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The Formula of Compassion TM

By Jelaila Starr

The Formula of Compassion (the Formula) is a multidimensional tool that has many
functions. First and foremost is used for deep emotional clearing, permanently
dissolves layers from you emotional blocks. The Formula unlocks and reactivates
the “Inner Technology” within your body in order to do this. And best of all, each
time you successfully complete the Formula and feel the “Inner Technology” work,
your DNA will recode a bit more, changing from from carbon to crystalline. (Read
the DNA Recoding Overview for more on this.)

The Formula allows you to move through enough of the lessons on your Life
Blueprintto achieve the frequency necessary for full consciousness. In other words,
the Formula lightens your bodily frequency each time you use it to handle a conflict
and integrate the fear involved in the lesson behind the conflict.

Lessons come to you packaged as conflicts. I have found that I could not complete
the RRA process without the Formula because the Formula enabled me to remove
the negative emotions of the conflicts from my physical/emotional bodies by
moving them up through my heart into my high heart, transmuting them there into

Another benefit of the Formula is the activation of the dormant psychic

glands. Each time you use the Formula you exercise these dormant glands. By the
time you finish DNA activation these glands are ready for full-time use.

Tips to remember when using the Formula of Compassion:

1. Begin using the Formula only after you have expressed the anger or other
negative feelings you have. It will not work if you miss these steps. Read the 7
Stage of Emotional Clearing TM for more on this.

2. Feel the feelings of your situation, express them verbally and physically
first, thenbegin the Formula on the issue. Feeling them and physically expressing
them brings the emotions up through the Heart Chakra and into the High Heart
Chakra where they will be transmuted and released. These dense, lower frequency
emotions are the fuel that once transmuted into the higher frequency of
compassion through the High Heart (acts like an incinerator), floods through your
body like an orgasmic release and changes your DNA at the same time.

You will continue this cycle of bringing up old issues as well as dealing with new
lessons using the Keys of Compassion until you have cleared enough to complete
the rewiring of your 12 DNA strands. Afterwards, you will continue to clear
emotionally in order to complete ascension, but now you will have the support of
new neural pathways and their associated healthy behavior patterns. Ascension is
presently scheduled to be completed around 2012. Now let’s move on to the 9
steps of the Formula of Compassion.

The Nine Steps of the Formula are as follows:

Step One: Lesson

What is the lesson I wanted to learn regarding this person and the conflict
we are experiencing?
Ask your Higher Self/Soul, angels or spirit guides to help you. Ask them to
show you the lesson you wanted to learn. It will be on your life blueprint.
Your life blueprint is your roadmap through your present lifetime. It
contains all the lessons, contracts and major events for your present
lifetime, along with the people involved.

Step Two: Contract

What is the contract I made with this person?

Ask to be shown the contract(s) you made to learn this lesson. If using the
Formula to release one individual, ask for the contract that pertains to you
and that person. There are usually many contracts with many people to
learn the same lesson. The ratio of contracts to lessons varies depending on
how long and how many lifetimes you have been trying to learn that
particular lesson. The more lifetimes, the more present lifetime contracts
for that lesson.

Remember that no one agrees to make a contract with you unless they too, need to
learn the same lesson. In some cases the other person in your contract is there to
learn the flip side of the lesson.

Step Three:
Role What is the
role this person is playing to act out his/her part of the contract?

Ask to see and understand the role you play and the role the other person is
playing in the contract. Ask for assistance in understanding how the roles
look as they are being played out. I visualize a stage and myself as a
actress and the other person as an actress/actor. It helps me to see the
roles more clearly because I am able to view their behavior as a

Step Four: Aspect

What is the aspect of myself this person is reflecting back to me?

Once again ask for assistance in seeing and understanding the aspect of
yourself that the other person is reflecting back to you. They are your
mirror, reflecting an aspect of yourself through their behavior. I have
always found this step to be the hardest to handle. It calls for brutal self-
honesty, but it’s well worth the effort.

Sometimes, instead of reflecting an aspect of your behavior, they are

reflecting something you judge. An example would be someone who steals
from you. You may not be a thief but you may be judging thievery or
people who are thieves.

Step Five: Gift

What is the gift this person is giving me by playing their role?

Ask for help so you can see and understand the gift the other person is
giving you by playing their role. The value I mentioned earlier is the value
of the gift, and the gift is the lesson learned.

Process Check

Once you have completed the first five steps, you should be feeling a surge of
compassion and gratitude for the other person involved in the conflict/contract. If
not, then go back to the lesson and start over.
Sometimes it takes a few attempts before we finally get to the lesson we are
working on. I find I usually know I’ve got it when I feel a warm feeling in my
heart. It can be likened to a strong feeling of knowing like an Ah Ha!

The final four steps are used to finish clearing and releasing the emotional
negativity/garbage from the physical body, out the high heart chakra.

When I think of the high heart chakra, I envision an invisible cone shaped device
imbedded in my auric field. It attaches to my physical body just above my heart
and below my collarbone. When I use the Formula it opens so the transmuted
energy/compassion can move through it and out.

It is my understanding that the high heart chakra performs the same function as
the colon/anus and bladder/urethra in the physical body. Both perform functions of
elimination for waste/toxic matter. The only difference is that the physical system
eliminates dense physical matter and the high heart chakra eliminates etheric

Step Six: Acceptance

Can I accept the role that this person has played, along with their actions,
to help me learn this lesson?

Acceptance is one of the four elements of unconditional love. Acceptance is

part of compassion and is unconditional love in action. This also includes
acceptance of who the person is, without judgment. I find that when I am
having a hard time with this step that I can clear it when I remember they
are a soul in a body like me, and we are helping each other with a lesson.

Step Seven: Allowing

Can I allow myself to let go of my anger towards this person who played
the role to help me learn the lesson?

Allowing is also one of the four elements of unconditional love. Allowing is

part of compassion and is unconditional love in action. This includes
allowing the person to be who they are and to follow their chosen path,
regardless of how you feel about it.

Usually, by the time I reach this step, I find it very easy to let go of my
anger towards the person because I am feeling the gratitude and
compassion that comes from seeing the pain they suffered in playing their
role for me.

On another note: Allowing is easier to do when we let go of needing to

control someone’s behavior or choices for their own good. We tend to
control people out of fear that their actions will hurt them/and or us. If we
understand that everything has a value, then we can begin to release our
need to control because we understand that there will be a value in each
and every outcome.

Step Eight: Release

Can I release this person from blame?

This one is easy when you understand that you are not a victim. On the
contrary, you are an active participant in a contract and lesson that you
helped set up.

Taking responsibility for your part in the contract enables you to release the
other person from blame for the role they played to help you learn the
lesson you wanted to learn. You understand that just as you are not a
victim, nor are they a villain. Devin, my 9D guide, has told me many times
that it is much harder to play the role of a villain than it is to play the role of
a hero.

Releasing someone from blame is different than forgiving them. Forgiving

someone is what we do when we feel they have sinned against us, as in
being victimized. Release is the key element in the Formula. The release is
created by your compassion for the other person.

Step Nine: Kindness

Now that I have released this person, can I be kind to him/her, and if so,
how can I do it and when will I do it?

At this point you should be feeling the intensity of the release through the
high heart. I find the degree of the feeling differs according to the
emotional intensity of the issue. The more emotionally charged the issue,
the more intense the release.

I have found, as have others, this step to be the most emotional step. I am
filled with gratitude and compassion when I reach this step and my only
thought is how to make amends and thank them.

Now that you are feeling the gratitude and compassion, having released the other
person from blame and anger, and realize you can be kind to them now, you are
just about finished with the Formula. The final two parts to Step Nine are:

a) How will you show your kindness, and

b) When you will do it?

These last two parts are very important and I encourage you to complete them as
quickly as possible since the process will not be complete until you do. A letter or
phone call to the person to say thank you for the lesson will do. I find that sharing
the lesson I learned from them goes a long way in healing the pain we both felt.

Caution! Don’t take them through the Formula. They won’t understand you and
will usually become angry and defensive unless they know the Formula too. Just
thank them for helping you become a better person.

Changing the Energy

Once you have completed the Formula, then it is time to do something with the
contract. The contract is energy like everything else, so you can change its form
into something else, sort of like working with Leggos.

I usually envision the contract dissolving into a thousand pieces of light energy, and
then I send that energy to someone who is ill to assist in their healing. On other
occasions I deposit it into an energy account I have created to manifest one of my
desires like a new house or something. You can also deposit it someone else's
account to assist them in manifesting one of their desires.

Anyway, this is where I can have a little fun with the contract and be creative. A
positive ending to a painful lesson, don’t you think?


I hope this summary and the steps of the Formula of Compassion help you make
the appropriate choices for you. More information can be found in We are the
Nibiruans, Book One, the Multidimensional Keys of Compassion Booklets, and the
soon to be released, We are the Nibiruans, Book Two. These booklets contain all
the information given to date on the Formula of Compassion, the foundation tool or
key, as well as the six additional tools that were given since the writing of the first


The Inner Technology - This is the term we use to define the higher purpose of
the endocrine system and the thymus in particular. When you apply the 9 Steps of
the Formula, you will feel the technology at work. It’s greatest effect will be felt
when you ready Step 5 and find the gift. At that moment the thymus transforms
the anger and painful feelings into the energies of compassion (gratitude mixed
with appreciation and acceptance). These new energies then flood your body in a
tingling sensation. That extremely high frequency energy impacts the DNA and
transforms it in much the same way that intense pressure transforms a piece of
carbon into a diamond.

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