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I. Scope of Project:
The scope of project of to define the major effect of shrinkage on concrete what impact of shrinkage and root causes
in details.
II. Objectives of Project:
Based on the scope of the project, the objectives of the project are defined below:

 Study the shrinkages

 Study the related topic through books and research papers

 Recommend laboratory-based test methods that best assess shrinkage behavior.

 Recommend modifications to existing test methods, specifications, or design details, if necessary.

III. Report Layout

Report conssisit 4 major parts, chapter 1- overview of shrinkage and its types 2-Factor influence the shrinkage 3-
efffect of shrinkage 4- Laboratory Test recommendation .5- present the conclusion

1.0 Introduction:
Shrinkage is the decrease in volume of concrete in the absence of leas with time. Shrinkage of concrete is
the time-dependent strain measured in an unloaded and unrestrained specimen at constant temperature
Measure cause of volume changes is evaporation of water from the concrete

1.1 Effects of Shrinkage:

The structural effects of shrinkage area as

follow. 2. Other materials

1. Joints Where other materials, such as ceramic tiles,

are fixed on top of concrete surface,
Shrinkage of concrete between movement shrinkage of the concrete causes relative
joints causes joints to open or makes it movement between the different materials.
wider. Therefore joints must be designed to The resulting stresses can cause failure at
accommodate the widening caused by the interface.
3. Cracking
4. Loss of Prestressing Force
If shrinkage is restrained, the concrete is put
Shrinkage causes a reduction in prestressing into tension and when tensile stress becomes
force. When calculating prestresing forces, equal to tensile strength, the concrete cracks.
designers take into account to ensure that
residual stress is structurally adequate.

5. Repairs

If concrete is used to fill a cavity in old concrete, shrinkage of the new concrete is restrained by
the surrounding old concrete. Repair concretes and mortars must be specially formulated (by
incorporating a polymer material) to prevent cracking caused by this restraint.

6. Bond Strength

Shrinkage of the concrete causes the concrete to grip reinforcing bars more tightly. This
increases friction between concrete and steel and so improves bond strength, especially for plain

7. Deflections

The deflection of flexural members is increased by shrinkage. This is because the lightly
reinforced compression zone is free to shrink more than heavily reinforced tension zone.


2.1 Influences on Early-Age Shrinkage and Cracking:

 Compaction: and reducing the early-age shrinkage and potential

for cracking. Good compaction increases the
tensile strength of the concrete and hence its
Well compacted concrete limits the amount of
ability to resist tensile stress without cracking.
contraction that is possible by eliminating voids

Voids near the surface of the concrete are of surface of the concrete there can be no suction
particular concern as they significantly reduce the created in the capillaries of the concrete and no
tensile capacity of the concrete in that location and danger of early-age shrinkage and cracking.
can provide sufficient weakness for crack
 Surface Drying
 Bleeding:
Surfaces that dry in the first few hours will exhibit
Inadequate bleed water on the surface of concrete higher early-age shrinkage and are more prone to
will increase the early-age shrinkage and the cracking. Early-age shrinkage will lead to cracking
propensity of the concrete to crack. The rate at only if the surface of the concrete is allowed to dry
which concrete bleeds is more important than the in the early hours of its life. This is of concern in
total amount of bleed water in predicting whether all environmental conditions and not merely in hot
or not the concrete will dry, shrink and crack at an or drying weather.
early age. While bleed water remains on the


3.0 Review of Research report:

R.I .Gilbert – Serviceability of Concrete Structure:

commencement of drying and may provide the concrete

 Shrinkage in Unrestrained and time to develop sufficient tensile strength to avoid unsightly
Unreinforced Concrete Member: surface cracking.
The elastic plus creep strains caused by the Eigen stresses
Drying shrinkage is greatest at the surfaces exposed to are equal and opposite to cs and are shown in Fig. 1b.
drying and decreases towards the interior of a concrete The total strain distribution, obtained by summing the
member. In Fig.1a, the shrinkage strains through the elastic, creep and shrinkage strain components, is linear
thickness of a plain concrete slab, drying on both the top (Fig. 1c) thus satisfying compatibility. If the drying
and bottom surfaces, are shown. The slab is unloaded and conditions are the same at both the top and bottom surfaces,
unrestrained. the total strain is uniform over the depth of the slab and
The mean shrinkage strain, cs in Fig. 1, is the average equal to the mean shrinkage strain, cs . It is this quantity
contraction. The non-linear strain labeled cs is that that is usually of significance in the analysis of
portion of the shrinkage strain that causes internal stresses to concrete structures. If drying occurs at a different rate
develop. These self-equilibrating stresses (called Eigen from the top and bottom surfaces, the total strain
stresses) produce the elastic and creep strains required to distribution becomes inclined and a warping of the member
restore compatibility (ie. to ensure that plane sections results
remain plane). These stresses occur in all concrete structures
and are tensile near the drying surfaces and compressive in
the interior of the member. Because the shrinkage-induced
stresses develop gradually with time, they are relieved by
creep. Nevertheless, the tensile stresses near the drying
surfaces often overcome the tensile strength of the immature
concrete and result in surface cracking, soon after the
commencement of drying. Moist curing delays the

-Fig. 1 Strain components caused by shrinkage in a plain concrete slab

 Shrinkage in Unrestrained Reinforced As the concrete shrinks, the bonded reinforcement

Concrete Member: imposes a tensile restraining force, T, on the
concrete at the level of the steel. This gradually
In concrete structures, unrestrained contraction and increasing tensile force, acting at some eccentricity to
unrestrained warping are unusual. Reinforcement the centroid of the concrete cross-section, produces
embedded in the concrete provides restraint to curvature (elastic plus creep) and a gradual warping
shrinkage. As the concrete shrinks, the reinforcement of the beam. It also may cause cracking on an
is compressed and imposes an equal and opposite uncracked section or an increase in the width of
tensile force on the concrete at the level of the existing cracks in a cracked member. For a particular
reinforcement. If the reinforcement is not shrinkage strain, the magnitude of T depends on the
symmetrically placed on a section, a shrinkage- quantity of reinforcement and on whether or not the
induced curvature develops with time. Shrinkage in cross-section has cracked.
an unsymmetrically reinforced concrete beam or slab Shrinkage strain is independent of stress, but
can produce deflections of significant magnitude, shrinkage warping is not independent of the load and
even if the beam is unloaded. is significantly greater in a cracked beam than in an
Consider the unrestrained, singly reinforced, simply- uncracked beam, as indicated in Fig. 2. The ability of
supported concrete beam shown in Figure 2a and the the concrete section to carry tensile stress depends on
small beam segment of length x. The shrinkage whether or not the section has cracked, ie. on the
induced stresses and strains on an uncracked and on a magnitude of the applied moment, among other things.
cracked cross-section are shown in Figures 2b and 2c, T is much larger on the uncracked section of Fig. 2b
respectively. than on the cracked section of Fig. 2c. Existing design
procedures for the calculation of long-term deflection
fail to adequately model the additional cracking that
occurs with time due to T and the gradual breakdown
of tension stiffening with time (also due to T), and
consequently often greatly underestimate final
deformations. Compressive reinforcement reduces
shrinkage curvature. By providing restraint at the top
of the section, in addition to the restraint at the bottom,
the eccentricity of the resultant tension in the concrete
is reduced and, consequently, so is the shrinkage
curvature. An uncracked, symmetrically reinforced
section will suffer no shrinkage curvature. Shrinkage
will however induce a uniform tensile stress which
when added to the tension caused by external loading
may cause time-dependent cracking

Figure 2

 Shrinkage in Restrained Reinforced tension members, relatively large amounts of

Concrete Member: reinforcement are required to control the load
independent cracking.
Structural interest in shrinkage goes beyond its
tendency to increase deflections due to shrinkage Consider the fully-restrained member shown in Fig.
warping. External restraint to shrinkage is often 3a. As the concrete shrinks, the restraining force N(t)
provided by the supports of a structural member and by gradually increases until the first crack occurs when
the adjacent structure. When flexural members are also N(t) = Ac ft, usually within two weeks from the
restrained at the supports, shrinkage causes a build-up commencement of drying, where Ac is the cross-
of axial tension in the member, in addition to the sectional area of the member and ft is the tensile
bending caused by the external loads. Shrinkage is strength of the concrete. Immediately after first
usually accommodated in flexural members by an cracking, the restraining force reduces to Ncr, and the
increase in the widths of the numerous flexural cracks. concrete stress away from the crack is less than the
However, for members not subjected to significant tensile strength of the concrete.
bending and where restraint is provided to the
longitudinal movements caused by shrinkage and The concrete on either side of the crack shortens
temperature changes, cracks tend to propagate over the elastically and the crack opens to a width w, as
full depth of the cross-section. Excessively wide cracks shown in Fig. 3b. At the crack, the steel carries the
are not uncommon. Such cracks are often called direct entire force Ncr and the stress in the concrete is
tension cracks, since they are caused by direct tension obviously zero. In the region immediately adjacent to
rather than by flexural tension. In fully restrained direct the crack, the concrete and steel stresses vary
considerably and there exists a region of partial bond
breakdown. At some distance so on each side of the
crack, the concrete and steel stresses are no longer
influenced directly by the presence of the crack, as
shown in Figs 3c and 3d.
In Region 1, where the distance from the crack is
greater than or equal to so, the concrete and steel
stresses are c1 and s1, respectively. Since the steel
stress (and hence strain) at the crack is tensile and the
overall elongation of the steel is zero (full restraint),
s1 must be compressive. Equilibrium requires that
the sum of the forces carried by the concrete and the
steel on any cross-section is equal to the restraining

Therefore, with the force in the steel in Region 1

being compressive, the force carried by the concrete
(Ac c1) must be tensile and somewhat greater than
the restraining force (Ncr). In Region 2, where the
distance from the crack is less than so, the concrete
stress varies from zero at the crack to c1 at so from
the crack. The steel stress varies from s2 (tensile) at
the crack to s1 (compressive) at so from the crack,
as shown.

Fig. 3 - First cracking in a restrained direct tension member.

To determine the crack width w and the concrete and concrete and steel stresses vary, needs to be known and
steel stresses in Fig. 3, the distance so over which the the restraining force Ncr needs to be calculated. An

approximation for so maybe obtained using the longer fully restrained since the crack width can
following equation, which was proposed by Favre et al. increase with time as shrinkage continues.
(1983) [6] for a member containing deformed bars or
welded wire mesh: A state of partial restraint therefore exists after first
cracking. Subsequent shrinkage will cause further
gradual increases in the restraining force N(t) and in the
So = db / 10  (6)
concrete stress away from the crack, and a second crack
where db is the bar diameter, and  is the reinforcement
may develop. Additional cracks may occur as the
ratio As / Ac. Base and Murray (1982) used a similar
shrinkage strain continues to increase with time.
However, as each new crack forms, the member
becomes less stiff and the amount of shrinkage required
Gilbert (1992) showed that the concrete and
to produce each new crack increases.
steel stresses immediately after first cracking are
The process continues until the crack pattern is
; established, usually in the first few months after the
commencement of drying. The concrete stress history in
an uncracked region is shown diagrammatically in Fig.
; 4. The final average crack spacing, s, and the final
average crack width, w, depend on the quantity and
distribution of reinforcement, the quality of bond
and (7) between the concrete and steel, the amount of
shrinkage, and the concrete strength. Let the final
where C1 = 2 so /(3L - 2 so). If n is the modular ratio, shrinkage-induced restraining force be N().
Es / Ec, the restraining force immediately after first
cracking is


With the stresses and deformations determined

immediately after first cracking, the subsequent long-
term behavior as shrinkage continues must next be
determined. After first cracking, the concrete is no

Fig. 4 - Concrete stress history in uncracked Region 1

*s2 = N()/As and

After all shrinkage has taken place and the final crack *c1 = N()(1 +0 C2 ) /Ac < ft (12)
pattern is established, the average concrete stress at a Provided the steel at the crack has not yielded, the final
distance greater than so from the nearest crack is *c1 crack width is given by
and the steel stresses at a crack and at a distance greater
than so from a crack are *s2 and *s1, respectively.
Gilbert (1992) [8] developed the following expressions (13)
for the final restraining force N() and the final When the quantity of steel is small, such that yielding
average crack width w: occurs at first cracking, uncontrolled and unserviceable
Provided the steel quantity is sufficiently large, so that cracking will result and the final crack width is wide. In
yielding does not occur at first cracking or this case,
subsequently, the final restraining force is given by

is the final shrinkage strain; is the final ; and
effective modulus of the concrete and is given by

; is the final creep coefficient;

n* is the effective modular ratio ; C2 = (14)

2so/(3s - 2so); and av is the average stress in the
uncracked concrete (see Fig. 4) and may be assumed to
be (c1 + ft )/2 . The maximum crack spacing is
and the final crack width is

and  is given by
where L is the length of the restrained members.

The final steel stress at each crack and the final
concrete stress in Regions 1 (further than so from a
crack) are, respectively,


4.0 Laboratory Testing:

Several tests must be performed on the concrete in order to assess its performance in regards to drying shrinkage

Laboratory Test Methods
ASTM C157 Drying Shrinkage of Concrete (Free Shrinkage)
ASTM C878 Restrained Expansion of Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete
AASHTO PP34 Restrained Shrinkage Cracking of Concrete

 Drying Shrinkage
Drying shrinkage (sometimes period, the prisms are removed from the limewater bath and placed in the
called free shrinkage) tests were drying shrinkage room. The drying shrinkage room is a large
performed on concrete prisms environmental chamber that is maintained at 73 ºF and 50% relative
measuring 3 in. x 3 in. x 10 in. humidity as required in ASTM C157. Once exposed to the lower humidity
Two metal studs were cast into in the chamber, the prisms begin to shrink. While in the chamber, the
the square faces of the prism to prisms are supported by two pieces of plastic pipe. The plastic pipes allow
serve as reference point dimensional change without inducing any stresses, producing a true free
throughout the testing. One day shrinkage response (Figure 3.2). The shrinkage is measured as the change
after casting, the prisms are in the length of the specimen between the two studs that were cast into the
demolded, measured, and placed prism. The prisms are measured daily for a week, weekly for a month, and
in a lime-saturated water monthly thereafter. Three prisms are cast for
solution at 73 ºF for seven days. each mixture.
After the seven-day curing

Free Shrinkage Prism (ASTM C157)

 Restrained Expansion of Shrinkage- The aforementioned free shrinkage test cannot be

applied to shrinkage compensating cement because
Compensating Concrete
the SCC must be restrained against expansion to
obtain the benefit of shrinkage compensation. To
achieve the restraint, the SCC is cast around a

threaded rod that has a steel plate attached to each
end. The threaded rod passes through the prism, and
the steel plates on the ends serve as the restraint. The
restraining cage is self-reacting and is pictured in
Figure 3.3. The curing and measurement regime for
the SCC prisms is identical to that of prisms
containing traditional concrete mixtures.

Mold and Restraining Cage for SCC Prism (ASTM C878)

 Restrained Shrinkage ways that are difficult to predict. To address the

inability to test the interaction of all these
None of the tests previously discussed truly capture phenomena, AASHTO has adopted a provisional test
the interrelation between strength development, to fill the void. The provisional test, AASHTO PP34,
shrinkage, and creep. In an actual structure, all three was based on work presented in NCHRP Report 380.
mechanisms occur simultaneously and interact in The test involves casting a concrete ring around the

perimeter of a steel ring. A photo of the casting drying conditions until the time of the first crack is
process and a schematic drawing of the specimen can then recorded.
be seen in Figure 3.6. This restrained shrinkage test In order to detect cracks accurately, four strain gages
has been developed by a number of researchers in the are attached to the inner surface of the steel ring. The
past (Weiss et al. 1998; Folliard and Berke 1997) as gages are at mid-height of the steel ring and spread
an accurate method for predicting the length of time equally around the circumference. These strain gages
until the concrete cracks. As per the specification, the are measured automatically every half hour. The
ring is cured at 73 ºF and 100% relative humidity for specification defines a crack as a decrease of 30 με or
a period of 24 hours. After the curing period, the top more between successive readings on one strain gage.
surface of the ring is coated with a waterproof sealant For this study, the researchers visually inspected the
and the ring is placed in the drying shrinkage room rings daily in addition to monitoring the digital strain
(73 ºF, 50% relative humidity). The sealant data. In this test, a minimal amount of curing and a
eliminates drying from the top surface, and a wooden large amount of restraint are used to provide a worst-
base eliminates drying from the bottom surface. As a case scenario in order to accelerate cracking. It is
result, the concrete ring is allowed to dry only from believed that such harsh testing is needed to provide
its circumferential face. When the concrete shrinks meaningful results. If, however, less restraint and
due to water loss, the ring is slowly placed into more curing were used, the rings would not crack and
tension as the drying front propagates radially inward provide little meaningful data. Also, if a potential
toward the center of the ring. Over time the tensile concrete mixture performed well under the specified
stresses are relaxed due to creep. After some time has laboratory condition, it likely will perform well under
elapsed, the tensile strain in the ring will exceed the more preferable conditions, which are expected in the
tensile strain capacity of the concrete producing a field.
crack. The time elapsed from the time of exposure to

Schematic Drawing of AASHTO PP34 Specimen (Shah 1997; Poston



5.0 Conclusions:
I have tried to cover all major effect on RCC structure with respect to shrinkage. It covers, member effect of
shrinkage to over all effect of shrinkage. Also attached some laboratory test specimens.

5.1 References:

1. ACI318-95, Building code requirements for reinforced concrete, American Concrete Institute,
Committee 318, Detroit, 1995.

2. Gilbert, R.I., “Shrinkage Cracking in Fully Restrained Concrete Members”, ACI Structural Journal,
Vol. 89, No. 2, March-April 1992, pp 141-149

3. Brown, Mike. “Evaluation of Innovative Materials to Control Restrained Drying Shrinkage

Cracking in Concrete Bridge Decks.” Master’s Thesis. The University of Texas at Austin. August,


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