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The prototype invention Project ALMONAC an Automated Local Monitoring System with

GSM Notification for Atmospheric Condition used Arduino based processor with a sequence of code

that enables it to read data from sensors. It also composed of ozone gas sensor, Air quality sensor,

temperature and humidity sensor, ultraviolet sensor, humidity sensor, barometric sensor and wind

speed sensor that measured atmospheric or environmental factors rate and used SIM800 GSM

Module to send gathered data that allow Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Council Operational

Manager to monitor the rate or level of different environmental factors via Short Message Service

(SMS). The values read from the sensors are processed by the Arduino micro-controller and stored in

a text file which can be processed upon to derive analysis and send data through Short Message

Service (SMS) to Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Council Operational Manager of Davao Oriental.

The reading are also displayed on an on board LCD for quick viewing. All these readings are

analyzed to get the weather characteristics of a particular area and record the weather pattern.

These recorded parameters are essential and vary from places to places. All the requirements are fed

into the database and the result values are essentials and recorded over time. Based on the result

values Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Council operational manager of Davao Oriental can plot an

atmospheric condition chart of a particular area overtime. Based on the present weather factors

preset values the set action are done.

Project ALMONAC was mounted in down town area near at motorcycle terminal and

business establishment in Mati City, Province of Davao Oriental. After seven-day data gathering ten

samples and three trials for each variables, analysis were conducted. The researcher used descriptive

and t-test in analyzing the recorded data. Based on the findings, Project ALMONAC can be used in

measuring atmospheric condition or environmental factors rate using the preset values as Project

ALMONAC presented and can send gathered data via Short Message Service (SMS) that allow

Provincial Disaster Risk Reduction Council Operational to monitor the rate or level of different
environmental factors and can plot an atmospheric condition chart of a particular area overtime

based on the present weather factors and preset values resulted in Project ALMONAC.




The world climate change has brought about unpredictable weather conditions that have

resulted in the global warming. Weather generally refers to day-to-day temperature and

precipitation activity, whereas climate is the term for the average atmospheric condition over periods

of time (Karthik, et al, 2015).According to IPPC, (1996a) global warming is expected to occur due to

increased carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere. Global surface temperature will increase

by at least 2.0°c by the next century.

The Philippines as a developing nation has been demonstrating strong strides toward

increasing their economy. They are seen as one of the best-performing countries in the region, and is

considered as “one of the most promising newly-industrialized countries, with its export economy

moving away from agriculture to electronics, petroleum and other goods” (BBC, 2014). However

According to the World Resources Institute, the Philippines emitted about 142 million tons (MT) of

carbon dioxide equivalent excluding land use changes (WRI 2009).The Philippines is highly exposed to

hazards created by weather events, and climate will exacerbate this through an increase in extreme

weather events, changes in temperature, shift in rainfall patterns, and sea level rise .from the article

(Sustainable Development Department, 2010)

Mati City, Province of Davao Oriental has been exposed to fast dramatic weather condition or

atmospheric condition due to excessive carbon dioxide emission from vehicle and business

establishment, this situation added to the climate change and global warming problem. To address

this problem Project ALMONAC was created to and measure and monitor atmospheric condition or

environmental factors variable rate and send gathered data through Short Message Service (SMS)

notification to the Provincial Disaster Reduction Risk Management Council Operational Manager to
monitor different atmospheric condition or environmental factors rate or level. Specifically, the rate

of ozone gases, rate of carbon dioxide, rate of temperature, rate of humidity, ultraviolet rate,

barometric pressure and wind speed level and can plot an atmospheric condition chart of particular

area . Through it they could use the information to mitigate the problem in weather or atmospheric





The researchers used an Arduino microcontroller for the realization of this project. An

Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software (Seed,

2008). A variety of sensors were connected to the Arduino board to acquire more data to be

presented. ozone gas sensor, Air quality sensor, temperature and humidity sensor, ultraviolet sensor,

humidity sensor, barometric sensor and wind speed sensor were used to measure the weather or

environmental factors and SIM800 GSM Module to send data through SMS notification . The values

read from the sensors are processed by the Arduino micro-controller and stored in a text file which

can be processed upon to derive analysis and send data through SMS to Provincial Disaster Risk

Reduction Council Operational Manager of Davao Oriental. The reading are also displayed on an on

board LCD for quick viewing. All these readings can be analyzed to get the weather or atmospheric

characteristics of a particular area and record the weather pattern. These recorded parameters are

essential and vary from places to places. All these requirements are fed into the database and these

values are essentials and recorded over time. Using these values as input Provincial Disaster

Reduction Risk Management Council Operational Manager can plot a weather chart of a particular

area overtime. Based on the present weather factors and preset values in Project ALMONAC.
ALMONAC Components

Arduino- is an open source tool for making computers that can sense and control more of the

physical world than your desktop computer. It's an open-source physical computing platform based

on a simple micro-controller board, and a development environment for writing software for the

board. Arduino can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of switches or

sensors, and controlling a variety of lights, motors, and other physical outputs. Arduino projects can

be stand-alone, or they can communicate with software running on your computer (e.g. Flash,

Processing, MaxMSP). The boards can be assembled by hand or purchased pre-assembled; the open-

source IDE can be downloaded for free. Arduino micro-controller is shown below ;

DHT22 – Temperature and Humidity Sensor

Is a basic, low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It uses a capacitive humidity

sensor and a thermistor to measure the surrounding air, and spits out a digital signal on the data pin

This sensor is used to sense humidity and reading of temperature and also to calculate dew

point and heat index. . It facilitates with analog and digital output. The research are using digital

output pin to connect it. directly with the Arduino to Arduino’s digital pin.
MQ-131 - Ozone Gas Sensor

Sensitive material of MQ131 gas sensor is O3 SnO2,CL2 and NO2, which with lower

conductivity in clean air. When Ozone gas exists. The sensor’s conductivity is higher along with the

gas concentration rising. They are used in air quality control equipment for buildings or offices.

This sensor is used to are used sense air quality control equipment for buildings/offices and

suitable for detecting O3 SnO2,CL2 and NO2 . It facilitates with analog and digital output. The

researchers are using digital output pin to connect it. Directly with the Arduino to Arduino’s digital


MQ-131- Ozone Gas Sensor is shown below;

MQ-135- Air Quality Sensor Module

A low cost semiconductor sensor which can detect the presence of Ammonia (NH 3), Mono-

nitrogen oxides (NOx), Alcohol, Benzene, Smoke, Carbon-dioxide (CO 2) etc. It has good sensitivity to

harmful gases in a wide range. The sensitive material used for this sensor is SnO 2, whose conductivity

is lower in clean air. Its conductivity increases as the concentration of sensing gases increases. This

module provides both digital and analog outputs. MQ135 Air Quality Sensor module can be easily

interfaced with Micro controllers, Arduino Boards, Raspberry Pi. This module can be applied to

harmful gas detecting devices.

This sensor is used to detect the presence of Ammonia (NH 3), Mono-nitrogen oxides (NOx),

Alcohol, Benzene, Smoke, Carbon-dioxide (CO 2) . It facilitates with analog and digital output. The

researchers are using digital output pin to connect it. Directly with the Arduino to Arduino’s digital


MQ-135- Ozone Gas Sensor is shown below;

BMP-180 Barometric Pressure Sensor

This pressure sensor is a BMP180 based digital barometric pressure sensor module. BMP180

combines barometric pressure, temperature and altitude. The I2C allows easy interface BMP-180

can measure pressure range from 300 to 1100hPa (+9000m to -500m relating to sea level) with an

accuracy down to 0.02hPa (0.17m) in advance resolution mode. BMP-180 uses piezo-resistive

technology for high accuracy, linearity, EMC robustness and stability for a longer period of time.

This sensor is used to measure air pressure. It facilitates with analog and digital output. The

researchers are using digital output pin to connect it. Directly with the Arduino to Arduino’s digital


BMP-180 Barometric Pressure Sensor is shown below;


Measure the power or intensity of incident ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This form of

electromagnetic radiation has shorter wavelengths than visible radiation, but is still longer than x-

rays. UV sensors are used for determining exposure to ultraviolet radiation in laboratory or

environmental settings

This sensor is used for detecting the intensity of incident ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It

facilitates with analog and digital output. The researchers are using digital output pin to connect it.

Directly with the Arduino to Arduino’s digital pin.

ULTRAVIOLET Sensor is shown below;

Wind Speed Anemometer with RJ11

The Anemometer Wind Speed Sensor is a common weather station instrument used for

measuring wind speed. This anemometer features a weatherproof built and is designed to sit outside

and measure wind speed with ease.

This sensor is used for measuring wind speed. It facilitates with analog and digital output.

The researchers are using digital output pin to connect it. Directly with the Arduino to Arduino’s

digital pin.

Wind Speed Anemometer with RJ11 is shown below;

16x2 LCD

16x2 LCD is used to display the reading in real time manner. It facilitates with analog

and digital output. The researchers are using digital output pin to connect it. Directly with the

Arduino to Arduino’s digital pin.

16x 2 LCD is shown below;


SIM800 is a complete Quad-band GSM/GPRS solution in a SMT type which can be

embedded in the customer applications. SIM800 support Quad-band

850/900/1800/1900MHz, it can transmit Voice, SMS and data information with low power


SIM800 GSM Module is used to transmit voice or send SMS data information . It

facilitates with analog and digital output. The researchers are using digital output pin to connect it.

Directly with the Arduino to Arduino’s digital pin.

SIM800 GSM Module is shown below;

Research Design
The researchers used the following sequence in working throughout the research

Analysis Phase
Assessing the project objectives. Conducting a needs analysis

Identifying the knowledge gap

Design Phase
1.) Design the Project ALMONAC with Arduino microcontroller
processor with of ozone sensor,MQ-135 gas sensor , temperature sensor,
humidity sensor, ultraviolet sensor, humidity sensor, barometric sensor and
wind speed sensor and GSM Module
2.) Mounting the project to down town area near motorcycle terminal
and business establishment in Mati City,Davao Oriental .

Development Phase
1.) Development of the Project ALMONAC body casing
2.) Testing if the sensors are working properly
3.) Configuring the proper program for Project ALMONAC

Implementation Phase
1.) Testing Project ALMONAC in testing area
2.) Obtaining the data result from the testing area.

Evaluation Phase
1.) Record gathered data from Project ALMONAC
2.) Evaluation and tabulation the data results.
3.) Analyze the data results using descriptive and t-test statistical

End Phase
Project ALMONAC an Automated Local Monitoring System with GSM Notification for
Atmospheric Condition can be used in monitoring the atmospheric condition and can give
useful information to Provincial Reduction Risk Management Council and the community.

Project ALMONAC is designed to measure and monitor the rate of atmospheric or

environmental factors and send gathered data through SMS notification to Provincial Disaster

Reduction Risk Management Council to inform the operational manager so that they can monitor the

rate of different atmospheric or environmental factors. Specifically, the rate of ozone gases, rate of

carbon dioxide, rate of temperature, rate of humidity, ultraviolet rate, barometric pressure and wind

speed level and the sudden changing of atmospheric condition in order for them to be aware and

give precautionary measures to the citizens or to the community especially during serious weather


Through project ALMONAC the Provincial Disaster Reduction Risk Management Council

operational manager could make an efficiency in forecasting atmospheric condition. The data results

given by project ALMONAC would be useful for the authorities for they could be aware about the

weather condition and can give proper mitigation about the problem in global warming.

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