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Work Problems using Integrals

Quincy, Ce, Kian, Taylor

Integrals can be used to find how much work is being done through a certain action. The
simple equation for work is force * distance. However, this equation does not account for the
changes in weight or force. Force can change throughout time as the amount of force needed to
do the work may become less and less, or more and more. Distance is also a factor that
changes as more distance is covered. This is when integrals can be used to incorporate these
changes into the equation. Using integrals for calculating work gives you a much more precise
answer as it adds up numerous discrete pieces of work, as opposed to the more simple
force*distance formula. There a few different integral equations used for different kinds of work.
Below are the equations and uses for spring, gravity, and water problems.

Spring problems​ (Quincy and Kian) ∫ k x

A spring problem is used when a spring is being stretched or compressed. To solve these
problems you will take ∫ k x . K is the spring constant of the spring, and it can be found by taking
the amount of force required to stretch the spring from its base state to whatever length the
problem gives, or in some cases it is given to you in the problem. A is the short length and B is
the long length of the spring. This can then be solved for K to give the spring constant. Then,
integrate the function and input the 2 lengths into the equation to find the amount of force
required. These problems require calculus because the spring takes different amounts of force
to stretch depending on how long it is. The spring must be chopped up into pieces to find the
answer, which requires calculus. The longer the spring has been stretched or compressed, the
harder it is to further stretch or compress it is.
Example​: A force of 5 pounds compresses a 15-inch spring a total of a 4 inches. How much
work is done in compressing the spring 7 inches.
5 = k*4 which is the k
K = 5/4
∫ kxdx
∫ 5
4 xdx
5 2
8 x from 7-15
5 2 5 2
8 15 − 8 7
1. Tricky steps. What tricks come up? What should you be looking for that can change the
procedure? Where are the common errors made?
a. In spring problems the only tricky step is knowing if it is changing X amount of
distance or moving X amount of distance. In the example problem it says the
spring is being compressed BY 4 inches NOT to 4 inches. This is easy to not
make this mistake by carefully reading the problem

Gravity problems
A Gravity problem is used whenever something is being lifted up, but it must be lifted enough to
change the gravitational force, on a scale of tens of miles at least. This equation accounts for
the fact that the weight of the item is changing throughout the time it is being lifted because the
force of gravity is based on the distance between objects. The equation for this problem is
Gravity ∫ xK2 dx . K is the universal gravitational constant times the mass of each falling object and
the planet (c*m). This is then divided by the starting and ending values (x) squared. This
equation is then integrated to give work done while something is being lifted, this will always
become -k/x.
Find the work generated from one revolution of the pictured massless pulley and massless wire
system. The mass of the block is 3 kg.

For one rotational revolution of the pulley, the distance of the wight is raised is
equal to one circumference, so 2pi*r=2pi*2=4pi. The gravitational force on 3 kg is determined by
mg=(3kg)*(9.8m/s​2​)=29.4N. So,

Water problems​ (Taylor)

A water problem is used to find how much work/ energy it takes to pump water into a
water tank. Work equals force times x, where x is the distance pumped. The force is equal to the
weight of a thin layer of water. To find the weight of a section you need to find the volume of a
layer of the tank. Be cautious of the shape of the thin layer. If a cylinder is on it’s base and is cut
vertically it will be a rectangular prism. If a cylinder is on it’s base and is cut horizontally it will be
a thinner cylinder. If it is a cone or a sphere the radius will be a function of x and will be
changing. The thickness will change therefore becoming dy. Take the volume and multiply it by
the given weight constant.Then you multiply the weight of the thin layer by the distance, which is
the total distance minus y. This is important because it is the distance left to fill. Finally, you
take the integral, from zero to the total height of the water container, and integrate the weight of
the section multiplied by the distance,
An open tank has the shape of a right circular cone. The tank is eight feet across the top
and six feet high. How much work is done in emptying the tank by pumping the water over the
top edge.? Weight constant: 62.4

First, identify the weight of a thin layer of water. The cone will be cut horizontally so the
volume will be π r2 h , where h is the thickness and the radius is x. The thickness will become dx.
The weight of a thin layer = π x2 dy . Then multiply it by weight constant.
62.4πx2 dy
Next, multiply the weight of the thin layer of water by the distance, which is equal to the
total height minus y.
(62.4 πx2 dy) (6 − y )
Then take the integral of the whole equation from the base, 0, to the top 6.
62.4 π ∫ (x2 )(6 − y ) dy
*I took the 62.4 π outside of the integral to simplify the calculus.
The problem with this integral is that there are two variables, x and y. We need to
change the x to a y by creating an equation to find y.
We know that the base is at the origin, (0,0), and it leads up to (4,6). This creates a
linear line and we can use the two points to make an equation. We can make an equation in
y = mx + b form. The slope is equal to (y2-y1/x2-x1) and it intercepts the y axis at 0, y = 6/4x .
Then reset the equation into x equals, x = 4/6y .
*This step is not necessary if there is only one variable.
Plug the new equation in for x.
62.4 π ∫ (4y/6)2 (6 − y ) dy
Simplify and take the integral
8y 3 y4 6
( 9 − 9 |0 or 2995.2π

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