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Reflection for Badminton

In this badminton unit, we learnt about how some concepts relate to the sport and the
skills we can learn to improve our badminton skills. The concepts were relationships we
had with the court, our partner, and our opponents; the choice of the shot we would use
in the game for different situations, and space, the placement of our shuttle when we
return it to the opponents. Through this unit, I realized the importance of these concepts
to how well you play badminton. They are equally as important to understand and utilize
as skills in badminton.
While playing doubles, the relationship between you and your partner is very important.
For instance, if you are going to take a shot, it is important for your partner to
understand that or you could crash into each other. Also, communication is also
important because without it, you could think the other was going to return the shuttle
and end up not hitting it at all. Also, the relationship between you and the court is also
important because it is important to return to home base after every shot to increase the
likelihood of you being near the next shot your opponent will give you.
The choice of shot is also very important. This is something that is considered when you
think about the placement of your shot, since different shots give different trajectories
when used. A good tactic would be to use a variety of different shots with different
trajectories with placement that go all over the court to move your opponent around.
This would make it more difficult for your opponent to return your shots.
During this badminton unit, I feel like my skills in badminton increased a lot. In this unit, I
improved my badminton skills through a lot of practice and learning new shots. I also
learned the rules of badminton for the first time, and enjoyed applying them along with
my skills and concepts in badminton.
I knew that badminton is just for play and I didn't think that it's one of the "sport" game.
That's why I used to play badminton just for fun and not to win the game. But by doing
this section, I learned how to play the "game" and how to score the points. Also, I knew
about the rules of the badminton when other students were presenting and explaining
about it. I wasn't very good at playing badminton but I enjoyed it so much so I tried to
play it in my house too.

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