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Types of tamales from 3 different places in


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under CC BY-NC-ND

Prepared for: Farmington residents

By: Daniella Smith

Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................................................... 1
Scope ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Evaluation ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
los hermanitos ............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
si senior ...................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
la casita cafe ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Conclusion ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
References ....................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

List of Figures
Figure 1. ......................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

List of Tables
Table 1. Title of Table 1 ................................................................................................................................. 2

Report Title | Date

I am doing my report on three Mexican restaurants in Farmington. I’m focusing on red chili tamales and I
will be evaluating si senior, los hermanitos and la casita café ,they will be graded on a three star scale.

My criteria for the three restaurants will be price, taste/heat and prestation. I chosen those three
because price is important to everyone and it shouldn’t be through the roof for just a plate of 2 tamales.
Taste/heat is personally important to me because if the tamale is way too hot then it just makes it not
good anymore, when the heat overpowers the taste, I think it makes the food gross and unenjoyable.
Prestation is my last criteria because if the food isn’t put together well or it is made sloppy then it may
not look good and it is unpleasing to the eye. How that will be graded will be a 1 to 5 star scale. These
three criteria will each be five points each and will equal out to 15 points.

Los hermanitos (7 stars)
My first item was the red chili tamale plate from los hermanitos. The price was not that bad it was
12.00$ for the plate and it came with two sides; Spanish rice and refried beans plus with some Lettice
and tomatoes that was a good thing to include all that for 12.00$ so that gets the full 5 points. The
taste/heat on the other hand was terrible for me, I didn’t like them at all in my opinion it was way to hot
and it had no flavor because the heat overpowered the flavor. So, for me that got no points. And for the
appearance of the plate; this plate was not pleasing at all. everything was slopped together and the
beans were everywhere and somehow in the tamales so this plate all together for appearance out of 5
stars gets a 2. Los hermanitos for me was 7 stars out of 15.

Report Title | Date

Table 1. Title of Table 1

how many stars did each criteria get


los hermaitos si senior la casita café

price taste/heat appreance

Si senior (13 stars)

My second item was the red chili tamale plate from si senior. The price is 11.79$ for 2 red chili tamales,
refried beans and a side of rice. Like los hermanitos you still get a lot of food for a good price so that
gets the full 5 stars. Taste/heat in my opinion I love the tamales from here they are not too hot, and
they have a great taste and the heat is still there but not to where its overpowering, that gets a full 5
stars. The appearance of the plate is good as well its as neat as it can be and it’s not slopped all over the
place, the only flaw is that it can be a little messy. But that will get 3 stars. Si senior for me was 13 stars
out of 15.

Ia casita café (12 stars)

My third idem was la casita café I got the red chili tamale plate from there. The plate for one tamale
with sides of beans and rice was 9.79$ I don’t like this one as much because you only get one tamale and
a small side for almost the same price as the others so that gets 3 stars. Taste/heat these tamales where
pretty good also not too hot and it also has good taste, they get 4 stars. The appearance of the plate was
good as well it was clean and not sloppy, it was put together well, and the food was not all over the
place. That gets 5 stars la casita café got 12 stars out of 15

Report Title | Date

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

My overall conclusion on which restaurant was the best is si senior. It had the best rating of 13 out of 15
stars, it fit all my criteria and I just personally thought out of the three it had the best taste.


los hermanitos
si senior
la casita café


Report Title | Date


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