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Little Red Riding Hood

One day, Little Red Riding Hoods mother said, "Little, Grandma called me on the phone and said she
don't feel so well. Why don't you get your motorbike and bring her some fruit."
"Oh, poor Grandma.. Okay, Mother. I'll go to her house right away," said Little Red Riding Hood.
"Be careful with the traffic, dear. And don't Drive to fast," advised her mother.
"Okay!" Answered Little Red Riding Hood.
As soon she got to her Grandma's house, she knocked on the door.
"Knock... Knock...!"
"Come in," said the voice inside, "the door is open."
When Little Red Riding Hood walked into the bedroom, she Saw an old lady look so busy listening
to rock music.
"Grandma? Wow! This is a suprise! I thought you hate rock music!" said Little Red Riding Hood.
"Oh please, dear. I have always listened to rock music even before your mother was born." said the
old lady.
"But Grandma," said Little Red Riding Hood. "I didn't know you like reading comics!"
"Oh yes i do i read a lot of comics every day," muttered the old woman.
"And Grandma," said Little Red Riding Hood. "Are you eating chewing gums?"
"Yes, i am," answered the old woman. "I love chewing gums, but i like little girls like you better."
Suddenly, Little Red Riding Hood quickly tool an aerosokl out of her pocket and sprayed her until
she fainted.
"I know you where not Grandma."
Later, she found her Grandmother trapped in the garage.
"Oh dear, thank God you're here," said Grandma "that burglar wanted to steal all my precious
"That horrible, Grandma," said Little Red Riding Hood, puting the spray back into her pocket. "Let's
call the police right away."

Anak berkerudung merah

Suatu hari, ibu Little Red Riding Hoods berkata, "Little, nenek menelpon ibu dan mengatakan dia
sedang merasa tidak enak badan. Mengapa kamu tidak mengambil sepeda motor dan
membawakan buah untuknya."
"Oh, Nenek yang malang .. Oke, Ibu. Aku akan segera pergi ke rumahnya," kata Little Red Riding
"Hati-hati dengan lalu lintas, sayang. Dan jangan mengemudi terlalu cepat," saran ibunya.
"Baik!" Dijawab Little Red Riding Hood.
Segera setelah dia sampai di rumah neneknya, dia mengetuk pintu.
"Ketuk ... ketuk ...!"
"Masuk," kata suara di dalam, "pintunya terbuka."
Ketika Little Red Riding Hood berjalan ke kamar, dia melihat seorang wanita tua terlihat sangat
sibuk mendengarkan musik rock.
"Nenek? Wow! Ini kejutan! Kupikir kamu benci musik rock!" kata Little Red Riding Hood.
"Oh, tolong, sayang. Aku selalu mendengarkan musik rock bahkan sebelum ibumu lahir." kata
wanita tua itu.
"Tapi Nenek," kata Little Red Riding Hood. "Aku tidak tahu kamu suka membaca komik!"
"Oh ya... aku membaca banyak komik setiap hari," gumam wanita tua itu.
"Dan Nenek," kata Little Red Riding Hood. "Apakah kamu makan permen karet?"
"Ya, benar," jawab wanita tua itu. "Aku suka mengunyah permen karet, tapi aku lebih suka gadis
kecil seperti kamu."
Tiba-tiba, Little Red Riding Hood dengan cepat mengeluarkan aerosol dari sakunya dan
menyemprotkannya sampai dia pingsan.
"Aku tahu kamu di mana bukan Nenek."
Kemudian, dia menemukan Neneknya terperangkap di garasi.
"Ya ampun, syukurlah kau ada di sini," kata Nenek, "pencuri itu ingin mencuri semua barang
"Itu mengerikan, Nenek," kata Little Red Riding Hood, memasukkan semprotan kembali ke sakunya.
"Ayo segera panggil polisi."

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