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This paper reports the result of focus group discussion

carried out with the researchers as its main respondents to give
a justifiable conclusion and findings about the three literary
works of the Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal. The
themes highlight the legacy he has left in the Philippines which
inspires Filipinos especially the youths. The researchers will
examine A La Juventud Filipina (To the Philippine Youth), Por La
Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria (Through Education is the Nation
Glorified), and Alianza Intima Entre La Religion Y La Educacion
(The Intimate Alliance between Religion and Education) to know how
is it relevant to Philippine youths which he has said is the hope
of the motherland. This paper concludes with a brief discussion of
the impact of Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s work to his countrymen associated
with different insights of the focus groups participants.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ----------------------------------- 3
2. Methodology ------------------------------------ 4
2.1 Design ------------------------------------------- 5
2.2. Data Collection ---------------------------------- 5

2.3. Analysis ----------------------------------------- 5

3. Thematic Analysis ------------------------------ 5

3a.Youth ---------------------------------------------- 5
3b. Nation Building ----------------------------------- 6
3.1. A La Juventud Filipina --------------------------- 6
3.1.1 Hope of Motherland ------------------------- 7
3.2 Por La Educacion Recibe
Lustre La Patria --------------------------------- 8
3.2.1 Glorification ------------------------------ 8
3.2.2 Education ---------------------------------- 9
3.3 Alianza Intima Entre La
Religion Y La Educacion -------------------------- 9
3.3.1 Education ---------------------------------- 10
3.3.2 Religion ----------------------------------- 10

4. Summary ---------------------------------------- 11
References ---------------------------------------- 12

1. Introduction
Dr. Jose P. Rizal is more than a national hero. He serves as
an inspiration of his fellow citizens for he had gave value of
patriotism and did more than enough to be notable not just in the
Philippines but in the world. The aim of this study is to capture
different perceptions of different participants in the literary
works of Rizal namely: A La Juventud Filipina (To the Philippine
Youth), Por La Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria (Through Education
is the Nation Glorified), and Alianza Intima Entre La Religion Y
La Educacion (The Intimate Alliance between Religion and
Education). This study will be of interest to nationalists,
analysts and anyone who has interest on studying works of Rizal.
The researchers aim to use this information to further drive the
interest of Filipino youths in understanding the rationale of

The aim of this study is to prove the point of Rizal and to open
our eyes. Poetry reveals an individual’s hopes, dreams, and aspirations.
Our national hero has resulted to several poems about education, life
struggles, youth and martyrdom. His poems are full of wisdom and can be
source of knowledge to everyone and it put a meaning to our heart and

Examining the literary works of Rizal is important for a

number of reason. Firstly, the contents of his works encompasses
several lessons about history. It is vital to understand more fully
what has happened in the past for it will help in inculcating the
patriotism of the countrymen. Secondly, his writings seeks to
redictate the lives of youth for the epitomes of sovereignty and
nationalism, for which our heroes lived and died. Thirdly, our
national hero devout his life and works in shaping the Filipino
character and the least we can do is to pay tribute for everything
that he has done for us. Lastly, through studying Rizal’s works
and writings, Filipino will gain an inspiring source of nationalism
which is necessary in giving high hopes to our mother land.

This research is qualitative in nature with focus group

discussion as its design. Exploring the literary works of Rizal
through the medium of focus group discussion means that the
writings can be understood deeper.

2. Methodology
This carries important data on the data on the methodology and
procedures that are thorough and in-depth harness will be done
by the researcher.

2.1. Design
Both focus group method and narrative approach was chosen as
a method of conducting this qualitative reseach. This aims to have
spontaneous interactions and informal discussions that allows
researchers to understand how the literary works of Rizal affects
the mindset of the youths.
According to Baral (2016), a focus group discussion involves
gathering people from similar backgrounds or experiences together
to discuss a specific topic of interest. It is a form of
qualitative research where questions are asked about their
perceptions attitudes, beliefs, opinion or ideas. In focus group
discussion participants are free to talk with group members. The
three literary works of Rizal namely: A La Juventud Filipina (To
the Philippine Youth), Por La Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria
(Through Education is the Nation Glorified), and Alianza Intima
Entre La Religion Y La Educacion (The Intimate Alliance Between
Religion and Education) will be discussed to point out the essence
of each works to the Filipino youths.
Narrative approach, according to Jeff Sauro (2019), weaves
together a sequence of events, usually from just one or two
individuals to form a cohesive story. The researchers will conduct
in-depth interviews, read documents, and look for themes. The three
themes will be evaluated by the researchers to form a presentation
that reconcile the three mentioned themes.

2.2. Data Collection

This study is free and open discussion among members who has
knowledge about Rizal to generate new ideas about the topic and
will be useful in making conclusions. Researchers will have an
initial discussion about the said topic to have a good
understanding of the subject, problem, or topic to be investigated.
This includes both theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
The researcher, as its main respondents, is vital in this paper to

give a justifiable conclusion and findings about the three literary
works of the Philippine national hero, Dr. Jose P. Rizal.

2.3. Analysis

This paper reengineered a process of qualitative research

about thematic analysis of Dr. Jose P. Rizal’s literary works.
To sum up, based on the insights drawn on the focus group
discussion, the figure below were formulated.

Figure 1. Paradigm of the Study

3. Thematic Analysis

Literatures of Dr. Jose P. Rizal mainly talks about the
youths for he always consider them as the most vital citizens in
the country. His statement “the hope of our motherland is in the
hand of the youths” has been known all around the world and been
the most prominent contributions he left in our country. Our

national hero is indeed a model of excellence and achievements
and it should be taught to every youths for them to emulate his
Since the hopes are considered to be the youths, it is
important that each of them should know more about our national
hero. Rizal is relevant to the young at present because he
showed a passion and value of education, even under very
difficult circumstances during his time.

3b. Nation Building

Rizal contributes largely on nation building given the fact
that he even dedicate his life for his countrymen. Rizal insist
on education as the instrument for social progress, he even
pleaded the authorities to take steps to improve the education
of the Filipinos.
National unity is the ultimate means of nation building.
Rizal’s greatest contribution to achieve the building of
Filipino nation was his untiring efforts in urging his
countrymen to work together for national survival. His
literatures also contributes in bringing the courage to fight
injustice for the welfare of society. Elias in Noli Me Tangere
showed his mission in harnessing national unity. He has said
“Alone, it is true, we are nothing, but take up the cause of the
people, unite yourself with the people, be not headless of their
cries, set an example to the rest, spread the idea of what we
called fatherland.”

3.1. A La Juventud Filipina

A La Juventud Filipina or Sa Kabataang Pilipino is an
inspiring and motivating poem that says that the Filipino youth
are competent to achieve great dreams. It also encourage the youth
to achieve their potential by harnessing their talents and skills
for the betterment of our country the Philippines.
The first stanza of the poem speaks about the situation of
the Filipino youth that time. It seems like the youth that time is
hopeless because of the situation of the country, but Rizal still
said with positivity that “Fair hope of my fatherland,” when the
situation seems hopeless during that time because Rizal believes
that the youth is the hope of the nation.

The second stanza talks about the eagerness to do or to
improve something as one of the line says “Raise the eager mind to
higher station.”
The third stanza of the poem speaks about how the Filipino
suffers from the Spaniards. The word “chains” signifies a lot of
things about the youth that time because they did not experience
right amount of education like what the Spaniards experienced.
The fourth stanza speaks about the good things about the
Spaniards. Before, it is banned to them to talk about against the
Spaniards. At the end, the Filipinos accepted that the Spaniards
gave a lot of things to the country because the Spaniards educated
us, but not the type of education that the Filipinos really need
but what is important is that they experienced education.
The remaining stanzas are Jose Rizal’s suggestion on how the
Filipino youth will achieve their dreams. Rizal have trust on the
youth that’s why he has the famous line “The youth is the hope of
the nation.” Rizal believed that the youth have a huge potential
and will be the hope of our country that’s why he addressed this
poem to the youth.
This poem is just a reminder for us to serve our countrymen.
As a Filipino youth, every one of us can be able to contribute for
the betterment of our country in many ways. Rizal’s vision or what
Rizal wants to our countrymen can be a reality if each one of us
remember our duties and responsibilities to our country.

3.1.1 Hope of Motherland

“The youth is the hope of motherland.” This is one of the
famous lines of our national hero Jose Rizal. This means that the
future of our country is in the hands of the youth today because
the youth has the power to reshape the country’s situation. They
say, today’s youth is different from the youths in the past. Many
people believe that the youth will be running the nation in the
future but the youth today doesn’t really care about our nation
they just keep on murmuring the famous quotation of our national
hero but they take no moves to set off their stand. Today, we are
considering the youth as hope of nation, that they will have a big
impact in running the nation in the future. The Filipino will take
charge of everything in the future because they will be a good
servant and leaders of our country in the future. That is why
today, the society created activities that can harness the
potential of the youth to be a good servant leader in the future.
The SK or Sangguniang Kabataan is the organization for the youth

to have a good relationship to the society and that will be the
first step to be a good servant leader of tomorrow. This
organization also created to manifest to create a path towards the
development and betterment of the nation.

3.2 Por La Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria

The poem gave us the idea that education is one of the major
ways for a single nation to get what the people is aiming for. It
lit up the bulb in our minds and those burning matches in our
hearts that is always within ourselves since then. The
understanding and knowledge are the foundation to create a society
everybody has been desiring for and Rizal expressly pointed it
out. Education gives us the power and strength to support our
families, our friends, our nation and especially our dreams. It
gives the Filipinos a longing desire for making the country a great
place for the Filipino citizens, youth and the generations to come.
The last part of the poem is the most inspiring stanza. It pertains
to the beauty that a nation can have but can only be achieved
through the help of the youth and their education.

3.2.1 Glorification
Many people especially those who have not read this piece
that our national hero himself wrote, don't know what kind of
privilege they have in terms of education particularly to the
youth. It is also highlighted that glorification or the glory that
a nation could have if they treasure the education of the young
When Rizal included "So he that takes wise education by hand,
invincible shall guide the reigns of motherland", he says it all.
Education brings glory that came from above to the success of every
nation that would always take the risk of giving the promises and
hope to the young ones. Also, education to be clear is not just
about academics but more on character. Written in the poem "she
lights the living flame of goodness bright", education brings
manner, gives a good attitude and lend us a pleasing character.
Young people must learn from Rizal that out of the knowledge they
have, still education without God is not true education.
The last line in this literary works stated that "she
(pertaining to education) offers our dear motherland the light

that lead us to immortal glory's height", a stepping stone to the
future. Education is not just learning, is not just giving glory
to the nation but also offering it back to the One who let us see
His magnificent creation through education.

3.2.2 Education
Dr. Jose Rizal is totally a genius young man when he wrote
this poem. We can actually see it by the usage of words he had
been included in this magnificent literary works which
particularly shows us why education is one of the most important
things that a nation's youth should have.
"Where education reigns on lofty seat, youth blossoms forth
with vigour and agility", here we can see that Jose Rizal is
talking about the determination, the strength and the power that
a nation could have if they focuses on the improvement and
betterment of the minds and perspective of a youth. Not only those,
but also to the agility or the skills that will only be acquired
through the basic of reading, writing and learning from all of
that. We must not forget that the author itself is the one who
said that "the youth is the hope of the motherland", and maybe if
Rizal is still alive now, he will add "through education" in it.
Another piece in this poem is "For her are born all science and
all arts", is something we should think about. Rizal is emphasizing
the value of education in his time and up to our time and of course
unto the generations to come that we cannot understand most of the
things in the world if we don’t value education which is the way
to shed light to the stagnant society. Education is everything,
and this poem is Rizal’s way of personification the "education" as
a woman who "gives security and peace to lands in which she lives.
To the youth, this poem is a wakeup call for every each of us
to appreciate and evaluate the power that the education is offering
us. Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the
world. Not only our national heroes want to inform us about that,
but all the people who is aspiring to make a beautiful and a better
community. We are the hope, so we should live like that.

3.3 Alianza Intima Entre La Religion Y La Educacion

The Intimate Alliance between Religion and Good Education
serves as an eye opener to every Filipino youth who are still

studying. It states the importance of religion in education, vice
versa. This poem wants us to realize how important education in
everyone lives and use it for the common good of every person.
According to Aristotle, “The roots of education are bitter, but
the fruit is sweet.” We as a student, there are a lot of hard work,
shortcomings, pain, sleepless nights and anything students can
experience on achieving their goals but despite of those pains and
sufferings we are still here fighting achieving our goals. We must
first go through difficulties in order to achieve our dreams in
life. There is no easy way in achieving our dreams, it is not one
time processed.

3.3.1 Education
As a youth, through education we gain enough knowledge to
improve ourselves especially our country. We can provide an answer
to the society’s problems, and we can improve the condition of our
country. Education is important for a country to grow. It helps
people become better citizens and can help in the progress of the

3.3.2 Religion
Jose Rizal believed that religion and good education go
together. Education without God is not true education. Without
religion, human education may result to chaos, disaster and
anything evil things can happen because we are not able to use
education in good way and we are not properly aware of the
humanitarian and godly things. We as a children of God must not
rely on our own understanding but on His words and guidance. We
cannot surpass things on our own. All the blessings that we have
are not the fruit of our own hard works but blessings coming from
above. We are like wingless birds if we not live our life according
to His will. We must give value to religion as how much we give
value to education. We must always put God first. Above all things
in our lives, we should seek God, and everything else will be
provided for us. As important as education is, it should never
come before our relationship with God.

4. Summary
Youth, or more specifically, the nation's youth seems to be
a recurring theme in a lot of Rizal's earlier works. Rizal has put
a lot of value and faith in the Filipino youth because he believes
that the youth is the future of our nation. he himself said that
"Ang Kabataan ang Pag-asa ng Bayan" or "The Youth is the Hope of
the Nation". At that time, there were still a bit of an ongoing
war between the Filipinos and the Spaniards, discriminations
against the Filipinos was still ever so present. In his works,
Rizal has put a lot of emphasis on "Education", because to him,
Education was a weapon more powerful than anything man could get
a hold of. Rizal fought wars with a pen, not a sword. He emphasized
and glorified education as he believed it was the most powerful
thing he could equip the nation's youth with. He wanted the
Filipino youth to understand the importance of education and to
treasure it as education can bring glory to our motherland and
free them from the chains of the Spaniards.
The three literary work of Rizal share a common theme, the
Filipino youth as well as Education, but each of this poem tackles
these themes differently and sheds a different light in each one
of them. In A La Juventud Filipino, the famous line "The Youth is
the Hope of the Nation" has come into fruition. In the poem, Rizal
has put a lot of trust into our nation's youth and reminded them
that all is not lost, there is still hope that the chain holding
them back will eventually break. A La Juventud Filipino was a poem
addressed to the Filipino youths in hopes of inspiring them to
rise and seek education for the betterment of our country.
Meanwhile, Por La Educacion Recibe Lustre La Patria was a poem
written to emphasize the value of education and why we need to
treasure it. Rizal believed that through education, a country can
reach greater heights of Excellency, that education can bring glory
to our country and that education is the most powerful weapon in
changing not only our country, but the whole world. A weapon
untendered will only cause chaos. That is why in Rizal's work
Alianza Intima Entre La Religion Y la Educaion, he has address
this. In this poem, Rizal has married Religion and Education. He
believes that Education and Religion comes hand in hand. And
through Religion, one can gain good education as education is not
only about academics, but also in character. In conclusion, Rizal
wanted his country-men to understand the value of the Filipino
youth and education as well as how religion could bring fruit to
good education.

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 A La Juventud Filipina (English). Retrieved from




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