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Com S 309

Homework 2 Screen Sketches
Codenames Implementation
Isaac Klein, Jordan Suby, Marcie Gaebler, Timothy Wilkie

1. Step Two
1. Actors
1. Clue Giver
2. Guesser
3. Word Administrator
4. Rules Administrator
2. Actor functionality
1. Has to be able to see his team’s words, has to be able to send a message
containing a clue to his team.
2. Has to be able to select a card, has to be able to send word selection to
other players and server, has to be able to able to chat with team
3. Has to be able to log into database and add specific words to word list
4. Has to be able to log into the game and add a custom rule set to the
rulesets database
2. Step Three
1. Has to implement quick and seamless chat feature
2. Has to have good visual cues for what cards are being considered, as well as a
good polling feature for card selection
3. Has to quickly update all players to any change in the game state
3. Step Four
1. Databases:
1. Wordbank: word

The wordbank database is where the list of words will be stored that will
make up the game board. This is a fairly simple board, and will only
contain a large list of words.

2. user profile: user credentials, options, local game rules

User profiles will allow users to log into the game and see their play
statistics and keep their game options saved across play sessions. User
Credentials will be a simple data structure to store the username and
password for logging in. Options will be an internal list or dictionary that
will tell the client which options to turn on for the user. Similar structure for
the custom game rules.

3. Rulesets: options, user id

4. Step Five
Options screen
Marcie Gaebler

This screen allows a user to customize his gameplay experience. He can select which colors
will show up on his own individual screen to represent his team (1) and his enemy’s team (2) by
selecting the colored squares, to change the volume by sliding a scrollbar (3), and to return to
the main menu by pressing the button (5). If he is a word administrator, he will have the option
to add a word to the word database (4).
Main Menu screen
Marcie Gaebler

This screen allows a user to navigate to other screens. He can start a new game (1), view his
individual player statistics (2), or switch to the options menu (3) by pressing any of the
respective buttons.
Isaac C Klein
Customize Rules lets you change default settings in the game to house rules from the game
selection screen. Giving anyone waiting in the lobby the ability to customize to their preferences.
Isaac C Klein
The gameboard is the main piece, and it has 4 perspectives which includes clue givers and card
guesser for both red and blue teams. The gameboard consists of 25 cards with random words
and colors consistent for all. They will have 8/9 cards that are blue/red when red starts 7 neutral
cards and 1 death card.
Screen: Results Screen
Student: Timothy Wilkie

This Screen displays after a game has finished. It displays the winner of the game, and some
statistics from the game. There is also a chat section included so the players from the game can
There are a total of six items. First there is a main screen that displays the statistics. Attached to
this is a screen selector that can alternate between two screens: Score Summary, and Guess
List. Score Summary displays information from this game for each team, while Guess List
displays a list of guesses and clues for each team. There is also a chat box for the players to
communicate in. At the top of the page there is text saying which team won.
This Screen is the New Game Room, where teams can be assigned and custom rules are
chosen. Players can also chat in this screen.
This screen has 4 main parts. The two buttons on the top lead to the Rule Select Screen, and
the Game Screen respectively. The Start Game button should only work when all players are
assigned to a team. Under the buttons is a list of players that have not been assigned to a team.
The third section is the team lists. Players assign themselves to a roll by clicking the dot for the
slot they want. This will move their name off of the unassigned list, and next to the dot they
selected. Finally, there is the chat box where players can chat.
Screen: Dictionary Manager
Student: Jordan Suby

This screen allows the user to make changes to the games word database that the cards are
pulled from. Upon loading the screen, the currently stored words should be displayed for
review(4). Since there will be more than can fit on one screen, the list should allow the user to
scroll down to access the rest of the list(2). If there are words the user does not want to appear
in future games, they can select them (3) and remove them from the database(5). There is also
a text entry field(6), that allows the user to add words to database(7). The displayed list should
immediately update to reflect any added or deleted words.
Screen: Statistics
Student: Jordan Suby

This screen allows the user to view the lifetime statistics for the username they are signed in as.
The user will be allowed to customize the profile picture associated with their account from a list
of pre-approved pictures(2). The screen will display game performance statistics(5) as recorded
on the server, under the appropriate header(4). The user can scroll down to view further
statistics as not all will fit on one screen(6).

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