Appendix C' - Vag Counter Reset: Visualization and First Reading

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New GENIUS January 2010



“VAG COUNTER RESET” means the possibility to read and reset the counter of the programming
operations performed on the ECU via diagnostic socket. Currently this function is enabled for various
DIESEL models of VAG group, EDC16/16+ Bosch ECUs.
IMPORTANT: this is an optional feature not enabled by any contract; please contact our commercial
department in order to purchase it.

After selecting “WORK”, you can choose vehicles (manufacturer – model – type) or - if known – protocols
(specific for the ECU that is being tuned): SPECIALS  COUNTER


In order to work on these counters, you will have to READ and WRITE a part of the FLASH and of the
MICROPROCESSOR. The same file (modified with a PATCH) will be written by Genius to activate the
counter modification mode.

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New GENIUS January 2010

Click OK to start the reading procedure and follow carefully the instructions given by Genius to switch on,
then off, the dashboard. Next, input the name of the file.


As previously pointed out, it is required to program a part of the FLASH and of the MICROPROCESSOR with
a PATCH to activate the counter modification mode. Thus, click WRITING from menu Counters, select the
file previously read, set the value COUNTER programming operation SUCCESSFULLY performed and
select OK. The counter of the ATTEMPTED programming operation will be automatically aligned with the
SUCCESSFULLY performed counter.

Set the counters as whished with the arrows UP/DOWN, confirm OK and follow the instructions.
Warning: the procedure involves up to 4 “switch on-switch off” dashboard operations: please perform these
operations without hurry, waiting for 8/10 seconds before confirming OK on Genius.

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New GENIUS January 2010


If - after a first modification of the “counters” - a new set is required, you will not need to restart the procedure
and add a patch again. Genius can identify the already existing patch in the microprocessor, so it will
immediately enable the possibility to reset the counter in “READING” menu.

In this case, the writing operations will be faster and a single sequence of “switch on-switch off” will be


This function allows to RECOVERY the writing procedure in a situation of emergency by means of a forced
ALWAYS CONTACT our technical support BEFORE performing this operation.
As example, should the writing operation of the patch in the microprocessor go wrong, this recovery function
would allow the correct writing of the file.
This forced writing operation allows to write the ORIGINAL file in the microprocessor, without PATCH
allowing the counter modification mode.
If after this RECOVERY operation a new set of the counter is required, it will be enough to restart the
procedure as described in this appendix, considering the ECU as original (please go back to reading and first

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