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Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 15 (2019) 100165

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Automating the clinical stools exam using image processing integrated in an T

expert system
Oscar Takam Nkamganga,b, Daniel Tchiotsopb,∗, Hilaire Bertrand Fotsina, Pierre Kisito Tallac,
Valérie Louis Dorrd, Didier Wolfd
Unité de Recherche de Matière Condensée, D’Electronique et de Traitements Du Signal (URMACETS), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Dschang,
Cameroon, P.O.Box 67, Dschang
Unité de Recherche D’Automatique et D’Informatique Appliquée (UR-AIA), IUT-FV, Bandjoun, University of Dschang, Cameroon, P.O.Box 134, Bandjoun, Cameroon
Departement of Physics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Dschang, Cameroon
Centre de Recherche en Automatique de Nancy (CRAN), UMR CNRS, 7039, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France


Keywords: Background and objective: The diagnosis of intestinal parasitosis disease relies on physiological symptoms and
Parasitic diseases diagnosis stool examination. Often, few specialists are available, and manual stool exam is slow, prone to error, and can
Distance regularized level set evolution cause eye fatigue. Our aim was to design and implement a medical expert system that would be automated and
Neuro-fuzzy classifier helpful for diagnosis of human intestinal parasitosis.
Expert system
Methods: The system was developed based on a decision algorithm. A knowledge base was constructed through
information gleaned from books and physicians with information pertaining to the disease. The user interacts
with the system by answering questions. The symptoms information collected led to a microscopic examination
of stools, which was run on the system to detect parasites. The paradigm for automated microscopic examination
of stools consisted of a combined distance regularized level set evolution, automatically initialized by a circular
Hough transform, and a trained neuro-fuzzy classifier. The neuro-fuzzy classifier was trained for analysis of
twenty human intestinal parasites.
Results: We combined the reasoning scheme of diagnosis and the automated clinical exam of stools in the same
system. The parasites found in microscopic imagery confirmed the suspicious disease. The final recommendation
of diagnosis was then completed, with appropriate proposed therapy. The system was evaluated with sixty cases
of infection, and compared to the diagnosis of two expert doctors; we obtained fifty eight correct diagnoses,
corresponding to a 96.6% accuracy.
Conclusions: The proposed system is automated, since the parameters of segmentation, feature extraction and
classification are set to be computationally guided by the type of suspicious parasite. The system is potentially an
important contribution for medical healthcare assistance.

1. Introduction However, its rules are affected by the coefficients of probability. To

each rule, a particular weight is assigned. The produced engine works
Human intestinal parasitic diseases are part of a neglected group of as a simple forward chain, calculating the probabilities of each de-
tropical diseases causing illness and death. The lack of hospitals and duction. The system is unable to explain the logic of its operation and to
clinicians is a great barrier for these populations to have an appropriate detect contradictions. Windyga et al. [2] presented an expert system
level of medical care. Furthermore, diagnosis that relies on microscopic named SETA, developed for the management of patients in coronary or
images analysis is done manually in medical laboratories. Hence, the cardiac care units. The system was constructed on the multi-knowledge
production of results is slow, prone to errors, and can cause eyestrain. base architecture using a PC-compatible expert system development
Several studies have been carried out in order to assist doctors in shell named M.1, as a development tool of rules production. M.1 pro-
medical diagnostic tasks. MYCIN [1] is an expert system for the diag- vided to SETA some facilities in explanation capability. Each knowledge
nosis of bacterial infectious diseases of blood. It was the first to provide base follows a particular arrhythmia and relevant complications. The
a satisfactory separation of inference engine from the knowledge base. system suggests therapeutic actions for the treatment of serious

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (D. Tchiotsop).
Received 28 November 2018; Received in revised form 26 February 2019; Accepted 26 February 2019
Available online 02 March 2019
2352-9148/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
O.T. Nkamgang, et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 15 (2019) 100165

arrhythmias while taking into consideration aspects that are important system for intestinal parasitosis. The authors combined a snake tech-
to the human expert. However, the system was not designed for real- nique with the Hough transform, to extract parasite features in micro-
time operation. Santosh et al. [3] proposed a diagnosis expert system scopic imagery. The probabilistic neural network used for recognition
for medical consult following fast questioning, and offers in addition of the parasites achieved a 100% recognition rate. However, their
the explanation aspects. The system is based on a symbolic inference system was limited to the stage of classification, but may be extended to
engine handling whole rules; thus, it requires a transcription of the diagnostic and treatment proposals. Reviews of another thirteen med-
characteristics and symptoms of the disease to that standard symbolic ical expert systems for diagnosis of various diseases have been carried
system. It returns the problems of the reliability of the data which are out in Ref. [13]. The authors presented for each expert system the di-
set in the system. Soundararajan et al. [4] presented a knowledge based agnosed disease, the technique used, input, as well as remarks.
system for tuberculosis. The system was developed using fuzzy logic for Knowledge Based Systems and Rule Based Expert Systems were recur-
class assignment process and a rule–based fuzzy diagnostics decision rently used. Those systems receive symptoms or results of clinical
support system to assign class labels for tuberculosis. The authors de- exams as input to infer diagnosis. The results this far obtained as de-
veloped 16 rules for conditions and 323 sets of rules for the determi- scribed in the literature suggest that expert systems could be useful to
nation of the class of tuberculosis. The system evaluated the level of risk improve healthcare domains. None of the systems, however, have yet
of tuberculosis patient with received symptoms. However, the system been devoted to human intestinal parasitic diseases.
could not run clinical exams. In this paper, we present an expert system assistant for the diagnosis
Fatumo et al. [5] designed and implemented a medical diagnostic of human intestinal parasite disease. To the best of our knowledge, no
expert system for various kinds of malaria and typhoid complications, expert system has been devoted to the diagnosis of human intestinal
named XpertMalTyph. The system is based on JESS (Java Expert System parasitosis. The system integrates artificial reasoning with an automatic
Shell) programming. Java programming language was used as the im- stools exam. This stools exam is automatic, since parameters of parasite
plementation tool and its Java server page makes the expert system a detection and recognition are set automatically according to suspicious
web-based application. The database engine used was MySQL in- parasites. The system follows a decision algorithm to propose diagnosis
tegrated with JESS. The various modules used have been integrated and appropriate therapy.
from a single web interface. Soltan et al. [6] proposed a medical expert The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
system for heart disease. The proposed system was constructed in Visual presents the materials and methodology used. In Section III, we present
Prolog 7.3. The symptoms of the patients are obtained by answering some results and discussion. We close with a conclusion.
questions through a user interface. The system then deduced a diagnosis
and proposed a treatment. The system was focused on several heart 2. Materials and methods
diseases, namely angina pectoris and infarction. Mohktar et al. [7] have
developed a rule base expert system to classify the total cholesterol 2.1. Materials
level in the body. Authors used bioelectrical impedance analysis. The
study was investigated on 199 voluntary subjects. The expert system The proposed expert system is implemented on a HP Elite book
was able to correctly classify 6 of 10 subjects, which is a 0.6 probability 6930p with Intel(R) core (TM) 2 Duo CPU, 2.53 GHz, 2 Go RAM, with
accuracy, for classifying total cholesterol level. However, no clinical MATLAB 2014a, on Windows 7. The knowledge base includes rules and
exam could be carried out by the system. The expert system presented facts obtained from relevant books [14,15] and medical doctors. The
in Ref. [8] assists doctors, nurses, and students in orthopedic diseases automated exam of stools includes a pre-process, a segmentation pro-
diagnosis. The system provides a repository of information vis-à-vis cess, and a classification process. We have trained a neuro-fuzzy clas-
multiple diseases. The system was constructed using a tool of expert sifier with twenty classes of recurrent parasites. We have constructed a
systems called a ‘shell’ that allows generating the decision tree, and database of microscopic images gleaned from web-sites [16–18]. We
incorporated expert knowledge with ES_Buider 3.0. The latter generates firstly obtained a database of 1240 original images. In order to increase
a user interface and has an exporting function for web pages creation. the size of our database of images, we have added ‘gaussian’, ‘poisson’,
The authors obtained as results from the expert system information ‘salt & pepper’ and ‘speckle’ noise to each image. We have also rotated
similar to skilled doctors in the domain. Nevertheless, the system was each image with angles of 300, 600, 900, 1200 and 1500. A total of 560
unable to run a test, and only analyzes information from answered new images have then been added to the original database. We have
questions. obtained a comfortable database of 1800 microscopic images corre-
Recently, Nkuma-Udah et al. [9] presented a medical diagnosis sponding to 90 specimens for each of the twenty classes.
expert system to exactly diagnose malaria and delineate its related
diseases in developing countries, using Nigeria as a case study. The 2.2. The expert system
expert system was designed using CLIPS. Doctors and patients tested the
system, and gave a feedback of possible relevant additions to the system The proposed expert system architecture as presented in Fig. 1, in-
application. The system only collected information as symptoms to volves the knowledge base, the decision algorithm, the explanation
produce a diagnosis: no clinical examination can be run with this tool. mechanism and the user interface. It presents the flow of information
A multidisciplinary diagnosis system was presented by Nfongourain exchange between the system and its surroundings: firstly with a
et al. [10]. The system used a probability model for the prediction of the knowledge engineer, who collects rules and facts from doctors and
best individual physicians who are assigned to the case of a patient for books to feed the knowledge base of the system, secondly with the user
diagnosis. They obtained an accuracy of 80% with a multinomial lo- from whom it receives symptoms and proposes a diagnosis.
gistic regression model. Again, the system only addresses information
sharing, and could not analyze or use them for diagnosis. Tchagna et al. 2.2.1. User interface
[11] presented two architectures for a complete processing of biome- The user interface enables communication between the user and the
dical image data using big data analytics. The authors provide in each system. It takes input to the system (symptoms or signs), and presents
step an optimal method that has a big data architecture solution using output to the user, such as diagnosis results, explanation, treatment
Hadoop and Spark frameworks. The system, based on the tools of big details, and recommendations. Symptoms and signs of diseases col-
data technology, analyzes imaging information for biomedical diag- lected leads to recognition of suspicious parasites. Our new system of
nostics. Their system was limited to the stage of classification and the automated examination of stools is based on the detection and re-
analysis of images, which is a restricted to a part of medical diagnosis cognition of intestinal parasites in microscopic images. The method
processes. Saha et al. [12] presented an automated medical diagnosis includes both segmentation and recognition.

O.T. Nkamgang, et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 15 (2019) 100165

Fig. 1. The proposed expert systems archi-

tecture presenting the flowing exchange of in-
formation in the system, and between the system
and its surrounding.

Fig. 2. Extraction process: (a) original image with Entamoeba histolytica trophozoïte, (b) edge map (c) the parasite located, (d) the parasite detected, (e) the
extracted parasite and (f) visualization of histogram oriented gradient features grid locations.

Fig. 3. Extracted microscopic images of parasites. Cyst of: (a) Entamoeba histolytica, (b) Entamoeba coli, (c) Balantidium coli, (d) Chilomastix mesnili, (e) Giardia
lamblia. egg of: (f) Ancylostoma duodenale, (g) Diphyllobothrium latum, (h) Trichuris trichura, (i) Hymenolepis nana, (j) Schistosoma mansoni, (k) Schistosoma
haematobium, (l) Heterophyes heterophyes, (n) Ascaris lumbricoides, (m) Clonorchis sinensis, (o) Fasciola hepatica, (p) Blastocystis hominis, (q) Paragonimus
westermani, (r) Taenia solium. trophozoïte of: (s) Entamoeba histolytica trophozoïte, (t) Iodamoeba butschlii.

Table 1 (x − x a)2 + (y − ya )2 = R2 (1)

Diseases in charge of the designed expert system.

•. Disease 1: Ascariasis •. Disease 11: clonorchiasis

where ( x a , ya ) are center pixel coordinates and R is the radius of the
•. Disease 2: Lambliasis or gardiasis •. Disease 12: trichocéphalosis circle.
•. Disease 3: Banlantidosis •. Disease 13: fasciolosis or hepatic The output accumulator space has a peak where these contributed
•. Disease 4: Taeniasis distomatosis circles overlap at the center of the original circle. The center pixel ( x a ,
•. Disease 5: blastocystosis •. Disease 14: isosporosis or
•. Disease 6: deep-rooted Amoebiasis Coccidiosis
ya ) and the radius (R ) parameters for the accumulator with the highest
•. Disease 7: paragonimiasis or •. Disease 15: colic Amoebiasis vote are used to draw the corresponding circle on the original image.
pulmonary distomatosis •. Disease 16: diphyllobothriosis The drawn circle is used as an initial function of DRLSE. The partial
•. Disease 8: intestinal distomatosis •. Disease 17: infantile Téniasis differential equation of the level set evolution is given by equation (2).
•. Disease 9: Ancylostomiasis •. Disease 18: bilharziosis or
•. Disease 10: Hymenolepiasis Schistosomiase ∂ϕ/ ∂t = μdiv (dp ( ∇ϕ ) ∇ϕ) − ∂ξext / ∂ϕ (2)

With ϕ being the level set function, μ the distance regularization

Table 2 coefficient of level set function control, and ξext (ϕ) the energy function.
Some examples of symptoms of the knowledge base. DRLSE aims to minimize the energy function ξext (ϕ) . To satisfy this
constraint, the level set function evolves until it accurately fits the
•. Symptom 1: diarrhea •. Symptom 6: anorexia
•. Symptom 2: headache •. Symptom 7: bulimia parasite boundary. The final level set function is a signed distance
•. Symptom 3: fever •. Symptom 8: vomiting function whose value is positive inside and negative outside. The ex-
•. Symptom 4: stomach bloating •. Symptom 9: nausea traction process consists of looking at the corresponding pixel in the
•. Symptom 5: dry cough original image with final negative level set function values, and to set
them to a white color. This method is fast and requires less memory as
compared to the method used by SAHA et al. [19]. As a result, we Segmentation. The edge map of the original image is firstly
generate an image of the parasite alone with white background, which
detected by a canny edge detector. The detection and extraction of the
is proper for features extraction. Fig. 2 illustrates DRLSE, automatically
parasites are done by Distance Regularized Level Set Evolution
initialized using the circular Hough transform, which constitutes the
(DRLSE), initialized by the Circular Hough Transform (CHT). Many
segmentation process of our automated stools exam. We firstly con-
intestinal parasites are ovoid, and their shape in the image can be
verted the microscopic images to edge maps using the Canny algorithm
approximated as circles. According to the circle equation (1), each edge
(Fig. 2 (b)). Next, we located the parasite through the circular Hough
pixel (x , y ) contributes to a circle of radius R in the accumulator space.
transform, and drew circles around them (Fig. 2 (c)). Those circles stand

O.T. Nkamgang, et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 15 (2019) 100165

Fig. 4. The decision algorithm flow chart of the proposed expert system, illustrating tests involve in the reasoning scheme.

O.T. Nkamgang, et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 15 (2019) 100165

intestinal parasites (Protozoa and Helminths) in various stages (cyst,

egg and trophozoïte). We have used a constructed database of 1800
microscopic images, corresponding to 90 specimens of each type of
parasite. The rotation of the parasite and noise in the image were ad-
dressed. The extracted microscopic image of each parasite is presented
in Fig. 3. From Fig. 3(a)–3(e), we have cyst of parasite; Figure 3(f)–3(r)
present the eggs, while Fig. 3(s) and (t), the trophozoïte of parasite.
From the extracted parasite, we extracted features using a histogram
oriented gradient. Afterwards, the most significant and non-redundant
features are selected using LDA. Those features are used by the NFC for
the classification of parasite. More details on the classification metho-
dology is found in Ref. [22].

2.2.2. The knowledge base

The knowledge base is the heart of the expert system. It is the col-
lection of facts and rules which describe all of the knowledge about the
problem domain. It takes a collection of relevant knowledge that is
stored in a computer and organizes the information in such a way that it
can be used by the decision algorithm. These rules are in the form of IF-
THEN that make use of various tests in or out of a diagnosis. These tests
are scheduled based on suspicion of disease. These rules were im-
plemented according to information collected from local doctors and
relevant book information. Our knowledge base integrates 82 facts: 18
Fig. 5. The automated laboratory test flow chart of the detection of human
diseases and 64 symptoms. They are declared in the forms given in
intestinal parasites, its extraction from microscopic of stools, and its recogni-
Table 1:
The symptoms and signs of these diseases have also been declared as
presented in Table 2.
as initial contours of DRLSE. The contours evolve until they fit the We have constructed a rule base consisting of 186 rules. Each rule is
boundaries of the parasites (Fig. 2 (d)) despite fecal debris around it, stated in the form of:
here considered as noise. The final extraction is performed using a If patient has symptom1 and symptom 2 and symptom3 and
complementary method based on the signed distance character of the symptom4 and parasite found in stool is parasite x then Disease is
level set function. As a result, we have an image where only the ex- Disease x.
tracted parasite appears with white background (Fig. 2 (e)). It is then For example, we have:
easy to extract feature characteristics of the parasites for recognition.
•. If patient has chronic diarrhea and fever and stomach bloating or Classification. We retrieved features from the extracted duodenitis and nausea, and parasite found in stools is Giardia in-
parasite using a histogram oriented gradient [20]. The visualization testinalis or lamblia, then disease is Lambliasis or gardiasis.
of Histogram Oriented Gradient (HOG) features grid locations is •. If patient has fever around 38 °C and dry cough and dyspnoea and
presented in Fig. 2 (f). At each pixel, the image gradient vector is vomiting and nausea and parasite found in stools is Ascaris lum-
calculated. Given an image I , we obtain the x and y derivatives using a bricoides, then disease is Ascariasis.
convolution operation: Ix = I ⋅Dx and Iy = I ⋅Dy . The magnitude (G ) and •. If patient has diarrhea with blood or mucus and moderated or os-
the orientation (ϑ ) of the gradient are given by equation (3): cillating fever and stomach pain, and parasite found in stools is
Entamoeba histolytica, then disease is colic Amoebiasis.
G = Ix2 + I y2 , ϑ = arctan(Iy / Ix ), (3) •. If patient has abdominal pain and nausea and bulimia or anorexia
and ocular or neurological trouble, and parasite found in stools is
We obtained feature vectors whose dimension are on the order of Taenia solium or saginata, then disease is Taeniasis.
thousand. This is too large to be directly used by a classifier. The di- •. If disease is Lambliasis or giardiasis, then proposed therapy is
mension of the feature vector is reduced by Linear Discriminant FLAGYL® (métronidazole) 10 mg/kg/day in 2 doses during one
Analysis (LDA) [21]. LDA finds a subspace which gathers the samples week.
from the same class and enlarges the margin of samples from different
•. If disease is colic Amoebiasis, then proposed therapy is INTETRIX®
classes. Mathematically, this objective is achieved by maximizing the (tibroquinol ettiliquinol) 2 g per day during 6 days, or FLAGYL®
Fisher criterion J (the ratio of the between class scatter (s w ) to the (métronidazole) 2 g per day during 7 days.
within class scatter (sb )) (equation (4)). •. If disease is Ascariasis, then proposed therapy is FLUVERMAL®
(flubendazole) 200 mg per day during 3 days, or ZENTEL® (alben-
J = wT sb w / wT s w w (4)
dazole) 200 mg in 1 dose for less than 2 years child, 400 mg in 1
with w the projective vector that maximizes the Fisher separation cri- dose for above 2 years. COMBANTRIN® or HELMINTOX® (pamoate
terion. de pyrantel) 12,5 mg/kg in one dose.
Those features are introduced in a trained neuro-fuzzy classifier for
the recognition of the parasite. It consists of determining the optimum 2.2.3. The decision algorithm
parameters θ = {SM×N , ΓM×N , WM×O} of the fuzzy if-then rules from the The decision of our proposed system is guided by a forward-
cost function E (θ) . S and Γ are the matrices containing the width (σ ) chaining algorithm. The goal of the decision algorithm is to deduce
and the center (c ) values of the membership functions respectively; W is facts. Consequences are deduced from the initial facts present at the
the weight matrix of connections from fuzzification layer to defuzzifi- beginning in the knowledge base. For that purpose, it will traverse the
cation layer. M , N and O are respectively, the number of rules, features, knowledge base; it will examine the facts one by one and, looking at
and classes. them as fact-conditions, it will seek in the left part of each rule if there
The neuro-fuzzy classifier (NFC) [22] was trained for twenty is correspondence between one of the condition-premises of the rule

O.T. Nkamgang, et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 15 (2019) 100165

Fig. 6. User interface: (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) dialog for information collection, (f) suspicious parasites.

and the fact considered. The decision algorithm thus explores all of the 3. Experimental results and discussion
rules contained in the knowledge base, seeking for each one of them to
start its consequence. We have implemented the decision algorithm of Assuming the expert system acts in a manner as a physician for a
the proposed expert system in MATLAB. It follows the flow chart pre- patient, the user will answer a few questions about the patient condi-
sented in Fig. 4, which consists of successive tests, depending upon tions. The system begins with general questions, and is guided by an-
received answers. swers regarding suspicious parasites. Fig. 6((a), (b), (c), (d) and (e))
It is completed with the flow chart of the automated stools exam of present a sample of questions asked to the user. The user answers
Fig. 5 involving the segmentation of the microscopic images of stools of questions by filling the provided space, or clicking on a suitable button.
the patient, and the recognition of the detected parasite. Given a da- Questions successively present are oriented by the decision algorithm
tabase of true facts, all rules that match facts in the database are suc- according to answers and conducted to the suspicious parasite
cessively applied. The conclusion is added to the database. This is re- (Fig. 6(f)).
peated until suspicious parasites are deduced, or a new fact is input, or In Fig. 7(a), we present the dialog interface of the system proposing
others expertise is required. The interrupts paths indicate that other to run a stools exam. If the user clicks on the ‘‘why’’ button, an ex-
symptoms can be taken into account. Suspicious parasites are found in planation of the deduction is given (Fig. 7(b)). The suspicious parasite
microscopic images of stools during automated laboratory tests. Their responsible for health trouble are confirmed or not by the examination
recognition is combined with symptoms to produce a diagnostic. of stools. Fig. 7(c) presents the interface of automatic exam of stools.
After loading microscopic images of stools of the patient using the
button ‘‘load image’‘, the user will successively click on ‘‘CHT-DRLSE’‘,

O.T. Nkamgang, et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 15 (2019) 100165

Fig. 7. User interface. (a) Dialog proposing to run stools exam (b) recalling information for explanation (c) The automatic exam of stools interface (d) diagnostic
result and a proposed therapy.

O.T. Nkamgang, et al. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked 15 (2019) 100165

‘‘HOG-LDA’’ and ‘‘NFC’‘. The system will process the segmentation and and reliable care of patients suffering from intestinal parasitosis.
the recognition of the detected parasite. The proposed scheme of seg-
mentation was applied on our database of microscopic images with Conflicts of interest
various kinds of parasites. Results show how robust and accurate the
method is [19]. The parameters of research are set automatically ac- None declared.
cording to suspicious parasites. The user can also set those parameters
for a particular research, and the system will learn from new conclu- Ethical approval
sions. Those parameters are accessible at the right side of the interface
presented in Fig. 7(c). They are: the estimated radius of research for This article does not contain any studies with human participants or
Hough transforms, the weighted area term Ag (ϕ) , the coefficient of the animals performed by any of the authors.
distance regularization term Rp (ϕ) , time step tstep, the coefficient of the
weighted length term Lg (ϕ) and the maximum number of iterations for Acknowledgements
DRLSE. This opens the field to enlarge the research of new parasites.
The database images were divided in two sets for the training and The authors wish to thank the laboratory assistant TAFFOC Guy
testing phases. The results show a perfect classification of twenty in- Aimé and collaborators of regional hospital of Bafoussam (western
testinal parasites (Protozoa and Helminths) in various stages (cyst, egg Cameroon) for their invaluable support and knowledge sharing. The
and trophozoïte). The twenty classes of parasites were classified with a authors are also grateful to JIPDI M.N (PhD) and PEACHAP Bruno A. for
recognition rate of 100% while testing the trained neuro-fuzzy system improving the overall English level within our manuscript.
[22]. The recognized parasite is combined with other symptoms for the
diagnosis of disease, and a therapy is proposed (Fig. 7(d)). The system Appendix A. Supplementary data
was trained to recognize twenty parasites independently of their stage
of evolution. Thus, the corresponding diseases are also well diagnosed. Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
It is worth to mention that the diagnosis and therapy are only a re-
commendation for the user and physician non expert in the domain.
We have simulated the execution of our system on sixty cases of Formatting of funding sources
infection. Questions asked by the proposed system with corresponding
answers of patients were presented to two doctors. Images were picked This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
in a database of 210 microscopic images. The system obtained fifty agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
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