Childhood Text and Vocab Fill in

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Remembered- huge -presents - running - winter -costume- young- story- countryside -Memories- crying – still

Stephen Williams Friday, June 21 . Today I went to the beach. It was my first day at the ocean for many years.
The sound and smell of the ocean brought back …………………of the great family vacations when I was a child. We
always went to the beach for a week in the summer. I ……………………playing for hours in the sand with my sister
and …………. when I couldn’t have any ice cream. Oh, and I remembered finding a ………….. jellyfish on the beach,
and ……………….away because I was scared! Amazing, really, the things you remember from your childhood .

Comments :

➤ Yeah, I remember going for long walks in the ………………………. I guess I was only eight or nine. In the ……………,
my mom made soup, and I can still remember the wonderful smell! When we got home, I always went straight
to sleep . Carla, Mexico

➤ What a great………………..! I remember going to the beach, too – on Christmas Day! My family lived in
Australia when I was……………. I remember waking up early. After we opened our………….., we always went to
the beach and had a barbecue. Leung, Hong Kong

➤ The best memory I have is playing my first video game, Super Mario. I remember thinking that it was
amazing. It was my tenth birthday and I ……………..remember opening the box. Daisuke, Japan
➤ I like your story about Christmas, Leung. When I read it, I remembered Halloween one year when I was a
child. I wore a Superwoman ………………..and went to a barbecue with my brothers . I can remember eating my
first kebab! I didn’t know what it was, but I liked the spicy sauce! Terri, Canada
➤ I remember playing soccer on the beach. I was nine. I fell and hurt my leg, so my sister took me home.
Ricardo, Italy.

Remembered- huge -presents - running - winter -costume- young- story- countryside -Memories- crying – still

Stephen Williams Friday, June 21 . Today I went to the beach. It was my first day at the ocean for many years.
The sound and smell of the ocean brought back …………………of the great family vacations when I was a child. We
always went to the beach for a week in the summer. I ……………………playing for hours in the sand with my sister
and …………. when I couldn’t have any ice cream. Oh, and I remembered finding a ………….. jellyfish on the beach,
and ……………….away because I was scared! Amazing, really, the things you remember from your childhood .

Comments :

➤ Yeah, I remember going for long walks in the ………………………. I guess I was only eight or nine. In the ……………,
my mom made soup, and I can still remember the wonderful smell! When we got home, I always went straight
to sleep . Carla, Mexico

➤ What a great………………..! I remember going to the beach, too – on Christmas Day! My family lived in
Australia when I was……………. I remember waking up early. After we opened our………….., we always went to
the beach and had a barbecue. Leung, Hong Kong

➤ The best memory I have is playing my first video game, Super Mario. I remember thinking that it was
amazing. It was my tenth birthday and I ……………..remember opening the box. Daisuke, Japan
➤ I like your story about Christmas, Leung. When I read it, I remembered Halloween one year when I was a
child. I wore a Superwoman ………………..and went to a barbecue with my brothers . I can remember eating my
first kebab! I didn’t know what it was, but I liked the spicy sauce! Terri, Canada
➤ I remember playing soccer on the beach. I was nine. I fell and hurt my leg, so my sister took me home.
Ricardo, Italy.
His father was very authoritarian and he
used to scare me quite a lot.
Family group consisting of a pair of adults
and their children
Nuclear family
Strongly limiting someone's freedom to
behave as they wish, or likely to severely
punish someone if they do not obey.
Larger than the nuclear family - consisting of
aunts, uncles, and cousins all living nearby or Some parents believe that they have to be
Extended family in the same household. very strict with their children to ensure
they behave well.

A parent, not living with a spouse or

partner, who has most of the day-to-day (the use of) any of various methods
responsibilities in raising children. intended to prevent a woman becoming
Some people believe that it is not good for Birth control /
children to grow up in a single- Contraception
One of the reasons for the falling number
parent household. of births in developing countries is birth
control. Medical clinics often distribute
free contraception.
Group of people related by blood or
The number of babies born over a given
Relatives time
Relatives, such as grandparents, can play
Birth Rate
an important role in helping to raise
children. The birth rate has been falling in many

Brothers or sisters
To care for a child until he or she is an
Siblings adult, often giving him or her particular
I have three siblings – one brother and two beliefs
Bring Up /
Children should be brought up to respect
A young person who is developing into an their parents.
I had a very good upbringing.
Children can sometimes cause more
problems for their parents when they To take care of a person (or an animal or
become adolescents. plant) until they are completely grown

Someone who depends on you for financial Raise

support, such as a child or family member
Her parents raised her very well as she is
who does not work
now a very kind and considerate young
Dependants woman.
My dependants will be well-looked after
when I die as I have left a lot of money to
them in my will. The biological, psychological and
emotional changes that occur in human
beings between birth and the end of
Child adolescence
Demanding that people obey completely Development
Authoritarian and refusing to allow them freedom to act
as they wish
There is no doubt that there are factors
external to the family that significantly
impact on a child's development. ensuring they are not in any danger

Care for children provided by either the If you have children it is very important to
government, an organization, or a person, be responsible parents.
while parents are at work or are away for
another reason
A period of a person's life, usually
childhood, that has a big influence on the
Cheap childcare is very important in order person they become and the rest of that
to allow mother's to return to work. persons life
Formative years

Divorce If things go wrong for someone in

Divorce is very common these days. their formative years, it can have an
impact on their adult life.

An arrangement, but not necessarily done

legally, by which two married people stop Taking on the legal responsibilities as
living together as a couple parent of a child that is not one's biological
Me and my partner are having a
trial separation. Hopefully we can sort If a couple can't have a child they may
things out. decide to adopt.

A form of child abuse where there is an Taking on the responsibilities for a child in
ongoing failure to meet a child's basic place of the child's natural parents but
needs, such as being left without adequate without legally adopting the child.
food, clothes, shelter, medicine etc.
Child Neglect
Social services will intervene if a child has Fostering a child can be a very fulfilling
been neglected. experience.

They have decided to

become foster parents.
A family where there is conflict,
misbehavior, and often child neglect,
resulting in poor emotional and physical
health Wishing to protect a child too much
The child comes from a Overprotective
very dysfunctional family. The father was Parents
violent and is now in prison and the mother Children who have had overprotective
has a drugs problem. parents do not build up a strong character
to deal with the outside world on their own.

Reasonable and has good judgment and

their behaviour is not difficult or strange
A child who shows bad behaviour from
Well-adjusted overindulgence by their parents
A child brought up by responsible parents
and provided with emotional security will Spoiled Child
grow up to be very well-adjusted.

Responsible Children who are given everything that

Having good judgement and the ability to they demand from their parents may
act correctly when bringing up a child e.g. become very spoiled.

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