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"The importance of hepatitis b vaccination of medical students in indonesia”

Annisa Kartika Edwar

According to WHO vaccination is one of the most effective ways to prevent diseases.
A vaccine helps the body’s immune system to recognize and fight pathogens like viruses or
bacteria, which then keeps us safe from the diseases they cause. Vaccine works by reduced
risks of getting a disease by working with body natural defences to build protection. Vaccines
are crucial things for infant, young children, the elderly, and healthcare worker include
physicians, nurces, emergency medical personal, dental proffesionals and students, medical
and nursing student, laboratory teaching and administrative staff.
Vacctinations are particullary important for medical students come into contact with
infections diases early on their carrier. Occupational vaccination recommedations from this
group state that medical student should ensure immunity to hepatitis, measles, mumps,
rubella, pertussis, and varicella. The most crucial vaccination for medical student in Indonesia
is hepatitis B virus (HBV) because Indonesian has a moderate to hight endemicity of HBV
infection. According to , Baseline Health Research in Indonesia, study and screening donated
blood for transfusion estimated that 10 out of 100 people had been infected with hepatitis B
inindonesia. There are 28 million people estimated to be infected by hepatitis B and C with
14 million people among them have the potential to become chronic and around 1.4 million
people that have chronic hepatitis a have the potential to suffer from liver cancer. There any
addional vaccine can consider are measles, mumps, rubella, pertussis, and HPV because there
is a old adage said “prevention is better than cure”.
Considering that the vaccinations of these medical students are recognized as the best
form of protection against infectious risk. The rationale for vaccination of medical student
relies on two facts: first, susceptible medical student are at increased risk for infections
disease compared to adults working in non-healthcare settings, second medical student
provide health care to patients, many of whom are at high risk for a serious disease course,
complications, or even death because of their age (e.g., neonates, young infants, elderly)
and/or underlying conditions (e.g., pregnant women, immunocompromised patients,
patients with underlying diseases). These groups are frequent users of health-care services,
yet often they do not develop a strong immune response after immunization or they are
ineligible for immunization (e.g., the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is regularly
administered after 12 months of age and is contraindicated during pregnancy). So, when
medical student and community get a vaccinations it will make a herd community. When a
herd community is form it will provided a measure of protection for individuals who have not
developed immunity. That how the way medical student can support and assist in preventive
strategy in controlng infectious disease.

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