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Govt.of West Bengal Office of the Principal, Nilratan Sircar Medical College, 138, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700014. E-mail- principalnrsmcegmail.com Web: https://nrsme.edu.in Fax- (033) 22658179 Ph- (033)22653214/15/16 No. 6/1-nuc/"4| $b : Date . 1$- 11.2018 NOTICE RATES for supply of books in sealed cover are invited from bonafide agents (s) / firms(s) who are the members of recognized Book Sellers and Publishers Association with the superscription “RATES FOR BOOKS FOR THR YEAR 18-19”along with the Memo No of the Notice. All Rates are to be submitted at the office of the undersigned on or before 26.11.2018 by 2 P. The Rates will not be accepted for those companies who have failed to supply atleast 70% of the order value of books after securing the confirm order in response to our earlier notification for purchase of books vide No.6/1-NMC/ 5342 Dt 04.07.2018. Terms and Conditions: a) Books should be original and latest edition b) Rates should be furnished maintaining the SI. 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Bose Road, Kolkat: 700014 LIST OF BOOKS No: 6/1 NMC /A\G6 paTE : {£/ 11/2018 SERIAL ‘AUTHOR "TITLE OF THE BOOK NO | AkDutta Essential of Human Osteology | AK Dura ‘ANATOMY ,VOL-1 = 3 | AK Dutta ‘ANATOMY ,VOL-2 a | AKDutta ‘ANATOMY ,VOL-3 % 5 | AK Data ‘ANATOMY VOL-4 x g | AkDutia PRINCIPLES OF GENERAL ANATOMY 7 | Abrabams ‘Meminn & Abrahams’ Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy, 3 | ane “Grant's Atlas of Anatomy, | APA ‘Surface And Radiological Anatomy With A Clinical Perspective Bhave ‘Anatomy Prep Manual: Last Minute Revision in Anatomy (LAQ’S 10 &SAQ's) _— a1_| Chaurasia 'BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy: Vol. 1 12___| Chaurasia BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy: Vol. 2: 13 Chaurasia BD Chaurasia’s Human Anatomy: Vol. 14 | Chaurasia BD Chaurasia's Human Anatomy: Vol. 4 iz 15 _ | Chaurasia Chaurasia Dream Human Embryology a6 | ceawa “Textbook of Mediccal Biochemistry a7_| David Nelson Tehninger Principles of Biochemistry ag | DavidSheckan Physical Biochemistry: Principles and Applications a9 _| DebalvotiDas Biochemistry 39 _| DebalvotiDas BIOPHYSICS AND BIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY 31 _| DebaivotiDas Statistics in Biology and Psychology 9) | Devi Subhadra Tnderbir Singh's Human Embryology 93 | Eroschunko Diffore’s Atlas of Histology with Functional Correlations oa | FARUKI HB OF OSTEOLOGY 25 _| GJtortora & B Derrickson Principle of anatomy and physiology 26 | SE BD Chaurasia’s Dream Human Embryology, oy | cate BD Chayrasia's Handbook of General Anatomy, og | CHRO “ATLAS OF ANATOMY. 99 _| Gleason Ross & wilson Anatomy and Physiology in Health and liness. | Gupte Practical Biochemist 30 a ma ae IN Nee Govt.of West Bengal Office of the Principal, Milratan Sircar Medical College, 138, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700014 No: 6/1 NMC /7“4\$6 LIST OF BOOKS DATE \$/ 11/2018 31__| Hansen ] Netter’s Clinical Anatomy, ay Hatbanstal “Textbook of Biochemistry. 33 Bavishanker = Fxam Preparatory Manual For Undergraduates Anatomy aa | Herlihy Study Guide The Homan Body in Health and Miness, ag _| KEITH& MOORE CLINICALLY ORIENTED ANATOMY 36_| Krishna Garg ‘Text book of Histology 37 _| Ansa Garg HISTOLOGY Kumar Tnderbir Singh's Textbook of Human Osteology with Atias of 38 Muscle Attachments 30 | Loe ‘Mecminn's Color Atlas of Head and Neck Anatomy, ‘|e ‘Meminn's Color Atlas of Lower Limb Anatomy, an_| Padubidr Textbook of Anatomy. 37e,Vol. 3 ay __| SAMAR MITRA ‘ANATOMY V-1 a3_| SANARMITRA ‘ANATOMY V-2 ‘ug_| SAMAR MITRA “ANATOMY V-3 45__| shoukatN Gazi Exam Oriented Anatomy a | 5in8h Textbook of Anatomy. 37e, Voll ay) sme Textbook ofAnatomy. 3/e, Vol I Smith Gray's Surface Anatomy and Ultrasound :A Foundation for 48 Glinical Practice wo |¥ sine Clinical & Surgical Anatomy so. _| Vshram Singh Textbook of Anatomy 1 1 _| Poeesh somapakee TB OF HUMAN EMBRYOLOGY 52 _| MPPINcOTT Biochemistry 3 | Raf ‘Student Manual of Practical Biochemistry for MBBS sq_| Rodwell HARPER'S ILLUSTRATED BIOCHEMISTRY gs | Rodwell Harper Mlustrated Biochemistry. ye | U Savanarayana &U. Chakrapani | Biochemistry 57_| VASUDEVAN TH OF BIOCHEMISTRY FOR Medical Student se | Kian TTexibook of Physiology’ 2 Volumes 59__| ASS Goswanit Exerdise Physiology and Ergonomics | aha ‘Textbook of Practical Physiology [61 _| DEBASIsPRAMANIK PRINCIPLES OF PHYSIOLOGY Govt.of West Bengal Office of the Principal, Nilratan Sircar Medical College, 138, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700014 LIST OF BOOKS No: 6/1 NMC /-4\&b pare: (£/ 11/2018 62] ANONG PHYSIOLOGY = 63 | Ena Guyto & Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology 6a | John CC Chatterjee's Human Physiology, Vol 1 6s | mn CC Chatterjee's Human Physiology, Vol. 2 66__| Semblingam Essential of Medical Physiology 7__ | Snekar Chandra Manipal Manual of Medical Physiology | Sear Principles of Medical Physiology eo [seers Questions & Answers in Medical Physiology Tortora Tortora’s Principles of Anatomy & Physiology (Global Edition) 70 With Study Guide on | vasney Ghai's Textbook of Practical Physiology 72_| caur COMMUNITY MEDICINE PRACTICAL FOR UNDERGRADUATE 73_| Mahabalaraja Essentials OF Community Medicine Practicals 74__| Manajon COMMUNITY MEDICINE 75__| PARK AND PARK PREVENTIVE AND SOCIAL MEDICINE 76___| SUNDARLAL ‘TB OF COMMUNITY MEDICINE 77 _| supaRLAL PUBLICHEALTH MANAGEMENT Simpson's Forensic Medicine 78__| Bernard Knight 2 79 | Biswas Recent Advances In Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Votume-2 ae Practical Manual of Forensic Medicine and Toxicolog 80__| cP Bhaisora & SKRoy Choudhary Beh leet i a1 | oavtam Biswas Review of forensic medicine & toxicology ‘CONCISE FORENSIC MEDICINE = 82_| WHA 2c The Synopsis Of Foren Nedicne And Toncoiony ‘The Essentials OF Fo cine & Toxicol ad la Forensic Medicine logy a5 | Kermakar JB Mukherjee Forensic Medicine and Toxicology | gg _| PARIKH "TB OF FORENSIC MEDICINE i hase FORENSIC MEDICINE 87_| RBosE gg _| APurba Sastry, Sandhya Bhat Essentials of Medical Microbiology gq | Brunton Goodman & Gillman Pharmacological Basis of therapeutics 90__| Buster Microbiology 1 | cP Baveia Practical Microbiology For MBBS Students oy | cP Bavela MEDICAL PARASITOLOGY Govt.of West Bengal Office of the Principal, MNilratan Sircar Medical College, 138, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700014 LIST OF BOOKS No: 6/1 nc /741%6 DATE: \§/ 11/2018 93 [or baveia TTexibook of Microbiology ] og _| Chakraborty 7B Textbook of Microbiology. | os _| Chander “Text Book OF Medical MIGOLOGY | Chatterjee Parasitology (Protozoology & Helminthology) With two | _96 hundred fourteen illustrations, | 7 | DRARORA MEDICAL PARASITOLOGY 98 Ghosh Sougata Paniker's Textbook Of Medical Parasitology 99 _| Greenwood Medical Microbiology 1E 100 Harvey, Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews Microbiology, 101 ‘Kanungo_ ‘Ananthanaryan And Paniker’s Textbook Of Microbiology, 102 _| LEVINSON TSE RVW MDCL MCRB IMMUNOLGY 103 | Murray Basie Medical Microbiology 104 ‘NAGOBA MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND PARASITOLOGY x05 | Naeoba Stains and Staining Procedures in Microbiology Procop Koneman's Color Atlas And Textbook Of Diagnostic a 106 Microbiology’ ae Pan Immunolo 107 : Ged i ro | Talvar/Gupta Hand Book of Practical and Clinical immunology, Vol. 1 109 | Tawar / Gupta Hand Book of Practical and Clinical immunology, Vol. ii uo | TH Bailey & Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology, 11 ‘HL Sharma & KK Sharma Principal of Pharmacology ee 12 ‘KESHAB MUKHOPADHAY ‘Undergraduate Pharmacology for Medical Students, Roar Goodman & Gillman The Pharmacological Basis of 113 ‘Therapeutics. 114_| mwas Pharma Practical Tans _ | Mukhopadhyay ‘Undergraduate Pharmacology for Medical Stadents, tag _| SATOSKAR PHARMACOLOGY & PHARMACOTHERAPEUTICS a7 _| SHANBHAG PHARMACOLOGY FOR MEDICAL GRADUATES | a8 TRIPATHI Essentials of Medical Pharmacology tig | UDAVRUMAR MEDICAL PHARMACOLOGY | |CC Cancer Stas Manual, 8¢ no | AsCC AJCC Cancer Staging l, taa_| DEGRUCHI CLINICAL HEMATOLOGY HARSH MOHAN Practical Pathology Includes 10cpes & Quick Review OF 108 122 Museum Specimens 13 | Harsh Mohan “Textbook of Pathology With pathology Qick Review and MCQ Govt.of West Bengal office of the Principal, Nilratan Sircar Medical College, 138, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700014 LIST OF BOOKS No: 6/1 NMc /A\Sb DATE: {€ / 11/2018 a Pr cd Robbins Basic Pathology. First south Asian Bd. 125 ‘Kumar Robins & Cotran's Pathologic Basis of Disease. South Asian Ed. | ‘Maheshwari linical Pathology Hematology And Blood Banking (for Dmlt 126 Students) a7__| PSHAKRABORTY PRACTICAL PATHOLOGY 128 _| ram Das Naik Textbook of Pathology Rituparna Maiti Postgraduate Topics in Pharmacolo 129 ipa stgrac »pi BY | 130_| sm Kawthalkar Essential of Clinical Pathology Essentials of Immunology 131_| sk Gupta ta)__| SANTOSH KUMAR MANDAL PATHOLOGY PRACTICAL Singh Rosasi & Ackerman’s Surgical pathology. 2-vol Set, 1st South 133 Asian Ed. aaa Suva Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques aa5__| Telindar Singh, Gita Jayaram Essentials of MD/DNB Pathology Practical Examination | 135 | VOY KAMAL TB OF PATHOLOGY ‘oil K Mandal Text book of Nephrol __137 raat 1gg_| Arup Kumar Kundu Bedside Clinics in Medicine. 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Bose Road, Kolkata-700014 LIST OF BOOKS No: 6/1 NMC /"A\@6 DATE : 1{€ / 11/2018 toy | Role ‘The Washington Manval of Critical Care. ts | KUMAR Kumar & Clark's Clinical Medicine, IE 157 M Glynn edt. Hutchison’s Clinical Methods asp | MANIPAL PREP MANUAL OF MEDICINE 50D aii aso | MeLEO INICAL MEDICINE Mishra Cath Lab Practicals With Dvd Ba Pract roms 161 MS Bhatia (edt) CBS Quick Medical Examinations Review 3V. ‘Nena Khanna Ilustrated Synopsis of Dermatology and Sexually Transmitted 162 Diseases a63_ | P@MEHETA PRATICAL MEDICINE 164 | Baston Davidson" s Principles and Practice of Medicine. 165 _| Richard s irwin Irwin and Rippe's Intensive Care Medicine - ace | Sar 101 Cases In Respiratory Medicine Schiff Sehif"s Diseases of the Liver, 167 168 Seaton Crofton and Douglas's Respiratory Diseases - 2V Shankar Pulmonary Function Tests and Interpretation in Health and 169 Diseases, 170 _ | SUNILSEN CLINICAL MEDICINE a71_| WD Agrawal, Reetu Agrawal ROAMS - Review of All Medical Subjects a | Wasner iar rioW’s Practical Electrocardlogra0phy, fos Zipes Braunwald’s Heart Disease : A Textbook of Cardiovascular 173 8 Medicine. a7q_| ASanthosh Kumar Paediatric Clinical Examination 75 | AGARWAL TE PEDIATRICS a6 | CHOSH ‘BEDSIDE CLINICS IN PEDIATRICS 177_| Gleason Avery's Diseases ofthe Newborn, é ald MG. “Averys Neonatology, _178 Macdor ry logy, Meharban Singh Care of the Newborn | Meharban Singh Drug Dosages in Children gai _| Meharban Singh EMERGENCY MEDICINE IN PEDIATRIC | a Meharban Singh Pediatric Clinical Methods, 183 Mhaske Pediatric Drug Dosages MK SARI OSCE PEDIATRIC 1a MA LINICAL : e tgs _| Parthasarathy TAP Textbook of Pediatrics \ Govt.of West Bengal Office of the Principal, Nilratan Sircar Medical Coll: 138, A.v.c. Bose Road, Kolkata-700014 LIST OF BOOKS No: 6/1 Nuc /'4\&b DATE: |£/ 11/2018 Paul GiAI Essential Pediat a i Pediatrics, 187 PHHEDIA PRACTICAL ASPECT OF PEDIATRIC 188 Piyush Gupta Clinical Methods in Pediatrics, ago | Pivush Gupta TB PEDIATRICS ‘90 | waite “The Washington Manual of pediatrics. 191 Bhat ‘SRB's Clinical Methods in Surgery. 192 Bhat ‘SRB's Surgical Operations : Test & Atlas. | art Cases 193 Bhattacharya: Short in Surgery, 154 _ | BLOOM GARD SURGERY OF THE LIVER AND BILLIARY TRACT DAS CLINICAL SURGERY 195 OPERATIVE SURGERY 196 |S RGER Fischer Fischer's Mastery of Surgery. 2-Vol = ry of Surgery. Fischer Mastery of Sarge = iy etSe ~ Fischer Mastery of Sarge 199 tery irgery. CARDIAC SURGERY ~ OPERATION ON HEART AND GRADE VESSELES 200__| HAVRITCH IN ADULT ANO CHILDREN, lncial Methods in Su 201 Irwin SRB ‘Methods in Surgery. lan reich, Cardiac Anesthesia oie Kaplan, reich, 203 Klingensmith: ‘The Washington Manual of Surgery, Lumley . ‘Hamilton Bailey's Demonstrations of physical signs in clinical 208 Surgery. TE 1 Bedside Clinics n Surge 205 MKSaha Bec In Surgery Mangot ‘Abdominal Surge a z ey 207 Manipal Manipal Manual of Surgery gos | Manjushee Ray and BralshiSaha | Anaesthesia Fr Undergraduates and Pracitoners 309 | Nam AK Undergraduate Surgery, Ral “Textbook For Operation Theater Technicians (as Per 210 Paramedical Council Syllabus) 211_| SB Latwin Atlas of congenital cardiac surgery Saha Bedside Clinics in Surgery. 212 oa | Manipal Manual of Clinical Methods in Surgery a4 | Shey Rajgopal Manipal Manual of instruments gas _| Shenoy Raigopal Manipal Manual of Surgery, eS sie | SSHERS § MASTERY OF SURGERY, 2V SET \ J Govt.of West Bengal Office of the Principal Nilratan Sircar Medical Coll: 138, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700014 LIST OF BOOKS No: 6/1 NMC /4\&b DATE: |§/ 11/2018 py | samen Bas ‘Armanual on Clinical Surgery Sriram Bhatt M SRS Manual of Surge 218 a a9 | Townsend Sabiston Textbook of surgery, First South Asia Ed 20 | Waa Haley BLAS Shot Pracice iSupey EE VOLE eke Shackelford’s Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. 2-Vol. Set, aa _| Adams ‘Adams's Outline of Fracture [cambal Orthopedi 223_| camel opedics aoa | Hamblen ‘Adams's Outline of Orthopaedics. Tain AK “Tureks Orthopaedics Principles and Their Applications, 2 Vol 25 set ag | Kaushik Banerjee HANDBOOK FOR ORTHOPEDIC EXAMINATION a7 _| Kalra “Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma vol. Set Ruma Bedside is F side Cnies Tn Orthopedics a9 | Maheshwari Essentials of Orthopaedics Mercer Orthopedics 230 cLstiai 331 | Ronald McRae Clinical Orthopaedic Examination SHETH TB OF ORTHOPEDICAS 232 Bowl 233 at Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology : A Systematic Approach. aq | chatter BW. Handbook of Ophthalmology, 235 _| DINGHRA ENT. 936 _ Hazarika Nayak Balakrishnan “Textbook of Ear; Nose, Throat and Head & Neck Surgery: 337 _| Kmurana “Theory and Practice of Optics and Refraction o3q | Khurana COMPREHENSIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY "| Khurana CORNEA 239 oa | Khurana DAIBETIC RATINOPATHY yn Khurana DISORDER OF UBIA og | Khurana SQUINT AND ORTHO OPTICS Diseases ofthe : aaa | FeO iseases ofthe eve Mohan Bansal Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat 248 ous | Nema Recent Advances In Ophthalmology Volume 13 aug. | SBASAK COPHTHALMOLOGY(ORAL & PRACTICAL) SBASAK Essentials of Ophthalmolo 247_| 3 on \ ve Govt.of West Bengal Office of the Principal, Nilratan Sircar Medical College, 138, A.J.C. Bose Road, Kolkata-700014 LIST OF BOOKS No: 6/1 NMC /74\26 DATE : {§/ 11/2018 248 SK DEY, Fundamentals of Ear, Nose, and throat &Head - Neck Surgery, Sdrales Head & Neck Surgery. 2-Vol. Set 249 Scott-Brown’s Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck 250 _ | watkinson Surgery. 3V. 251 | Arup Kumar Majhi Beside Clinics in Gynaecology 252 _| Arup Kumar Majhi Beside Clinics in Obstetrics 253 | BL Paral Practical Aspects of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 254 | BN CHAKRABORTY CLINICS IN REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE,, V-1 255 | BNCHAKRABORTY CLINICS IN REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE, V-2 256 Berek BEREK & NOVAK'S GYNAECOLOGY 257__| Brunton Hawkins & Bourne Shaw's Textbook of Gynaecology, 258 Cunningham | WILLIAM'S OBSTETRICS 259__| Edmonds Dewhurst’s Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 260 | Hemant Deshpande Textbook of High - Risk Pregnancy 261_| Hoffman WILLIAM'S GYNAECOLOGY 262 JB Sharma Textbook of obstatrics 263 | | ROYCHOUDHURY POST GRADUATE GYNAECOLOGY 264 james Highrisk pregnancy 265 | KONAR D.C Dutta’s Textbook of Gynecology with DVD-ROM. 366 | Konar D.CDutta’s Textbook of Obstetrics with DVD-ROM, 267_| Renar Manual OF Obstetrics & Gynecology For The Postgraduates 269 | Malhotra Jeffecott’s Principles of Gynaecology. 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