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Tukuran, Zamboanga del Sur


Second Quarter Examination

Name: ________________________________ Grade &Section:_________________Score:____________

I. Multiple Choice: Read each question carefully and CHOOSE the ONE best answer.
Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. It refers to the inevitable positive or negative events of human existence.
a. Human nature c. Human Person
b. Human Condition d. Human’s Freedom
1. The idea of Sartre’s bad faith states the following, except:
a. Our freedom is curtailed by others’ freedom.
b. We are cursed or condemned to be free.
c. We take responsibility for our choices.
d. We believe that cheating is good to pass the exam.
2. Freedom is what makes us human according to___________.
a. Plato c. Aristotle
b. Jean Paul Sartre d. Rene Descartes
3. St. Thomas derived his ideas about the union of the body and soul through the idea of
a. Plato c. Socrates
b. Aristotle d. Augustine
4. The following notions about the body and soul are stated by Aristotle and other ancient
philosophers, except:
a. The soul is the body’s moving principle.
b. Knowledge of Corporeal things is caused by likeness; hence, to know the body is to
be like it in nature.
c. The soul moves the body through contact; hence the soul must not be a body because
contact happens between bodies.
d. None of the above.
5. The following are the criticism and development of the idea of Aristotle on the body and
soul by Aquinas, except:
a. The soul is the body’s moving principle
b. To know the body, it does not necessarily need to be a body.
c. There is a contact of power.
d. There is a contact of quality.
6. He is a Phenomenologist who based his idea on Phenomenology of Perception.
a. Edmund Husserl c. Jean Paul Sartre
b. Gabriel Marcel d. Maurice Merleau –Ponty
7. He is a German Philosopher and a forerunner of phenomenology who asserted that every
“I” finds itself as an organic lived body.
a. Jean Paul Sartre c. Edmund Husserl
b. Maurice Merleau-Ponty d. Gabriel marcel
8. He refuted the idea which states that the soul is the mind or the mind is in the soul.
a. Edmund Gettier c. Owen Flanagan
b. Thpmas Aquinas d. Thomas Hobbes
9. What is the best goal of studying Philosophy?
a. Partial point of view c. Etymological meaning of Philosophy
b. Holistic Perspective d. Knowing God
10. According most Philosophers, we need to study Philosophy because:
a. It will give us definite answers about both scientific and metaphysical problems.
b. It can give us happiness.
c. It is a study wherein we naturally use scientific methods.
d. Its questions can enlarge our conception of what is possible, enrich our intellectual
imagination, and diminish dogmatic intellectuality.
11. He claims that what people do about their environment depends on what they think about
themselves in relation to things around them.
a. Patrick Dobel c. Lynn White
b. Paul Taylor d. Chuck Taylor
12. He suggested that we need to look at the earth differently by responding to the question
of its status, resources, and ownership.
a. Patrick Dobel c. Lynn White
b. Paul Taylor d. Chuck Taylor
13. It is a theory that calls for respect for nature ass its central moral attitude.
a. Ecocentrism c. Egalitarianism
b. Biocentric Egalitarianism d. Eco-friendliness
14. It is considered as the “Land Ethic” by Aldo Leopold
a. Ecocentrism c. Eco-friendliness
b. Egalitarianism d. Biocentric Egalitarianism
15. He explained that Christian ecology is geared toward harmony with the world without
abandoning humanity’s commitment to social justice.
a. Lynn White c. Paul Taylor
b. Lewis Moncrief d. Patrick Dobel
16. As a human person who is related to environment, the following are our roles except:
a. Master of environment c. Steward of environment
b. Lover of environment d. Exploiter of environment
17. Under this theory, the human person will go beyond conserving forests by planting trees
through natural reproduction instead of artificial propagation.
a. Biocentric Egalitarianism c. Egalitarianism
b. Ecocentrism d. ecological conscience
18. He is a professor of medieval history at Princeton University who claimed that ecological
crisis is rooted on Judeo-Christian tradition which is anthropocentric attitude.
a. Paul Taylor c. Lynn White
b. Lewis Moncrief d. Patrick Dobel
19. He is a philosopher who refuted the idea of Lynn White that ecological crisis is caused by
religious tradition.
a. Paul Taylor c. Lewis Moncrief
b. Chuck Taylor d. Patrick Dodel
20. Based on the theories presented on Human person and their Environment, what is the best
reason on planting a tree?
a. We need to plant a tree because we can gain points from it.
b. We need to plant a tree as a RECREATION.
c. We need to plant a tree for we are stewards of environment and we need to exercise
ecological conscience.
d. We need to plant a tree so that we can have the right to exploit the nature in the near
21. It is a philosophical movement known for its inquiry on human person
a. Determinism c. Existentialism
b. Essentialism d. Undeterminism
22. He believed that our freedom is somehow connected to our anxiety.
a. Jean-Paul Sartre c. Gabriel Marcel\
b. Martin Heidegger d. Carl Hoefer
23. It claims that every action involving the body is determined
a. Causal Determinism c. Physical determinism
b. Determinism d. Undeterminism
24. It is incompatible of the notion of free will because it can undermine free choice if past
events will be revealed as the cause of future actions and not really chosen by the
individual as a free agent.
a. Physical deteriminism c. Determinism
b. Causal Determinism d. Existentialism
25. It is a view that states that one is powerless to do anything than what he or she actually
wants to do.
a. Determinism c. Causal Determinism
b. Physical Determinism d. Fatalism
26. He explained that when you are choosing, the act involves not only weighing the reasons
but giving weight to reasons.
a. Robert Nozick c. Martin Heidegger
b. Martin Luther King d. Jean Paul Sartre
27. The following are the values on giving weights to reasons except:
a. Instrumental c. Intrinsic
b. Originative Value d. Contribution
28. The following are the assets or agents of choice, except:
a. Intention c. Desire
b. Knowledge of the choices d. Mediocrity
29. Why do we need to evaluate our desire?
a. Because not all desire are good.
b. Because we are limited as a human Person
c. Because most of desires are selfish.
d. All of the above.
30. Why do we need to tack bestness of our actions?
a. Because it is taught in Philosophy subject
b. Because it is suggested by Robert Nozick
c. Because our actions are always good.
d. Because to track bestness means to do an act that is right intentionally all of the time.
31. He claimed that a human person is not a spiritual thing misplaced into a space.
a. Martin Heidegger c. Jean Paul Sartre
b. Paul Gorner d. Paul Walker
32. He believed that it is through “other-as-a-look” that the “I” experiences the self or is
a. Martin Heidegger c. Jean Paul Sartre
b. Paul Gorner d. Paul Walker
33. This conception of intersubjectivity reveals that the original relationship of every human
person is a conflict.
a. Heideggerean c. Gornerean
b. Sartrean d. Walker Concept
34. How and when is the notion of “we-subject” experienced?
a. When there is a certain particular experience where the being-for-others reveals its
b. When there is a collective consciousness of treating others as subject.
c. When there is a consensus of human persons in a certain experience.
d. All of the above.
35. Dasein literally means _________________.
a. Affectedness c. Disclosedness
b. Understanding d. Being there
36. Dasein’s Being as a care is manifested in the following statements except:
a. To care is to connect; to disclose is to reveal.
b. Being a human person is being an affective being.
c. Being a human person is to care and to isolate ourselves.
d. Being a human person is to understand our relationship with other beings.
37. He pointed out that “Human beings are historical beings in the sense that each of us has a
history. We belong to communities which themselves have a history”.
a. Paul Gorner c. Jean Paul Sartre
b. Martin Heidegger d. Paul Walker
38. The following are the concept of Dasein except:
a. Dasein is temporal
b. Dasein is being thrown in the world
c. Dasein is being a spiritual being merely floating in the world
d. Dasein is in conflict with other beings.
39. Man as a historical being implies that _____________________________.
a. Historicity means that Dasein has no past, his involvement with other Dasein implies that
they also have past, a shared past.
b. When Dasein projects its possibilities into the future, Part of it is the past that has been
c. Dasein is infinite.
d. Dasein is undetermined by tradition.
40. Why do we need to study History?
a. Because part of our Being a Dasein is a Historical background.
b. Because we are temporal beings and we are limited.
c. Because some of our questions are already answered in the past; hence, we can use it as a
tool for the development of our future.
d. All of the above.
Prepared by: Mr. Jennyben S. Macan

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