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Sociocracy 3.

0 - A Practical Guide

Bernhard Bockelbrink
James Priest
Liliana David


I. Introduction 6

1. Sociocracy 3.0 - A Practical Guide For Evolving Agile and

Resilient Organizations 7
1.1. Effective Collaboration At Any Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2. What’s in it for me? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3. Contents of this guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2. Influences and History of Sociocracy 3.0 10

2.1. The Sociocracy 3.0 Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

3. Why Sociocracy 3.0? 13
3.1. The Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.2. The New Model of Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3. The Evolution of the Sociocratic Circle Organization Method 16

4. Basic Concepts 18
4.1. Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2. The Seven Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3. Making Sense of Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.4. Governance and Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

II. The Patterns 27

1. Co-Creation And Evolution 28

1.1. Respond to Organizational Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.2. Navigate Via Tension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

1.3. Describe Organizational Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
1.4. Consent Decision Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
1.5. Objection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
1.6. Resolve Objections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
1.7. Evaluate And Evolve Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
1.8. Those Affected Decide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1.9. Co-Create Proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
1.10. Proposal Forming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
1.11. Role Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
1.12. Driver Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

2. Peer Development 54
2.1. Ask For Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.2. Peer Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
2.3. Peer Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
2.4. Development Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

3. Enablers Of Collaboration 58
3.1. Artful Participation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.2. Adopt The Seven Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.3. Agree On Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.4. Governance Facilitator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.5. Breaking Agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.6. Contract For Successful Collaboration . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.7. Transparent Salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.8. Support Role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.9. Bylaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

4. Building Organizations 72
4.1. Delegate Influence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.2. Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
4.3. Role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
4.4. Linking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.5. Double Linking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.6. Representative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

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4.7. Helping Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.8. Open Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.9. Open Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

5. Bringing In S3 82
5.1. Adapt Patterns To Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
5.2. Create a Pull-System For Organizational Change . . . . . 82
5.3. Be The Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.4. Invite Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.5. Open Space For Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.6. Continuous Improvement Of Work Process . . . . . . . . . 85

6. Defining Agreements 87
6.1. Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.2. Develop Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.3. Clarify Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.4. Clarify Intended Outcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.5. Describe Deliverables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
6.6. Evaluation Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
6.7. Logbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
6.8. Logbook Keeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

7. Focused Interactions 97
7.1. Governance Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
7.2. Retrospective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.3. Daily Standup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7.4. Planning And Review Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
7.5. Coordination Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

8. Meeting Practices 105

8.1. Rounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
8.2. Facilitate Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
8.3. Prepare For Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
8.4. Check In . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
8.5. Evaluate Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109

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8.6. Meeting Host . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
8.7. Governance Backlog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

9. Organizing Work 112

9.1. Backlog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
9.2. Prioritize Backlogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
9.3. Visualize Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
9.4. Pull-System For Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
9.5. Limit Work in Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
9.6. Timebox Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
9.7. Align Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
9.8. Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

10.Organizational Structure 119

10.1. Service Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
10.2. Delegate Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
10.3. Peach Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
10.4. Double-Linked Hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
10.5. Service Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
10.6. Fractal Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

III. Appendix 130

1. Changelog 131
1.1. Changes 2019–06–27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
1.2. Changes 2019–05–03 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
1.3. Changes 2019–03–08 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
1.4. Changes 2018–08–17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
1.5. Changes 2018–03–21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
1.6. Changes 2017–11–16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
1.7. Changes 2017–11–10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
1.8. Changes 2017–10–21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

2. Links 141

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3. License 142
3.1. Attribution of derivative works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

4. The Intentional Commitment for Practitioners and Teach-

ers of Sociocracy 3.0 (ICPT) 144
4.1. Full Text of the ICPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

5. Acknowledgments 146

6. Authors 148
6.1. James Priest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
6.2. Bernhard Bockelbrink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
6.3. Liliana David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

7. Glossary 150

8. Pattern-Index 155

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Part I.


1. Sociocracy 3.0 - A Practical
Guide For Evolving Agile and
Resilient Organizations

1.1. Effective Collaboration At Any Scale

Sociocracy 3.0 — a.k.a. “S3” — is a practical guide for evolving ag-

ile and resilient organizations of any size, from small start-ups to large
international networks and nationwide, multi-agency collaboration. It
provides for a coherent way for growing organizational integrity and de-
veloping a sociocratic and agile mindset.
S3 brings you an extensive collection of guidelines and practices (so-
called “patterns”) that have proven helpful for organizations to improve
performance, alignment, fulfillment and wellbeing.
These patterns help you discover how to best reach your objectives and
navigate complexity, one step at a time, without the need for sudden
radical reorganization or planning a long-term change initiative:
Simply start with your area of greatest need, select one or more patterns
to try, move at your own pace and develop skills as you go.
Regardless of your position in the organization, you will find pat-
terns that are relevant and helpful for you.
Sociocracy 3.0 is:
• flexible: adaptable patterns, independent and mutually reinforc-
ing, to help you with all aspects of collaboration

• principles-based: seven core principles of agile and sociocratic
collaboration are reflected in every pattern
• free: licensed under a Creative Commons Free Culture License

1.2. What’s in it for me?

Sociocracy 3.0:
• provides a coherent collection of principles based patterns for col-
laboration, to navigate complexity, adapt and evolve.
• supports people to incrementally process available informa-
tion into continuous improvement of work processes, products,
services and skills.
• helps organizations to make the best use of the talent already
present, and to grow flexible organizational structures to align the
flow of information and influence to the flow of value.
• provides an organic, iterative approach to change that meets or-
ganizations where they are and helps them move forward at their
own pace and according to their unique context and needs.
• draws on the collective intelligence of the group.
• facilitates the development of strategies that are “good enough for
now” and “safe enough to try”.
• fosters accountability and a sense of engagement.
• is a transformational mechanism for both individuals and the whole
Sociocracy 3.0 may be applied within:
• startups
• small and medium businesses
• large international, networked organizations

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• families
• investor-funded organizations
• communities
• and more…

1.3. Contents of this guide

• a bit of history and a brief overview of some basic concepts behind

• a description of all the patterns in S3
• an appendix
– changelog
– info about authors and acknowledgments
– the license
– the intentional commitment for practitioners and teachers of
Sociocracy 3.0
– glossary and index

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2. Influences and History of
Sociocracy 3.0

Figure 2.1.: Influences and history of Sociocracy 3.0

The literal meaning of the term sociocracy is “rule of the companions”:

socio — from Latin socius — means “companion”, or “friend”, and the
suffix -cracy — from Ancient Greek ������ (krátos) — means “power”, or
The word sociocracy can be traced back to 1851, when Auguste Comte
suggested applying a scientific approach to society: states states would
be governed by a body of scientists who are experts on society (which

he termed “sociologists”). In his opinion, this future, although not yet
achievable, would be inevitable.
A few decades later, Lester Frank Ward, used the word ‘sociocracy’
to describe the rule of people with relations with each other. Instead
of having sociologists at the center, he wanted to give more power and
responsibility to the individual, he imagined sociologists in a role as re-
searchers and consultant.
In 1926, the Dutch reformist educator and Quaker Kees Boeke, es-
tablished a residential school based on the principle of consent. Staff
and students were treated as equal participants in the governance of the
school, all decisions needed to be acceptable to everyone. He built this
version of sociocracy on Quaker principles and practices, and described
sociocracy as an evolution of democracy in his 1945 essay “Democracy
as it might be”.
Gerard Endenburg, also a Quaker and a student in Boeke’s school,
wanted to apply sociocracy in his family’s business, Endenburg Elek-
trotechniek. He created and evolved the Sociocratic Circle Organisation
Method (SCM) (later becoming the “Sociocratic Method”), integrating
Boeke’s form of sociocracy with engineering and cybernetics. In 1978
Endenburg founded the Sociocratisch Centrum in Utrecht (which is now
the Sociocratic Center in Rotterdam) as a means to promote socioc-
racy in and beyond the Netherlands. Since 1994 organizations in the
Netherlands using SCM are exempt from the legal requirement to have
a worker’s council.
During the late 1990s and early 2000s, several non-Dutch speaking people
came across sociocracy, but it wasn’t until 2007 when Sharon Villines
and John Buck launched their book, “We the People”, that sociocracy
became widely accessible to the English speaking world, and from there
has began to migrate into several other languages.
Sociocracy has proven to be effective for many organizations and com-
munities around the world, but it has yet to become viral.
In 2014 James Priest and Bernhard Bockelbrink came together
to co-create a body of Creative Commons licensed learning resources,

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synthesizing ideas from Sociocracy, Agile and Lean. They discovered that
organizations of all sizes need a flexible menu of practices and structures
– appropriate for their specific context – that enable the evolution of a
sociocratic and agile mindset to achieve greater effectiveness, alignment,
fulfillment and wellbeing. The first version of Sociocracy 3.0. was
launched in March 2015.
Liliana David joined the team soon after and together they regularly
collaborate to develop both the framework and the website.
Together, they seek to make S3 available and applicable to as many
organizations as possible and provide resources under a Creative Com-
mons Free Culture License for people who want to learn, apply and
tell others about Sociocracy 3.0.

2.1. The Sociocracy 3.0 Movement

As interest in Sociocracy 3.0 grows there is a fast growing community of

people from a variety of backgrounds — pioneering consultants, coaches,
learning facilitators, and people applying S3 into their various contexts —
who share appreciation for the transformational potential of Sociocracy
3.0 to help organizations and their members thrive. Many kindly dedicate
some of their time to experimenting with and sharing about S3, and
who collaborate to learn from one another and document experiences to
inform the ongoing development and evolution of the framework and it’s
various applications.

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3. Why Sociocracy 3.0?
Sociocracy as a form of governance has been referred to since 1851. Sub-
sequently it has been developed and adapted by many different people
and organizations, including Gerard Endenburg, The Sociocracy Group
(TSG) and Brian Robertson (HolacracyOne).
Yet, outside the Netherlands sociocracy has until recently remained
largely unknown.
We love sociocracy because we see organizations and their members thrive
when they use elements of it to enrich or transform what they currently
We also love agile, lean, Kanban, the Core Protocols, NVC, and many
other ideas too. We believe that the world will be a better place as more
organizations learn to pull from this cornucopia of awesome practices
that are emerging into the world today, and learn to synthesize them
with what they already know.
Therefore we decided to devote some of our time to develop and evolve
Sociocracy, integrating it with many of these other potent ideas, to make
it available and applicable to as many organizations as possible.
To this end, we recognize the value of a strong identity, a radically dif-
ferent way of distribution, and of adapting the Sociocratic Circle Orga-
nization Method to improve its applicability.

3.1. The Name

The name “Sociocracy 3.0” demonstrates both respect to the lineage and

a significant step forward.

It also helps avoid the perception of us misrepresenting the Sociocratic
Circle Organization Method (SCM) as promoted by The Sociocracy

3.2. The New Model of Distribution

Sociocracy 3.0 employs a non-centralized model for distribution. This is

a paradigm shift in the way sociocracy is brought to people and organi-
zations, and one that many people can relate to.
We support “viral” distribution through two key strategies:
• Sociocracy 3.0 is open: We want to encourage growth of a vi-
brant ecosystem of applications and flavors of sociocracy, where
people share and discuss their insights and the adaptations they
are making for their specific context. To this end Sociocracy 3.0
puts emphasis on communicating the underlying principles and ex-
plicitly invites the creativity of everyone to remix, extend and adapt
things to suit their needs.
• Sociocracy 3.0 is free: To eliminate the barrier of entry for
people and organizations we provide free resources under a Cre-
ative Commons Free Culture License to learn, practice and teach
Sociocracy 3.0. Everyone can use our resources without our ex-
plicit permission, even in a commercial context, or as a basis for
building their own resources 1 . We encourage other organizations,
consultants, coaches, learning facilitators and trainers to follow our
example and release their resources too.

as long as they share their new resources under the same license

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Figure 3.1.: Three variants of sociocracy

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3.3. The Evolution of the Sociocratic Circle
Organization Method

Maybe we need to make this explicit: Sociocracy 3.0 is not targeted

specifically at the existing community of people exploring the Sociocratic
Circle Organization Method, or at The Sociocracy Group (TSG). The
Sociocratic Circle Organization Method (SCM) is already well developed
and many people appear to be mostly happy with it.
Yet from our direct experience, even for those organizations that have
heard about sociocracy, there are many obstacles to actually become
invested. With Sociocracy 3.0 we actively work on addressing and elim-
inating what stands in the way.

Reducing Risk and Resistance

Sociocracy 3.0 meets organizations where they are and takes them on

a journey of continuous improvement. There’s no radical change or re-
organization. Sociocracy 3.0 provides a collection of independent and
principle-based patterns that an organization can pull in one by one to
become more effective. All patterns relate to a set of core principles, so
they can easily be adapted to context.

Shifting Focus From Aim (or Purpose) to Need

Sociocracy 3.0 moves primary focus from vision, mission, aims or pur-

pose, towards the source of motivation, and aligns the organization to-
wards discovering and addressing what it needs. Organizations which are
already need-driven, value driven or customer-centric, find this immedi-
ately accessible.
In Sociocracy 3.0, purpose is implicit in all cases – to flow value to the
organization’s drivers.

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Condensed to the Essentials

When looking at the norms, the Sociocratic Circle Organization Method

may look big and scary. By focusing on the essentials only, Sociocracy 3.0
offers a lightweight framework to adapt and build on as necessary.
This doesn’t mean to say it’s all easy: choosing to pull in Sociocracy 3.0’s
patterns requires an investment in learning and un-learning. This is why
it’s important to only pull in what you need, because there’s no point to
changing things if what you are doing is already good enough.

Integration With Agile and Lean Thinking

The Sociocratic Circle Organization Method is an “empty” method when

it comes to operations and creating a culture of close collaboration. Many
organizations already implement or show preference for lean and agile
thinking for operations and collaboration. We believe this is a great
idea, so Sociocracy 3.0 is designed for easy adoption into lean and agile

A New Way to Evolve Organizational Structure

The organizational structure according to the Sociocratic Circle Organi-

zation Method is modeled on a hierarchy of domains. We see an increasing
emergence of collaborative multi-stakeholder environments and the need
for a wider variety of patterns for organizational structure. Evolution of
organizational structure happens naturally when the flow of information
and influence in an organization is incrementally aligned to the flow of
value. Sociocracy 3.0 provides a variety of structural patterns that can
be combined to evolve structure as required and in a flexible way.
James Priest, Bernhard Bockelbrink and Liliana David

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4. Basic Concepts

Before diving into the content, consider taking time to learn about some
basic concepts behind S3:
• What is a pattern?
• The Seven Principles
• Making Sense of Organizations:
– Drivers, Value and Waste
– Domains, Delegation and Accountability
– Governance and Operations
For any terms you don’t understand check out the glossary at the end.

4.1. Patterns

A pattern is a template for successfully navigating a specific context.

• S3 patterns are discovered through observing many organizations
as they solve problems and respond to opportunities
• S3 patterns can be evolved and adapted to suit differing contexts
• the patterns are grouped by topic into ten categories

Figure 4.1.: Patterns are grouped by topic into ten categories

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4.2. The Seven Principles

Sociocracy is built on seven principles that shape organizational culture.

Since the seven principles are reflected in all of the patterns, understand-
ing these principles is helpful for adopting and paramount to adapting
Sociocracy 3.0 patterns.
Practicing Sociocracy 3.0 helps people appreciate the essential value that
these core principles bring, both to individuals and to organizations.

Figure 4.2.: The Seven Principles

The Principle of Effectiveness: Devote time only to what brings you

closer toward achieving your objectives.
The Principle of Consent: Raise, seek out and resolve objections to
decisions and actions.

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The Principle of Empiricism: Test all assumptions through experi-
mentation and continuous revision.
The Principle of Continuous Improvement: Change incrementally
to accommodate steady empirical learning.
The Principle of Equivalence: Involve people in making and evolving
decisions that affect them.
The Principle of Transparency: Make all information accessible to
everyone in an organization, unless there is a reason for confidentiality.
The Principle of Accountability: Respond when something is needed,
do what you agreed to do, and take ownership for the course of the

The Principle of Accountability

Respond when something is needed, do what you agreed to do, and take
ownership for the course of the organization.
Act within the constraints of any agreements governing domains you are
accountable for, including the organization itself, teams you are part of,
and roles you keep.
Every member of the organization is accountable for effectively respond-
ing to organizational drivers, both in doing the work and in ensuring
(supporting) effective collaboration.
Individuals are also accountable for their work, ongoing learning and
development, and for supporting one another.
Everyone in an organization is accountable for aligning activity with or-
ganizational values.

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4.3. Making Sense of Organizations


A driver is a person’s or a group’s motive for responding to a specific

• can be used to derive goals, objectives, aims, mission, vision, pur-
• can change over time

Drivers, Value and Waste

Value is the importance, worth or usefulness of something in relation to

a driver.
Waste is anything unnecessary for — or standing in the way of — a
(more) effective response of a driver.
By adopting the concept of value and waste, many practices and ideas
from lean production and lean software development can be uti-
lized by organizations pulling in S3 patterns:
• value stream mapping
• various strategies for eliminating waste
• the Kanban Method


A domain is a distinct area of influence, activity and decision making

within an organization.
All domains are within the overall domain of an organization and may
overlap and/or be fully contained within other domains.

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Domains are delegated to people (e.g. to a unit, department, team or
individuals), who take responsibility for the domain, and act within its
defined constraints on influence and autonomy.

Figure 4.3.: Domains may overlap and/or be fully contained within other

Delegating Domains

Those delegating a domain (the delegators) still retain overall account-

ability for that domain, allocate resources and often define:
• the organizational need the domain is designed to respond to
• key responsibilities (key deliverables, any critical risks to man-
age, other essential work and decision making being delegated)
• constraints to the autonomy and influence of those the do-
main is delegated to (the delegatees), usually related to the organi-

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zation itself (dependencies, involvement of the delegator, reporting

Drivers and Domains

It’s also possible to understand a domain in relation to organizational

• the domain’s primary driver - the main driver the people ac-
counting for that domain (the delegatees) respond to
• the set of subdrivers the organization may benefit from addressing
when responding to the primary driver, which include:
– key responsibilities (any driver following directly from the
domain’s primary driver)
– drivers for constraints of the domain (which typically re-
late to the organization’s wider context)

Figure 4.4.: Drivers and domains

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4.4. Governance and Operations

S3 seeks to enable productivity by freeing people up to do and decide as

much as possible for themselves, while ensuring coherence in collabora-
tion for a successful and effective organization.
Greater autonomy of individuals and teams necessitates clear agreements
(i.e. guidelines and constraints) that enable smooth collaboration be-
tween those teams and individuals, and that support achievement of both
long-term and short-term objectives. Regular iterative reviews and in-
cremental evolution of agreements ensure they remain fit for purpose.
While a decision of short-term consequence can easily be amended on
the spot, making more consequential agreements that constrain people’s
behavior and activity, often benefits from a more participatory and de-
liberate decision making process.
Such agreements need to be documented, both to remember them and
to support effective review, and to be communicated to people affected
(who are ideally also involved in the creation and evolution of those agree-
Therefore it’s valuable to distinguish between two categories of activities
in an organization, one of which we refer to as governance, and the other
as operations:
Governance in an organization (or a domain within it) is the act of
setting objectives, and making and evolving decisions that guide people
towards achieving them.
Operations is doing the work and organizing day to day activities within
the constraints defined through governance.
For each domain in an organization there is a governing body: people
with a mandate to make and evolve agreements which govern how the
people doing the work in that domain create value.
There are many ways to distribute work and governance. Sometimes the
governing body is a single person, e.g. in the case of a team lead, and

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sometimes it’s a group of people, e.g. in a circle where all circle members
share responsibility for governance within the constraints of the domain.
Governance decisions set constraints on activity and guide future de-
This includes:
• defining domains
• delegating influence to people
• allocating resources and capacity
• specifying deliverables and prioritizing delivery.
Governance decisions can be made at any time and at any place, not just
in a specific kind of meeting, although a regular meeting for making and
evolving agreements is often a good idea.

Related Concepts

Self-Governance: People governing themselves within the constraints

of a domain.
Semi-Autonomy: The autonomy of people to create value within their
domain, further limited by their own governance decisions, and objections
(including those of the delegator and of representatives).
Self-Organization: Any activity or process through which people or-
ganize their day-to-day work without the influence of an external agent,
and within constraints defined through governance. In any organization
or team, self-organization and external influence co-exist.
Depending on the constraints set by the delegator, teams have more or
less license to conduct governance and decide how they organize their op-
erations, and are therefore more or less self-governing and self-organizing.

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Part II.

The Patterns

1. Co-Creation And Evolution

1.1. Respond to Organizational Drivers

Clarify organizational drivers (i.e. what’s happening and what’s

needed in relation to the organization), and respond as re-
Responses to organizational drivers include:
• direct action (operations)
• organizing how work will be done
• making governance decisions
The response to an organizational driver is typically treated as an exper-
iment that is evaluated and evolved over time.

Qualify Organizational Drivers

A driver is a person’s or a group’s motive for responding to a specific

situation. A driver is considered an organizational driver if responding
to it would help the organization generate value, eliminate waste or avoid
A simple way to qualify whether or not a driver falls within an organiza-
tion’s domain is by checking:
Would it help the organization if we respond to this driver? Or would it
harm us if we don’t?

Figure 1.1.: Possible responses to organizational drivers

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1.2. Navigate Via Tension

Pay attention to tension you experience in relation to the orga-

nization, investigate the cause and pass on any organizational
drivers you discover to the people accountable for the appro-
priate domain.
Challenges and opportunities for an organization are revealed by
people bringing awareness to the reasons why they experience tension.
Note: In this context, a tension is a personal experience: a symptom of
dissonance between an individual’s perception of a situation, and their
expectations (or preferences).
To discover drivers, investigate what stimulates tension, and describe
what’s happening and what’s needed. Sometimes an inquiry reveals mis-
conceptions and the tension goes away.

1.3. Describe Organizational Drivers

Describe organizational drivers to understand, communicate

and remember them.
Describing drivers may be done by a group or by an individual. De-
pending on their perspective, they may decide to explain a driver as a
problem to solve or an opportunity to leverage.
A simple way to describe a driver is by explaining:
• What’s happening…:
– the current situation
– the effect of this situation on the organization
• …and what’s needed:
– the need of the organization in relation to this situation
– the impact of attending to that need

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Figure 1.2.: Navigate Via Tension, Describe Organizational Drivers, Re-
spond To Organizational Drivers

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Create a brief but comprehensive summary containing just enough infor-
mation to clearly communicate the need for an action or a decision.

Figure 1.3.: Describe Organizational Drivers


“The kitchen is a mess: there are no clean cups, the sink is

full of dishes and it’s not possible to quickly grab a coffee and
get right back to work. We need the kitchen in a usable state
so we can stay focused on our work.”

1. Current Situation

“The kitchen is a mess: there are no clean cups, the sink is

full of dishes…”
Describe the current situation:
• Briefly capture the essentials of what is happening, and, if neces-
sary, the context in which it occurs.
• Be objective - describe observations and avoid evaluation.

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2. Effect

“…it’s not possible to quickly grab a coffee and get right back
to work.”
Explain the effect of this situation on the organization:
• Clarify why the situation needs attention: how does it affect the
• Be explicit about whether the effects are current or anticipated.
• Explain challenges, losses, opportunities or gains.

3. Need

“We need the kitchen in a usable state…”

Explain the need of the organization in relation to this situation:
• A need of an organization is anything a team (or individual)
requires to effectively account for a domain.
• Be specific on whose need it is (“we need”, “they need”, “I need”).
• If there’s disagreement about the need, it helps to zoom out from
specific solutions and focus on what the organization is lacking in
this situation.

4. Impact

“…so we can stay focused on our work”.

Describe the impact of attending to that need:
• Explain the intended outcome, potential benefits or opportunities.
• The impact may be obvious or implicit, especially when the effects
of the current situation are already described.

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Summarize the Driver

Aim for one or two sentences, so that the information is easy to remember
and process.
Besides the summary, more details about the driver may be kept in the

Review Drivers

Make sure to review drivers on a regular basis, to deepen you under-

standing of what’s happening and needed.
Helpful questions for a review include:
• Is the description of the situation (still) correct?
• Do we still associate the same needs with the situation?
• Is the driver still within our domain?
• Is the driver still relevant?

1.4. Consent Decision Making

A (facilitated) group process for decision making: invite ob-

jections, and consider information and knowledge revealed to
further evolve proposals or existing agreements.
Proposals become agreements when they are considered good enough for
now and safe enough to try until the next review.
Unresolved objections prevent proposals from becoming agreements.
Withholding objections can harm the objectives of a team or organiza-

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Implicit Contract of Consent

1. In the absence of objections to an agreement, I intend to follow

through on the agreement to the best of my ability.
2. I agree to share objections as I become aware of them.

1.5. Objection

An objection is an argument demonstrating (or revealing)how a (pro-

posed) agreement or activity can lead to unintended consequences, or that
there are worthwhile ways to improve it.
Objections reveal information about unintended consequences, or
about viable ways to improve.
It’s the accountability of individuals to raise potential objections to pro-
posals, decisions, existing agreements or activities.
Withholding objections can harm the ability of individuals, teams or the
whole organization to respond to organizational drivers.
Being able to raise potential objections at any time means decisions only
need to be good enough for now and safe enough to try.
Those accountable for the activity or (proposed) agreement in question,
are responsible for considering arguments and addressing objections.
When seeking out potential objections, consider:
• why the intended outcome would not be (fully) achieved: effec-
• why it would be wasteful to proceed as proposed (or previously
agreed): efficiency
• the negative consequences something would have elsewhere (in the
same domain, in the wider organization, or beyond): side-effects
The information revealed by objections can be used to improve:

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Figure 1.4.: Consent Decision Making

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• current and planned activity
• how people execute on decisions
• existing agreements
• proposals
• shared understanding of drivers

Qualify Objections

Not all arguments raised are objections. Distinguish between objections,

which always reveal useful information, and other arguments that are
based only on assumption or preference.
To discover if an argument qualifies as an objection, in a group context
a facilitator might ask:
“Do you think this argument qualifies as an objection?”
If nobody disagrees with the argument, an objection typically qualifies.
Otherwise aim to discover the actual objection or reveal any misconcep-

Understanding Objections

Some helpful questions:

• How does the argument relate to this specific proposal or agree-
• Does the argument reveal how a (proposed or current) activity or
– harms response to any organizational driver?
– can be improved right now?
– prevents or diminishes someone’s contribution towards re-
sponding to a driver?

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– is in conflict with the organization’s values?
– is considered not ‘safe enough’ to try?


A concern is an assumption that doing something (even in the absence

of objections) might stand in the way of (more) effective response to an
organizational driver.
In Consent Decision Making, concerns can inform ways to further evolve
agreements (including evaluation criteria and frequency of evaluation).
Bring up concerns if you consider them important and at least record
them along with evaluation criteria.
If you are in doubt whether you have an objection or a concern, check
with others if they think it qualifies as an objection.

1.6. Resolve Objections

Resolve objections one at a time by using the information they

contain to make and evolve amendments.
Choose an option for resolving an objection that looks most promising
and, if that fails, simply pick another one. Each attempt will help you
understand more of the information the objection contains, and bring the
group closer to proposing an amendment that resolves the objection.
Often, asking the person who brings the objection to propose an amend-
ment, is a productive place to start.
Typically it’s most effective to take one objection at a time, resolve
all objections to a proposed amendment, and then continue with the next
main objection.

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Figure 1.5.: A process for qualifying an objection

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Figure 1.6.: Some options for resolving objections

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Figure 1.7.: A process for resolving objections

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1.7. Evaluate And Evolve Agreements

Continuously evolve the body of agreements, and eliminate

Regular review of agreements is an essential practice for a learning orga-
• adapt agreements to suit changing context
• integrate learning to make them more effective
Ensure all agreements have an appropriate review date.
Evaluating agreements can be as simple as checking that an agreement
is still relevant, and there is no objection to keeping it as it is.
Agreements are often reviewed in Governance Meetings, however some-
times it’s more effective to schedule a dedicated session.
Adjust review frequency as necessary, and review early if required.
Elements of this pattern can also be used by individuals to evaluate
decisions they make.

Short Format

• How has this agreement helped us?

• Is there any reason to drop this agreement?
• How can this agreement be improved?
• Agree on a next review date.

Long Format

• Schedule the review.
• Ensure all necessary information is available.

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Figure 1.8.: Experiment, evaluate, evolve

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Figure 1.9.: A long format for evaluating and evolving agreements

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• Agree on the next review date.
• Document decisions and tasks, and share with relevant people.
• Consider effects on any related agreements.

1.8. Those Affected Decide

Involve people in making decisions that affect them, to maintain

equivalence and accountability, and to increase the amount of
information available on the subject.
For larger groups:
• facilitate a process in several stages and create smaller groups who
select delegates
• use an online tool and conduct an asynchronous, timeboxed and
staged process
Consider including those affected in reviewing and evolving decisions,

1.9. Co-Create Proposals

Bring people together to co-create proposals in response to or-

ganizational drivers: tap collective intelligence, build sense of
ownership and increase engagement and accountability.
There are many ways to co-create proposals. They typically follow a
similar pattern:
1. Agree on the driver (or problem /opportunity /need)
2. Explore the topic and understand constraints
3. Generate ideas

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4. Design a proposal (often done by a smaller group)
One way to co-create proposals is to use S3’s Proposal Forming pattern.
For inspiration for steps 2 and 3, look to classic group facilitation tech-
niques or design thinking activities.
Besides in a face-to-face workshop, you can adapt this process for online
meetings. You can even use it asynchronously (and over an extended
period of time) to include many people.

1.10. Proposal Forming

A (facilitated) group process for co-creating a response to a

• draws on the collective intelligence and diversity of perspective
within a group
• involves people in co-creating agreements
• fosters accountability and sense of ownership
Proposal Forming may also be used by an individual.

Proposal Forming Steps

Consent to driver: Briefly present the driver. Is this driver relevant

for us to respond to? Are there any essential amendments to what has
been presented?
Deepen shared understanding of driver: invite essential questions
to understand the driver in more detail.
Collect considerations phrased as questions relating to possible solu-
tions. Questions either reveal constraints (information gathering ques-
tions) or possibilities (generative questions).
Answer any information gathering questions if possible.

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Figure 1.10.: A template for proposals

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Prioritize considerations.
Gather ideas as possible ingredients for a proposal.
Design a proposal for addressing the driver considering the creative
ideas and information gathered so far. This is usually done by a smaller
group of “tuners”.

Choosing Tuners

• who should be there?
• who wants to be there?
• who else may have a valuable contribution to make?
• consider expertise, outside view, and inspiration
Between two and three tuners is usually appropriate. Check for any
objections to the proposed tuner(s).

1.11. Role Selection

A group process for selecting a person for a role on the strength

of the reason.
Instead of simply assigning people for roles, or making a choice based
only on majority, use the role selection process to:
• tap collective intelligence by hearing and deliberating on reasons
for nominations
• increase ownership over the decision
• ensure support for the role keeper by those affected.
A prerequisite to the selection process is a clear description of the role’s

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Figure 1.11.: Proposal forming process

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Role Selection - Steps

1. Present Role Description: If possible, send out the role’s do-

main description in advance.
2. Record Nominations: Participants write their nomination on a
slip of paper. People can nominate themselves, another, or pass.
3. Reasons for Nominations: Each person shares who they have
nominated and why.
4. Information Gathering: Participants share or request any in-
formation that might support the group in making an appropriate
5. Nomination Changes: Check if anyone wants to change their
nomination in light of reasons and information shared so far, and
hear the reasons for each change.
6. Propose a nominee for the role: The facilitator guides the process
to identify a suitable nominee on the strength of the reasons heard,
e.g. by:
• proposing a nominee themselves or asking a group member
• inviting (some) nominees to agree who should be proposed
• inviting group dialogue to help reveal the strongest nominee
7. Check for Objections: Ask participants (including the proposed
nominee) to simultaneously signal whether or not they have an
8. Address and Resolve Objections, beginning with any from the
proposed nominee. Objections may be resolved in many ways, in-
cluding amending the role’s domain description or by nominating
someone else. When all objections are resolved, check with the
(final) nominee again if they accept the role.
9. Celebrate: Acknowledge reaching agreement and thank the per-
son who will now keep the role.

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Figure 1.12.: Role selection process

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To avoid influencing others, abstain from expressing personal interest or
opinions before a selection takes place.
Sometimes a role selection reveals a lack of capacity, relevant experience,
qualities or skill. A group will then need to consider outside candidates,
reconsider priorities or find an alternative way to account for the domain.
This pattern can also be used in any situation where there is a need to
choose between a variety of options.

1.12. Driver Mapping

A workshop format to identify an effective response to a complex situa-

tion: organize start-ups, kick-off projects, tackle major impediments or
opportunities, develop organizational structure to better enable the flow
of value.
A (small or large) group identifies and clusters drivers, to then progress
quickly from concept to action in smaller and self-organizing teams.

Figure 1.13.: Driver Mapping: Process

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Figure 1.14.: Driver Mapping: A template for domains

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2. Peer Development

2.1. Ask For Help

A simple protocol for learning, skill sharing, and building con-

nections, with respect for people’s agency.
Ask someone, “would you be willing to help me with …?” The person
asked accepts or declines with a simple “yes” or “no”.
• if the request is declined, the person asking accepts the answer
without negotiation or inquiry
• if the request is unclear, inquire for more information
• if you accept a request for help, support your peer in the best way
you can

2.2. Peer Feedback

Invite a peer to give you some constructive feedback on:

• your performance in a role
• your general participation and contribution
• any specific aspect you may be interested in
• invite peers to take some time to prepare
• invite both appreciations and actionable improvement sug-

• inquire to better understand the feedback, and avoid discussing or
judging it
• decide for yourself what you will do with feedback you receive

2.3. Peer Review

Support each other to learn and grow in the roles and teams
you serve in.
The role keeper — or team — leads the peer review by setting up the
process and speaking first in each step.
Ensure you invite people with complementary perspectives to contribute
to the review, and a facilitator.
Improvement suggestions may relate to personal development, collab-
oration, updates to the domain description (including the driver) and

2.4. Development Plan

A plan for how to develop more effective ways of accounting for

a domain, agreed between delegator and delegatee.
The development plan may be created for a person in a role, or for a
team (e.g. a department, circle or open domain).
Development may happen in the form of refining the description of the
driver and the domain, making amendments to strategy, or new or up-
dated agreements and specific actions to be taken, either within the do-
main of the delegator, or the domain of the delegatee.
A development plan (and any accompanying recommendations for
changes to the descriptions of the domain and the driver) requires
consent from both the delegatee and the delegator.

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Figure 2.1.: Peer review process

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Figure 2.2.: Continuous improvement of people’s ability to effectively
keep roles or collaborate in teams

Figure 2.3.: A template for development plans

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3. Enablers Of Collaboration

3.1. Artful Participation

Commit to doing your best to act and interact in ways that

enable effective collaboration.
“Is my behavior in this moment the greatest contribution I can make to
the effectiveness of this collaboration?”
Participating artfully may include interrupting, objecting or breaking
Artful Participation is an individual commitment to:
• actively consider and follow-up on all agreements made, in
the best way possible, given the circumstances
• develop awareness and understanding of individual and col-
lective needs
• grow the necessary skills
• support others to participate artfully
• bring impediments and improvement suggestions to the attention
of others if necessary

Benefits Of Artful Participation

Artful participation:
• enables co-creation and evolution of agreements
• helps to grow stronger teams

• builds self-accountability, integrity and trust
• generates a culture of mutual support and close collaboration
• is more powerful when embraced by many

Figure 3.1.: Balance autonomy and collaboration through artful partici-


Artful Participation: Self-Assessment

• How can I support myself and others to participate more artfully?

• Where are my interactions with others unhelpful or ineffective?
• Which agreements do I find hard to keep? What can I do to address
• What skills can I develop, that would support me to participate
more artfully?
• What would artful participation mean in relation to:
– my daily activities?
– collaboration and interaction with others?
– the organization? …our customers or clients?
– the wider environment?

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3.2. Adopt The Seven Principles

Align collaboration with the Seven Principles.

Adopting the Seven Principles reduces the number of explicit agreements
required, and guides adaptation of S3 patterns to suit the organization’s
An organization’s values need to embrace the Seven Principles.

Figure 3.2.: The Seven Principles

3.3. Agree On Values

Intentionally evolve the culture in your organization.

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Figure 3.3.: An organization’s values need to embrace the Seven Princi-

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Values are valued principles that guide behavior. Values define scope for
action and ethical constraints.
• each member brings their own values to an organization based on
personal experiences and beliefs
• a team or organization may choose to collectively adopt values
to guide their collaboration
Values offer guidance to determine appropriate action, even in the ab-
sence of explicit agreements.
Collectively adopting a set of values supports the effectiveness of an or-
• reduces potential for misunderstanding
• helps to align decision making and action
• attracts new members, partners and customers who are
aligned with the organization
Chosen values are an agreement that benefits from regular review.

3.4. Governance Facilitator

Select someone to facilitate governance meetings.

A governance facilitator:
• ensures governance meetings stay on track and are evaluated
• is (usually) selected by a team from among it members (and for a
specific term)
• familiarizes themselves with the Governance Backlog
• often invites others to facilitate some agenda items
As a governance facilitator, consider learning about and using the fol-
lowing patterns from S3 to handle governance effectively:

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Figure 3.4.: Chosen values define constraints for collaboration

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• Rounds
• Proposal Forming
• Consent Decision Making
• Role Selection
• Evaluate Meetings
• Resolve Objections
• Peer Review

3.5. Breaking Agreements

Breaking agreements is sometimes necessary but may come at a cost

to the community.
Be accountable:
• clean up disturbances
• follow up as soon as possible with those affected
• change the agreement instead of repeatedly breaking it

3.6. Contract For Successful Collaboration

Support successful collaboration from the start and build trust

between parties by co-creating mutually beneficial and legally
robust contracts.
A contract is a body of promises that two or more parties agree to make
legally binding, i.e if those promises are violated, the injured party gains
access to legal (or alternative) remedies.
Developing shared understanding about needs and expectations is essen-
tial for successful collaboration.

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Figure 3.5.: The governance facilitator is typically a member of the team

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While negotiating and agreeing on a contract, model the culture of col-
laboration you want to achieve, and build a positive relationship with the
other parties involved.
This pattern refers to contracts relating related to collaboration around
any business transaction between an organization and other parties (e.g.
employees, consultants, service providers, shareholders or customers). It
is especially relevant for contracts that have a significant influence on the
future of an organization or one of its partners, such as:
• employment contracts and contracts with external contractors or
consultants in support roles (including any agreement that results
in a change of remuneration or working hours)
• contracts governing collaboration with customers, vendors or ser-
vice providers
• shareholder agreements
Note: Many agreements about collaboration within an organization do
not require dedicated contracts, as they are already governed by or sub-
ject to existing contracts.

Success criteria for contract negotiation

When negotiating a contract, ensure:

• shared understanding of the reason for the collaboration, as well as
the intended outcome and important constraints
• all parties understand what is expected of them
• all parties affected by a contract are involved in creating the con-
tract and enter it voluntarily
• expectations are realistic
• the agreement is beneficial to all parties
• everyone intends to keep to the agreement made

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If for any reason one or more of these criteria cannot be fulfilled, it is
probably wise to not proceed.

Co-creating the contract

The way a contract is negotiated can significantly contribute toward

building trust between parties. Approach contracting from the point
of view of making an agreement between partners, not adversaries: co-
create the contract, tailor it to its specific context, and ensure it is legally
• the contract should include all expectations of the parties involved,
each explained with adequate detail
• use clear and simple language that all parties can understand, and
be unambiguous about legal consequences
• if you need to use specific technical or legal terms a party might
be unfamiliar with, explain them in a glossary that is part of the
• consult a lawyer who supports the culture you aspire to and is
competent in the field if business you are negotiating

When Co-Creating a Contract:

• ensure all parties have a delegation that includes representation for

all affected domains (e.g. not only sales, but also development /
production /support, etc)
• explicitly describe the culture you want to develop, with consid-
eration for common ground and any cultural differences between
• state the reasons for the proposed collaboration, and transparent
about expectations and needs of all parties
• disclose all relevant information (if necessary under an NDA)

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• agree first on terms of the relationship and expectations to all par-
ties, and then consider how you can make them legally robust
• compile a list of specific laws and regulation the contract needs to
comply to
• negotiate in several iterations, allowing time to consider implica-
tions and propose amendments
• keep minutes of each meeting to reduce the potential for miscon-

Support The Full Lifecycle Of The Collaboration:

Any contract can be changed at any time, provided all signatories agree.
However, it greatly reduces the potential for conflict later if you consider
the full lifecycle of the collaboration in the contract:
• make provisions for successfully getting started by defining on-
boarding procedures
• have a probationary period, where all parties can try out the col-
laboration, and a clear protocol for how each party can terminate
the contract during the probationary period
• define and build into the contract regular review meetings where
signatories come together to share learning and decide how the
contract might be amended to adapt to changing context
• include procedures for breach of contract
• consider making available alternative means for dispute resolution,
e.g. mediation, conciliation or arbitration
• consider limiting the contract to a fixed term after which the con-
tract expires and can be renewed if required


Every contract influences the culture of the collaboration it governs, even

when it appears to only describe what needs to be delivered:

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• intentionally create the culture of collaboration you want to see by
including expectations on how things should be done
• align the contract to the organizational culture (of all parties) and
to legal requirements
• build contracts that enable and encourage accountability
if you find that standard contracts in your industry are misaligned with
the culture you want to create, build your own repository of templates
for contracts and clauses and consider sharing it with others, so that you
can leverage past experience when creating new contracts.

3.7. Transparent Salary

Create a fair salary formula and make it transparent.

Transparent salary (also referred to as “open salary”) is the practice of
determining each employee’s compensation according to a set of rules —
the salary formula — instead of making compensation subject to indi-
vidual negotiation between employer and employee. The salary formula
— and often individual compensation as well — is transparent to all
members of an organization, and sometimes to the public.
A transparent salary formula needs to suit an organization’s context, and
to be perceived as fair enough by all stakeholders.
Perception of fairness varies from person to person and according to con-
text, so creating a salary formula requires developing a shared under-
standing of what is considered fair.
When deciding (or agreeing) on a salary formula for an organization or
department, consider:
• what would be a suitable fixed subsistence guarantee
• how to calculate compensation according to need, investment, pro-
ductivity, or merit

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• how to distribute the organization’s profit and cover for losses in
line with expectations and needs of the various stakeholders
Decide how to handle remuneration for changing roles and develop a
strategy for how to transition towards new contracts and compensation

Figure 3.6.: Two ways of opening salaries

3.8. Support Role

Apply the role pattern to external contractors.

• clarify and describe the driver for the role
• create a domain description
• if valuable, implement a selection process
• limit the term of the contract
• build in regular peer reviews

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External contractors consent to take on their role.
See also: Contract For Successful Collaboration

3.9. Bylaws

Secure S3 principles and patterns in your bylaws as needed to protect

legal integrity and organizational culture
• consent and equivalence in decision making
• selection process for leadership roles
• organizational structure, values and principles
• influence of owners or shareholders
• sharing gains and costs

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4. Building Organizations

4.1. Delegate Influence

Distribute the power to influence, to enable people to decide

and act for themselves within defined constraints.
A delegator can support delegatees to deliver value by:
• Clearly defining domains of autonomy and accountability
• Ensuring there are opportunities for learning and development
• Providing support if required
Adjust constraints incrementally, considering capabilities, reliability and
Decentralize as much as possible, and retain as much influence as neces-

4.2. Circle

A circle is a self-governing and semi-autonomous team of equivalent

people who collaborate to account for a domain.
A circle:
• may be permanent or temporary
• may be self-organizing
• is accountable for its own development and its body of agreements

• semi-autonomous:
– A circle’s members act within the constraints of their domain.
– Each circle can create value autonomously.
• self-governing:
– A circle’s members continuously decide together what to do
to account for their domain, and set constraints on how and
when things will be done.
• equivalence of circle members:
– All members of a circle are equally accountable for governance
of the circle’s domain.

4.3. Role

Delegate accountability for a domain to individuals.

A role is an area of accountability (a domain) that is delegated to an
individual (the role keeper), who has autonomy to decide and act within
the constraints of the role’s domain.
The role keeper leads in creating a strategy for how they will account
for their domain. They evolve their strategy in collaboration with the
A role is a simple way for an organization (or team) to delegate recurring
tasks or a specific area of work and decision making to one of its members.
• people can take responsibility for more than one role
• instead of formally setting up a new team, it’s sometimes simpler
to just share one role between several people
• role keepers are selected by consent and for a limited term
• peers support one another to develop in the roles they keep

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Figure 4.1.: All members of a circle are equally accountable for gover-
nance of the circle’s domain

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A role keeper may maintain a governance backlog, and a logbook to
record and help them evolve their approach toward delivering value.
Note: In S3, guidelines, processes or protocols created by individuals in
roles are treated as agreements.

Figure 4.2.: People can take responsibility for more than one role

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4.4. Linking

Enable the flow of information and influence between two

A team selects one of its members to represent their interests in the
governance decisions of another team.

Figure 4.3.: One circle linked to another circle

4.5. Double Linking

Enable the two-way flow of information and influence between

two teams.
Two interdependent teams each select one of their members to represent
their interests in the governance decisions of the other team.
Double linking enables equivalence between two teams and can be used
to draw out valuable information in hierarchical structures.

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Figure 4.4.: Double linking two circles

4.6. Representative

Select a team member to participate in the governance decision

making of another team to enable the flow of information and
Representatives (a.k.a. links):
• stand for the interests of one team in another team
• are selected for a limited term
• participate in the governance decision making of the team they
link with, and can:
– raise items for the agenda
– participate in forming proposals
– raise objections to proposals and existing agreements

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4.7. Helping Team

Bring together a team of equivalent people with the mandate to

execute on a specific set of requirements defined by a delegator.
A helping team:
• is a way for a delegator to expand their capacity
• may be self-organizing, or guided by a coordinator chosen by the
• is governed by the delegator
• benefits from a clearly defined domain
Members of the helping team:
• can object to the delegator’s decisions that affect them
• can add items to the delegator’s governance backlog
• may be invited to select a representative to participate in the gov-
ernance decision making of the delegator

4.8. Open Domain

Intentionally account for a domain by invitation rather than

assignment and request that those invited contribute when they
The delegator of the open domain clarifies:
• the primary driver, key responsibilities and constraints of the open
• who is invited to contribute to the open domain
• constraints relating to the delegator’s participation in the open do-
main’s governance

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Figure 4.5.: Helping Team

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Depending on the constraints set by the delegator, contributors may only
organize and do work, or take part in governance as well.
A delegator is accountable for conducting regular reviews to support
effectiveness of work and any decision making done in an open domain.

Figure 4.6.: Open Domain

4.9. Open Systems

Intentionally communicate with and learn from others outside
of your system.

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Individuals, teams and entire organizations can acknowledge interdepen-
dence and intentionally invite people from outside their system to bring
in knowledge, experience and influence to assist with decision mak-
ing and support collective learning.
• External experts can offer an outside perspective and bring
knowledge, understanding and skills
• Representatives of affected parties can inform and influence
decision making in ways that benefit overall objectives (see Those
Affected Decide)

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5. Bringing In S3

5.1. Adapt Patterns To Context

Adapt and evolve S3 patterns to suit your specific context.
Ensure that everyone affected:
• understands why changing the pattern is necessary (or helpful)
• is present or represented when deciding how to change it
• uses S3 principles as a guide for adaptation.
Run experiments with adaptations for long enough to learn about the
benefits and any potential pitfalls.
Share valuable adaptations with the S3 community.

5.2. Create a Pull-System For Organizational

Create an environment that invites and enables members of the
organization to drive change.
Change things when there is value in doing so:
• Bring in patterns that help to solve current and important prob-
• Don’t break what’s already working!
• Meet everyone where they are…
• …and let them choose their own pace.

Figure 5.1.: Phases of adapting patterns to a specific context

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5.3. Be The Change

Lead by example.
Behave and act in the ways you would like others to behave and act.

5.4. Invite Change

Clarify the reason for change and invite people to participate.

Inviting rather than imposing change helps reduce resistance and enables
people to choose for themselves.
When making the invitation:
• be transparent about the reason for the change
• clarify expectations and constraints
• avoid coercion or manipulation
• acknowledge any skepticism and doubts
Include the people involved and affected in regular evaluation of out-

5.5. Open Space For Change

Invite everyone to create and run experiments for evolving the

• clarify the driver for change
• schedule regular open space events:
– invite all members to create and run experiments
– define constraints for the experiments that enable development
of a sociocratic and agile mindset (e.g. S3 principles)
– review and learn from experimentation in the next open space

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5.6. Continuous Improvement Of Work Process

Reveal drivers and establish a metrics-based pull-system for

organizational change through continuously improving and re-
fining the work process.
• introduce the principle of consent and Navigate Via Tension to
evolve work process in a team
• consider selecting a facilitator to guide group processes, and choos-
ing values to guide behavior
• initiate a process of continuous improvement, e.g. through Kanban
or regular retrospectives
• members of the team pull in S3 patterns as required
• if valuable, iteratively expand the scope of the experiment to other
• intentionally look out for impediments

Waste And Continuous Improvement

Waste is anything unnecessary for — or standing in the way of — a

(more) effective response of a driver.
Waste exists in various forms and on different levels of abstraction (tasks,
processes, organizational structure, mental models…)
Establishing a process for the ongoing elimination of waste enables nat-
ural evolution of an organization towards greater effectiveness and adap-
tation to changing context.

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Figure 5.2.: Drivers, value and waste

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6. Defining Agreements

Figure 6.1.: Any agreement or decision can be viewed as an experiment.

Figure 6.2.: The Life-Cycle of an Agreement

6.1. Agreement

An agreement is an agreed upon guideline, process, protocol or policy

designed to guide the flow of value.
Agreements are created in response to organizational drivers, are regu-
larly reviewed, and evolved as necessary.
Overall accountability for an agreement lies with the people that make
An agreement can include delegation of specific responsibilities to
individuals or groups.
Record any expectations related to deliverables, behavior or resources
in the context of the agreement.
Note: In S3, guidelines, processes or protocols created by individuals in
roles are also treated as agreements.

6.2. Develop Strategy

A strategy is a high level approach for how people will create value to
successfully account for a domain.
It is usually more effective if a team or role keeper lead in developing
their own strategy.
A strategy often includes a description of the intended outcome of im-
plementing that strategy.

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Figure 6.3.: Template for agreements

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As the delegator shares accountability for domains they delegate, it’s
valuable they review a delegatee’s strategy, to check for potential imped-
iments and suggest ways it could be improved.
A strategy is a shared agreement between delegator(s) and delegatee(s)
that is regularly reviewed and updated as necessary (pivot or persevere)

Figure 6.4.: Strategies are validated and refined through experimentation

and learning.

Strategies are validated and refined through experimentation and learn-


6.3. Clarify Domains

A clear understanding of people’s area of accountability and
autonomy enables greater efficiency, effective collaboration and
agility throughout an organization.
A simple way to clarify domains is with a domain description that

ebook.2019.0627.1758 90
• primary driver (the organizational need the domain is designed
to respond to)
• key responsibilities (key deliverables, any critical risks to man-
age, other essential work and decision making being delegated)
• constraints to the autonomy and influence of those the do-
main is delegated to (the delegatees), usually related to the organi-
zation itself (dependencies, involvement of the delegator, reporting
• resources (time, money, facilities, privileges, tools)
• evaluation criteria and frequency of evaluation
• term (for a role)
Domain descriptions can be created for a role, position, circle, team, open
domain, department, unit, or the whole organization.
Another way of clarifying a domain is by filling out an S3 Delegation
Canvas1 .

6.4. Clarify Intended Outcome

Be explicit about the expected results of agreements, activities,

projects and strategies.
Agree on and record a concise description of the intended outcome.
The intended outcome can be used to define Evaluation Criteria and
metrics for reviewing actual outcome.

6.5. Describe Deliverables

Clearly describe any deliverables related to an agreement to

support shared understanding of expectations.

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Figure 6.5.: A template for domain descriptions

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Figure 6.6.: Intended Outcome, and Evaluation Criteria

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A deliverable is a product, service, component or material provided in
response to an organizational driver.
When describing deliverables:
• include the necessary amount of detail
• reference other documents when helpful or necessary
Explicitly describing deliverables can be useful for improving communi-
cation and collaboration within the organization, with customer and with
external partners.
Example: A popular way to describe deliverables in software-
engineering are so-called user stories, which focus on the need of
users in relation to a software system. User stories are developed in dia-
logue between a customer (or their representative, the product manager
or “product owner”), and the software developer(s). What is written
down is usually one sentence to remind the team of the user need, and
acceptance criteria, a list of requirements for the new feature, which the
customer will then use in a review meeting to decide whether or not they
accept the new feature as delivered.

6.6. Evaluation Criteria

Develop well-defined evaluation criteria to determine if acting
on an agreement had the desired effect.
• go for simple and unambiguous criteria and document them
(to avoid discussion or unnecessary dialogue when reviewing your
• define actionable metrics to continuously track effects and spot
deviations from intended outcome
• consider adding criteria which make it explicit when the outcome
of an agreement would be considered unsuccessful
• when reviewing an agreement, consider evolving the evaluation
criteria based on what you have learned

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6.7. Logbook

Maintain a coherent and accessible system that stores all infor-

mation required for collaboration.
A logbook is a (digital) system to store all information relevant for run-
ning an organization and its teams. The logbook is accessible to all
members of an organization, and information is kept confidential only
when there is good reason to do so.
Common platforms for logbooks are Wikis (e.g. Dokuwiki2 , Medi-
aWiki3 , Confluence4 ), Content Management Systems (e.g. Wordpress5 ),
G Suite6 , Evernote7 or even Trello8 .

Logbook Contents

Content relating to the whole organization:

• primary driver, strategy and organizational values
• organizational structure (domains and the connections between
• agreements
Content relating to a specific team or role:
• the domain description and strategy
• agreements (including delegatees’ domain descriptions, strategies
and development plans)
• backlogs and other information relating to work and governance

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6.8. Logbook Keeper

Select a member of your team to be specifically accountable for

keeping up to date records of all information the team requires.
The logbook keeper is accountable for maintaining a team’s logbook by:
• recording details of agreements, domain descriptions, selections,
evaluation dates, minutes of meetings etc.
• organizing relevant information and improving the system when
• keeping records up to date
• ensuring accessibility to everyone in the team (and in the wider
organization as agreed)
• attending to all technical aspects of logbook keeping

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7. Focused Interactions

7.1. Governance Meeting

Teams meet at regular intervals to decide what to do to achieve

objectives, and to set constraints on how and when things will
be done.
A governance meeting is usually:
• facilitated
• prepared in advance
• timeboxed for a duration of 90–120 minutes
• scheduled every 2–4 weeks
A typical governance meeting includes:
• opening: check in with each other and attune to the objective of
the meeting
• administrative matters
– check for consent to the last meeting’s minutes
– agree on a date for the next meeting
– check for any last-minute agenda items and for consent to the
• agenda items
• meeting evaluation: reflect on your interactions, celebrate successes
and share suggestions for improvement

Figure 7.1.: Phases of a governance meeting

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• closing: check in with each other before you leave the meeting
Typical agenda items include:
• any short reports
• evaluation of existing agreements due review
• selecting people to roles
• new drivers requiring decisions to be made, including:
– forming proposals
– making agreements
– designing domains and deciding how to account for them (e.g.
new roles, circles, teams or open domains)

7.2. Retrospective

Dedicate time to reflect on past experience, learn, and decide

how to improve work process.
• output: changes to work process, new tasks, on-the-fly agreements,
and drivers requiring an agreement
• facilitated meeting (1hr )
• regular intervals (1–4 weeks)
• adapt to situation and context

Five Phases of a Retrospective Meeting

1. Set the stage

2. Gather data
3. Generate insights
4. Decide what to do

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Figure 7.2.: Output of a retrospective

ebook.2019.0627.1758 100
5. Close the retrospective
Many different activities for each phase can be found at plans-for-

7.3. Daily Standup

Meet daily to organize work, facilitate learning and improve

your productivity and effectiveness.
• timeboxed (usually 15 minutes)
• held daily at the same time
• the team gathers around a visible project management board/tool
– organize daily work
– address impediments/blocks
– adapt existing agreements or create new agreements on the

7.4. Planning And Review Meetings

People meet at regular intervals (1–4 weeks) in timeboxed meet-

ings to plan and review work.
Planning meeting: select and estimate work items for the next itera-
Review meeting: review completed work items and decide on re-work
and changes for the next iteration.


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Figure 7.3.: Daily standup is an essential meeting for self-organizing

Figure 7.4.: Planning and review meetings

ebook.2019.0627.1758 102
7.5. Coordination Meeting

Meet on a regular basis (usually weekly) for reporting on and

coordinating work across domains.
• facilitate the meeting (timebox dialogue and use rounds where valu-
• when useful, compile an agenda before the meeting and share it
with attendees in advance
– include details of any prerequisites that can help attendees to
– further agenda items may come up when hearing status reports
Agenda items:
• cross domain synchronization and alignment
• prioritization and distribution of work
• responding to impediments

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Figure 7.5.: Phases of a coordination meeting

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8. Meeting Practices

8.1. Rounds

In a group meeting, go around the circle giving everyone the

chance to speak in turn.
Rounds are a group facilitation technique to maintain equivalence and
support effective dialogue.
Be clear on the purpose and intended outcome of each round.
Sit in a circle, begin each round with a different person, and change
direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) to bring variation to who speaks
first and last, and to the order of contributions.

8.2. Facilitate Meetings

Choose someone to facilitate a meeting to help the group main-

tain focus, keep the meeting on track and draw out the partic-
ipant’s creativity and wisdom.
Before each meeting, prepare an agenda of topics, and select a facilitator
• hold the space, keep the time and navigate the agenda during the
• facilitate a suitable activity for each topic
• facilitate an evaluation at the end of the meeting

Figure 8.1.: Rounds

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Consider selecting a facilitator for a specific term. Even an inexperienced
facilitator can make a positive difference.
See also: Prepare For Meetings, Role Selection

8.3. Prepare For Meetings

Prepare in advance to make meetings more effective.

Some considerations for successfully preparing a meeting:
• clarify and communicate the driver for, and intended outcome of
the meeting
• decide who to invite
• create an agenda
• schedule the meeting enough in advance, so people have time to
• choose an appropriate duration for the meeting
• be clear who will facilitate the meeting, who will take minutes and
who will take care of any follow-up

Preparing an Agenda

Involve people in preparing and prioritizing an agenda and send it out in

For each agenda item agree on:
• the driver
• the intended outcome
• the process
• the time you want to spend on it
• what people need to do to prepare

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Support the Participants’ Preparation

• consider what can be done in advance to prepare for the meeting

• notify people about any expectations and prerequisites
• make any resources available that people may need for preparation

As a participant

• consider the pattern Artful Participation

• review the agenda and consider how you can contribute to each
• bring up objections to an agenda, and if possible resolve them before
the meeting
• review improvement suggestions from the last meeting’s evaluation
and consider how you might act on them

8.4. Check In

Help people to become aware of themselves and others, and to

focus, be present and engage.
To check in, briefly disclose something about what’s up for you and how
you are, revealing thoughts, feelings, distractions or needs.
Checking in may take the form of an opening or closing round in a group
meeting, or just a brief exchange in a 1:1 meeting.
You can also call for a group check-in during a meeting, or even choose to
individually check in whenever you think this is valuable for the group.
In a group check-in, allow people to pass if they choose.
When checking in, in a new setting, people can also say their name and
where they are coming from, as a way to introduce themselves. (Tip:
Avoid talking about function, rank etc unless there is a reason to do so.)

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8.5. Evaluate Meetings
Take time for learning at the end of each meeting or workshop.
Reflect on interactions, celebrate successes and share suggestions for im-
provement before closing the meeting.
• reserve 5 minutes for 1 hour, and 15 minutes for a full-day workshop
• record learning and review it before the next meeting
Short formats you can use:
• more of/less of/start/stop/keep
• positive/critical/suggested improvements

Evaluate Meetings: Long Format

Ask everyone in a round to reflect on any or all of the following topics

in a brief sharing, and report key points you’d like to remember for next
• effectiveness and format
• facilitation and participation
• emotional tone
• appreciations and achievements (I liked…)
• growing edges and improvement suggestions (I wish…)
• wild ideas and radical suggestions (What if…)

8.6. Meeting Host

Select someone to take responsibility for the preparation and
follow-up of meetings, workshops or other events.
A person may take on the role of meeting host for a specific event or for
several events over a period of time.

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Figure 8.2.: Evaluate meetings right before closing the meeting

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Responsibilities Of A Meeting Host

• identify goals and deliverables
• prepare and distribute agenda
• identify and invite the participants
• estimate the time required and schedule the meeting/workshop
• book the location (and transportation if required)
• set up the space and provide required materials and information
• ensure selection of a facilitator and a notetaker to record minutes,
if appropriate
After the meeting: clean up location, return keys, tie up all the loose
ends, and ensure minutes are distributed.
See also: Facilitate Meetings, Prepare For Meetings

8.7. Governance Backlog

A governance backlog is a visible, prioritized list of items (drivers)

that are related to governing a domain and require attention.
A governance backlog contains:
• matters requiring a decision
• proposals to create and consider
• selecting people for roles
Note: Upcoming reports and agreements due review are usually added
directly to the agenda (rather than the backlog).

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9. Organizing Work

9.1. Backlog

A backlog (to-do-list) is a list of (often prioritized) uncompleted work

items (deliverables), or (drivers) that need to be addressed.
Consider making backlogs visible, not only to other members of a team,
but also to the wider organization.
Types of backlog include:
• governance backlog
• operations backlog
• sprint backlog
• product backlog
• impediments backlog
• analog backlog: sticky notes on a wall, or index cards, magnets
and whiteboard
• digital backlog: e.g. Google Sheets1 , Trello2 , Kanban Flow3 ,
Jira4 , Asana5
Each item on a (prioritized) backlog typically contains:

• a short description of a deliverable or a driver
• a unique reference number (or link) for each work item
• (the order of work items)
• dependencies to other work items or projects
• due date (if necessary)
• (optional) a measure for value
• (optional) a measure for investment (often an estimate of time or

9.2. Prioritize Backlogs

Order all uncompleted work items with the most important

items first, then pull work items from the top whenever there
is new capacity.
No two items can be of equal importance, meaning it is necessary to agree
on priorities and make tough choices.
A prioritized backlog helps to maintain focus on the most important

9.3. Visualize Work

Maintain a system that allows all stakeholders to review the

state of all work items currently pending, in progress or com-
• valuable for self-organization and pull-systems
• system must be accessible to everyone affected
• analog: post-its on a wall, or index cards, magnets and white

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• digital: Trello6 , Kanbanery7 , Leankit8 , Jira9 , Google Sheets10 , etc.

Figure 9.1.: Visualization of a simple work process

Things to track:

• types of work items (e.g. customer request, project tasks, re-

porting tasks, rework)
• start date (and due date if necessary)
• priorities

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• stages of work (e.g. “to do”, “in progress”, “review” and “done”)
• impediments/blocks
• who is working on which items
• agreements and expectations guiding workflow (e.g. definition of
done, policy, quality standards)
• use colors, symbols, highlights etc.

Figure 9.2.: A card representing a work item

9.4. Pull-System For Work

People pull in new work items when they have capacity (instead
of having work pushed or assigned to them.

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Prioritize pending work items to ensure that important items are worked
on first.
Pulling in work prevents overloading the system, especially when work
in progress (WIP) per person or team is limited.

9.5. Limit Work in Progress

Limit the number of work items in any stage of your work

Work in progress includes:
• the number of items in a backlog
• concurrent projects or tasks for teams or individuals
• products in a portfolio
When an action would exceed an agreed upon limit of work items in
progress, this needs to be brought up with the team before continuing.

9.6. Timebox Activities

Set a time constraint to stay focused, bring consciousness to

the time you have and how you use it.
A timebox is a fixed period of time spent focused on a specific activity
(which is not necessarily finished by the end of the timebox).
• to get value out of the timebox, be clear what you want to achieve
• agree on the duration of the timebox and visualize time
• negotiate and agree to extend a timebox before the time is up
• break down longer activities into manageable timeboxes
• consider frequent review of progress

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• consider choosing someone (the “time keeper”) to help others stay
conscious of time
You could timebox:
• meetings, calls, dialogue
• tasks
• experiments
• an attempt to solve a problem
• checking emails
• breaks
• a longer stretch of work (a sprint)

9.7. Align Flow

In support of continuous flow of value, move decision making
close to where value is created, and align the flow of information
Flow of value: Deliverables traveling through an organization towards
customers or other stakeholders.
Achieve and maintain alignment of flow through the continuous evolution
of an organization’s body of agreements:
• ensure all decisions affecting the flow of value actually support the
flow of value
• enable people with relevant skills and knowledge to influence deci-
• make available any helpful information
• aim for shorter feedback loops to amplify learning.
When decision making is conducted close to where value is created, and
the flow of information supports the continuous and steady flow of value,
the potential for accumulation of waste is reduced.

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Figure 9.3.: Aligning the flow of information to support the flow of value

9.8. Coordinator

A person fulfilling the role of a coordinator is accountable for coordi-

nating a domain’s operations and is selected for a limited term.
The coordinator may be selected by the team itself, or by the delegator.
Several coordinators may collaborate to synchronize work across multiple
Instead of selecting a coordinator, a team may choose to self-organize.

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10. Organizational Structure

Organizational structure is the actual arrangement of domains and their

connections. It reflects where power to influence is located, and the
channels through which information and influence flow.
Continuously evolve your organization’s structure to:
• support the continuous flow of value
• enable effective collaboration around dependencies
• ensure information is available to those who need it
• distribute power to influence as required
The basic building blocks for organizational structure are interdependent,
connected domains.
Domains can be linked to form a hierarchy or a heterarchy (a.k.a. com-
plex adaptive system, or network, where multiple functional structures
can co-exist).
Sociocracy 3.0 describes a variety of structural patterns to grow orga-
nizational structure.
• S3’s structural patterns apply to different layers of abstraction
• different structural patterns serve different drivers
• structural patterns can be adapted and combined as needed
• more patterns are out there and will be discovered

10.1. Service Circle
Outsource services required by two or more domains.
A service circle can be populated by members of the domains it serves,
and/or by other people too.

Figure 10.1.: Service Circle

10.2. Delegate Circle

Delegate making governance decisions affecting multiple do-
mains to representatives selected by those domains.
To make governance decisions on their behalf, stakeholders send repre-
sentatives to form a delegate circle.
Governance decisions made in a delegate circle are acted upon in the
various domains it serves.

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Figure 10.2.: Delegate Circle

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Delegate circles provide a way of steering organizations in alignment with
the flow of value, and bring a diversity of perspectives to governance
decision making.
A delegate circle may bring in other people (e.g. external experts) to
help with specific decisions, or even as a member of the circle.

10.3. Peach Organization

Deliver value in complex and competitive environments

through decentralization (of resources and influence) and direct
interaction between those creating value and the customers
they serve.
Teams in the periphery:
• deliver value in direct exchange with the outside world (customers,
partners, communities, municipalities etc.)
• steward the monetary resources and steer the organization
The center provides internal services to support the organization.
Domains are linked as required to flow information and influence, and to
support collaboration around dependencies.

10.4. Double-Linked Hierarchy

Delegate all authority for making governance decisions to self-

governing circles, double-linked across all levels of the hierar-
chy, to transition from an traditional hierarchy towards a struc-
ture more suitable for tapping collective intelligence, ensuring
equivalence and building engagement.
1. Shift governance decision making from individuals to teams by
forming self-governing circles on all levels of your organization.

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Figure 10.3.: Peach Organization

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2. Each circle’s members select one of their group to represent their
interests and participate in the governance decision making of the
next higher circle, and vice versa.
A double-linked hierarchy:
• brings equivalence to governance
• maintains the potential for a functional hierarchy (if it enables the
flow of value).
See also: Circle, Double Linking, Representative

10.5. Service Organization

Multi-stakeholder collaboration and alignment towards a
shared driver (or objective).
• improves potential for equivalence between various entities
• increases cross-departmental/organizational alignment
• supports multi-agency collaboration between departments or orga-
nizations with different primary motives, or that are in conflict
• suitable for one-off projects, or ongoing collaboration
Note: a service organization is sometimes referred to as a backbone

10.6. Fractal Organization

Multiple constituents (organizations or projects) with a com-
mon (or similar) primary driver and structure can share learn-
ing across functional domains, align action and make high level
governance decisions (e.g. overall strategy).
Creating a fractal organization can enable a large network to rapidly
respond to changing contexts.

ebook.2019.0627.1758 124
Figure 10.4.: A double-linked hierarchy: not your typical hierarchy

ebook.2019.0627.1758 125
Figure 10.5.: Service Organization

ebook.2019.0627.1758 126
If necessary, the pattern can be repeated to connect multiple fractal or-
ganizations into one.

Figure 10.6.: Fractal Organization


A fractal organization can be formed either by multiple in(ter-)dependent

organizations which share a common (primary) driver, or by multiple
branches, departments, or projects within a larger organization.
These constituents (i.e. organizations, branches, departments or
projects) need to share at least some — and typically most — functional
domains (e.g. accounting, product management, or development).

ebook.2019.0627.1758 127

A fractal organization has at least three tiers:

• first tier: the constituents (i.e. organizations, branches, depart-
ments or projects)
• second tier: function-specific delegate circles to share learning
and to make and evolve agreements on behalf of function-specific
• third tier: a cross-functional delegate circle to make and evolve
agreements in response to drivers affecting the overall body of con-

Forming a Fractal Organization

1. Forming the second tier: In each constituent, the members of

each common (and significant) functional domain, decide who of
them will represent them in a function-specific delegate circle,
where they share knowledge and learning, and contribute toward
making and evolving agreements. Representatives are selected for
a limited term (after which a new selection is made).
2. Forming the third tier: second-tier delegate circles each select a
delegate to form the cross-functional delegate circle.

Impact on the organization(s)

Each constituent:
• gains access to a wide array of experience, wisdom and skills to
increase effectiveness and innovation.
• can share resources, infrastructure and experience with other con-
stituents according to capacity and need
The second and third tier:

ebook.2019.0627.1758 128
• can test decisions simultaneously across multiple instances of a
function-specific domain, providing extensive feedback and rapid
• organize, align and steer the whole system while preserving auton-
omy and agency of the individual constituents

ebook.2019.0627.1758 129
Part III.


1. Changelog

1.1. Changes 2019–06–27

• Objection: further refined definition of objection, and updated the

glossary term for objection accordingly
• replaced “action” with activity in a few places where it made more
• fixed a few typos

1.2. Changes 2019–05–03

• refined glossary terms for agreement, organization and team, added

glossary term for objective
• Principle of Accountability: clarified individual accountability for
work as well as for collaboration
• Contract For Successful Collaboration: revised text
• Describe Deliverables: added User Stories as an example for de-
scribing deliverables
• Double-Linked Hierarchy: revised summary
• Delegate Circle: refined summary
• Objection: refined definition of objection and concern, added illus-
tration for a process to qualify an objection
• Proposal Forming: added missing process illustration

• Role Selection: small amendment to illustration
• Transparent Salary: explained what a salary formula is

1.3. Changes 2019–03–08

General Changes
• expanded the introduction with more information about S3 and the
history of sociocracy that was previously only available on the main
S3 website
• updated section about governance in the introduction
• added captions to all illustrations
• renamed pattern group “Enablers of Co-Creation” to “Enablers of
• removed slide deck version and improved layout and formatting of
pdf and ePub version
• website version: added clickable pattern map for simpler navigation
und glossary overlays to many patterns
• added team to glossary (and replaced group with team throughout
the practical guide where applicable)
• updated definition for deliverable
• removed driver statement from text and glossary
• updated definitions for governance, operations, and self-organization
• updated templates for domain description and role description
• updated illustrations for Linking and Double-Linking
Changes to Patterns:

ebook.2019.0627.1758 132
• Agreement: description now mentions that any expectations should
be recorded
• Describe Deliverables: updated summary
• Describe Organizational Drivers: more information on summarizing
• Resolve Objections: added summary and description

1.4. Changes 2018–08–17

General Changes
• added and revised the brief summary for many of the patterns
• removed bullet points in favor of full sentences in many patterns
• lots of small improvements to grammar and language
• included the URL to the web version of the practical guide
• updated: account for (v.), concern, deliverable, governance, objec-
tion, operations, primary driver, principle, role, self-organization,
semi-autonomy, subdriver, values
• added: constituent, coordination, delegation, driver statement,
evolve (v.), flow of value, helping team, open domain
• removed: peer driver
Changes to Introduction
• added the driver for creating Sociocracy 3.0
• The Seven Principles:
– The Principle of Empiricism: removed reference to “falsifica-

ebook.2019.0627.1758 133
– The Principle of Consent is now explained more clearly as
“Raise, seek-out and resolve objections to decisions and ac-
• Governance, Semi-Autonomy and Self-Organization: we refined the
definitions of Governance, Operations, and Self-Organization, re-
moved any reference to “coordination”, and clarified the distinction
between governance and operations
• Drivers and Domains - we clarified how domains can be understood
in relation to organizational drivers
Changes to Patterns:
• Agree on Values: improved description
• Align Flow: improved description and illustration
• Adapt Patterns To Context: improved description
• Agreement: improved description, updated template
• Artful Participation: improved summary
• Clarify Intended Outcome (renamed from Intended Outcome): im-
proved description
• Consent Decision Making: improved description, updated illustra-
• Continuous Improvement Of Work Process: improved description
• Contract For Successful Collaboration: renamed the pattern to a
more descriptive name, and explained process of creating contracts,
and what needs to be in them
• Coordination Meeting: clarified agenda items, updated illustration
• Delegate Circle: improved description
• Delegate Influence: improved description
• Describe Deliverables: improved description

ebook.2019.0627.1758 134
• Describe Organizational Drivers: made explicit that a driver state-
ment is typically only 1–2 sentences, revised section about explain-
ing the need, moved the section about reviewing driver statements
from Respond to Organizational Drivers to this pattern, and added
a new illustration that explains how to describe organizational
• Double Linking: aligned description to Link
• Double-Linked Hierarchy: explained in more detail what a double-
linked hierarchy is, and how it is created
• Evaluate and Evolve Agreements: rearranged the text so it’s clear
there is a long and a short format
• Evaluation Criteria: suggested clarifying a threshold for success,
and we explained about also evolving evaluation criteria when
evolving agreements
• Facilitate Meetings: improved description
• Fractal Organization: extended and improved description
• Governance Backlog: improved description
• Governance Meeting: improved description, clarified agenda items
• Invite Change: description now focuses on how to invite change
• Linking: aligned description to Double Linking
• Logbook: clarified that there is no difference between logbooks for
groups and logbooks for roles
• Navigate Via Tension: improved description, added a new illus-
tration to clarify the distinction between Navigate Via Tension,
Describe Organizational Drivers and Respond to Organizational
• Objection: clarified the difference between objection and concern,
clarified what qualifies as an objection, and how to qualify objec-
tions in a group context
• Open Domain: improved description and updated illustration

ebook.2019.0627.1758 135
• Open Systems: improved description
• Open Space for Change: renamed from Open S3 Adoption, improved
• Peach Organization: clarified relationship between periphery and
• Proposal Forming: revised text and illustration to make process of
choosing tuners more clear, updated template for proposal to align
with template for agreement
• Representative: improved description
• Resolve Objections: updated both illustrations
• Respond to Organizational Drivers: improved description, simpli-
fied qualification of organizational drivers
• Role: improved description
• Role Selection: improved description, added description of each
• Rounds: improved description
• Transparent Salary: added more details about fairness, and on how
to develop a salary formula
Renamed Patterns:
• Evaluate Agreements to Evaluate and Evolve Agreements
• Intended Outcome to Clarify Intended Outcome
• Open S3 Adoption to Open Space for Change
• Contracting and Accountability to Contract For Successful Collab-
Added Patterns:
• Check In
• Co-create Proposals

ebook.2019.0627.1758 136
• Prepare for Meetings
• Timebox Activities

1.5. Changes 2018–03–21

• renamed pattern Describe Drivers to Describe Organizational
• Describe Organizational Drivers: explained four aspects of a driver:
current situation, effect of the situation on the organization, need
of the organization in relation to this situation, and impact of at-
tending to need
• added need to glossary

1.6. Changes 2017–11–16

• small corrections
• aligned glossary entries for Circle and Role to pattern text
• Development Plan: clarification of responsibilities
• Role: clarified evolution of strategy

1.7. Changes 2017–11–10

• various small clarifications and corrections
• Circle: clarified relationship between circle and domain
• Role: improved description
• Rounds: improved description
• moved Open Domain, Helping Team and Open Systems to category
“Building Organizations”
• added several terms to the glossary

ebook.2019.0627.1758 137
1.8. Changes 2017–10–21

• added Liliana David to authors

• dropped the term “framework” (replaced with “practical guide”)
• updated order of patterns
• added an index of all the patterns
• added a glossary
• added acknowledgments
• various small clarifications and corrections to text and illustrations
• updated templates for agreement and development plan
Changes to Introduction
• added “what’s in it for me?”
• added definitions for governance, self-organization, semi-autonomy,
operations to introduction
• clarified domains and their relationship to drivers
• fleshed out core concepts
• made all principles actionable
Changes to Patterns:
• Artful Participation: improved description
• Agreement: clarified that the concept of agreements is applicable
to people in roles
• Clarify Domains: improved description
• Circle: updated definition of “circle”, improved description
• Driver: updated definition of “driver”
• Development Plan: improved description, updated template
• Develop Strategy: updated definition of “strategy”, improved de-

ebook.2019.0627.1758 138
• Double-Linked Hierarchy: new illustration
• Evaluate Agreements: aligned questions to peer review
• Governance Backlog: improved description
• Logbook: added details about governance to personal logbook
• Objections: clarified qualifying objections
• Peer Review: improved description
• Respond to Organizational Driver: integrated information about
qualifying drivers
• Role: clarified role keeper may maintain a governance backlog, in-
troduced the term “role keeper” for a person in a role
• Proposal Forming: added criteria for selecting tuners, added step
for prioritizing considerations, small clarifications
• Resolve Objections: updated illustration to better reflect the pro-
Renamed Patterns:
• Backbone Organization to Service Organization
• Effectiveness Review to Peer Review
• Strategy to Develop Strategy
• Domain Description to Clarify Domains
• Describing Deliverables to Describe Deliverables
Added Patterns:
• Delegate Influence
• Describe Drivers
• Open Domain
Removed Patterns
• Coordination Circle

ebook.2019.0627.1758 139
• Nested Domains
• Qualify Driver

ebook.2019.0627.1758 140
2. Links

The latest online version of the Practical Guide at http://patterns.sociocracy30

can be annotated via hypothes.is and comes with an alphabetical index
and a pattern map for easy navigation.
Various other formats and languages of the practical guide can be found
at http://sociocracy30.org/guide/
More S3 Resources: http://sociocracy30.org/resources/
Main S3 website: http://sociocracy30.org
Follow us on twitter: @sociocracy30

3. License
“Sociocracy 3.0 - A Practical Guide” by Bernhard Bockelbrink, James
Priest and Liliana David is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, which is a
Free Culture License.
Basically this license grants you:
1. Freedom to use the work itself.
2. Freedom to use the information in the work for any purpose, even
3. Freedom to share copies of the work for any purpose, even commer-
4. Freedom to make and share remixes and other derivatives for any
You need to attribute the original creator of the materials, and
all derivatives need to be shared under the same license.
To view the the full text of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/
There’s more on the topic of free culture on the Creative Commons web-
site1 .

3.1. Attribution of derivative works

If you create a derivative work, you must give appropriate credit, and
indicate which changes you made. A good attribution contains title,

author, source and license, like this:
This work, “[name of your work]”, is a derivative of “So-
ciocracy 3.0 - A Practical Guide” by James Priest, Bernhard
Bockelbrink and Liliana David used under CC BY SA. “[name
of your work]” is licensed under CC BY SA by [your name].
You can find out more about attribution on the Creative Commons page
about best practices for attribution2 .


ebook.2019.0627.1758 143
4. The Intentional Commitment
for Practitioners and Teachers
of Sociocracy 3.0 (ICPT)

This commitment supports:

Practitioners and teachers with clear guidance on how to continually
develop their experience and skills in sharing about and applying S3
patterns, and improve their knowledge and understanding of S3 as it
Clients and students in selecting the people they wish to work with
and learn from, according to their level of experience and the quality and
integrity of their work.
If you follow the voluntary Commitment you can add our banners to
your website, or to other materials that promote you as a practitioner
or teacher of Sociocracy 3.0. Please consider signing the commitment so
that we can notify you of proposed changes to the ICPT and seek any
objections or concerns you may have. Thank you.
You can find out more about the ICPT at https://sociocracy30.org/s3-

4.1. Full Text of the ICPT

Intentional Commitment for Practitioners and Teachers of So-

ciocracy 3.0

I commit to developing a sociocratic and agile mindset, and I hold my-
self accountable to practice and teach Sociocracy 3.0 with integrity, by
following these guidelines:
I strive to follow the seven principles in my daily life. I commit to par-
ticipating artfully in my collaboration with others.
I practice and facilitate S3 patterns.
I maintain appropriate confidentiality about issues relating to my clients.
I will work in accordance with my level of competence and the client’s
needs, and disclose when I am out of my depth.
I stay up to date with the ongoing developments of the S3 and the way
it’s presented. (e.g. by following the changelog in the latest version of
the practical guide)
I will continue learning about S3, deepen my understanding and explore
related topics.
I am transparent about my level of experience, my understanding of S3,
the feedback I receive and my development plan.
I conduct regular peer reviews, and I integrate feedback from clients and
peers into evolving what I’m doing.
I will give all clients/peers the chance to publicly share feedback.
I am part of an organized intervision group (of at least 3 people, e.g. a
triad or a circle) for collaborative learning to support my development,
where I share about my practice and offer and receive help from peers,
including relating to resources any one of us creates.
I dedicate some time to actively support others from the S3 community
to learn and grow.
I will make any S3 resources I adapt or create available under a Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.
I will discuss possible objections relating to S3 patterns in my intervision
group, and pass to S3 developers if I believe they qualify.

ebook.2019.0627.1758 145
5. Acknowledgments
The content of Sociocracy 3.0 reflects the accumulated experience and
wisdom of contributors across generations. These people have shared a
common quest: to evolve more effective, harmonious and conscious ways
of collaborating together.
Particular recognition goes to Gerard Endenburg and others over the
years who have committed significant time towards evolving and doc-
umenting the Sociocratic Circle Organization Method, which has con-
tributed towards and inspired the evolution of Sociocracy 3.0.
We’d also like to recognize all those who have worked extensively to
facilitate the emergence of a more agile and lean mindset, and those who
have developed and shared various practices with the world.
Finally to acknowledge our numerous colleagues, customers, clients and
attendees of Sociocracy 3.0 courses who have chosen to experiment with
Sociocracy 3.0. Thank you for contributing your ongoing feedback to
help evolve the patterns and enable us all to learn and grow.
By no means an exhaustive list, we’d like to offer our appreciation to the
following people who directly contributed toward developing Sociocracy
3.0, or whose work influenced what it is today:
Gojko Adzic, Lyssa Adkins, Christopher Alexander, David J. Anderson,
Ruth Andrade, Jurgen Appelo, Kent Beck, Sue Bell, Angelina Bockel-
brink, Jesper Boeg, Kees Boeke, Mary Boone, John Buck, Betty Cad-
bury, Diana Leafe Christian, Mike Cohn, Stephen Covey, Gigi Coyle,
Jef Cumps, David Deida, Esther Derby, Kourosh Dini, Jutta Eckstein,
Frands Frydendal, Gerard Endenburg, Andreas Hertel, Andrei Iuoraia,
François Knuchel, Diana Larsen, Helmut Leitner, Jim and Michele Mc-
Carthy, Pieter van der Meche, Daniel Mezick, Susanne Mühlbauer, Niels

Pfläging, Mary and Tom Poppendieck, Karl Popper, Brian Robertson,
Marshall Rosenberg, Dave Snowden, Hal and Sidra Stone, Ken Schwaber,
Jeff Sutherland, Sharon Villines, Nathaniel Whitestone, Ken Wilber,
Jack Zimmerman.

ebook.2019.0627.1758 147
6. Authors

We sell consulting, learning facilitation, coaching and mentoring, includ-

ing but not limited to Sociocracy 3.0. We dedicate a part of our time and
money to create free resources about Sociocracy 3.0 as part of our ongo-
ing commitment to make sociocracy and related ideas more accessible to
the wider world.

Figure 6.1.: James Priest, Liliana David, Bernhard Bockelbrink

6.1. James Priest

… serves internationally, providing organizational development consul-

tancy, learning facilitation, and mentoring for people wishing to evolve
collaborative, adaptive organizations at scale.

6.2. Bernhard Bockelbrink

… is an agile coach, trainer and consultant supporting individuals, teams

and organizations in navigating complex challenges and developing a cul-
ture of effective, conscious and joyful collaboration.

6.3. Liliana David

… serves internationally, providing training, facilitation and mentoring

to teams and organizations wishing to develop greater effectiveness and
equivalence in collaboration.

ebook.2019.0627.1758 149
7. Glossary

Account for (v.): to take the responsibility for something.

Accountability (principle): Respond when something is needed, do
what you agreed to do, and take ownership for the course of the organi-
Agreement: An agreed upon guideline, process, protocol or policy de-
signed to guide the flow of value.
Alignment: The process of bringing the actions of all parts of an orga-
nization in line with the organization’s objectives.
Backlog: A list of (often prioritized) uncompleted work items (deliver-
ables), or (drivers) that need to be addressed.
Check-In: A brief disclosure where you share something about what’s
up for you and how you are, revealing thoughts, feelings, distractions or
Chosen Values: A set of principles a team (or an organization) has
chosen to collectively adopt to guide their behavior in the context of
their collaboration.
Circle: A self-governing and semi-autonomous team of equivalent people
who collaborate to account for a domain.
Complexity: An environment where unknowns are unknown, cause and
effect can only be understood in retrospect, and actions lead to unpre-
dictable changes. [Snowden and Boone]
Concern: An assumption why doing something (even in the absence
of objections) might stand in the way of (more) effective response to an
organizational driver.

Consent (principle): Raise, seek out and resolve objections to decisions
and actions.
Constituent: A team (e.g. a circle, team, department, branch, project
or organization) who delegate authority to a representative to act on
their behalf in other team or organizations.
Continuous Improvement (principle): Change incrementally to ac-
commodate steady empirical learning.
Coordination: The process of enabling individuals or teams to collab-
orate effectively across different domains to achieve shared objectives.
Delegatee: An individual or group accepting accountability for a do-
main delegated to them.
Delegation: The grant of authority by one party (the delegator) to an-
other (the delegatee) to account for a domain, (i.e. to do certain things
and/or to make certain decisions) for which the delegator maintains over-
all accountability.
Delegator: An individual or group delegating a domain to other(s) to
be accountable for.
Deliverable: A product, service, component or material provided in
response to an organizational driver.
Domain: A distinct area of influence, activity and decision making
within an organization.
Driver: A person’s or a group’s motive for responding to a specific
Effectiveness (principle): Devote time only to what brings you closer
toward achieving your objectives.
Empiricism (principle): Test all assumptions through experimenta-
tion and continuous revision.
Equivalence (principle): Involve people in making and evolving deci-
sions that affect them.
Evolve (v.): to develop gradually.

ebook.2019.0627.1758 151
Flow of Value: Deliverables traveling through an organization towards
customers or other stakeholders.
Governance: The act of setting objectives, and making and evolving
decisions that guide people towards achieving them.
Governance Backlog: A visible, prioritized list of items (drivers) that
are related to governing a domain and require attention.
Helping Team: A team of equivalent people with the mandate to exe-
cute on a specific set of requirements.
Intended Outcome: The expected result of an agreement, action,
project or strategy.
Key responsibilities: Essential work and decision making required in
the context of a domain.
Logbook: A (digital) system to store all information relevant for running
an organization.
Need: The lack of something wanted or deemed necessary (a require-
Objection: An argument demonstrating (or revealing) how a (proposed)
agreement or activity can lead to unintended consequences, or that there
are worthwhile ways to improve it.
Objective: A (specific) result that a person or team or organization
wants to achieve; an aim or a goal.
Open Domain: A domain that is accounted for by a set of people who
are invited to contribute when they can.
Operations: Doing the work and organizing day to day activities within
the constraints defined through governance.
Operations Backlog: A visible list of (typically prioritized) uncom-
pleted work items (deliverables).
Organization: A group of people collaborating toward a shared driver
(or objective). Often an organization subdivides into several teams.

ebook.2019.0627.1758 152
Organizational Driver: A driver is a person’s or a group’s motive for
responding to a specific situation. A driver is considered an organiza-
tional driver if responding to it would help the organization generate
value, eliminate waste or avoid harm.
Pattern: A template for successfully navigating a specific context.
Peer Domain: Two peer domains are contained within the same imme-
diate superdomain, and may be overlapping.
Primary Driver: The primary driver for a domain is the main driver
that people who account for that domain respond to.
Principle: A basic idea or rule that guides behavior, or explains or
controls how something happens or works.
Role: A domain that is delegated to an individual.
Self-Governance: People governing themselves within the constraints
of a domain.
Self-Organization: Any activity or process through which people or-
ganize their day-to-day work without the influence of an external agent,
and within constraints defined through governance. In any organization
or team, self-organization and external influence co-exist.
Semi-Autonomy: The autonomy of people to create value within their
domain, further limited by their own governance decisions, and objections
(including those of the delegator and of representatives).
Sociocracy: A mindset where people affected by decisions can influence
them on the basis of reasons to do so.
Sociocratic Circle-Organisation Method (SCM): An egalitarian
governance method for organizations based on a sociocratic mindset, de-
veloped in the Netherlands by Gerard Endenburg.
Strategy: A high level approach for how people will create value to
successfully account for a domain.
Subdomain: A domain that is fully contained within another domain.

ebook.2019.0627.1758 153
Subdriver: A subdriver arises as a consequence of responding to another
driver (the superdriver) and is essential for effectively responding to the
Superdomain: A domain that fully contains another domain.
Superdriver: see subdriver.
Team: A group of people collaborating toward a shared driver (or ob-
jective). Typically a team is part of an organization, or it is formed as a
collaboration of several organizations.
Tension: A personal experience, a symptom of dissonance between an
individual’s perception of a situation, and their expectations or prefer-
Timebox: A fixed period of time spent focused on a specific activity
(which is not necessarily finished by the end of the timebox).
Transparency (principle): Make all information accessible to everyone
in an organization, unless there is a reason for confidentiality.
Value: The importance, worth or usefulness of something in relation to
a driver. Also “a principle of some significance that guides behavior”
(mostly used as plural, “values”, or “organizational values”).
Values: Valued principles that guide behavior. Not to be confused with
“value” (singular) in the context of a driver.
Waste: Anything unnecessary for — or standing in the way of — a
(more) effective response of a driver.

ebook.2019.0627.1758 154
8. Pattern-Index

Adapt Patterns To Context (section 5.1)

Adopt The Seven Principles (section 3.2)
Agree On Values (section 3.3)
Agreement (section 6.1)
Align Flow (section 9.7)
Artful Participation (section 3.1)
Ask For Help (section 2.1)
Backlog (section 9.1)
Be The Change (section 5.3)
Breaking Agreements (section 3.5)
Bylaws (section 3.9)
Check In (section 8.4)
Circle (section 4.2)
Clarify Domains (section 6.3)
Clarify Intended Outcome (section 6.4)
Co-Create Proposals (section 1.9)
Consent Decision Making (section 1.4)
Continuous Improvement Of Work Process (section 5.6)
Contract For Successful Collaboration (section 3.6)
Coordination Meeting (section 7.5)
Coordinator (section 9.8)
Create A Pull-System For Organizational Change (section 5.2)
Daily Standup (section 7.3)
Delegate Circle (section 10.2)
Delegate Influence (section 4.1)
Describe Deliverables (section 6.5)
Describe Organizational Drivers (section 1.3)

Develop Strategy (section 6.2)
Development Plan (section 2.4)
Double Linking (section 4.5)
Double-Linked Hierarchy (section 10.4)
Driver Mapping (section 1.12)
Evaluate And Evolve Agreements (section 1.7)
Evaluate Meetings (section 8.5)
Evaluation Criteria (section 6.6)
Facilitate Meetings (section 8.2)
Fractal Organization (section 10.6)
Governance Backlog (section 8.7)
Governance Facilitator (section 3.4)
Governance Meeting (section 7.1)
Helping Team (section 4.7)
Invite Change (section 5.4)
Limit Work In Progress (section 9.5)
Linking (section 4.4)
Logbook (section 6.7)
Logbook Keeper (section 6.8)
Meeting Host (section 8.6)
Navigate Via Tension (section 1.2)
Objection (section 1.5)
Open Domain (section 4.8)
Open Space For Change (section 5.5)
Open Systems (section 4.9)
Peach Organization (section 10.3)
Peer Feedback (section 2.2)
Peer Review (section 2.3)
Planning And Review Meetings (section 7.4)
Prepare For Meetings (section 8.3)
Prioritize Backlogs (section 9.2)
Proposal Forming (section 1.10)
Pull-System For Work (section 9.4)
Representative (section 4.6)
Resolve Objections (section 1.6)

ebook.2019.0627.1758 156
Respond To Organizational Drivers (section 1.1)
Retrospective (section 7.2)
Role (section 4.3)
Role Selection (section 1.11)
Rounds (section 8.1)
Service Circle (section 10.1)
Service Organization (section 10.5)
Support Role (section 3.8)
Those Affected Decide (section 1.8)
Timebox Activities (section 9.6)
Transparent Salary (section 3.7)
Visualize Work (section 9.3)

ebook.2019.0627.1758 157
List of Figures

2.1. Influences and history of Sociocracy 3.0 . . . . . . . . . . 10

3.1. Three variants of sociocracy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

4.1. Patterns are grouped by topic into ten categories . . . . . 19

4.2. The Seven Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3. Domains may overlap and/or be fully contained within
other domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.4. Drivers and domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

1.1. Possible responses to organizational drivers . . . . . . . . 29

1.2. Navigate Via Tension, Describe Organizational Drivers,
Respond To Organizational Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
1.3. Describe Organizational Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
1.4. Consent Decision Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
1.5. A process for qualifying an objection . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
1.6. Some options for resolving objections . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
1.7. A process for resolving objections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
1.8. Experiment, evaluate, evolve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
1.9. A long format for evaluating and evolving agreements . . 44
1.10. A template for proposals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
1.11. Proposal forming process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
1.12. Role selection process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
1.13. Driver Mapping: Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
1.14. Driver Mapping: A template for domains . . . . . . . . . 53

2.1. Peer review process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

2.2. Continuous improvement of people’s ability to effectively
keep roles or collaborate in teams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.3. A template for development plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

3.1. Balance autonomy and collaboration through artful par-

ticipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.2. The Seven Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.3. An organization’s values need to embrace the Seven Prin-
ciples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.4. Chosen values define constraints for collaboration . . . . . 63
3.5. The governance facilitator is typically a member of the team 65
3.6. Two ways of opening salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

4.1. All members of a circle are equally accountable for gover-

nance of the circle’s domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.2. People can take responsibility for more than one role . . . 75
4.3. One circle linked to another circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.4. Double linking two circles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.5. Helping Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
4.6. Open Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

5.1. Phases of adapting patterns to a specific context . . . . . 83

5.2. Drivers, value and waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

6.1. Any agreement or decision can be viewed as an experiment. 87

6.2. The Life-Cycle of an Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.3. Template for agreements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
6.4. Strategies are validated and refined through experimenta-
tion and learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
6.5. A template for domain descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
6.6. Intended Outcome, and Evaluation Criteria . . . . . . . . 93

7.1. Phases of a governance meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

7.2. Output of a retrospective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.3. Daily standup is an essential meeting for self-organizing
teams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

ebook.2019.0627.1758 159
7.4. Planning and review meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.5. Phases of a coordination meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

8.1. Rounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

8.2. Evaluate meetings right before closing the meeting . . . . 110

9.1. Visualization of a simple work process . . . . . . . . . . . 114

9.2. A card representing a work item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
9.3. Aligning the flow of information to support the flow of value118

10.1. Service Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

10.2. Delegate Circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
10.3. Peach Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
10.4. A double-linked hierarchy: not your typical hierarchy . . . 125
10.5. Service Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
10.6. Fractal Organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

6.1. James Priest, Liliana David, Bernhard Bockelbrink . . . . 148

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