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11th Grade

Teacher M. Isabel Herrera Allende


1. Use a word from the box to complete the sentences 1 - 12.

terrorism peace illiteracy poverty addiction racism famine

war environment disease pollution immigration

1. World _______________ II started in 1939.

2. The ______________ process in the Middle East is very diffi cult.
3. The attack on the World Trade Center was an act of ________________.
4. ___________________ is going to another country to live there permanently.
5. When there is __________________ people are always hungry.
6. We talk about _________________ when someone can’t stop smoking cigarettes or drinking
7. People live in _____________ when they don’t have any money.
8. _______________ is not respecting and tolerating other races.
9. Air and water _________________ is caused by factories and cars.
10. Protecting the ________________ is very important for future generations.
11. When people have ________________, they become ill.
12. Being unable to read and write is called ______________________.

Highlight the second conditionals cases you find in the text.
Find words 1–6 in the text and match them with the correct definitions a–f.
1) ____ inhabitant 2) ____ villager
3) _____ reflect 4) ____ breathe
5) _____ equally 6) ____ donate

A) someone who lives in a village

B) to show or be a sign of a situation
C) a person that lives in a particular place
D) to give money to charity
E) to take air into and let it out of your lungs
F) in a way that is fair and the same for everybody

2. Read the text again and choose the correct answers.

1. The global village in the text represents …
A) Asia. B) the whole world.
C) the developing world.

2. 12% of the people in the global village would be …

A) African. B) American.
C) European.

3. … people wouldn’t be able to read.

A) 7 B) 17
C) 70

4. Most of the people wouldn’t have …

A) a phone or a TV. B) clean drinking water.
C) clean air to breathe.

5. In the global village, …

A) there’s too much food. B) there isn’t enough food.
C) people don’t share the food.

6. The Global Village Fund …

A) doesn’t help ill people. B) helps the poor.
C) gives people computers.



Four friends, Alex, Lucy, Sam and Jo were sitting in a coffee bar and chatting, when the subject of their own faults came up in
‘I must admit,’ said Alex, ‘I sometimes use the company’s phone for private calls and I often steal office stationery from work
when the boss isn’t looking. If my boss found out, I’d get fired.’
‘Well, I guess my greatest fault,’ Lucy told the group, ‘is that I gamble too much. I play online poker and I buy lottery tickets.
My parents are really strict, and if they heard about it, I’d be in real trouble.
‘I don’t gamble,’ Sam said, ‘but I’d say that my worst fault is my drinking habit. I drink far too much. If it ever got out, I’d
lose my job.’
Joe had been silent during the conversation, so Sam turned and asked him, ‘Well, Joe, do you have any faults, then?’
‘Oh, yes,’ said Joe, ‘and mine is worse than any of yours. My greatest fault is that I just can’t keep a secret.’
1. Highlight the second conditional sentences you find in the story.

2. Choose the correct form.

1) A. If his boss found out about Joe’s drinking habits, he’d probably lose his job.
B. If his boss would find out about Joe’s drinking habits, he probably lost his job.

2) A. I went for a walk if it wouldn’t be raining so hard.

B. I’d go for a walk if it weren’t raining so hard.

3) A. If you’d spoken more slowly people will be able to understand you better.
B. If you’d speak more slowly people would be able to understand you better.

4) A. I came to the party if I wouldn’t have so much work to do.

B. I’d come to the party if I didn’t have so much work to do.

5) A. This movie would be better if it were shorter.

B. This movie were better if it would be shorter.


1. Complete with the correct form of the verbs. Watch out, some must be negative.

1. If some people ______________ so much food, other people ____________ so hungry.

(waste) (be)

2. The world ______________ a better place if everyone _____________each other.

(be) (help)

3. People _______________illiterate if they ____________ access to school.

(be) (have)

4. If Elsa _____________ a family, she ________________ homeless.

(have) (be)

5. She _____________ happier if she ______________ a home.

(be) (have)

6. If she ____________________ a dog, she __________________ safe.

(have) (feel)

7. She _______________ a hot meal if she __________________ enough money.

(buy) (have)

8. If it _______________ colder, where ____________ she _________?

(be) (go)

9. What __________ you _________ if she _________________ you for money?

(do) (ask)

2. Complete the Chain of Consequences.

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