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Chapter 1

The Problem And Its Background

This chapter present the introduction, background of the study, theoretical

framework, conceptual framework, statement of the problem, significance of the

study, scope and limitations, and definition of terms.

1.1 Introduction

“If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find

an excuse.” – Jim Rohn

This chapter presents the background of the study, theoretical framework,

conceptual framework, statement of the problem, significance of the study, scope and

limitations, and definition of terms.

If you really want something then make it a goal and accomplish it. If you want

something there is no any hindrances that make you stop to achieve your goal. But if

you don’t want something you always have an excuses or reason to not do that thing.

Making decision is one of the hardest things that a man should do. Every student

has an ability to choose the track and strands that they want, but sometimes there are

things that will bring students regarding to their decision in choosing their career.

However, one of the factors that could affect the aforementioned decision is their

current financial status. As we all know there are courses that will seem to require

good amount of money in compare to other strands.

The incapability of the parents to support the preferred strand of the incoming

senior high school students is one of the hindrances that could affect the decision of

the student. In this case, the parents will take over the decision making due to their


The researcher’ will be able to determine how the Economic status will affect the

students preference in choosing their track and strand in Senior High School.

1.2 Background Of The Study

Senior High School is the preparation of every grade 10 students for what course

they will choose in college. It can build the students skills and knowledge to form

duties and responsibilities that they may encounter in college.

Choosing a track or strands is one of the most difficult decisions that the high

school students should do because it is the beginning of their plans and goals for

choosing a course in college in accordance to their prepared future career.

The academic year 2016-2017 marks the beginning of senior high school in the

Philippines as part of the K-12 program implemented by the Department of

Education (DepEd). PASIG CITY, November 12,2018-The Department of Education

(DepEd) is confident that the Supreme Court decision upholding the constitutionally

of Republic Act (RA) No. 10533, otherwise known as the “Enhanced Basic

Education Act of 2013” shall pave the way not only to the achievement of Basic

Education objectives, but also of social development goals. There are four (4) tracks

in this program, these are: Academic Track, Technical Vocational-Livelihood

(TechVoc), Sports Track and Arts and Design Track.

Career decision and program selection in senior high school is one of the

problem of every upcoming senior high school students the purpose of this study is to

find out how the economic status will affect the students’ preference in choosing their

track and strand in senior high school. The descriptive survey design will employ to

this study. The researcher will use the Questionnaire as the instrument for collecting

the data and the target population of this study are all the grade 10 students in

Western Colleges Inc. in the academic year 2019-2020. The Simple Random

Sampling strategy under the Probability Sampling Technique will be use by the

researcher to select the respondents for the study.

Some study that are related to the researchers’ topic are also about the

socio-economic status of the parents and the preferred strands of students but the

difference of the other study than researchers study is they show different factors that

affect a students decision in choosing their track and strand in Senior High School.

While the researchers study focuses on the “socio-economic status” as one of the

factors that can affect a students decision.

The kind of career a person has an affect his or her life in a great number of

ways. The career also affects the way other people act toward you. By making a wise

career decision can help one’s self build the life they want.

Senior high school students may not be able to identify their own deficiency as

far as their choices are concerned because of the interrelationship of this factors, such

as age, gender, the socio-economic status of the family. Stated, that the greatest

barrier among students pursuing their own career and having command over their life

is the lack of in- depth knowledge of the said career. In addition, knowledge is

required to make valid career preferences, (Philips,1986)

1.3 Theoretical Framework

There are so many theories about the socio-economic of a person and one of

them are the theory of Max Weber and Talcott Parson.

The sociologist Max Weber (1958) conceptualized inequality along three related

tracks-class, status, and party. Each was understood as a basis for power and

influence. Whereas class focused on economic resources and partly referred to

political clout, status was understood as honor and prestige. For Weber, status groups

were hierarchically arrayed on the basis of distinctive lifestyles, consumption patterns,

and modes of conduct or action.

Talcott Parsons (1970) has been most influential in delineating the theoretical

underpinnings of socioeconomic status. First, parsons understood the idea of status as

a position in the social structure, as a part of social. Although Parsons associated

status with position (a status is occupied, such as accountant, and a role is performed,

as in financial auditing), the concept carries with it a hierarchical referent as in

Weber’s notion of honor and prestige.

Second,Parsons understood family units as the key component of stratification.

Families were assumed to be units of solidarity sharing similar interest. He also

assumed that families had a single breadwinner. That is, the concept of the head of a

family was central to his understanding of the family unit.

Third, Parsons and others assumed that family members had a shared interest not

only in their own well-being of their children. These ideas were the basis of the

thinking that the family was the key unit of stratification and that that the male head

of the household was the principal determinant of the family’s social status.

Finally, Parsons and his followers (Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore, in

particular) developed the functional theory of stratification. The core premise of this

theory was that society had to differentially evaluate positions so that members of

society would be motivated both to pursue the training necessary for the most

important positions and, once in those positions, to perform them as well as possible.

Encouraging the most qualified and competent people in a society to perform the

most important jobs be differentially ranked. Differences in socioeconomic status

were one way to understand this necessary hierarchy.

1.4 Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

1.The Socio-Economic profile

of the parents of the
respondents in terms of:
1.1Average Monthly
1.2 Parents Educational
1.3 Types of Occupancy/

Survey Questionnaire Career Guidance Program

2. The preferred Track/Strand
of the Respondents

2.1.Academic Track

Livelihood Track
FIGURE 1:Illustrates Input-Process-Output Model about The Relationship Between

Socio-Economic Status Of The Parent And The Preferred Strands Of The Selected

Grade 10 Students Of Western Colleges Inc. 2019-2020: A Basis Career Guidance


1.5 Statement Of The Problem

The study generally aims to identify the The Relationship Between The

Socio-Economic Status Of TheParents And The Preferred Strands Of The Selected

Grade 10Students Of Western Colleges Inc., 2019-2020: A Basis For Career

Guidance Program.

Specific Problem Will Answer The following:

1. What is the Socio-Economic profile of the parents of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Average Monthly Income

1.2 Parents Educational Attainment

1.3 Types of Occupancy/ Residency

2 What is the preferred Track/Strand of the Respondents?

2.1. Academic Track

2.2Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track

2.3 Sport Track

2.4Arts and Design Track

3. What is the significant Relationship Between The Socio-Economic Status Of The

Parents and The Preferred Strand/Track Of The Respondents when ungroup


4. In the event of the study, What career guidance guidance program can be



The significance of the study determine the person who will get the benefits of

this study. It also includes the explanation about the importance of this works.

1. School Aministrators

The outcome of this study will show to the school administrators what kind

of facilities they need more, how many teacherds they need to hired in that

year .School administrators can also benefit in the research as they will know

the possible track and strands that the selected grade 10 students will choose.

2. Teachers

The outcome of this study will help the teachers to know how much they

need to prepare thir skills in teavcheing and knowledge that they will share to us ,

on how they will prepare every lessons, activities, quizes and their self for the

upcoming school year for the number of students in every strands they need to


3. Parents of Grade 10 students in Western Colleges Inc.

This study will help them to guide their child in choosing a strand. It also can help

them to know if their socio-economic status will affect the decision of their child in

choosing their strand.

4. Grade 10 Students

This will benefit them in way that they will be more efficient in choosing

their strand. They also know if the strand that they choose are applicable to their

parents socio-economic status.

5. Future Researcher

The outcome of this research serves as a guide to the future researchers for

their studies. This study will also help them to know the relationship between the

socio-economic of the parents and the preferred strands of the selected grade 10

students in Western Colleges Inc. 2019-2020.


Null Hypotheses:

Ho: There is no significant relationship between the socio-economic status of the parents

and the preferred strands of the respondents when group accordingly.


This study focuses only to the preferred strand and the socio-economic status of

the researchers’ respondents . It is only limited to the Grade 10 students of Western

Colleges Incorporated. The researcher will conduct to the specific respondents by

giving them the survey questionnaire.The Faculty teachers, administrative staff and

the other high school students in Western Colleges Incorporated and their parents are

not include to this study.


This the one of the important parts of research. This part of research containing

the key terms in the research that are clearly define on how the researcher use the

following words.

Acadenic Track- is one of the four tracks offered in the Senior High School Program

Of The Philippines’s K-12 Basic Education Curriculum, It is intended for students

who want to pursue higher education after they graduate in senior high. There are

four different strands under the Academic Track namly: Accountancy Business

Management (ABM), Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) AND General Academic Strand (GAS)

Arts and Design Track- will prepare the students to wander around the design,

pormative,and creative industry. This intends to provide students with knowledge of

the different arts and design forms, materials, media, and production in creative


Career Guidance Program- its is a comprehensive, developmental program

design to assist the students in making and implementing knowledge about

educational and occupational choices.

Decision- it is an act or process of the research respondents in resolving something. It

can also be a choice that the respondents do about something after thinking several

possible answer to their question.

Financial Problem- is a situation where money are causing the parents of the

respondents stress.It can also be the problem of the parents in supporting their child’s

preferred strand in senior high school.

Goal- is an idea in the future that the researcher’s respondents desire,planning and

commit to achieve. It can also so be something that the respondents hope to achieve

in the future.

K-12 Program- a terms that used in education and a short form for the publicly

supported school for college. These grades are from Kindergarten and the 1st grade

level to grade 12.

Preference- is a choosing of special liking of the researchers respondents strands for

senior high school.

Sports Track- aims to give the understanding of the basic principles and techniques

in relation to physival education and recreation. It includes an understanding of

human movements through anatomy and physiology.

Survey Questionnaire- is a survey instrument that is written or printed question that

will use to collect the data. This also defined as the measure of the answer of the

respondents of this study.

Technical-Vocational-Track-is one of the tracks offered under Senior High School

programs in the philippines. It design to provide students with job-ready skills that

they will need in the future.

Track and Strands- This aims to help the researchers respondents and their parents

to master skills and knowledge about the field that they will take in the future.

Respondents- is a person who gives an answer to the question in the researchers’

given questionnaire and it is also the person that are part of this study.


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