FS4 Final

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Field Study 4

Understanding Curriculum Development

Submitted to:
Mr. Galileo Antonio
St. John Paul II College of Davao
Ecoland Drive, Matina Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements in FS 4
Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in English

Semester S.Y. 2018-2019


Student Profile.................................................................................................................2

My Autobiography...........................................................................................................4

Learning Domain 1..........................................................................................................5

Learning Domain 2..........................................................................................................8

Learning Domain 3.........................................................................................................11

Checklist on Community Linkages...............................................................................14

Learning Domain 4.........................................................................................................16

Learning Domain 5..........................................................................................................19

Learning Domain 6..........................................................................................................21

Learning Domain 7..........................................................................................................25

Self-Rating Competency Checklist................................................................................27

Learners Outputs.............................................................................................................28

Sample Lesson Plan........................................................................................................29

Personal Reflection on the Portfolio..............................................................................30

Comments to the Cooperating teacher..........................................................................31

Observation Report..........................................................................................................32

Suggested Rubrics on the Portfolio...............................................................................33

Daily Time Record............................................................................................................34

Student Profile Form

Name: Noreen Polido Onor

Contact email: 09502246258
Contact tel: 258-5628
Paste Picture Here
Age: 24
Programme/ 2x2
Course: Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major in English

Full or part-time: Special Program

Dreams and Goals Talents, Skills and Knowledge:

As a student I dreamed of having a Master's I consider my ability in drawing as my

Degree in teaching. It is my goal to finish my talent given by God and my ability to
schooling and obtaining a degree and to memorize a certain text in a short period of
have a mansion in Canada as my additional time.

Learning Styles and What Works: Dislikes (what doesn’t work ):

I can say that I am a visual and auditory In studying for example, silent reading or
learner for it works highly on me. I easily reading in mind doesn't really work on me
remember things by looking or listening to it. because saying it aloud can be absorbed
easily for me.

Interests and Values: Positive Personality Traits (including

I do have interest in chalks and blackboards
.That is actually the main reason why I I have a good sense of humour and
choose this career. I value the important of laughs easily to small jokes. I always give
learning aids to have a productive citizens of my smile to everyone because I consider
this country. this planet as world without strangers.

Life and Work Experiences: Specific Challenges:

Sad to say that I don't have any work As a working student, I really have a hard
experiences aside from being a helper in the time to manage my time effectively.
house. My life circle around from home to Especially on exam week and finals. I
school and from school to home always cramping during those weeks.

Work experiences ideas and possibilities

to explore

Since the only work I know is how to clean

the house properly and how to babysit a dog
, I guess the only thing I want to explore is
how to be an employer. Change position if


I am Noreen P. Onor, twenty-four years old, currently living at Matina Executive

Homes, Matina Davao City. A passionate working student with a dream of becoming a future

teacher someday. I am now a third year student of St. Jon Paul II College of Davao taking up

Bachelor of Secondary Education Majoring English. I've gone already three field study courses

which allowed me to explore on the learners development and environment to experiencing the

teaching-learning process and to discover the significance of using technology in learning

environment. This semester, I am going to unfold another field of study, particularly on

'understanding curriculum development'.

This course shall allow me to apply and verify knowledge gained on curriculum

development through exposure to existing curriculum. Making of this portfolio can develop my

insights on how can certain curriculum guide be effectively implemented.


Teacher Observed: Mr. Benjamin Ocon School : Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School
Class Observed : Grade 10- Chrysolite Subject: English_
Date : August 28, 2018 Time : 12:30pm-6:45pm

Target Competencies

At the end of this activity, you should be able to communicate clear learning goals that

are appropriate to the learners

Special tasks

1. Visit a school;

2. Get a copy of the school’s vision and mission statements;

3. Analyze the vision and mission of the school relative to the existing school

curriculum; and

4. Submit an analysis report.

Copy the vision, mission, goals, and objectives of your cooperating school.

We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and

competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully

to building the nation. As a learner-centered public institution, the Department of

Education continuously improves itself to better serve its stakeholders.

To protect and promote the right of every Filipino, to quality, equitable, culture-

based, and complete basic education where:

Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe and motivating

environment. Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.

Administrators and staff as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and

supported environment for effective learning to happen. Family, community, and

other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for developing life-

long learners.

Goals and Objectives:

CORE VALUES: Maka-Diyos Maka-tao
Makakalikasan Makabansa

Entries of Evidences

Vision and Mission of DRANHS


1. Does the school’s vision conform to the needs of the society? In what ways?

The schools vision conforms to the needs of the society in a way of producing and

nurturing value-oriented individuals. The society needs individual who passionately love

the country, has good moral values and who is competent enough to contribute in the

progress of the nation.

2. Is the school’s mission geared towards the realization of the vision? How?

The school's mission is to provide basic education which geared towards the realization

of the vision to produce value-oriented and globally competitive graduates.

3. Does the goals and objectives give careful attention to the holistic development of
the learners?

School's mission and vision serves as the school's goals and objectives which gives

careful attention to the holistic development of the learners. It dreams of Filipinos which

are not just competent enough but also aimed to form good values to each individual.

4. Based on the school’s vision and mission, what are the learning goals appropriate to
the learners?

Based on the school's vision and mission, to equip or gear learners with competencies

and values that enabling them to discover their full potential and contribute to the

promotion of the nation's progress is truly a kind of learning goal that is appropriate to

the learners.


As a future teacher, how would you formulate the vision, mission, goals, and
objectives of a school?

As a future teacher( claiming to be), I would formulate the vision, mission, goals, and

objectives on the needs of the community. By identifying their needs today, you can

visualize or formulate goals and objectives that responds or provides solution of that



Teacher Observed :Mr. Benjamin Ocon School :Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School
Class Observed :Grade 10-Carnelian Subject :English
Date : August 28,2018 Time :1:30pm-2:30pm

Target Competencies

At the end of this activity, you should be able to develop and use a variety of

appropriate assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning outcomes.

Special tasks

1. Choose a particular subject area and grade/year level;

2. Conduct a classroom observation;

3. Write down the learning objective/s for the day; and

4. Determine if the evaluation items given by the resource teacher are congruent with

the set of objective/s.

Ask the resource teacher about the learning objective and assessment strategies for
the day. Write them below.

Subject: English (Imagery)

Learning objective/s:
A. Identify the uses of Imagery through examples.

B. Make other examples of imagery during discussion and;

C. Classified each images used in the sentences

D. Determine what types of imagery used in the epic, poem Inferno, Canto III and;

E. Perform a group task using five senses.

Assessment Strategies:

Answering preliminary activities/exercises

Learning Objective/s Evaluation Items Comment
C- Congruent
NC- Not Congruent
A. Identify the uses of Imagery Classify what types of
Imagery used in the
through examples.
sentences.  Congruent
B. Make other examples of 1. The deep blue sea
sparkled in the sun.
imagery during discussion and;
2. Soft, smooth fabric
C. Classified each images used in covered the chair.
3. The tinkle of sweet bells
the sentences
filled the air.
D. Determine what types of 4. The jam was flavored
strawberry and cherry.
imagery used in the epic, poem
5. We perceived orchids
Inferno, Canto III and; and roses in the air.
E. Perform a group task using five
(Canto III of Inferno) epic
senses. poem. The students will be  Congruent
group into four and
performed the task
assigned to them.
1. Eyed Group- Make a
poster of what hell looks
like based on the poem.
2. Ear Group- Used their
voice to produce hell like
3. Hand Group- Dance like
a tormented souls.
4. Lip Group- Present a
speech choir about going
good to avoid being in hell.




Teacher follows daily lesson plan During the presentation of poem


1. Is/ are the learning objective/s based on the National Kindergarten Curriculum

Guide (NKCG)/Philippine Elementary Learning Competencies (PELC)/Philippine

Secondary Learning Competencies (PSLC)/Teachers Manual?

The learning items are aligned with PSLC.

2. Are the evaluation items aligned with the set learning objective/s?

Evaluation items are aligned with the set of learning goals.

3. Was/were the learning objective/s met by the end of the lesson?

Yes, because students can able to identify different types of imagery and can

also perform very well the given task.

4. What are the resources and activities used by the teacher to ensure that students

meet the set performance expectations?

The teacher used teacher's guide paper and learner's handouts. These

materials were used in group activity as well as individual assessment.

5. What are the resource teacher’s interventions for the slow and the fast learners in

the class?

The teacher gives additional activities for application to fast learners and a

remedial for those slow learners.


As a future teacher, how would you implement the curriculum in the classroom

learning process As a future teacher, I would implement the curriculum by formulating

learning objectives that are assigned by competencies set by the DepEd and ensuring that the

said objectives are met at the end of the lesson.


Teacher Observed: Mr. Benjamin Ocon School : Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School
Class Observed : Grade 10-Coral Subject: English
Date : August 28, 2018 Time : 3:45pm-4:45pm

Target Competencies

At the end of this activity, you should be able to establish learning environments that
respond to the aspirations of the community?

Special tasks

1. Interview the resource teacher about how she/he establishes a learning environment
that responds to the aspirations of the community.

Together with our cooperating teacher


1. How does the resource teacher involve the community in sharing accountability

for the learner’s achievement?

The teacher gives homework to the class and let students ask their parent's help

in making their assignments. Sharing responsibilities from significant person such

as parents can promote and develop learners optimum performance.

2. How does the resource teacher use her/his community resources (human,

material) to support learning?

Parents are considered as community resource that supports learning and

teacher uses this human resource by letting them attend activities in the school

on the following day 'Buwan ng wika'. Presence of the parents can somehow

promotes and motivates childrn to learn.

3. How does the resource teacher participate in community activities that promote


The teacher says that he attends seminars, trainings and other conventions.

Participating such activities can upgrade himself and also improves the system of

educational process.

4. How does the resource teacher use community networks to publicize school

events and achievement?

The teacher invites family/parents of the students to attend activities in school.

As a matter of fact , I ( FS student) was also ask to be the judge during the

elimination round of his 5 competing class sections, preparation for the upcoming

ComArts Festival.

5. How does the school teacher encourage students to apply classroom learning to

the community?

During the topic "Imagery", the teacher read a poem 'Inferno Canto III' then

afterwards the teacher relate certain events on the poem to the real situation and

experiences of the learners, instill to them to apply what they have learn from the

poem to their family and also to the society for them to be a good member of the



As a future teacher, how would you conduct community linkages for the benefit

of the school and its students?

As a future teacher, I would see to it that parent's involvement in the school activities

are observed. Their participation in school events is beneficial not just to the school but

also to the learners.

Entries of evidences

During the class elimination round sing

and dance competition.


the classroom as learning environment


Below is a checklist on the community linkages. Based on you interview with the
resource teacher, evaluate objectively if the behavioral characteristics under each component
are evident or not. If they are not, write your comments on the corresponding column.

A. Involves the community in sharing accountability for the learner’s achievement

Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows the programs, 
projects, and thrusts of DepEd on
school-community partnership.
The teacher involves the 
community in programs, projects,
and thrusts of the school.
The teacher promotes shared 
accountability for the learner’s
achievement with the community.
B. Uses community resources (human, material) to support learning
Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows the available 
community resources to enhance
The teacher uses available 
community resources (human,
material) to support learning.
The teacher considers and 
appreciates the value of the whole
community as a learning
C. Participates in community activities that promote learning
Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows her/his social 

responsibilities in the community.
The teacher gets involved in 
community work
The teacher shows enthusiasm in 
joining community activities.
D. Uses community networks to publicize school events and achievements
Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows the community 
networks and disseminates
information accordingly.
The teacher uses community 
networks to communicate school
events and achievements.
The teacher takes pride and 
interest in sharing information on
school events and achievements
with the community.
E. Encourages students to apply classroom learning to the community
Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows social realities 
in the community to make learning
The teacher provides activities that 
ensure application of classroom
learning to homes and
The teacher shows concern about 
the needs of communities by
encouraging application of learning
outside the school.


Teacher Observed: Miss Marylen Calixto School : Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School
Class Observed : Grade 10-Coral Subject : English
Date : August 28, 2018 Time : 3:45pm-4:45pm

Target Competencies

At the end of this activity, you should be able to identify ways to create a healthy

psychological climate for learners.

Special tasks

1. Choose a particular subject area and grade/year level in a school to be visited; and

2. Conduct a classroom observation..


1. How did the resource teacher encourage free expression of ideas from students?

The resource teacher shows openness to them, telling/encouraging them to

speak and express what they feel.

2. How did the resource teacher create a stress-free environment?

The resource teacher shows empathy to students by asking how they are, what

they feel or hoe they spent their Kadayawan week. She also gives energizer for

them to become interested to the lesson.

3. What measures did the resource teacher take to minimize anxiety and fear of

her/him and /or the subject?

The resource teacher told them that they can approach her anytime they have problems

or concerns. These can minimize anxiety and fear of her. Regarding the subject, she

will tell a funny experiences that can relate to the topic in order to minimize their fear of

the subject.

4. What activities did the resource teacher provide to encourage respect and free

expression of ideas?

The resource teacher conducts group activity where everybody in the class

should participate and contribute ideas to the group. She also emphasizes

respect to each of the group member.


As a future teacher, how would you create a healthy psychological climate for


As a future teacher, I would create a healthy psychological climate for learning by

creating a stress free environment which are convenient to learners and a setting

where they can freely express their ideas and feelings. I would create a

classroom setting where I, as a teacher, act not only as transmitter of knowledge

but also a counselor to them and treat them as my client where they can feel

belongingness for effective transfer of learning.

Entries of Evidences
During the individual assessment and
group performances

Below is a checklist on the healthy psychological climate for learning. Based on your
classroom observation,, evaluate objectively if the behavioral characteristics under each
component are evident or not. If they are not, write your comments on the corresponding
Conduct a classroom observation and find out if the resource teacher creates a healthy
psychological climate for learning.
A. Encourages students’ free expression of ideas
Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows the concepts 
and principles of democratic
expression of ideas.
The teacher provides activities that 
encourage respect and free
expression of ideas.
The teacher encourages learners to 
express their ideas freely and
B. Creates a stress-free environment
Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows the elements 
and importance of establishing a
stress-free learning environment.
The teacher manages conflicts and 
other stressful situations.
The teacher initiates and 
participates in programs (e.g.,
child-friendly school system) and
activities that promote a stress-free
The teacher gets involved in 
advocacy activities that contribute
to a stress-free learning
C. Takes measures to minimize students’ anxiety toward the subject and fear of the
Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows child-friendly 
strategies that minimize anxiety
and fear among learners.
The teacher encourages learners to 
develop a positive attitude towards
her/him and their subject.
The teacher makes students feel 
they are accepted and cared for.


THE IMPLEMENTATION – Diversity of Learners

Teacher Observed: Mr. Benjamin Ocon School : Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School
Class Observed : Grade 10-Citrine Subject: English
Date : August 28, 2018 Time : 3:45pm-4:45pm

Target Competencies

At the end of this activity, you should be able to determine, understand, and accept the

learners’ diverse backgrounds and experiences.

Special tasks

1. Conduct a classroom observation.


1. How did the teacher obtain information on the learning styles, multiple

intelligences, and needs of learners?

By conducting an assessment or varied types of activities after a lesson, the

teacher acquires information on the learning styles of the learners. He can able

to identify which learner is high or low in a certain domain and by that, teacher

can now able to provide appropriate teaching styles in order to aide learners


2. How did the teacher design or select learning experiences suited to the different

types of learners?

Teacher uses varied teaching styles and techniques which can be suited to

different types of learners. He conducts fun games and also set competition for

further enrichment.

3. How did the teacher establish goals that are appropriate to all learners?
The teacher establish not only a certain goal that merely focus on one aspect of

abilities of learners but a goal that fits and appropriate to learners diversity.

4. How did the teacher pace lessons appropriate to the learning needs and

difficulties of learners?

The teacher establish proper pacing of lessons, he conducts activities that are at

their right length which accommodates learners need and difficulties.

5. What strategies did the resource teacher adopt to address the needs of

differently-abled students?

Based on the classroom that I have observed, there is no such students that is

differently-abled, but then there are some students that are left behind from the

group in terms of reading. The resource teacher sets a remedial for them and

takes extra effort and time to conduct reading exercises to address their needs.


As a future teacher, how would you determine, understand, and accept the

learners’ diverse knowledge and experience?

One of the principles of teaching states that "the process of problem solving and

learning are highly unique and individual", as a future teacher, I would be flexible

enough to teach diverse types of learners. Having qualities like being patient and have

big heart to love every students who enter the room.

Entry of evidence


collaborating with peers, discussing about the given task.


THE IMPLEMENTATION – Planning, Assessing, and Reporting

Teacher Observed: Mr. Benjamin Ocon School : Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School
Class Observed : Grade 10-Chrysolite Subject: English
Date : August 28, 2018 Time : 3:45pm-4:45pm

Target Competencies

At the end of this activity, you should be able to develop and use a variety of

appropriate assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning.

Special tasks

1. Conduct a classroom observation; and

2. Identify the resource teacher’s assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate



1. How did the resource teacher prepares formative and summative tests in line with

the curriculum?

The resource teacher gives his assessment strategies that are based on the

given objectives set by the learning competencies given by the DepEd.

2. How did the resource teacher employ non-traditional assessment techniques

(portfolio, journals, rubrics, etc.)?

The resource teacher employs not only written test to evaluate learning but also

employs compilation of their outputs.

3. How did the teacher interpret and use assessment results to improve teaching

and learning?

The resource teacher conducts reflection after every lesson and when he found

out that the result is not good, he recall/generalize the lesson and improves the

teaching strategies to enhance learning.

4. What teaching-learning difficulties and possible causes did the resource teacher

identify and what appropriate action did she/he take to address them?

The number of students in a one single room (60 vs. 1) is probably the most

teaching-learning difficulties that the teacher encounter. To solve this matter, the

teacher initiates the use of 'megaphone' during class discussion.

5. What tools did the resource teacher use and how did she/he utilize them to

assess authentic learning?

The teacher uses curriculum guide issued by the Department of Education and

utilizes them to assess authentic learning. She also uses back-up resources like

textbooks, visual aids, ppt, and the like during class discussion.


As a future teacher, how would you develop and use a variety of appropriate

assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning?

If I can see that my first assessment strategy didn't work well, I will develop it or instead

give another form or types of assessment which evaluates learners.

Entries of Evidences

The results of first attempt quiz

Below is a checklist on how the resource teacher develops and uses a variety of
appropriate assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning. Based on your
classroom observation, evaluate objectively if the behavioral characteristics under each
component are evident or not. If they are not, write your comments on the corresponding

Conduct a classroom observation and find out if the resource teacher develops and
uses a variety of appropriate assessment strategies to monitor and evaluate learning.
A. Prepares formative and summative tests in line with the curriculum
Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows the principles 
and purposes of instructional
assessment including formative
and summative tests.
The teacher constructs valid and 
reliable formative and summative
The teacher appreciates the value 
of testing as a tool to improve
instruction and learning
B. Employs non-traditional assessment techniques (portfolio, journals, rubrics,
Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows the concepts, 
principles and strategies of non-
traditional assessment.
The teacher uses appropriate non- 
traditional assessment techniques.
The teacher values the uses of 
non-traditional assessment.

C. Interprets and uses assessment results to improve teaching and learning

Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows the concepts, 
principles on interpretation, and
utilization off assessment results.
The teacher interprets and uses 
test results to improve teaching and
The teacher manifests fairness in 
the interpretation of test results
D. Identifies teaching-learning difficulties and possible causes and takes
appropriate action to address them.
Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows the concept and 
principles of diagnostic testing.
The teacher knows the types of 
remedial activities for slow learners.
The teacher identifies teaching- 
learning difficulties and possible
The teacher manages remediation 
The teacher manifests willingness 
and patience in conducting
remediation activities.
E. Uses tools for assessing authentic learning
Evident Not Evident Comments
The teacher knows the concepts 
and principles in the use of tools for
assessment of authentic learning.
The teacher utilizes appropriate 
tools for assessing authentic
The teacher develops and uses 
tools enthusiastically for assessing
authentic learning.



Teacher Observed: Mr. Benjamin Ocon School : Daniel R. Aguinaldo National High School
Class Observed : Grade 10-Crystal Subject: English
Date : August 28, 2018 Time : 3:45pm-4:45pm

Target Competencies

At the end of this activity, you should be able to use the allotted instructional time


Special tasks

1. Conduct a classroom observation.


1. . How did the resource teacher establish routines and procedures to maximize
instructional time?

The resource teacher follows a guide/log which he uses to establish routines and

procedure in order to set the class discussion at their proper length.

2. How did the resource teacher plan lessons to fit within the available
instructional time?

He establishes proper pacing of lessons, making sure that it is planned well and the

elements of the lesson are in their proper length to fit within the available

instructional time.


A s a future teacher, how would you effectively use the allotted instructional

As a future teacher, planning the lesson ahead of time and making sure that the lesson

plan made is specific, measurable, attainable, result-oriented and time-bounded. These

can effectively use the allotted instructional time and increases teacher's chances of

carrying out the lesson effectively.


The teacher make use of the allotted instructional time


Name: Noreen P. Onor Course: BSED-ENGLISH Year & Section: II

Direction: Check ( ) the appropriate column that best describes your current level of
mastery of each listed competency.

I cannot I am I can do this I can do

COMPETENCY do this learning but i need to this very
yet. how to do learn more well.
this and

Determines teaching approaches and
techniques appropriate to the learners.

Uses variety of teaching approach and
techniques appropriate to the subject
matter and to the learner.

Identifies and classifies resources and
facilitate teaching and learning process.

Appraises the effectiveness of displays
as learning resources.

Designs a bulletin board display.

Determines the appropriateness of
teaching aids to learning tasks.

Prepares instructional materials that
are appropriate to the learning content.

Develops and utilizes materials which
involve students in a meaningful

Recognizes strengths and weakness of
slide presentations in facilitating
teaching-learning process.

Determine the appropriateness of the
internet resources to the learning tasks.

Date Accomplished: August 31, 2018



A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan for Grade 10

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students shall have:
a. Identified the uses of imagery through examples.
b. Composed other examples, using imagery during discussion and;
c. Classified each images used in the sentences, what types of images the sentences is.
d. Determine what types of imagery used in the epic, poem, inferno, Canto III and;
e. Perform a group task using the five senses.
II. Lesson Content
Topic: Imagery
Content: Imagery means the use of figurative language to represent objects, action and ideas in such a
way that it appeals to our physical senses.
Values: Teamwork, Self-Awareness
Materials: Visual aid, textbook
Reference: http:/english.edurite.com/literary-response/imagery.html
III. Procedure
1. Preliminaries
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance
2. Review
Ask the students about the past lesson which is modals
3. Activity
The teacher will ask the students of what is hell to them
4. Analysis
The teacher will ask questions about the activity and integrate discussion with the answer given by the
5. Abstraction
What is Imagery? What are the four types of Imagery? Identify the uses of Imagery
6. Application
Classify what types of Imagery used in the sentences.
1) The deep, blue sea sparkled in the sun. -Visual imagery
2) Soft, smooth fabric covered the chair. -Tactile imagery
3) The tinkle of sweet bells filled the air. -Auditory imagery
4) The jam was flavored strawberry and cherry. -Gustatory imagery
5) We perceived orchids and roses in the air. -Olfactory imagery
IV. Evaluation
The teacher will let the students read the Canto III of Inferno and the students will determine the types of
imagery used in the epic poem. The students will be group into four and performed the task assigned to
1) Eye Group- Make a poster of what hell looks like based on the text.
2) Ear Group- Use their voice and other materials available in producing the sounds.
3) Hand Group- Show an interpretative dance to reflect the movements of tormented souls.
4) Lip Group- Present a speech choir about doing good to avoid being in hell (based on the text)
V. Assignment
In a ½ sheet of paper, create a poem at least 1 stanza that composes of 4lines using imagery.



Every experience is a wonderful thing to treasure and to learn with. Doing this field

study was really an eye opener of the reality that teaching-learning process is not just easy, for

it is far beyond my imagination, far beyond my dream classroom.

On my four-day observation, I saw the significance of the effective delivery of the lesson

in the teaching-learning process. Implementation of the curriculum imparts a big help to the

achievement of the learning goals that the teacher wants his students to achieve.

As we are being exposed to the existing curriculum, I , as an FS student, it allows me

to apply and verify knowledge gained on curriculum development and provides insights on how

this curriculum can be effectively implemented. This Field Study helps me reflect and get

some ideas on the best teaching method to use in given allotted instructional time.

Somehow I can say that being a teacher is a privileged that something to be proud

of...because you are nurturing the minds of this young people to become "SOMEONE" in the

near future.

I know someday its gonna be my turn...then I can't wait to teach!!!.


As I received my assignment during our deployment day, I was eager to find my

assigned room as well as my cooperating teacher,

My cooperating teacher was nice and very accommodating to us. During my four-day

observation, I've notice that the he follows certain class routine and conduct his class on time.

He is responsive to any circumstances he encounters in class and focuses mainly on students

well being.

I liked the way he presented in the lesson in the class because he uses a variety of

instructional materials just to let his students understanding effectively the topic. But what I

liked really the most about my CT is that he gave me an opportunity to evaluate class

performances during the elimination day of ComArts Festevities. He make me one of the

judges of the said program. He let me experience how to be become a teacher on just a short

period of time. Thank you!


August 28, 2018

On my first day, I introduced myself to my CT and he also introduce me to the class. The

whole class welcomed me with a big smile. The teacher started the class with a prayer,

greetings and attendance. He also stated the first objectives of the lesson before starting the

proper discussion. He conducted a quiz after the lesson.

August 29, 2018

The practice teacher started the class routine as usual. Before starting the lesson, she let the

students to have a quick recall of the previous topic. She set the attention of the class by giving

energizer for them to become ready for the next discussion. On subject matter, she uses

learning materials like Teacher's Manual, textbooks and colorful visual aid. After the

discussion, a short quiz afterwards.

August 30, 2018

The teacher set aside the discussion first because he conducts an elimination round for the

'spelling bee' competition. He did this activity for him to choose who among his students that

will represent his class advisory for the upcoming ComArts Festival. The students participate

actively in the spelling bee.

August 31, 2018

Elimination Day for the Mr & Miss ComArts and Sing and Dance competition. No class for

today. My CT ask me to be one of the judges during the program. The students are all talented

and you can see that they are all eager to win the competition.


Criteria Description
5 4 3 2 1
1. Contents of Has 90-100% Has 75-89% Has 60-74% Has less than Has less
the Portfolio of the needed of the of the needed 59% of the than 40% of
content needed content needed the needed
content content content
2. Objectives Objectives Objectives Objectives Some Most
of are SMART are SMART are SMART objectives are objectives
the Portfolio and cover the but cover but cover only not SMART are not
whole course only a less than 75% and do not SMART and
minimum of of the course cover the cover only a
75% of the whole course minimum of
course the course
3. Quality of Entries are Entries are Entries are of Some entries Few entries
Entries best quality, of better acceptable are of are of
well selected quality, quality, some acceptable acceptable
and very many are are well quality, limited quality, not
substantial well selected selected and selection and well
and substantial substantial selected,
substantial and very
4. Creative, Creative, Creative, neat Minimal No
Presentation neat and has neat and and an creativity, creativity, in
of Entries a very strong has strong average neat with disarray, no
impact/appea impact/ impact/appeal minimal impact/appe
l appeal impact/appeal al

5. Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted 2 Submitted 3

Promptness ahead of on schedule week after the weeks after weeks or
in the schedule schedule the schedule more after
submission the



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