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The culminating activity in P.E. last October 11,

2019 was tired but fun. I like the costumes of the
other section and it pleasing to the eyes. The
costumes of the other section didn’t imitate the old
Filipino costumes. It’s nice to see that we danced
our very own Filipino creative folkdances like
cariñosa, tinikling, and many more and we just travel
back the time that our ancestors danced the
folkdance and passed it to the next generation and
to make us realize that we must proud to be a
Filipino and also our culture.

Even though we practice for 2 weeks and we are so

tired, we did our best to perform. We are glad and
thankful that we achieve it and it’s ok for us that we
are not the champion because we know that we did
our best and we participate in the culminating

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