The Literary Works of Rizal: A. The Youth and Their Education 1. Through Education Our Mother Receives Light

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The inspiring poems of Rizal proved his poetical genius that reflected about his
life in his childhood memories including his experiences and insights about education,
religion and colonial administration of Spain in the Philippine islands. In 1874-1877,
he wrote poems of varied interest and perspectives about life : (1) My First Inspiration ;
(2) In Memory of My Town; (3) Through Education the Mother Receives Light; (4)
Intimate Alliance between Religion; and (5) A Farewell Dialogue of the Students.

He also wrote poems that dealt with the Spanish interest such as : (1)The
Heroism of Columbus; (2) Columbus and John II; (3) Great Solace in Great
Misfortune; (4) The Triumphal Entry of the Catholic Monarch into Granada; (5) The
Battle: Urbiztondo, Terror of Jolo; (6) The Departure: Hymn to Magellan’s Fleet; and
(7) And He is Spanish Elcano, the First to Circum-navigate the World.

This chapter inspires us of know the poetical achievements of Rizal on his

nationalistic insights pertaining to education and youth. In contemporary time it is best
appreciated about his works and writings on his idea to his poems: To the Philippine
Youth ; Through Education the Mother Receives Light; and To the Filipino Youth. In
Philippine Literature the nationalistic concept is best known in his writing “ To the
Philippine Youth” which was offered a prize for the best poem by a native sponsored by a
society known as the Lyceum of Art and Literature in 1877.

A. The Youth and Their Education

1. Through Education Our Mother Receives Light

This poem proved that he valued education so much that may give
the power of the country to survive from any forces( barbaric actions,
deceits, hostility, vices and etc.) in the struggles of societal freedom .
Through education, it creates the virtue of power to human race. This gives
security and peace to the motherland as the Filipinos would learn the
sciences and arts as the basis to calm down the life of the society. Where
education reigns pacifies the barbaric action of the nations .It may
neutralized or ceased to exist on crimes and hostility including vices and
deceits because of the enlightenment of mankind.

The existence of prudent education provides the tranquility to a
more dignified action just the existence on the natural flow of life .
Education shall give a perfect virtue of man that may overthrow the power
of evils and may step on heavenly path for its good action. Likewise,
education provides goodness to humanity it sheds light for those who
created destruction even from the hands of fiercest criminal. Furthermore,
education may always survive even from the worst storm, hatred of men,
and raging waves as a consequence the motherland becomes invincible to
evil forces shall be tired and fall asleep in their raging emotions.

This poem of Rizal had never thought that was applied to him
heroic struggles in his later years of life. The struggle of human freedom
was won because education provided the key role for thousands of men
honored him. His education provided him the noble virtue that someday
his country was free from the bondage of foreign oppressor. In
contemporary time, education proves to be key role to produce of noble
man that shades light for his family and country.



The vital breath of prudent Education

Instills a virtue of enchanting power;
She lifts the motherland to highest station
And endless dazzling glories on her shower.
And as the zephyr's gentle exhalation
Revives the matrix of the fragrant flower,
So education multiplies her gifts of grace;
With prudent hand imparts them to the human race.

For her a mortal-man will gladly part

With all he has; will give his calm repose;
For her are born all science and all art,
That brows of men with laurel fair enclose.
As from the towering mountain's lofty heart
The purest current of the streamlet flows,

So education without stint or measure gives
Security and peace to lands in which she lives.

Where Education reigns on lofty seat

Youth blossoms forth with vigor and agility;
He error subjugates with solid feet,
And is exalted by conceptions of nobility.
She breaks the neck of vice and its deceit;
Black crime turns pale at Her hostility;
The barbarous nations She knows how to tame,
From savages creates heroic fame.

And as the spring doth sustenance bestow

On all the plants, on bushes in the mead,
Its placid plenty goes to overflow
And endlessly with lavish love to feed
The banks by which it wanders, gliding slow,
Supplying beauteous nature's every need;
So he who prudent Education doth procure
The towering heights of honor will secure.

From out his lips the water, crystal pure,

Of perfect virtue shall not cease to go.
With careful doctrines of his faith made sure,
The powers of evil he will overthrow,
Like foaming waves that never long endure,
But perish on the shore at every blow;
And from his good example other men shall learn
Their upward steps toward the heavenly paths to turn.

Within the breast of wretched humankind

She lights the living flame of goodness bright;
The hands of fiercest criminal doth bind;
And in those breasts will surely pour delight
Which seek her mystic benefits to find,
Those souls She sets aflame with love of right.
It is a noble fully-rounded Education

That gives to life its surest consolation.

And as the mighty rock aloft may tower

Above the center of the stormy deep
In scorn of storm, or fierce Sou'wester's power,
Or fury of the waves that raging seep,
Until, their first mad hatred spent, they cower,
And, tired at last, subside and fall asleep, --
So he that takes wise Education by the hand,
Invincible shall guide the reigns of motherland.

On sapphires shall his service be engraved,

A thousand honors to him by his land be granted:
For in their bosoms will his noble sons have saved
Luxuriant flowers his virtue had transplanted:
And by the love of goodness ever lived,
The lords and governors will see implanted
To endless days, the Christian Education,
Within their noble, faith-enrapture nation.

And as in early morning we behold

The ruby sun pour forth resplendent rays;
And lovely dawn her scarlet and her gold,
Her brilliant colors all about her sprays;
So skillful noble Teaching doth unfold
To living minds the joy of virtuous ways.
She offers our dear motherland the light
That leads us to immortal glory's height.

1. The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education

Rizal shared his thought about the importance of education to

enlighten the nation which was useful to gain societal freedom for every
nation. It may also provide us the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude
to expand the horizon of our thoughts. However, this would not be enough
to be properly educated. Rizal thought that there was really an intimate
alliance between religion and good education. A man who was properly
educated needed to apply what he learned on spiritual view rather than

simply on material achievements. The result of good education always
fulfilled a growing uprightness and valuable virtue within the bounce of
spiritual and moral dimensions. There showed also be growing dignified
fulfilment and application to the teachings of religion ,just like a vine which
continually grow that would someday the fruit will become sweet and
Without religion, human education may result to chaos and disorder in
any civilized nation because people may no longer value freedom, respect,
dignity and other good virtues that maintain societal order. It may result to
a natural disaster just as the angered sea, which characterized the fierce
winds that may, wrecked the vessel in the deep abysses. Rizal knew that
religion had a profound effect to education, the educated must internalized
the virtue of incorruptible life based on the ethical and moral standard of
the society.


As the climbing ivy over lefty elm
Creeps tortuously, together the adornment
Of the verdant plain, embellishing
Each other and together growing,
But should the kindly elm refuse its aid
The ivy would impotent and friendless wither
So is Education to Religion
By spiritual alliance bound
Through Religion, Education gains reknown, and
Woe to the impious mind that blindly spurning
The sapient teachings of religion, this
Unpolluted fountain-head forsakes.

As the sprout, growing from the pompous vine,

Proudly offers us its honeyed clusters
While the generous and loving garment
Feeds its roots; so the fresh’ning waters
Of celestial virtue give new life
To Education true, shedding
On it warmth and light; because of them
The vine smells sweet and gives delicious fruit

Without Religion, Human Education

Is like unto a vessel struck by winds

Which, sore beset, is of its helm deprived
By the roaring blows and buffets of the dread
Tempestuous Boreas, who fiercely wields
His power until he proudly send her down
Into the deep abysses of then angered sea.

As the heaven’s dew the meadow feeds and strengthen

So that blooming flowers all the earth
Embrioder in the days of spring; so also
If Religion holy nourishes
Education with its doctrine, she
Shall walk in joy and generosity
Toward the good, and everywhere bestrew
The fragrant and luxuriant fruits of virtue

4.To the Filipino Youth

At the age of eighteen years old, he wrote a poem entitled “To the
Filipino Youth” which was submitted for the poetry contest by the Manila
Lyceum of Art and Literature. This was dedicated to the Filipino youth that
he won the first prize, a silver pen, feather-shaped and with a gold ribbon
running through it.

Rizal made this poem at the peak of the grandeur day of his life for
him to experience the radiant growing intellect and wonderful life as a
youth. He always wanted the youth to follow his ideals in the love their
country. They could utilize the growing intellect on arts and sciences to b
properly educated in their homeland .Where they trained to become wise
and pious even from the shadows of the Spanish authority. Anyone of
aspired for the success of life my always find the difficult and long road of
sacrifices to reach the sweetness and glory of life.


Hold high your faultless brow,

Filipino youth, on this day grand!
Shine forth resplendent now,
In gallant glory stand,
Handsome home of my motherland!

Radiant Genius, arise!
Make thy noblest dreams his own;
Catch his mind in keen surprise;
Swifter than by tempest blown
Sweep him up to glory's throne!

Descend, O youth, -- the lovely light

Of art and science in your train; --
On life's arena, smite
And break the heavy chain
Where long your pinioned poetry hath lain.

Behold how, on this ardent zone

Where shadows dwell, the Spaniard's hand,
So wise and pious grown,
Confers a garland grand
Upon the youth of our fair Indian land!

O you, who now aspiring rise

On fancy's gifted wings
From Mount Olympus to the skies,
While Poetry more sweetly sings
Than any sweetness nectar ever brings.

Ye rivals of the nightingale

Who carol some celestial lay
Beneath the night moon pale,
And by the tune you play
Drive bitter mortal pain away.

All ye who hold the power to free

Those sorely grieved, by your charm'd word,
And fix in their fond memory,
That by your genius is stirred,
The immortal thought that ye have heard.

And ye who Phoebus' charms expose,
That stole divine Apollo's heart;
And borrowing from nature's clothes,
With artist's magic art,
On linen canvas portray every part.

O hasten! See whose sacred flame

Of genius will be laurel crowned;
And hear what moral name,
While trumpet peals resound,
Around the whole wide world will be renowned!

O blessed day and hour,

Beloved Filipinas, for your land,
Thanks to the mighty Power
Which, with loving hand,
This venture and this consolation planned

B. Religion and Spiritual Values

The poems of Rizal were also on religion and spiritual values that
present to hid life .The poems about the symbol of religious values include
“To the Child Jesus”; and “To the Virgin Mary”. He cares so much about
his mother. Where he wrote poem “ My First Inspiration” to show how
fortunate he was because of the loving care f his mother.

His poem entitled “ To the Child Jesus” where he reflected his pity to
the birth of Child Jesus. Although he was so omnipotent and powerful god
of the universe may astonished the kind of life he suffered from his birth.
He was always there with us to guide the true meaning of ethical life.


How, god-child hast thou come

To earth in cave forlorn
Does fortune now deride thee
When Thou art scarcely born

Ah,woe ! Celestial King

Who mortal from dost keep
Woulds’t rather than be sovereign

Be sherperd of thy sheep

This was the first sad sonnet poem of Rizal entitled “To The Virgin
Mary” as he provided about his deep religious belief on his painful
experiences in his teenage life. His deep compassion on religion may show
the love and care of the Virgin Mary. Rizal believed the power of prayer
through the Virgin Mary. The sufferings, deprivations and suppressions
occurred in life may be best addressed through prayer of the Virgin Mary to
provide peace, love, hope and tranquillity even at the peak of human


Dear Mary, giving comfort and sweet peace

To all afflicted mortals; thou the spring
Whence flows a current of relief, to bring
Our soil fertility that does not cease;
Upon thy throne, where thou dest reign on high,
Oh, list with pity as I weeful grieve
And spread thy radiant mantle to receive
My voice which rises swiftly to the sky
Placid Mary, thou my mother dear,
My sustenance,my fortitude must be,
And in this fearsome sea my way must steer.
If deprivation coemes to buffet me,
And if grim death in agony draws near,
Oh, succor me. From anguish set me free.

This poem praised the care of his mother from its natal day. The
inspiration of Rizal was purely devoted from the love and care of his
mother. Here he described the natural beauty from fragrance and sweetness
of the flowers, the flitting of the birds in the tender grass, the crystal spring
and the feast in carmine clouds. His birth was so fortunate to have loving
mother who gave her life. This was the inspiration that continually work
hard to be educated and live in tranquil through the blessing and care of his


Why do the scented bowers

In fragrant fray
Rival each other’s flowers

This festive day?

Why is sweet melody bruited

In the sylvan dale,
Harmony sweet and fluted
Like the nightingale?

Why do birds sing so

In the tender grass,
Flitting from bough to bough
With the winds that pass

And why does the crystal spring

Run among the flowers mother, they
While lullaby zephyrs sing
Like its crystal showers?

I see the dawn in the East

With beauty endowed.
Why goes she to a feast
In a carmine cloud?

Sweet mother, they celebrate

Your natal day
The rose with her scent innate
The birds with his lay

The murmurous spring this day

Without alloy
Murmuring bids you always
To live in joy

While the crystalline mursmurs glisten,

Hear you the accents strong
Struck from my lyre, listen!
To my love’s first strong
He wrote, "A Farewell Dialogue of the Students" just before he graduated
from the Ateneo. On March 23, 1877, not yet sixteen years old, he received
the degree of Bachelor of Arts with highest honors. He never ceased to
love the Ateneo. Five years after his graduation he wrote a lovely tribute to
the Very Reverend Pablo Ramon, Rector of the Ateneo, on the occasion of
that good Father's birthday.


Sweet is the breeze which at the break of day,

Waving the calyx of the fragrant flowers,
Scatters gentle odors everywhere
Across the field.

Sweet and mellow is the placid murmur

Of the gentle brook with silver foam
Dissolving merrily between the golden sands
And splashing pearls.

Sweet are the songs of melodious birds;

Soft the aroma of the festive flowers;
And fragrances at silver dawn
Are soft and sweet.

But thy name, Father idolized,

A purer sweetness in our breasts instills,
Of light extending from th' eternal splendor
Its gentlest rays.

Most loving hand of God, a father

And example thou, whose sincere love,
Despite the bitter path of life,
Still guides us tenderly.

Aye! What might happen with the youthful energy

Which burns so merrily within our breasts
But for the guidance of thy pious hand;
Thy love, thy zeal!

We, thy children, Father, -- thou our guide

To habitations of eternal bliss.
No fear can agitate the mind
With such a pilot.

May the Apostle whose great name thou bearest,
In whose footsteps thou doest walk so valiantly,
Grant to thee his grace divine o'erflowing, --
Power divine!

D. Family Relationship
The poem was written when he was fourteen years old to offer his
congratulation to his brother-in-law Antonino Lopez .Rizal showed his
tender love and affection to his brother-in-law as he described the family’s
happiness as his saint’s day in 1875.


If Philomel with sonorous voice,

That shows her face at the golden sun
Behind the hill or mountain high
Sends out her trills;

We too are filled with happiness

We're greeting you and your noble saint
In brotherly rhythm and tender song
Dear Antonino.

From your sisters and other relatives

Receive with love th' affectionate verse,
That the gentle breath of love dictates
Benign and sweet.

From fond Emilio and loving wife

Receive sweet fondness beyond compare,
And in misfortune may its sweetness soften
Afflictions hard.

Alike the pilot who valiantly fought

With the tempest in the obscure night
He takes care that his bark is safe

To arrive at port.

Thus, turning away from your earthly home

Your eyes are directed t'ward heaven high
At the one who is solace of all men
Beloved Father.

And coming from us with tender words

We greet you where e'er you celebrate
Loud hurrahs, that from the bosom come
Pleasantly accept.

E. Spanish Adventurism and Colonial Struggle

This poem was about the departure of Magellan in Spain in search
of the new route to the east. Rizal had shown this literary work as part of
his knowledge in the beginning of Spanish adventurism and later on the
colonial struggle of the Spanish authorities.


The embarkation as poem was written by Rizal when he was a

boarding student at the Ateneo Municipal de Manila. It is believed to have
been his first poem that had the honor of being read in a public program
held at that school, a recognition of its literary merit.

One beautiful day when in the East

The sun had gaily brightened,
At Barrameda with rejoicing great
Activities everywhere reigned.

'Tis 'cause on the shores the caravels

Would part with their sails a-swelling;
And noble warriors with their swords
To conquer unknown world are going.

And all is glee and all is joy,

All is valor in the city.
Everywhere the husky sounds of drums

Are resounding with majesty.

With big echoes thousands of salvos

Makes at the ships a roaring cannon
And the Spanish people proudly greet
The soldiers with affection.

Farewell! They say to them, loved ones,

Brave soldiers of the homeland;
With glories gird our mother Spain,
In the campaign in the unknown land!

As they move away to the gentle breath

Of the cool wind with emotion,
They all bless with a pious voice
So glorious, heroic action.

And finally, the people salute

The standard of Magellan
That he carries on the way to the seas
Where madly roars the hurricane.


This epic poem was compose by Rizal as he recalled her struggle

between the Spaniards and Moors in Spain. It was a part of the intellectual
knowledge of Rizal from the historical account of the Spanish conquest to
defeat the Moors in Spain.

It was night: the moaning wind

Sighs as it kisses the towers tall
And on its wings carries mournfully
Thousands of confused noises agitating the space.

Aweful clouds bedim the peace

Of the dark night's beautiful star,
And a soft tint like a mantle of snow
Covers the fields that the Spaniard treads.

There, from the tall, Moorish tow'r
Sings the own on th' imposing peak,
Numberless evils and bloody fights
With fatidical accent foretells.

In the mean while on the soft bed

That the luxurious Moor makes of ivory,
Rest doth seek the weary, brave Abd-El-Azis,
Pleasant relief from the bygone day.

Th' incense mild in silver tripods

That th' Arabian bark distills,
Burns and spreads intoxicating scent,
Of the sumptuous chamber soft delight.

Everything is silent: everyone sleeps;

Only the sorrowful Moor keeps guard,
Contemplates the light that sadly
Penetrates through th' elegant arch.

Cited Publication:
Bueno, C.F. ( 2012) Jose P. Rizal : The National Hero .CreateSpace Independent
Publishing Platform.

Amazon Link:

The book is primarily focus in contemporary studies on role

modeling, values formation, historical and political development of
Philippine nationalism as to the life, works and writings of Rizal. It
emphasizes on critical analysis about the life, works and writings of
Rizal for us to deeply appreciate and serve as model for an
intellectual and patriotic endeavor on the development of the
Filipino people.

The heroism of Jose Rizal nurtures through role modeling and

values formation to realize his dream that the Filipino people must
love their own country. It is not only through patriotism that need
to be realized in his vision but also development on ethical values
of dignity, integrity, honor, honesty, humility and other noteworthy
attitudes of the Filipino people.

Product Details
 Paperback: 172 pages
 Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 19, 2012)
 Language: English
 ISBN-10: 1479130362
 ISBN-13: 978-1479130368
 Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.4 inches


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