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In political crimes suuch as rebellion; all other c

rimes will be absorbed in the rebellion. Therefore if J
- may involved a crime punished under SPL. uan is sued for rebellion, he cannot be sued by other
crimes because it is already absorbed including crimes
with higher penalty.
When 2 or more crimes committed, is there one si
mple crime, a coplex crime or separate crimes: * If such rebell, killed more than 20 people, he canno
t be anymore sued for the killing of each of them bec
ause it only constitute to 1 crime and the penalty will
only be reclusion temporal.
1. Special Complex Crime- to be Robbery with Homii
cde, or Rape, etc., the main objective must be to rob,
2. Doctrine of absorption/ common elements- Grave c TTER OF DEFENSE
oercion in Rape or robbery
3. Continous crime- kidnapping for ransom, etc.
4. Ordinary complex crime
- several people killed, and shot several persons yet w
5. Separate crime - separate penalties e dont know who killed who.

* In 1-4, there will only be one penalty regardless of LAWAS

the number of crimes committed.
- several people killed, and yet was not determined as
* In ordinary complex crime, regardless of the numbe to who killed who just like in Garcia.
r of people who died, it will only be penalized for ro
bbery with homicide where it only has 1 penalty.
* If somebody died because of treachery who died du DIFFERENCES:
ring robbery, doesnt constitute as murder. It is only ro 1. Nelmida, there was conspiracy. When tehre is cons
bbery with homicide bceuase it s only sue in its gener piracy, the act of one is the act of all.
ic sense.
- we can separate crimes, because we already know w
*Special complex crime if the main intention is to rob ho are the ones should be liable.
; otherwise not considered as robbery.
2. LAWAS, there was no conspiracy. There was mere
* if the intention was due to revenge; 2 murders beca ly an order. Like Maguindanao Massacre where 50 pe
use evident premiditation was present and the crime w ople killed yet is was not known who killed them but
as qualified to murder. only the person who gace the orders was identified. T
* due to abuse of superior strength as a qualifying cir herefore, there was no conspiracy because the only pe
cumstance, it automatically applies. which constitutes rson detrmined was only the one who gave the order.
another murder. No concpiracy, because there was only 1 actor which
* if the things stolen were after thought, it may simpl was the one who gave the order.
y be theft. If no conspiracy, then we cannot pinpoint the other ac
* YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE NAMES OF SPEC tors aside from the one who gave orders thus there ca
IAL COMPLEX CRIMES BECAUSE IT IS ALREA n be no separate crimes but instead we have Art. 48
DY ESTABLISHED BY LAW. which says that 1 act = 2 or more death; becomes Or
dinary Complex Crime.
* if you are confronted with a case with many cirmes
committed in a singke instance; then determine if it i
s enumerated under Special Complex Crime.
1 act includes 1 impulse even if it is not one act. Ma
* if one crime is absorbed in another then there will ny acts reslting from one impulse will become one act
be only 1 simple crime. .
1 act = 1 impulse (many or more acts
1 impulse - resulting to - several acts = 1 act - resulti
ng to 2 or more grave or less grave felonies.


- exception to the exception
- SC said that it was forced to apply the single impul
se doctrine.
- there was actually conspiracy, but SC didnt want to
adapt Nelmida becaus ethey did not want to abandon
the single impulse.
- in the case of prisoners, nevermind the application o
f conspiracy because what is applied is the SINGLE I

In SINGLE LARCENY DOCTRINE it will result into

1 simple crime. In SINGLE IMPULSE DOCTRINE i
t will result into 1 ordinary complex crime. Therefore,
when it involves crime against property apply SLD e
ven there are several acts and even one act was alrea
dy consumated, if they are performed under single cri
minal intent and act performed involves property.

Several acts and one intent = SLD = 1 simple crime

Crime against persone- several acts - one intent + con
spiracy doesnt involve prisoners = SID (1 ordinary co
mplec crime)
1 single intent resulted in many crimes + conspiracy -
there will be as many crimes as there as many as inj
uries and deaths.

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