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Academic Dishonesty in Graduate Business Programs: Prevalence, Causes,

and Proposed Action

Article  in  Academy of Management Learning and Education, The · September 2006

DOI: 10.5465/AMLE.2006.22697018


384 977

3 authors, including:

Donald L. Mccabe Kenneth Butterfield

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey Washington State University


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姝 Academy of Management Learning & Education, 2006, Vol. 5, No. 3, 294 –305.


Academic Dishonesty in
Graduate Business Programs:
Prevalence, Causes, and
Proposed Action
Rutgers University

Washington State University


The Pennsylvania State University

Little is currently known about cheating among graduate business students. We collected
data from more than 5,000 business (mostly MBA) and nonbusiness graduate students at
32 colleges and universities in the United States and Canada during the 2002–2003 and
2003–2004 academic years to test a series of hypotheses regarding the prevalence of
graduate business student cheating and reasons why these students cheat. We found that
graduate business students cheat more than their nonbusiness-student peers. Correlation
results found cheating to be associated with perceived peer behavior, as well as the
perceived certainty of being reported by a peer, and the understanding and acceptance
of academic integrity policies by students and faculty. But, regression analysis results
suggest that perceived peer behavior has the largest effect. Drawing from these findings
and past research on undergraduate students, we propose strategies that business schools
and faculty can use to promote academic integrity in graduate business programs.

“I think the WorldCom and Enron scandals handbooks devoted to ethical standards, and ad-
point to the need for character in our busi- monishments in course syllabi. Although such
ness schools. If the driver at the helm is un- techniques have been found to be effective in un-
ethical, so shall the crew be.” dergraduate schools (Baird, 1980), little is known
—Comments of an MBA student at a large about their effectiveness among graduate busi-
U.S. university. ness students. We also know very little about why
graduate business students cheat and whether
As this student suggests, high-profile ethics scan- they cheat more than their peers.
dals have once again focused attention on ethics Understanding cheating among graduate busi-
and cheating in business. Some business schools ness students is important because these students
are responding by expanding their attention to are tomorrow’s business leaders. In addition, in
ethics in their curricula, and some are attempting light of recent scandals in corporations, business
to make judgments about an applicant’s ethical schools have been searching for ways to send stu-
inclinations in admissions processes (Harker, dents the message that ethics is important. Atten-
2005). In addition, some schools are promoting ac- tion to students’ cheating behavior likely has some
ademic integrity as part of their strategy to en- role to play in that process. Finally, there is reason
hance the ethical development of their students. to believe that cheating may be more of a problem
These efforts related to academic integrity com- in business schools than it is elsewhere. Research
monly include lectures during orientation ses- has demonstrated that undergraduate business
sions, website pages and chapters in student students cheat more than their nonbusiness peers
2006 McCabe, Butterfield, and Treviño 295

and that they are less likely to disapprove of cheat- uate business students may cheat more. It is pos-
ing (e.g., Baird, 1980; Bowers, 1964; McCabe, 1997). sible that students who are prone to cheating se-
Similar differences may exist between MBA stu- lect themselves into business schools at a higher
dents and their nonbusiness counterparts. Al- rate because of preexisting attitudes, such as the
though previous research has examined cheating value of being financially well off. Or, students
among various types of undergraduate and grad- may be learning something in business school that
uate students (e.g., Bowers, 1964; Haines et al., 1986; leads them to have such attitudes. In support of the
Stern & Havlicek, 1986; Davis et al., 1992; McCabe & learning explanation, Ghoshal (2005) argued that
Treviño, 1995, 1997), to our knowledge this is the the economic theories and free-market philosophy
first multicampus study to examine cheating that form the foundation of much of the business
among graduate business students. school curriculum have a harmful impact on busi-
This study has three major objectives: (1) to test ness students’ values, attitudes, and behavior.
hypotheses concerning the factors that influence Ghoshal (2005: 76) claimed that “by propagating
graduate business students’ cheating behavior; (2) ideologically inspired amoral theories, business
to examine the prevalence of cheating to deter- schools have actively freed their students from any
mine whether business graduate students cheat sense of moral responsibility.” Business school
more than their nonbusiness graduate student curricula generally emphasize the maximization of
peers, and; (3) to propose strategies for promoting shareholder wealth, without equal attention to
academic integrity in graduate business pro- other societal stakeholders.
grams. Further supporting the learning explanation are
studies (Frank, Gilovich, & Regan, 1993) demon-
strating that economics students, perhaps driven
THEORY AND HYPOTHESES by their exposure to the self-interest model, act in
more self-interested ways than other students. In-
Cheating Among Graduate Business Students
deed, in the course of a single semester Frank and
In his classic study of cheating at the undergrad- his colleagues observed a significantly greater de-
uate level, Bowers (1964) documented higher levels cline in the honesty of students taking an introduc-
of cheating among business students. He reported tory economics course (and a correspondingly
that 66% of the undergraduate business students in greater increase in self-interested behavior) com-
his survey of 99 campuses reported at least one pared to students taking an introductory course in
incident of cheating (operationalized as plagia- astronomy. In addition, a recent study conducted
rism, copying or using crib notes on a test, or turn- by the Aspen Institute (2003) found that during their
ing in work done by another) in the previous aca- 2 years in an MBA program, students’ values shift
demic year— 8 percentage points higher than away from customer needs and product quality
engineering students, the next highest group, and and toward shareholder value as a measure of
16 percentage points higher than the overall aver- business success and corporate responsibility.
age of 50% found in his survey of over 5,000 stu- Finally, many graduate business students work
dents. Using a more comprehensive definition of while attending school, which only increases the
cheating, McCabe (1997) reported similar differ- pressures on them. They have less time to get their
ences for a sample of 16 schools with science and work done, and they may be under pressure to
engineering programs— 84% of business students keep their grades up in order to continue getting
reporting one or more incidents of serious cheating financial support from their employers. In their
in the past year vs. 72% of engineering students work experience, these students may have also
and 66% of all participating students. In a study of been exposed to the “get it done at all costs” cul-
31 undergraduate institutions, McCabe and ture found in many corporate workplaces. Gradu-
Treviño (1995) also found that undergraduate stu- ate business students are also more mature, and
dents who aspired to a career in business reported their attitudes may be more entrenched than are
higher levels of cheating than did students with those of undergraduate students or more influ-
other career aspirations. They proposed a number enced by others outside of the business school.
of reasons for this finding, including business- In light of the above factors, and the empirical
oriented students’ bottom-line mentality, their evidence that undergraduate business students
higher rating of the importance of being finan- cheat more often than their nonbusiness peers
cially well off, and their competitiveness vis-à-vis (Bowers, 1964; McCabe, 1997), we propose that
grades. Graduate business students are likely to graduate business students will also engage in
share these characteristics. cheating behaviors more than their nonbusiness
There are multiple theoretical reasons why grad- peers:
296 Academy of Management Learning & Education September

Hypothesis 1: Graduate business students will re- Therefore, if students perceive that campus integ-
port more cheating behavior than rity policies are understood and accepted by both
will their nonbusiness peers. students and faculty, cheating should be lower
(McCabe & Treviño, 1993). Such understanding and
acceptance is likely to create a culture supportive
What Influences the Degree of Cheating?
of academic integrity. Indeed, in this previous re-
Previous research on undergraduate students has search, students who perceived such a campus
shown that contextual variables can be a signifi- culture of integrity were likely to cheat less than
cant influence on a student’s cheating behavior those who did not perceive it.
(McCabe & Treviño, 1993, 1997; McCabe, Treviño, & Social learning theory (Bandura, 1986) suggests
Butterfield, 2002). These contextual variables in- that “much of human behavior is learned through
clude deterrence-based variables such as per- the influence of example” (p. 527) and that people
ceived likelihood of being reported for cheating do not need to be personally reinforced in order to
and the perceived severity of penalties, along with learn. In fact, according to Bandura (1986), most of
other factors likely to influence cheating behavior, what individuals learn, they learn through vicari-
such as the behavior of one’s peers and one’s un- ous processes. They observe others’ behavior and
derstanding and acceptance of campus academic the outcomes of that behavior. As such, observing
integrity policies (e.g., McCabe, Treviño, & Butter- peers cheat successfully should increase the ten-
field, 2001). In our survey, we sought to explore dency of the observer to behave similarly. Peer
similar relationships at the graduate student level. behavior also provides normative support for
cheating—when peers are seen cheating, cheating
may come to be viewed as an acceptable way of
Deterrence-based Factors
behaving and of getting ahead (McCabe & Treviño
Deterrence theory suggests that misconduct results 1993). Conversely, if students see their peers en-
from a rational calculus that represents a joint func- gaging in behaviors such as making pledges re-
tion of the perception of the likelihood that one will garding personal integrity, educating other stu-
be caught and the perception of the severity of the dents about the importance of academic integrity,
penalties imposed for the misconduct (e.g., Gibbs, and behaving honestly, then cheating should be
1975). Researchers have applied this theory to cheat- less likely. Although our primary argument relies
ing behavior among college students, suggesting on social learning theory, it is also possible that
that the higher a student’s perception that cheating observing peers cheating provides license to cheat
will be reported and the more severe the perceived or even creates competitive pressure to do so. If
penalty, the less likely a student will be to risk such students see others getting ahead by cheating,
behavior. In addition, because students may be able they may feel free to or compelled to do the same.
to hide cheating from faculty, student perceptions Thus, we propose that the stronger students’ per-
that a peer would report cheating are likely to be ception that faculty and students understand and
most relevant (McCabe & Treviño, 1993; Michaels & accept academic integrity policies and the stron-
Miethe, 1989; Tittle & Rowe, 1973). ger their perceptions of ethical peer behavior, the
Hypothesis 2: Cheating will be inversely related to less students will engage in academic dishonesty.
the perceived certainty of being re- Hypothesis 4: Cheating will be inversely related to
ported by a peer. the perception that students and fac-
Hypothesis 3: Cheating will be inversely related to ulty understand and accept campus
the perceived severity of penalties. academic integrity policies.
Hypothesis 5: Cheating will be positively related
to a student’s perception of peers’ ac-
Normative Factors
ademic dishonesty (the perceived
Much of the previous research on academic integ- level of cheating among their peers).
rity has also taken into account the role of norma-
tive factors in the contextual environment, espe-
cially academic integrity policies such as honor
codes, in reducing student cheating (May & Lloyd, Data were collected at 54 colleges and universities
1993; McCabe & Treviño, 1993; McCabe & Pavela, in the United States and Canada in the 2002–2003
2000). These policies create standards of academic and 2003–2004 academic years as part of a larger
integrity that students and faculty are expected to project being conducted by the Center for Aca-
follow. However, policies may or may not be demic Integrity at Duke University. Of these
widely communicated, understood, and followed. schools, 32 had graduate business programs and
2006 McCabe, Butterfield, and Treviño 297

were included in the final sample for this analy- different behaviors—five related to cheating on
sis—11 schools in Canada and 21 in the United test and exams (explicit copying of another stu-
States. The mean undergraduate and graduate en- dent’s paper during a test either with or without
rollments for the 11 Canadian universities were their permission, the use of unauthorized crib
19,450 and 3,340, respectively. The mean number of notes, helping someone else to cheat on a test, and
students at the 21 U.S. schools was 11,950 under- learning in advance what was on a test from some-
graduates and 1,510 graduate students. one who previously took the test); and 8 related to
Because survey procedures were not under our written work (plagiarism, collaborating on assign-
exclusive control, we could only estimate response ments when specifically asked for individual work,
rates. About half of the participating schools invited cut and pasting a few sentences from either a
all their students to participate in this survey, while written or Internet source without attribution, fab-
others chose to include select populations, typically ricating or falsifying a bibliography, submitting
a random sample of students (sometimes as few as work done by someone else, providing unautho-
500 or 1,000). At those schools that invited all students rized help to someone on an assignment, and sub-
to participate, a broadcast e-mail was sent to all mitting a paper downloaded from a term paper
students on campus, inviting them to complete the mill or website). These questions were presented
survey. Unfortunately, a large number of undeliver- to respondents in a section of the survey entitled
able survey invitations were generated because “Specific Behaviors” and were introduced by tell-
many students do not use their official campus e- ing respondents that “this section asks you some
mail address. Using published data on the graduate questions about specific behaviors that some peo-
student population at each participating school, we ple might consider cheating.” They were reminded
were able to estimate that the 5,331 responses we that their answers would remain anonymous.
received equated to a 13% response rate. While this With three choices available for each of the 13
rate is low, participating schools stated that it was behaviors (never engaged in this behavior, en-
typical for a graduate student web-based survey on gaged in the behavior once, engaged in the behav-
a sensitive topic. Nevertheless, readers should keep ior more than once), this variable ranged from 13 to
this low response in mind when interpreting our re- 39 and had a mean of 14.81, a standard deviation of
sults. Responses from graduate students majoring in 3.10, and a Cronbach’s alpha of .804. Because the
business (N ⫽ 623), almost all of whom were MBA resulting variable was skewed, values were stan-
students, represented 12% of the total graduate stu- dardized and the log of the resulting variable (plus
dent response. a constant of ten) was used in all analyses. This
A cover letter introducing the survey to students transformed variable had a mean of 10.00 and a
informed them that their school was “participating in standard deviation of .04.
a nationwide survey of college students on the sub-
ject of academic dishonesty . . . [a] study designed to
Understanding and Acceptance of Academic
get student and faculty opinions about the current
Integrity Policies
state of academic integrity at our nation’s colleges
and universities.” To encourage student participa- Understanding and acceptance of academic integ-
tion, students were assured their responses would rity policies was measured with a 5-item scale:
remain anonymous. In addition, on most campuses, student understanding of campus academic integ-
there was some advance publicity for the survey in rity policies, student support of these policies, fac-
the student newspaper or the invitation to complete ulty understanding of these policies, faculty sup-
the survey was preceded by or accompanied by a port of these policies, and effectiveness of these
letter from a campus official—provost, dean or pres- policies. Each item had four possible response cat-
ident. Although precise calculations cannot be made egories: a 4-point Likert scale ranging from very
in this case, the results suggest that females are low to very high. This composite measure had a
overrepresented in the response group, a finding that mean of 16.71, a standard deviation of 3.84, and a
has been observed in earlier cheating surveys (e.g., Cronbach’s alpha of .838.
McCabe & Treviño, 1993).
Peers’ Behavior
Measures Peers’ behavior was measured with a single 5- point
Likert scale item (1 ⫽ never, through 5 ⫽ many times)
Academic Dishonesty
that asked respondents how often they had observed
Similar to the measure used by McCabe and another student cheating. This item had a mean of
Treviño (1993), the measure of cheating included 13 1.82 and a standard deviation of 1.17.
298 Academy of Management Learning & Education September

Perceived Certainty of Being Reported by a Peer 1. Graduate business students self-reported more
cheating than their nonbusiness peers. The mean
Certainty of being reported was measured by a
level of academic dishonesty reported by graduate
single 4-point Likert scale item that asked respon-
business students using our transformed measure
dents how likely they felt it was that the typical
was 10.17 compared to 9.97 for all other graduate
student on their campus would report an incident
students (t ⫽ 3.854, df ⫽ 3453, p ⬍ .001). This differ-
of cheating they observed (1 ⫽ very unlikely,
through 4 ⫽ very likely). This measure had a mean ence was also reflected in the percentage of stu-
of 1.98 and a standard deviation of 0.67. dents who admitted to one or more incidents of
cheating in the past academic year—56% of grad-
uate business students compared to 47% of their
Perceived Severity of Penalties nonbusiness peers (t ⫽ 3.674, df ⫽ 3453, p ⬍ .001).
Severity of penalties was measured with a single Table 1 shows the bivariate correlation analyses
4-point Likert scale item (1 ⫽ very low, to 4 ⫽ very for the total graduate student sample as well as
high) that asked students to rate the severity of separate analyses for graduate business students
penalties on their campus. The resulting measure and nonbusiness students. For the graduate busi-
had a mean of 3.42 and a standard deviation of ness sample, as well as the nonbusiness sample
1.01. and full sample, correlational analysis supports
Hypotheses 2, 4, and 5, suggesting that cheating
behavior is inversely related to the perceived cer-
Analyses tainty of being reported by a peer and understand-
Hypothesis 1 was tested using simple t tests. We ing and acceptance of academic integrity policies
tested Hypotheses 2–5 using bivariate correlations and positively related to perceptions of peer cheat-
and a multiple regression model with academic ing behavior. Hypothesis 3, which predicted an
dishonesty as the dependent variable and under- inverse relation between academic dishonesty and
standing and acceptance of campus academic in- the perceived severity of penalties, was not sup-
tegrity policies, certainty of being reported, sever- ported in any of the samples.
ity of penalties, and peers’ cheating behavior as Table 2 summarizes the multiple regression
the independent variables. models for both the full sample and the business
and nonbusiness student samples. Similar to the
correlational analysis, Table 2 shows that Hypoth-
esis 2 (likelihood of being reported), Hypothesis 4
A t test comparing the self-reported incidence of (understanding/acceptance of policy), and Hypoth-
cheating among graduate business students ver- esis 5 (peer behavior) are significant for the full
sus other graduate students supported Hypothesis student sample at the p ⬍ .05 level. Hypothesis 3

Intercorrelations of Study Variables
Measure N M SD Alpha 1 2 3 4 5

Full Sample
1. Peer behavior 4457 1.81 1.17 — —
2. Acceptance of policy 4525 16.71 3.84 .838 ⫺.29* —
3. Severity of penalties 4699 3.42 1.01 — ⫺.28* .59* —
4. Certainty of reporting 5105 1.98 0.67 — ⫺.24* .31* .21* —
5. Academic dishonesty 3455 10.00 1.00 .804 .28* ⫺.11* ⫺.03 ⫺.13* —
Business Students
1. Peer behavior 540 1.89 1.20 — —
2. Acceptance of policy 571 17.89 3.85 .863 ⫺.40* —
3. Severity of penalties 588 3.04 1.01 — ⫺.31* .57* —
4. Certainty of reporting 597 2.05 0.70 — ⫺.27* .38* .22* —
5. Academic dishonesty 428 10.17 1.15 .822 .30* ⫺.22* ⫺.03 ⫺.22* —
Nonbusiness Students
1. Peer behavior 3917 1.81 1.17 — —
2. Acceptance of policy 3954 16.54 3.80 .832 ⫺.28* —
3. Severity of penalties 4111 3.39 1.00 — ⫺.28* .59* —
4. Certainty of reporting 4508 1.97 0.66 — ⫺.24* .30* .20* —
5. Academic dishonesty 3027 9.97 0.98 .801 .28* ⫺.10* ⫺.03 ⫺.12* —
2006 McCabe, Butterfield, and Treviño 299

Regression of Contextual Factors on Academic Dishonesty
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
Full Sample Business Students Other Students

Variables ␤ t ␤ t ␤ t

Peer’s behavior .261 12.71*** .280 5.01*** .253 11.42***

Severity of penalties .088 3.61*** .142 2.29* .074 2.81**
Certainty of being reported ⫺.069 ⫺3.38*** ⫺.100 ⫺1.83 ⫺.064 ⫺2.87**
Understanding/acceptance of policy ⫺.056 ⫺2.25* ⫺.120 ⫺1.79 ⫺.051 ⫺1.88
Adjusted R2 .08 .13 .08
F 57.02*** 12.57*** 44.96***
n 2,533 358 2,176

* p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01. *** p ⬍ .001.

(severity of penalties) was not supported because groups. Fifty-six percent of the graduate business
the relationship, although significant, was in the students, compared to 47% of their nonbusiness
opposite direction of the hypothesis (and also in peers, admitted to engaging in some form of cheat-
the bivariate correlation, suggesting a suppres- ing or questionable behavior during the past year.
sion effect as suggested by Cohen & Cohen, 1983). The fact that more than half of these graduate
Table 2 also shows that in the regression analysis business students admitted to some form of cheat-
for the graduate business sample, only Hypothesis ing within the previous year suggests that busi-
5 (perceived peer behavior) was supported. In the ness schools have a significant problem that
regression analysis for the nonbusiness sample, should be addressed.
Hypothesis 2 (likelihood of being reported by a In an attempt to better understand the most prob-
peer) and Hypothesis 5 (peer behavior) were sup- lematic types of cheating, we conducted a post hoc
ported. Hypothesis 3 (severity of penalties) was not analysis to look more closely at different types of
supported in either sample. A similar suppression cheating. This analysis revealed that 23% of grad-
effect was found (Cohen & Cohen, 1983). uate business students admitted to having en-
gaged in one or more incidents of test cheating
compared to 18% for their nonbusiness peers (t ⫽
2.758, df ⫽ 4118, p ⬍ .01). This difference in test
The study results suggest that, as hypothesized, cheating appears to be driven by a single type of
cheating among graduate business students is cheating behavior: learning what was on a test
higher than cheating among nonbusiness grad- from a student who took that test in an earlier class
uate students. In this study, the perception that period.
other students are cheating had the largest ef- Next, looking at the four most serious forms of
fect. Correlation analysis also demonstrated a test cheating in our measure of academic dishon-
relationship between academic dishonesty and esty (explicit copying of another student’s paper
the perception that other students are unlikely to during a test either with or without their permis-
report cheating, as well as the perception that sion, the use of unauthorized crib notes, helping
academic integrity policies are not supported by someone else to cheat on a test) we found that 10%
students or faculty. We discuss these findings of the business students surveyed admitted to such
and their implications for graduate business ed- serious test cheating compared to 8% percent of
ucation. Finally, we suggest strategies business nonbusiness students—a nonsignificant differ-
schools and business school faculty may wish to ence. Analysis of cheating on written work re-
adopt in response. vealed that 53% of the business students admitted
to one or more incidents versus 43% for nonbusi-
ness students (t ⫽ 3.720, df ⫽ 3724, p ⬍ .001). Two
The Prevalence of Cheating Among Graduate
specific types of cheating that revealed important
Business Students
differences were collaboration cheating (collabo-
As hypothesized, graduate business students’ self- rating on written assignments for which the in-
reports of cheating were higher than those re- structor has explicitly asked for individual work)
ported by other graduate students. Unfortunately, and technology-based cheating. Research has
cheating appears to be alarmingly high in both shown that collaboration and technology-based
300 Academy of Management Learning & Education September

cheating are increasing (e.g., Masur, 2001). We these other factors did not significantly influence
found that 28% of the graduate business students cheating among graduate business students. Ap-
surveyed admitted to collaboration cheating com- parently, these factors do not have the same im-
pared to 23% of nonbusiness students (t ⫽ 2.670, pact on graduate business students that they have
df ⫽ 4670, p ⬍ .01). Further, the Internet and other on undergraduate students. This may be because
new technologies continue to create new opportu- academic integrity policies (including their report-
nities for plagiarism and other forms of technolo- ing and penalty components) are weaker in grad-
gy-based cheating (e.g., McCabe, 2001–2002). A few uate business programs, or more weakly enforced.
decades ago, students were asked to clear the It may also be because graduate students have a
memory of their programmable calculators to pre- wider array of commitments to people and organi-
vent cheating. Today, cheaters are armed with a zations outside of their educational institutions
variety of new technologies, including handheld than do undergraduates. As a result, the educa-
computers and cell phones with Internet capability tional context is likely to have more competitors in
(e.g., Argetsinger, 2003). One indicator of the in- the lives of graduate students and therefore less of
creasing use of technology to cheat is plagiarism an effect on students’ attitudes and behaviors.
from Internet websites where students use, without We proposed a number of theoretical explana-
citation, small clips of material from multiple tions for cheating, but our data do not allow us to
sources and weave them together to complete a conclude that these are in fact the best or the only
written assignment. Thirty-three percent of the theories. Note that, for graduate business school
graduate business students admitted to such “cut students, the regression results explained only
and paste” plagiarism compared to only 22% for 12% of the variance in self-reported cheating.
nonbusiness students (t ⫽ 5684, df ⫽ 4867, p ⬍ .001). Clearly, future research should consider addi-
Our findings suggest that a significant number tional factors that may help to explain more of the
of graduate business students cheat, and that they variance in such behavior. For example, given that
cheat more than their nonbusiness graduate stu- perceptions of unfairness have been associated
dent peers. In fact, if we can assume that those with antisocial behavior, including theft (e.g.,
who cheat more would be less likely to respond to Greenberg, 1990) students’ perceptions of the fair-
a survey (or more likely to lie about their cheating ness or unfairness of grading policies may influ-
if they did), the results may actually underestimate ence cheating. Other theoretical explanations may
the extent of cheating behavior. However, we do also be possible, and we encourage others to pro-
not believe that such response bias is likely to pose them and to conduct research in this arena. In
differentially influence business and nonbusiness addition, we may need different theories to explain
students. Therefore, we believe that we can have different types of cheating behavior (e.g., collabo-
some confidence in the differences we found be- ration cheating vs. plagiarism vs. exam cheating).
tween these business and nonbusiness groups. Finally, students may find it easier to rationalize
Nevertheless, it is possible that business students some types of cheating over others. Therefore, fu-
are more willing than nonbusiness students to ture research may wish to delve further into how
self-report cheating because they see cheating as students think about different types of cheating
more acceptable or necessary in order to get with different levels of perceived seriousness.
ahead. Future research should consider this possi- Future researchers should also construct multi-
bility. In addition, as noted in the Methods section, item measures of the independent variables. Both
the low response rate suggests that all of the find- peers’ behavior and student perceptions of the se-
ings should be interpreted cautiously. verity of penalties were measured using a single
item. In the case of peers’ behavior, future re-
searchers may want to expand the measure to in-
Why Do Graduate Students Cheat?
clude student perceptions of how often peers en-
Similar to previous results found for undergradu- gage in different types of cheating (e.g., copying on
ate students, observed peer behavior was the most a test, using crib notes on a test, etc.) versus the
important of the influences studied for all of the more global measure employed here.
graduate students—more influential than deter-
rence-based factors such as the perceived cer-
What Can and Should Be Done?
tainty of being reported and the perceived severity
of penalties (McCabe et al., 2002; McCabe & At a minimum, the results summarized above sug-
Treviño 1993, 1997) and more influential than per- gest that individual faculty should consider using
ceived understanding/acceptance of academic in- strategies that reduce students’ perception that
tegrity policies. The regression results showed that other students are cheating. For example, if stu-
2006 McCabe, Butterfield, and Treviño 301

dents are aware that some students are getting ments can also be designed to reduce the likeli-
information about exams from students in other hood of collaboration. For example, assignments
sections, faculty should create multiple versions of can and should be changed from year to year (to
the exam. This open-ended comment from an MBA reduce cross-year collaboration) and, where possi-
student at a large Canadian university suggests ble, assignments can be personalized to make col-
that students expect faculty to avoid creating laboration more difficult. For example, if an anal-
cheating opportunities: “A professor should never ysis must be related to one’s own work experience,
use the same exam twice.” it becomes more difficult to get answers from
Although creating multiple versions of exams someone else.
represents significantly more work for the faculty Finally, faculty should be aware that their grad-
member, it sends a message that the professor ing policies may influence cheating and students’
cares about integrity in the classroom and it makes willingness to report their peers. Although we can
cheating more difficult, if not impossible, thus con- not document it quantitatively, students’ open-
tributing to a perception that students are not ended comments revealed an interesting tension
cheating. that exists for many students when it comes to
Similarly, technology-based cheating and col- cooperative cheating behaviors (e.g., unauthorized
laboration on written work may respond to individ- collaboration on an assignment or helping another
ual faculty intervention. For example, faculty can during a test or exam) and the reporting of cheat-
reduce technology-based cheating by insuring that ing by others. In a community where grade compe-
students do not bring technology such as cell tition seems to be so important to students, one
phones to exams and by demonstrating how tech- might expect students to be unwilling to assist
nology can be used to catch “cut and paste” cheat- others and even to report the transgressions of
ing from the Internet. A brief demonstration (per- others. But this does not appear to be the case.
haps during orientation) of how faculty can use Rather, students seem to establish different stan-
websites such as to find such cheat- dards for courses graded on the curve and those
ing could help reduce such behavior. where a student’s grade is not greatly impacted by
Students’ open-ended comments on the survey the grades of others. Responding to questions
also suggested that faculty members are sending about whether they would report cheating they
mixed messages regarding teamwork. In many might observe, students seem to make a clear dis-
MBA courses, students are assigned to teams and tinction between these two conditions. While the
are encouraged to collaborate on projects and vast majority would be unwilling to report cheat-
other assignments. Students are also taught that ing under any circumstances, others suggest they
collaboration is a critical business skill that is would seriously consider reporting in courses
valued in corporations. Yet, students are often re- where the success of other students might impact
quired to complete assignments by themselves, their own grade. This is consistent with research
with no outside assistance. Many students view suggesting that the interests of group members
this as a confusing disconnect between academic influence students’ willingness to report a peer’s
norms and business practice. Some even argue cheating (Treviño & Victor, 1992). But even for these
that corporations value collaborative skills, and students, concerns about retribution and not want-
engaging in those activities now, even when not ing to be labeled as a “rat” or “tattle-tale” remain
permitted by a faculty member on a specific as- a strong deterrent to reporting others’ cheating be-
signment, is appropriate training. This problem is havior.
exacerbated by inconsistencies across faculty. As Although they are likely to reduce cheating, the
a result, students may not always understand approaches presented thus far represent only
when collaboration is acceptable or unacceptable piecemeal responses that depend upon individual
or accept faculty directives. The nature of team- faculty members taking more responsibility for ac-
work can further contribute to the problem. Student ademic integrity in their particular courses. Unfor-
teams often develop powerful group norms and tunately, some faculty members may not be will-
high levels of cohesiveness, each of which may ing to do so, as suggested by students’ answers to
support a strong sense of loyalty to the team. As open-ended questions in our survey. For example,
such, when a team member cheats or otherwise many students perceive that faculty fail to monitor
behaves inappropriately, other team members are academic dishonesty and fail to respond or take
unlikely to prevent the behavior or report it. action when cheating is reported.
Faculty should address collaboration issues on
an assignment-specific basis and, when collabo- I noticed students cheating last semester and
ration is prohibited, clearly explain why. Assign- continuously tried to report it. I called the
302 Academy of Management Learning & Education September

professor during office hours (he was never McCabe, 1994; McCabe & Treviño, 1993). Further,
there), I called him at home (I left messages ethical context (climate and culture) has been
with his wife, which were never returned), found to influence ethical/unethical behavior in
and I sent e-mails (which were never replied corporate settings as well (see Treviño, Butterfield,
to) —MBA student at a large public university & McCabe, 1998).
in the U.S. In an ideal culture of integrity and responsibil-
ity, faculty and administrators engage students in
I have witnessed cheating on several occa- an ongoing dialogue about academic integrity that
sions and even reported it to the professors. begins with recruiting, continues in orientation
On one occasion I was told no action was sessions and initiation ceremonies, and continues
going to be taken against them since they throughout the program. Such efforts create expec-
were doing a poor job of cheating . . . —MBA tations for faculty, administrators, and students,
student at a private university in the U.S. and seek to bring everyone together into a commu-
nity of trust. An ethical community approach as-
Faculty need to be more active in monitoring sumes that community members will adhere to
academic dishonesty as well as punishing cultural values and norms that are developed to-
those students that participate in it. Faculty gether. It emphasizes the moral socialization and
often turn their heads or “punish” on their training of all community members, clear commu-
own terms rather than follow university pol- nication of rules and expectations, creation of nor-
icy. —MBA student at a large public univer- mative pressures, commitment to prosocial values
sity in the U.S. and norms, and mutual respect (McCabe et al.,
2001a). Developing an ethical community happens
If students believe that faculty members either outside the classroom as much as inside it, and
don’t care or don’t want to get involved in cases of thus involves creating a “hidden curriculum” in
academic dishonesty, they are less likely to get which students are actively engaged in develop-
involved themselves. Why would a student risk ing moral reasoning skills through regular facili-
reporting a peer, a difficult thing to do under any tated discussion of real-life ethical dilemmas that
circumstances, if the faculty member is unlikely to face them in the context of their educational pro-
take action? And, if faculty members take no ac- gram (e.g., Treviño & McCabe, 1994). In addition,
tion, students can only believe that cheating is students can be involved in the development and
going to be commonplace. enforcement of a code of conduct. Unlike the deter-
We are not surprised by these open-ended com- rence approach that focuses exclusively on catch-
ments about business school faculty. Previous re- ing and punishing cheaters, the ethical communi-
search has found that many college faculty are ty-building approach emphasizes a more positive
reluctant to get involved in academic integrity message about creating a culture in which all
cases for a variety of reasons (Schneider, 1999), members benefit from living in a culture of integ-
including fear of litigation if they accuse a student rity.
of cheating (Jendrek, 1989). But, the failure to act Student involvement is central to the ethical
sends students the message that cheating is ac- community-building approach (McCabe & Pavela,
ceptable or at least that no serious consequences 2000): “Such an approach not only communicates to
will result. So, although individual faculty mem- students that [their] institution is committed to ac-
bers’ efforts such as the ones we have described ademic integrity, it also encourages students to
should help, we do not believe that administrators take responsibility for their own behavior” (p. 35).
can rely on them because of faculty reticence in With proper guidance, students can play a vital
taking action. role in designing and enforcing academic integrity
Instead, we propose that administrators work standards in their program. Ethical communities
with faculty and students to develop broader pro- establish academic integrity as part of students’
grammatic efforts based upon notions of ethical role responsibilities (McCabe et al., 2001b). Stu-
community building. The ethical community-build- dents learn that being part of an ethical commu-
ing approach involves creating a “culture of integ- nity requires that they help to create the rules and
rity and responsibility” within the academic pro- then actively participate in their enforcement. This
gram. Such a culture of integrity and responsibility is particularly important given our findings re-
has been found to be effective in undergraduate garding the role of peer behavior in influencing
education and at least some of these ideas should cheating among MBA students. If students see
be applicable to graduate business education (e.g., their peers behaving with honesty and integrity,
McCabe, Treviño, & Butterfield, 2001a; Treviño & designing academic integrity policies, living up to
2006 McCabe, Butterfield, and Treviño 303

pledges regarding personal integrity, and educat- expectations and standards in their course and
ing other students about the importance of aca- include such information in syllabi. A primary goal
demic integrity, then cheating should be less likely would be to reinforce the code and embed it in an
(McCabe et al., 2002, 2001a; McCabe & Treviño, overall culture of integrity. Student participation in
1993). the process of creating the code would be essential
An increasingly common part of an ethical com- to increase student acceptance of and commitment
munity-building strategy is establishing a code of to the code. Students could also participate in an
conduct or honor code. Traditional academic honor academic integrity committee that is responsible
codes typically include unproctored exams, the for dealing with suspected code violations and
use of some form of honor pledge on exams and contribute to decision making about sanctions.
assignments, and a strong student role in a judi- A stumbling block may be faculty resistance to
cial process that addresses allegations of cheat- any type of honor code system. Research has found
ing. Many traditional honor codes also obligate that faculty often resist any efforts to minimize
students to report any violations of the honor code their authority to handle suspected cases of cheat-
they may observe. Research at the undergraduate ing on their own, often because they are skeptical
level has consistently shown that honor codes re- that such approaches work or they don’t fully un-
duce cheating and promote student integrity (e.g., derstand, or agree with, the consequences stu-
McCabe & Treviño, 1997; McCabe, Treviño, & But- dents may face if found responsible for cheating
terfield, 2002). But, little is known about whether (Nuss, 1984; Jendrek, 1989). In the case of honor
codes of conduct would have the same impact on codes, they may also resist what they perceive to
graduate business students for reasons discussed be additional work such as requiring students to
below. Thus, unique strategies may be required. sign statements at the end of exams, papers, or
One promising approach that has worked in un- projects that pledge that they have acted in accor-
dergraduate programs and may hold promise for dance with the code and emphasizing the code in
graduate business programs involves the use of the course syllabus and in other important course
“modified” honor codes (McCabe, Treviño, & But- documents. However, research also suggests that
terfield, 2002). Modified codes represent an alter- faculty typically benefit in honor code environ-
native to traditional codes and are increasingly ments. At institutions that lack honor codes, faculty
common at large, public universities such as the members are more squarely “on the front lines”
University of Maryland (McCabe & Pavela, 2000). because their institutions depend upon them to
Like traditional codes, modified codes emphasize catch and report cheating incidents. By contrast,
the promotion of integrity among students rather honor code faculty share responsibility with stu-
than the detection and punishment of dishonesty, dents for the monitoring of academic dishonesty
and the underlying thrust is to address the issue of and adjudicating suspected cases of cheating, and
student cheating through the development of therefore, have less responsibility for catching and
strong community standards and the significant dealing with cheaters themselves. As a result, fac-
involvement of students in the formation and im- ulty at honor code institutions are more likely to
plementation of these standards. Modified codes support the institution’s academic integrity system
differ from traditional codes in that they usually and to view it as fair and effective (McCabe,
leave issues of exam proctoring and the use of an Treviño, & Butterfield, 2003). The practical implica-
honor pledge to the instructor’s (or program direc- tion for business schools is that honor codes, in-
tor’s) discretion, and they generally do not man- cluding modified codes, reduce the burden on fac-
date reporting requirements. Thus, a graduate ulty to monitor and enforce regulations concerning
business program might shape its culture around a cheating and help cultivate students’ character by
“professional code of business conduct.” Students holding them responsible for sustaining the ethi-
could be required to sign a pledge upon entry into cal community.
the program that affirms their obligation to act in a We believe that ethical community-building ef-
professional manner, including behaving with forts may be more of a challenge in the graduate
honesty and integrity at all times. Faculty and business context because it is difficult to build
administrators could engage students in discus- community unless faculty and students feel that
sions of the code at several points during their they are part of one. Most undergraduate institu-
program, introducing it during orientation ses- tions that have done this successfully have stu-
sions and discussing its application at the begin- dents for 4 years in a residential campus environ-
ning of each course and when specific assign- ment. But, in graduate business programs,
ments are being made. Each faculty member students are in their programs for a relatively short
would be expected to discuss academic integrity period of time (usually 2 years or less for an MBA
304 Academy of Management Learning & Education September

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Donald McCabe is a professor of management & global business at Rutgers University. He

received his PhD in management from New York University. His research focuses on issues of
academic integrity and student dishonesty.

Kenneth Butterfield is an associate professor in the Department of Management and Opera-

tions at Washington State University. He received his PhD in organizational behavior from the
Pennsylvania State University. His research focuses on managing ethical decision making
and behavior in organizations.

Linda K. Treviño is professor of organizational behavior in the Smeal College of Business at

The Pennsylvania State University. She received her PhD in management at Texas A&M
University. Her research focuses on the management of ethics in organizations.
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