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At Home Everywhere

A Tasty Toast to Freedom

Variety & to say Yes.

Loving the vibrations of the situations I occur in.

Becoming what you want to become.

To become with joy.

Experiential loving kindness and compassion

Relaxed observation

Does your body speak your mind?

Cell Conscious consciousness

Every cell stares off into space; year 0

Hardcore exploration; eternal adoration

Acres of mind

Super faith in abandon

Abdicate thy identity

Negative capability

The unimaginable resplendent bliss of the

serendipitous Omniscience Other. The Gift.

Transfiguration of ego into soul

Determination of Grace

A brother of love, a sister with a plan.

A pen losing its mind!!!

A soul with clothes, chi wearing a body

A mind of pure faith

Indulge thy dreamin’ Demons

Why I am not afraid

The moon usurps the sun

A landscape of faciality

Cultivate the greatest tool bequeathed to

your stank ass. Soul/Mind Heart/Mind


The cleansing of Dasein. This Dasein is mine.

Not in a solipsistic way, but in a responsibility
way. Care about yourself. Care of the Dasein.
Care of the cosmos. Dasein: the human existence.
Did you read that one should care about one’s
self, so you said, “I shall do what I read.” Or did
you embrace your living experience and
experience how incredibly sacred you feel?

Cleansing of Dasein. The space is

uncluttered and the tools are obvious, anxiety
blooms into working joy.

Insomnia due to excitement. Thank-you

anxiety for steering me away from experiences
that, “Count for nothing,” and towards those that
are authentic. So why are you writing this? Fuck
you anxiety! Where were you when I needed
you? Anxiety turned excitement, excitement
turned blooming and bursting joy. Ultimate
awareness of what’s behind you without even
looking; of what’s at the furthest reaches of the
cosmos flapping it’s butterfly wings within one.

The ability to change costumes with ease or wear

the same shit for two years straight.

Factically, Dasein can, should, and must,
through knowledge and will, become master of
it’s moods, in a certain possible way of existing,
this may signify a priority of cognition and
volition. (Being and Time 136)

Dasein’s openness to the world is

constituted existentially by the attunement of
state-of-mind. (B & T 176)

As understanding, Dasein projects it’s being

upon possibilities. (B & T 188)

Awareness of resources. Stoic awareness; clear

stoic awareness; ataraxia arrived at through the
clear stoic awareness of the abundant resources
always available to keep Dasein fucking optimal.
Stoic awareness unclouded by trite personal
passions. An immersion in dasein. An interactive

A direct link to Source. The work of

meditation is to discover, bring to light your own
unique style. Individuation. Yield to the calling.
An alone model by candlelight.
Space to create. Awareness is bliss. The
Creator created us to enhance the world Not
fucking destroy it & cover her up with cheesy
buildings your great suckcessness. The minute
one is born one is old enough to die. A primal

Mood and action as existence. Create a

World with the mood you exude. An immature
habit of labeling oneself. A pulsating joyous
thankful merkabah. A pulsating joyous thankful
dasein. A Horowitz Neil Young focused being here
(there) creating a World. Cat like focus dog like
awareness. Revealer of existence. Bring forth
fearlessly. An interactive existence. Interacting
with silence. Being in of and interacting with the
World. You are here because for reasons
unknown, but only time will tell, existence wants
you here. Sex like coffee. An undeniable
unfathomably extreme good mood. An I just got
laid mood. One of the two is flying, the other
needs consolation. Time for the pick-up lady.

The confidence of doin’ it and doin’ it and doin’ it

It’s a new world duh. A new ethereal pathway.

Transversal of past and future. A line of flight
catapulting one into a new happiness. Swish;
Traveling breath.

“The just are the playthings of this evil will;

everything they do is turned against them: the
only purpose of their science is to mask the
urgency of the inexplicable, the only effect of
their precautions against crime is to make it more
difficult, hence more beautiful; they live in a state
of constraint and consume their energy in
respecting the law so that the elect may treat
themselves to the luxury of breaking it; they think
they are a supreme end and measure of the
human whereas they are only the means of the
crime and the corpus delicti*; their rule exists or
is justified by only one reason: the murderers
need victims.” (Jean Genet, Our Lady of the
* the facts and circumstances constituting a breach of a law.
Good time havin’ breathin’ experience.
Entering a phase of 100% pure confidence. A new
phase governed by Nothing! Passionate about
nothing. Nothing! Taking this nothing as far as it
will fucking go. A walking breathing moving
passionate Nothing. Attached to a planet spinnin’
round a star, spinnin’ round a galaxy, spinnin’
round me; Nothin’! They think I may be mentally
ill? A madman motherfuckers! A fucking
madman! There is a difference ya know.

It got real cold in Denver,

But Summer was all the splendor


Told a story to me,

So I roll once again with the weather.

The Gay Science: "What do you consider the most
humane? - To spare someone shame. What is the
seal of liberation? - To no longer be ashamed in
front of oneself." (Nietzsche)

Accept shame

Your greatest weapon

No one can defeat you now

The doors sprung open

The Way is ride in Good Faith

Proceed indeed

Fuller visions await one after the other

Adjacent possibilities
Slower movements



Full breaths bred from bravery

One thought at a moment





It’s alright now

Life slips up through nostrils

Floods brain

Smile reprograms facial muscles

O sparkelettes of joyous animal cells


Why not? Evaporate dilate

Do not resuscitate

Unless you really want to

All parts lead to the landfill

Unless you really want to

Do not resuscitate

Die in the bliss of the jungle



Ha ha! The fall!!
From books to people. Yr a madman sir.

Explore the black holes of your face. (Deleuze &

Guattari; A Thousand Plateaus) Master their
expression son.

Bursting identity formation

A speaker worth listening to a listener worth

speaking to

Oh boy oh boy

Super Duper

Fearless joy

Distraction: destruction of focus

The supreme godhead said

Oh mighty armed Arjuna subduer of EneMEEZ!!!!

Fight mother fucker!! Fight! They will accept


Fight and live well

Work and Love


From Pussys to Death

10,000 years of freak out

She loves my atoms of anarchy

Deep down in the dark damp Earth


A species long forgotten

The very substance of Death



(Pynchon inspired, Gravity’s Rainbow, 500)

I pay no mind to petty social lines (Faulkner

inspired, The Sound and the Fury).

A million milieus from now

The World is Deep; deeper than the day can

comprehend (Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra

Stronger, more profound, more evil; also more

beautiful (Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil 295)

Realize in one self the eternal joy of becoming

(Nietzsche, Ecce Homo 81)

A heap of living creatures thrown together

irritated embarrassed at ourselves, without the
slightest reason for being here, confused, vaguely
alarmed, felt in the way in relation to the others.
(Sartre, Nausea 152)

We will endure. I am the Wrath of God, who else

is with me!? (Werner Herzog, Wrath of God)

Brave with madness

Sightless, unless

The eyes reappear

As the perpetual star

Multifoliate rose

Of deaths twilight kingdom

The hope only of empty men

(T.S Eliot, The Hollow Men)

Slipped on a trance

…I will show you fear in a handful of dust. (T.S.

Eliot, The Wasteland)

The true nature of the present revealed itself; it
was what exists, and all that was not present did
not exist. The past did not exist. Not at all.
(Nausea 95)

A new way of living. Not even a subtle

attachment to the old ways of paper and
purposeless work. Fuck work. Fuck Work. Only do
Fuck Work. Bitches love paper riches. What the
fuck is work? Time for another in-breath! Oh shit
exhaling time already?! Slow down son. Busy
busy busy as shit. Taste capital. Class capital. I
gotta wake up early tomorrow morning to get
into my ecstasy. Nephology. A mind anchored in
the sky. Time to do whatever you want. And you
my friend can do whatever you want because you
know that I am here; undoubtedly here; eternally
here. Anchored in extraordinary phenomenon.
Anchored in grace. In dirt. In great events; still
moments. I wait upon the waves with the shore.

I saw that part of you unbeknownst to you
where everything you thought you wanted
instantly became a lost memory in the
consciousness of the lily afloat the thick timeless

With voluptuous capital she barters wisely.

I heard me a voice from up there in the heavens

say unto me, “Your money or your Life!?” I said,
“Jah?” “that you?”

“Yah mon!” “Paper or Life!?”

I say, “Take the paper, leave the Life.”

Jah say, “Take da what and leave da what?”

“Take da paper and leave da Life!”

“Good tinkin’ mon!”

The Formula:

Study, get food, Art. Do art? Be art? Do and


Great work to set up a great world. Post-

humanistic. Bow to and treat well the master that
shall envelop us in her deep folds. Abandon all
arrogance and replace it with the self confidence
that we are a part of something larger than we
individually could ever imagine, and our
individual imagination is rationally infinite, but
this Other collective imagination is irrationally

Faith can help you fuck everything that isn’t now

Sleep, Dream, Ignite

Read, Write, Walk, Unite!

He loved her the most

Gave up the ghost

Enjoyed the Hospitality of a holy host

Focused on an enchanting toast

Tarot told me my notebook can take one coast to


Mental expression technical inspection, soulful


Dreaming intentions methodical selections

Too much tension, take time for chi ascension

Relaxed reflections

Cunt catchin’

Watch out!

Dick Pussy connection

Reticence; 100 years of Solitude. The Work.

Existence; the substance of Being. Aspects of the
primordial authentic being in Art. Say it in yr own
way so it will resonate with like minds who may
then be enriched by healthy knowledge and live
an easier, fuller life. Fuck the World. I embark on
a deep exploration of the Universe of Infinite
Possibilities and Jest.

The multifarious gifted existence.

Discovering uncovering new archetypes.

One lifetime at a time. The multitudinous
Archetypes of the primordial authentic Self.

The dream re-revealed. The swimming

magnetic attraction of a genius released. A mind
ripe for expression. An exploding soul’s ode to
joy. Primal authentic creation of a world; a state
of mind; a mood. The state of mind behind the
action. Drive. Deeply focused joy. Resolute in
living a gifted existence. The New Existence.
Yawners will be shot on spot.

“In resoluteness the Present is not only

brought back from distraction with the objects of
ones closest concern, but it gets held in the
future and in having been.” (Being and Time 387)

“That Present which is held in authentic

temporality and which thus is authentic itself, we
call the, “moment of vision.” This term must be
understood in the active sense as an ecstasis. It
means the resolute rapture with which Dasein is
carried away to whatever possibilities and
circumstances are encountered in the Situation
as possible objects of concern, but a rapture
which is held in resoluteness. (Being and Time

“In the moment of vision,” nothing can

occur; but as an authentic Present or waiting-
towards, the moment of vision permits us to
encounter for the first time what can be ‘in a
time’ as ready-to-hand or present at hand. (B & T

To hear the call authentically, signifies
bringing oneself into a factical taking-action. But
only by setting forth the existential structure
implied in our understanding the appeal when we
hear it authentically, shall we obtain a fully
adequate Interpretation of what is called in the
call. (B & T 341)

Only by authentically Being-their-Selves in

resoluteness can people authentically be with
one another- not by ambiguous and jealous
stipulations and talkative fraternizing in the
“they” and in what “they” want to undertake.
(B&T 344)

Resolute in being fearlessly oneself.

In resoluteness the issue for Dasein is it’s

ownmost potentiality-for-Being, Which, as
something thrown can project itself only upon
definite factical possibilities. (B & T 346)

Resolute on living like a king no matter what.

A crown of flowers in the field.

The call is not a call of discourse, but a call to


A vision.

The kingdom of Dasein shall be ready-to-hand.

Dasein is authentically itself in the primordial

individualization of the reticent resoluteness
which exacts anxiety of itself. (B & T 369)

Reticent listening to the koan.

Heidegger and satori.

Heidegger and mindfulness.

Stolen backpacks in the garbage. Homeless
luggage next to the garbage can. Drunken bum
picked up and the property left behind. Holmes
(Diogenes) had only a bowl and threw it in the
river thinking he had become too materialistic.
Gutter punks reaching all the way back to the 3rd

You Are free to live how you want, but if you

don’t live how They tell you to live be prepared
to encounter police every step of the way till you
freely choose to live how They tell you to live, or
your muscles figure out when the police will
appear, and as you’re leaving you can watch
them go to where you were.

Amerika the…free?

Citizen of the cosmos. Dog worshipper.

Professional thinker. So much to do! Write bitch!
The world has become too beautiful to worry or
think about paper currency, blow away money.
Living, breathing, pulsating, thoughtful currency.
The rich dialogues of Socrates. Absolute
hospitality. Optimal physicality. It’s like no one
sees the petite bourgeois anymore, like they
aren’t even there! Horowitz focused on the
profound beauty of existence. 5 o’clock is the
prime time to drink coffee, playing a set of songs,
or a brisk walk will do at other times. The free
coffee machine is to the left. Go through the
sliding glass automatic doors as someone else is
coming out, turn left, don’t look at anyone, don’t
stop, go straight to your desire and be fully

The poetry of war. A writer labels the wars,

the operations of war, the instruments and the
deleterious effects. The dialogues, the dialectics,
propositions, narratives, the philosophies
rationalizing bullshit; news and traffic. (DeLillo’s
Point Omega inspired)

The art of patience.

The condition of pretentiousness ingrained in his

low self-worth.
He knocked the security guard hard seein’
stars, straight right to the forehead, head snaps
back, a left to the puta’s right lung point, bitch
bends forward, grab the top back of his head to
place it wherever my will desires, hate to be
obvious but the closest and most attractive
location and although I am in complete control at
the moment, I don’t want to risk this fucking
asshole escaping with such modest damage, bitch
slap left, bitch slap right, tweety birds circle as his
head and concrete become one and a new pool
of blood is born.

“Get out of my garbage can.” Get the fuck outa

here! You didn’t buy this garbage can, did you,
did you bitch! Now look at you, a bloody fucking
whore. You could’ve just focused yr whore ass on
your whore ass job, but you thought you could
extend yr pseudo authority and get me to live
how you’ve been conditioned to believe people
should live. Invade my fucking life and thank you
fucking wise man you big goofy ass motherfucker

Chochma: The potential of what is, the potential
to be. Wisdom. The wisdom to keep possessions
light. Wisdom to have the awareness of all the
resources present-at-hand. What tools to use in
the moment. The tools to use to assuage the
great gift of anxiety.

Secret places of icebergs and waterfalls at

the edge of the world. Places to visit on the post-
apocalyptic journey. Don’t be a fucking tourist!

The High Priestess meditating on the world

beyond the book, meditating to where her
intuition flows freely. Self-education capital,
emotional intelligence capital, creative capital,
literary capital, poetic capital, social capital,
psychological capital. Binah understanding the art
of communication. The gift of the Empress.
Communication with patience. Soul capital,
primal capital. Reticent capital. The currency of
voluptuous luxuries.

III Empress prepared to go in beyond the
boundaries. Catherine the great. Choose to throw
one into their transcendent being. The
inauthentic-self striving towards the authentic
self through the mirror of production. Managing
the Being of the primordial inner cosmos empire.
The anxiety and fear of the deplorable paper job
throws me back into my Work. Interactive
capital. Trading joy.

VI LAMOVREVX Does the past got you by

the balls? While your whole being reaches for the
future. The young smiling new future, but then
the stern authoritative past causes you fear of
breaking free into transcendence. Your heart
pounds toward the horizon Work service diet
physical. Those you choose to interact with (diet)
in work and service to transform the world into a
work of beauty. The higher self points toward the
blooming flowers of transcendence.

Interacting with the world, interacting in
the world. Inspire the world, set fire the world. In
the world one must interact. Interact with at
least the air one breathes. Interaction with the
hidden elect. Anxiety guide me towards
transcendent self-actualized individuation. Yield
to anxiety. Anxiety; not there; but closer than
anything else in the world. Uncanny ain tit! Thank
the air you inhale, you the hu you exhale. Set fire
to the world, but be careful as there are no
statutes of limitations with arson as opposed to
selling acid. He sold acid when he was like 18, got
busted, fled to Canada, lived under an alias as a
super model citizen for 20 years, turned his dumb
ass in and They still put his dumb ass in prison!

Anxiety; a sense of trepidation triggered by

a thought. The anxiety of the mother. The
hometown world of anxieties. The fear of a tiger;
as the tiger gets closer the degree of fear
increases. Anxiety; the fear just swoops down
upon one from within. The wrath of god.
Knowledge of Death. Get to work.
All that goes into determining ones mood.
An inauthentic mood and degrees of authenticity.
Master yr moods. Available resources in the
world. Available-to-you resources in the world.
Flee toward your authentic self. Alcohol creating
an inauthentic good mood. Resources one is
aware of. Big dick resource. An inauthentic big
dick confidence. Kick start the day of joy!

Doing what you love for money is pretty much

out of the question ahora. As a matter of
principle. Doing what you love to praise the

Resoluteness. Authenticity. Interior empire. The
Calling. Voice of primordial
conscience/consciousness. Pay the debt in
ridiculously prolific quality work. Voluptuous
luxuries. Time arises. Proceed.

He who is resolute knows no fear; but

understands the possibility of anxiety as the
possibility of the very mood which neither
inhibits nor bewilders him. Anxiety liberates him
from possibilities that, “count for nothing,” and
lets him become free for those which are
authentic. (B & T 344)

Beyond mere hermeneutics. How to satisfy

ones potentiality-for-being? Within the
ontogenetically recapitulating phylogenic sunrise-
sunset time span. Compliment your being with a
style in accord with your natural beauty. Thrown
into a world with tools specific to your own
inclination to satisfy your potentiality-for-being.
Do your part to create a world of voluptuous

“The Designer” The loose cobblestone that

sparks your fire.

Follow me if you want to live in heaven here,

then follow heaven.

Time death action existence. The reticent

phenomenon bringing to light
understsanding/disclosedness of the primordial

Time arises. Interact.

Divination works by activating the awareness of

the unconscious.

Divination works by bringing to light the

intelligence of the unconscious.

What to do about these paper bitches?
Gone like the wind; smooth like a criminal. All my
work subliminal. The night sky below the lime.
Yes yes yes focus your energy on the resplendent
perception that surrounds you. Got got got
gottotakecare of living currency. Reality currency.
A blessed meditation. Spin enjera. Bless the dude
with the guitar on New Year’s Eve. Music: the
best way to begin a new year.

I’m a nerd! Yes! A fucking nerd with a

donkey dick; the nerdiest. Just exploring the
bounds of freedom sir. Not the, yr free to live
how We want you to live freedom, but real
Mexican freedom. The ladies saw a gentleman
sleeping outside and were scared half to death.
Well I was having a dream I was raping 2 stupid
bitches. Sorry you have to work with such
pussies, you have thoroughly guilted me, sorry I
was not paying whitey to sleep. Time to start
studyin some real rhymes. Rhyme ninja. Rhyme

rhiminals. Rhyme original. A camel on the
panama canal. Animal ninja.

Master XVI 0*

*Master the Tower Fool!

Master the powerful!

You have woven yr own spell. Particle memories

and wave dreams.

Are you good times only in optimal milieus?

Can you transform a squalid milieu into a good

The meaning of life: Enjoy Creation

Meditation on the creator’s great gift.

Saturated with loveliness. Saturated with
loneliness. Saturated with lovely loneliness. I am
the prettiest girl in the world unable to locate a
match for my beauty and flare. A warm milieu; t-
shirts in the evening. Who really runs this shit?
The anonymous dude who sparks the narrative.
Who really runs this shit? Definitely not anyone
smelling of soap. Not anyone smiling with hope.
No, like I really want to know, who? Moving out
of the quagmire slowly, towards a new
happiness. Let the imaging be clear. Sweet
Krishna here I be on the ancient battlefield,
galaxies at my back, shooting stars at my will,
twill be a glorious victory motherfuckers. With
full grace we shall proceed. Blessed be the power
of Heaven.

10th house= Status and honor. imperfect

and Complete X of swords. X wheel of fortune,
perfect circle, but sometimes on the upswing and
sometimes the downswing. Malchut 10 Kingdom
and sovereignty. The king does his best to do
what’s right as opposed to being constantly
swayed by the vicissitudes of the polls. Let the

health of the milieu or the kingdom be the judge
of the king’s reign.

Perfection is unrealistic and only exists because

of the existence of imperfection.

8 of pentacles, perfect! 8 the house of other

peoples’ resources. 8 is Hod, splendor/freewill
indulging in others’ voluptuous luxuries. Hod is
on the receptive side of the tree. Open to receive
abundance. The justice of the abundance you

VI of cups. House of work, service, diet

and physical. Meditate on a friend from yr
younger days. Your mood is your existence; your
good mood is your good existence. Me gust air a

Tiferet, beauty, meeting a kindred soul who

mirrors yr beauty. Your work being a mirror.
Work of service to facilitate a happy mood/being.
A healthy diet to facilitate a positive mood.
Interacting with exercise. All gravitate towards
and embrace your beauty. Six is into the new, 5 is
the challenge that breaks you free from the
stagnating past.

XXI A woman to create a world with.

A woman to help me understand (binah)
communication breeds clear understanding.
Mercury, speed up my evolution through
communication leading to higher understanding.

Leading a long line of people through a dark

candle lit medieval castle. I decide I don’t want to
lead so circle back and am face to face with the
long blond haired dude with smudges of dirt on
his face who will take my place. He looks
unfriendly and like he won’t be a good leader, so
I go to circle back, but he’s not havin’ it, and after
360° he leads me to the back of the line passing
by people through a procession of time till we get
to the end where there are young people in black
storm trooper gear.

Then I’m outside in the daylight, first
person POV, with a group of young modern
centurions wearing black plastic helmets with
grey plastic flattop mohawks on top of the
helmets lined up in front of me. I look through
the sight, aim at the second or third one from the
left, fire, and blow his mohawk to pieces. I hear a
female voice behind me, “What if you missed?”

I know how to aim!

This dude in the afternoon outside his

suburban house is looking for a place to hang his
crucifix. I’m looking through the sight again and
take aim at the crucifix, fire, but am out of
bullets. I see someone and ask if they know
where to get bullets? They say to ask James down
in the basement. I go down to this nicely
furnished lit by Christmas lights basement and
see a dude on a cross get a nail hammered into
his wrist, his eyes clenched with pain. I hear
heavy industrial music playing, “I was born to kill
you!” He is about to get nailed in the ankles when
I wake.
Blonde and brunette chillin’ just after
twilight early evening in a car in my folks’
suburban driveway. Gorgeous brunette with dark
shadow cheeks and lovely cheekbones is running
her fingers through her hair. I get in the car and
one speaks which makes me realize they’re high
as shite. Then we’re in a trailer. The blonde says
she wants to take a shower. There is no place to
go to give her privacy, she strips, I try not to look,
when I do I see her leaning over with one huge
breast propped up on her upper leg as she takes
off her sock. She looks at me as if a great event
hadn’t just occurred, then turns and goes into the
shower. I hear the brunette on the phone
procuring us a shitty apartment. She seems rich
and high class and the fact she’s willing to live in
a shitty apartment makes her even higher class.
The harder I work the more likely it is this
situation will occur.

Walking behind two businesswomen with
attractive hair and hot voluptuous bodies. One
says she wants a rich man. I pretend to be on my
phone and say in my best business voice, “Make
that 3 million dollar deal, fuck you mean? Now
Man! Now!” Then I start flipping around hand
rails up and down the stairs, flipping one way
then the other. I own the field of play; I am the
monkey clown king!

To the assholes who stole my bicycle seat,

may you win 10 million dollars and
receive all you ever desire from this life.
To the motherfucker that stole my back pack
with my personal irreplaceable notebook
with my fire inspired art, lists of daydreams,
most misanthropic open letters, my medicine,
And a library book!!!
You could have returned the library book!!!
But no I hope you read it and it possesses you
focus to pay ever so close attention to the
acutely observing, never judging, full of a love
for life
and pure existence pleases you more than any
thing ever could and fearless moonlight
saturates your
free clear mind
To the charming cocksuckers who hath coveted
my love
commented on her smile, proclaimed me the
winner in order
to surreptitiously slip her the message yr what
she needs
may yr lives be occupied by a lifelong orgasm,
may you indulge in
copious coitus with no time whatsoever for
or coveting anything that has to do with me
blessings and ecstasy to y’all!!!

So much real happiness outside the one white

world. Real and free. Once you have access to
that free real happiness, that store bought
happiness in a box seems, becomes, quite trite;
worthless. Is that real Mexican happiness or did
you buy that at Sears?

Faulkner & empathy. Faulkner and negative

capability. Faulkner and imagination. Practice

Fulfill your potentiality for Being. Deep,

slow, solid, and secure. You may take refuge in
my security/superiority. Refuge in the in-breath.
Refuge in optimal health. Refuge in every step.
Slow down son!

Monks virtuosic dream.

A playful genius; not a contrived childish tragedy.

Sounds so spontaneous due to practice, natural

genius, and flow. Invite the guitar to sound. I take
refuge in my real dope in-breath. Invite the voice
to express the soul’s joy. A joint rolled in toilet
paper. Building a Being out of dope breaths and
pleasurable emotion stimulating perceptions.

Seeing my multidimensional trans-
physicality as a result of hyperfocused trans-
temporal practices.

A body do get around now doe nit. (Light in

August) Dedication to precision. That’s what I dig
about G. He is precise and dedicated. Finish,
sculpt with immense detail. The Great Liberation;
to have the time and patience to go so far. The
art of patience. An art worth practicing. Patience,
practice, prosperity.

Citizen of the cosmos. Ok sir, walk on through. A

genius monk. A bossa nova confident bird flyin’
high. Seeing far. Swing wide. Sweet chariot stop.
& Let. Me. ride. Dog like awareness Cheshire Cat
smile in-breath. The only one you have to
remember is the in-breath. Unless yr a stoner.

A gypsy ninja evading religions. Are ya with

me! live how I tell you to live, believe what I tell
you to believe or rot in hell for eternity! Mwoo
A certain percentage of people will buy
anything from the back of a comic book or

If you think that you don’t care if a car hits

you or not, cause if they do hit you, you can sue
them, think again as your whole concept of
money goes out the car window while your knee
bends far the wrong way and you’re in a wheel
chair and homeless shelter having to El Chapo
that bitch with my walker, wheel chair, and bus
pass that would have got me nowhere were it not
for the mercy of the bus driver.

Married to Nowhere. Interdimensional

gypsy ninja. Enjoyable weather wanderer
peripatetic elliptical entertainment entity. I
create my fuckin’ world fuckin’ motherfucker!
Dance Chinese bitch! I say DANCE!

The blue slips in so let the morning begin. Let my

fingers fly. Elevate the milieu cool sparkling blue.
Sculpted lines intricate timing. The associations
the words elicit that veer off into one’s
interiority. Stick up to the bully, c’mon guys! Are
we gonna let this meanie intimidate us!? Let’s set
the motherfucker on fire!

Travelin’ man! Caravan. Exciting and new.

The mad fucking Italian who did not fuck around

when it came to music or pussy on that balmy
lovely Schenectady summer night. Diogenes
Dasein. You just can’t fuck with a motherfucker
who comes in the agora. The accompaniment,
acknowledgement; transformation of myth
through time, creator destroyer; sidekick. Time;
the Angel of Death. Killer of class, wealth,
arrogance, and fear. Time; the Angel of Death,
the ultimate motivational speaker. If there were
no heaven all these suckers wouldn’t sacrifice
their one existence (I’m not sure, but as far as I
know…) to keep me in absolute comfort and
freedom. Hell no; Heaven Yes!

The story in our DNA. Those dreams of

places we’ve never been with people we’ve never
met. Genetic past life memories. The soul breath
memory. Memories and dreams of waking life
Because it's hard to get over the wonder of finding that
Earth is a living critter, after all these years of thinking
about a big dumb rock to find a body and psyche [...] To
find that Gravity [...] is really something eerie, Messianic,
extrasensory in Earth's mindbody...having hugged to its
holy center the wastes of dead species, gathered,
packed, transmuted, realigned, and rewoven molecules
to be taken up again by the coal-tar Kabbalists of the
other side... (Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow 590)

The movements which work revolutions in

the world are born out of the dreams and
visions in a peasant's heart on the
hillside. For them the earth is not an
exploitable ground but the living mother.
(Joyce, Ulysses, Episode 9-Scylla and

As for your typical hypocritical respect, I

prefer happiness. As for your hysterical
hypocritical hilarious respect, I believe pleasuring
myself would be a much wiser investment of my

Grimy shysty motherfuckers all about this


Awakening predawn to enjoy the

blossoming sky. Illuminated clouds. Comin’
up watchin’ thoughts open. Anytime Now.
Entertaining; not written absolutely well,
but fun.

I’m a blacken these white bitches. Funkify

these avatars of the cold stuck up façade.
Entering the new way.

She exudes an ineluctably voluptuous

existence. Up at the break of dawn son. Time to
learn ya somethin’.

Keeper of the public shitter: a lowly dirty
position that yields immense power.

Police: puppets of power. The puppets of

the rich want you to stand! Or at least pay to sit,
piss, sleep, exist; be comfortable. Are you an
asshole? The ineluctable attention given an
irritable bowel. Do you think that because you
get paid to be an asshole, or because it’s your job
it’s ok to be an asshole? It’s not. Do you think
because you get paid to be an asshole, you’re not
Really an asshole? No either way yr a real fucking


A travelin’ man’s travelin’ plan. Main goal is

to become immersed in pleasurable perceptions.
My Favorite Thangs. Plan asshole the next
destination only. Then fully devour that
destination. When you get to the next
destination let the leads lead you to the next
place where one may experience the most
pleasurable perceptions.
A line of flight towards a new happiness (A
Thousand Plateaus)

A nomadic journey into a new happiness.

Whoever owns Denver is a fucking asshole.

I’m a fucking asshole too, but I don’t go around
telling fuckers they can’t sit down; I just tell
motherfuckers they can’t tell me what to do.
That’s the only limitation I shall put on you; don’t
limit my shit that doesn’t limit your shit.

Wake up at dawn so I don’t I feel like a lazy

son of a bitch and I’d rather not feel like that Plus
it’s fucking nice to get out of the cold into

The homeless dude sleeping outside the

café window 2 feet away from me is driving me
fucking Crazy! This fucking dude has got to go!
Still fucking sleeping there while I’m in here
working hard drinking coffee writing about this
homeless fucking lazy asshole sleeping out there
like a goddamn motherfucker!

He’s not here today thank Jesus!

Monks accompaniment skills are out of this

world, let alone his soloing And composing! Yes,
he sets the soloist up to where he’s able to
accompany with only a long rest and dance.

I was fine till the fucking pig approached.

Trying to set up fun, funk, and positivity and the
pig fucked up the whole vibe. “Uh.. Scuse, uh
scuse me, but yr not allowed to sit down. Sorry,
it’s the law.” Bury those fucking cocksucking pig

You never buy Anything! The most

flattering insult anyone ever spewed at me.

I was confused? You’re absolutely right, I don’t,
but I always felt that was one of my most
endearing qualities. Fuck stuff.

The big dude rarely has great intelligence

and the little dude may have intelligence, but
rarely has great strength. All balances out. People
aesthetically deficient might have an increased
instinct for style or fashion. The bird does not
wish to be the monkey. The ugly dude may be of
great service to the hot bitch.

Luck as a matter of perspective. What

do I think of the entity known as Denver? Just
sounds cracker nasty.

How to make a solo bounce? How Doo they

do that? How to create that unique thing at the
end of a solo, prepare what you don’t know with
what you know. It seems to just happen; luck?
Faith? How much practice do I need before I can
luckily make the tune bounce? 10 hyper-focused
hours. ½ hour of chords and arpeggios and ½
hour of melody and scales. 10xs
She gave me the code like she wanted to
fuck. I’m pretty sure she didn’t, but if she did, did
I fuck that up! Am I too humble? Just realistic?
She didn’t give me any stupid bullshit either, just
fucking gave me the code like a real human
being. Absolutely herself without giving a fuck
about sucking corporate dick. Straight confidence
to be herself all the time. No regrets. For a
minute I betrayed myself. No time to be
something someone else wants me to be. Damn!
I was ineluctably myself my entire existence. We
eat from the trash so you can keep the trashcan
containing your war machine. Keep yr paper
bitches! Keep yr rescue mission, yr urban
ministries. Fuck sell outs. We’re calling fucking
assholes fucking assholes dese days. Well I had a
friend that was a fucking asshole and he just so
happened to dress exactly like you. Un fucking
canny. The world is full of assholes in dire need of
sunlight. The world is too full.

Who wants to pay in this life? What a
horrible infliction to put someone through! So
much nicer to get paid. Some people pay to exist,
others get paid.

Absolute plenitude of presence. (Of

Grammatology 171) Love of self as opposed to
self-love which is it’s corrupt form. (OG 174)

Hegel- It is a war of consciousness and

desires, not of needs or natural desires. There are
more than enough bitches to go around. A
historic war. It’s not a natural or biological
phenomenon. (OG 196)

The blessing and curse of knowledge is the

knowledge of Death.

No other animal is from the apple, so no other

animal knows of Death.

The equilibrium between desire and power. Do
you have the power to fulfill your desires? Yes;
joy pleasure, No; sorrow pain.

The culmination of world reality and


Fear and weakness are the sources of cruelty.

The disposition to do evil finds its resource only
in the other, in the illusory representation of evil
that the other seems disposed to do to me. (OG

Economy of aggressivity. Economy of pity.


Do good to yourself with as little evil as

possible to others. (OG 190)

Thrown into an infinity of nows.

Interiorization, identification, intentionality.

Throw my entire being into the present situation.
That is what is occurring now as I type.
Celebrating the State system of celestial celery.
Absolute freedom of speech.
The first language as pure tones of divine
emotions. Melodic emotions. The music of
language. The music of the milieu. Let nature
raise and teach the children. Nomadic post-
humanistic ecology. We’re not planted like trees.
A superior education guided by curiosity.

Most make the mistake of not travelling, of

dreaming and deeming themselves the immobile
center of the world. …the European makes the
mistake of not displacing themselves, of deeming
their self the immobile center of the world, of
resting planted like a tree in their own country.
(OG 242)

Fearless fucking self-expression.

The first argument with the eating of the

apple. Drive your carts over the bones of the

Adam? Adam?

Fuck man! Fuck! Hey Eve, I just invented a

new word.


Motherfucker! Hey Eve I’m on a roll, just

shut up and let me think a minute.

Don’t tell me to shut up!

Just shut the fuck up for a minute! Jesus




She gave me the most magical closed mouthed
kiss. How do I still dream of her?

Sovereignty is presence, and the delight in

presence. (OG 296)

In Henry James’ Daisy Miller, Winterbourne

is of the north, articulate, distinct. Giovanelli, of
the earth, sings as he speaks.

The presence of the dead within the living.

Ghost Introjection.

The associations contained within the object.

First sip visualization of the future. Start

with the benefits, end with the criminalization. If
you want it to be a free country, you cannot have
no sit/no lie laws. You must suffer the sight of
some not wanting to suck the white cock and not
sucking the white cock, as we Sky people are
made to suffer the pollution of your cars and

factories. When the prices of rent are too high
and unjust, people might take to the infinite joy
available outside of the Whiteman’s one way

What good is your money if people aren’t

flying cardboard signs begging for it? I’m playing
guitar either way.

Find the dankest shit, eat half and give the

other half to some homeless fuck. Leave no trace.
To oblivion and beyond!

Odette’s coat. The unseen cared for just as

much as the visible. The courtesan as the highest
quality human possible.

Squire the Squatter strikes again
You act; write in second person
(bravely) for the world (lovely)
Profane dirty cokeheads
pill pushers, xannies, shards, black,
money hungry merchants of
dry flatulence

Align thyself with the universe and all it's

harmonious functioning.

Nigga headbutts the armored car guard hard,

"Forget everything you thought you knew"
The guard collapses like a twin tower.
Squire slips his hand through the handle loops of
the money bag before gravity can blink, takes a
breath that alters the course of the Universe; the
gap diminishes. A ghetto mortgage met, a family
farmer can eat, and a broken artist can afford
some paints and guitar strings.

Squire digs some bean, cheese, and
guacamole nachos out of the receptacle containing
abandoned food that will be shipped to a landfill
in some deplorable dirty darker area of the earth
with the hand not holding the ten grand, god damn
this shit tastes good. Twas too easy. The cunts
wallowing and basking in their 1% are worrying.
They check out their graph that shows the gap
between Them and the suckers, and it seems to
mysteriously be closing exponentially... Now the
Thems are playing the indian giver game again;
what we stole your land now you want it back?
Ya bastards, we gave you $27 for it! What’s a
dollar?! Well it's what you use to buy stuff.
What's stuff?!!! Goddamn injuns!! So now the
Thems are the ones being sucked, and not in a
good way.
Squire takes a breath, every breath alters the
course of the Universe, Click, the safe
opens, Satori, he is the hand that turns the dial, he
is the slowly rotating dial as are you dear reader &
the infinite space between the cells of his hand
and the polymer of the dial. The mind observing
the crime of the millennium; crime? blessing of

I only eat cunt tacos cracker jacks. You
are responsible for the world you live in, no fault
psychology, you be the power that be. The Them
love it when you complain and assign Them the
Power. You are the invention and the inventor, do
You best.

Peripatetic: one who travels or walks about.


Yr gonna die, you have the task of creating a

World, get to it.

Speech dreaming it’s plenitude… ( OG 71) Speech

dreaming it’s full self-presence.

He writes not from logic or reason, but from the

superior, profound, dream dimension.

The difference between Sears bravery and

real Mexican bravery. The courage to throw
ourselves into situations that will increase the
quality of our existence. The courage to be a
weirdo in one same white world. Bravery as a
tool, something useful, not as sentimental. (in
him courage was not a sentiment; but a thing
simply useful to him… (Moby Dick 96))

The courage to say fuck the world and thereby

creating a new one.

She naturally channels visions from the

Source’s dream dimension. She’s brave despite
her fear and if she meets you she’s got you down
in an instant. A keen sense of awareness when it
comes to folks. A heavy weight of depression and
pride upon her soldiers.

The lovely murmur. Are you a Sears

crackhead prostitute, or a real Mexican sex

The Living Present. If she wants a castle she

shall get one on her own. The ignorant
pretentiousness of the leisure class.

He had been removed to the realm of
celestial reward. (Daisy Miller) The silent science
of a dream. The silence of a dream.

Useful bravery to free associate. Dream

writing sans logic. Listen son, and respond
honestly and effectively. Trust the unconscious.
The bravery, courage, and faith to trust. Write
from the deep. You have something on your
mind, you want to hold on, but be brave and
surrender to a reticent listening. Heed the call,
empty and receive the Moment of Vision.
Receive the Moment of Vision from the loose
cobblestone in the walk. How to affect one’s
faciality? I could say something about someone,
but assuredly they could say something about
me, so why don’t we both shut the fuck up and
get to the pleasuring.

Unconscious facial expressions. How to

erase the trace of the Denver snarl? Picture me
rollin’. Living healthy, but never abandon the dirt
in the gutter, the best part of it all. Gaze into
gentler mirrors, lucky bitch motherfucker.
Metamorphosis of Grace

Conscious of the Tree

Make less waste in a responsible Anarchy
Don't have to purchase
to not feel worthless or hit shit
to feel a purpose
Move cool like a tortoise
let the rats have their race
and make first place
while I enjoy a metamorphosis of Grace

I am going to shit

While reading the Tao Te Ching

Then take a shower

Translucent Maya

I forgot my role purple puff flower

our magic night under tweeker wails

Crests plummet and flow

Chests capture and let go

Showin' the breath how to breathe

the mess how to believe

the blessed to be relieved

Turning I in to


What the fuck is homefullness? When I was
15 I was loungin’ on my friend’s couch. His dad
walked in, looked at me and said, “You feel at
home anywhere don’t you?” I attempted to
straighten up fearing I was being rude, but he
stopped me and said it was really cool.

When I was 2 they caught me in the middle

of the street making my first getaway while
father was in a stoned stupor inside the house
and moms at work. At 11 I packed my suitcase
full of all my stuffed animals and hit the road. I
made it down the street, decided to take a nap
and some drunk asshole from inside the bar I was
in front of called my mom and she came by and
convinced me to claim a residence once again.

Now I travel, sleep outside, and feel at

home where I am. Homefull. First I don’t believe
in owning the land. You’re gonna die and be
eaten by the land. If you don’t pay to exist they
call you a nasty name like, “Homeless.” And
everyone is supposed to live one same white
way. I prefer freedom. Diversity. Call me
Homefull; a Sky person as opposed to a Box
person, or just plain Free. Must we really pay to
exist? I prefer not to. People might not be so
scared of the prospect of becoming Homefull and
so they will no longer endure their wage slavery
hell; paying taxes to cover up the Earth and food,
to support the State war machine, and to oppress
darker poorer nations, making it hard to
complain of their own oppression. Tax man can’t
have that.

Squire the Squatter strikes again

Nigga headbutts the armored car guard hard,
"Forget everything you thought you knew"
The guard collapses like a twin tower.
Squire slips his hand through the handle loops of
the money bag before gravity can blink, takes a
breath that alters the course of the Universe; the

gap diminishes. A ghetto mortgage met, a family
farmer can eat, and a broken artist can afford
some paints and guitar strings.
Squire digs some bean, cheese, and
guacamole nachos out of the receptacle containing
abandoned food that will be shipped to a landfill
in some deplorable dirty darker area of the
Earth with the hand not holding the ten grand, god
damn this shit tastes good. Twas too easy. The
cunts wallowing and basking in their 1% are
worrying. They check out their graph that shows
the gap between Them and the suckers, and it
seems to mysteriously be closing exponentially.
Now the Thems are playing the indian giver
game; what we stole your land now you want it
back? Ya bastards, we gave you $27 for it!
What’s a dollar?! Well it's what you use to buy
stuff. What's stuff?!!! Goddamn injuns!! So now
the Thems are the ones being sucked, and not in a
good way.
Squire takes a breath, every breath alters the
course of the Universe, Click, the safe
opens, Satori, he is the hand that turns the dial, he
is the slowly rotating dial as are you dear reader &
the infinite space between the cells of his hand
and the polymer of the dial. The mind observing

the crime of the millennium; crime? blessing of

The differance between homeless and

homefull. Cigarettes and beer baby. That stuff is
homeless. Weed and mushrooms, fulfilling one’s
potentiality for Being, that’s homefull. Who
defines you? If you don’t agree with the cracker’s
idea they own the land, you don’t want to work
like a headless chicken to pay them ¼ of your pay
to live in a box, ¼ of your pay to taxes that go to
polluting the Earth, replacing democratically
elected leaders with dictators who will play the
corporations games, and oppressing poorer darker
people, who when you help to oppress them,
make it hypocritical to complain about your own
oppression, ¼ for food, medical, and utilities and
maybe you can use the sliver of silver left to
intoxicate and numb yourself from the
meaninglessness of your existence, you might be
ready to become Homefull. If you consider the
Earth or cosmos your home; Homefull. Homeless
people sometime’s want help getting back into the
system. Homefull people stay away from that
destructive warring unhealthy State system and
continue to throw their being into new and
exciting possibilities. Homeless people, like most
advertisements, try to make you feel bad to get
stuff from you, Homefull people just want you to
fuck off and leave them alone, keep yr stuff.

I’m in a damp windy piss smelling city south

center of the west coast United States. I call my
friend who was letting me crash at his place; no
answer. Gotta sleep; inexperienced squatter.
There is a narrow shallow alley near my friend’s
apartment, I dip in there. Fall asleep close to the
entrance of the alley. Wake up, there is a dude
twitching, with greased back black hair, blue
denim jacket, greasy moustache, putting
something in a garbage can; he doesn’t see me
see him, I slink to the back of the alley in the
shadows. He comes to the entrance of the alley,
adjusts himself, ties his shoe, twitch twich; I
freeze hoping he doesn’t see me. He sees me!

“Rrr, good evening,” he moves on? Good

evening? Not pull down your pants it’s time for
some ass fucking while I stab you 32 times in the
abdomen? Good evening? That’s it? He’s gone?
Really gone. I move to the less trapped front of
the alley; he’s gone. I wonder what he put in the
garbage can? I move towards the garbage can.
Big obese bald sweating black man hustling
towards me, passes me, I’m back to the alley.
Wait, ok, he’s gone. I wonder what that dude put
in the garbage can? I go back to check. Back
comes the big profusely sweating dude, “What
you lookin’ for?”

“Uh, nothin’”

“You can have what’s in that garbage can, I’m

gonna take what’s in this garbage can.”

What? No fucking me up? And there is some shit

in this garbage can. Someone’s duffle bag. I guess
all the sellable shit is in my sweaty friend’s
garbage can and all the clothes, weed jar, no
weed, are in this garbage can.

“Here, you can have this too.” Hands me a

skateboard. I don’t skate, but the next night a
Huge dude, named Bull, like from Night Court, let
me crash at his place, but he woke up in the
middle of the night blasting and singing off key to
Incubus, not fun, but gave him the skateboard.

Deep into squatter existence. You can have

the house, car and job, I’ma take what’s in this
garbage can (a rich interiority and freedom).

I was rollin’ round with this Amazonian
bodied sparkling blonde ringlet haired beauty,
her hunchbacked boyfriend walks by and was
cool as long as we didn’t go too far, Jah bless him.
They were driving me to the Denver airport so I
could catch a night flight to San Anto to play a big
gig on the Riverwalk. We get in the car, I struggle
to get the door closed but the hunchback gets
out and hip checks it closed. I was enamored and
out of my mind cause of the lady shining so
bright and realized, “Shit! I forgot all my shit!”
“Too late,” he said, “gotta go.” “But my
medicine?” “Too late” My heart was pounding, I
leaned back and my bag was right there, and in
the dark to my right my guitar!” It’s all here I
They drop me off and I walk into the
terminal. I see this big cross dresser. Wearing an
18th century wig, a nightgown like dress, standing
next to an elegant large Victorian baby carriage,
must be a Russian chick. She was with 2 twenty
somethings with died blackish pony tails and
some meat on their bones about up to the
crossdresser’s bosom. Across the way beyond the
people briskly walking checking their cell phones
near a half moon counter were 2 melanin rich
ladies. One was yelling at the other, “Why you
always in my business!” “Why you Always got to
be in my business!” The Russian mamma Mrs.
Doubtfire walked over and the ladies parted.
Mrs. Doubtfire started walking back and the in
the business lady started walking back to the
angry chick, they hugged and all good, then the in
the business lady took a few steps back and the
angry bitch cold cocked her hard! The hit echoed
throughout the terminal. Me and Mrs. Doubtfire
walk back to the baby carriage and the 2 twenty
something chicks tell us security was just there
cause of the vomit stench, the bottom of the
baby carriage is a pool of puke; are they tryin’ to
smuggle drugs inside their baby? Mrs. Doubtfire
lifts the baby up, hops in the puke filled big
Victorian baby carriage and rocks the baby
content. I follow security with the 2 twenty
somethings, and security starts working on one at
a table, sticks a flashlight in her mouth, tells her
to drop her drawers, sticks the back of a penlight
up her ass, out spews shit and a prescription
bottle! She starts swearing it ain’t hers! They’re
like, “Well it came out Your ass.” She takes the

shitty peel bottle, swallows it, and tells them she
don’t know what they’re talkin’ about!
I talked to security after and they said they
had plucked two granules of bath salts from her
eyebrow. Bath salts make you do Crazy shit!

What is official? Fuck if I know! I love

reading a few pages, write a sentence or two,
read, draw a quick pic, read, take a walk. The
courage to begin anew; freedom! Everything
done, main project done by sunset. I can’t fucking
believe I fell asleep during a Chapel Hill sorority
orgy! That never happens at the wild University
of Texas sorority orgies! Never would have
happened at UT. Beautiful still to wake up next to
eight fit lovely southern belles and still better
than the freaky Santa Cruz sorority orgies, I’m not
tryin’ to get hurt now!

Burst through death into the otherworld.
Scary, but then yr there. Like exiting the earth’s
atmosphere and wondering how you’re going to
breathe, but you leap and there is some
unknown variable where breathing isn’t even an
issue and yr immersed in blessed wonder; pure
bliss; pink purple orange gumball aura bubbles
and 0 gravity.

This is it, art galore, yr art baby, sending it

all to the good gods.

No desire but to produce; live alive.

Total Affirmation Tarot Read

You are a woman of the world. Sexiest bitch alive.

Queen of the damned. Your femininity attracts
the hottest bitches round. Infinite creativity and
complete resources. Accept strength. The lion
adores the caress of your power. Flow the Force.
Explore and maintain the Queendom/empire
within. Emotions in accordance with resources.
The feminine King of Creativity. Best be open no
plan. Your judgments in the shadows could delay
the harvest, the full harvest of your resources.
Affirmation is diametrically opposed to judgment.
Like good faith and worry. Commit to the right
choice with good faith and unmerited deeds.

We are only answerable to ourselves.

A persons’ greatest gift perhaps is the

responsibility they have for their lives. We
respect each other by allowing them or
recognizing in them their ability to maximize that
responsibility. (Probably Alfred Adler)
Lilly’s a pussy

Afraid of her own shadow

Do not fuck with her

The Mamma Kitty;

Queen Guinevere
an entity to revere.
Always outside, extremely healthy.
Avoiding humans to save her life.
She is Alpha Omega autonomous system of
Dew worship.

I like her either way,

whether or not she’s good,

ain’t up to me to judge or say,

I just got mad love for the bitch

Part II

There are 10 people and 10 slices of pizza. 1 person takes 9 slices of
pizza and the other 9 people have to split up the 1 last slice. Why does
everyone act as though the 9 people are the assholes and the 1 person
who took 9 slices is great?

Continue a Lovely Journey

My mind goes


into the realm

of esoteric perception

into the changing

spider web brain

of bare tree branch


into the melting

forty-ounce bottle

on the green and black

checkered coffee table

trip trip trip

goes the whole conditioned reality

down through the mud

of earth

down to the chthonic

temples I now

desire to be born into

to learn to harness

my potential to

feel the gods

trip strip trip

Love Betrayal

Love in the region

leavin’ traces of treason

this is the reason

I say I’m sorry my brother

Love in the region

leavin’ traces of treason

this is the reason

I say I’m sorry my father

Love in the region

leavin’ traces of treason

this is the reason

I say I’m sorry to the one I thought I loved

Love in the region

leavin’ traces of treason

this is the reason

I say I’m sorry to the one I did love,


They gave Spiderman a ticket, fucking chloroform, and dumped him off
the side of a cliff

into a sea of trees.

Fuck it all man.

 Utilize bullets
 Bullets make things so clear
 Bullets are good

Can a bullet stand on its own?

 No! Bullets do not stand on they own

 I wrote this one by accident and then had to write something
after it due to the consternation of the previous lonely bullet

 So you're shit, your religion is shit, your jacket is shit, Yr shirt is

shit, yr voice is shit, you're full of shit, your pussy is shit,
your ass is shit

Fuck you who needs bullets

Shooting Star

Shooting star seen afar

so intense heaven split

foreign girl

flew to my car

cast a spell

when she spit

Du ich dienen*, make a wish

*You I serve

Pato’s Pride
Hey Pato, is your lesbian sister

giving putas pleasure licking el gato

cute cuddling on the couch

dick bashing dykes giving mouth to mouth

Seducing senorita untangles her legs & starts


faggots on fire, not sticks but dicks

blazing with desire, cruising Highland Park

looking for a man, discretion preferred

cause the breeders don’t understand

Sayin’ the Bible says it’s unnatural,

and the Bible says it’s odd,

but I know Tara loves Sara and

Love is God


Little girl shuffles

her feet to the bathroom
Why is it such a
sad sad world

Toilet World

Whenever I see a young ruffian asserting his arrogance on the

playground, it brings to mind my best friend Timothy when I was about
7 or 8. It was when automatic flush toilets first appeared in the world.
Some unfortunates I had heard of who upon making the slightest
movement while still sitting on these toilets, were sucked through the
toilet and never heard of again; only about 2% of these children made it
back to tell a fantastic story. I figured these stories were fabrications
dreamt up by attention starved children, the stuff of science fiction; a
toilet that flushed itself? It might as well relieve itself also, maybe puke
in itself, flush its own coke down itself when paranoid delusions caught
hold of its sporadic mind.
"C’mon honey, we’re going out to dinner at a fancy restaurant to
celebrate your father’s promotion to shift manager at McDonald’s" said
mother. We stopped by my parents’ bank and they took out a loan
assured they’d be able to pay it back with ease considering my father’s
new prestigious position. The loan granter was quite impressed when he
heard we were on our way to Ponderosa, “No more Denny’s or
Friendly’s for this family,” I heard my mother say. I did like Friendly’s
ice cream and I didn’t like the fact that I had to wash up and wear my
school uniform to dinner, but my family's happiness is my happiness.
The food was actually delicious and halfway through I had to shit like a
madman, “May I please be excused?” I asked. They were all talking
about the responsibility and nobility that came with father’s new
position, “Yo can I be Excused Please!!” I said, and this time the whole
restaurant heard me and I was allowed to placate my demanding bowel.
Man, I hurried to the bathroom, went into the stall, danced, glanced at
the toilet while frantically putting a layer of toilet paper on the seat to
keep the hepatitises from climbing up my hole. One strip slipped and

slowly sank into the water, shit, fuck, put another down and the other
side slips, fuck fuck! While I was placing the force field down I noticed
no lever, looked more and no button? motherfucker I got a shit, I fell
upon the toilet seat, instantly evacuating with great relief and abandon,
aHHHH I made it, no shit in my pants, life is good!! I’ll figure out the
flushing thing later, now I am enjoying the freedom of not shitting my
pants. Wait, I thought? What if this is one of those…? I made the
slightest movement and SWISH, I was spinning down a vortex of great
strength with no chance to think or act and was spewed out into a
different world, a world I thought was fantasy, a world that suddenly
became reality.
I saw fantastic cartoonish twilight hues in the afternoon aura all
around me, butt to my dismay, there were shit monsters surrounding me.
Fuck I was paralyzed, scared shall I say, shitless. I mustered a breath,
and slightly regretted it due to the stank of the shit monsters. An avante
guarde humanistic atheist I prayed to the Nothing, for something,
anything to help me out of such a deplorable situation. "Oh higher self
lordessness in heaven buddha mercy of existence, please oh please oh
please I beseech thee with great humility and desperation to do
something about these shit monsters and this crazy reality I'm only eight,
I have so much to give the world I just want to be of service and what
the fuck did I do to deserve shit monsters, aaahhhhhh!!" "Ask and thou
shall receive” I heard a voice say from a great distance above or a place
deep inside my minds' soul’s mind" "Heeelllooooo, young man are you
in need of ass- istance?" said golden translucent entities. "Ha fuckin ha,
don't you notice I'm surrounded by shit monsters???" “Ah, yes, no
problemo, for we are Pihspirits, and we have what you desire." They
handed me a forty ounce, "What I'm only eight? I can't drink this?" "It's
your only hope." They started chanting and all I heard was, " Go go go
go go go," I opened the 40oz, opened my throat, and let the carbonated

coolness slip through my mouth and glide down my gullet, the shit
monsters were closing in, I took a breath, and slam slam slam, I finished
everything but the detritus evil of the last half inch. I was so drunk I was
screaming, "I'm not drunk!!! I'm not drunk, I'm not... feelin' so gOod,"
Blahhhhh I vomited and what I vomited were Puke angels. The Puke
angels waged a fierce and mighty battle against the shit monsters. I
witnessed it all shit faced, it was unbelievable. Six Puke angels against
50 shit monsters; flyin' dragon kicks, puke angels punching shit head
shit monster's grill like they were punching bags, smashing shit
monsters’ goopy heads together, using one shit monsters to take four
others out at once, I was fucked up, I wanted to help but all I could do in
my studied stupid stupor was direct with drunken kicks and flailing
punches into the air. When the puke angels were done I thanked them,
and thanked them and thanked them ad infinitum. "okay okay" they said,
we will open this portal, you hold your breath and jump through." "I just
want to tell you how grateful I am and how can I possibly thank you
ever so compassionately you saved my life, not just saved my life but
saved me from such a stank demise..." Okay! already, jump through the
portal, We got to go clean this nasty shit off our lovely puke coats.
Swish!!! I jumped through the portal and returned to the world I was
conditioned to believe was normal reality, what a relief!!

I was in the playground with my buddy Tim and he was trying to

scrape up some extra cash flippin' dimes, match me, oooh, too bad,
better luck next time. I'm a bad mother.. Tim.I have something to tell
you. What, what’s going on son? I was there man, I saw it and smelled it
and was there, psychedelic sky lines, wavy atmosphere, and the stank of
shit everywhere." “You went to shit world? Yr shittin' me? Shut the fu..”
“Dude I swear I don't make this shit up, I was there.” “You gotta take me
there man, I gotta see toilet world, I can kick a shit monster's ass man,

take me to toilet world.” “No way man, it's fucked up there, the only
way I got out of it wasa the deux ex-machina of some puke angels.”
“Dude I don't need puke angels; I'll fuck those shit monsters up with my
bare hands.” Man, I just escaped by the hair of my chinny chin chin and
this dude wants to take me back there? Why was I friends with this kid
again? So I took Tim to risk life and limb to this new Hotel that’s biggest
selling point was the New Automatic Safe Flush Toilets. I was still in a
psychedelic stupor from my recent Toilet World Experience in a half
Rufied/Cough Medicine like dream, when before I knew it the world
was spinning and I was sinking after Tiiiiiiim!!!!
We were in Toilet World, visions of a better life danced before our
minds eye, Tim was elated, I can do anything he exclaimed, when a
familiar stank entered my thought process, and like an apple falling from
a tree the thud of the shit monsters plopping forth from the ass of
Nothing resounded and the shit monsters were before us. Tim wasn’t
afraid, but filled with confidence, I’m gonna beat da fucking shit out all
you god damn you stank, oh shit you holy fuck, his confidence slowly
sinking as the intensity of the reality stinking before him quickly made
itself indubitably clear, HEEEELLLLLP Pihpirits where are you! I need
you; heeeelp!!! The shit monsters had grown twice their original size,
which was a couple feet taller than Timmy, the Pih Spirits appeared,
handed Tim a 40oz, he looked at the Shit Monsters, “Eat shit and die you
shitty Shit Monster fucking Faggot Fucks, he slammed the 40oz,
confusion and fear consumed his eyes, he looked at the label, N/A
The Shit Monsters pounced, I’ve blocked out the memories of Tim’s
primal screaming pleas; Shit Monsters gotta eat I suppose. I like to think
Timmy’s humiliation in his last moments of being consumed by shit
may have opened up some gates of enlightenment, given his soul a last
lesson of the deleterious nature of hubris, brought ‘em to a place of Nir
vanna. Sheeeit but Pih Spirits, I was still drunk, thought I could help,

uh…yeah yeah yeah, they gave me some peanut butter and blue powder
morning glory seeds, I ate it, ran around dodging Shit Monsters for
about 15 minutes, I don’t feel so gooblaaaaaah, Puke angels sprung into
action outwitting and outfighting the Shit monsters with humor and ease,
they opened a portal, blew some dust in my face and whispered, it’s all
just a dream, dream, druh dreamdream, dree dree


Little girl shuffles

her feet to the bathroom
Why is it such a sad sad world?


Fuckin Horror show man, spill red ultra-violence

study stars psycho divination

Had a handful of ganja was about to get into some spiritual star science,
but then again, a sweeter wake up, it’s six o’clock, wake up. Too tired to
respond with anything other than, “okay” (get the fuck away from me
honey, so I can get back to my ganja dream.) Comes back; you really
have to wake up now. Braaaaaah crack head crystal meth dealer
daughter of the devil, what the fuck is wrong with your mammon-
worshiping inhumane fucked up whore ass. My dream!!! My dream!!! I
want my ganja dream back motherfucker!

You are cruelty incarnate; it’s not a crime to sleep!!!! stop sucking the
rich white cock to fuck your brothers and sisters, you’re fucking your
brothers and sisters for fucking money!!!!

Soooo what ya doin in the park? are ya sleeping? Yr not sleeping

are ya? my dear sir!!! Me sleep in a park?? What do I look like? A
barbarian? a fucking sailor? A farmer? I would Never commit the
ultimate sin of sleeping. Do I Look like an evil sleeper? Sleeping in the
park!! Could I be talking to you if I were sleeping? Could I answer you??
Your question perplexes me sir. So what brings you to this park?

You’re not going to like my answer sir.

Just tell me, it’s ok, what brings you to this park?

Uhh, my feet?

Alright smart ass!!! Spread em!!! What are you doing in this park?

Enjoying life, it’s a beautiful park.

Are you diagnosed with anything?

No! can you believe it?

I used to be a gay fucking faggot asshole, but that was molecules ago,

How long have you been in Denver?

I like to live in the moment sir.

How long have you been living in the moment?

You do realize the absurdity of that question don’t you officer?

The difference between sensationalism and art: The stoner espousing
and dramatizing the conspiracy theory is the same thing that produced
the phenomenon in the first place. Sensationalism spikes the senses for
a moment and
Art lasts in yr heart. Lasts yr whole life and beyond.

Sensationalism as stupefaction. Stupefaction through desensitizing

effects of sensationalism. Politics loves people in a constant state of
stupefaction, deadened sensibilities.

The governments of oppression all make the same gesture: to break

(Derrida, Of Grammatology 149)

Sensationalist mind

Sensational misogyny, racism, classism. Sensational tools of Babylon.

Treat yourself how you’d like Others to treat you. Bring in the
supersensory experience of intense focus in the present phenomenon
of now Love

The emperor of soul. The emperor of my mind. Keep the castle clean. A
strong hardworking emperor. Keep the interiority cleansed, pruned,

and healthy. Enjoy the empire, exploit only the gifts of your people,
revere the living mother, reverence for the self, the Whole being,
Existence, ART!

Take yr time revering such things, you got now no choice ya gimpy
motherfucker! They forced me into meditation, fuck them! I wanted to
be a busy man! Now I'm just eternally young, vibrating joy, a sunrise
aura, an afternoon aura, a stunned sunset moment, deep into night
with a steady bright moon accompanied by dazzling stars. The state of
mind is most important; emit joy motherfucker. Clear sightedness,
possessed of clear ideas. A state of joyful madness is what is most
important. What's best to effect haling?

She tortured me with her sadistic tendencies; with her sadistic

tenderness. Unapologetic joyful abandon. i take it and i take it some
more, but she is out of luck due to my masochistic bravado. Long live
the Fuckee, fuck the fucking fuckers!

The aristocracy surrounded by riches they adore to ignore. The

peasants pining riches out of reach. Society is a cold-hearted dick. Don't
challenge their will to survival. Heathers honey.

Jah riches love all.

Time/Life is my main resource. Never lost a minute of life on this one,

now blackout drinkin', that's a shame. Degrees of alive; how alive can
you be?!

The power source of nature. Universe of possibilities. Exercising
creativity. How many different ways can one use a prick? Eat out a

He rules from the realm of archetypes.

Sweet security guard woke me up right before I was about to hit the
vodka in a cold brew coffee.

The anxiety over the Other’s death. Third person view of the long
run, spatially and temporally. Conscience calling you to resolutely be
yourself. Conscience outside/inside of ones will.

Blacked out, at some point the narrative disappears, and the soul
voice appears.

The calculating self vanishes to let the Central self shine.

The primal authentic self is set free to eat with the people of the village.

“A man’s life was a series of transition rites that brought him nearer
and nearer to his ancestors.” (Things Fall Apart 122)

A transcending potentiality-for-Being that brings one closer and closer

to the primordial-authentic-Being.

Real titles from real achievements.

Busted by the boss smoking a blunt in the park with
black Moses.
All my greatest crimes are committed in the park

I am a Wasteoid


I am a Wasteoid


The Fly’s Truth

Baggy pants drunk chick

show your eyes to

the spotlight shining a

beam on your Broadway show

to me you are a star in disguise

be aware of the serpent

beneath the rose

it is me

don’t you know

The bars have deceived &

the flies never really loved you

Augment physicality in a non-dominating way. Strengthen the chi with
interior exercise; get subtly buff. Invisible confident physicality of a
ninja apache scout ascended master angel. Saturate the heart/mind
with good intentions. Positive vibrations and you can't go wrong. The
Power of gentleness.

Star consciousness; tar consciousness

To become a joyous jellyfish;

Luminescent light being

Deep as the dark cosmic sea

The spirituality of sensuality is called, “love”

It is a great triumph over Christianity.

A further triumph is our spiritualization of, “Enmity”

It consists in profoundly grasping the value of having enemies.

We adapt the same attitude towards the, “Enemy within.”

There too we have grasped it’s value. (Nietzsche, Twilight of the Idols

Self-doubt, being constantly told one’s worthless can seriously inhibit
ones ability to act in the world.

But then Star consciousness;

Tar consciousness sets in and sets you free

And it’s all over, sun rollin’

Know Nothing. Thank the Other for providing the data that will help me
maneuver through this existence easier, more usefully; with grace.

More creative, weeird, confident, focused on something deeper than


Krishnamurti’s technique for not converting someone to your belief.

Go with the Other in an endeavor to wipe away confusion & reach

new heights of clarity and overstanding. Dialectic.

Paint the Curbs Pink

I'm gonna paint the curbs pink

I'm gonna let my armpits stink


so you know where I’m coming from

I'm gonna beat my drum all night

to the rhythm in my moonlight

cause this one night might be all we got

I'm gonna smile all I can

Give love to my woman

cause this one life might be all we got


Don't wanna get no job


where it's my life they rob

A9 G

the rich always trying to exploit the people


I can't get no job


my life just ain't for trade

A9 G

I got better things to do with the day

I'm gonna smile all I can

give love to my fellow man

cause this one life might be all we got

don't want to pay no lord

to live on stolen land

cause I sure do love The Mother a lot

Start a ninja orchestra

make a timpani from trash

cause we don't need your stankin' cash

I can't get no job

where it's my life they rob

the rich always trying to exploit the people

I can't get no job

my life just ain't for trade

I got better things to do with the Way

I'm gonna smile all I can

give love to myself

cause this one life mighty we be

mighty we be

mighty we be


Fuckin A, create yr eternal return. Easiest life possible to get work done
as well as possible. Sunrise production. Produce at sunrise, partake at
sunset. Can you dig that? King of creativity, Queen of the hunt, I said
hunt. Don’t make ‘em hate you. Fear; yes, hate; no, love possibly, but
fear is stronger than love prince.

Maneuver between thangs. Just stay away, the notebook loves you, the
internet don’t give a fuck about you, books adore you, people? Run!
Line of flight towards a new happiness. Waterfalls and incredibly
attractive ladies Need you! Learn and go with…you know. So fuckin’
easy! Exercise desires your body and even respects your mind.

Sow the seeds you need to sow to grow a spectacular (insert another
positive adjective here) fucking Eternal Return

On a new level. You be the king n I’ll be me.

On a new level. Angel agenda. On a new level. You wanna cut a fucker

But You cuttin’ a motherfucker down

Will only raise ‘em up

Fuck ‘em they don’t even deserve you cutting ‘em down whilst raisin’
‘em up

So leave ‘em alone walk away, pass by, they don’t deserve anything you
got to say.

All becoming-mad

Loco logic essay

C’mon I’m on a new level

And you ain’t even funny

I’m laughing like I’m better off dead

All a becoming mad

A Yes Yes mad

A Yessuh I’m mad

Comfortable in my skin

Can I live suh? Yessuh, deeper than the day can comprehend

Building a palace of positive memories (lookin out over the gorge from
the stone bridge)

So’s I got someplace to go

A nomadic palace of positive memories.

Blazing new trails like a headlamp through the night

A becoming fiercely madder, joyously madder

I ain’t got time to judge in case someone wanted me to do so

Homo-Academicus in one corner; 5’ 8” 145 lbs. And in the other corner
Kimbo goddamn Slice!! 6’ 10” 800 lbs. Kimbo’s jumpin around pullin’
the ropes like a goddamn madman, he is ready to go!!

Nigel ”Homo-Academicus” Ferguson is workin’ on his cuticles and the

bell rings!!! Oh shit it looks like Nigel’s got a book in his hand, is that
legal? Iduhknow, what’s he reading? Uuuum, hmmm it looks like, oh no
it is! “Of Grammatology,” Kimbo ain’t never fought Anyone like this,
what’s he gonna do?

Homo-Academicus measures the air pressure, calculates muscle

tension, takes in Kimbo’s blinking speed, jots down the mass and
acceleration of Kimbo’s guns, Kimbo jumps, lunges, Homo taps 3
pressure points, slaps Kimbos gluteus maximus, Kimbo is frozen in mid
flight, drifts to the floor, Kimbos blinking speed is slowly deaccelerating,
Kimbo’s asleep, deep sleep, instant REM sleep, Homo Academicus
cleans his glasses, adjusts his tie and is the New gravitational champion
of the cosmos! The crowd goes home!!!!

In my opium den, we smoke opium

All day every day

If you saint a hustler, use a cussmer

Oh fuck! I guess I’m here now

See what I can do

Commit to doacide


No narrative, fuck commitments

Do you think the universe has been around billions of years doin’ fine

then I come along and fuck everything up?

Or the universe has been going along doin fine, then humans
come along and fuck everything up and I’m the climax of the human
fuck up?

Shouldn’t have smoked sooooo much weed dude!

The universe was just about to go to pieces then luckily you came
along and saved her!

A lot of good things have happened unexpectedly

And not even dreamt of

Outerspace man. Intention, Live, Zen, Existence


A recapitulation of the unknown

Execute action w/ good faith

A pure becoming without measure, a veritable becoming-mad

which never rests. (Deleuze, Logic of Sense)

Play with instinct, above and beyond talent, deep in the soul of your
species. Deep down in the consciousness of a middle in motion. All a

Feeling intensities

Direction of movement

No more masters ordering around slaves, now only slaves ordering

around slaves (Deleuze)

Deterritorialization of consciousness

The morning paper will rehearse the ancient story. (Skeleton’s Key to
Finnegans Wake)

Kill the Dead


Kill the dead

kill the flags

kill the dreams of mom and dad

kill the Christians

kill the Jews

and kill anyone else who believes they all win and go to heaven and
y'all lose and go to hell for not following their rules

kill the wars

that kill for peace?

cause no matter how hard you try

you just can't kill the beast

kill your class

and kill your titles

kill all your idols

kill the suicidal

kill the normals

release the insane!!!

kill the god damn joker

for trying to get in the game


kill the police!!!


Kill the Police!!!


KILL the POlice!!!!!!


in your head

kill the motherfucking weather man

cause his forecast was right

then afterwards relax assassin

and take a couple hits of hashish off the knife

then kill a beer and kill a beer and

kill a beer and another Beer!

Kill the media

Kill most your fear

Kill the little Irish agents

All hiding up in the ceiling

kill your lover

if she ever loses that loving feeling

Burn off the Buddhas eyelids

in the spirit of fun

kill anyone

who tries to run


but you can't kill the free


no you can't kill the free


you can't kill the free


First...I'll kill you


then you kill meeeeeeeeee

We tried to exterminate our Indians, like you: we wanted
the closed version of reality we got- but even into the
smokiest labyrinths, the furthest stacked density of mid
day balcony or courtyard and gate, the land has never let
us forget. (Pynchon, Gravity’s Rainbow)

The closed version of reality- One White World

Transfiguration of Death

Consider coal and steel. There is a place where they meet. The
interface between coal and steel is coal-tar. Imagine coal, down in
the earth, dead black, no light, the very substance of death. Death
ancient, prehistoric, species we will never see again, Growing older,
blacker, deeper, in layers of perpetual night. Above ground, the steel
rolls out fiery, bright. But to make steel, the coal tars, darker and
heavier, must be taken from the original coal. Earth's excrement,
purged out for the ennoblement of shining steel. Passed over.
(Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow)

We drive off the death of the ancients, our ancestors. He speaks
later on of the smokestacks dispersing this death over the land.
Plastic made from oil, driving dinosaurs and cavehumans. The car
is our body and we are the soul of the car, and not far off, we will
be brains in steel bodies. They are building a building in Fort
Worth, there is nothing but buildings in the area and they are
building another one? The people seem to be pleased, "Looks
like its gonna be a nice building" What? Why not a garden? We
keep getting further and further from the garden of Eden the more
buildings we build. Is it gonna be an ecologically friendly building?
I don't thinks so, but maybe. Been reading Brain World magazine
and they had a cool article on architecture and neurology. They
spoke of how birds use their body to mold their nests and mold
their nests to conform to their body. Oooh the future can be so
healthy, good and cool, acting now with the intention of a superb
world for those seven generations ahead. We can heal. Yahshua
would turn all the conventional food into organic food and feed the
masses. Yeshua would make weed legal, medicinal mary jane
and heal those w/ glaucoma. Do people want to talk about
Yashua or act in accordance with Yahshuah? Do we worship
Mammon or Mother Earth??

Melancholy giants sitting on the cliffs of despair
Contemplating whether to plunge into the unknown waters
Or run back to the refuge of nowhere

Trapped betwixt day & night

In love with dawns early sunrise
yet worshipping dusk’s sacred twilight

To steal the real beneath societies’ rubble

To become the rebels ready for trouble

The decision is made, they rage for the meaning,

they now sit on the cliffs, gentle giant monks dreaming

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Better off dead!

I got a trust fund my Father left me; this whole creation to explore. I
gotta trust Fun, blast ya w/ my love gun son. I invent the world not
narcissistically, but easily. Not by delusions of grandeur, Splendiferously
deliciously by hypnogogic tryptamine trance

Peak through a leak dancing

Take it easy

maya maya


A visit from the powerful playful Goddess

I forgive myself, I forgive all others, I am forgiven. I read that in a book

about self-hypnosis and subliminal technology I was checking out at a
Fort Worth Texas Library, not the main one but I think one in West Fort
Worth; he taught that to people in prison. I dug dig it for a mantra as I
walked and walked from Fort Worth to Weatherford. It was a torturously
Texas hot walk, tried to sleep during the day using my poncho for
shelter but it wasn't a good idea, everything might be a good idea, but if
there are such things as good and bad ideas that was a bad one. So I got
to a bridge and relaxed there all day, and there was a gas station near the
bridge, I went there to get water, cold water to hydrate, and hot water for
some organic stuffing I dumpster dove. The guy/god at the gas station
got me water, coffee, food and said he had some work for me. I did the
work and then he said he couldn't pay me, but got me a shower and it
was really cool and educational hanging out with him, but some things
made it so I had to disassociate from him.
So I walked and walked to Weatherford, sweated in hot Texas
June heat. I got here, to Weatherford, and was going to sleep, but the
laundry detergent the scamming god had used and the sweat had me
itching like a madman and unable to sleep. Thought up mantra, maybe I
heard it before and started using, "It's all in my mind, it's all in my mind,
it's all in my mind," and that seemed to help. At times when I can't sleep
at night, sometimes if it's super cold, or in this case ‘cause I was itching
so bad, I'll finally get so tired that I do fall asleep and slip directly into
REM sleep and a dream, usually a powerful dream. So didn't sleep that
much but finally did and fell into a dream, and was awoken by people
going to work shortly after I fell asleep. I was tired but think I found
a nap somewhere during the day cause at about nine or ten at night I was
still feelin’ good. Spoke with a good friend and fell asleep easily at
about 11 or 12. At 2am I found out I had fallen asleep with my head
right next to a sprinkler, eyes open wide awake!! grab my shit jump up
and wow was that fun!!! Found a new spot and slept like a baby. Woke
up at 6am got coffee read some Gravity's Rainbow (too bad ass!!) and

some Milton Erickson hypnosis techniques. Started walking to library
and stopped in some shade along the way, ate some canned sardines in
chili sauce that were delicious and ended up falling asleep. I dreamt of
this lady I know and she was a total Goddess. I only met her once, but
she is the aunt of someone who has taught me some of the coolest things
I think I know and who I admire greatly, so I've heard about this lady
beyond the maybe one time I actually met her. She was tracing a circle
with a lacuna at the top, shaped kind of like a cobra's head with her
fingers moving back and forth while she was reciting a chant with a
beautiful thunder behind her voice. She looked an ageless late thirties to
early forties in the dream, her hair was thunder cloud color, her face
glowing with the exuberance of someone a young twenty and her
attitude had the confidence and playfulness of a 7-10 year old with
serious ancient wisdom. Then she pulled out these dresses with Hebrew
or Arabic like writing and started reading them, they were about serenity
and/or serendipity, then there was a knocking at the door and she jumped
up to answer it and I awoke. The people in the places I've been travelling
have been kind and beautiful. The nature on Earth is incredible. Money
seems like such a trifling aspect of reality considering the Creator has
created this magnificent creation for us. Most of the time it seems people
are too busy chasing money or kept busy and scared by media
manipulation that they don't stop to appreciate this incredible aspect of
Reality which is the Earth the Sky the Sunset Sunrise and the Breeze, the
blessed Breeze, the People, Plants, Four leggeds, and the Winged
Experience of Life. Thank Hu Jah Allah God Creator Spirit that
Moves Through All Divine Goddess.

October 21, 2004, 20:21

I went to a cool concert last night in someone's backyard in their

garage. Matt Cross played some fantabulous shit. This girl Anais
Mitchell was super bad. I haven't bought a cd in a really long
time, but I bought her cd. She sat next to me and I got all tense
and nervous. On the way home this guy asked me if he could
suck me off in the bushes while I waited for the bus. I said no
thank-you sir, but I appreciate the offer. It's nice to know I still
got it. That's the 4th or 5th time that's happened. Do I scream
male prostitute or something? Someday I may just break and be
like Why the fuck not? Then I'll truly be Jesus.

December 13, 2004, 12:22

I <}heart Fungus!!!! I love it soooooooo much and drums

and drums and I, let's try again <: LOVE GANJA
sooooooooo much and vegetables and healthy food. And
DRUMS!!!!!!! I love them. I love everything!!!!! YEAH for
Mushrooms!!!! Hip hip HOORAY!!!!

Le Monde Merci

Covered in piss and week old ball sweat, can I get a job?? You hiring?

This World; what does it mean?

A programmed response to a ruse used to illicit a response.

intentional philanthropy or misanthropic entropy

What has Richard written?


The saddest entity,

scared on an emotional roller coaster,

sacred on an emotional roller coaster,

genius piece of shit Here we Go!!!!!

Thanks for my anger, fucktrating life

Disciplined with distraction. Headache of emotion. I caught the graceful

dance of the wind and the leaves. An eternal moment of guaranteed

I sit and cry and sing the blues all gay and light

I live by day, but exist at night.

Fuck and forgive me World

The thinker thus expresses the noble affinity of thought & Life; life
making thought active, thought making life affirmative. In Nietzsche
this general affinity is not only the pre-socratic secret par excellence,
but also the essence of art. (Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy 95)

I have become insane with long intervals of horrible sanity. Edgar Allen

Types of my disciples.-- To those human beings who are of any concern

to me I wish suffering, desolation, sickness, ill-treatment, indignities--I
wish that they should not remain unfamiliar with profound self-
contempt, the torture of self-mistrust, the wretchedness of the
vanquished: I have no pity for them, because I wish them the only thing
that can prove today whether one is worth anything or not--that one


Art increases our degree of Being. (probably from Heidegger’s Origin of
the Work of Art)

Art is the setting-into-work of truth.


I am a whore in love with every which way impossibly unimaginable.

I dance in the intangible. A muse with a short fuse accused yet excused.

Lavish gardens delight me not, I need the wild weed to help me see the

sky god paint another inimitable view indifferent to You

the new messiah of the messianic Dudes

Do what you gotta do

I am one chakra

Bursting with ennui

Watch me implode

A black hole sucking

Your joy


I am a Whore in love with every which way imaginable

I am clear; free trip

At the top of my game mama

Getting exponentially better the wider I shit

the strength to smile I maintain a half grin

My eyes scan, expand, span, spin, become spun

My eyes run to become one with the universal tear

Writing the mind

Will track Love

God whispers a hipster’s pistol whistles

Puss oozing from my soul blista

You give me immortality and humility sista

Yet confused by death and superstition

What is forever anyways baby slave?

Forever trying to get it together. Now! I am free: clear

Can’t stand the stank

Another needle in the eye please

Ease the disease

You, you, and you

Get da fuck out

You, what the fuck are you doing here?

Excuse yourself

Executive diss order

Babylonian agenda

Capture the Yoni

The spell of the smell

I am a Whore in Love


Trippin’ Kitten

Hello my little trippin’ kitten

so sapient with the moment

chasing neutrinos through nebulous creation

crawling through chaos while

dancing within your natural religion

not wondering if you are the god

wandering with every revelation

dangling from within a whiskers reach

of an ineffable superstring noose asphyxiating faith

as we all hang on with a pinky’s grip

to our own subjective universe

oozing existential guacamole

from the wound of ignorance of… Meow


We Wait
A dirty ash cloud descended

upon the sickened city

tuning emotions to avoid

giving a hint of mercy or pity

When will compassion set them free

They wait

We wait while

Sewer rats inhale the hurt of

egos found forsaken

in desolate streets under

deserted street lamps

When will immolation set them free

We wait

and wait


to be sucked through

their sewer grate

We wait

only to hesitate..

& hibernate

once again crawling then slithering

only now always in bipedal form

slipping onto the wet sidewalk

thinking this is the way to avoid the storm

Please watch out not to step on our

soft bodies, minds, thoughts, dreams,

desires ego’s ears that will swallow

the repeated screams calling us all cowards

We will awake in time,

but for now



So you have all this food at your house, someone robs it all while you’re
sleeping. It’s your neighbor, they have a barbeque, you smell your
chicken, go over there and are like hey, you stole all my food, I have
none, I’m starving, give me my food back. They say you can have some
chicken for $5. You’re like that’s my chicken, give me my chicken! You
go to take a piece, they call the cops, cops are like possession’s 9/10s of
the law yr under arrest. You go to jail. You get out and end up paying
this dude $5 for your own goddamn chicken cause yr hungry and you
don’t want to go to jail. You have some kids, and the only thing they
ever know is paying this dude for food that use to be yours.

Food used to be growing all over, then greedy people realized if

they shoot all the buffalo, burn all the crops, cover up all the food with
roads and private property, they can make a lot of money charging
people to live and eat. There could be food growing all over again. But
what if someone takes a bunch and sells it? Well if food is all free
Everyone will know this dude is an asshole trying to make money off of
selling something that’s free, they’ll know who it is that stole the food.
But get em while they’re young and make them think the way to get
food is to work an ignoble job, not to receive it from the Living Mother.

America the...free?

Free country
No lying down on the sidewalk
sit up bitch!
No sleeping on the side of the sidewalk after 5:30 am
after 5:30 wake up and wander over to the park that opens at 6am
You are free to live how they want you to live
you are free to be a slave
Almost got a ticket for liberating good food people waste from the
trash. Good cop saved the day, bad cop was pissed
good cop makes you comfortable to incriminate yourself
he’s your.. friend? America the…free?
The law in all its majestic equality forbids the
rich and poor alike from pan handling, digging through the trash
and sleeping under the bridges of Paris.
We feel so guilty for being so greedy we don’t want to see the
effects of our greed, please police officer don’t let me see people
fucked up from my greed, it’s just not pretty
No loitering
The rich white man says
Buy something bitch!!!
No vagrancy! You must pay this ticket for not having any
The Gas lamp, no evil sleepers in the gas lamp!
You are free to live how they tell you to live bitch!
No loitering! The rich white man says
Work for me bitch!! There are more darker poorer people to
murder and steal from!!
What are you doing there enjoying the sunshine??? We need
25% of your pay!! Hail Halliburton!!!
A million years and we’re all coal
Life with a capital L
The end comes all of a sudden
Thou shalt not mur.. loiter!!!
Thou shalt not stea…dig through the trash
Bad cop good cop? Bad cop worse cop
We got a sleeper, call for back up!!! Shit!! I’m caught in his
Everybody!! Job money ok?? GO!
They killed the natives and poured concrete all over the good
$400 rent puh lease
35 more years Chelsea Manning, hold on

Big mack University

Do you want to work at McDonalds FOR THE REST Of YOUR LIFE!!!

Loser. Or do you want an overabundant stable income, nice big house,
sports car, well-educated children, beautiful charming obedient wife,
and a toy poodle!! Or do you want to live in the slums and be the

Your mom really wants you to go to college, your dad went to

college, your sister doesn't want to be a hooker, so she’s at the titty bar
working her ass through college. Big mac up!! Do you want to cue the
Big mac or do you want to Be the Big mack?

Dude I don't have any money? In the most affluent country in the
history of the world, college is pretty expensive. I'm only eighteen
getting out of high school, haven't had much time to work and save up
or anything?

What the fuck are you talking about?? Work and save up? Are you
on pot? We'll let you borrow all the money you need for college, pay
for your apartment, food, beer, books, tuition son, Everything! All you
have to do is pay the interest and you can have unsubsidized or
subsidized, your pick anyway sign here.

Well I guess I don't want to work at a gas station and I guess if the
choice is exploit or be exploited or go to other countries and kill and
exploit, hmmm can I think about this for a minute?? Sure, you think,

while other kids your age are acting, going to college learning to exploit
you, you take your time there kid.

Can I get 10 on 5?


Welcome to Burger Queen can I take your order?

Okay!!! I'll sing, I mean sign! Should I take subsidized or unsubsidized?

One you pay interest and the other you don't you can get $1000 in
subsidized if approved and 4000 in unsubsidized and pay later 6.8 fixed
interest rate and loan fee plus shipping and handling, don't worry!
You'll get a fantastic job after college with your college degree; a cushy
office, people runnin’ round all over for ya, friendly secretary if ya know
what I mean, high class shit! You seen the music videos and the soap
operas, you know what the good life is.

Well $30,000 later I graduated, whew was that stressful. Now I

got my Bachelors in English, what am I gonna do with the scholarly
academic marketable investment i've blossomed into. I'd like a job
please, oh position already filled, job please, oh hiring freeze, job? job?
Anyone, shit I got all these loans to pay back, job??? job? Your hired!!
Really!! really!!! Yes, oh my lord!!! Thank-you soo much, uniform yes I
love uniforms, you won't be disappointed ma'am.

I'd like $10 on pump 5 and a pack of Newport 100s.

I.D. sir.

I.D.! You little bitch I'm 24 years old, you can't fucking tell I'm over 18
you fucking idiot! Here’s my fucking I.D. asshole and that's the last time
I shop at Dickfill!! Punk ass bitch.

1989 rocks! A couple, good lookin dude who even looks good in
his mullet, and a chick with long black hair and bangs, looks as if she is
transitioning into the ‘90s. They’re walking hand in hand, then I see him
move ahead and become blurry. I think how good looking he is and how
she must enjoy the sight of him. I see them laughing spinning into the
sunny suburban driveway in this circular, open spaceship looking

I'm like one dem dudes that did too many drugs

I just wanna dance, get in chick’s pants, fall into a trance, dance, get in
chicks pants, go on rants about how I just wanna do drugs, dance in
chicks pants, fall into a trance

span the infinite center communicate with the light inventor reveal my
pineal for real peel off the veneer of fear, Yes!! Begin a new cheer!!!
Steer clear of the mirror; look at self through Other, Sister brother
Other friend lover

Hover above the infinite chasm separating atoms

Monsieur et Madam dance in tandem eternally random

I'm like one dem dudes that did too many drugs

I just wanna dance, get in chicks pants, fall into a trance, dance, get in
chicks pants, go on rants about how I just wanna do drugs, dance in
chicks pants, fall into a trance


Hover > Random

Who thought

I'm like dem dudes that did too many drugs

I just wanna dance, get in chicks pants, fall into a trance, dance in chicks
pants, go on rants about how I just wanna do drugs in chicks pants, fall
into a trance

communicate with the light inventor

span the infinite center


Peels the veneer

Do too many drugs


Kill the work of

the money world
become a bit bold
say fuck the mold
where the fuck
is a bitch
to feed me ecstasy
and transformation

I need enlightenment

Little buzzing flies

circling the cosmos,

searching for a delicious

piece of shit.

Tarot for the new economy (NE)

(xxi) 1. Main Situation. The World Le Monde: The new economy will
encompass the entire world. 7 generations deep, not putting future
generations in a deficit, but blueprints for new forms of joy, rich in new
dances, and a new appreciation for the earth and her plants, rocks, and

(XVIII) 2. Influences. The Moon La lune: Instead of downpressing

competition, we see who can draw out the greatest creativity and
exuberance from the seas of the world and the breasts of Others. More
feminine nurturing exchanges. Crazy is in, a new view of crazy, a new
view of the resources of the earth. How can I fucking help you!!!!

(v of cups) 3. Top. The explicit surface aspect of the emotional

challenge to change

(VIIII) 4. Behind. L’Hermit The old ways going away. No more miserable
miserliness. Take the lantern and leave behind the dark.

(XV) 5. Bottom. Le Diable: The devil keeping people in bondage from

the shadows. Uninhibited self-expression praise of God like in a dream

(iii wands) 6. Front. A new creativity will develop the NE; a focus on
creativity instead of white sameness; no more “one version of reality”

(vii of cups) 7. Bottom of pillar. You and the situation. Easier expression
of emotion. Emotional exchange. Emotional currency. A more accurate
precise awareness of our emotions. The greatest aspect of humanity.
(X of cups) 8. Environment. Into new dimensions of emotion. Wander
with the grace of water. A still joyful peace.

(vi of pentacles) 9. What to accept. Acceptance that the NE will be

healthy, spiritual, emotional, and meaningful as opposed to material,
cold, scared, based off sickness and meaningless fiat.

(vi of wands) 10. Every stone has a soul. Nomadic ecological post-
humanism. Creative ways to connect to Spirit & Gaia.

Bottom of deck card: Cavalier de Baton; creativity in action.

Is staring off into space action? Heel yeah The Greatest Show on Earth!

One must be able to stick ones head fully up ones ass. Keep your head
at ass level

Then turn left or right to go higher

I want to compose and accept what I bring forth. Astor Piazolla

This where we take crazy people, Heaven!

The less distractions the easier it is to do this.

Lovelier than a bright starry night on LSD

Re-enter a city subconsciously. No reason to doubt, defend, forget, or

pretend. Thank Jah for Ev ery ting

Dance the dream lovers’ dream


Increase the glow of life go with the flow of life.

A place to trance in a place of chance

Space read cultivate noble desires

Whatever art desires, I deserve to serve.

Think of problem, think of said ingredients to said problem and bake up
a delicious solution

Objects are not meant to be touched; it is better to slip between them,

avoiding them as much as possible. (Sartre, Nausea 122)

Compassion was the chief and perhaps only law of all human existence.
(The Idiot 214)

The lines dense and terse. To avoid mass media completely. To

maneuver 6,000 feet above the fucking vulgar.

Distracted from notebook by a zig zagging insect. An enlightenment.

The beauty and strength of a rock solid rock and roll lyric. The
profundity of minor language. Dense n terse. To be what you want to
be presently and completely. Full of beauty and strength, dense and

The richness of nameless reality

Construction, names, newspapers, fiat, meaningless jobs, these are all

necessary to maintain the Lethargy of Custom.

The truth is no human being could be more human that another human
being. (Maya Angelou)

Deep down in the dark damp Earth?

Where is the book set? In the book. (Edmond Jabes, The Book of

There is a lamp on the table. And the house is in the book. (Edmond
Jabes, The Book of Questions)

So I will live in the house after all. (Edmond Jabes, The Book of

You will follow the book, whose every page is an abyss where the wing
shines with the name. (Edmond Jabes, The Book of Questions)

The gorgeous Latina? girl with dyed? Blonde loose curled hair,
looking like an exemplary white chic, unless she really was white,
beautiful make up, barely noticeable, looking like she came straight out
of a magazine, asked me, “Do you want this?” I do! But I think she may
have been referring to the can of Coors, so I had to decline. I won’t
break my alcoholic teetotalling, but for her I may break my pussyholic

Where is the book set?

In the book. There is a lamp on the table. And the house is in the book

So I will live in the house after all.

You will follow the book, whose every page is an abyss where the wing
shines with the name.

Heidegger: We know we’re gonna die, we don’t know when, Be hard.
Freud: Work and Love hard. Derrida: Be present; play hard.

If I were to yell it would sound Like This! Not like how I sounded.
But the “Like This!” Was a pussy yell. Was that supposed to scare or
intimidate me? What the fuck have I lowered myself to? Tried it, and
got out of it as soon as I was sure. It wasn’t the pussy volume you
exhibited, it was the asshole attitude.

Henry James adventures of interiority and relationships as they


Money for the family, never your own money. Living the book. The cunt
gaze. Makin’ sure I wasn’t checkin’ out her ass, I wasn’t. Bitch should be
makin’ sure I am checkin’ out her ass! That’s what a Miami bitch would
be doin’. I’m offended you’re staring at where I’m looking. I’ll tie you to
a tree and fuck you up the ass while giving you a reach around ya
fucking pervert!

Only Try making money playing guitar. Hopefully, even better, just
play guitar and happen to make money. Otherwise, consider the lover
of wisdom accruing wisdom rich and beautiful inside. Fearless self-
expression bitch! No more staring off into space while speaking or
burnt stuttering only divinely inspired mad genius stuttering!
Interlocutor extraordinaire!

The image of women I’ve been in love with in my dreams just a
staring at me emotionless. Were the break-ups just as hard on them as
they were on me? I seriously doubt it. A lifelong pilgrimage; a lifelong
flight towards a new happiness. A madness gifted from the gods. Plato
y le Tarot.

Dreamt Alicia Silverstone in a bathtub asks Corey Haim if he wants jub

jub. He smiles and brings his dick close to her face, I’m thinking she’s
going to blow him, all you see is faces, then a stream of piss goes into
her face, and I think how counterproductive to bathing. The rest of the
movie like dream, which seems like a dream memory, the memory in
the dream, that I’m not at all a part of, is based on her getting lost in
the bathtub? and I’m wondering how one gets lost in a bathtub, Like
when I remember the movie in the dream it makes sense, like bathtub
world, but I can’t imagine how one gets lost with adventures and all in a

The bursting constellation of a famous dice throw. It is Dionysus who

throws the dice. (Deleuze, Nietzsche and Philosophy)

Live like a Noble Savage. Dreams of melting love. joy. Delight of
new life. Brave enough to rethink oneself. What kind of world do we
leave for the infants’ wide wild wonder? Unmerited deeds, don’t dwell
on the past embrace the now always. Repetition and difference,
Constant emancipation of the self. Breathe Focus, moment. Behind the
persona is the untouchable virgin granny. Steep thyself deep in thyself
as the universe, the ubiquitous self. Tis very non-chalantly surreal at the

Shes got a winners ass, a winners hair, a winners dress, a winners job,
which is not really a job, but it pays very well. But you cunt fucks, you
forgot about Bukowski, a loser’s fiery genius to restore the balance.
Dionysian cunt. Transcending winner/loser dichotomy. Your riches are
for kids silly faggot.

No longer let the fear of poverty inhibit your true work.

(Jodorowsky, The Way of the Tarot: The Emperor)

The rhizome is reducible neither to the one nor the multiple. It is not
the one that becomes two or even directly three, four, or five, etc… It is
not a multiple derived from the one, or to which one is added (n+1). It
consists not of units but dimensions, or rather directions in motion. It
has neither beginning nor end, but always a middle (milieu) from which
it grows and which it overspills. (Deleuze & Guatarri, A Thousand Plateaus 23)

Justice it means but it’s everyone eating everyone else. That’s what life
is after all. (James Joyce Ulysses)

Life is short, use every chance you have to exercise love. Life is short,
enjoy it.

never again will I say "I am this; I am that". (Deleuze quoting Virginia
Woolf ATP 33)

Compassion not anger.

For some life is worry and money, for some Death and Nothing (but a
good time)

This is non-violent direct action

The prepping
How to live most comfortably with as little as possible.

King of resourcefulness, everything you want or need all around
you at all times, at hand, hands free, carry your soul solo

“Objects should not touch because they are not alive. You use
them, put them back in place, you live among them: they are
useful, nothing more. But they touch me, it is unbearable. I am
afraid of being in contact with them as though they were living
― Jean-Paul Sartre, Nausea

Darker poorer children getting murdered and their natural

resources stolen are a direct result of your tax dollars. Boycott
paying taxes.
That is non-violent direct action

We are in prison, we can only dream ourselves free, not make

ourselves free. (Nietzsche)

To occur in the world. To create reality, or to react as in protest passive

aggressive hippy activist bitches.

The richness of nameless reality

Even the outcast outsider is in agreement with the bullshit. The

lethargy of custom

Construction and names are necessary to maintain the lethargy of


The children teachers

The sun doth bliss bless my face

The rain cleans le milieu

Earth grounds my desires

The wind minds my journeys pyres

To find shit without looking

You know where to get cunt tacos bitch?

Is any human being more human than any other human being?

Philosophy as I have understood and lived it is a voluntary living in ice

and high mountains- a seeking after everything strange and
questionable in existence, all that has hitherto been excommunicated
by morality (normality) (Nietzsche) (Parentheses me)
Existing in an unintrusive positive way. Enjoying life. Here to appreciate
Creation. If I enjoy my life, the other is more likely to enjoy theirs’.
The way I respond to a town as passive aggressive. They treat me
well, its a good town; not, they suck. i go there
now and treat the town good
"We can choose to change.”

Freedom is having the courage to begin anew (Julia Kristeva

Motherhood Today)

meanings are not determined by our situations,

we determine ourselves by the meaning we ascribe to a situation.

We must make our own life. It is our own task, and we are
capable of performing it. We are masters of our own actions. If
something new must be done, or something old replaced, no one
can do it but ourselves. " -Alfred Adler

By ethical conduct toward all creatures we enter into a spiritual

relationship with the Universe. -Albert Schweitzer, “The Teaching of
Reverence for Life.”

Ideas like God and Buddha are nice, but in-breaths are nicer. (inspired
by Thich Nhat Hanh)


Love, Science and Dionysus

Total Affirmation Tarology

You are a woman of the world without even tryin’. Bright

white flash w/o even trying. Paparrazi pop pics. Sexiest bitch alive,
sexiest bitch of all time. Queen of the night, queen of the
damned. Swagger w/o even tryin’ femininity attracts hemp
smokers. (possee) Possesed incarnations of Tara and Kali, Venus
Aphrodite, the Moon. The conductor brings his hands together at
her navel, with all his strength lifts them to her heart, side, throat
madness third eye crown into heaven cosmos brings her beyond
interplanetary travel unendorsed by time. Lions roar ecstasy at
the caress of your gentle force. Explore and enjoy the Queen and
kingdom, sovereign territory of the beast. The mountain of bliss
within a divine heart. Focus withon love and see what happens.
Judgements in the shadows delay the full harvest, clear the mind
with the scythe of acceptance and smile Good faith with Russian
Asian lady elder determination. Commit to right choice with good
faith and unmerited deeds.

We need for a new goal also a new means, namely a new health,
a stronger, shrewder, tougher, more daring, more cheerful than has
ever been hitherto. (Nietzsche)

Anew ideal; gracias mi amor

The Teriyaki Chef

The Teriyaki Chef says it's best to be left alooone in the seaweed

with a wife for a slice of life and a knife for lonely nights

and the greedy

If you appear a bit queer have no fear just peer into a tear as a mirror
and you'll soon see

the whole world is sadder than sadness full of megalomania madness

or maybe

it's just me

Her shoes intermingled with mine like an out of season Christmas


I learned all I needed to know about the divine nature of human beings
through the Actions of a peasant

It's better to be hardcore

the rich will have you believe otherwise

but that’s because they want more...and more


of your soul!!!

I'm sick of oyster shell hotels mini market hells and the gluttonous

I'm sorry if I sound like a pretentious asshole distraught with despair

cause actually..

I kinda love this!

Anyways the sesquipedalian children made a fuckin’ million

and now they fuckin’ run this

so dance the semantic prance through France in a Hispanic trance

suckin’ on a sunkiss

Her shoes intermingled with mine

like an out of season Christmas present

I learned all I needed to know of the divine nature of human beings

through the Actions of a peasant

It's better to be hardcore

the rich will have you believe otherwise

but that’s because they want more...and more


of your soul!!!

The Teriyaki Chef says it's best to be left alone in the seaweed

with a wife for a slice of life and a knife for lonely nights

and the greedy

If you appear a bit queer have no fear just peer into a tear as a mirror
and you'll soon see

the whole world is sadder than sadness full of megalomania madness

or maybe

it's just


Depression turned Joy. Lethargy and depression turned to powerful
positive emotions. Joy & confidence. Solitude shows you the gifts of
interiority. The stability in interior exploration. Receiving all and
transforming it into interior gold, goals, gods. Awake to your beautiful
face and intellect and body alive.

Beginning of a creative collaboration. Drawing from the Infinite

Eternal source of Nothing where the prettiest flowers bloom opulence.

Fully satisfied, so full all you can do is give away and provide. Light
the way within for those seeking self-sufficient joy, education, fun, and
satisfaction with the art of within. The art of being together. The art of
meeting. You learned how to meet anyone. Now to hold out for the
ones that with you will help create the best time imaginable. Go with
the flow, to do the best you can and above!

9 of cups: Four branches drooping down, two up. The love went sour,
the mourning was torture, and the new love is raising it’s arms in a
celebratory, “Yes!”

Awaken the tank within to battle the pope inside.

A new resource of spiritual creativity. New ways of expressing

creativity will be a resource to the world; the milieu. Write with spirit.

Rational emotive technique. Thoughts evoking emotion, emotions

exuding spirit, Observe yr mind obviously; closely; observe yr emotions.

The self-righteousness manifesting judgment, judgment skewing
awareness. Pulverize self-righteousness, obliterate judgment; attain
clean doglike awareness.

iv of pentacles: Stable resources; more like stagnate no-resources,

luckily just a matter of perspective. Phoenix incubating within stable
abundant resources. Infinite resources available within infinite
awareness. Move slow; cultivating high focused awareness.

The pope transformed into the Hermit. Still mirror mind becoming
milieu. From a commanding pope to a Hermit of unmerited deeds.
Sending the telepathic message, “How may I help you?” to the
collective unconscious.

Spiritual Creativity the resource of resources. Every stone has a

soul. Pulverize the world; and also spiritualize it’s dust.

How may I help you

How may I help?

Still mirror mind becoming milieu.

Don’t ask don’t tell


Addiction as a state-of-mind. Master of mind. Addicted to a state-of-
mind receptive to the abundant possibilities. Addicted to a receptive
state of mind. Activating the primordial authentic being teeming with
mysterious possibilities. Listen for the still small voice within. The art of

Everyday Dasein, always uprooting itself, open and curious to and

about new possibilities. Ready to go go go! One whose mind controls
him, the mind is the worst of enemies; one who is master of the mind,
the mind is the greatest of friends.

If everyone we meet is a manifestation of our Primordial

Authentic Being?

We have defined the idea of existence as a potentiality-for-Being.

(Being and Time)

…This potentiality-for-Being, which in each case is mine… (Being and


Being is mine. The World around me is mine! My only constraint is a

slight regard for ethics and my imagination.

The real emperor writes the script. In this script, he may and is
better off appointing someone else ready-to-hand as emperor. The
emperor writes the empire. The philosopher king rules from the realm
of archetypes.

A field of perception. Degrees of awareness. Exploration of reality in all

its variety within one’s aura. Perceive one’s aura aurally. Reticence.

Demand thy smile expand. A sea of blue bliss. Intelligent ideas one may
glean from others. Listen with your whole body as a new resource and
wait to be seduced. I am here to be put to use. Let the world fertilize
my lower and higher self so I may grow a flower worth smelling.

God wants me where she wants me; take a load off kid. Rest upon this
cloud a while. But please leave all your worries at the gate, we’re all
crazy here : ) speak freely ace. Hold nothing back. Call me cocksucker,
please, I insist, we are absolutely real here; we take your healing and
wellbeing seriously here, that’s it. Why do you speak like a freak? So
thou may speaketh freely, speaketh as thou speaketh with thy homies.
What about the hierarchy of, in relationships? Mustn’t one be tough,
and one soft? Confident to be one’s self no matter what collection of
perceptions one may be? Enough confidence to not be taken by issues
so as the other may have a pleasurable pleasant sympathization with
one’s resonance. What is the point of issues? A work of art just
observing; a saturation of beauty. I most agreeably take in all your
beauty so as to reflect it back at you and get the job done with

Attend to the possibilities most likely able to bring the most
pleasure to the world.

As a mode of discoursing, reticence Articulates the intelligibility of

Dasein in so primordial of a manner that it gives rise to a potentiality-
for-hearing which is genuine, and to a Being-with-one-another which is
transparent. (B & T 208)

Both this not tarrying In the environment with which one

concerns oneself, and the distraction by new possibilities, are
constitutive items for curiosity; and upon these is founded the third
essential characteristic of this phenomenon, which we call the
characteristic of, “Never dwelling anywhere.” Curiosity is everywhere
and nowhere.

This mode of Being-in-the-world reveals a new kind of Being of

everyday Dasein- a kind of which Dasein is always uprooting itself. (B &
T 172)

Mind the law of diminishing returns. Our care as evidence of

others’ existence. All hallucination? Products of our own thoughts?
Resistance as evidence of an external world. Someone asking you for
something as evidence. Charity, patience, care, discourse, the art of
persuasion; enrollment. Panhandlers in suits and ties. I’m in rehab now,

Addiction limits the possibilities to the one thing one is addicted

A sober Ireland is a Free Ireland

News & traffic. We have no leaders, can we accept that we are citizens
of the Cosmos, citizens of the same star shit. With everyone free from
superfluous work there will be plenty of people to care for the elderly,
retarded, and insane. Mechanics and plumbers live like aristocracy.
Work the greenhouses atop skyscrapers. Care hospitality patience.

Art is Real screenplay. Did you hear something? Is someone in the

house my homey? Oh my fucking Buddha! As soon as the ax is about to
slice, the hologram vanishes.

Are the news anchors acting or are they seriously pissed about
what’s going on? We want answers and golly gee wilikers we will get
answers! All the gov’t characters speak with an American accent on tv,
but then British off screen. “Act like you bloody fucking hate me!”

“Will do chap”

The new world of interior richness. (Tell the Indians that!) An

infinity of soul to explore. The less distracting shit the better.
Obsolescent paper money. Nothing better than real currency. Showing
the world shit they would never have witnessed without your

Expanding the boundaries of known human potential. The mad

ones I admire existing with nothing more than the clothes they wear.

“It’s not your life story you’re telling me Archangel, but an
underground passage of my own, of which I was previously unaware
of.” (Jean Genet, Our Lady of the Flowers)

Self-awareness capital. Self-awareness as opposed to self-conscious.

Those business ladies who know how to take advantage of every
resource they possess.

You are in a world with a multitude of options; an aura of

possibilities to investigate. Angels around every corner. Bring
everything you got to said world. Keys to the cosmos. An eternal infinity
to investigate. Prune yr fear. Keep the equipment most useful present
and ready at hand. Worlds of women to explore. An instruction manual
on how to properly investigate existence. So much available, Plus the
abundant alacritous angels abounding all over!

You are in a world, a spatial world, a world of style, culture,

metaphor, ghetto/suburb/rural/woods/plaza industrial wasteland, an
environmental dream landscape. The tools available in the world, not
just a hammer, but coffee, instruction manuals aka books, pen paper
usb, imagination, therapeutic techniques, intelligence humor. Tools to
assist one in achieving what they desire. I have a stable of desires. Take
an inventory. Choose the desire that will enhance the world in the
greatest way given the situation at hand. To do a work is to create a
world. Choose a desire that will create the most pleasurable world you
can imagine…and more!

“You’d have thought he was a true saint and wants more than
anything to be foxier than destiny.” (Jean Genet, Our Lady of the

Something beautiful and serene. Absolutely beautiful to facilitate

absolute hospitality. Destroy the currency of Rome! Yes father. Expunge
the past beyond ever even thinking about expunging the past. Who do
you want to create? A tree leaves dancing in the wind gazer. Chip away
the marble to disclose an authentic being. Fearless and uncensored.

A hunter of new dreams. An authentic dreamer/speaker.

Heiderverse: Dasein auras w/ directionality.

Shake off a dick. What you don’t know is loser is one of the few
labels I’m comfortable wearing. I’m a respectable citizen motherfucker,
joo don’t fuckin’ know me! I’m registered to vote! I pay taxes gaw

But the breeze of sunset envelops me and mi libertad es mi

veritad, mi libertad es mi solo amiga.

As soon as one is born, one is ready to die.

Every click of the second hand one is ready to die.

Interconnected Daseins performing existences. Something

beautiful, serene, and cool to facilitate a transcendental living
experience. Whatever’s authentic. Everydayness. Some kind of smith in
some kind of shop producing some kind of product that lifts the Dasein

into some kind of Heaven. This Dasein is mine. My responsibility. The
Other’s Dasein is just as divine, grade A. The shop is the library and
cafe, the currency is knowledge, knowledge jewels. The jewels gleam
from the center of authentic primordial consciousness. The poetry of
the river.

Thrown into a historical situation with a multitude of tools. The pen so

close at hand you never even actually see it. You see the significations;
the words appear on the sheet of paper. You see the words through
glasses you never see, through eyes you never see, from the body that
is further from you than the farthest star in the cosmos.

The Dasein wants the greatest. The Dasein wants You! To be the

Can the shitty people of the world be reflections of the

insecurities of the whole that needs healing?

“Only when the world teeming with anonymous and nomadic,

impersonal and pre-individual singularities opens up do we tread at last
on the field of the transcendental.” ( Deleuze, Logic of Sense 103)

The multi-dimensional field of Dasein. The spotlight will shine

most brightly on the equipment most useful to Dasein at/in that
moment. Right now the pen, paper, coffee, thoughts, writing inspiring
thoughts, the writing, are my Being. The Being. The whole of Being.
Thich Nhat Hanh interconnectedness of being. Awareness of resources.
Stoic awareness, clear stoic awareness, ataraxia arrived at through the

clear stoic awareness of the abundant resources available that abound
to keep your dasein fucking optimal. Stoic awareness unclouded by trite
personal passions. A solid interiority as an anchor/base to throw
oneself fully and authentically onto the fecund ground of exteriority.
Tao. The all-pervading game. Complete interactions replete with
bursting joy. The mood of Joy. The mood of thankfulness, graciousness,

Notes on the essay, table of contents, symptoms of the disease.

Eat my cum female dog! Gestures of the mad. Traces tracks fruit on the
ground; signifier, fruit tree; signified. Blinks of the eyes swallow the
spit, glitch in the aura. Signs of a hijacked personality. Contortions of
the space. Black holes set free, emulation of the gods. Cultivate thy
Merkabah. An air of grace. The Way; signified.

With uber taxi fares may have to become fair.

The dasein of the world. You and the Other ready-to- hand, present-at-
hand. The emotion or mood that is your existence. The absolute
closeness of your mood. The mood at hand present and ready. Mood as
a tool. The emotion you exude is Dasein. Your control of your mood is
how you create the world/ a world. The world of dasein. You in this
world surrounded by a handful of tools. The tools one uses to do their
best to create a world. The tools of personality, skill, aesthetic beauty,
gestures, creativity, imagination and property or stuff.

Diogenes Dasein. Worship the design of Dasein.

The Work is a symbol representing the deep inner workings of the

Untouchable Virgin Granny. Respect the Stoic Clown.
The simple tools of focus, awareness, divine attention. The un-
concealment of existence. Uninhibited self-expression of authenticity.
The mood you bring to the game. The goal of interaction. The game of
interaction. Fleeing toward your authentic self. Becoming the World.
Flee unto transcendence. Your best friend Anxiety awakens you to the
path of the New World. Work!

To do art is to create a world.

Close your eyes and dream

Create a world.

The blissful abyss.

Had a cell phone, didn’t like it, got rid of it, liked it, got a cell
phone again, liked it even less, so now no cell phone. Same with a job
too man? Same fuckin thang. You mean you ain’t even looking? Had to
give up looking for things I don’t want. The thrill of breathing an
aesthetically pleasing joint.

Stay away! Stay far away! Stay the fuck far away. But exquisitely
attractive son. Go nerd. Go…

Not just waiting for Godot!

An aesthetically pleasing existence teaming with blissful liberated

Fortune has not the long reach people attribute to her, she can
only grasp those that try to take hold of her. (Seneca)

The importance of any event in our life lies only in the resonance
it sets up within us, only in the degree to which it moves us toward
asceticism. (Jean Genet, Our Lady of the Flowers)

So it’s like there’s 10 slices of pizza and 10 people.

One person takes 10 slices, keeps a few, gives a couple to their friends,
gives a few to a few people he calls his bitches, then those few people
have to give some of their pizza to the people who didn’t get any, they
hate those people, cause while they’re working like bitches to get their
pizza they don’t think it’s fair they have to share with the few folk who
didn’t get any, sharing just the crust anyway which they would have
thrown out anyway, but they never even think to look at the asshole
billionaire who took all 10 slices in the first place, or who probably
inherited the slices and never had to work a day in his life cause he’s
got his bitches thinking work is a noble thing.

Part III

More fun than a kangaroo in the sun. Leads minds into interesting
scenario sensations. Scratch and sniff soul baby. Beyond cell phones
leading their slaves around. Life point blank; living point blank. Yes sun,
all fucking Yes. Building a circuit son. The space between Heaven and
Earth. You are the leap. Good time guru in the milieu. Creation without
traces in my good time. Rain cleanses, Sun charges, Wind drives, Earth
feels and heals; you are clear my empress

Let the cosmos know.

A graceful air. An air o’ grace. An aura of thanks. A radiant

strengthening merkabah. Merkabah Development. A uniting of minds.
Notes on a Way of Living. Maybe the priests don’t really have an
exclusive connection with the One who has your fate in Their hands?

So papi & mommi yell upstairs to their daughter Maria, “Are you
ready for school!?” “You got your fluorescent yellow vest, orange shirt,
white hard hat, and safety glasses on?”

“Si mami!”

“How bout you Ricky, you ready!?” “almost mhein, I can’t find my
chingau dirty ass leaf blower!”

“You look everywhere?”

“Yeah it’s a big thing I don’t know where the fuck it could be.”

“Well come down stairs and get you somethin’ to eat.”

“Ok, mami”

“Hey papi, you seen my chingau fucking leaf blower?” “No, mhein those
things are chingau expensive, I hopes you find it!”

“What’s for breakfast?” “Huevos con queso puta!”

Oh sheet! Papi! A new chingau leaf blower!”

“Si, mi amore”

“Ok, let’s get you to school so papi can go work on the gringos new
fucking skyscraper, tower of fucking Babylon and you and your seeester
can go get your sub-par education that ensures.. you like that word? I
learned it from the fucking gringos, ensures all you’ll be fit to do is work
on the gringos endeavor, see I’m getting edumacated,”

“Word papi”

“the gringos endeavor to pulverize all the natural parts of the Living
“Si papi.”

“C’mon Maria, it’s almost 5:30! We gonna be late!”

“Aye aye aye! Yo es ready!!!”

He puts her whole being into it, even when stoned! No matter what!
We are here to enhance the world. She saved the community like an
afterschool special. Your suckcess will require the lazy community to
move toward action, which is Not allowed, and will only fire the lazy
community into actions that will guarantee your demise so as they then
can go back to watching the energetic people on the toob.

An ecological existence. A life o’ library. Producing ecologically

friendly art. Collecting incense for the homeless. Sage the smelly! A
geometrically pleasing background. An amalgamation of experiences. A
pulsating joyous thankful Merkabah. A defense against Babylon.
Survival in a postindustrial wasteland. The bank of Dasein.

Attack with whole soul brah. Cool as fuck now, shit got cool as fuck
brah. Shit makes shit cool as fuck noh. Good time breathin’. To my bitch
self, “Do you want more? “More what?! More beats, blah yah, more
healthy sunshine, more joy, Yes, More yes Heart/Mind Power! Yes
yheas, yass. Good time guru cure of the milieu, good time not being

Their source of power, The Rain clanses, Sun blazes, wind blows this
trees true breath.

So mad. Oh decent folk go to sleep/heaven, letta me live. Good time

guru cure the milieu. You are the source of power, choose whose.

A lady with a crazy healthy mindset. More circuit, more circle,

more sex, cosmic orgasms to create a world pulse. That milieu had a
real groovy tempo hay babe? Place yourself gracefully. Get it brah. Wild
with secrets. Exploring exploding Freudian slips tripping hipster spits
phantom self splits, shapeshifts gifts lift effortless bliss, hits Homerun!

So this beautiful heartfelt uber intelligent designer of all gave these two
bitches paradise to exist in and said unto them,” Tis all yours! I did all
this, but was lonely and had no one to share it with, so I created y’all in
my image even though I’m formless, infinite, and eternal; somehow you
look like my imageless image.” “One bloody thing though, there are
millions of trees here so I don’t think it will be a problem, but out of
these millions and millions of trees there is one you shant eat from,
cool? Cool.”

Sssssssssssss, Ssssssssssssssssss “Hey Eve”

“Yes dear serpent, creation of that cool ass motherfucker gave us

all this shit, what is it thou doth desire?”

Sssssssssssss, “Eat from the tree.”

“You mean the one Yahweh said definitely don’t eat from?”

“Yeah, definitely that one”


“Who the fuck ate from the one tree I said definitely don’t
motherfucking eat from?!!”


“I’m so sorry, was that serpent under your volition?”

“I was testing you! Ha! Now you’ll have all these bad things
happen, and all the other living creatures will have to experience death
cause you took a bite of an apple!” “Mwoo ha ha ha ha ha!!!”

Fuck You!!

“Just go to church brother, believe what I believe, you’ll go

to heaven and shit!”

Uhhh,……no? I’ll do Art.

A pure madness

Becoming pure

& mad

Evil &

more beautiful

A real hater; fuck fake nice

Self-worth achieved from within

People not paper

Hand to cock I proceed

Taking a critical look at my character; at my rhythm

6 am time to wake up!

Compassion, not criminalization. What people are thuhpose to do. The
new goodness done in the name of homefullness.

Colonies are the outhouses of the European soul. (Pynchon)

No lyin’ down on the sidewalk, you must sit up!!! Grown man laying
down on the sidewalk. Security rolls up on a Segway. I’m sorry sir there
is no lying down on the sidewalk. I’m guntuh havetuh ask you to sit up.

Ahhhhh!! ARRRRR, uugggggghhhhhh!!!!

Sir, I don’t want to have to ask you again, please sit up (bitch)


That’s it bitch do I have to call the po-leace? I’m a bitch living how other
people think I should live, so I’m going to have to ask you once again to
sit up!! It’s the law, you are breaking the law, do I have to call for back
up?!! Do I look like Martin Luther King to you motherfucker??!!! I thaid
thit up now!!! Police, help he won’t sit up, help, someone please

Nomadic in style, dye my hair pink and move to a new city. Not guilty! I


The crackhead never developed confidence through a secure

attachment and therefore achieves temporary confidence through an
attachment to the loyal yet ephemeral crack "high" With your true
confidence developed through focused attention on good intent and
actualized actions you can become a temporary anchor for the
crackhead till they can overcome their fear of abandonment and "not
worthiness" and find an attachment to their own good intent and

The capitalistic system breeds insecurity

Not good enough? Buy this!

Where’s my universal opulence? System pulverized

Spiritualized dust

Delight in realizing. Now you know. 29 degrees, now you know. 29
degrees, what you're worth. Fuck pussys that never find out what
they're worth. Constantly competing for some bullshit surface self-
worth. Now you know as they spread out in their comfort doing all they
can to get comfortable to no avail, the discomfort is nestled in their
inherent low self-worth, the fear of finding out their worth less than
their neighbor. Give me dirt motherfucker. Nothing can hold a candle to

The aristocracy robbed the force from the peasants' life. How do
rich thieves get away with it? The attitude they emit? The attitude of
precedence? Their ability to justify their actions and ignore the
facts/effects? The ambiguity of their proclaimed intent and the effects
of their actions? A lovely ability to not see things clearly? Keep the
inquiry going man! Inteelectual trickery? Slyer?

Unexpected ultra violet unknown variable. Nothing can hold a

candle to Life. Make a hospitable space to invite the most pleasurable
unknown variable to come. The difference within the repetition. The
unstoppable unknown variable. A contrived funny evokes a contrived
smile; fear not spontaneity son, embrace the Unknown Variable, focus
on all perceptions at hand. The ultra violent catalyst for change.
Embrace the war. The dissonance keeps the music interestingly moving.
Embrace all with all your being. Enjoy peace and security with all your
being, with the entirety of your being. There's a 10 foot circle around
me decent folk, stay the fuck out!

Acknowledgement, A Love Supreme. Soul acknowledgement,
breath acknowledgement. Pussy respect. A room to saturate your soul
with Coltrane. Wake up, chi kung n chit. Objectively measure yr
productivity: coffee/ sans coffee Ease yr way into work sans coffee. Use
the peels if you must, but mind the shitty crash. Utilize smooth power.

Erring on the side of caution

I erred once again

I am a dumb man insinuating the stupid moves I will utilize on you.
Channeling the din to create my subliminal messages constructing
reality of synchronistic alchemy in the spirit of you and I. You had no
chance my deep dark desire

Amiable abstruse Hume, then Kristeva; Proust and Sense of Time,

then Deleuze, Proust and Signs. Then…fuck, took a sip of coffee and
forgot what I was gonna say? Something meaningful I’m sure, dirty
looks? Dirty Harry? Switchblade Harry. I went blank for a second.
“C’mon is that all you got!?” she said with a 1920’s liberated flapper
confidence. What the fuck is that? I was tired, it’s been a hard life? So I
just took it out and jerked off. I open my eyes, I look up, her belly, tits,
then I see her head is all the way back attached only by the hinge of her
severed neck. Hide the blade in the Dunkin’ Donuts coffee cup, put the
cup in the DD paper bag, then through the flap of the beige garbage
box/can in back of the hotel. C’mon is that all you got? What the fuck
kind of question is that ya used up bar hag? I’ll show you what I fucking
got! I did black out, like the effect occurred without the cause. We shall
endure; that is the only true proof of our worth right? Move forward
right? A collection of perceptions in the moment. What the fuck was I
talking about? Something meaningful? Hume; A Treatise of Human
Nature, #1 project today, or till it’s finished. Peace and goodwill to all
bitches and bros pimps and hoes, plants planets animals stars and
moons, to all living entities; fuck that dead cunt!

7-8-2011 Portland

Friday energy of Babylon is brewing. Sober clarity perspicacious

awareness of a Husky set loose in a desert of hallucination. Ravaging
Coyote lairs defecating on the madness of intellect. Unconscious
definitions of who be what where the how neglected forsaken in an
event of nothing tunnel turned chaos. Let it go flow. Befuck yourself for
she shall fuck your closest enemies just so she has a video to show you
later before you crumble to madness, something certain that will keep
you a broken soul. She'll use music you wrote for the score. Friends feel
for your numb ass as delinquents disguised as debutantes. A star falls
from a pitch dark blank night sky into the wishes of a blues dream you
eagerly await to be trapped in; sing nigga sing and dance your genes
into an unfathomable new dream you bore yourself into. I used to be
good. Evil fucked up when it loaned the idiot free reign on analytical

I trap myself when I think stupid.

Low self-esteem & weak self-confidence can fuck you. Don't take it
personal. Have fun no matter what. Love yourself fucking completely at
all times & the Earth will enjoy your existence.

To deal directly with the real; to forsake illusion, viz. money &
bureaucracy, viz. paper. The Spirit doesn't like it when you think about
money, the Spirit wants you to focus on creation.

Yous your breath do anything you want, "I" said Breathe

Be coprophagous and expire.

Remember the tipper and be not bitter (or arrogant.) Never feel bad
about busking, remember the motherfuckers who get paid to kill moles
and spray pesticides

To walk with a lovely dub step. Je ne suis pas un poulet, je suis tres
désolait, je suis le soleil; ecrivez en Francais s'il vous plait. Splendid cafe
outside frere dolce traversing el noche. He awoke with no idea where
his pants had wandered off to. Rumis Rufies. Deja moi

Crazy sleepless rage

They fuck with you relentlessly. The army of poodles will strike fear
into the nasty hearts of the bougie hoes.

It will rain trash and poodle shit on these bitches.

You unnaturally wake motherfuckers up to help them? Theys

gonna b pissed, they act like the homeless are the problem, but never
want to look at…hmmm the incredibly unfair unequal distribution of

Unmerited deeds run deep. No names to the days of the week.


That is non-violent direct action.

So how to live most comfortably with as little as possible. Darker

children being murdered, their parents getting murdered for their
natural resources are a direct result of your tax dollars people, if you
are depressed its yr own cognitive dissonance. Money doesn’t really
assuage cognitive dissonance. You think, believe it’s wrong to kill darker
people for their natural resources, but you pay to have it done, so you
experience cognitive dissonance. Boycott paying taxes; that is non-
violent direct action.

Wake up!!! You know you can!!! Its 6 o’clock am, I’m yr alarm clock
man. Annoying fucking white man, who will suck rich white cock for
money? Ooooh me!!! Me suh! pick ME!!!! A’right ya fuckin prostitute;
good I don’t want to be seen being an annoying fucking asshole, so I’ll
pay you low ass cocksucker.

I’m creatin the future like I was William Gibson, you stuck in a Dolls
house like Henrik Ibsen, I ain’t no custy so I’m crusty behind yr
dumpster pissin, my dumpster, the bathroom sink my shower so maybe
I don’t exactly glisten, got oily skin and hair that’s real, eatin gourmet
shit out yr garbage for a boojee meal.

We’re all coal in a million years so why not be friendly while we’re
here, but I guess if it’s real and natural, real indifferent, just don’t

When you brag to me my response is Wow & cool, when you

conversate with me my response is richer.

Fuck this world and every muthuh fuckuh inna.
She’s a beast! Archaic language,
crimsey she’s from Cambridge
She got ten degrees, smoke a ton a trees
While on lsd and 2cb
Gets it all for free
Gaw damn she’s a beast
Fuck you every which way then
She do it again
She’s a beast
Takes it in the ass with ten of yo friend
She’s a Beast!
Kill a man w/ chopstix while sitting zazen
She’s a beauty and
She a beast!

With love as my guide how shall I be afraid?

Good faith


key to a good trip

Love thy flavor

When I see a happy couple on Christmas I only wish they would


He beat the bad guy and saved the women and children. He’d
always rather have scars than trophies anyhow. He ploughed through
the rainstars. At some point one can get no wetter and only laugh
uncontrollably at the sky’s tears. It’s all water was his Thaleian mantra.
Row row row yr boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily

It’s all fuckin water

Here We Are!! Oh Yeah!!!
Shit just got big! I was like holy shit is that even gonna fit on the page? Fuck it.

Sometimes ya just have to go big, just how it is. Cindy love, diving lessons? Tuh
tuh tuh screw a goddamn whale? Yr gonna hurt yrself baby. Now I’m not sayin I’m
not proud of ya honey, I like yr peace sign tattoo above yr ass crack

But a killer Whale, I know I know, we’ll see who’s the bitch after you get done
fuckin the blubber out dat ass, oh hell do whatever the hell you want since that’s
what you’ll be doin’ anyway, just I hope you use a condom Miss Loosy.

Notebook sanity monitor

Read back and you can say wow! Du’e is losin it!

Or ha ha ha du’ is insanely becoming mad

More writing just so I’m not staring into the depths of my mind
weirding people out.

A clique is forming. I might have to go. People weird animals. Oooh

oooh pick me last!!! I’m inadequate White Ideal. My rhizomes spread
throughout the Multiverse. To pulverize the world and spiritualize her

The white ideal:

Where do you work? Oh you don’t have a job? Well I have 3!!

Well no wonder I don’t have a job!! You have ‘em all!! All the white
assholes have all the jobs, so now there are none left for me, at least no
good ones, so now I’m an asshole for not having a job.

Original sin:

Why are you disrespecting these people sleeping on their land?

What? I was sleeping? Just waking up, come again? WhuhdIdo now?
Why are the people disrespecting the Creator pretending like they own
the Earths’ land?

I am an imperfect inadequate divine light superimposed on the ideal

form laughing at your sucksessful victory over the crust of dust
darkened by your pseudo mystery veneer.

The art of invention.

Performing yr art off the grid.

Keep it light to achieve the best work you can

Angel of work. Dream Work. Sex Work.

Creation appreciation. Exteriority.
We be sand mandalas

When you experience something new it is advantageous to
your survival to exercise caution

After repeated positive interactions one’s body is happy for the

encounter as it is one instance the body can be at ease in this
world of hungry bitches.

Let us go outside for a walk to rev up our energy before we

endeavor to take on said task.
Be as joyous about negative responses as thou art about
positive ones.
How to do anything: Listen.
A stupid faggot’s guide to surviving squatter style. Ecouter sans
I don’t give a fuck about rewards!! Liar. No like Now I don’t give
a Fuck about rewards.

Only energy move me cash money. I will teach you, nay, show
you how to live like the super rich!
Never worry about money again. I mean the best part about
being super rich is you don’t have to worry bout money. Sure
you can go through all the work of accumulating copious
amounts of cash money, but wouldn’t it be way easier… Just
send me All your cash money and find out what’s easier!!!

The worthy people who need no image. The poor people with Armani
suits and Lamborghinis, both alive too rich Two arms & legs & eyes &
ears, super rich. I come from the Pleiades. A citizen of Existence, I come
to love you all.

Just because someone says you something don’t mean you is.

Fuckin security almost as bad as dirty snitches or computer glitches,

suckin crackers’ cock for 30 pieces of silver to fuck their brothers and
bitches like a hoe with blisters.

If you don’t live how They want you to live They fuck with you

Fuck tracing maps create thy shit thyself.

I got a spot to chill

to exist is a thrill

found a spot to pop a squat

2 bitches and a pound a pot

Are you comfortable enough?

To come fart for us?

I got a trust fund. My father left me this whole creation to

explore. I trust fun. Blast ya w/ my love gun son.

Trepidation is what I feel when a beautiful entity enters my milieu.

Trepidation and joy, def. more trepidation, but let’s choose to focus
more on the joy. Not all duality, a bundle of sensations unified into a
perception. The sensations are involuntary, the perceptions is
something you can control. Perception of oneself; ok, she’s gone








Catastrophic nebulous obfuscation

a system of wizards manipulating

the air pressure to their psycosmic

non-linear satisfaction. The piece of

cheese at the center of the non-spatial labyrinth.

Infinite centers the transmigration of mice souls can choose.

Sorry if I don't make sense (cents), but sometimes my thoughts drift

by the end of the sentence and the uncontrollable clitoris controlled

flow of my ephemeral focus forgets.

Everything and writes itself.

Mnemonic mastery

Immersed in Now, forgetting is rare. Clear observation

Concentration. Burn the flame of attention like a Chanukah's candle

The infinite sides of a square. No! 4 sides asshole.

Indulge & mope

Swim with wind

New Orleans vibrational groove

Watch yo mama move

Communicate your emotional frequencies of La la la

Destitute delinquency

caught in colorful chasms

Your eyes make you crazy

seducer of forgetting

All this work working to forget

Immersed in immense focus on the present

pen marks on this...notebook?

Dream seducation

reality of mental cinema

Special effects

Gifts of infinite potentiality

Get your ass off the comfort zone

Splash around till the struggle disintegrates

then drown silently

Swing down sweet chariot stop.. and

Let. Me. riiide

And the Universe loves to fuck with you in the most beautiful way.

Finished The Sound and the Fury yesterday evening & I jam at the
library all day of course, then walk into a coffee shop hoping to glean
some final quotes from S &F, but don’t want to dig through backpack &
what should be sitting on the coffee shop table? But the cafes copy of S
& F!!

Man the sum of his climactic experiences Father said. Man the sum of
what have you. A problem in impure properties carried tediously to an
unvarying nil stalemate of dust and desire. (Faulkner, The Sound and
the Fury)

Thank- you for the living mystery

Affirm everything

Chant compassion not anger

Lovely come to me

I’ll spit thee a most splendiferous verse

Above me the sun be

But my heart beat beats the beat

that prefers to gaze upon thy art first

Kiss the moment

Instant atonement

Got to give thanks to the soul

Narcissistic Marxist pharmacist

Carnivorous charm in all of this

No harm meant in this

Sleep and desist; spiritualize dust

I’m the only one I can’t trust

Get out my way before I bust a bus

Hoo hoo ha ha hoohoo ha ha

Exuberant waste

The dream

Breathe Smile Relax

Breathe Smile Presence Relax

Smile Relax Breathe Presence

Breathe Smile Presence Relax

Presence, Breathe, Relax, Presence

Smile, Breathe, Relax, & Presence

Smile, Breathe, Presence Relax

Exercise, presence, Breathe relax

Becoming PURE-MAD

Breathe & Smile, ubiquitous meditation

Ubiquitous Opulence

Present breath alive

A very serious smile

Magnanimous excellence with presence

and calmfidence

Awareness in the supra conscious mind

Pristine precise focus on pineal personal power

Train relentlessly



Now the festival is done

Where god are you now?

Speaking of the blast

Back to the box

The barracks await my brother

Tripped out contemplative

Like a meteor shower

Out the zone

No in system no more

suit and tie to Tie die

Either way we die die die!!!

No more play work game

No more decaffeinated dum dum lolly pops

We have an externally documented past and gov’t

Just observing

Thank-you mentors,

yours is better than mine

Hippys on their cell phones move in

One by One followed by COINTELPRO hippys

Professional bad actors

Acting like their life depends on it

Cause it does when it comes to

The hippy mafia

Hippy gangstuhs ain’ nuttin to fuck with

Don Dippy

Nitris got it, Molly know it

Daaaaa daaa dwahwahwahwahwahhhh

Full throated Nightingale claims her space and time.

Deterritorializing effect of ganja.

Arms wide open

Crackhead Professor

Just sitting on a bench, arms spread resting across the top of the
bench. Two ladies walk by on the way to their car with a dolly stacked
with boxes, they hit a bump, boxes fall to the ground and scatter.
Professor eases his way on over, helps the ladies with their boxes, he
he, starts seriously walking away, and ladies trip over themselves to
catch him and give him some crack, uhh cook, I mean cash. No book
bag, car, job, just Good Faith.

Some pan handlers have style and add to the milieu. And pan
handlers aren’t the only pan handlers. The goddamn save the children
and greenpeace, they are the worst. There, I made you feel bad, give
me money to make yourself feel good. Business men, here, invest in my
shit, spare 50 cents? Lawyers and judges straight up crooks, cops w/

A symbiotic sale. Money. The thing is gone and there now is money
in your pocket, money is smaller and lighter. A pocket full of cash.

An unbelievable amount of shit, but a super cool style. (following

a critique with a but and a compliment)

Yes Yes Clown : ))

Post-apocalyptic Christmas

Everything closed and dead quiet. Mom & Pop walkin with little girl, girl
starts panting, dad’s like, “What is that?!” Wife real quick, “It’s a horse!
She’s making a horse sound!” (Really the sound mom makes when she’s
with her secret lover hung like a horse) Merry X-mas honey!

If ya wanna get high

I'll smoke u up till my last toke
Cause my high is constant
like bad luck to good folk
I get high off my mind
I get high divine
High off a sign
High off an impeccably
executed crime
by being in my prime
All the fuckin time
without even tryin
I get high without buyin
I get high without pryin
I get high while stylin
& designin cause this land is
i get high like Zoyd
in Vineland
Smoke that chocolate
Shit like I was from Thailand
Let’s get high
Cause society’s a fuckin joke
I’ll smoke you up
till my last toke

Pussy lips baby
Pussy lips
Silky smooth I love em
Pussy lips
Ooooh ooooh
Like naked chicken breasts
I’ll take 100 pussy lips please
You can rush or relax it all ends up the same monsieur

I’m high class
I wake up at 6 in the evening then fall right back to sleep
Faith and grace
You can rush or relax
It all ends up the same
Boundless joy

Why is the town so afraid to plant fruit trees everywhere?

Satori of the Collective Mind

Live the life of the immortals

Vibrating within interdimensional extra sensory portals, every step has

a moral, I’m a livin’ bible, kabbalah, veda, and torah, a superstar
sangsara exlpora, escaping time with heavenly flora, which I jones for
like Norah, but now im out like Sodom and Gomorrah

Practicing temperance, exercising tolerance, treasure transcendence,

dance through operations of chance, random happenstance, right now I
got a list of demands, I wanna pizza, fully fueled helicopter, and for You
to stop pretending like you own the land, stop pretending like you ain’t

human, and goddamn uncle sam free mumia, peltier and manning,
realize every living thing is outstanding

And most of all, And most of motherfucking all, for the Real, realize that
the goddesslove motherfunkin mothership is landing, sooooooo
Swiiiiing down sweet chariot stop.. &

Let me ride

Don’t lift more than your weight

One is no accident but a necessity

You people of the box, pretending you own the land, pretending fiat is
money, and not just paper or cloth with shit like God, trust, debt, and
legal printed on it, (the Bible is the word of God cause it says right in
there it’s the Word of God), we got pyramids with all seeing eyes makin
sure the slaves that built them don’t get any of the fiat with all seeing
eye pyramids on them. The slaves still oppressed just in new creative
not so obvious ways. Oppressed through shame, guilt, unpayable debts,
and inferiority complexes. A box is not a home; creation is a home! The
Earth you claim to own will swallow you all in just a few short years.
Suck air while you still are. If They print shit on paper it’s legitimate, if
the mafia does it, its counterfeit. What makes Their paper legitimate?
More real? Well it’s the paper work involved, we print shit on other
paper that says Our green painted on paper is real. We got more guns

and cages motherfucker!!! Dat’s what makes it more fuckin’ real ya

We want something and we don’t have enough gold to exchange

for it. Well we want it!!! Ok, we’ll print more papers. How many more
papers? How about a trillion? What the fuck is a trillion? I don’t know!
A lot! Enough to get lots of stuff!! Cool.

Figgerin’ out what’s really going on. What’s goin’ on? Who
controls the paradigm? Madonna? The Lethargy of Custom? The
structuralists? Time for deconstruction. To develop Our personalities to
the fullest. What is the difference between 1% and 100%? Still bound to
the material possibilities available; exhaust that and the cloud of
meaninglessness creeps overhead and rains shit in the void where
health and joy would naturally abide. Versace! Cellar door. Toyota
Celica! Pulverize your mind and inhale the spiritualized fairy dust of
imagination. Luhloyd Lawless drank a dangerous beer. The only beer
you have to beer is beer itself! That’s why I smoke loud. Spend some
time in another dimension. Outside the structure inside spirit land,
inside the sky. Explore the expanse of imagination. To be the dude doin
what he be doin. On the precipice of fate, the preciseness of fate. Try or
try not, there is no you ya fuckin’ racist!! Where do I apply to be a pan
handler? Town hall some places. Really? Absurd, but yes. No, you don’t
have to ask the white man to do Everything you want to do do ya? And
you don’t have to do Everything you want to do the way the white man
tells you. And if you do it’s almost guaranteed to make you a mean.
Freedom’s a fucker.

Self observation is the religion, my religion, me and my
relationship with the world.

Fascia Chi and Aura Chi

Breathe, good diet, and exercise packs the fascia chi, breath
and good intent packs the chi of the aura.
Cultivate yr intent, positive good intent leads to good action
and manifests a magic Systema

Work on good intent to strengthen confidence from within.

Turn tissues issues into assets.

Don't be scared into the future, be brave Now

Service niche. (To) Blast through the inconsiderate fuckness. Stop sayin’
“To” cocksucker, you know you did. So far deeper than human current
events. So does one neglect those sinking in their hubris? Choich,

hallelujah. What’s it like in the street? Simple motherfuckers singin’
simple shit givin simple hugs doin complex drugs. Signs of love. Send
signs of absolute love. Livin’ life how you love. You get a room when
you need a room and not a second sooner

Urban Ministry’s Miseries & Mysteries

Brothers with deep glowing voices

Staff, bags of flesh there to pick up a paycheck. Pissed off brothers,

silent white clients. Big fat kings adept at discerning and exploiting
elements of human nature. Helpful people, mostly clients. Ex-homeless
staff just a yellin’ at ya. Were inferior, now in a position of slight
authority, still hypertensive, which is what got them there in the first
place, diet baby; discipline. When the sadist discover your weakness
they will pick and pick till blood erupts in their eyes

Sketchy Dude: Antsy, shifty, quickly looking left and right, wearing
sunglasses indoors, baseball cap on sideways. An incongruous persona,
thirty something doing his best to look 20 something. Ya wanna make
$200? All you need is a driver’s license or State ID. No? C’mon it’s real
easy and you’ll get $200? Uh, can you spare a dollar then?

Socrates drank the hemlock, satisfied with every moment of life and
Alcibiades cock. Tu Pac got got by a glock, Martin Luther King knew it’d
be the last time he’d sing let freedom ring, but he still had to sing , I
love all the pretty girls and to me yr All pretty, A Son Unique getting
shitty never afraid to speak the nitty gritty got stolen again by the
illuminati, Veni Vidi Vici, comin’ down the mountain, like I was Friedrich
Nietzsche, dead man in my hand, mocked across the land, all it does is
cause my power to expand, to get the lovely people to
under/overstand, cause baby I like it raw, yes baby I like it raw, I’m in
awe of the caw, High above the law, rich like hee haw, did you see what
I saw? Baby I’m 20 ft tall!!!

Son, sorry if I speak up to fight for my freedom, I guess I’m a cunt like
that. I love you as a living entity, but your action of waking me up needs
to go.

Stumbling bumbling King of the jungle juggling a jumbled bundle of

pluming pleasurable perceptions.

I’m a scholar & a King, a jester, prince and a queen, a knight and a fool,
a lover, a stoic and a tool.

What is a chair w/o a back butt a stool

She smiled bright eyes he immediately fainted dropped to the floor

The comely cop in the cop costume tried to create a profile, but the
birth certificate was in the Wasteland.

You don’t need money to serve, you don’t need an address, to sign
anything, a background check, you just serve anonymously, quietly, and
sweetly deuce

A love supreme.

Oh nobly born so and so listen undistractedly. You are dead. A slight

smile upon your peaceful countenance. No more personas, no more
fear, pure and dead, blissful, illimitable, resplendent void, back into A
Love Supreme

That Light inside

That builds when

You get the opportunity to help and slips away once you
speak of it
And you become dimmer
While unmerited deeds cause you to glow exponentially

Let it be like a candle flame when spun into abstract
Is absurd

Will get food later and conquer the enemies as soon as

I’m done with my flying hippopotamus saves a baby lion
stuck up a tree painting

Afraid of pointlessness? Don’t think about it mate. The
pointlessness taps at the back uh yr mind. I believe
Other’s experience this tap. I could write a book but what
the fuck, best seller list, 9 weeks in a row, so fucking
what. Might as well keep writing if only to keep the
pointlessness at bay. Get a place? What’s the point? To be
a slave forever. To help the children? You fucking racist
nazi, don’t do that they’re fine, Way better w/o your help.
The tap at the back of yr map. It’s not about doing your
best to stay safe, but doing the most to be useful.

Meditate on creative action. Meditation in action.

Meditate on the action of creativity. Utilize all
mental powers for ultimate awareness. Lazer
Focus. Receptive creativity, spiritual creativity,
creative ways to thank the spirit, creative ways to
thank the body. Thank creative total insanity. The
richness of outside. Jesus the cum puddle
The evolution of slaves (slavery)

From black slaves in the south, to the quasi voluntary wage slaves of
today. Slaves of capitalistic desire and greed. The pulverization of
freedom, devolution of freedom. The spiritualization of responsibility,
respond according to eaches’ abilities. The spiritualization of
individuation leads to collective individuation.

Individuation of wind

Wage slaves are like, “I gotta job motherfucker, a J-O-B! Yeah, I’m that
motherfucker!” Slaves are never like, “I’m a slave motherfucker, a S-L-
A-V-E!! Biotch!” Change the name of the same thing and the sheep will
continue bleating.

Let me be,
The hiss of yr soul exiting yr ass. The poor faggot lost his
woman and found his Way. Lost the constant sex now hides in
the bushes masturbating. She broke up with me thank
Goddesslagio. Another rusty relationship falls to the infallible
light. I exist now in the void of coffee, in the void of science and
literature. There is no joy, only ecstasy and lethargy. A base of
Sad shit i tell you
Don't empty yr mind
Fill yr mind with emptiness

Mirror mind acts instantly

Hurt fool, takes you nowhere.

You were spiraling toward something sacred
when yr mouth got stuck sucking a sweet inescapable vagina

Everyone wants my woman & I want bad to get away, but if I

leave I'll rot and she'll meet a great guy
& forget all about me, which would be great. Me? A smelly
gutter punk? A worker drone? A lifeless struggle for a banal

We're all agreeing to believe the rules which the rich conceive
to maintain their monopoly on reality.

The inhumanity of a security guard. The inhumanity of one who
feels they need to say, “Sorry, bathrooms are for customers

ARRRRR!! UGHHHHHH Braaaaaaah!!!!

Sir I don’t want to have to ask you again, Please sit up (bitch)

Ooo00OOOOo ahhh rrrrrrr!!!

That’s it bitch do I have to call the police? I’m a bitch living how
other people tell me to live, so I’ma take out my frustrations on
those considered the lowest rung of society.

Use the Focus man, you can do this!! Get that bum to sit up!!!

Compassion not criminalization.

A lot of goodness is done in the name of homelessness, what if it were

done in the name of homefullness

Ya lookin for work? Ha ha ha ha ha ha hah ha, Why the fuck would I be
doing that? Listen bro I was just tryin to help You. Ah run! help me!
Someone’s tryin to help me! Someone help me!

Time to wake up bro. I feel like everyone’s laughing at me behind my

back. Now bro, sounds like schizophrenic talk to me. You might want to
seek some counseling, here’s the number of a superb psychoanalyst I
know, he’s great, did wonders for me.

Cool, thanks mate

He he, yeah he might be on to us, I told him sounds like

schizophrenic talk and he should call you, told him yr a psychoanalyst.
Ha ha.

Someone in the world is goin’ to hip him to this one these days?

Don’t worry baby we got the whole fucking world on lockdown.

No sense in wasting good paper.
I was fingering a nice Asian chick when I got a call from
nature. So I walked into the pentagon and asked to use
the bathroom. They showed me all their secret special
technology toys; they knew I wouldn’t say anything.
Super high technology shit, probably alien tek, more
playful fuck with individuals type of shit than warfare.

The Pussy Was Just a Laughin’ At Me

The art of being together. A madman needs an attractive rich

Time is God

Praise Time and Time shall bless you well. Age like Saint
Germaine. Art is the sacrifice Time most adores. Deep into your
personal Art. The infinite eternal Time within’ this life time
generations of genes. The ultimate exploration.
Ha ha ha ha laughin like I’m better off dead.
The pussy was just a laughin’ at me.
Exploration of art; art of exploration.
New stability of stoic emotion will aide in the ability to focus on
heightened resourcefulness. (thank-you lady on bus)
Not perfect, but beautiful. Nobody’s perfect, but lots beautiful.
Don’t everybody shit? Don’t everybody take a seriously nasty
shit from time to time?
Delve into your Art with All you got; Everyfuckingthang.

The value of your language in the World Market

Competence with language
Discourse on mastering the situation
Comedic confidence
Breathe wisely son

The science of discourse

A command of language to help you achieve what you want to

achieve in this world.
The ability of language to move people into action to create the
world we can all most enjoy
Breathe wisely son, 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy,
200 billion! 100, possibly 200 billion galaxies in the known
All conspiring to provide you the power you need to get done
what you need to get done
Breathe wisely son

Ubiquitous opulence. Universal opulence.

Take inventory. Produce Art Gai Sabre!!!
Love thy Gai Sabre.

A command of language to help one achieve what one
wants to achieve in this life

One gains Everything chico when one realizes one’s true


Work rules, rewards rot

Love supreme dream queen
Saintly Fire and a realization that Yes we can make a
positive difference in this flow of life. Generosity of a
virtuous cycle. A fine investment.

The eternal return

Nastily ever after
Take inventory
The future is full of fucking fun.

A full future of fun waves. To be good looking and
confident is easy, to look like me and have such
unshakable confidence is somethin’ else!
Luckily I’m a work porn star. Situation to situation enjoy
serotonin secretion. Serotonin and sunshine and in the
seasonal mood disorder recession enjoy a slightly
subdude joy.
What do you do? I’m working on universal opulence.
Post up Zen in nomadic post-humanistic ecology. Raising
the quality of the milieu. Shawn Juan becomes the purest
human being ever called human, in love with everything
and everyone.
Let the judges sink deep into the quicksand of their
immense delusion.
Walk, sit, chill, chit, study the signs of the pocket. Get to
know these signs. Sending signs of absolute love. Elevate
the joy in the pocket. Accentuate the hospitality of the
Use The Focus

Judgement and desire are futile; the grave renders us all the same.

Exuberant Waste

Growing in spirits and plateaus

Wanderlust dirty nasty nice gentlemen get down beso negro

What the fuck are you doing?
oh sorry, just doing, it's alright
Insecure disgusted onlookers beso mi beecho binga!
The owner told me to kick yo ass out to the curb
dirty negro bleach yr skin if you want to eat at this fine
university convenient store mini mart, those tables are for
rich university students conforming to the bullshit illusion
and I'm too insecure to realize myself without this illusion

You only need a minute without the illusion to realize the bliss
of the Resplendent Void

The World is changing all around you son, better keep up

before you are swallowed up
People might start laughing at ya. Shut the fuck up rude
faggot!! There have been rude faggots since the dawn of
consciousness and there might be rude faggots when the sun
swallows your stank asses up a hundred thousand years after
the Earth has sipped your soul from yr dirty drywall encrusted
cunt body, cunt.
The surfaces change, but change does not change, just
rearrange and exchange information. To delve deep and tweak
the pith, the pathless path, to do what you do ju fool I do what I
do for it is what I be, not because it's what i see on T.V. To
tweak the pith one need not travel to the center of the sun, but
one may travel.
Brush away the ruse of didacticism, no need to waste yr time
being angry at the automatons.
Brush away confusion, the precise intentional allocation of
confusion. I get to some places and have a slight desire to
sacrifice myself to the dramas. To get a job, cut my antennae,
cut off my nipples, join the army, kill a bunch of moles. But the
forest does ground me and bring me back to my senses and a
realistic perception of reality.
Remember wherever you are whatever you are doing to
smile repeatedly. When building a debris hut, smile; when
typing and writing, smile; when meditating, smile; when
squatting, smile; when becoming mad, smile. When living
outside the media projected reality.


What I’m doin’

Vonnegut calls it growing a soul, Sartre says we’re all little gods
and goddesses with the task of creating the best human being
we can create, Nietzsche says becoming superhuman or 6000 ft
above the rest of humanity. Seducing the untouchable virgin
granny inspired by Derrida. The Great Grey Soul Mother

What would the world look like? All of a sudden

nobody’s credit card goes through. Sorry, declined, I
can try it again, nope still didn’t go through. Pay us
25% of your life for the debt we accrued? Uh? No?
The invisible claw. The bum can and often does
sport a suit and tie, lives off the energy of slaves.
The new Superhumans’ economy, 6,000 ft above
space and time. Suits and ties figure out new ways
of putting everything back underneath the Earth
that they put on top. Shiny white things, just stop
pining after the shiny white things man!! They are
dead black coal underneath. I pine after shiny white
things in the sky
Who decides our relationship with others?

Competitive. Cooperational


I got to get out of here man! What the fuck is this poetry shit, panic
button brother, push the panic button! Why are you so relaxed? Yr a
fucking stoner, something stonerish could happen. No not talking
homeless shelter, or mental institution fool. Ok, take it easy freezing to
to death cool ass asshole. Oh, now you want a j-o-b. Ha ha, you
explored no job, now you’re stuck in no job land, you’re in Time Life
now sucker, Providence. They are real cool deep down in the dark
damp Earth.

You have a tight mind son

A snake of smoke slithered from his hot pistol

Slept on the cold Earth, woke up thought I could make it through

without insulation, was erroneous, but ya just can’t tell ya can’t sleep
‘til ya don’t.

Everyday the Angel of Death passeth by your door. Give thanks, laugh,
and give your will over to the schizophrenic in the sky.

A beautiful night in a cozy cubby on a mattress of cardboard. Real deep
talented people who appreciate Mozart, Rachmaninoff, and the taste of
pussy gets you every time.

Yeah yeah yeah, sept. 11, the Challenger, Kennedy. Where were you
when the next sensational spectacle happens that the next generation
will never forget? I was in an institution taking a shit me and my
homeys will never forget.

Where were you when the military flooded the streets?

And started building self-cleaning showers, replacing the concrete

with organic soil and started bombing the Earth with fruit trees?

Commit to the truth & speak from the heart/mind. Do

compassion deep in the cut. Non-labeled. Open and empty.

Okay son done with the bullshit.

Focus on thyself, not judging, committing to the truth & speaking

from the heart/mind. Do compassion deep in the cut. Non-labeled.
Open and empty.

Okay son done with the bullshit.

Focus on thyself not judging others

Everyone your sister and brother

Slept well thank-Jah beautiful and psycho,

building others

Everyone your sister and brother

Slept well thank-Jah Nigga was beautiful and psycho, building
himself up to kill me, or damage me badly…

Some rich have no humility. They think what they do is so great

when it’s so mediocre, but they do the mediocre with so much
charisma. You want to show them how it’s done, but they’d be crushed
if they found out how mediocre they are.

Using the word to program your mind.

I am rich. Money is all they got & it’s such a little thing. No
knowledge, pseudo wisdom cliché prescribed everything. I am rich n
gifted, got no money but still getting lifted.

Is the veil in your mind?

Focus beyond the veil

To commit to the truth

To speak from the heart/mind

To learn without structure

Kadosh: Face to face

Happy Harriet Tubman Day!
Who decides our holidays?
Who decides are relationship with others?
Competitive. Cooperational

Met beautiful man Tracy. A cool psycho on meth. Gave me the idea of,
by his being & his incredible precise knowledge of rocks that one can
become a real life professor, as opposed to an academic professor.
Welcome to the school of life. Beautiful Others await and you must
prepare yourself with everything you have to give the Others all you
have with everything you got. Commit to the truth and speak from your

Dancing atoms swim through a metaphysical plot

Caution these rhymes may be extremely hot

A metaphysical flip
Another acid trip
Flyin through my mind in a metaphysical spaceship

A network of love ruled by the peoples’ republic of rock and roll.

Love Creation Enjoy Life. Woke up, got out of mummy bag, ripped the
knots out my head.
Commit to the truth and speak from the heart/mind. Life, Coffee,

Dream: Swimming in beautiful indoor pool surrounded by glass walls

with a few African American brothers, brothers cause of the love I felt
for them, nonjudgmental tryin’ to be the best they can be swimming
free. In walks Bobby Kennedy with a cut body, good looking
motherfucker smiling and beautiful. Then I was dealing with a shit ton
of ganja.

Dude walked into café I was at that gives away community supported
coffees to those with no money, he said his 2 ½ year old doesn’t go by
his given name, but calls himself, “Name”

Today I will be more productive than I have ever been.

Every drunken motherfucker thinks he’s the drunken monkey, dick like
a donkey, hip but a honkey, rip roarin’ raunchy, balls enough to taunt
me, you must be lost at sea son an anemone to me so an enemy to
thee baby leave like a tree, go cower in a tower with yr sour glower, I’ll
exist under a bower, leave no traces, tie yo shoe laces, lust erases
disrupt the homeostasis, outer space is the place spaces create my
main trait is I’m loco essays goofy

I occur to keep the World live stupider than I love lucy

Perceptions of good and bad conditioned by mass media. To perceive

the world in a new way, obliterate, pulverize the world and also
spiritualize her dust. Feel bad about yourself, the way you look, the way
you smell, and feel better by buying something so you can conform and
fit in to what the mass media and corporate masters want you to be, by
all means necessary Do not be yourself; buy something

Deterritorialization of the Body w/o organs, particle politics, the soldier

inside of me

The microtextures-not masochism-are what explain how the oppressed

can take an active role in their oppression: the workers of the rich
nations actively participate in the exploitation of the Third World, the
arming of dictatorships, and the pollution of the atmosphere. (Deleuze
and Guatarri, A Thousand Plateaus 248)

To what end should I injure myself uselessly and perhaps even then not
achieve my goal?

A post-post-industrial wasteland, so a wasteland. As a postindustrial
wasteland unbeknownst to itself, it was much nicer. People still
remembered the thriving industry and felt on the verge of an imminent
comeback. Like a divorce

Like a divorce. It is unthinkable she will not return.

From suckcess. They were doin’ well thank-you. Lots of money. Polluted
water and mutant ghetto babies. But it was ok ‘cause they were doin’
well, had more than enough money, a generation of very mentally
unstable citizens, with lots of flow.

She is about to hit the last number, the phone will ring, I’ll let it sing a
couple times at least, then I will have to decide whether or not to
accept the desperate humiliated humble tear soaked apology. (I will of

But she did not dial 6 numbers and hang up, not 3, nor 1. How can one
apologize when their mouth is filled with your best friend’s big dick??

It’s the difference between a prostitute and your first real girlfriend.

You can have what’s in that garbage can, Ima have what’s in this one.

A post post-industrial wasteland, so just a wasteland. As a post-

industrial wasteland unbeknownst to itself, it was much nicer. People
still remembered feelings of the thriving industry. It’s end was my
beginning. Kodak film. Then came digital, they knew, but thought
nothing of it. Coke heads proud in suits and ties turned crack heads
with gas cans or who just got mugged, their wallet stolen and they

could really use a few bucks to catch a bag I mean cab back to their wife
and kids in East Rochester. Those crack heads that learn it pays to look
like square fucking decent folk.

Littered sidewalks, like litter all around a garbage can, full or not,
litter blowing along the sidewalk, across the street. If one were to clean
up all the litter, which would never happen, the same exact amount of
litter would return the next day. Nice cars, crack dealers, lots of rust
buckets, far from passing inspection vehicles. If you go to the
courthouse lots of driving without a license, aggravated driving maybe?
Aggravated driving without a license, and there is no driving without a
license, only aggravated driving without a license. If yr black you get
pulled over a lot, don’t have as much money so you lose yr license. I
lost my license due to driving while impoverished. Most if not all the
defendants were melanin rich. I was there for, “failure to notify the
dmv of an address change within ten days.” Basically I didn’t back down
from the pig. The D.A. let me go cause although I did move from the
one address, I didn’t move to a new address so had nothing to report,
and of course I knew about that law cause ignorance of the law is no
excuse and of course one notifies the DMV of an address change within
10 days, It’s pretty much one of those instinctual laws right? A
republican wasteland? Which is where all the money is openly stolen by
the government and the population is too fucking lazy and stupid and
conservative and downpressed to do anything about it. Shysty and
grimey place and people.

Conqueror of God and Nothingness.

God felt bad about the asshole Garden of Eden bullshit and so
sacrificed a pound of his own flesh in order to pay his debt to us. How
long did that take?

On a line of flight towards a new potentiality of Being.

Whenever I’m fucking black chicks they’re always like, “Wow you white
boys fuck Way better than black boys!”

And I’m always like, “Yeah black chicks fuck Way better than white
bitches.” Then we come a come that cleanses the entire cosmos.

The Denver snarl, fuck Denver. Cracker infested shite hole.

Soul space and melody. Multi chromatic personality potentiality.

Mother Earth gave birth to Humans. A problem child.

The mother, father, and son were walking through the desert. Hungry.

He slow roasted his flesh over a fire in the frosty desert night.

We can always have more kids honey, but a bitch like you is hard to
come by.

Thelonious Monk. A non-generic genius. A monk and a genius.

Production capital. Calm capital. Serious dedication to an in breath and

a deep slow solid step forward. Live this shit, love this shit best you can
when you can while you can. The emotion she exudes is her existence.
The immediate capital of most all her Being. I got a lot of joy to do. Get
to it. Cultivated taste. Mmmmm pink toothpaste; red lipstick; shes real,
she’s too real, why I love her; shes so real; she’s got red lipstick on.
(Gary Wilson 6.4 = make-out) Tell me how much generic work you’ve
done. Jerk. I’m a nephologist; ‘scuse me while I kiss the sky.

So much real happiness outside the white world. Real and free. Once
you have access to that free real happiness, that store bought
happiness in a box seems, becomes quite trite, worthless. Is that real
Mexican happiness or did you buy that at Sears?

Faulkner & empathy. Faulkner and negative capability. Faulkner

and imagination. Practice imagining.

Light in August. The psychology of Great Literature. Fulfill your

potentiality for Being. Deep, slow, solid, and secure. You may take
refuge in my security/superiority. Refuge in the in-breath. Refuge in
optimal health. Refuge in every step. Slow down boy!

Monks virtuosic dream. A playful genius; not a contrived childish


Sounds so spontaneous due to practice, natural genius, and flow. Invite

the guitar to sound. I take refuge in my real dope in-breath. Invite the
voice to express the soul’s joy. A joint rolled in toilet paper. Building a
Being out of dope breaths and pleasurable emotion stimulating

Seeing my multidimensional trans-physicality as a result of

hyperfocused trans-temporal practices. A body do get around now
doughnit. (Light in August) Dedication to precision. That’s what I dig
about G. He is precise and dedicated. Finish, sculpt with immense

detail. The Great Liberation; to have the time and patience to go so far.
The art of patience. An art worth practicing. Patience, practice,

Some people just ain’t made for the white world. The invisible man, Joe
Christmas, Bigger Thomas, Beloved’s mamma, me, and Jean Genet.
Please whitey let me in! No? Ok then I guesses I’ll just have to thank for
myself. You will have to make your own way, through the muck and
sour of a year’s painful accumulation of degrees of debris. Swim
motherfucker. Luckily? Yes, luckily there is much happiness outside of
the one white world. No matter how those little blond haired blue eyed
bitches look on tv, they all commit suicide by age 12. Please let me in,
please whitey. No? Yr gonna die too. Some time.

Wow crackers like their hard drugs in Denver; and look it too. Do
you want some shit that might make you look like me? Hell naw! I don’t
want anything that might make me look like half of what you look like
sir! Soar on brother! Light in August; Venus in furs. Make something
useful out this shit. It is what it is…shit; compost. A toast to freedom.
Creating the most amount of freedom in order to get the most amount
of shit done. I have seen the kindness of people and am now a
dangerous motherfucker.

The psychology of Great Liberation. The hurt intense and interesting.

Intellectualizer. Absolutely uncomfortable. Horror show. Another
reason paradise oozes from my every empty space within my
subatomic structure. Have I seen the kindness of people! If you haven’t

I highly suggest you surrender and find out. I was on a path! Now I’m
back on, wiser and slower. Synchronize fearlessly like jet li.

Some people don’t want to work for the white man?? I don’t get it, it
makes me (sick) very angry.

Sunset says come out shweet shy stars.

It’s almost like they don’t give a fuck about the white man and his
riches? Said he in a clear mid-western neutral broadcast voice. They eat
out of the trash?? That’s disgusting!! Buy food asshole, we horde all the
food, then you work for us and we give you food, what’s this digging
out the trash? You think you’re as good as me and can eat the same
delicious food as me?? Go stand in line with the native americans and
eat the homeless food, sugar is Good!! You love sugar right??!! Listen
bitch, I mean sir, we give you two choices, you can work for the white
man, or be homeless, those are the choices, hey brother those are Thee
choices, freedom of choice, you are free to choose from the two
choices I give you. What?! What is this invent your own choices bullshit,
no no no, that is not the way it works son. I provide the choices and you
pick, you’re free to pick from the choices I provide, no invent your own
choice bullshit. Ok you want another choice how bout you’re fucking
crazy, howsthat for a fucking choice. Fucking money and goods and
shit, deny your existence, forsake your free will, guns and glory baby,
now run along and get us some beaver…pelts pimp daddy. Will suck
your cunt for a taco Helen of Troy.

Suave Johnson
I love you/I hate you. I’m dressed in the confusion of dust. You lied to

It was the only way to fuck you. Sorry. Not really, more indifferent. I’m
Suave Johnson, I will enjoy you immensely.

I got my focus on money like I was the pope.

To the wickedly retarded

Take it easy

Observe your madness

Mumia Jahmal Abu

Afro funk DJ

Spin me a tune

The X climax is rolling back in

Uh oh, watch out Utah!

There Is such a thing as too much goodness!!!

I read my poetry at the mall with gysm dripping from asshole

There are cool down to Earth talented people for sure

Calypso tinkering.

The Pope rose from his pink polka dotted plush pimp pope limo and
waved to Jesus standing in the homeless food line waiting for his

peanut butter and jelly sandwich, cheetoes and applesauce. God don’t
make mistakes man.

Thou shalt not not have a name.

What if I go through all this writing shit and it sucks?! Fuck me either
way I die. Fuck prizes.

To assuage cognitive dissonance as we age

Respect to the Resplendent Nothing

What could be better than Nothing!! Nothing!!! Positive aspects of

society, new emotions, vast array of psychological possibilities.
L'ensemble. Alienation. MC Cashless, interdependent truth, je suis
vous. Perpetual reciprcocity. To live a new emotional life. Bums
must present a melancholy countenance to get paid. One armed
fellow on mass quantities of cough syrup gets busted blowin a
superficial trustafarian behind a dumpster filled w/ gourmet
decadence. Expunge class from consciousness, je suis vous fou I
can no longer revel in my lower than you low life. Focus on
Creation, I'm trying but the garbage can is just too pretty!!
Motherlovin Fucker, gawk bitch, rethpect my riches, another
eighty years and I'll lick your soul from the ass of a worm, I am a
witch sorcerer electronic amalgamation of love fear hate self pity
hubris desire freedom joy. Fuck, I done painted myself into a
persona!!! Contradict my assertion dear buzzard, why you lookin
at me like that??? I'm from NewYoke muh fucka!!! Fuckin New
York!!!! Yeah, glad I got that out, that means good sir that thou
best refrain from fuckin w/ this new york G socksucker, or I shall
have your ass in a sling son, Chi Kung!!!! Systema sensibilities
study thy structure devour your essence, spit out your
transcendance. No money, instant coffee is better than nothing,
what? A bunch of fucked up free pianos lining the 16th street mall
are better than nothing. But Nothing is best, actually unrankable,
the resplendent void from which Word is born. I am a ... : ) !
Love Being Nothing

When you meet the real king you will not have to ask, "is this the real
king?" Breathe deep and slow Gawd.

Write without agenda. Write without expectations of results.

Hungry to love more bigger better deeper purer. If there must be a love
let it precede, "I". Greedy drunk motherfucker, if there must be an, "I"
let it precede Love. Worldly things are a cosmic joke to anger you
‘cause its funny to. to. topisspeopleoff, to test your ability to perceive
God. Corpses yr all a bunch of goddamn corpses, it’s just a matter of
time, a blink of an eye, snap of the fucking fingers. Click into corpse
mode, hah!! There is no corpse mode just simply, Corpse! I made it out
alive! no you didn't!! Write w/o agenda, a healthy refrain, see what
happens, differance and repetition. A tap of the foot, stop. stuck to a
piece of gum on the ground. You can handcuff me if you want.

Trippin' the Trickster

I'm trippin the Trickster
tickilin' the Minister
Kinesthetic visitor
Smiling so sinister

to keep the scythe away

I swagger n I sway
slip into a temporary autonomous zone
avec Hakim Bey
avec Hakim Bey

Cause the Universe

wants to Plaaaaaaaay

the Universe wants

to Plaaaaaaaay

to Plaaaaaaaay

Digital mystical crystal cacophony

synaptic fireworks all inside of me
I see Big Sky Mind Reality

that's why we need more feminine energy

to lessen the enmity
towards a made up enemy
So forget about the loans of the university
come sit with me
and let’s take a workshop
....with a Tree

Cause the Universe wants to


Cause the Multiverse wants to


The Universe wants to Plaaaaaaaay

I'm Trippin' the Trickster

Psychedelic Loki
Tickilin' the Minister
he he he he
kinesthetic visitor
smiling so sinister

to keep the scythe away

I swagger and I sway
slip into a temporary autonomous zone
avec Hakim Bey
avec Hakim Bey
avecHakimBey avechakimbey avechakimbey
Cause the Universe wants to Plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

Don't kill the deer

Smoke some pot drink a beer

Don't kill the deer

Spread some love surrender all fear

Leave the deer alone, is your home; is their home

If you are gonna kill a deer don't be a pussy about it and pay someone
to bait and shoot,

grab a fucking knife out your suburbanite silverware drawer, stalk that
motherfucker till you know his every awesome move, hide up in a tree
or in the bushes, jump that faggot leaf thief, plunge the Kudco through
the throat, rip the fucking head right off and ask if any of his deer
friends want to fuck with your cherry tomatoes, then eat that venison
raw with blood dripping from yo killa vanilla maws, don't mount the
head in your living room either, keep it on a stick outside your garden
as your new free timeless deer deterrent .

Do you imagine there aren’t enough rooms for everyone? I sure don’t,
MLK sure didn’t, the banks know nay. But we must keep up the façade
man, it’s all we know. Free energy just isn’t possible in this day and age!
It’s only 100 years after the discovery of free energy. We make too
much money charging you bitches for energy! Property man, it’s all that
keeps us feelin’ like decent folk, our property, our haves. Put me in the
center! Is this the center? Exactly?! Put me exactly in the center! Thank-
you slave. Gestures. A gesture of fleeing. Fly away from those that
diminish the spell, especially those that destroy it and stomp on it

posthumously. Thank Spirit for all those who enhance it in
unimaginable ways. I transform into something super when I don my

A vision, a written vision, a schizophrenic dream. Act with me as a

homey and all shall be clear. Survive the night with grace. Star
meditation. Embrace the atmosphere sans thinking. Anonymous folk
providing absolute hospitality. Balls like Billy the Kid I’m Unstoppable,
so far above the lids I’m untoppable. 6 begin the journey down a
mellow stream, 7 rapids rage, 8 ride the raging rapids as if they were a
mellow stream.

God of the ghetto empire!

most of all nothing; space between and within atoms. A reading

wanderer? Does that count as something? A sober reading wanderer
who loves music? Loves making music and writing and one who adores
the Green saint? Mostly a bunch of spaces within and between atoms.
A definite dreamer; not in the romantic sense, but in the go to sleep, hit
REM sleep, dream, wake up, fall asleep instantly re-entering REM sleep,
wake up and repeat many times a night. Wish fulfillment. I worshipped
her with all my being. I can’t believe it took me this long to figure out
the reason I dream of her so much is wish fulfillment. After listening to
Freud’s lectures on dream interpretation I still didn’t get it, the ecstasy
of an epiphany. Like a thirsty motherfucker in a desert dreaming of
drinking a waterfall.

The posthumous writings of a faggot found 2,000 years later. It’s

all simple ancient Greek, everything happening now and in 2,000 years

from now. The ancient scribbles of S:Ray. When she’s a paralyzed whale
she shall be mine again. The art of patience bitch.

The condition of pretentiousness deeply ingrained in his low self-worth.

Listen to the wisdom of new life.

Sartre was sitting at a restaurant table with Pierre.

“Pierre my man, did I ever tell you ‘bout the time I rejected the Nobel
Prize for Literature?”

“Ya wanna know what I said?”

“Jean-Paul ya know…”

“Took me all night to get the phrasing just right, or the exact phrasing
right, writing isn’t a game ya know, it’s laborious work, work, takes
immense dedication and focus, immense, like freeing oneself from the
grip of implacable octopus tentacles to release such ideas!”

“What I said was…”

“Oh look at the time Jean, I gotta go! Meet me here tomorrow at about
noon and tell me what you said. (for the billionth time!)”

“Ok my friend, you’ll be delighted by my response,

Aurevoir mon ami.”

“à tout à l'heure”

The lilies of the valley are good for you and all around you. Some past
images in dreams committing new actions in new scenarios. Free
myself from trite desires. Dream healthier greater desires. And Alysia
called me in the dream and the first person I encounter in waking life is
named Alysia. Realize others are gonna think what they think about
what you say, not what you think, so just say and bounce.

Smooth, shake shit off, focus on what you need to do to bring as much
pleasure into the world as possible. Destroy all cars! Live hermit, heal,
bring new music into the world, and heal so you can dance well, a sign
to motivate into yoga. A more flexible body, a more flexible universe.
Bringing joy and pleasure into the world. Shadow shit shadow shit
shadow shit; with attention, madness, and patience one can do all one

Got to take account of reality currency. Dissolve all notions of

paper bitches. Gone Like the Wind. How is yr mental health at the
moment? The park is good. Below the Lime. Living currency, full moon
urgency. I’m a serious human being doing serious human things. Watch
out drama in my head! I want to see things clearly, spin enjera,
program mind. You now see the programming possible. 3 hrs of making
marks on paper, soul exteriorization. How is yr mental health? The
parks good brah. Focused life energy. On creating a pleasing

Yes yes, focus your creation son. On what? On the resplendent
perception that envelops you.

A most joyous hermit. Waiting for the beard to grow, a seed

to sow, a greedy hoe to show me all I know.

This XVI 0!

Tower Fool!

Fairly protected by fairies and blankets. By twilight heaven. Total

affirmation. A middle in motion. A Love Supreme. Shit is Hot!

Fortuitous and inevitable. Transversal of significations. Take yr time

desert goddess.

It's about how fucked up decent folk is. The nature of a capitalistic
system is to create enemy fucking animals. It's about Taoism. The
miracle of water. The saint in the lake. It's healing. A week of healing;
healing the week. take yr time desert goddess. Will you say Damn you
Demon! Or Thank Jah! The saint in the lake healing the pusillanimous
and weak. It's about frosty the motherfuckin' snow fuckin man man!

Yes baby I guess I'm just use to Ivy League college towns; yes the
haughty grand bourgeois not these petty petite bourgeois bitches
afraid to let a little fuck slip now and again. Yes the breath of the elect.
The breaths have been the same breaths since the dawn of breathing.
Talk to her breaths, put your best breath into it. Create a most
magnificent breathing machine. Transform your breath into the breath
of the elect. Transfiguration of breath. The breath of the
singer/actor/yogi. The yogi in the yoni. The living breathing yoni.

A deep thanks for all the opportunities to discover my huge self-
worth. A written vision board. Believe in the perceptions present. You
musn't rush the goddess. Write a list of shit to forget. Take yr shoes off
often, brush hair randomly, teeth obsessively.

Skip 2 dogs. Live wretchedly, die rich. Are you sceered?

Embrace the atmosphere. I appreciate you so much Love,


One should read Homefull 31xs. Read through the whole thing once,
then read part 1 10xs, parts 2 5xs, then part 3 5xs, then 2 & 3 together
5xs. At first you might think, “This is a fucking piece of shit!” But I swear
to fucking Vast Creative Timeless Non-human Mystery after the 31st
read it’s absolute magic and you won’t know what the fuck happened! I
hope this doesn’t sound pretentious or narcissistic.

Nomadic Anonymous
Carrboro Cybrary 10/12/2018


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