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Euro A1 Webset - Listening - ANSWER KEY & AUDIO SCRIPTS Page 1


Candidate Number:
Place a X in the appropriate box.
Do not make corrections.
Never mark more than one box.

Task One: Short Conversations 1-5 Task Three: Multiple-

Choice Listening 11-15
Question Your Answer Question Your Answer

Example X Example X
1. Peter X 11 X
2. Jack X 12 X
3. Jane X 13 X
4. Mark X 14 X
5. Maggie X 15 X

Task Two: Making Notes 6-10

6 by the river not in the centre 9 small

Do not write here! Do not write here!
7 six 10 hypermarket
Do not write here! Do not write here!
8 blue
Do not write here! Do not write here!
Page 2 Euro A1 Webset - Listening - ANSWER KEY & AUDIO SCRIPTS


Texts for Task One: Short Conversations

John This is a photo of Kathy’s birthday party last week.
Peggy She isn’t very happy. Why?
John Her husband held a surprise party for her. She doesn’t like surprises.
Peggy Is she unhappy because of the band behind her?
John Well, yes, the music was not that good....

One: Peter
John Well, Peter, Kathy’s husband thought it a good idea. Can you see his happy smile sitting there?
He still thinks he can make Kathy happy at the end.
Peggy Who are in the band?
John They are all family members and good friends.

Two: Jack
Peggy Really? That’s nice! Who is the boy in the hat?
John That’s Jack, Peter’s brother.
Peggy Well, the piece of cake in his hands is only for Kathy, it’s not very big...
John That was another problem. Kathy doesn’t eat cakes, she is on a diet.

Three: Jane
Peggy Is the girl on the left side Jane, Kathy’s and Peter’s daughter?
John Yes, you’re right, that’s Jane playing those funny instruments.
Peggy She was only ten when I last saw her. She is a lovely young lady now.
John Yes, she is at university. She wants to be a doctor.

Four: Mark
Peggy Who is the boy with the curly hair standing behind Kathy?
John He is Mark, Jane’s boyfriend. Kathy does not really like him.
Peggy It is nice of him to come to the party then.
John Well, he tries everything...

Five: Maggie
Peggy I remember the girl in the glasses next to Mark! That’s Maggie, Jane’ best friend from school!
John Yes, they are still good friends.
Peggy How did the party end? Was Kathy happy?
John Yes, of course. The band stopped the music, Peter ate the cake, and Kathy invited all of them
for dinner. It was a great party.
Euro A1 Webset - Listening - ANSWER KEY & AUDIO SCRIPTS Page 3

Text for Task Two: Making Notes

Peter Tell me about your new house, Martha. Are you happy there?
Martha Oh, it’s lovely. You know with our new baby we are five. This house is big enough for five
Peter Where is the house? I know you wanted something in the town centre.
Martha Yes, because the two big children go to school. But we found a house by the river. It is not in
the centre, but there are good schools around.
Peter How many rooms are there in the house?
Martha One bedroom for Tom and me, two bedrooms for the children, and a bathroom upstairs, a
big livingroom, a dining rooom and a kitchen downstairs. Let me see: that’s six.
Peter What colour is the house?
Martha The walls are yellow, the roof is red and the front door is blue. It looks very nice.
Peter Wow, very colourful...So, I know the house is not in the centre. I think there is a garden. Your
big family needs a big garden. Am I right?
Martha Well, I wanted a big garden, but the garden is small. But the house is by the river, so we go for
long walks, and the children can play outside.
Peter What about shopping? Are there shops or big shopping centres around?
Martha Yes, there is a big hypermarket not very far.
Peter I can hardly wait to see it. When can I visit you?
Page 4 Euro A1 Webset - Listening - ANSWER KEY & AUDIO SCRIPTS

Text for Task Three: Multiple-Choice Listening

Audio script 1

Speaker On a sunny day the Green family went to the beach. The children wanted to go by train
or bike, but finally they went by car.

They left the car in a big parking area and walked down to the sea. Margaret lay down
on a towel and read her novel. Ken played football with Rick. Betty started to look for
seashells. Dave built a big sand castle.

They had a picnic lunch. After lunch they all had icecream and drinks.

In the evening they all went to bed early, because they got very tired.

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