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30th Graduation and Moving Up Ceremonies  Ms.

Juvy Tagulalap
 Ms. Emy Galapon
April 4, 2019
 Mrs. Joycee Patrimonio
[VOICEOVER]  Chief Engr. Victor Patrimonio
 Ms. Rosana Mozo, the school registrar
The Light of Life Christian School Commencement Exercises are about to begin.
Before we begin the ceremony, let me remind you to turn your cell phones and/or Now, let us all welcome Mrs. Merlita Patriomonio, the principal/directress of LLCS,
other gadgets to silent mode and be courteous around you by refraining from and Mr. VICTOR JOHN A. Patrimonio, the Officer-in-Charge and school
talking aloud. During the presentation of graduates, we encourage you to express administrator.
your pride by applauding and cheering. Kindly refrain from standing when taking
pictures of the graduates. Thank you! Finally, it’s our great honor to welcome our distinguished guest who is here with us
in this significant occasion, Pastor James Macadamdam.
A pleasant day ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 30th Moving Up and
Graduation Ceremonies of the Light of Life Christian School. Ladies and gentlemen, let us all stand and behold the entrance of colors.


With so much cheer, let us welcome the graduating class of School Year 2018- The 30th Moving Up & Graduation Commencement Exercise of Light of Life
2019, together with their teachers, principals, parents or guardians, and guests. Christian School is now in order. May I request everyone to please remain standing
for the singing of the national anthem to be led by _______________.
Headed by Mrs. Belinda A. Rana, let us welcome the candidates for graduation of
school year 2018-2019 with their parents and guardians starting with the Let us now have an invocation to be given by __________________.
preparatory class,  Exit COCC
Let us now welcome the graduants of the elementary level, accompanied by their [WELCOME ADDRESS & INTRODUCTION OF THE SPEAKER]
parents and guardians, (headed by Ms. Neariza Digas)
At this juncture, may I call on Mrs. Merlita A. Patrimonio, to formally welcome all of
Let us now welcome the graduating class of the highschool level, the Grade 10- us this afternoon, to be followed by the introduction of our special guest for today.
Judah, together with their parents and guardians, and headed by Mr, VICTOR Let us all welcome her with a warm round of applause.
JOHN A. Patrimonio.
Let us also welcome the Light of Life Christian School faculty and administrators,
alongside our guests today starting with: Thank you, Mrs. Patrimonio. Truly, we are honored to have here with us Pastor
James Macadamdam to join us in this prestigious and memorable ceremony. To
 Ms. Catherine Nietes inspire our Graduates, we shall now hear an important message from our
 Mr. Christian Gerol Aquino distinguished guest so let us all prepare our hearts and ears as we hear his
 Ms. Joan Basoy message this afternoon. Ladies and Gentlemen let us all welcome Pastor James
 Ms. Maida Solis Macadamdam. Let us all give him a warm applause.
Ending: Thank you very much for the very inspiring and insightful messages you total of 18 students, who have successfully completed the requirements given by
imparted this morning/afternoon. Your words will surely guide our graduates as the Department of Education.
they tread a new path in their lives. May your messages motivate them to strive
Sir VJ: To our beloved principal, Mrs. Merlita A. Patrimonio, it is an honor to
present to you the candidates for completion from the preschool department this
[SAMPAGUITA INTERLUDE] school year 2018-2019, composed of 6 boys and 10 girls, with a total of 16
students, who have successfully completed the requirements given by the
At this moment, we are going to witness a longtime tradition being held during the
Department of Education.
moving up and graduation ceremonies here at LLCS and that is none other than
the Sampaguita Interlude. Mrs. Pat: By the authority vested in me of the Department of Education and having
been presented that you have completed the basic requirements prescribed by it,
The Sampaguita Interlude has been marked as a significant part of our
I now confirm you graduates and completers of Light of Life Christian School for
commencement exercises. Without further ado, may I call on Ms. Emy Galapon to
school year 2018-2019. Congratulations!
assist the graduands in filling the air with the fragrant flower of its scent.
Congratulations to the graduates and completers of the Light of Life Christian
School SY 2018-2019!
We are so grateful that despite all the challenges, the graduands did not fail to
pursue in completing their academic requirements. And now, here they are with
smiles on their faces, very excited to finally get their diplomas. So now, may I call Dear graduates, the moment you have been waiting for has finally come. The fruit
on Mrs. Belinda A. Rana, the adviser of the pre-school department, to present the of hard work and discipline will finally be reaped. You will now be receiving your
graduates from Kinder II-Peace to Mrs. Merlita Patrimonio, the Light of Life diploma or certificates, a symbol of accomplishment. I believe that you are all very
Christian School principal.. excited to get your diplomas so may I call on the advisers of the pre-school,
elementary, and highschool department to please to the honors.
Now, let us welcome here on stage, Ms. Emy Galapon, to present the elementary
graduates from Grade 6-Purity to Mrs. Merlita Patrimonio. [AFTER GIVING OF DIPLOMAS]
At this moment, may I call on Mr. VICTOR JOHN A. Patrimonio, the OIC and/or How about a round of applause to our new graduates, the Batch 2019 of Light of
School Administrator, as well as the adviser of Grade 10-Judah to to present the Life Christian School?
highschool candidates for completion to Mrs. Merlita Patrimonio, the Light of Life
Christian School principal.
To award our dear graduates with their ribbons and medals, may I call on Mr. Victor
Mrs. Bel: To our beloved principal, Mrs. Merlita A. Patrimonio, it is an honor to
John Patrimonio.
present to you the candidates for completion from the preschool department this
school year 2018-2019, composed of 6 boys and 7 girls, with a total of 13 students, [VALEDICTORY ADDRESS]
who have successfully completed the requirements given by the Department of
Education. TO express the sentiment of batch 2019, may I call on the academic excellence
awardee, the Class Valedictorians of each level starting off with Maria Jasmine
Mrs. Emy: To our beloved principal, Mrs. Merlita A. Patrimonio, it is an honor to G. Dominguez, the preparatory class valedictorian.
present to you the candidates for graduation from the elementary school
department this school year 2018-2019, composed of 11 boys and 7 girls, with a Next, we have Alexandra Jade Rana, the grade 6 class valedictorian.
Last but definitely not the least, let us all welcome Maria Dorris Guerrero, the Now, let us all witness the special presentations of each graduating class. Let us
grade 10 class valedictorian. all welcome the (pre-school, elementary, highschool) graduates!
[GIVING OF LOYALTY AWARDS] The closing hour has finally arrived. Tomorrow, new challenges and opportunities
await our graduates that will further test their determination as improving
At this moment, may I call on Mr. Victor John Patrimonio once again, to give the
individuals. AS they continue their journey, may they look back to this stage in
loyalty awards to our selected graduates.
their lives with fondness and pride.
To lead the class in their pledge of loyalty, may I call on Rhoanne Natividad, the
Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes the 30th Commencement Exercises of
president of the School Council Organization from Grade 10-Judah.
Light of Life Christian School. This has been Ms. Hannah Bautista, your master
[SCHOOL HYMN] of ceremony. Thank you for coming! Congratulations graduates!

May I call on Anne Khyla Sangil, to lead the graduates as they sing the school To formally close today’s event, may I call on Mr. Victor John Patrimonio.
hymn. Graduates, please stand.
Friends, the recessional will be led by our guests, our school administrator,
At this moment, may I call on the Class Salutatorians of each level starting off with principal, faculty staff, parents and graduates.
Chasze Ian Drew Lao, the preparatory class salutatorian.
Next, we have Rhonix Allen Abenes, the grade 6 class salutatorian.
Of course, we have Glyza Mae Buga-ay, the grade 10 class salutatorian.
Music is the expression of the soul. It moves emotions and feels with the
movement of time. Through a song that emphasizes that strength rises amidst
challenges, let us hear the graduates sing “Keep Holding On.” Let us all welcome
them with a warm round of applause.
That was an awesome delivery of lines and melody and I hope all of you thinks
the same. The batch 2019 graduates would have not reached this far, if not
because of the people beside them. At this point, the graduates would wish to
take this opportunity to thank their parents/guardians one way or another for their
unending support. Ladies and gentlemen, let us hear the graduates sing
30th Graduation and Moving Up Ceremonies  Next, let us welcome the grade 4 students, headed by Ms. Rosana Mozo
 Let us all welcome the grade 5 students, headed by Mrs. Maida Solis.
April 4, 2019
 Let us all welcome the grade 7 students, headed by Ms. Juvy Tagulalap.
[INTRODUCTION]  Next, let us welcome the grade 8 students, headed by yours truly, Ms. Hannah
Good afternoon everyone! I am Ms. Hannah Bautista and I will be the Lady of the
 Let us all welcome the grade 9 students, headed by Ms. Emy Galapon.
Ceremony for today’s Recognition rites. Before we begin our ceremony, please
be reminded of the following:  Finally, let us all welcome the rest of the faculty and administrative staff starting
of with Ms. Joycee Patrimonio, Chief Engr. Victor Patrimonio, the Light of Life
 Turn your phones into silent mode as it may interfere with our sound system. Christian School directress/principal, Mrs. Merlita Patrimonio, and of course,
 Be courteous to those around you by refraining from ma&king unnecessary the Officer-in-charge or administrator of LLCS, none othan than Mr. Victor John
noises. Patrimonio.
 During the processional, our grade 9 cadet officers will guide you to your
designated seats.
 Students, parents and visitors, and guests must stay on their designated Ladies and gentlemen, let us all stand and behold the entrance of colors.
seats during the program.
 During the awarding ceremony, we are encouraging you to express your
pride by applauding. To formally start the program, let us remain standing for the singing of the national
 Everyone are encouraged tp finish the entire program. anthem to be led by ____________
 Always maintain the cleanliness of the venue. Thank you!

Good afternoon everyone! Welcome to the 30th Recognition and Moving Up May I call on __________ to please lead us in an opening prayer.
Ceremonies of the LLCS SY 2018-2019!
A blessed afternoon to everyone! This afternoon’s event marks as one of the most-
Let us all welcome the students of this school year 2018-2019 together with their awaited commemorative event not only for our dear students but also to our proud
parents or guardians. and supportive parents. Ladies and Gentlemen, students, parents and our valuable
guests, welcome to the 30th Recognition and Moving Up Ceremonies of the Light
 First in line are the nursery students headed by their adviser, Mrs. Belinda A. of Life Christian School SY 2018-2019.
Rana. Let us also welcome the nursery boys:
 Next, we have the kindergarten students, still headed by Mrs. Belinda A. Indeed, we are celebrating a very momentous event especially to our talented and
Rana diverse students as who will be marching on their way to this stage and receive
 Let us all welcome the grade 1 students, headed by Ms. Catherine Nietes. their awards and recognition.
 Next, let us welcome the grade 2 students, headed by Mr. Christian Gerol
 Let us all welcome the grade 3 students, headed by Ms. Joan Basoy
We believe that the secrets behind this significant event are the teachers who have  Now, may I call on Ms. Rosana Mozo to give the meritorious awards to the
rendered their invaluable service and shared their ideas and wisdom to us, their grade 4 students.
students, who studied and worked hard just to reach this point, and of course, the  May I request Ms. Maida Solis to join me up here to give the meritorious awards
parents who have unfailingly supported their children. to the grade 5 students.
[MESSAGE]  I now give the floor to Ms. Juvy Tagulalap to give the meritorious awards to the
grade 7 students.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome and losten to the message to be given  Now, it is my honor to present to you the meritorious awards of the grade 8
to us by the LLCS Principal, Mrs. Merlita Patrimonio. Let us all give her a warm students.
round of applause.  Now, may I call on Ms. Emy Galapon to give the meritorious awards to the
Ending: Thank you so much Mrs. Patrimonio for a captivating message. grade 9 students.
AWARDEES] The LLCS student aren’t just good in academics; they could also be good in other
At this moment, we believe that not only the students should be given recognition things! Let us see their other side. Please welcome, ____________ to give us their
but also the parents who have worked so hard, gave their best to their children no electrifying special number.
matter how hard life is, they kept on working even if their chin touches the ground Thank you for that fabulous special number.
because of hard work. Let us all take this chance and give a warm applause to our
dear parents. (Yan, so maaari ba nating bigyan ng masigabong palakpakan ang [AWARDING OF RIBBONS AND MEDALS FOR MERITORIOUS ACADEMIC
lahat ng magulang na naririto? AND HONORABLE AWARDEES]

In every endeavor, there are always victors and second best, but it doesn’t mean  Now, let us proceed to the awarding of the honor students. So again, may I call
that if you lost, it is already a defeat as attested by as one of my favorite quotes on the class advisers of each level to give the academic awards of the honor
run like this “Losing is not always a defeat and winning is not always a victory.” students.
Today, not everybody made it to the top, but those who did are the ones called the [CLOSING REMARKS/ANNOUNCEMENTS]
“the cream of the crop.” At this moment, ladies and gentlemen, let us proceed to
the awarding of certificates and medals for meritorious awardees of different Once again, let us clap our hands for the awardees. Congratulations!
As we end end today’s programme, we would like to leave a thought for all of you
 At this moment, may I call on Mrs. Belinda Rana to give the meritorious awards and all of us. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th US president, once quoted, “Don't worry
to the nursery and kindergarten students. when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthyof recognition.” It’s hard not to
 So may I call on Ms. Catherine Nietes to give the meritorious awards to the be recognized…when you feel like you deserve it, when you feel like it’s been left
grade 1 students. up to you, when you have been given responsibility, when you feel like you have
 Now, may I call on Mr. Christian Gerol Aquino to give the meritorious awards aced the test, when you feel worthy of it, when you think it couldn’t have been done
to the grade 2 students. without you, when you know that you gave 100%, when it cost you a lot, when you
 Kindly come up here on-stage Ms. Joan Basoy to give the meritorious awards sacrificed, and when you want it. We may not bew orth of the recognition in human
to the grade 3 students. eyes but remember, God will always be our great audience in everything, He
knows best, more than giving a certificate, a medal, or a shake hand, it is His glory,
His blessings.
Once again Congratulations students as well as to the proud parents!
At this point, to formally end the program, let us pay attention, pin our ears back
as we call on the officer in charge and administrator of the Light of Life Christian
School, none other than our Mr. Victor John Patrimonio for his closing remarks.
Thank you very much sir. We are so pleased and delighted to your words.
May we all rise for the exit of colors.

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