the private sector in the various

areas on energy resource development; and to rationalize, integrate, and coordinate the

various programs of the Government towards self-sufficiency and enhanced productivity

in power energy without sacrificing ecological concerns. This act for shall prepare,

integrate, coordinate, supervise, and control all plans, programs, projects, and activities

of the Government relative to energy exploration, development, utilization, distribution,

and conservation in the country. Anonymous. (n.d.). Republic Act 7638. Retrieved

September 30, 2018 from https://www.doe.gov.ph/laws-and-issuances/republic-act-no-

According to it’s section 12, Energy Utilization Management Bureau assists in

the formulation and implementation of policies for the efficient and economical

transformation, conversion, processing, refining, marketing, distribution, transportation

and storage of petroleum, coal, natural gas, geothermal, and other nonconventional

energy resources such as wind, solar, biomass and others ; and ensure their efficient and

judicious utilization to develop, promote and commercialise applications of biomass,

solar, small hydro, wind, wood, and charcoal and other nonconventional energy systems

including new and more efficient and economical transformation, marketing,

distribution, transportation, and storage technologies for conventional energy sources.

Anonymous, (n.d) Republic Act 7638. Retrieved September 30, 2018 from


The aforementioned republic act specifically promotes charcoal as an economical

and efficient energy source. There are some reasons of why we should use coconut as

briquettes to grill ingredients. Coconut charcoal briquette has high heating value due to

the high quality of our 100% natural raw materials and production technique. So, it will

make meats and other ingredients easily to grill. In this matter, we don't need to spend

much time for making delicious food. Coconut Briquette Charcoal is compacted under

optimal pressure to yield dense, high quality briquettes which can burn much longer than

average grade Coconut Charcoal/lump wood charcoal.

Republic Act No. 8749 also known as Clean Air Act of 1999. After several years'

debate in both the Senate and the House of Representatives. In this Section, a few issues
have included only about half of the provisions that dealt mainly with state environmental

policies, motor vehicle pollution, fuels & additives, and corresponding fines and


The clear intent of the Clean Air Act is to bring the citizenry into a national cooperative

and self-regulatory effort to clean the air we now breath, and to ensure that our children

will continue to enjoy the same. The measures to be adopted are meant to be preventive

rather than corrective, with everyone voluntarily cooperating with the government rather

than it coercing the citizenry. This act will not only save the environment but also save

up the energy that is supposed to be used in producing charcoals and other production of

materials. Anonymous. (n.d.). Clean Air Act. Retrieved September 28, 2018 from


The Philippines is trying to lessen the effects of air pollution and this study helps

by not cutting down trees. Coconut fibers are considered to be the most malleable amongst all the natural

fibers. For it can withstand the 4-6 strains from normal no. of strains from natural fibers.

Related Literature

Coconut. The scientific name for coconut is Cocus nucifera. Spanish explorers

called it coco, which meant monkey face, and Nucifera meaning “nut- bearing”. the

coconut provides a nutritious of meat, juice, milk and oil that has fed and nourished

populations around the world for generations. One third of the world’s population

depends on coconut to some degree for their food and their economy.
It is also said to be the tree of life. In the context of the Philippines, coconut is

very important. Nearly one third of the country’s population is dependent because it

supports their livelihood. Enrico Luis Caube Balisalisa. (n.d). Review of Related

Literature and Related Studies. Retrieved July 28, 2019 from

https://www.scribd.com/document/328571897/ Review – of – Related – Literature - and


Coconut Husks. The coconut fiber is “Cocos Nucifera” and “Arecaceae (Palm)”

respectively, while it is commonly referred to as “Coir”. The cultivation of coco-nut is

concentrated in the tropical belts of Asia and East Africa. There are two types of coconut

fibers, white fibers that are obtained from immature coconuts and the brown fibers

obtained from matured coconuts. Coconut fibers have low thermal conductivity while

being tough and stiff The stress-strain relationship for coconut fibers have been re-

ported by some researchers. Coconut fiber amongst all natural fibers is the most ductile.

Coconut fibers have the capacity of taking strain 4-6 times more than that of other natural

fibers. ISJR. (n.d) Use of Coconut Husk Fiber for Improved Compressive and Flexural

Strength of Concrete. Retrieved July 28, 2019 from



Coconut fibers are considered to be the most malleable amongst all the natural

fibers. For it can withstand the 4-6 strains from normal no. of strains from natural fibers.
Fuel. Fuel has been the leading source of primary research work in fuel science.

The scope is broad and includes many topics of increasing interest such as environmental

aspects and pollution.

Present work would like to discuss a “Green Fuel” produced from waste leaves

on the ground; hence it could be considered eco-friendly. The objective is to use leaves

(biomass) as raw materials and convert them into solid biofuel briquettes/pellets using

roasting process, here shown to be more effective than usual carbonization by using

simulation techniques. The process flow diagram for densification of roasted leaves starts

with the choice of leaves depending on their proximate analysis and their calorific value,

after being collected, sun dried and submitted to roasting process. Because of poor energy

characteristics, the roasting end product is to be crushed and densified with specific

additives chosen for binding the roasted biomass and increases its calorific value. To

reduce green gas emissions, the process uses solar energy to heat up the reactor and reach

desired temperature for optimal working process. Finally, after processing, the roasted

leaves are converted into-briquettes by densification process—Densification is the term

used for the thermal processes that result in refractory hotface densification and

development of the desired strength profile from the hotface to the coil grout. This fuel

is energy efficient and techno economically feasible compared to other primary fuels.

Anonymous. (n.d.). Fuel. Retrieved September 30, 2018 from

As fuel, briquettes have higher heating value than wood or plain charcoal. The

are almost smokeless when burning and gives off intense and steady heat. They can be

used in smelting of ore since it is compact and dense.

Charcoal Briquettes. Charcoal briquettes are inexpensive solid fuels made from

carbonized biomass. Charcoal briquettes are made from of two primary ingredients

(comprising about 90% of the final product) and several minor ones. One of the primary

ingredients known as char, is basically the traditional charcoal. It is responsible for the

briquettes ability to light easily and to produce the desired wood-smoke flavor. The most

desirable raw material for this component is hardwoods such as beech, birch , hard maple

hickory and oak. Anonymous. (n.d.) Retrieved September 30, 2018 from


Dried Leaves as Charcoal Briquettes. This study aims at providing a biomass as

an alternative to wood charcoal using agricultural wastes (dry leaves, coffee husk,

sugarcane trash, grass, etc.) converted into charcoal briquettes to provide much needed

source of cheap fuel that is cleaner in burning. Methods: Simple extruder machine is used

as die to make the briquette charcoal. Moreover, an effective carbonizer to change the

agricultural waste into charcoal and an effective stove to burn and use the charcoal for

cooking is used. Results: The manual extruder machine has a capacity of pressing

30kg/hr and the carbonizer converts 15kg of input agricultural wastes into 5kg of burned

charcoal with-in 25 minutes. The stove is effective so that three meals are cooked at a

time using 100g briquette charcoal. Anonymous. (n.d.). Charcoal Leaves. Retrieved
September 30, 2018 from from https://www.termpaperwarehouse.com/essay-


Related Studies

Paper as the material for making charcoal. Paper charcoal made from scraps

of paper recycled into a charcoal. Ramon Magsaysay Elementary School is one of the

Organization for Industrial, Spiritual, and Cultural Advancement – Children’s Forest

Program (OISCA-CFP) supported school. The school observe the segregation of school

trash and applied the environmental principles of the 3Rs (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle).

Paper charcoals are made by soaking waste paper overnight and forming it into

balls which are left to dry in the sun. They serve as good alternative for cooking. Waste

papers that would otherwise end up in landfills are given new use as a medium. This will

also help reduce the dependence on forest wood for cooking. Anonymous. (2012,

September 9). Philippines Paper Charcoal Making. Retrieved September 26, 2018 from


This study’s purpose and significance is nearly identical to this research as it

involves mixing paper with organic materials such as animal wastes and dried leaves

together to see it’s effectiveness.

Another study that promotes finding an alternative fuel for cooking is the study

“The Effectiveness of Umbrella Tree Leaves as material in making a paper charcoal

Briquette”, a thesis of Kate Garcia and Acezen Ancheta of Ilocos Norte National
Highschool. It is a study based on making charcoal briquettes by mixing Umbrella Tree

Leaves and paper together. It determines the proper mixture of these materials to attain

the maximum combusting efficiency in such a way that cooking is easy and does not

require any effort on building a fire source. They used ANOVA to test the significant

difference on the mean rating of the ingredients regarding writing appropriateness,

whereas, proportions and interactions not have significant difference and or interaction


In this study, it gave the researcher the idea that organic wastes such as dried

leaves and animal wastes can be paired with paper to make charcoal briquette.

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