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Anul şcolar 2019-2020

Limba engleză
Clasa a VII-a L1
Numele şi prenumele elevului:
Data susţinerii testului:

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Simple or Present Continuous:

It’s 7:30 a.m. and the Wilson are in their kitchen. Mrs. Wilson 1)_______________ (sit) at the breakfast
table. She 2)_______________ (read) the morning newspaper. She 3)______________ (not / read) the
newspaper every morning. Mr. Wilson 4)_______________ (pour) a cup of coffee. He 5)_________________
(drink) two cups of coffee every morning before he 6)___________ (go) to work. There is a cartoon on TV, but the
children 7)___________________ (not/watch) it. They 8) ____________(play) with the toys. They
9)_________________ (watch, usually) cartoons in the morning, but this morning they 10) _________________
___________ (pay, not) any attention to the TV.
B. Use the verbs given in the Past Tense to fill in the blanks:

do eat go have help listen invite not do not meet not tidy

My mum and dad (1) _______ away for the weekend, so my brother and I (2) _______ a party. It was great
fun! We (3) _______ lots of food and (4) _______ to music. I (5) _______ Sam, the boy I like from my music club!
Mum and dad were angry because we (6) ______________ the house, and we (7) ____________ our homework.
So on Sunday, we (8) _______ our friends at the sports centre like we usually do. We (9) ____________ our
homework and we (10) ____________ mum and dad clean up!
C. Ask questions for the underlined words:

Sara is from Thailand (a). Right now she is studying English (b) at this school. She arrived here on January
2(c). Here, she met Lin. They are very good friends. They like swimming at the pool(d)on Sundays. They spent
a lot of time (e) there last Sunday.
Unfortunately, Sara hurt her arm two days ago (f). Lin (g) helped her with the lessons because she
couldn’t come to school (h). Now she is fine (i). She enjoys meeting people form other countries (j).
D. Underline the correct adjective:

a. It is a fine / bad day today. The sun is shining.

b. It is cold / hot today. Don´t forget to take your scarf and gloves.
c. Don´t drive too fast / slow! The road is dangerous!
d. Wash your hands! They are so dirty /clean!
e. I can’t afford these shoes! They are too expensive / cheap!
f. Tom can’t solve this exercise. It’s difficult / easy.
g. Peter won the grand prize. He is so sad / happy.
h. Mark won the lottery. Now he is a rich / poor man.
i. Mary has only good marks. She is a very hardworking / lazy girl.
j. His grandfather is 93. He is a very old / young man.

PARTEA a II- a (10 puncte)

E. Write a letter to your penfriend inviting him/her to visit Romania.

You should include information about interesting places, the activities, the food.
Do not use more than 100 words.
Start and end your letter in an appropiate way.


Test de evaluare iniţială – Limba engleză

Clasa a VII-a L1

Pagina 2 din 2

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