English Project Clinical Assessment Between Doctor and Patient With Mental Disorders

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Created by:
Nur anisa (1810312081)

Nur anisa (doctor)
Berlianisa (patient)

Doctor : hello.. good afternoon miss

Patient : (silent )
Doctor : can i sit here?
Patient (looked the doctor cynically)
Doctor : Hmmm...well, i’m Anisa, i’m a doctor here, so you can call me Anisa, or doctor, or
everything you want.. and what about you? What is your name?
Patient : does that important to you?
Doctor : yeah.. it’s okay, calm down, i don’n mind anything bad, just tell me if you want
Patient : i’m ica
Doctor : ok ica.. nie too meet you.. hou are you today? Are you feel n good? So what brings
you here? I’m sorry..why are you have to stay here?
Patient : because i’m not crazy (LOL)
Doctor : It’is up tuo you i you want to stay here for more longer, but when will you back to
the hospital?
Patient : i think i would like to leave the hospital early because i’ve got things i wanna do
Doctor : hmm..you know, i’ve noticed that you’re seemed really stressed for along time now.
It there is anyone you’ve able to talk about it?
Patient : no...no one would help me. Everybody hates me. They wont let me stay here. May
be somebody was trying to kill me right now.
Doctor : i’m really sorry to hear that you feeling like that ringt now. If you want to tell me
more, i’m here to listen.
Patient : i think i just wanna die, i have no one leave in my side, i just broken with my
boyfriend since three years ago, i’m lonely now,i wonder to know how the live is
can be so hurts for me.. i ‘ve no friend to talk, no place to come home, my live is
Doctor : hmm..so if you become so lonely, what will you do?
Patient : i’ve tried to talked to my family, but they do not care, they hate me so much, so i
tried to end it all by my ways.
Doctor : have you been having thoughts about harming your self?
Patient : yes, i have.
Doctor : hmm...
Patient : i’ve been trying to kill my self for many time
Doctor : that must have been difficult, i think that’s all questions i have now. So anything
you want to tell me again?
Patient : no..no.. i have to leave this place quickly, because i know someone is hiding and
tring to shoot me, i have to go ( go end leave the doctor)

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