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Foto Mahasiswa

Nama Mahasiswa :

Maria Yustina Asri Dian Pramesti


Nama Dosen :

Dr. Didin Erma Indahyani, drg., Mkes

Judul :

A mother role’s impact on the risk of caries on children



Caries is an infectious disease that caused by bacterial interaction. Dental caries happens
because of the demineralization process of bacterial interaction on the tooth surface. Within a
certain period of time, the acidic bacteria will damage the tooth/teeth email and will cause


Family is the first and main environment for a child’s personality development. In this
case, the role of a mother is very important in a child’s education, because mother is the first
person a child meets in his life. A mother’s behavior, habit, and education method is used by a
child as an example (Harningsih, 2010). According to Haryani (2002), preschool-age children
is really prone to dental and mouth disease because of their little knowledge on dental health.
Dental caries is the main concern for children. In that age, children like to eat sweet foods
(Rymm, 2003), and this tendency is caused by a mother’s lack of knowledge on a healthy
diet, therefore they have introduced sweet foods to their children since young age. The more
sweet foods children take, the higher the risk they get dental caries (Budisuari MA, 2010).


Mothers have an important role in the responsibility of maintaining the health of their family
members. Mothers always pay attention to the development of preschool children both food
and hygiene and health. Mothers have a huge influence on preschool children's behavior
because mothers are the main figure who is the example of their children. Things that can be
done include helping in maintaining dental hygiene activities, especially in children under the
age of 10, because preschoolers do not have good motor skills to clean teeth, especially on
the back area (Halimsyah, et al 2008). In the age range of 6 to 12 years, deciduous teeth begin
to be replaced with permanent teeth. Even though they still have primary teeth, parents must
pay serious attention to the child because the permanent dentition of the child is determined
by the condition of the child's primary teeth.


School-age children are the most vulnerable ages. The role of parents who educate,

and encourage, and supervise children in caring for dental hygiene is important in preventing

caries. Mothers are a prime example of children in their daily lives, so the role of mothers in

caring for their children's health can affect children's caries status.


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