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Corrosion Science 141 (2018) 230–242

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Investigation on machining induced surface and subsurface modifications on T

the stress corrosion crack growth behaviour of super duplex stainless steel

J. Rajaguru, N. Arunachalam
Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600036, India


Keywords: After stress corrosion crack testing in a MgCl2 environment, turned surface of super duplex stainless steel showed
Super duplex stainless steel four types of cracks. The residual stress and surface defects such as feed marks and long grooves generated after
Machining machining played a significant role in the direction and orientation of these cracks. The generated cluster of
Stress corrosion cracking cracks acted as a precursor to the formation of pits. The biaxial tensile stress in the surface promoted successive
branching of cracks, which led to high crack density. The subsurface results showed that cracks passing per-
pendicular to feed marks found more detrimental than the other types.

1. Introduction residual stress and varying surface topography, as the tool-workpiece

interaction phenomena differ from one another [12,13]. Researchers
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) is the failure of a susceptible ma- have investigated these machining induced residual stress and their
terial caused by the conjoint action of tensile stress and corrosive en- effect on different aspects of SCC crack propagation. The effect of dif-
vironment. SCC is considered to be a catastrophic form of environment ferent surface machining operations such as turning, milling and
assisted corrosion, as the detection of fine cracks can be difficult at the grinding generated high tensile residual stress in austenitic steel and it
early stage and the failure cannot be predicted easily. Super duplex caused the reduction in SCC resistance under chloride environments
stainless steel (SDSS) provides improved mechanical properties and [14]. Lyon et al. [15] reported that the milling marks influenced the
corrosion resistance in comparison with austenitic steels. The ideal nucleation of primary cracks and the generated secondary cracks were
combination of ferrite and austenite phase results in achieving this arrested half way between primary cracks due to local stress relief
superior property. Hence, it is being widely used in nuclear power during cracking. Ghosh et al. [16] reported that strained surface by
plants and marine environments [1,2]. However, it is still susceptible to machining results in dense surface cracks in a very short period of time,
SCC, when it is exposed to aggressive chloride environments [3,4]. as compared to the cold worked sample with a maximum crack length
During the final stage of manufacturing the SDSS components, surface of 150 μm in the subsurface.
machining operations such as turning, milling, grinding plays an im- Zhang et al. [17] observed that microcrack density increases with
portant role in attaining their required geometric and dimensional residual stress on the milled surface of 316 austenitic steel. They also
specifications [5–7]. These machining operations determine the surface showed that significant cracks can be initiated only when the residual
integrity as it generates residual stresses and microstructural deforma- stress is higher than the critical stress value. The influence of surface
tions in the component [8]. Also, SDSS is considered as a tough to grinding on the SCC behaviour of duplex 2304 showed that the ground
machine material, which further deteriorates the surface integrity surface was more susceptible to SCC in a magnesium chloride (MgCl2)
during machining [9]. environment even without external loading. Moreover, the loading
During machining, the inhomogeneous plastic deformation of perpendicular to the rolling direction increased their susceptibility
workpiece occurs due to mechanical, thermal and metallurgical effects further, as the cracks propagated through both austenite and ferrite
in the cutting zone. These effects are influenced by the factors such as phase [18]. Wickstrom et al. [19] indicated that dealloying (depletion
the tool geometry, process parameters and material being machined. of Fe) in the nanocrystalline layer of SDSS generated by surface
The final nature and magnitude of residual stress generated in the grinding acted as a precursor for crack initiation. Also, the subsurface
machined material depend on the above-mentioned factors [10,11]. analysis of machined samples revealed that crack branching was found
Also, the different machining process can induce different magnitude of parallel to the applied stress direction and crack coalescence was found

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (N. Arunachalam).
Received 1 December 2017; Received in revised form 4 July 2018; Accepted 6 July 2018
Available online 17 July 2018
0010-938X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Rajaguru, N. Arunachalam Corrosion Science 141 (2018) 230–242

Table 1 measured values of mechanical properties such as tensile strength (Rm)

Chemical composition of SDSS. and hardness (HB) at room temperature are 830 MPa and 248 respec-
Element C N Si P S Cr Mn Ni Mo Fe tively.

Wt% 0.03 0.25 2.06 0.03 0.02 24.6 1.20 6.1 4.00 Remaining
2.2. Machining

perpendicular to the surface. A roughly machined surface was more The dry turning operation was carried out on the SDSS workpiece as
susceptible to crack initiation than a fine surface, due to the residual shown in Fig. 2(a). The tungsten carbide tool from Kennametal with the
stress introduced during machining process [20]. Huanchun et al. [21] geometry of TNMG 160408 was used throughout the study. The insert
showed that the residual stress and roughness values increased with had a dual layer coating (MT-TiCN (top) /Al2O3 (bottom)) over the
feed rate, and intergranular cracks were observed in austenitic steel tungsten carbide substrate. The cutting conditions include constant
during MgCl2 exposure after the milling operation. Also, the suscept- values of cutting velocity- 120 m/min and depth of cut- 1 mm. The feed
ibility to SCC increased with the transformation of martensite in the rate (mm/rev) was varied with the values of 0.10, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4. The
strain hardened region, as their dissolution rate is higher than austenite uniform machining length of 20 mm was maintained and a new cutting
[22]. Consolidating the knowledge from the discussion in the literature edge was used for each process parameter. The tool movement with
[14–22], it is evident that extensive work has been reported on SCC respect to the workpiece is represented as feed direction (Parallel to the
crack propagation of milled and ground samples. However, a detailed machining direction) and cutting directions (Perpendicular to the ma-
investigation is required to understand the effect of turning process chining direction) is shown in Fig. 2(c).
induced surface and subsurface damages on the SCC crack propagation.
This study may provide an insight in to the crack growth behaviour of 2.3. Residual stress measurement
machined SDSS samples with varying surface and subsurface char-
acteristics. The residual stress measurement in SDSS was carried by the X-ray
Hence, this work aims at a detailed investigation of surface and diffraction method [23]. The portable Proto iXRD system with PROTO
subsurface crack growth behaviour of SDSS turned samples, while ex- XRD Win2.0 software was used for data collection and stress analysis.
posing to magnesium chloride (MgCl2) environment. Also, the crack The setup parameters used for the measurement are mentioned in
behaviour of these turned samples was investigated at the early stage of Table 2. The sin2 ψ method along with multi-exposure technique was
exposure to the chloride environment. Initially, the dry turning ex- used to determine the magnitude of residual stress on the surface. The
periments were conducted, and then the machined and unmachined X-ray radiation source of Cr-kα (20 KV, 4 mA) was used to measure the
samples were exposed to chloride solution at a different exposure time stress in the ferrite phase with a diffraction angle of 156.41° and (211)
of 1 and 2 h as per ASTM G36. Before exposing to the solution, the plane. The residual stresses in the surface before and after machining
surface roughness and residual stress of the component were measured. was measured along cutting and feed direction as shown in Fig. 2(c).
After the test, the different types of crack generated on the surface and The measurements were done at three different spots in both the di-
subsurface were analysed in detail. The effect of surface defects on rections. To improve the accuracy of results, 11 tilt angles (ψ) were
crack directions, the role of residual stress on crack density, length and used for each detector as mentioned in Table 2. The depth of penetra-
width, the influence of microstructure on the crack path and crack in- tion is approximately around 5 μm for chromium (Cr) source in the
itiation beneath the surface was also investigated. ferrite phase of stainless steel [24].

2. Experimental procedure 2.4. Stress corrosion test

2.1. Material The SCC test procedure was carried out as per the recommendations
of ASTM G36. To prepare the 42% MgCl2 (Magnesium Chloride) test
Super duplex stainless steel (SDSS) grade 2507 was investigated in solution, 600 g of reagent grade MgCl2·6H2O (Magnesium Chloride
this study. The material was solution annealed at 1050 °C and quenched Hexahydrate) and 15 ml of reagent water was added to the 1 L
to remove all the internal stresses in the material. The composition of Erlenmeyer flask. The flask had an attachment for inserting the ther-
the material is shown in Table 1. The circular bar with a diameter of mometer to monitor the temperature of the test solution. The condenser
35 mm and a length of 400 mm was used for the machining operation. unit was mounted with the flask, and the whole unit was placed on a
Fig. 1(a) and (b) shows the microstructure of material parallel and hot plate for heating. When the MgCl2 started boiling, the desired
perpendicular to the rolling direction respectively. The EBSD study in temperature of 155 °C was attained by adding a few drops of water. The
Fig. 1(c) indicates the phase distribution of 48% ferrite (BCC) and a water circulated through the condenser to maintain the concentration
52% austenite (FCC) perpendicular to the rolling direction. The of solution by condensing the vapour. Proper care was taken to monitor

Fig. 1. Microstructure – SDSS (α-ferrite, γ-austenite) (a) parallel to rolling direction, (b) perpendicular to rolling direction, (c) EBSD image showing phase map of
ferrite and austenite perpendicular to rolling direction.

J. Rajaguru, N. Arunachalam Corrosion Science 141 (2018) 230–242

Fig. 2. Schematic illustration: (a) Turning process indicating Fx – Feed direction & Fy – Cutting direction, (b) Top of machined surface sliced by Electric Discharge
Machining (EDM) for SCC test, (c) Machined surface indicating residual stress measurement directions with respect to rolling direction and feed mark.

Table 2
XRD measurement values.
Target Chromium

Wavelength (Å) 2.291

Voltage (kv) 20
Current (mA) 4.0
Aperture size (mm) 2
Braggs angle, (2θ) (°) 156.41
Diffraction plane (211)
ψ angles (°) - detector 1 −41.80, −36.59, −31.08, −23.59, −17.34,
−11.80, −6.25, 0, 7.49, 13.0, 18.20.
ψ angles (°) - detector 2 −18.20, −13.0, −7.49, 0, 6.25, 11.80, 17.34, 23.59,
31.08, 36.59, 41.80
Φ angle (°) 0 and 90
X-ray elastic constant, S1 1.28 × 10−6 MPa
X-ray elastic constant, S2 5.92 × 10−6 MPa

Fig. 4. Effect of feed on surface roughness.


2.5. Specimen characterization

To determine surface roughness of machined sample, non-contact

optical surface profiler (Veeco NT-1100) was used. It utilizes white light
interferometry principle to scan the topography of the surface and
quantifies the roughness of the sample. To analyse the morphology of
cracks generated on the machined surface and sub-surface, Field
Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (Inspect F50) was used. The
samples were observed under a Secondary Electron Mode (SE),
Backscattered Electron Mode (BSE) and Electron Backscattered
Diffraction (EBSD) mode. In order to determine the crack density of
machined samples, the cracks were analysed in a uniform surface area
Fig. 3. Effect of feed rate on residual stress. of 1 mm2 after SCC testing under SEM. The crack density is the length of
cracks (μm) generated in the specimen of a uniform surface area (mm2).
the temperature, as a small loss in water vapour could result in an in- The total length of the cracks was measured using the SEM images
crease of boiling point with a reduction in failure time of the specimen. through image analyser to get an approximate crack density. The length
Once the solution reached the stabilized temperature, the top of the of the individual primary crack was also measured to observe the
machined surface sliced by electric discharge machining (EDM), with maximum crack length. For that, the average of ten different cracks was
the geometry as shown in Fig. 2 (b) was added into the flask. Then, the measured in varying places in each test sample. Besides, the crack
samples were periodically inspected to determine the rate of crack widths of primary and secondary crack were measured with respect to
the different exposure time. The subsurface analysis was done to study

J. Rajaguru, N. Arunachalam Corrosion Science 141 (2018) 230–242

Fig. 5. Surface profile representation of a machined surface by non contact optical surface profiler (a & b) For the feed of 0.4 mm/rev and 0.1 mm/rev respectively.

3. Results

3.1. Residual stress

The residual stresses on the surface were measured along both the
cutting and feed direction, before and after machining. Before ma-
chining, the surface was found to have biaxial compressive residual
stress along both the cutting (-346 ± 11 MPa) and feed direction
(-371 ± 41 MPa). The obtained stress values after machining are
shown in Fig. 3. It is observed that, at the feed rate of 0.10 mm/rev, the
work surface had compressive (−271 MPa) and tensile (741 MPa) re-
Fig. 6. Schematic representation of different types of crack in surface. sidual stress along the feed and cutting direction respectively. As the
feed rate was increased to 0.20 mm/rev, biaxial tensile stresses were
the crack propagation path and crack depth. During this analysis, spe- observed on the work surface. With further increase in the feed rate to
cimens were cut perpendicular to the direction of crack and mechani- 0.40 mm/rev, maximum tensile stress values of 1039 MPa and 849 MPa
cally polished by emery papers of different grades in sequence. It was were observed along cutting and feed direction respectively. Also, it is
followed by alumina and diamond polishing to get the surface without observed from Fig. 3 that the magnitude of residual stress is higher
scratches. Then the samples were etched with gylcergia reagent fol- along the cutting direction than the feed direction in all the machined
lowed by microscopic inspection to detect the crack path in different samples.
phases. To understand the microcrack evolution in the subsurface, the
machined surface layer after the SCC test was polished and etched using 3.2. Surface roughness
the above mentioned procedure.
The surface quality after machining influences the levels of stress
concentration on the surface. The surface finish is affected by the ir-
regularities on the surface generated during and after machining.
During machining, feed rate has a higher impact on the surface

J. Rajaguru, N. Arunachalam Corrosion Science 141 (2018) 230–242

Fig. 7. SEM images showing type 1 and 2 crack on the surface after 1 h exposure time: (a) Feed rate of 0.10 mm/rev showing only type 1 crack, (b,c&d) Feed rate of
0.20, 0.30 and 0.4 mm/rev showing both type 1 crack and type 2 crack respectively.

roughness than the other process parameters [10]. The surface rough- reveal that the number of type 1 cracks were more in the perpendicular
ness, (Ra) values were measured along the feed direction after ma- direction to feed marks for all the machined samples. Also, it showed a
chining. Fig. 4 shows that the surface roughness value increases with zigzag pattern on the surface. With an increase in the exposure time to
increase in the feed rate. The maximum value of 5.28 μm was obtained 2 h, the branching of crack increased, as new cracks developed from the
for the feed rate of 0.4 mm/rev. In addition, Fig. 5(a)and(b) shows the existing cracks. Fig. 8(b) highlights the branching of type 1 crack for the
roughness profile of machined surface obtained for the feed rate of 0.4 feed rate of 0.10 mm/rev.
& 0.1 mm/rev and indicating the feed marks with peaks and troughs The branching of both type 1 and 2 cracks for the feed rate of
generated after machining. The feed marks are inherent surface defects 0.20 mm/rev is shown in Fig. 8(c). Fig. 8(d) indicates the type 2 cracks
present in a machined surface, but the nature of variation is dictated by developed in long grooves on the work surface. The unmachined
the combined action of the tool and workpiece movement. In addition sample with compressive residual stress showed no cracks after 2 h as
to this, Fig. 5(a) also shows the long grooves, cavity and surface irre- shown in Fig. 8(a). In addition to the type 1 and 2 cracks, some clusters
gularities generated on the surface. of cracks (type 3) found in the vicinity of the surface discontinuities are
shown in Fig. 9(a). The density of such clusters increased with an in-
3.3. Surface crack morphology crease in exposure time as shown in Fig. 9(b). From these figures, it is
observed that the cracks were appearing to be shorter with more
Both the machined and unmachined samples were exposed to the number of cracks in that region. The exposure time of 2 h resulted in
MgCl2 solution and the SCC cracks were analysed for two different localized pitting corrosion, which is evident from the multiple pits (type
exposure time of 1 and 2 h. Four different types of cracks were observed 4) shown in Fig. 9(c). It is also observed that these pits were associated
on the machined surfaces. The obtained crack pattern was classified with the clusters and found along the crack path.
based on their orientation and direction as shown in Fig.6.
3.3.2. Crack density, length and width
3.3.1. Types of crack The density, length, and width of the cracks on the machined sur-
After an exposure time of 1 h, the cracks were found only along the faces were analysed for a different exposure time. While measuring the
direction perpendicular to feed marks (type1) for the feed rate of crack density, type 3 was not considered since the length of their in-
0.10 mm/rev, as shown in Fig.7(a). On the contrary, for the surfaces dividual crack is much smaller than the other types of crack. The var-
machined with a feed rate of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 mm/rev, the cracks were iations in the crack density of different machined samples with respect
generated along both the directions; perpendicular (type 1) and parallel to feed and different exposure time are shown in Fig.10. For the feed
to feed marks (type 2) as highlighted in Fig. 7(b)–(d). These figures also rate of 0.10 mm/rev and an exposure time of 1 h, the surface had a low

J. Rajaguru, N. Arunachalam Corrosion Science 141 (2018) 230–242

Fig. 8. SEM images showing type 1 and 2 crack on surface after the interval of 2 h: (a) Unmachined surface with no crack after SCC test, (b) Feed rate 0.10 mm/rev
shows branching of type 1 crack, (c) Feed rate of 0.20 mm/rev showing branching of type 1 and type 2 crack, (d) Type 2 - straight crack developed inside long groove.

crack density of 4492 μm/mm2. Similarly, for the feed rate of 0.2, 0.3 surface.
and 0.4 mm/rev, the crack densities observed were 7781, 10,679 and
12,255 μm/mm2 respectively. For the feed rate of 0.4 mm/rev and an 3.4.1. Crack depth and path
exposure time of 2 h, maximum crack density of 26,318 μm/mm2 was The depth of type 1 and 2 crack with varying morphology is shown
observed. in Fig.15. The crack depth with respect to changes in exposure time is
The typical stress corrosion crack on the surface shown in Fig.11 shown in Fig.16. From Fig.15(a)and(b), it can be observed that the type
indicates the type 1 crack with primary and secondary crack. The pri- 1 cracks found in the subsurface have a greater depth and smaller width
mary crack length analysis showed that for a feed rate of 0.4 mm/rev than the type 2 cracks. These cracks grew with multiple branches be-
and an exposure time of 2 h, type 2 crack showed a maximum crack neath the surface. The maximum crack depth observed was 63 μm after
length of 760 μm as shown in Fig.12. Similarly, for a feed rate of 2 h of exposure for the sample machined with 0.4 mm/rev feed rate. On
0.1 mm/rev and an exposure time of 2 h, the maximum primary crack the other hand, the type 2 crack shown in Fig.15(c)and(d) revealed a
length of 430 μm was measured along the type 1 crack. The width of different morphology. These cracks were observed with higher width,
primary and secondary crack on the machined surface was also ex- lesser depth and fewer branches. Also, it had a maximum depth of
amined after SCC test. Fig.13 indicates the change in primary and 37 μm for the feed of 0.4 mm/rev after 2 h of exposure. The cracks in
secondary crack width for an exposure time of 1 and 2 h. Fig.14 shows the subsurface were also analysed after polishing and etching to un-
that at a feed rate 0.4 mm/rev and an exposure time of 2 h, the max- derstand their path in the subsurface. Fig. 17(a)and(b) shows that crack
imum value of primary and secondary crack width on the machined passes either through the ferrite phase or the phase boundary. However,
surface are 0.798 μm, 0.527 μm respectively. The percentage increase in in a few cases, the crack also passes through the austenite phase as
crack width with an hour increase in exposure time is listed in Table 3. shown in Fig. 17(c).
From Table 3, it is also observed that the secondary crack width grows
at a faster rate after 2 h. 3.4.2. Microcrack evolution
The microcrack evolution study was carried out to understand the
3.4. Subsurface crack analysis microcrack initiation in different phases beneath the surface. The ma-
chined surface was polished after the SCC test and examined under high
The subsurface analysis of SCC specimens was done after metallo- magnifications (> 100000x) to detect the formation of the sub-surface
graphic polishing. To analyse the type 1 and 2 cracks in the subsurface, cracks. Fig. 18(a) shows the crack free subsurface before exposing to
the samples were cut perpendicular to the crack direction. The crack MgCl2 solution. From Fig. 18 (b), it is obvious that microcracks are
depth, crack path and microcrack evolution are discussed in detail to initiated in both the phases after chloride exposure. Even though mi-
understand the formation and propagation of the crack beneath the crocracks were found in both phases, Fig. 18(c & d) indicates that the

J. Rajaguru, N. Arunachalam Corrosion Science 141 (2018) 230–242

Fig. 9. SEM images showing type 3 and 4 on the surface near the feed mark: (a) Type 3, cluster of cracks with less density at the feed rate of 0.1 mm /rev after 1 h, (b)
Type 3 cracks with increased density at the feed rate of 0.1 mm /rev after 2 h, (c) Type 3 and 4 (pits) at the feed rate of 0.2 mm /rev after.2 h.

Fig. 10. Effect of feed on crack density on surface at different exposure time.
Fig. 11. Typical SCC type 1 crack on the surface after 2 h at the feed rate of
0.2 mm/rev.

J. Rajaguru, N. Arunachalam Corrosion Science 141 (2018) 230–242

Fig. 14. Effect of feed rate on primary and secondary crack width of type 1
crack on surface at different exposure time.

Fig. 12. Effect of feed on primary crack length on surface at different exposure
Table 3
Percentage increase (growth rate) in crack width of type 1 crack with respect to
increase in time from 1 h to.2 h
Feed rate, mm/rev 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40

Primary crack (%) 3.3 3.0 2.5 3.5

Secondary crack (%) 15.0 14.1 10.2 8.5

Fig. 13. SEM images of primary crack and secondary crack width of type 1 cracks on surface after different exposure time,(a)Primary crack width after 1 h for the
feed rate 0.4 mm/rev, (b) Primary crack width after 2 h for the feed rate 0.4 mm/rev, (c) Secondary crack width after 1 h for the feed rate 0.1 mm/rev, (d) Secondary
crack width after 2 h for the feed rate 0.1 mm/rev.

J. Rajaguru, N. Arunachalam Corrosion Science 141 (2018) 230–242

Fig. 15. SEM images showing cross section (subsurface) of type 1 and 2 crack (a) Type 1 crack after 1 h at the feed rate 0.2 mm/rev, (b) Type 1 crack after 2 h at the
feed rate 0.4 mm/rev, (c) Type 2 crack after 1 h at the feed rate 0.2 mm/rev, (d) Type 1 crack after 2 h at the feed rate 0.3 mm/rev.

steady propagating crack originated along the phase boundary after 2 h.

Fig. 18(e) shows that the microcrack 1 initiated in the ferrite phase
joins with microcrack 2 resulting in coalescence of cracks.

4. Discussion

4.1. Effect of residual stress

Generally, the residual stresses are induced on the surface by

thermal gradients and mechanical load generated during machining.
Although compressive stress seems to be beneficial, the tensile stress
can reduce the material resistance to SCC. The residual stress results
from Fig. 3 indicates that the value increases along cutting and feed
direction when the feed rate is varied from low to high. Also, biaxial
tensile stress state is observed from the feed of 0.2 mm/rev onwards.
These tensile stress values were found to be relatively higher along
cutting direction for all the process parameters. The non-uniform sur-
face with high roughness and deformities contributes to this variation
in residual stress along both the directions [12]. The obtained stress
values in this work were also in agreement with literature reported
Fig. 16. Depth of type 1 and 2 crack (subsurface) with respect to feed rate and earlier [10,25]. For the feed rate of 0.1 mm/rev, the better heat dis-
at different exposure time. sipation through the chip favours compressive stress along feed direc-
tion and tensile stress along cutting direction. At a feed rate of
0.20 mm/rev and above, the nature of residual stress changes from
compressive to tensile state along both the directions with values ap-
proaching towards the tensile strength of the material.
This high tensile stress values indicate the dominance of thermal

J. Rajaguru, N. Arunachalam Corrosion Science 141 (2018) 230–242

Fig. 17. BSE images of crack path obtained in the subsurface for type 1 crack, (α-ferrite, γ-austenite), (a&b) crack passes through either ferrite or phase boundary at
the feed rate of 0.1 mm/rev and 0.2 mm/rev respectively, (c) Crack passes through ferrite, austenite and phase boundary at the feed rate of 0.2 mm/rev.

deformation over mechanical load during machining. While machining, of the surface.
the chips after passing through the primary shear zone will engage in With an increase in exposure time, the type 1 and 2 cracks grew
contact with the rake face of the tool. With the increase in feed rate, further by secondary crack branching out from the primary cracks in an
tool wear and chip thickness increases causing the friction at the tool- orthogonal direction. Even though this kind of branching occurred in
chip interface to increase. The heat generated from this frictional en- both type 1 and 2 cracks, the type 2 cracks resulted in a tree-like
ergy is primarily responsible for the rise in temperature at the cutting structure with numerous branches as shown in Fig. 8(c). The mor-
zone and promoting tensile residual stress into the workpiece [26]. The phology of the generated primary and secondary cracks was examined
mean temperature of the chip surface along the tool face, θT is given us, to understand their growing nature. The crack width results indicated
that primary cracks have a higher width than their secondary coun-
θT = θS + ΔθF (1)
terparts. However, the percentage increase in crack width at a different
where θS is the mean shear plane temperature, ΔθF is the mean tem- exposure time showed that the secondary crack width grows at a higher
perature rise due to friction [27]. In addition to these factors, the low rate than the primary cracks. This indicates that the growth of gener-
thermal conductivity of the material further increased the temperature ated primary crack reaches a steady state after an exposure of 1 h by the
in the cutting zone and tensile stress also reached up to a maximum significant release of surface tensile stress [15,18]. From these results, it
value of 1039 MPa. This higher residual stress in the material can be is evident the crack width of the newly formed crack (secondary crack)
accommodated by a significant reduction in grain size and work grows at a faster rate than their precursors (primary crack) with an
hardening due to machining effects near the surface [28]. increase in the exposure time.
The successive branching of type 1 and 2 cracks results in increased
crack density values. After 2 h exposure, the value of the crack density
4.2. Surface crack characteristics
was found to be more than twice the initial values obtained in 1 h ex-
posure. The maximum crack density of 26,318 μm/mm2 was observed
The different types of cracks observed on the surface after SCC test is
after 2 h for the feed rate of 0.4 mm/rev, due to the highest tensile
one of the interesting observations in this study. The type 1 and 2 cracks
residual stress. But in austenitic steel after milling, a maximum crack
are generated as a result of the high magnitude tensile residual stress
density of 5110 μm/mm2 was reported after 5 h, and the crack initiation
along the cutting and feed direction respectively. These cracks are
stopped as the crack density reached the saturation level with more
generated perpendicular to dominant stress direction. Zhang et al. [17]
time [17]. These details suggest that susceptibility of turned samples to
reported the presence of type 1 cracks passing perpendicular to feed
SCC is more in comparison with the milling process. The morphology of
mark while performing milling on austenitic stainless steel in MgCl2
type 3 and 4 cracks are discussed in the following sections.
environments. Their study also showed the presence of biaxial tensile
stress on the surface. However, no observation on the formation of type
2 cracks was reported [17]. In the present study, the type 2 cracks 4.3. Effect of surface defects
observed on the surface were completely straight and parallel to feed
marks. The number of type 2 crack formed for the feed rates of 0.2, 0.3, The interaction between tool and the workpiece results in the for-
and 0.4 mm/rev were lesser than the type 1 crack, due to the relatively mation of a surface with various defects such as feed marks, surface
lower tensile residual stress along the feed direction. At a the feed rate cavity, grooves, surface plucking and smearing [29]. These defects can
of 0.1 mm/rev, compressive residual stress was observed along the feed make the surface electrochemically active and susceptible to SCC [30].
direction, due to which there was no formation of type 2 cracks in the As the distance between the feed marks increases with an increase in
long grooves of surface (the formation of long grooves is discussed in the feed rate, the irregularities on the surface and roughness value in-
Section 4.3). As the feed rate is increased to 0.2 mm/rev, the nature of crease. These feed marks played a major role in deciding the orientation
the residual stress along the cutting direction changes from compressive of type 1 cracks. At a feed rate of 0.1 mm/rev, the type 1 cracks were
to tensile state, leading to the formation of type 2 cracks in the long found to have a zigzag path perpendicular to the feed mark. As the feed
grooves. This tensile stress increases with increase in feed rate above rate increases, the distance between the feed marks increases altering
0.2 mm /rev as discussed in Section 4.1, which in turn causes the in- the crack path from a zigzag to a relatively straight one. Fig. 8(d) shows
dividual primary crack length to increase. Lyon et al [15] reported that that the type 2 cracks are formed in the long grooves. These long
for a milled surface, the cracks were generated predominantly in the grooves are generated as a consequence of ploughing caused by the
trough of the surface with a maximum primary crack length of chips bonded to the tool surface and also by tool wear [29]. These
∼450 μm after 2 weeks of MgCl2 exposure. In the present study, the grooves which act as stress risers accelerated the crack propagation of
maximum crack length of 760 μm was observed at the feed rate of type 2 crack. In addition to this, the grooves were also responsible for
0.4 mm/rev after 2 h exposure, as shown in Fig. 12. Also, the dis- increasing the length of these cracks as shown in Fig. 12. The combined
tributions of the type 1 and 2 cracks are found in both peak and trough action of high tensile stress along the feed direction and accumulation

J. Rajaguru, N. Arunachalam Corrosion Science 141 (2018) 230–242

Fig. 18. BSE images show the evolution of micro cracks in subsurface at the feed of 0.2 mm/rev after 2 h, (α-ferrite, γ-austenite), (a) No micro cracks before exposing
to MgCl2 solution, (b)Microcracks initiated in both the phases (c) Growth of micro cracks along phase boundary, (d) Development of steady propagating micro crack
near phase boundary, (e) Coalescence of microcrack.

of chloride ions in the grooves favoured the formation of type 2 cracks value in the cluster area in comparison to the surrounding environment
[28,31]. [31]. This pit formation also leads to increased stress concentration,
The surface with high roughness and residual stress also promoted accelerating the crack propagation rate. Previous research works show
localized corrosion through the surface defects. From Fig. 9 it is no- that the formation of pits and cracks can coexist together along with the
ticeable that the cluster of cracks (type 3) and pits (type 4) are found surface defects [34]. The crack evolution and transition behaviour can
predominantly along the peaks of the surface profile generated after be well appreciated by understanding the source of crack and pit for-
machining. These peaks are highly strained layers causing a high cor- mation. In milled and ground surfaces the presence of pits acts as an
rosion rate [32]. The convergence of different cracks in the cluster leads initiator for the crack generation [15,28]. But in this turned surface, the
to the formation of pit in the crack junction. Also, the density of these convergence of different cracks in the cluster leads to the formation of
clusters increased due to the high chloride concentration and low pH pit. This indicates that the type of machining process highly influences
values in the defects [28,33]. As a result, more pits were initiated from the cracking mechanism through the surface profile generated after
these clusters. The formation of pits near the crack decreases the pH machining.

J. Rajaguru, N. Arunachalam Corrosion Science 141 (2018) 230–242

4.4. Effect of sub-surface deformation propagate even after their initiation [44]. As the crack path study in-
dicated that the major cracks are not found in austenite (except few
The growth of SCC cracks below the surface is due to the high cases), it is clear that the required KISCC is not reached in austenite. The
magnitude of tensile stress generated in the adjacent surface layer cracking in ferrite could have also occurred as a result of twin formation
during the machining process. The plastic deformation during ma- during loading [45]. The initiated microcracks are grown further by
chining leads to high dislocation pile-up and a huge amount of locked means of coalescence, and also by the growth of individual cracks as
up stresses near the surface, which can increase their SCC susceptibility shown in Fig. 18(e). This leads to the formation of macrocrack [46].
[30]. As the size of the plastic deformation zone increases, the stress Also, the steady propagating microcracks were originated only at the
concentration gets deeper into the subsurface, eventually increasing the phase boundary as shown in Fig. 18(c & d). Many researchers have
crack depth generated. The cross-sectional analysis results in Fig.15 already studied the effect of both grain and phase boundary on crack
showed that type 1 and 2 crack have different morphological char- growth as they block the dislocation motion and thus affect the plastic
acteristics below the surface. The type 1 crack was observed with a deformation [47,48]. The dislocation pile-up leads to accumulation of
narrow crack tip leading to more stress concentration at the tip. This stresses in the phase boundary. When this accumulated stress exceeds
causes the crack to grow at high speed with more branches. It also in- the resistance to cracking, the steady microcracks were initiated in the
creased the crack depth to a maximum of 63 μm in the subsurface. phase boundary [49].
In contrast, type 2 cracks had a broader crack tip as it is generated
from the long grooves on the surface. This blunt crack with lower stress 5. Conclusion
concentration at the tip favoured a relatively smaller crack depth of
37 μm with fewer branches. As the material deformation differs along In this work, SDSS samples before and after dry turning were ex-
the cutting and feed direction, it leads to varying magnitude of residual posed to the MgCl2 solution for SCC test, at a different exposure time of
stress along both the directions in subsurface [18]. It also contributes to 1 and 2 h. After the test, the effect of residual stress on the crack growth
the differences in stress concentration of type 1 and 2 cracks. The behaviour of surface and subsurface was analysed in detail. The fol-
turning process in 304 L SS gave rise to high-density deformation bands lowing are the conclusions drawn from this work,
and twins near the surface, which led to strain induced martensite
formation. Also, a subsurface crack length of 142 ± 75 μm was ob- • The surface analysis reveals that four different types of cracks are
served [14]. This information suggests that the depth of type 1 and 2 developed on the machined surface, while the unmachined surface
cracks may further grow with exposure time, although no martensite showed no cracks.
formation is observed in the subsurface. • The cracks passing perpendicular (type 1) and parallel to feed marks
(type 2) are mainly influenced by the high magnitude of tensile
4.5. Role of microstructure residual stress along cutting and feed direction respectively.
• The surface defects like feed marks and long grooves generated after
Along with the corrosive environment and residual stress, micro- machining also influence the crack initiation and orientation over
structure plays an important role in the crack initiation and crack path the surface.
beneath the surface. The duplex steel with inhomogeneous micro- • The successive branching of type 1 and 2 cracks led to a high crack
structure and different slip systems provides more resistance to SCC density of 26,318 μm/mm2 in 2 h. Also, a maximum crack length of
than the single-phase alloys. From Fig.17, the crack path in subsurface 760 μm was observed for type 2 crack as it is formed inside the long
indicates the austenite phase with high resistance to SCC in MgCl2 grooves.
environments. Also, the crack passes either through the ferrite phase or • The cluster of cracks (type 3) generated near the surface defect acts
phase boundary. The investigation of SCC of DSS in NaCl solution also as a precursor to the formation of pits (type 4).
showed that ferrite phase is more susceptible to crack initiation and • The cracks formed perpendicular to feed marks (type 1) found more
crack propagation [35]. The hydrogen embrittlement in chloride en- detrimental than the other types, due to their higher depth and more
vironment can also be a possible reason for SCC in SDSS [36,37]. The branches in the subsurface.
hydrogen atoms are generated on the steel surface as a result of in- • Even though the austenite exhibited better crack resistance than
creased cathodic polarization reactions and get trapped in the voids, ferrite, microcracks were initiated in both the phases.
dislocations, microscopic rifts, grain boundaries promotes hydrogen
induced cracking [38,39]. Also, the ferrite phase is more susceptible to Thus, this study provides a deeper insight into the mechanism of
embrittlement as a result of their BCC crystal structure, which further SCC crack initiation on the machined surface in the early stage of ex-
promotes the cracking in ferrite phase. The high resistance of austenite posure to the MgCl2 solution.
can be explained by the concept that it acts as a noble phase and
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