Exhibit S - Specifications Generator Stator Winding Replacement

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1.0 SCOPE OF WORK .............................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR ......................................................................................................... 1
1.3 PROVIDED BY THE DISTRICT ................................................................................................................ 2
2.0 CONTRACTOR QUALITY CONTROL ................................................................................................... 2
2.1 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................ 2
2.2 RESPONSIBILITIES AND QUALIFICATIONS .................................................................................... 3
2.3 QUALITY CONTROL DOCUMENTATION BY CONTRACTOR ........................................................... 3
2.4 CONTROL OF NONCONFORMANCES ........................................................................................... 3
2.5 CORRECTIVE ACTION ................................................................................................................... 4
2.6 QUALITY CONTROL RECORDS ......................................................................................................... 4
2.7 QUALITY CONTROL PLANS ........................................................................................................... 4
2.8 NOTIFICATION AND HOLD POINTS............................................................................................... 5
2.8.1 Notification Points................................................................................................................... 5
2.8.2 Hold Points .............................................................................................................................. 5
2.9 INSPECTIONS AND TESTS .................................................................................................................... 6
2.9.1 GENERAL.................................................................................................................................. 6
2.9.2 Shop Tests ............................................................................................................................... 7
2.9.3 Stator Coil Tests....................................................................................................................... 7
2.9.4 Core Tests ................................................................................................................................ 8
2.9.5 Coil Installation Tests .............................................................................................................. 8
2.9.6 Final Factory Acceptance Tests ............................................................................................... 9
2.9.7 Final Acceptance Tests ............................................................................................................ 9
3.0 EXISTING GENERATOR TYPE AND RATING ..................................................................................... 10
4.0 APPLICABLE STANDARDS ............................................................................................................... 10
5.0 REQUIREMENTS FOR REWOUND GENERATORS ............................................................................ 11
5.1 GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................................................... 11
5.2.1 General Ratings ..................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.2 Winding Circuit ...................................................................................................................... 11
5.2.3 Electrical Characteristics ....................................................................................................... 12
b. Temperature Rise ...................................................................................................................... 12
5.3 STATOR WINDING RESISTANCE ................................................................................................. 12
5.3.1 General .................................................................................................................................. 12
5.3.2 Winding ................................................................................................................................. 13
5.3.3 Wedging ................................................................................................................................ 13
5.3.4 Circuit Rings ........................................................................................................................... 14
5.3.5 Blocking and Bracing ............................................................................................................. 15
5.3.6 Winding Temperature Detectors .......................................................................................... 15
5.3.7 Winding Installation .............................................................................................................. 15

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5.3.8 Stator Connections ................................................................................................................ 16

6.0 DATA BY THE CONTRACTOR........................................................................................................... 16

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This Section details the requirements for replacement stator windings in the house unit generator. The
stator frame and core assembly will be disassembled from the generating unit by the District. The stator
frame and core will be removed from the Rock Island powerhouse to be placed on the Contractor’s truck
by the District. The Contractor’s scope of work is to package the stator for shipment, transport the
stator to the Contractor’s shop, remove the existing windings, test the stator core, manufacture of new
stator coils, rewind the stator, test the stator in the shop, package and transport the stator back to Rock
Island. Loading and offloading at Rock Island Dam and reinstallation will be by the District.


Contractor shall furnish all engineering, design, procedures, supervision, labor, materials, equipment,
instruments, tools, drawings and documentation required for design, manufacture, delivery and
installation of:

• Packing of the stator for shipping to and from Rock Island to protect it from the elements

• Transport of generator frame, core, winding assembly from Rock Island to Contractor’s shop

• Removal of existing windings

• Testing of stator core

• Supply and installation of new stator windings

• Testing of new windings

• Engineering, design and construction diagrams

• Quality Control Plan and Documents

• Return transport of generator assembly to Rock Island

Contractor shall remove the existing stator winding and associated parts and materials, dispose of parts
and materials not reused, clean, inspect, refurbish and paint parts to be reused.

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The District will provide:

• Disassembly of the stator from the generating unit.

• Handling of the stator from the powerhouse to the Rock Island deck

• Placement of the stator on the Contractor’s truck on the Rock Island deck

• Offloading of the stator after rewind from the Contractor’s truck on the Rock Island deck

• Reassembly of the generator frame on the generating unit

1.4 Schedule (see also SR-2)

• Contractor submittal of existing winding diagram and proposed insulation system is 3 weeks
from the date of pickup at Rock Island.

• Contractor submittal of the Quality Control Plan CGCP, not later than 30 calendar days before
start of any shop work (not including removal of the windings).

• District is allowed 2 weeks review time for the winding and insulation design.

• Winding manufacturing shall not start without District approval of the design. This is a Hold


The Contractor is fully responsible for quality control and quality assurance of work. The Contractor
shall have in effect at all times a quality control plan for all phases of design, manufacture, testing,
assembly, inspection and installation. These requirements apply to the Contractor and all subcontractors
and suppliers.

The Contractor’s quality control plan (CQCP) shall include plans, procedures, equipment and
organization necessary to produce an end product, which fully complies with the Contract requirements.

The Contractor shall monitor quality control of suppliers, manufacturers, material, equipment, services,
site conditions and workmanship to produce Work of specified quality.

The Contractor shall comply with specified standards as a minimum quality for the Work except when
more-stringent tolerances, codes, or specified requirements indicate higher standards or more-precise

The Contractor shall comply with manufacturer’s instructions and procedures, where applicable.

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The CQCP shall be available for review by the District at any time. The District reserves the right to audit
Contractor facilities for the purpose of verifying compliance with the District approved CQCP.

Rework caused by failure to follow the approved CQCP shall be at the Contractor’s expense.

Should conflicts arise between different or overlapping standards and the technical specifications, the
District reserves the right to determine the applicable standard.


Program documents shall be available for review by the Engineer. The quality control plans shall clearly
establish the authority and responsibility of those responsible for the quality program administration,
inspections, tests, and plan execution. Organizational charts, that show the relationship(s) among
Contractor’s and Subcontractors’ management, engineering, purchasing, construction, and quality
assurance/quality control personnel, shall be submitted for review. During the entire Contract period,
the Contractor shall maintain the quality plan organizational chart to reflect the actual organization and
lines of authority. Persons performing quality functions shall be qualified (e.g., by training, education, or
experience) and have sufficient and well defined authority to enforce quality requirements, to identify,
initiate, recommend, and provide solutions to quality problems, and to verify the effectiveness of the
solutions. If ISO certified, the Contractor shall submit a copy of its ISO certification(s) and those of
subcontractors as requested by the District.


Quality control (QC) documents are deliverable items. The Contractor's QC representative shall approve
the quality documentation and submit it to the District.


As a part of its CQCP, the Contractor shall identify, mark and control nonconforming materials,
assemblies and equipment that do not meet standards, criteria, drawings or specifications. The
Contractor shall segregate nonconforming materials to prevent their use until the non-conformance is
corrected. The Contractor shall identify and segregate all such nonconforming items when practical to
prevent inadvertent use.

The responsibility for the resolution of nonconformances shall be identified in the CQCP for all phases of
the Work. The Engineer and the District shall review and approve of disposition for nonconformances
that cannot be reworked to specified requirements. Dispositions may include accept-as-is with an
appropriate price deduction, repair, replace, scrap, or rework.

A Nonconformance Report (NCR) shall be written and submitted to the District for each nonconforming
item. As a minimum, the NCR shall: 1) describe the system or part in nonconformance, 2) make
reference to the controlling plan, specification, or procedure in violation, 3) include the Contractor’s

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recommended disposition, and 4) have signatures of the Contractor’s Quality and Engineering
personnel. An NCR Form shall be submitted to the District for approval prior to first use.


The CQCP shall provide a method for reporting and analysis of significant conditions adverse to quality,
and of repetitive instances of unsatisfactory quality. Action shall be taken by the Contractor to
determine the cause and to correct conditions adverse to quality. The Contractor shall be responsible
for all corrective action to remedy any unsatisfactory quality condition for the Work performed under
this Contract.


The CQCP shall define the quality program records that must be prepared and maintained. Such records
shall include data, which could be required for future reference. This includes but is not limited to, as-
built conditions, material certifications, shop tests and inspections, equipment specifications, equipment
performance; systems test data, engineering calculations, design drawings, installation records, and

All records shall be made available to the District upon request for inspection or the District’s use. Tests
associated with Notification and Hold Points shall be submitted within 48 hours after the test.


The Contractor shall furnish for review by the District, not later than 30 calendar days before start of any
shop work (not including removal of the windings), the CQCP. The plan shall identify personnel,
procedures, control, instructions, tests, records, and forms to be used. Acceptance of the Contractor's
plan is required prior to the start of Work. The CQCP shall include:

1) An Inspection and Test Plan (ITP). The Contractor shall submit a separate ITP for all Work
a. The ITP shall list all of the required shop tests listed in Sections 2.8.1, 2.8.2, 2.9.2, 2.9.3,
2.9.4, 2.9.5, 2.9.6, 2.9.7
b. The ITP shall include review and confirmation of specified materials i.e. windings and
insulation materials, wedges, circuit rings, resistance temperature detectors (RTD’s), etc.
c. The ITP shall be developed and submitted by the Contractor in a format as per the
example in Appendix 1, or Approved equal

2) Control, verification, and acceptance testing procedures for each specific test to include the test
name, specification paragraph requiring test, feature of work to be tested, test frequency, and
person responsible for each test.

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The Engineer will review the Contractor’s quality and test plans and establish Notification and Hold
Points for the purposes of witnessing inspections and tests. In addition to Hold and Notification Points,
based on the Contractor’s Shop Inspection and Test Plans and Quality Program, the District may
establish temporary Hold and Notification Points to ensure resolution of temporary quality problems.

Preliminary Hold and Notification Points are established in the various parts of these Specifications and
shall be required as a minimum. Additional Hold Points may be established during review of the
Contractor’s shop, manufacturing and test plans. All costs to the Contractor due to establishment of
additional Notification and Hold Points shall be borne by the Contractor.

If the Contractor fails to comply with the notice requirements for Notification and Hold Points, or if the
District or designee cannot perform the inspection activity upon their arrival at the Contractor’s facility,
the Contractor shall be responsible for all direct and indirect District expenses occasioned thereby.

2.8.1 Notification Points

Notification Points require receipt of notification in writing at least five (5) working days in advance of
the scheduled time of performance for activities within North America and at least ten (10) working days
notice shall be provided for activities outside North America. The Engineer or designee may witness the
event; however, the Contractor may proceed without their presence unless otherwise directed by the
Engineer. The District may require activities performed without proper notification to be repeated for
the Engineers observation at the Contractor’s expense.

The following preliminary Notification Points are established and shall be required as a minimum.
Additional Notification Points may be established during review of the Contractor’s shop manufacturing
and test plans.

1. Existing Winding Resistance Measurement

2. Core loop test

3. Initial assembly of stator winding coils to stator core

2.8.2 Hold Points

Mandatory Hold Points are those tests, inspections, and operations which require witnessing by the
District and beyond which operations shall not proceed without written consent of the District. The
Contractor’s failure to stop at a Hold Point may be cause for rejection of those items for which
notification was not provided, or the Contractor may be requested to repeat the operation at its
expense. Hold Points require receipt of notification as may be appropriate for the District to arrange for
inspection. The Contractor shall provide at least five (5) working days notice for Hold Points for
activities within North America and at least ten (10) working days notice shall be provided for activities
outside North America.

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The following preliminary list of Hold Points

1. Start of bar fabrication

2. Final Factory Acceptance Tests of the generator stator


All materials, products and components manufactured, procured or fabricated by the Contractor as part
of the Work shall be subjected to such tests and inspections as may be necessary to verify compliance
with the requirements of the Contract Documents.

All expenses for the tests shall be fully borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall prepare and
provide all labor, material and equipment necessary for performing specified or required tests. The
Contractor shall submit the test results to the Engineer for approval.

Inspections shall be performed in accordance with the Contractor’s Quality Control Plans. Inspection
results shall be part of the quality documentation. Follow up inspections shall be conducted after
correction of all deficiencies. Satisfactory follow up inspections shall be completed and documented
prior to beginning subsequent work that may be affected by the unsatisfactory work. The Contractor
shall not build upon or conceal non-conforming work.

The Contractor shall perform tests as specified or required to verify that the control measures are
adequate and the work meets the requirements of the Contract and applicable standards and codes.

Approval of assemblies, tests and test procedures, etc., and acceptance of pertinent test certificates,
inspection or waiving of inspections and tests shall in no way relieve the Contractor of its contractual
obligations for furnishing the Work in accordance with the provisions of these Contract Documents.

The Contractor shall perform checks and tests in accordance with the following:

1) Shop tests as specified in the following Sections.

2) In Process tests

3) Construction tests

4) Manufacturer’s and/or Contractor’s standard practices and recommendations

5) Reference and applicable testing standards

6) Mutual agreement of the Contractor and the District based on conditions or circumstances that
may arise in the shop or in the field

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The Contractor shall evaluate test results and advise the Engineer immediately of any discrepancy
between test results and test limits or the failure of any item to meet the test criteria.

The Contractor at its expense shall furnish, set up and operate test equipment and facilities in
Contractor’s shops. If facilities for conducting required tests are unavailable, the Contractor may have
them performed by an independent agency subject to approval by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall protect all material and equipment during and after testing and checking to provide
that subsequent testing of other equipment or systems does not disturb, damage, or otherwise interfere
with functional capability of material and equipment.

In the event that test results do not fulfill the requirements specified in these Specifications or that any
defects attributable to the Contractor are found in test results, the Contractor shall repair, adjust or
correct and retest at its own expense to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Repairs shall be subject to the
approval of the Engineer. Even in such an event, the Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining the
project schedule and milestone completion dates.

2.9.2 Shop Tests

Shop tests shall be conducted in the presence of the District. The District shall be kept informed of the
production and tests schedules so that inspection and witnessing of assemblies and tests may be
adequately performed. At the time of shipment of shop tested equipment and material, one copy of the
test documentation shall be provided to the District.

2.9.3 Stator Coil Tests

The Contractor shall perform, as a minimum, the tests listed below on each stator coil including spares,
after manufacture and prior to installation. Failure of any test shall be grounds for rejection of the coil.

1. Strand Continuity and Strand Insulation. The continuity of each strand shall be established by a
suitable test prior to checking the strand insulation. The insulation integrity between all strands
within a conductor shall be tested by applying a minimum of 360 Vdc between each strand and all
other strands of the conductor.

2. Megger Tests for insulation resistance of the stator windings. Tests will be made on individual stator
coils at 1000 VDC after the coils have been inserted in the slots but before the joints are made, as
well as for complete winding assemblies.

3. Turn-to-Turn insulation Test

The turn-to-turn insulation of each stator coil shall be tested by a high frequency turn-to-turn
dielectric test (surge test), per IEEE 522. The value and rate of rise of the stator coil test voltage
shall be as determined by IEEE 522, Section 6, or as agreed upon between the Contractor and the

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2.9.4 Core Tests
After removal of the existing windings and prior to cleaning the core shall be inspected for signs of
fretting dust, or damage. Any irregularities should be reported to the District.

The core is to be cleaned by a suitable method without causing any damage to the laminations. Core
clamping bolts should be tested for tightness (core compression).

Contractor shall perform a Stator Core Magnetization test after removal of the existing winding and
prior to installation of the new winding. The test shall be as defined in IEEE 56.

The core under test shall be magnetized by wrapping insulated cables around the core with sufficient
number of turns to produce the maximum flux density expected under the maximum rated conditions.
The core under test shall be energized until the temperature of the core has stabilized, but not less than
two (2) hours. The test shall be terminated if the temperature difference between the core and frame
exceeds 30°C or if the core temperature exceeds 80°C. The temperature of the core shall be periodically
checked for development of hot-spot temperatures during the test. Hot-spot temperatures in excess of
5°C above the average core temperature reported to the District. This is a Notification Point and the
District shall be notified and allowed witness the test.

The magnetizing current shall cause an average 1.5°C temperature rise in the core.

Core hot spot temperatures shall be measured by means of an infrared temperature-scanning device.
The temperature scanning device shall be capable of detecting temperature differences of 0.5°C.

Contractor shall prepare a written report of the results of the test with recommendations for any repairs
to be performed at the discretion of the District.

2.9.5 Coil Installation Tests

The following tests shall be performed on the stator winding during the course of installing the coils into
the stator:

1. Strand Continuity, insulation, and Transposition. The continuity of each strand shall be established
by a suitable test prior to checking the strand insulation. Following completion of all coil
interconnections, and prior to connection to phase and neutral terminals, the Contractor shall
repeat the continuity and strand insulation tests for each winding circuit. The Contractor shall also
verify correct transposition connection.

2. Coil Slot Fit: The coil slot fit shall be tested by a 2 mil, go/no-go feeler gauge test at 10-inch intervals
along its full length.

3. Megger Tests: Preliminary megger tests of the coils at 1000vdc shall be made during the winding
process to reasonably assure that the coils will not fail the Final Acceptance Test.

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The following factory tests shall be performed on the RTDs:

1. RTD Insulation Resistance: The RTD ground insulation shall be tested at a potential of 500 Vdc. The
insulation resistance measurements on each RTD shall be 100 megOhms minimum.

2. RTD Element Resistance: The resistance of each RTD shall be determined by subtracting the lead
resistance from the total resistance.

3. Immediately following installation, each detector shall be tested for continuity and then insulation
resistance (IR) tested momentarily at 500 vdc between the three leads (together) and ground. The
IR test shall be repeated immediately after the slot is wedged.

2.9.6 Final Factory Acceptance Tests

The following tests shall be performed on the stator winding after completion or rewind:

1. Strand Continuity and insulation: final strand continuity and insulation test shall be performed.
Winding leads shall be connected to the terminals after strand testing and prior to additional final
Factory Acceptance Tests.

2. Megger Tests: Megger tests of the coils at 500vdc shall be made.

3. Polarization Index Test: PI test should be conducted at 500 vdc and reading recorded at 1 minute
and 10 minutes. Minimum acceptable PI is 2.0.

4. Hipot: A 2000VAC insulation withstand test shall be applied for 1 minute.

5. Complete Winding Surge Test: Surge test of the complete winding circuits shall be performed from
the machine terminals at 2000VAC with a rise time of 100-200ns. Max P-P EAR shall not exceed 5%.

6. Winding Resistance Test: winding resistance shall be measured and corrected to 75C and shall be
equal to or less than the as-found winding resistance.

2.9.7 Final Acceptance Tests

The stator after installation by the District will be tested by the District and shall meet the following
requirements before Final Acceptance:

1. Megger Test: Megger tests of the coils at 500vdc shall be made.

2. Polarization Index Test: PI test should be conducted at 500vdc and reading recorded at 1 minute
and 10 minutes. Minimum acceptable PI is 2.0.

3. Phase Rotation Verification: The unit will be operated at full nameplate voltage and phase rotation
will be verified. Phase rotation shall be correct without the need for additional modifications.

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4. Full Load Test: The unit will be operated at full load nameplate rating and at 480V. The
temperature rise shall not exceed 80 degrees C above ambient.


The house unit generator was originally manufactured by General Electric Co., installed and
commissioned in the early 1930s. The generator is vertical shaft, water-wheel driven, alternating
current, salient-pole, synchronous, conforming to standards in effect at the time of purchase.

The following are the ratings and data of the existing generators:

Manufacturer General Electric Co.

Model ATI-V-24-1750-300-460V

Rated output 1,750 kVA

Power factor 0.70

Rated speed 300 rpm

Rated Voltage 480 Volt

Rated Stator Current 2200 Amps

Number of Rotor Poles 24

Number of Stator Winding Slots 270

Winding Configuration 3 phase Y with Separate Neutral connections

Stator bore diameter 96 inches

Stator core height Approximately 10 inches

Rotation looking down Clockwise

Orientation Vertical


The following standards shall apply to work provided under this Section.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

ANSI C50.10 General Requirements for Synchronous Machines

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ANSI/EASA EASA Standard AR100-2010 Recommended Practice for
the Repair of Rotating Electrical Apparatus

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

ANSI/IEEE Std. 1 General Principles for Temperature Limits in the Rating

of Electric Equipment and the Evaluation of Electrical

ANSI/IEEE Std. 43 IEEE Recommended Practice for Testing Insulation

Resistance of Rotating Machines

IEEE 56 IEEE Guide for Insulation Maintenance of Electric


ANSI/IEEE 115 IEEE Guide: Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines

IEEE 118 IEEE Standard Test code for Resistance Measurement

IEEE 522 Guide for Testing Turn Insulation of Form-Wound Stator

coils for Alternating-Current Electric Machines

IEEE 1095 Guide for Installation of Vertical Generators and

Generator/Motors for Hydroelectric Applications


The stator windings shall be designed to withstand all electrical, mechanical and structural stresses
resulting from operation under rated operating conditions, including stresses caused by temporary
conditions of overspeed, short circuits, overvoltage to 110%, and 10% overload.


5.2.1 General Ratings

The rewound generator ratings shall be equal or better that the existing ratings as listed in Section 3.0.

5.2.2 Winding Circuit

A circuit diagram of the existing winding shall be created by the Contractor during winding removal. The
circuit diagram shall show the location of the RTDs. The new winding circuit shall be of the same design.
The slot numbers should be on the diagram and clearly marked on the stator in a method that will not
be removed during stator core cleaning.

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5.2.3 Electrical Characteristics
1. The electrical characteristics of the rewound generator shall be as follows:

a. Capacity:

i. Continuous generator output at rated frequency and voltage, without exceeding rated
temperature rises shall not be less than 1,750 kVA.

ii. Generator shall be capable of continuous operation at rated conditions without exceeding
rated temperature rises, at all power factors between rated and unity power factor.

b. Temperature Rise

The rated maximum temperature rise of the stator winding when delivering rated load, continuously at
480 volts, and rated frequency, shall not exceed 80 °C above ambient temperature

The temperature of the generator shall be determined in accordance with the procedures specified in
IEEE Standard 115, IEEE Guide; Test Procedures for Synchronous Machines.

The temperature of the stator windings shall be determined by means of embedded resistance type
temperature detectors (RTDs);


Resistance measurements of the stator winding shall be conducted prior to disassembly. The resistance
measurements should be conducted according to IEEE 118. This is a Notification Point, the District shall
be notified and allowed witness the test.

The same test procedures shall be used to measure the winding resistance after completion of the
rewind. This is a Notification Point, the District shall be notified and allowed witness the test. The new
winding resistance shall be equal to or lower than the original winding resistance.

5.3.1 General
All material necessary for making a complete stator winding and termination shall be supplied by the
Contractor. All necessary conductors, connectors, terminals and materials for forming the generator
neutral and connecting the generator windings to the neutral bus and to the main lead buses shall be
furnished by the Contractor.

Contractor shall manufacture a sufficient number of coils for the units, spares, and coils needed for
testing, including provisions for retests.

The stator winding shall be wye-connected, suitable for both grounded and ungrounded operation.

The winding shall include a strand transposing system to control circulating currents.

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5.3.2 Winding
The windings shall be insulated with Class “F” insulation as defined in ANSI C50.10. The insulation shall
be of a type that does not support combustion once the source of energy is removed.

Insulation systems using asphaltic compounds shall not be accepted.

The stator winding shall be a multi-turn form-wound coil type.

Insulation of conductor strands shall be comprised of a double layer of fused glass and/or a uniformly
applied enamel coating, which prevents strand-to-strand breakdown during all operating conditions.
The strand insulation shall exhibit resiliency during the coil-forming process, including formation of

Glass-backed mica tape insulation shall be uniformly applied to the tightly compressed strands that
constitute a turn. The turn insulation shall be designed so that they withstand turn-to-turn breakdown
during all operating conditions, including voltage surges. The turn insulation shall also exhibit resiliency
during the coil-forming process, including formation of transpositions. The finished turn shall be
completely impregnated with epoxy resin to eliminate all voids.

The coil ground wall insulation shall comprise of mica tape completely impregnated with solventless
resin by use of a hydraulic pressing process, individual coil VPI, or approved alternative, so that the
insulation becomes a dense and homogeneous mass, free from air pockets and voids. Ground wall rated
voltage stress levels shall not exceed 70 V/mil of net ground wall insulation thickness and reduced stress
levels are preferred. An armor tape impregnated with resin shall be applied over the ground wall mica
tape. If not cured prior to installation, the coils shall be cured with a heat process after installation in the
stator, as approved in the winding design submittal.

Alternate insulation systems can be submitted for approval that meet or exceed the original design and
these specifications. Winding systems that do not allow for removal and replacement of windings in the
field will not be considered.

All bolted busbar connections shall have silver-plated surfaces.

Stator windings shall be fully symmetrical and equally distributed throughout the perimeter of the stator
in phase angle and voltage phase-sequence.

Spare Coils to be provided to the District in the amount of 25 coils.

5.3.3 Wedging
The wedging system shall maintain a tight fit on the winding and physically lock it in place to prevent coil
movement or mechanical erosion of the insulation or corona suppression system.

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The winding shall be restrained in the radial direction by a restorative type wedging system. This system
shall include ripple spring filler made of laminated insulating material that has both strength and
resiliency. It shall be possible to completely flatten a spring at 90°C without delamination. The ripple
spring shall be placed between the top filler and slot wedge with compression occurring at the time of
wedge installation. Provisions shall be made for compressing the spring by use of a counter-wedge,
driven between the ripple spring and the slot wedge. Ripple spring compression shall not exceed 80% of
the spring height. Radial loading on the air-gap bar (coil) shall not exceed 125 psi. An approved method
of measuring ripple spring compression shall be provided.

Slot wedges shall be of the dovetail type with chamfered air vent notches, which align with the stator air
ducts. These notches shall be designed for air-flow efficiency, without detrimentally affecting restraint
of the bar. Wedge material shall consist of an insulating glass matte laminate, grade G-11 or equivalent,
which is fully cured, suitable for the environment and purpose. The wedges shall be driven into the slot
with particular care to prevent damage to the core or winding. Final tightening of the wedge shall be
accomplished by a counter-wedge, driven between the slot wedge and ripple spring. Slot wedges shall
ensure uniform pressure on the coil and be of a design whereby wedge tightness can be verified by
measuring the deflection of the wedge surface, after the machine is assembled without requiring

The wedging system shall not permit migration of the wedge materials from the top or bottom of the
slot. The wedging system shall include locking devices, which prevent the axial migration of the wedges
and ripple spring. Adhesives shall not be used to secure wedges. In addition to a positive locking device,
a figure eight tie of fiberglass cord shall be employed at the top and bottom of the core, and shall
envelop the ends of the filler strips as well as the extreme wedge positions. The fiberglass cord shall be
totally saturated in solventless resin prior to binding the slot material with the tie.

As an alternate, flexible impermeable tubing may be used in place of the fiberglass cord. The tubing
shall be interwoven in a similar manner as the cord would be tied, then injected with solventless epoxy
resin. The resin shall completely fill the tubing to produce a dense solid structure upon complete
polymerization. The tubing shall be interwoven in such a manner that the failure of one or more ties
does not jeopardize the integrity of the slot material locking system or encroach on the air gap

Alternate methods of restraint may be provided subject to review and approval by the District.

5.3.4 Circuit Rings

Circuit rings shall be of the continuous type with conductors of annealed copper, electrolytic tough pitch
type with zero oxygen. All joints shall be brazed with suitable copper or silver based brazing alloy
conforming to AWS A 5.8. A brazing procedure shall be submitted for approval according to the CQC

The circuit rings and connections shall be fully insulated with Class F insulation or better.

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Circuit rings shall extend from one support bracket to the next forming a continuous structural system.

5.3.5 Blocking and Bracing

The end winding portions of the winding shall be securely braced to one another and to the winding
support rings. The winding support rings shall comprise of fully insulated, non-magnetic steel,
engineered to support the weight of the winding independent of friction in the slot to coil fit or wedging

The spacing between end windings shall be such that a minimum of 0.09 inch is maintained to assure
that no discharges occur in the end winding portions. Blocking between end windings shall consist of an
insulating spacer wrapped in fiberglass, which has been saturated in epoxy resin. The blocking shall be
placed at uniform locations between adjacent end-windings, then tightly tied in a chain-link
configuration with fiberglass cord which has been completely saturated in solventless resin prior to

Bracing between the windings and support rings shall be accomplished by lashing with fiberglass tape or
flexible tubing in such a manner that chafing does not occur. Fiberglass tape or flexible tubing shall
meet the requirements of Section5.3.3, Wedging. Tape or tubing shall be interwoven such that the
failure of one or more braces does not jeopardize the integrity of the bracing system or encroach on the
air gap clearance.

5.3.6 Winding Temperature Detectors

Six 100 Ohm Platinum resistance temperature detectors (RTD), shall be equally distributed around the
stator and placed in the middle of the slots. All RTDs shall be wired out to a terminal box, and landed on
terminal strips. RTD terminals shall be furnished with easily installable short-circuiting jumpers for
testing. No splices are allowed in the RTD lead wires, i.e. they must be continuous from the slot to the
terminal box.

5.3.7 Winding Installation

Coils shall be carefully inserted into the slots in the core so as to prevent damage to the insulation
system. Uniformly distributed pressure shall be applied to eliminate the possibility of bending or
cracking. The coils shall be symmetrically placed with respect to the core and in no instance shall a coil
contact another coil or have less than the required minimum clearance to another coil. Contractor shall
constantly check for adequate clearances during installation. Damaged windings shall be replaced by
and at the expense of the Contractor.

After side fillers are installed, Contractor shall check winding to slot wall tightness by feeler gage. 90%
of the slot shall have a clearance of less than 0.002 inch. Clearances of over 0.002 inch over a two inch
length or greater shall have the side filler replaced with thicker side fill. Zero fit coils shall be press fit
and have the same slot fit requirements as above.

17-51 Rock Island House Unit Stator Rewind Exhibit S

Page 15
Induction brazing shall be used for all brazing of electrical connections. During brazing, adjacent
insulation shall be protected from overheating by use of appropriate water-cooled heat sinks. Burned
insulation or loss of bond between insulation and conductors will result in winding rejection. Damaged
winding materials shall be replaced at the Contractor’s expense.

After complete of winding installation, insulating paint shall be applied with professional quality spray
equipment. There shall be uniform coverage with no holidays, runs or ‘orange peel’. The areas to be
painted shall be thoroughly cleaned and prepared prior to painting. Paint color shall be such that is
shows dirt, oils, grease, corona dust, etc. Color shall not be black, white or buff. Color shall be submitted
for Approval by the Engineer.

5.3.8 Stator Connections

Contractor shall verify proper phase conductor arrangement to avoid convoluted bus runs to roll phases. Temperature:
Stator Coil RTDs, 3-wire, 100 Ohm Platinum.


The Contractor shall submit the following data to the District.

• Stator resistance test results

• As-found stator winding diagram after removal of windings
• Design diagrams of new windings and insulations system
• Core inspection report and loop test results, prior to rewind
• New winding test results


17-51 Rock Island House Unit Stator Rewind Exhibit S

Page 16
Bid 17-51
INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN (ITP) Appendix 1 to Exhibit S
[Name of Definable Feature of Work] ITP No. _______________
Company Logo
Project Name _____________ Customer: Chelan County PUD Rev. No. _______________
Contract Bid No. ___________ By: _______________
APP: _______________
Inspection Point Test Record Sheet
Item Specification Test Drawing Contractor Inspector
Description of Test/inspection
Type Number
Procedures and/or Standards Acceptance Criteria Completion Ref. No.
Signature Signature
Contract Date (Form No.)













TEST TYPE: M - Mechanical, E - Electrical, C - Civil, NDE - Nondestructive Test, F - Functional Test, V - Visual, C - Compliance
INSPECTION POINT: A - Audit, W - Witness, H - Hold Point
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