He Conditional Sentence Edit

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Conditional sentence is ‘kalimat pengandaian’ in Bahasa Indonesia. There are four types of conditional
sentence, but we learn only three of them at the moment. They are conditional sentence type 1, 2,
and 3. I will discuss them one by one and to check your understanding on the topic discussed, I also
provide some exercises.

Type 1- First Conditional

We use First Conditional to talk about possible future events which depend on other events happening
in the future. Kalimat kondisional tipe 1 digunakan untuk berbicara tentang kejadian dimasa depan
yang mungkin terjadi dimana kejadian tersebut tergantung pada kejadian lain yang terjadi di masa


If you study hard all year, you will pass your exams.

(Passing exams in the future depends on studying)

 Artinya lulus atau tidaknya kamu pada saat ujian ditentukan oleh belajarmu

If clause Main clause

If + Present Simple (V1) Future Simple (Will, Can, May + V1)
If you study hard, you will pass the test
Add s/es if the subjects
He, she, it
If she studies hard, she will pass the test
Use to be (is,am,are) if the subject is followed by Use ‘be’ after ‘will’ if the subject is followed by
adjectives or nouns adjectives or nouns
If she is sick, she will be weak
Use don’t or doesn’t for negative form Use will not or won’t for negative form
If she doesn’t study hard, she won’t pass the test


1. If Robert ______________ (go) to bed late, he __________ (sleep in).

2. If they ______________ (cancel) the concert, their fans ______________ (upset)

3. If we ______________ (not/hurry), we ______________ (miss) our plane.

Indira Sari Paputungan,M.Ed | 2018

4. If mother ______________ (not/cook), I ______________ (buy) instant noodle.

5. If you ______________ (be) sick, I ______________ (not/make) too much noise.

Type 2- Second Conditional

We use Second Conditional to talk about unreal, impossible or unlikely situations in the present or in
the future. Kalimat kondisional tipe 2 digunakan untuk berbicara tentang kejadian yang tidak nyata,
tidak masuk akal, atau yang sulit untuk terjadi di masa sekarang atau masa depan.


If I had your figure, I would become a model.

(But I don’t have your figure and I think is unlikely)

 Kalau saya punya tubuh seperti kamu, saya akan menjadi model. Tapi tubuh saya tidak seperti
kamu dan kemungkinan sulit untuk memiliki tubuh seperti kamu saat ini.

If clause Main clause

If + Past Simple (V2) Would, Could, Might + V1
If you studied hard, you would pass the test
Use to be (were) if the subject is followed by Use ‘be’ after ‘would’ if the subject is followed
adjectives or nouns by adjectives or nouns
If she were sick, she would be weak
If I were you, I would be a model
Use didn’t for negative form Use would not or wouldn’t for negative form
If she didn’t study hard, she wouldn’t pass the test


1. If you _______________ (leave) your job, you ________________ (travel) around the world.

2. If you _____________ (be) nicer to him, he ____________________(lend) you the money

3. It_________________ (be) nice if the rain ____________________ (stop)!

4. I _____________ (not/call) you if you _____________ (be) busy.

5. If she _____________ (not/invite) me, I _____________(not/come) to her party.

Indira Sari Paputungan,M.Ed | 2018

Type 3- Third Conditional

We use Third Conditional to talk about the past. It's used to describe a situation that didn't happen,
and to imagine the result of this situation. Kalimat kondisional tipe 3 digunakan untuk berbicara
tentang situasi yang terjadi di masa lampau. Tipe 3 digunakan untuk menggambarkan situasi yang
tidak terjadi dan hasil/akibat dari situasi tersebut.


If she had studied, she would have passed the exam (but,

really we know she didn't study and so she didn't pass)

 Kenyataannya dia tidak belajar dan dia tidak lulus test.

If clause Main clause

If + Past Perfect (had + V3) Would, Could, Might + have + V3
If you had studied hard, you would have passed the test
Use ‘had been’ if the subject is followed by Use ‘would have been’ if the subject is followed
adjectives or nouns by adjectives or nouns
If she had been sick, she would have been weak
Use ‘hadn’t + v3’ for negative form Use would not or wouldn’t + have + v3 for
negative form
If she hadn’t studied hard, she wouldn’t have passed the test


1. If you _______________ (not/be) late, we _______________ (not/miss) the bus.

2. If we _______________ (arrive) earlier, we _______________ (see) John.

3. If they _______________ (go) to bed earlier, they _______________ (not/wake) up late.

4. If he _______________ (be) angry, he _______________ (not/come) to the meeting.

5. If she _______________ (not/ finish) her assignment, Mr. Tom _______________ (be) very upset.

Indira Sari Paputungan,M.Ed | 2018

Exercise on Conditional Sentences Types I, II and III

Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I, II or III) by putting the verbs into the correct form.

1. If they _______________ (have) time at the weekend, they will come to see us.

2. If we sneak out quietly, nobody _______________ (notice).

3. If we _______________ (know) about your problem, we would have helped you.

4. If I _______________ (be) you, I wouldn’t buy that dress.

5. We _______________ (arrive) earlier if we had not missed the bus.

6. If I didn’t have a mobile phone, my life _______________ (not/be) complete.

7. Okay, I _______________ (get) the popcorn if you buy the drinks.

8. If I _______________ (tell) you a secret, you would be sure to leak it.

9. She _______________ (go) out with you if you had only asked her.

10.I wouldn’t have read your diary if you _______________ (not/hide) it in such an obvious place.

Indira Sari Paputungan,M.Ed | 2018

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