978 - Soal Pilihan Berganda If Clause

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1. You will lose weight if you ....

A. do exercise regularly B. eat more bread C. eat more calories

D. consume junk food E. sleep a lot
2. If she ..... back my money, I would buy a new handphone.
A. gives B. gave C. has given D. give D. had given
3. What ...... if she had met you last night?
A. will you do B. would you do C. could you do
D. would you have done E. will you have done?
4. His father would add his pocket money if he ...... well.
A. study B. studied C. had studied D. has studied E. would have studied
5. If Sinta ....... at that time , I would have hugged her tightly.
A. were here B. could be here C. had been here D. is here E. was here
6. If I were you, I ..... for the job.
A. will apply B. applied C. would apply D. would had applied E. had applied
7. I will go out, if it ....... rain.
A. didn’t B. wouldn’t C. doesn’t D. wasn’t E.weren’t rain
8. If I got a good mark on the test, my father would give me a new laptop.
The above satements mean .......
A. my score was bad B. I got 3 on the test C. I didn’t get good score
D. My score were 4 on the test E. I get bad score on the test
9. He is jobless so he can’t pay his sister’s tuition fee.
If ….
A. he had a job, he could pay his sister’s tuition fee.
B. he had a job, he could have paid his sister’s tuition fee.
C. he has a job, he could pay his sister’s tuition fee.
D. he had a job, he can pay his sister’s tuition fee.
E. he has a job, he can pay his sister’s tuition fee.
10. If I had a big restaurant, I would invite all of my friends for having dinner together.
The statement above means ....
A. I don’t have a big restaurant, so I can’t invite them for having dinner together.
B. I didn’t have a big restaurant, so I couldn’t invite them for having dinner together.
C. I didn’t have a big restaurant, yet I invited them for having dinner together.
D. I don’t have a big restaurant, yet I invite them for having dinner together.
E. I had a big restaurant, so I could invited them for having dinner together.
11. If he had returned to his house, I would have been very glad.
The reality that …
A. He did not return to his house yet so I were sad.
B. He doesn’t return to his house yet so I am sad.
C. He didn’t return to his house yet so I felt sad.
D. He did not return to his house yet so I feel sad.
E. He had not return to his house yet so I would be sad.
12. They never obey the rules so they always get punisment
Rewrite the sentence using conditional type 3 …
A. If they had obeyed the rules, they would not have got punishment.
B. If they did not obey the rules, they would be punished.
C. If they obey the rules, they will not get punishment.
D. If they obeyed the rules, they wouldn’t get punishment.
E. If they have obeyed the rules, they would not get punishment.
13. If Sinta were at home, I would ask her help.
A. Sinta wasn’t at home B. I got Sinta’s help C. Sinta weren’t at home
D. Sinta is in her office E. Sinta didn’t help me
1. If we had left the house earlier, …………….
A. we wouldn’t miss the train. B. we won’t have missed the train
C. we wouldn’t have missed the train D. we won’t miss the train
E. we missed the train.
2. If I finish the assignment before Saturday, …………….. it to my lecturer.
A. I will submit B. I would submit C. I would have submitted
D. I could submit E. I will have submitted
3. I would have told you about the concert if ........
A. I see it B. I saw it C. I have seen it D. I had seen it E. I can see it
4. If my mother knew my problem, .......
A. she will have been very sad. B. she would be very sad. C. she can be very sad.
D. she could be very sad. E. she is very sad.
5. If I had seen the concert, I …...... you about it last night.
A. I would have told B. I would tell C. I can tell D. I will tell E. I tell
6. She would give you the money if ........
A. she has it B. she will have it C. she had it D. she can have it E. she had had it
7. I will be very happy if ..... the competition.
A. I won B. I win C. I will win D. I had won E. I could win
8. Sinta is sick so she can’t go to school today.
If ......
A. Sinta was healthy, she could go to school today.
B. Sinta isn’t sick, she can go to school today.
C. Sinta were healthy, she could go to school today.
D. Sinta hadn’t been sick, she could have gone to school today.
E. Sinta has been healthy, she could have gone to school today.
9. Sinta was sick so she couldn’t go to school yesterday.
If ......
A. Sinta was healthy, she could go to school yesterday.
B. Sinta isn’t sick, she can go to school yesterday.
C. Sinta were healthy, she could go to school yesterday.
D. Sinta hadn’t been sick, she could have gone to school yesterday.
E. Sinta has been healthy, she could have gone to school yesterday.
10. Andi gets up late so he misses the train.
If ......
A. Andi doesn’t get up late, he won’t miss the train.
B. Andi got up earlier, he wouldn’t miss the train.
A. Andi hadn’t gotten up late, he wouldn’t have missed the train.
B. Andi didn’t get up earlier, he won’t miss the train.
E. Andi has gotten up earlier, he wouldn’t miss the train.
11. Andi got up late so he missed the train.
If ......
A. Andi doesn’t get up late, he won’t miss the train.
B. Andi got up earlier, he wouldn’t miss the train.
C. Andi hadn’t gotten up late, he wouldn’t have missed the train.
D. Andi didn’t get up earlier, he won’t miss the train.
E. Andi has gotten up earlier, he wouldn’t miss the train.
12. If you … harder, you would … the exam.
A. studied – passed. B. study – passed. C. studied – pass. D. study – pass. E. study-passes
12. If you … harder, you will … the exam.
A. studied – passed. B. study – passed. C. studied – pass. D. study – pass. E. study-passes
13. If my father … me a new car, I would … happy.
A. bought – be. B. bought – been. C. buy – been. D. buys – being. E. buys-be

14. If my father … me a new car, I will … happy.

A. bought – be. B. bought – been. C. buy – been. D. buys – being. E. buys-be
15. I and my friends will go out tonight if .......
A. it wouldn’t rain B. it didn’t rain C. it doesn’t rain D. it can’t rain E. it couldn’t rain
16. If ....... brightly tomorrow morning, we shall play on the beach.
A. the sun shines B. the sun will shine C. the sun could shine D. the sun shine E. the sun shone
17. If .... the black-glasses, they will be more handsome.
A. the boys can wear B. the boys wore C. the boys wears
D. the boys wear E. the boys would wear
18. If Seno knows my private problem, ....
A. I am shy B. I were shy C. I was shy D. I would be shy E. I will be shy
19. If the children play in my house, ....... the cleanliness of my house.
A. they will keep B. they must keep C. they keep D. they would keep E. they must keep
20. If your mother doesn’t allow you to go out, ..... to her.
A. you must obey B. you can obey C. you will obey D. you obey E. you obeyed
21. ......... if he taught me the bad things.
A. I wouldn’t obey to him B. I won’t obey to him C. I don’t obey to him
D. I didn’t obey to him E. I couln’t obey to him
22. He would give me a prize if ......
A. I don’t make him annoyed. B. I didn’t make him annoyed. C. I haven’t make him annoyed.
D. I won’t make him annoyed. E. I hadn’t made him annoyed
23. If I liked smoking, .....
A. I won’t be healthy B. I am not healthy C. I weren”t healthy
D. I would be sick E. I will be sick
24. If ........ , I would watch the film with him.
A. my friend comes. B. my friend would came. C. my friend has come.
D. my friend can come E. my friend came.
25. Lita : If my mother were at home now, I wouldn’t feel lonely.
Rita : Yes, I know.
From the dialogue, we know that .....
A. Lita were lonely B. Lita’s mother wasn’t at home. C. Lita was at home
D. Lita’s mother is in her offive. E. Lita isn’t at home.
26. If I could fly, I would bring my mother to the sky.
The real fact is ....
A. I don’t have wings so I couldn’t fly.
B. I can’t fly because I didn’t have wings
C. I can’t fly so I can’t bring my mother to the sky.
D. I couldn’t fly because I didn’t have wings.
E. I couldn’t fly so I couldn’t bring my mother to the sky.
27. If my mother knew my problem, she would be very sad.
The reality is .....
A. my mother didn’t know my problem. B. my mother doesn’t feel sad.
C. my mother knows my problem. D. my mother didn’t feel sad.
E. my mother felt sad.
28. Roni : If Loli could do the test well, she would get good score.
Dedi : Oh yeah.
From the dialogue, we know that .....
A. Loli gets bad score. B. Loli got bad score. C. Loli found difficulty in the test.
D. Loli couldn’t do the test well. E. Loli can do the test well
29. The boy would have been healthy if ........
A. she had eaten the pills regularly. B. she has eaten the pills regularly.
C. she ate the pills regularly. D. she eats the pills regularly.
E. she could eat the pills regularly.
30. If I hadn’t been busy last night, .....
A. I can accompany you to the mall. B. I could accompany you to the mall.
C. I would accompany you to the mall. D. I had accompanied you to the mall.
E. I would have accompanied you to the mall.
31. She wouldn’t have gone out, .....
A. had it rained. B. if it rained C. if it rains D. if it has rained E. it would rain
32. I could study well, .....
A. if my house was lonely B. were my house lonely. C. unless my house was crowded
D. had my house been lonely. E. unless my house is crowded.
33. If she had helped me, I would have thanked for it.
The above sentences means ......
A. she helps me but I refused it. B. she doesn’t help me so I don’t thank for it.
C. I refused her help. D. she didn’t help me so I didn’t thank for it.
E. I refuse her help.
34. I could have played badminton well if my father had taught it to me.
The reality that ....
A. my father never taught badminton to me. B. my father never teaches badminton to me.
C. my father doesn’t teach badminton to me. D. I couldn’t play badminton well
E. A and D are right.
35. If we … good, the coach would … us.
a. Was – Chose. b. Were – Chosen. c. Was – Choose. d. Were – Choose. E. are - choose
36. I would go and see her if I … you.
a. Was. b. Were. c. Been. d. Being. E. am
37. I would buy a yacht if I … a lot of money.
a. Have. b. Has. c. Had. D. have had e. had had
38. If he … lots of chocolate, he would … bad teeth.
a. Eat – Had. b. Ate – Had. c. Ate – Have. d. Eaten – Have. e. Eats - have
39. My boss would … very pleased if I finished the job.
a. Be. b. Been. c. Was. d. Were. E. is
40. They would call you immediately if they……help.
A. will need B. needed C. needs D. have needed E. had needed
41. Had my mother arrived at the sale early, she…..…a better dress.
A. will get B. gets C. got D. would have got E. would get
42. If you have enough time, please ...... your room before you go to school.
A. clean B. cleans C. cleaned D. be clean E. been clean
43. They could go for a drive if today .... Sunday.
a. Was. b. Were. c. would be. d. Being. E. will be
44. If I .... the prize, my parents will be very proud of me
A. can win B. won C. had won D. wins E. would win
45. If she had decided earlier, she could have left on the morning flight.
The above sentences mean ......
A. she can leave on the morning flight. B. she didn’t decide at all C. she decides late.
D. she decided late E. she could leave on the morning flight

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