The Place of Data, Smart Data Structures and Data Analysis in HSE Risk Assessment, Management and Transfer

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The Place of Data, Smart Data Structures and Data Analysis in HSE Risk Assessment, Management and


Dr. B. Taheri, Head of the HSE Consortium, University of Tehran Science and Technology Park

Speech Abstract:

The subject of risk, its assessment and management has a very vital link to the smart design of a relevant
data structure. Arbitrary collection of data without a smart and well thought structure is an absolute
waste of capital with very real potential of inflicting heavy losses due to misidentification of risks, risk
factors and risk routes or even due to creation of delusional sense of security and safety.

A robust data structure, a smart algorithm of combining expert opinions of internal and external nature
to a facility or process and their combination with intelligent data analysis and its temporal trend,
borrowing concepts from mathematics, statistics, genetic algorithm, KNN and even supercritical
hydrodynamics are utilized to zero on the most realistic image of risk in a facility, a process or an
individual employee, contractor or manager.

Economic aspects of losses or benefits (opportunities and threats) in risk transfer are heavily linked to
this subject matter and will be tackled during the speech.

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