Reaction Paper For Helen of Troy

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Submitted by: Arienne Mae A.


Reaction Paper for Helen of Troy

Helen Ulysses Ajax

Paris Hector Polydorus

Priam Cassandra Cora

Achilles Aeneas Patroclus

Menelaus Andraste Andromache

Hecuba Andros Nestor

Agamemnon Diomedes Alpheus

The movie Helen of Troy shows the important details before and inside the book Iliad. This
movie helps the readers to understand this book. Also, it shows how the Trojan war started and how
Troy has fallen.

Like in the book, because Helen was taken by Paris, the Achaeans demanded to take her back
and conquer and make Troy fall. The movie only shows the important details and the book, and changes
the flow of the story to make it more beautiful and appropriate for their theme. After viewing the
movie, there are lot of differences between the book Iliad and the movie Helen of Troy. Like in the
movie, Achilles is one of the faithful followers of Agamemnon but in the book, Achilles disgusts him and
didn’t participate in the war until Patroclus was killed by Hector. Also in the movie, Hector didn’t seem
to participate in the battle but in the book, he is the one who leads the soldiers of Troy. There are a lot
of differences on the movie and the book but still, they both show how Troy has fallen because of one
Submitted by: Arienne Mae A. Ferenal

The movie emphasizes didn’t emphasizes on Achilles but the love between Paris and Helen that
they don’t care what will happen in the future and the most important to them is that they are together.
Also, the movie focus on Helen’s life, on how she loss her to friends, on how she became mature, how
she come marry Menelaus, the brother of Agamemnon, how she fell in love with Paris, and how she face
his destiny that in the end, she will lose Paris and ended up following Menelaus, according to what
Cassandra foretell to her.

This movie was intended to show that love can destroy a castle. Like in the movie, Cassandra
tries to prevent the fall of troy but still it happens because of Paris love Helen so much, he took her from
the Achaeans. And because of this the fate of Troy has been fulfilled. This movie also intended to open
the eyes of the viewers how tragic was war is.

Unfortunately, the movie was not able to stick to some details that were described by homer in
his Iliad like Menelaus, King of Sparta, betrothed to Helen, was seen in the movie as the sympathetic
husband and also weak. The process of Menelaus taking the throne of Tyndareus, father of Menelaus
and king of Sparta wasn’t shown as well. It could’ve been interesting to know how Menelaus took his
throne and how he was seen by his father.

The death of Agamemnon which was done by the sister of Helen, wife of Agamemnon,
Clytemnestra wasn’t shown in the movie. I believe it would’ve been nice to have it depicted in the movie
so that it could’ve given the viewers the idea that retribution is also in Homer’s inner thoughts.

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