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1  The class lines up for a bus. Macy is 1st in line, Jack is 2nd in line. Claine es behind
Name: ____________________________________ Date: ____/____/____ Jack. In what place in line is Claine?
 ……………….place
Ordi Meaning Ordin Meaning  Zebra is third, Giraffe is last. Hippo is second, Gorila is in front of Hippo and Seal
nal al comes after Zebra. Who is 1st? the first is Gorila
num numb
ber er Gorila
1st First Primero 18th Eighteenth Decimoctavo Hippo
2nd Second Segundo 19th Nineteenth Decimonoveno Zebra
3rd Third Tercero 20th Twentieth Vigesimo Seal
4th Fourth Cuarto 21st Twenty-first Vigesimo primero Giraffe
5th Fifth Quinto 22nd Twenty- second Vigesimo Segundo
6th Sixth Sexto 23rd Twenty-third Vigesimo tercero
7th Seventh Septimo 24th Twenty-fourth Vigesimo cuarto  Gorila is third, Seal is first, Hippo is fitfth, Giraffe is in front of Hippo and Zebra is
8th Eighth Octavo 30th Thirtieh Trigesimo behind Seal. Order the animals.
9th Ninth Noveno 31st Thirty-first Trigesimo primero ……………………………………………..
10th Tenth Decimo 40th Fortieth Cuadragesimo  We know that: Elena is older than Rosa and Sofia. Nicole is younger than Sofia. Sofia
11th Eleventh Undecimo 50th Fiftieth Quincuagesimo was born 30 years after that Rosa. If we order them increasing according of their age,
12th Twelfth Duodecimo 60th Sixtieth Sexagesimo the second place is for: answer: sofia
13th Thirteenth Decimotercero 70 Seventieth Septuagesimo  In a building of 4 floors are living 4 brothers. Artur lives on the 1st floor, Mario lives
14th Fourteenth Decimocuarto 80th Eightieth Octogesimo lower than Jorge and Willy one floor higher than Mario. Which floor does Willy live?
15th Fifteenth Decimoquinto 90th Ninetieth Nonagesimo  Answer: 3rd floor
16th Sixteenth Decimosexto 100th Hundredth Centesimo  Six women are climbing a mountain. Camila is lower than Aracely, who is a place
17th Seventeenth Decimoseptimo 200th Two hundredth Dos centesimas lower than Mirtha; Kiara is higher than Camila, but a place lower that Gisela, who is
lower than Janeth and Janeth is between Aracely and Gisela. Who is in the climb 4th
APPLICATIONS place? Answer: Gisela
For giving dates:
 2nd June  the second of June.
 June 2nd  June the second.

In + mes  My birthday is in July.

On + fecha  My birthday in on the fourth July. (4th July)

Write the dates

1) 7 de Julio the seventh of July/ July the seventh
2) El 1 de Enero 1st January/ January 1st (the first of January/ January the first)  Six friends live in a building, each one in a different floor, Carlos lives lower than Bob,
3) El 25 de diciembre 25th December/ December 25th (the twenty-fifth of December/ but higher than David; Franco lives three floors lower than Carlos, Andrés lives two
December the twenty-fifth) floors higher than Carlos and a four floors that Enzo. In the third floor is…………….
4) …………………………………………………………………………….. Answer: David.
5) El 12 de Mayo ……………………………………………………………………………..  Ana, Elsa, Antonio, Iván; Ofelia y Flavio are sitting in 6 adjacent seats in a line of the
6) El 2 de Septiembre …………………………………………………………………………… theatre. Antonio is by and the left of Ofelia, Ana is on the right of Antonio, between
7) El 3 de Febrero …………………………………………………………………………….. Flavio and Elsa, Elsa is by and the left of Iván. Who is sitting on the 3rd seat, from left
8) El 13 de Marzo …………………………………………………………………………….. to right? Answer: Flavio.
9) El 21 de Junio ……………………………………………………………………………..
10) El 30 de Octubre ……………………………………………………………………………..
 Look at the calendar an complete these sentences:
11) El 29 de Agosto ……………………………………………………………………………..
12) El 18 de Abril ………………………………………………………………………………..

PROBLEMS Sometimes we have to solve problems that involve ordinal numbers: I’m very busy in high school before holiday vacations. I have a lot of activities so I
decided to write then down on my calendar. The_____day, I have an English test, then
 Jeff was third in line and Tim was eighth. How many people were between them? the______day I’ll be taking a ______________; then I have to present
 4th , 5th , 6th, 7th the___________ the_______day. I have my last Chemistry practice exam
the_______day. And finally the ________day. I’ll be
 Answer: there are 4 people. ________________________________assignament.
 Annie is 13th in line. Chris is 3rd in line. How many students are between Chris and
Annie? __there are 9 people__ 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
English Physics
test project



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