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Partially Prestressed

Concrete Structures
A Design Challenge

Prof. Dr. Ir.

A. S. G. Bruggeling
Professor of Civil Engineering
Delft University of Technology
Delft, The Netherlands

T he merits of partially prestressed

concrete as opposed to fully pre-
stressed concrete have been debated
War II designed several partially pre-
stressed structures for British RaiI-
ways.'- 3 During the next decade, there
since the early days of prestressed con- vas little activity in partial prestressing.
crete construction. On the one hand, the The major breakthrough in the im-
followers of Eugene Freyssinet be- plementation of partial prestressing
lieved very strongly that full prestress- came in 1968. Switzerland became the
ing produced a crack-free material in first nation in Europe to adopt partial
which flexural tensile stresses should prestressing in its national code, SIA
not be allowed under full working load. Standard 162. In the last 15 years Swiss
On the other hand, some felt that with engineers have successfully designed
partial prestressing, tensile stresses and built numerous partially prestressed
could be permitted, In this manner, par- structures following their code. There is
tially prestressed concrete could be re- general satisfaction with the provisions
garded similar to conventional rein- in the Swiss Code and the experiences
forced concrete in which cracking is gained during the interim using it.
permitted in the flexural tensile zone. A Unfortunately, the progress in de-
good historical account of this con- signing and building partially pre-
troversy is given in Ref. 1. stressed structures in other parts of the
The main advocate of partial prestress- world has been very limited. Reports
ing was Dr. Paul Abeles who in the delivered at the FIP Symposia in
1940's conducted research with partially Bucharest (1980), the University of
prestressed concrete and after World Waterloo Conference (1983), 5 and the

recent NATO-sponsored Workshop in
Paris (June 1984) reveal that there are
not only many differing approaches to
the design of partially prestressed con- The author presents a simplified
crete structures but also varying opin- approach for the design of partially
ions on the definition of partial pre- prestressed concrete structures.
stressing. In addition, experiences with It is shown that partial prestressing,
partially prestressed structures actually together with supplemental nonpre-
built were reported to be scarce. stressed reinforcement, offers a better
There are three major reasons why solution (as compared to fully pre-
partial prestressing is not fully accepted stressed sections) with regard to di-
today. mensioning and shaping of members,
I. Many existing design procedures simplification of reinforcement, de-
for analyzing cracked prestressed sec- flection and crack control, and redis-
tions are considered either too compli- tribution of stresses.
cated or the calculations are too long, The proposed design procedure is
2. Most codes of practice do not en- illustrated with examples of box girder
courage the use of partial prestressing. bridges; beams, double tees, and flat
3. Experience with actually built par- slabs for buildings; river tunnels; stor-
tially prestressed structures is lacking. age tanks; and other structures. Some
The purpose of this paper is to show of the examples pertain to precast
that the design of partially prestressed pretensioned members.
structures is relatively simple and to
present several design examples of ac-
tual structures. It should be mentioned
that much of this work has been done in
cooperation with Dr. Hugo Bachmanns. 7. of a concrete member:
in Switzerland. In this manner it has
been possible to unify the differing P"rt
views on partial prestressing and to come Phil
up with a more general design procedure
The values of P arr and Pmt are final
for designing such structures. forces after subtraction of all losses.
Experiences gained so far show that It should be noted that this definition
partially prestressed concrete structures of x is only correct when both prestress-
can be designed and the structural di- ing forces have the same centroid.
mensions determined as easily as those When this is not the case, as for example
for reinforced or fully prestressed con-
when fewer tendons are used in partial
crete structures. In many cases, partial
prestressing, the degree of prestress
prestressing offers a better solution with
should be defined as the ratio:
regard to simplification of the rein-
forcement and shape of the members, ""Dec
control of deflection and crack width, K _
and favorable redistribution of bending
moment by stiffness reduction of where
cracked sections. ML, = moment which produces zero
The most obvious expression for the concrete stress at the extreme
degree of prestress, K, is the ratio of the fiber of a section (nearest to
applied partial prestressing force, Pp.,, the centroid of the prestress-
and the prestressing force, P,,tr, which ing force), when added to the
causes full prestress under maximum action of the effective pre-
load, i.e., zero stress at the extreme fiber stress alone

PCI JOURNALJMarch-April 1985 141

M,,= maximum moment caused by tendons also has been chosen and the
the total service load (dead number of tendons that can be placed in
load plus live load) the section has been determined. In ad-
Note that this is the same definition dition, the profile of the tendons and the
used by Bachmann.7 It should be ap- location of the nonprestressed rein-
preciated, however, that other defini- forcement are known.
tions of the degree of prestress may be With the member roughly designed
useful, as for example the ratio A r , the and all loading provided, the bending
force which can be resisted by the pre- moments for various load combinations
stressing steel above to the force which can be determined. Knowing the profile
can be resisted by the total amount of and number of tendons, the prestressing
steel (prestressing steel plus nonpre- force and the degree of prestress can be
stressed steel): calculated. Next, the amount of non-
prestressed reinforcement which has to
be added to fulfill serviceability re-
Avf„ + Ajj quirements can be determined, based
on an ultimate limit design state. Then,
Note that the ratio A r is independent from the crack width calculation, the bar
of the magnitude of the actual prestress- diameters of the reinforcement are de-
ing force and refers to the portion of tennined and, when necessary, the area
prestress in the ultimate limit state. On is increased. In the event a section does
the other hand, the ratio K refers to the not follow the above design require-
serviceability state and is approximately ments this design procedure must be
the portion of the actual prestressing repeated, but this is seldom necessary.
force to the full prestress, This method avoids choosing a degree
of prestress beforehand including such
impractical results as fractional numbers
APPLICATIONS of tendons, tendons which cannot be
After presenting the philosophy for contained in the section, and disruption
designing partially prestressed concrete of the regular stirrup arrangement.
structures, several different design Therefore, the best approach is to first
examples are given (1) box girder design the section and then choose the
bridge, (2) double tees, (3) roof beams, prestressing tendons and determine the
(4) submerged tunnel, (5) connection of amount of additional nonprestressed
tank wall to floor slab; (6) flat slabs. Note reinforcement. In this way a sound
that some of the members in these structure is assured.
examples are precast pretensioned.
1. Box Girder Bridge
Design Philosophy A statically indeterminate box girder
In general, it is not necessary to for an overpass designed to carry highway
choose the degree of prestress be- traffic is shown in Fig. 1. This structure
forehand. In fact, in some cases it is has a center span of 41.60 m (136 ft 5 in.)
even inadvisable. The majority of the and two side spans of 32 m (105 ft). The
following examples have been designed box girders are prestressed with Type
by starting with sound structural princi- 12/12.9 VSL cables with an effective
ples. The cross section and shape of the prestressing force of between 1200 and
member have been chosen on the basis 1350 kN (276 and 310 kips).
of simple formwork and reinforcement If this overpass were designed as a
cage, as well as ease of casting, vibra- fully prestressed structure, it would re-
tion, demolding, and curing. The type of quire 18 tendons, nine in each lateral


z F^ia^IA^i^1C\1




2500 500 5000/2


Fig. 1. Cross section of fully prestressed box girder in midspan with only nonprestressed reinforcement shown.

if x=0,68


60"' i20 70 60

50 4

Fig. 2. Location of tendons in box girder at midspan (2) and oversupport (1). The three
tendons per web, which are not necessary if partial prestressing (K = 0.68) is applied,
are shown hatched.

wall (taking into account losses of pre- over the support. This layout of the ten-
stress due to shrinkage and creep of the dons is fairly complex and, therefore,
concrete, relaxation of the prestressing not easy to carry out in the actual struc-
steel, and frictional losses during ten- ture. In addition, the solution is un-
sioning of the tendons). economical. If the prestressing tendons
Fig. 2 shows the location of the pre- were not spread over the bottom flange
stressing tendons at midspan and over and deck but rather kept only within the
the support, In both parts of the struc- web zone, a total of20 tendons would be
ture, three tendons from the web are required because of the smaller internal
spread apart in the bottom and top lever arm of the prestressing force.
flanges, respectively. This means that Bending moment in a box girder
along the length of the girder the ten- causes almost pure tension (or compres-
dons from the bottom flange first have to sion) in the top flange. As is generally
be curved sideways and then upward known, the required reinforcement per-
into the web. centage for pure tension is quite large
Three tendons from the web are (between 0.4 and 0.6 percent) since the
similarly curved into the bridge deck reinforcement should not be allowed to

Table 1. Amount of prestressed and nonprestressed
reinforcement in top and bottom flanges of box girder for two
values of degree of prestress.

K =1.02 K =0.68

A, A, Aa A,
mm2 mm' mmg mm2
Location (in') (in?) (in.2 ) (in.2)

End span (bottom flange) 21870 5100 14580 5100

(33.9) (7.9) (22.6) (7.9)
Intermediate support (top 21870 12000 14580 12000
flange) (33.9) (18.6) (22.6) (18.6)
Center span (bottom flange) 21870 5100 14580 12800
(33.9) (7.9) (22.6) (19.8)

yield if a tensile crack appears: 1. Be at least equal to the minimum

required cross-sectional area (top and
A 8fev > Ae}euc bottom flange subjected to almost pure
tension). In this case, the area of the pre-
where A, is the area and f,,, is the yield stressed reinforcement is not taken into
strength of the nonprestressed rein- account because it is situated only in or
forcement, respectively; A. is the area of near the webs.
the deck or bottom flange and f,, is the 2. Together with the prestressing
allowable tensile stress of the con- steel, provide adequate safety against
crete (5 percent probability of having a structural failure.
lower value). 3. Limit the crack width at the rele-
For example f,, = 400 N/mm 2 (58 ksi); vant sections.
f,,k = 2 NImm2 (290 psi);A s > 0.5 percent 4. Limit the stress variation A rr, in the
ofA,. The area of this reinforcement can prestressing steel and in the nonpre-
be accounted for in calculating the ulti- stressed reinforcement due to maximum
mate bending moment M,,. In addition, live load. Note that a value of A a-, { 140
the nonprestressed reinforcement helps Nlmm5 (20 ksi) has been adopted for
control the crack width, both types of reinforcement.
if the box girder is partially pre- The prestressed and nonprestressed
stressed, the degree of prestressing for reinforcement is shown in Figs. 1 and 2,
the girder in the middle of the center and their areas are given in Table 1
span is found to be K = 0.68. Now 12 for a fully prestressed (K = 0.68) struc-
tendons are needed instead of 18 ten- ture.
dons. The tendon profiles have been Table 1 shows that in the partially
kept as simple as possible, staying prestressed bridge, additional nonpre-
within the web zones and not spread stressed reinforcement is necessary only
into the deck (at the support) or in- in the middle part of the center span.
to the bottom flange (at midspan) (see Here, the added nonprestressed rein-
Fig. 2). forcement reduces the crack width and
The nonprestressed reinforcement in stress variations in the prestressed
the deck and bottom flange must now reinforcement and brings the safety
satisfy the following conditions: factor to the required level (also see

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1985 145

Table 2. Mean concrete stresses and safety factors for two degrees of
prestress for middle part of center span.
Degree of Mean concrete Safety
prestress Percentage of reinforcement stress Q,.,,, , ,, factor
Nonprestressed Prestressed
K A A,* PN N/mms (psi) Y

1.02 (0.95) 0.11 0,48 –4.4 (-638) 2.1

0.68 (0.83) 0.28 0.32 –2.9 (-420) 1.8
"Only the reinforcement in the tensile bottom flange is taken into account.

Table 2 for other pertinent data). Changing from fully prestressed to

Calculations show that in the fully partially prestressed concrete offers
loaded, partially prestressed bridge no several advantages including fewer ten-
(or only very fine) cracks occur in the dons, simpler tendon profiles, and a
flexural tensile zones in the end span more appropriate safety factor (1.7 in the
and over the intermediate support. In Dutch Code). Also, the area of the non-
the end span the mean value of the con- prestressed reinforcement in the center
crete tensile stress in the bottom flange span increases locally (bars 4 'k 19-200
is 1.9 N/mm2 (275 psi). The tensile stress instead of bars 0 12-200; or #6 bars at 8
above the intermediate support also is in. instead of #4 bars at 8 in). Thus,
very low under maximum load. cracks occur only in the center span
The crack width in the center span is box girder when the structure is fully
between 0.1 and 0.15 mm (0.004 and loaded and close altogether tinder dead
0.006 in.) and the stress variation in the load.
nonprestressed reinforcement is about
130 Nlmm2 (18.9 ksi). The degree of pre- 2. Double Tees
stress (0.68) is related only to the bend-
ing moment of decompression, M,,
in Double tees are factory produced on
the tensile zone of the center span (see a large scale in the precast prestressed
Table 2). concrete industry. The usual production



U 135



Fig. 3. Cross section of a standard double tee.

Table 3. Initial concrete stresses at bo tt om fiber and safety factor for two
degrees of prestress.

Degree of Initial stress at safety

prestress Percentage of reinforcement bottom fiber Q,, factor
Prestressed Nonprestressed
K ar pp P. N/in • '° (psi) Y
1.0 (1A) 0.56 — -23 (-3335) 2.1

0.65 (0.85) 0.45 0.38 -13 (-1885) 1.9

method uses a prestressing bed with depth of the double tee or (2) decrease
straight strands, although draped strands the initial prestressing force by either
are also used. A cross section of a typical reducing the number of prestressing
double tee (manufactured in the strands and adding mild steel rein-
Netherlands) is given in Fig. 3. forcement in the middle part of the span,
The simply supported element has a or decreasing the initial stress in the
span of 18.30 m (60 ft) and a depth of strands in such a way that the initial
0.60 m (2 ft). The double tee has draped compressive stress in the bottom fiber at
tendons and the concrete quality is B midspan is 18 Nlmm2 (2610 psi) or less.
37.5 corresponding with a standard In both cases, partially prestressed con-
prism strength of 30 NImm 2 (4.35 ksi) at crete is used, permitting cracks in the
28 days. tensile zone at midspan.
The initial steel stress in the prestress- Fig. 4 shows the distribution of
ing steel at transfer is 1300 N/mm2 (189 strands and bars 'h k 12 over the sections
ksi). The dead load of the double tee is at midspan. The use of mild steel rein-
8.9 kN/m (0.62 kips/ft) and the live load
is 10.6 kN/m (0.74 kips/ft), or 55 percent
of the total load. In the case of full pre- ® bars 0kl2
stressing (K = 1) in each rib of the dou- bent up
near support 0 strands 7 0 kr:
ble tee, ten seven-wire strands with a
c ro ss section of 100 mm 2 (0.155 in. ․ )
each are needed. 12
After transfer of the prestress, the 30
compressive stress in the bo tt om fiber at i2
midspan is 23 N/mm 2 (3335 psi). The
compressive stresses in the anchorage
zones are also lower due to the use of 12
draped tendons. Note that the Dutch 30
Code allows only 18 N/mm 2 (2610 psi) 12
permissible initial compressive stress in 30
the bottom fiber for the given concrete 128
From this example, it is clear that with
the given span and depth, a fully pre- 135
stressed double tee cannot be used.
Therefore, one of the following so-
lutions must be chosen: (1) increase the Fig. 4. Solution with partial prestressing.

PCI JOURNAL^March-April 1985 147

roof slab


4'k10- 350 L ^ 3 41 1 1-m l
f I ' I
mklo-3_ _
i40 3 of 14in)




0k 10-350

1 2mk1012*31
125 © I o
2 C
t a
L4k1214N4 1
I 1


Fig. 5. End section (left) and midspan section (right) of fully prestressed roof beam.

forcement in the production of double deflection load is computed to be 37 mm

tees might appear uneconomical in (1.46 in.).
which case using a lower initial stress in Table 3 shows that the initial com-
the strands can be considered. How- pressive stress in the bottom fiber in the
ever, one should also consider the double tee is much less than in the case
problem of durability and the increase of x = 1. The effect of reducing the ini-
in steel stress due to cracking of the con- tial prestressing force and adding mild
crete. steel reinforcement can now be seen.
Therefore, the preferred solution This illustrates one advantage of partial
would be to reduce the number of pre- prestressing in factory produced pre-
stressing strands and to add nonpre- stressed concrete members.
stressed reinforcement at midspan. In general, partial prestressing is ad-
The deflection of the double tee vantageous if the ratio of the dead load
under permanent load is calculated to to live load is high and some elements in
be 14 mm (0.55 in.), Under full load a multistory building carry higher loads
(taking into account loss of stiffness due (e.g., archives) with no increase of con-
to cracking of the concrete), the total struction depth allowed in that area.




o longitudsnal reinforcement


i ^^ I lh & 3 at 14 in)

o 1B12 (8-#4)
. 7\ I 3tendons
BBR -B20

220 45 45 5

Fig. 6. Midspan section of partially prestressed roof beam.

3. Roof Beams nonprestressed longitudinal and stirrup

reinforcement. The roof beam, designed
The roof beam considered here has a as a partially prestressed concrete
span of 30.4 m (100 ft) and is supported member, is shown in Fig. 6.
on 7 m (23 ft) high columns. The beam As a result of partial prestressing, the
carries the actual roof structure consist- cross-sectional shape of the beam can be
ing of roof slabs and joists. The loading made simpler than with full prestress-
on the beam consists of dead load q,, = ing. This can be explained as follows.
11.7 kNlm (0.80 kips/ft) and live load qt With fully prestressed concrete the
= 6.9 kN/m (0.47 kips/ft). The dead bottom flange has to be of considerable
weight of the beam is 12.8 kNlm (0.88 width (due to the large prestressing
kips/f). The cross section of the beam, force) because the initial compressive
designed as a fully prestressed member, stress in the bottom fiber is not allowed
is shown in Fig. 5. to exceed a certain maximum value, de-
The beam is prestressed by four ten- pending on the specified strength of
dons, BBR-B20, with 20 wires 4 P 7 mm concrete employed.
each. In addition, the beam also has However, with partially prestressed

PC3 JOURNALIMarch-April 1985 149

concrete the compressive force is sig- Although it will not be further
nificantly smaller because less prestress analyzed here, it should be mentioned
is needed. Therefore, a concrete section that this roof can also be produced as a
with a smaller bottom flange can be precast concrete member with preten-
used (or in this case a section without a sioned steel. In that case, 22 strands of
bottom flange). The beam is also easier 12.4 mm (0.5 in.) nominal diameter steel
to extract from its formwork because the grade FeP 1860 (f, = 298 ksi) will be
side walls do not have to be removed. required together with 14 reinforcing
In addition, partial prestressing re- bars of 12 mm nominal diameter (13-#4
duces the number of prestressing ten- bars) in the midspan region.
dons to three, as compared with four
tendons in the case of full prestressing. 4. Submerged Tunnel
Supplementary nonprestressed rein-
forcement has to he installed only at the Fig. 8 shows a typical cross section of
tensile face in the midspan region of the a European submerged tunnel. The
beam. This reinforcement does not ex- maximum load is 220 kNIne (4.3 kips/fl2)
tend over the whole length of the beam. or approximately 20 m (66 ft) water
Detailing of the main longitudinal depth. An abnormal load of 265 kN/m$
reinforcement is shown in Fig. 7. (5.2 kips/ft) or about 24.5 in) water
When the beam is fully loaded, the depth is also considered, bu prob-
calculated maximum crack width is less ability of this load occurring is only once
than 0.05 mm (0.002 in.). Some pertinent in 10,000 years based on the water con-
data of the two solutions are given in tinuing to flow over existing river dikes.
Table 4. Generally, submerged tunnels are


7x2 s5k12


Fig. 7. Main longitudinal reinforcement (prestressed and nonprestressed) near underside

of partially prestressed roof beam (note that vertical scale is five times horizontal scale).

Table 4. Mean concrete stresses and safety factor for two values of
degree of prestress.

Percentage o 7Percentage Mean concrete

Degree of atonprestresse stress, after losses Safety
prestress reinforcement a«.m factor

K A: P. a Nfmm` (psi) Y

0.90 (0.95) 0.15 0.60 —6.1 (-885) 2.0

0.68 (0.84) 0.42 0.47 —4.9 (-710) 1.7

Pertains to midspan section.

composed of precast segments 100 to which it is subjected are very large,

150 m (325 to 500 ft) in length concreted whereas the compressive stresses in the
in excavated dry dock. The completed walls, roof, and bottom slab are rela-
segments are floated to their destination tively small. These conditions necessi-
where they are sunk to the designated tate a large quantity of nonprestressed
depth (in a trench dredged in advance) reinforcement, which can be accommo-
and joined to one another. The wall dated only by the use of large diameter
thickness of the segments is governed bars, often arranged in several layers. As
more by transporting and sinking re- a result, it is difficult to limit the crack
quirements than by considerations of widths in the tensile zones to low values
structural strength. Such tunnels are and calculated crack widths of 0.4 mm
built mainly with reinforced concrete. (0.016 in.) or more are actually quite
Because of the heavy water load on common.
the structure, the bending moments to Why, then, is prestressing not consid-

t o.L5


Fig. 8. Idealized cross section of submerged tunnel.

PCI JOURNALJMarch-April 1985 151

ered? Curved prestressing cables can the combination of nonprestressed and
exert pressures of the same magnitude prestressed reinforcement must ensure
as the water pressure on the tunnel so that the crack widths are suitably lim-
that no tensile stresses need occur. ited.
However, additional prestressing must If partial prestressing is accepted, the
be applied while the tunnel segments application of a symmetrical nonpre-
are still in their construction dock and stressed reinforcement is attractive be-
the loads acting on them are due only to cause of its simplicity. This means that
their dead load weight and the reduc- the top and bottom reinforcement (e.g.,
tion of the subgrade, which are both in a roof or bottom section of the tunnel)
small in comparison with water pres- have the same cross-sectional area over
sure. Thus, full prestressing of the tun- the entire width of the tunnel, The
nel segments would cause large tensile structure must then be designed so that
stresses and failure of the structure the crack widths will be very nearly
would he very probable, equal in the following cases: in the con-
Nevertheless, prestressing of tunnel struction dock under initial prestress
segments remains an attractive proposi- plus dead load, and under service con-
tion. It will be apparent, however, that it ditions with effective prestress plus
will not be possible to apply full pre- dead and live load.
stressing, only partial prestressing to a In this context, note that a particular
degree that no problems arise in stress- crack width in the dock is less serious
ing the tendons in the construction than the same crack width under service
dock. Tensile stresses are allowed to conditions, with regard to the temporary
occur, both in the dock and when the character of the stay in the dock. Crack-
segment has been sunk into position, i.e., ing also can be expected to occur in the

Dk 25-200 k16-200
concreting after prestressing
(#t8at8"^ /{#5at8")

B.R.Y. –U R- 500
(t16 (f^ 5),

ON 25-200 i,15-200
(;# 8 at 8 -) (#s at 8"?

Fig. 9. Prestressed and nonprestressed reinforcement of tunnel roof.

tunnel roof. This will occur in the con- A further analysis of cracking shows
struction dock on both the upper face at that the crack widths calculated in this
midspan and on the lower (inner) face way are sensitive to the amount of cal-
near the center support, as well as under culated effective prestress. If this pre-
service conditions on the lower face at stress decreases to 90 percent of the
mispan and on the upper face near the value adopted, the crack width under
center support. The stress situation is dead plus live load will increase from
just the opposite for the bottom slab of 0.16 to 0.26 mm. This underlies the ex-
the tunnel. treme importance of taking into account
The reinforcement and prestress ar- realistic prestress losses.
rangements for the tunnel roof are The tunnel roof at the above men-
shown in Fig. 9. The area of the non- tioned center support can be charac-
prestressed reinforcement at the upper terized as follows:
as well as the lower face is approxi- • Degree of prestress – x = 0.73 (A,
mately 0.27 percent of the concrete = 0.82)
cross-sectional area. • Percentage of nonprestressed re-
The prestress is located about 0.11 m inforcement – p, = 0.27 percent
(3.6 ft) from both the upper face of the • Percentage of prestressed rein-
roof near the center support and at forcement – p,, = 0.27 percent
midspan from the lower face. The pre- • Mean concrete stress:
stressing tendons are entirely within the a,,^,a = –3.3 N/mm2 (-480 psi)
reinforcement installed at the upper and (prestress only)
lower faces. The prestressing system = –4.1 Nlmm 2 (-595 psi)
chosen for this tunnel is BBR-U3 with (stresses by horizontal water pres-
12 strands of 12.9 mm diameter and ini- sure included)
tial prestressing force of 1680 kN (386 It can be concluded that the tunnel
kips). roof and the bottom slab can be effi-
The calculations show that cracking ciently constructed with partially pre-
can be expected only in that part of the stressed concrete. This will result in a
tunnel roof which is adjacent to the simplified reinforcement arrangement
center support. The crack widths (given and a relatively simple prestress profile.
in mm) were calculated with the formula Moreover, crack widths can be very ef-
given in the Dutch Code of Practice for fectively controlled.
concrete construction:
5. Connection of Tank Wall to
w = (8) (10') r ( 2c + ^-) (1) Floor Slab
In many storage tank structures with
where horizontally prestressed concrete walls,
o•, = steel stress (N/mm2) the circular curved wall is designed to
c = concrete cover (mm) move freely in relation to the bottom or
(b k = bar diameter (mm) floor slab. The joint between wall and
p = As IAA floor is detailed in such a way that the
The calculated crack widths near the anticipated horizontal displacements
inner support are: can be properly accommodated and the
During stressing of the tendons joint remains liquid tight. A joint of this
.......... 0.11 mm on inner face type is shown in Fig. 10.
Under dead plus live load A special case is the joint between the
............. 0.16 mm on outer face base slab and the safety wall around a
Under abnormal load tank containing liquified natural gas
.......... 0.39 mm on outer face (LNG). This joint has to remain liquid

PCI JOURNALJ March-April 1985 153



Fig. 10. Joint under safety wall around LNG tank.

tight at very low temperatures to ensure much care and attention and which,
that, in the event of an inner tank failure, after being put into service, will con-
the cold liquid will not flow out over a tinue to need maintenance. If the
large area." Such a joint is complicated wall-to-floor slab connection is of
and expensive because the nonpre- monolithic construction, many problems
stressed reinforcement, the horizontal and difficulties are eliminated.
tendons, and the anchorages of the ver- Such a joint does not require extra
tical tendons are situated in the joint maintenance and the tank can be em-
area. In addition, the joint has to be in- bedded easily in backfill soil. However,
spected regularly and maintained. at the time of horizontally prestressing
Separate connection details are the wall, the deformation in the hori-
needed for transmitting to the base slab zontal direction is restrained by the
the horizontal forces that may act upon monolithic joint. This means that part of
the safety wall in the event of an exter- the prestress is transmitted to the floor
nal explosion or earthquake. Fur- slab, resulting in shear forces and
thermore, in the occurrence of differ- bending moments (with respect to the
ential settlement of the relatively flexi- horizontal plane) occurring in that part
ble slab, the joint will have to allow de- of the wall adjacent to the floor slab.
formation in the vertical direction. This can result in local curvature of the
Therefore, from a technical viewpoint, floor slab (see Fig. 11).
the construction of a wall-to-floor slab The bending stiffness and bending
connection is quite complex. moment at the wall-floor slab connec-
In the tanks of sewage treatment tion is reduced by cracking. Therefore,
plants and other such installations, a when partial prestressing is applied and
"free" joint between wall and base slab horizontal cracks in the wall occur, the
is a construction detail which requires bending stiffness and the vertical

Ld med

med wall

formed slab

—pile (deformed)

rigid connection

Fig. 11. Deformation of wall and bottom slab due to horizontal prestressing of wall.

bending moment in the wall are re- The following data are relevant to the
duced (Fig. 12). Research has shown pattern of forces acting at the connec-
that the bending moment at the wall- tion:
floor connection can he nearly halved (1) Ring prestress (tangential stresses) of
and the shear forces reduced. tank wall:
The mild steel reinforcement and pre- (a) Free movement of wall in relation
stressing steel arrangements for a con- to the bottom: o- = –11.7 N/mm2
nection of this type are shown in Fig. 13. (-1695 psi).
This particular example concerns a (b) Monolithic connection, as in Fig.
safety tank for liquified petroleum gas 13, analyzed on nonlinear elastic
(LPG) according to the C-IS system. assumption: o = –2.6 Nlmm2
This is an isolated steel tank, sur- (-375 psi).
rounded by a prestressed concrete (2) Bending moment at connection (Fig.
safety tank. The circular space between 12a):
the walls is filled with nitrogen gas. The (a) Analyzed on linear elastic as-
tank wall has been designed to resist a sumption: M = –500 kNm/m
water pressure corresponding to a depth (-112 kip-ft/ft)
of 26 m (85.5 ft) in the water test. The (b) Analyzed on nonlinear elastic as-
wall-to-floor connection was found to sumption: M = –370 kNm/m (-85
meet expectations entirely. kip-ft/ft)

PCI JOURNAL/March-April 1985 155


r=25m 4 d w =O.6Orr


LE) 2 E

I Mxx

2.QQrn J i 90mpJ

Fig. 12. Moment diagrams at wall-to4loor connection of tank. Left: after initial prestress. Right: water test and effective prestress.
LE = linear elastic, NLE = nonlinear elastic.

(3) Water test, 26 m (86.5 ft): 6. Flat Slab Floors

(a) Tangential compressive stress at
base of wall: o = –0.9 N/mm2 In Europe, flat slab floors are usually
(-130 psi) designed by the support strip method.
(b) Bending moment at connection, Such slabs are extremely suitable for
analyzed on nonlinear elastic as- partially prestressed concrete construc-
sumption (Fig. 12b): M = +250 tion. The design should be based on a
kNm/m (+52 kip-ft/ft) simple bottom reinforcement mesh,
It can be seen that the cracking of a combined with simple mesh reinforce-
partially prestressed structure has been ment at the upper face in the column
used to reduce the bending moment to a strips. This mesh reinforcement must be
value which can he resisted by the sec- supplemented with extra mild steel bars
tion. over the support. The prestress is

vertical prestressing
a (U-shaped)

sv - 0 PSV = 0.67

Psh = 0.41 % ° Psh = 0.43


ring prestressing construction-joint


o i
) o o foundation slab
0 0

concrete piles
0.45 x 0.45 m

Fig. 13. Monolithic wall-to-floor connection of LPG safety tank.

PCI JOUHNALJMarch-April 1985 157

` 5 x 7, 20

0 0

zone where unbonded

tendons are concentrated

EIIi 1111111 — o

L 7,20

Fig. 14. Plan of middle panel, Unbonded tendons are concentrated in a zone of 31 in. (800 mm) around
centerlines of columns.
applied in the column strips and func- the reinforcing steel. As a result of this
tions as an artificially applied load time-dependent shortening of the con-
which counteracts part of the load in the crete, the longitudinal reinforcement
middle panel between the column strips also shortens and carries a larger pro-
(see Fig. 14). portion of the column's load, thus reliev-
As shown in Fig. 14, a load of 4.7 ing the concrete of part of the load.
kN/m2 (0.093 kips/ft) has been adopted, For an axially loaded column the con-
excluding the dead weight of the con- crete stress at time t = x can be calcu-
crete slab which is 0.22 m (9 in.) thick. lated by various methods. 1° Two of these
The column strips contain ten prestress- are:
ing tendons, each consisting of one 12.9 (1) Effective modulus method:
mm diameter strand. These tendons are
installed in the two mutually perpen- 7 pEt€n,,, )
dicular column strips which act as sup- r9 l + Tep(l+^m)
port strips. (2)
Fig. 15 shows the reinforcement and
prestressing arrangements at the slab- (2) Dischinger's method:
to-column connection. Studies indicate ac^ _ aco Ivey + Es^E^

that in flat slab floors the effect of the jl 4),,(i +n p^1(1–ems)
normal force due to prestress upon the (3)
crack width is often negligible.
The middle panel under considera- where
tion has been analyzed for two cases, np 4x
namely, prestress without bond and pre- = I +tip
stress with bond, both for p, = 0.27 per-
cent and a degree of prestress, K = 0.56. Although there are more advanced
The difference in p, of nonprestressed analytical methods than Dischinger's
reinforcement is small: p, = 0.44 percent equations to determine the concrete
for prestress without bond and pr = 0.41 stresses, it appears from the calculations
percent for prestress with bond. In both in Ref. 10 that this method gives the best
cases the safety factor y = 1.7 and the results when compared to test data.
mean concrete stress o-,,„ , ,, = —0.8 Although the preceding discussion
NImm2 ( - 116 psi). relates to a column, the theory also
At the center of the panel, the ap- applies to the tensile zone of a pre-
proximate crack width under full load is stressed concrete beam, except that the
0.26 mm without bond and 0.11 mm beam calculations are usually more
with bond. It is apparent from these val- complicated. The general behavior
ues that in the latter case the prestress- mode of a partially prestressed beam
ing steel acts also as reinforcement and subject to sustained load is that the
thus helps to reduce the crack width. compressive stress in the extreme fiber
of the concrete section decreases while
the compressive stress in the reinforcing
INFLUENCE OF steel increases, i.e., the tensile stress in
TIME-DEPENDENT EFFECTS the prestressing steel decreases.
Using Dischinger's method, the rela-
In a reinforced concrete column sub- tion between the concrete stress o-, in
ject to a large axial compressive load the bottom fiber, combinations of time-
over a long period of time, a redistribu- dependent effects p ; €, ), and the
tion of stresses occurs. This stress redis- reinforcement cross section (p„ ; p,) have
tribution is due to shrinkage and creep been plotted in Fig. 16.
of the concrete and elastic shortening of The example chosen is a partially pre-

PCI JOURNALJMarch-April 1985 159

column strip 1700 mm



200 400 200

Fig. 15. Slab-to-column connection.
600 mm
C (Tc2 150 m
O ^E
? 5
C 4
t ^d
simple method
m ^ Mme= 169 kNm
E P. = 573 kN'
U - -3
Qp i= 1100 N/mm2
Ap = 521 mm2
q c = 180 x 103mm 2
-- E c = 35,000 N Ircm2
Ps'ZPp E =205,000N/mm2

1 2 3 creep coefficient IQm

-150■10 6 - 550■10 6 -350xifl 6 free shrinkage Ecsm

Fig. 16. Relation between concrete stress cr cz in bottom fiber and various
combinations of creep factor 4. and shrinkage value € , for three values of ps.
stressed concrete tee beam. Relaxation -250 x 10-", the magnitude of the
losses of the steel stresses were not time-dependent shortening in the ten-
taken into account. The calculation was sile zone is:
based on the assumption that the bend-
ingmomentM o due to the dead load does Ec+g 250 x 101
2(- 5.) --
not change with time and at t - 0 the
= -559x10
prestressing force is 573 kN (129 kips)
regardless of the cross-sectional area of Hence, the decrease in the steel stress
the nonprestressed steel. is 559 x 10- e x 205,000 = 114 N/mm2
Actually, the ultimate load carrying (16.5 ksi).
capacity of the member is increased For a bending moment:
when supplemental reinforcing steel is Md = 169kNmandPe = 521 (1100 -
placed in the tensile zone. Directly after 114) N, we now obtain rr, g = -4.5
tendon stressing, the compressive stress N/mm2 ( - 650 psi). For the case where p,
in the concrete is reduced from -6.1 = 0, Discbinger's method gives a value
N/mm2 (-885 psi) for p, = 0 to -5.3 of -4.7 N/mm2 (-680 psi),
N/mm2 (-770 psi) forp, = 2 p p or to -4.2 This calculation turns out to be very
N/mm2 (-610 psi) for p, = 6 p,. This is simple and as Fig. 16 shows, reasonably
due to the influence of the nonpre- accurate when p, = 0. However, if sup-
stressed steel. plemental reinforcing steel is present,
In the case where 0- = 2 and e cd,a = the concrete compressive stress o•,s
-250 x 10-8 , the following values of a which develops over time is consid-
are found: -4.7, -2.4, and -0.3 N/mm2 erably smaller. Therefore, the compres-
(-680, -350, and -45 psi), for p $ = 0, pg sive stress in the flexural tensile zone of
= 2 p n, and p a = 6 p p, respectively. a member can be significantly reduced
Fig. 16 shows that when increasing by time-dependent effects when non-
the ratio of nonprestressed reinforce- prestressed steel is added in the tensile
ment, p, (for an equal initial prestressing zone of an originally fully prestressed
force A„ a-,,), the compressive stress 0c2 section.
in the concrete on the flexural tensile However, in a partially prestressed
face of the beam decreases. This com- concrete member, part of the prestress-
pressive stress continues to decrease ing steel used to produce full prestress
with tine-dependent effects, 0. and is replaced by nonprestressed steel. In
E es. A this case, the time-dependent effects
Most codes of practice for fully pre- only moderately reduce (which can
stressed concrete members allow a often be neglected) the compressive
simplified method to calculate prestress stress. Therefore, a question arises as to
loss due to shrinkage and creep. This how the simplified analysis affects the
calculation neglects the nonprestressed magnitude of the decompression mo-
steel in the flexural tensile zone and ment, MB,,, and the crack width, w, as-
leads to the decrease of o- 2 , as indicated sociated with full load, Md+t .
by the dashed line in Fig. 16. The fol- To answer this question, a study was
lowing example illustrates the design conducted at the Delft University of
approach. Technology" using mathematical mod-
els in which the stress distributions in
the cross sections of partially pre-
stressed structures were determined.
Suppose that immediately after Using the simplified design method,
stressing the tendons, the concrete several structures (double tees and box
stress at the level of the steel centroid is beam) were analyzed with different de-
-6.1 N/mm2 ( - 885 psi). With 0„ = 2 and grees of prestress.




degree of prestress x

Fig. 17. Relation between decompression moment M. and degree of prestress K for
midspan section of double tee with span of 66 ft (20 m).

This simplified calculation procedure presented in Fig. 16, this is not the case.
resulted in an almost linear relationship To clearly show the effect of the steel
between the decompression moment cross section in the flexural tensile zone
Mme, and the degree of prestress K. The on the stress redistribution due to
mathematical models also showed what time-dependent effects (see Fig. 16),
the actual M,, versus K relationship is, reinforcement was added to the section
based on a particular variation of creep without the cross-sectional area of the
and shrinkage of the concrete)' The re- prestressing steel being reduced in
sult is presented in Fig. 17. proportion. However, in Fig. 17, such a
It appears from Fig. 17 that M cal- reduction was made in the calculations.
culated for various degrees of prestress The magnitude of the prestressing
by the simplified method differs only force is reduced when the steel cross-
slightly from M, computed by Dis- sectional area is increased so that the
chinger's method. Also, variations in ultimate moment Mu of the section re-
shrinkage and creep of the concrete mains constant. Therefore, reduction of
have little effect on the magnitude of the prestressing force means a decrease
M. The line terminating at 1175 kNm in the magnitude of the compressive
in the diagram was calculated by the stress o-, in addition to a decrease in
simplified method. The line terminating the influence of time-dependent effects.
at 1106 kNm relates to e,. , ,, = 200 x 10 As a result, the structure becomes
and 4 = 1.5. The next line relates to stiffer and the concrete stresses undergo
= 250 x 10- 1 and ¢. – 2.0, and the smaller increases per unit of bending
bottom line to e^g, m = 300 x 10 - 1 and ¢. _ moment than when there is little steel in
2.5. the flexural tensile zone. This applies
Although this study appears to con- more particularly to the stage where the
tradict the results of the calculations tensile zone is uncracked.

PCI JOURNALJMarch-April 1985 163

DEGREE OF PRESTRESS should be lower. The problem of the
UNDER FULL LOAD stress in the prestressing steel under full
load and with a low degree of prestress
The Delft University of Technology is, however, not as serious as might be
study" investigated the magnitude assumed.
the steel stress attains if a structure is Complete bond between the prestress-
designed and built with partially pre- ing steel and the concrete only occurs
stressed concrete. In the study, it was when pretensioned tendons are used:
assumed that the initial stress in the pre-
partial prestressing with a low degree of
stressing steel was o = 1395 N/mm2 prestress is seldom used. Should a low
(202 ksi). This value is 75 percent of the
degree of prestress be considered, it will
characteristic value of the tensile be necessary to limit the initial stress in
strength (1860 N/mm 2 or 298 ksi). the prestressing steel so that after
The analysis was based on complete cracking, a high value does not occur
bond of the prestressing steel to the con-
under full load. The steel stress at the
crete, such as occurs more particularly crack can he calculated according to the
in prestressed concrete with preten- method described in Ref. 11.
sioned steel. As an example, the results In addition, with prestressed concrete
of the calculations for a double tee withusing post-tensioned tendons, there is
a span of 66 ft (20 m) are given in Fig. 18.
never complete bond between the pre-
Other calculations using other beams stressing steel and the concrete. This is
gave similar results." obvious when unbonded tendons are
The steel stresses occurring under used. If the tendons are enclosed in
three bending moments — Mi, = 695 sheaths which are grouted after ten-
kNin (dead load), MD+L = 1175 kNm (full sioning, the role played by the tendon is
load), and M = 940 kNm (half live load) different than in the case where each
— are shown in the diagram. The tendon is directly embedded in con-
bending moment at which the tensile crete. At a flexural tensile crack, the
zone cracks is indicated asM^ r. It appears
stress in the steel of a post-tensioned
from the figure that the variation in tendon does not increase as much as the
shrinkage and creep of the concrete has stress in a fully bonded (embedded) bar
little effect on the steel stress where the
of the reinforcement or a pretensioned
flexural tensile zone has cracked. tendon at such a crack. Due to the poor
The diagram also shows that for low bond, the elongation is distributed over
degrees of prestress, the steel stress a greater length of the tendon.
under full load can become substantially In cases with bonded nonprestressed
higher than the initial steel stress, due to
reinforcement in the tensile zone, the
the effect ofcracking in the tensile zone.
effect of the steel in grouted cables
Thus, for K = 0.6 the value attained is (post-tensioned tendons) can be re-
approximately equal to the initial stress,
stricted by the introduction of a reduc-
and for x = 0.4 it is higher, namely, 1450
tion factor c for the area A p of the pre-
N/mm2 (210 ksi). This means that the stressing steel:e
magnitude of the stress in the prestress-
ing steel should he properly checked 1, 1 (4)
when low degrees of prestress are Jn ^P
It is not possible to make definite as- where
sertions as to the maximum permissible n = number of wires in a tendon;
steel stress under full load. However, each wire in a strand to be
this maximum should not be higher than counted separately
the initial stress o , and preferably, it = diameter of a bar of the non-

prestressed reinforcement crack width, at least a minimum amount
di p = diameter of prestressing steel, of nonprestressed reinforcement should
i.e., diameter of individual be used in the tensile zone of post-
wires or bars or the wires of tensioned beams or slabs in which
which a strand is composed cracking is not fully excluded. This also
To calculate the steel -stress at the is advocated by Bachmann"-' and
crack, it is necessary to take into account others.
the same proportion of the cross section In prestressed concrete with post-
of prestressing steel, namely, the cross tensioned tendons, the tendons are usu-
sectional area of the steel to be adopted ally located at somewhat greater dis-
as tensile reinforcement is equal to A, tances from the underside of the beam
plus cAp . For example, consider a pre- than the reinforcing bars are. For this
stressing cable comprising 20 strands (7 reason, too, the increase in stress in the
wires 0 p = 4 mm) in conjunction with prestressing steel due to cracking will
reinforcing bars 0, = 12 mm. Then: be less than that in the nonprestressed

c= i^ x 4 =0.25
The research at Delft University
shows that the stress increase in the pre-
stressing steel after cracking may be-
Therefore, when cracking occurs in come quite significant when low de-
the tensile zone of a member with only gress of prestressing are employed. This
post-tensioned, grouted cables, there is, however, particularly true of pre-
will be wide cracks at great distances. stressed concrete with pretensioned
To distribute the cracks and limit the steel.

1500 °p
initial. stress Opi =1395 (N /mm2)
E 1400
e- Mae
N 940
1100 695

c 1000


0 0.2 0.4 06 0.8 1.0

degree of prestress x

Fig. 18. Relation between degree of prestress K and stress (r, in prestressing steel under
three different loads.

PCI JOURNALMarch-April 1985 165

LIMITING CRACK WIDTH resisted by the concrete in the compres-
sive zone (which has a depth h,.) and by
the reinforcing steel A„ . The conditions
The magnitude of the crack width is of compatibility must be satisfied:
governed by the following factors:
1. The steel cross-sectional area that is vc,. 1 _ L . 1 . 1
joined to the concrete by bond in the E, h.. Epc (d„ – hi.)
tensile zone.
= a12 • 1 1 (5)
2. The quality (specified strength) of (d3 —hr
the concrete.
3. The diameter of the reinforcing bars In the analysis, the magnitude of h;,.
and their surface profile (ribs, etc.). has to be determined by trial and error
4. The depth of the concrete cover and so this condition is satisfied. This ap-
the location of the tendons within the proach is comparable to the one adopted
section of the member. in the modular ratio method for rein-
5. The increase of the stresses in the forced concrete except that in pure
prestressed and nonprestressed steel bending hr changes when the bending
when the bending moment increases moment changes in magnitude. The
from Move to Mmax tensile stress o-c in the reinforcing steel
In applying the simplified method of is obtained from this analysis. The crack
analysis, the stress in the reinforcing width w can then be determined with
steel or the increase of stress in the pre- the aid of governing codes of practice for
stressing steel can be determined by reinforced concrete.
considering the critical section as an ec- Fig. 20 shows the relation between
centrically loaded section. The princi- stress increase a-,,.,. in the prestressing
ple of this analysis is shown in Fig. 19. steel due to cracking in the tensile zone
The increase of strain in the nonpre- and the action of both full load (M =
stressed reinforcement and in the pre- 1175 kNm) and dead load plus half the
stressing steel will be calculated, as live Ioad (940 kNm). It can now be seen
shown by Bachmann" using the princi- that by decreasing the degree of pre-
ple "bending with compressive force stress the tensile zone increase becomes
Pe ." The section is conceived as being more pronounced and the effects of con-
loaded by the effective prestressing crete shrinkage and creep become neg-
force P e which acts at the centroid of the ligible.
prestressing steel, and by a bending In order to show the effects which gov-
moment M1J+L . ern crack widths, a reinforced concrete
The eccentrically acting compressive tension member subjected to elongation
force is resisted by the reinforced con- will briefly be considered. Such a
crete section containing steel with a member is comparable to the tensile
cross-sectional area A, 1 in the compres- flange of a box beam just after the
sive zone and A, + cA„ in the tensile cracking moment has been exceeded.
zone. The compressive zone is sub- The relation between crack width, bar
jected to a total compressive force: diameter, and steel stress at the crack
N –Pe+A,u,+Ap4Qp (here indicated as a- ,.r) is shown in Fig.
where A o- denotes the increase in ten- 21. The reinforcing steel considered
sile stress (over and above the effective consists of ordinary deformed bars with
stress) in the prestressing steel due to a ratio fs between rib height and rib
the cracking of the concrete. spacing of 0.065.12
For prestressing cables (post- It is apparent from this diagram that in
tensioned tendons), a reduction factor c the case of elongation and an associated
is introduced. This compressive force is steel stress of, for example, 130 Nlmm2,

c deformations
C cri

ds dp

Fig. 19. Derivation of steel stresses under M. ES
z 25C kN

CD 20(

d 15C
a 940 .
0 1DC

0.2 04 0.6 Q8 1.0
degree of prestress x

Fig. 20. Relation between degree of prestress K and 'increase of steel

stress A Qs, G , due to cracking.

the crack width can be limited to 0.05 strength) and location of the bars in the
mm by using bars with 0 k = 6 mm. This structural section. Raising the load
is, of course, not a suitable diameter for above the value corresponding to the
practical use. If bars with rt k = 10 mmn cracking moment causes the steel to in-
are used, the crack width is limited crease, a fact that must he considered.
to about 0.08 mm, while 16 mm and 25 This can be done by assuming that, at
mm bars limit the crack widths to about higher steel stress values, the crack
0.10 mm and 0.15 mm, respective- width increases proportionately to the
lv. steel stress.
Thus, crack width associated with In the case of members loaded in
elongations can he controlled by a suit- bending, it is usually possible to apply
able choice of deformed bar diameter, the rules for crack width calculation
reinforcement cross-sectional area for which are given in various codes of
the given concrete quality (specified practice.


This article briefly reviews research is shown that a simplified approach to

carried out at the Delft University of crack width calculation is permissible.
Technology with regard to the pos- This means that the stresses in the
sibilities offered by partially prestressed reinforcing steel under full load can be
concrete. On the basis of this research it calculated by a procedure similar to the



a 2

■►^^\►N\►\ M\NZ


steel stress O N/mm2)

Fig. 21. Relation between bar diameter d., steel stress o$, cr , and crack width w.
Concrete cube strength is 22.5 Nlmm 2 (cylinder strength is 18 NImm2 or 2.61 ksi).

one commonly applied to reinforced tensile zone, the stresses in the prestress-
concrete structures eccentrically loaded ing steel crossing the crack increase. By
in compression. The compressive force using the simplified method of analysis
externally applied to the section is the and design, this effect can be taken into
effective prestressing force which can account as well as bond behavior differ-
be determined from the initial prestress- ences between post-tensioned prestress-
ing force in the same way as with fully ing cables and reinforcing steel an-
prestressed designs. chored by bond.
If the stress in the reinforcing steel is In conclusion, it has been shown that
known, the bar diameters of that steel the procedure for designing partially
can he chosen, within the limits used in prestressed concrete structures is no
actual practice, so that crack width limit more difficult than the design of fully
requirements can be fulfilled. However, prestressed or conventionally reinforced
to do this, it may be necessary to adapt members. Partial prestressing offers
the reinforcement cross-sectional area to many distinct advantages which can be
suit individual cases. used to produce more efficient and im-
As a result of cracking in the flexural aginative concrete structures.

The author wishes to express his ap- Technology, The Netherlands, for re-
preciation to Mr. J. Brakel, senior scien- viewing and checking the original man-
tific officer of Delft University of uscript.

PCI JOURNAUMarch-April 1985 169

1. Bennett, E. W., "Partial Prestressing—A 7. Bachmann, Hugo, "Design of Partially
Historical Overview," PCI JOURNAL, Prestressed Concrete Structures Based
V. 29, No. 5, September-October 1984, on Swiss Experiences," PCI JOURNAL,
pp. 104-117. V. 29, No. 4, July-August 1984, pp. 84-
2. Abeles, P. W., "Partially Prestressed 105.
Constructions, Built in the Eastern Re- 8. Bruggeling, A. S. G., "Theory and Prac-
gion of British Railways," IABSE Publi- tice of Prestressed Concrete" (in Dutch),
cation, V. 12, 1952, pp. 1 -14. Stichting Professor Bakkerfonds, Delft,
3. Abeles, P. W., "Static and Fatigue Tests The Netherlands, 1982, Two Volumes,
on Partially Prestressed Concrete Con- 1029 pp.
struction," ACI Journal, V. 53, No. 12, 9. Bruggeling, A. S. G., "Prestressed Con-
December 1954, pp. 261-276. crete for the Storage of Liquified Gases,"
4. Reports by Inomata, Kavyrchine et al., Viewpoint Publication, Cement and
FIP Notes 90 and 91, Fl? Symposium on Concrete Association, London, England,
Partial Prestressing, Bucharest, Romania, 1981.
September 15-16, 1981. 10. Bruggeling, A. S. G., Brunekreef, S. H.,
5. International Symposium on Nonlinear- and Walraven, J. C., "Partially Pre-
ity and Continuity in Prestressed Con- stressed Concrete: Theory and Experi-
crete, V. 1, 2, and 3, Preliminary Publi- ments," Heron (Delft, The Netherlands),
cation, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, V. 23, No. 1, 1978, pp. 36-62.
Ontario, Canada, July 4-6, 1983. 11. Bruggeling, A. S. G., "Towards a Simple
6. Bachmann, Hugo, "Partially Prestressed Method of Analysis of Partially Pre-
Concrete: Simplified Design Based on stressed Concrete," Research Report
Swiss Practice Since 1968," International 5-82-D16, Delft University of Technol-
Symposium on Nonlinearity and Con- ogy, May 1983.
tinuity in Prestressed Concrete, Prelimi- 12. Bruggeling, A. S. G., "Imposed Defor-
nary Publication, V. 1, University of Wa- mations and Crack Width," Research Re-
terloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, July port 5-80-D13, Delft University of
4-6, 1983, pp. 29-45. Technology, December 1980.

NOTE: Discussion of this paper is invited. Please submit

your comments to PCI Headquarters by November 1, 1985.

A, = cross-sectional area of con- = shrinkage strain from t = 0 tot
crete =00
At, = cross-sectional area of pre- r1 = coefficient = n p 0, l(1 + n p)
stressing steel K = degree of prestress K =
A, cross-sectional area of non- MD er I Mn +L
prestressed reinforcing steel p = A:+p /A,
= modulus of elasticity of con- p^ = ABA,
crete pv = An/A,
E„ = E, = modulus of elasticity of a cz = concrete stress at top fiber
steel (compressive zone)
MA = bending moment due to dead o cz = concrete stress at bottom fiber
load Crro = concrete stress at t = 0
Mme' = bending moment of decom- 6^ a – concrete stress at t = x
pression = concrete stress, mean value at
'WD+L = maximum bending moment t=-(P„+Ma)
M„ = ultimate bending moment CrV
, = initial stress in prestressing
N = normal force steel (t = 0)
P! = initial prestressing force U„ = steel stress in reinforcement

Fe = effective prestressing force in compressive zone

C (1/ n) (b k l(^ p ) = factor that Q^z = steel stress in reinforcement

takes into account the reduced in tensile zone

bond properties of grouted 6„,cr = steel stress in reinforcement
tendons; (n = number ofwires at cracking
of the tendon) = creep factor from t = 0 to t =
^` xu = yield strength of nonpre- Ok = bar diameter of reinforcement

stressed reinforcement = bar diameter of prestressing
tk = permissible tensile strength steel
(upper value) of concrete A cr, = stress increase in prestressing
.1 = internal lever arm steel due to cracking of con-
n = modular ratio crete
t = time A U,,« = stress increase in normal
U) = crack width reinforcement due to cracking
7 = safety factor for ultimate load of concrete

PCI JOURNALJMarch-April 1985 171

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