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BioSystems 178 (2019) 16–24

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Quantum biology and human carcinogenesis T

Michael Bordonaro
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, 525 Pine Street, Scranton, PA 18509, USA


Keywords: Quantum-mediated effects have been observed in biological systems. We have previously discussed basis-de-
Cancer pendent quantum selection as a mechanism for directed adaptive mutation, a process in which selective pressure
Quantum mechanics specifically induces mutation in those genes involved in the adaptive response. Tumor progression in cancer
Density matrix easily lends itself to the adaptive evolutionary perspective, as the Darwinian combination of heritable variations
together with selection of the better proliferating variants are believed to play a major role in multistep carci-
Adaptive mutation
Wnt signaling
nogenesis. Adaptive mutation may play a role in carcinogenesis; accordingly, we propose that the principles of
quantum biology are involved in directed adaptive mutation processes that promote tumor formation. In this
paper, we discuss the intersection between quantum mechanics, biology, adaptive evolution, and cancer, and
present general models by which adaptive mutation may influence neoplastic initiation and progression. As a
potential theoretical and experimental model, we use colorectal cancer. Our model of “quantum cancer” suggests
experiments to evaluate directed adaptive mutation in tumorigenesis, and may have important implications for
cancer therapeutics.

1. Directed adaptive mutation: a quantum phenomenon? mutation, mediated by quantum mechanical effects, as a potential
factor contributing to carcinogenesis.
In this paper, biological mutations are defined as “Darwinian” when Similarities exist between adaptive mutation in bacteria or yeast
they are random, independent of selection pressure. While this defini- and processes that contribute to the development of cancer. This is
tion likely describes most mutations, adaptive mutation may also con- particularly true with respect to the evolution of mutation-driven
tribute to genetic variability in changing environments. In adaptive cancer “virulence” during neoplastic progression, as well as the devel-
mutation the genetic change does not exist prior to the selective pres- opment of resistance to therapy (Hara et al., 2005; Karpinets and Foy,
sure; instead, the presence and type of selection influences the fre- 2004, 2005; Karpinets et al., 2006). While certain cancers exhibit an
quency and character of the mutation event. Evidence for adaptive increase in the frequency of random mutations of several orders of
mutation exists for both bacteria and yeast, and possibly for prostate magnitude compared to normal tissue (Bielas et al., 2006), there are
cancer cells; researchers believe that adaptive mutation contributes to examples of human cancers that do not exhibit an increased mutation
the evolution of microbial pathogenesis, cancer, and drug resistance, rate (Hall, 1995). Of interest is the possible role played by adaptive
and may become a focus of novel therapeutic interventions (Bielas mutation in the development of resistance to the androgen receptor
et al., 2006; Cairns et al., 1988; Cairns and Foster, 1991; Foster, 2007; antagonist bicalutamide in prostate cancer cells (Hara et al., 2005).
Foster and Cairns, 1992; Hall, 1990, 1991a, 1991b, 1992a, 1992b, Here, the undirected “mutator phenotype” mechanism has been in-
1995, 1997, 1998a, 1998b, 1999, 2003; Hara et al., 2005; Karpinets voked, with evidence that LNCap prostate cancer cells respond to a
and Foy, 2004, 2005; Karpinets et al., 2006; Kugelberg et al., 2006; bicalutamide challenge by upregulating expression of error-prone DNA
Rosenberg, 2001). Thus, this manuscript evaluates the possibility of polymerases, while downregulating expression of mismatch repair
directed adaptive mutation in carcinogenesis. We distinguish between (MMR) proteins, resulting in an overall increased mutation rate (Hara
three types of mutation: (a) random (Darwinian) mutations that are et al., 2005). Several hypotheses have been postulated to explain un-
independent of selective pressure; (b) undirected adaptive mutations, directed adaptive mutation. These include: replication and re-
which arise when selective pressure induces a general increase in the combination systems, slow repair of mismatched bases, mutagenic
mutation rate; and (c) directed adaptive mutations, which arise when transcription, and gene amplification/duplication (reviewed in
selective pressures induce targeted mutations that specifically influence Rosenberg, 2001). The most cited potential mechanism for undirected
the adaptive response. In this paper, we focus on directed adaptive adaptive mutation is induction of a transient hypermutagenic “mutator

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Received 13 December 2018; Received in revised form 21 January 2019; Accepted 25 January 2019
Available online 26 January 2019
0303-2647/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Bordonaro BioSystems 178 (2019) 16–24

phenotype,” in which the mutation frequency is increased by up to labels. Thus, in a theoretical matrix containing ten rows and ten col-
several orders of magnitude (Foster, 2007; Hall, 1991a; Kugelberg umns, the diagonal elements would be those describing the contents of,
et al., 2006). e.g., cell of row 1, column 1; cell of row 2, column 2…reaching the cell
In contrast, directed adaptive mutation is a process in which se- of row 10, column 10; forming a diagonal set of states. All the other
lective pressure specifically induces mutation in those genes whose possible cell states (e.g., cell of row x, column not-x) would describe the
products are responsible for mediating the adaptive response. We pro- off-diagonal elements.
pose that directed adaptive mutation is component of the cell’s ability The diagonal terms correlate with the probability of finding the
to adapt to a changing environment. This form of targeted adaptive system in a particular basis state. In contrast, the off-diagonal terms
mutation would not be associated with a generalized increase in the describe interference between different basis states. Thus, the presence
mutation rate, and therefore would not exhibit the mutator phenotype. of off-diagonal terms means that the system is in superposition relative
Therefore, alternative mechanisms need to be hypothesized and eval- to the chosen basis (Bordonaro and Ogrzko, 2013). With respect to the
uated to explain directed adaptive mutation. We have proposed a density matrix, decoherence refers to disappearance of the off-diagonal
general model of directed adaptive mutation (Ogryzko, 1997, 2008; terms as the system becomes irreversibly linked to the environment.
Bordonaro and Ogrzko, 2013) which is summarized as follows. A di- Given that the states of the system that survive decoherence are the
rected mutation that enables, e.g., cell growth will occur only (a) in an preferred basis states, decoherence must be a basis-dependent phe-
environment suitable for cell growth, and (b) only after exposure to that nomenon. For example, a diagonal density matrix can always be de-
specific environment. The same growth-promoting mutation would not scribed in a different basis, and, if so, off-diagonal terms will reappear,
occur in an environment that promotes, e.g., cellular quiescence or as the original preferred states are represented in the new basis.
apoptosis. Therefore, each specific microenvironment would be corre- Therefore, in this new basis, we will observe interference between
lated with a specific set of potential cell states (e.g., wild-type or mutant states (i.e., superposition) and these off-diagonal terms will naturally
DNA sequences). These mutations do not occur randomly; instead, the disappear via the coevolution of the system with its environment (i.e.,
cellular microenvironment selects the possible spectrum of cell states decoherence). This is of direct relevance to the biological situation of
possible in that environment. Subsequently, an irreversible change in adaption, since a change in basis is analogous to a change in the en-
the state of the cell (e.g., proliferation or death) establishes the mutant vironment. These events – change in basis, generation of off-diagonal
state as that which is observed, “fixing” the cell state as an observable. terms in the cellular density matrix, decoherence via coupling to the
According to our model, quantum coherence contributes to the devel- environment, followed by “collapse” to a defined observed state – can
opment of directed adaptive mutations through a process we call “basis- describe the process of a cell’s adaption to a novel environment
dependent (quantum) selection.” (Bordonaro and Ogrzko, 2013). Thus, this form of quantum selection is
termed “basis-dependent selection” since the preferred states of the
2. Quantum biology and adaptive mutation: density matrix and system, and the presence or absence of superposition (off-diagonal
fluctuation well trapping terms of the density matrix), are dependent upon the chosen basis.
The process described above is analogous to the concept of “fluc-
Quantum mechanisms may mediate directed adaptive mutation tuation well trapping,” in which a specific quantum state is “captured”
(Ogryzko, 1997, 2008; Bordonaro and Ogrzko, 2013), and may play a or “fixed” through an irreversible interaction with the environment
role in directed evolution (Melkikh and Khrennikov, 2016). In our (Ogryzko, 1997, 2008; Bordonaro and Ogrzko, 2013). First, assume that
basis-dependent model of directed adaptive mutation, biological a cell can be in states A1 or A2; each state represents the phenotypic
quantum superposition is context-dependent, and exists only during the consequences of particular gene sequences. In environment B1, the two
change of environmental conditions. Since there is no requirement to states A1 and A2 cannot be distinguished; however, the state of the cell
maintain quantum coherence for some arbitrary period, past criticisms can be represented as a superposition of A1/A2 in anticipation of a
(Seife, 2000; Tegmark, 2000) of quantum biology (e.g., “biological change to a new environment B2. In other words, in environment B1 the
systems are too warm and complex to maintain quantum coherence”) state of the cell can be viewed as “fluctuating” between the two alter-
are not relevant for the specific model proposed here. Further, re- native states A1 or A2. However, in the new environment B2, cell states
gardless of how the problem of coherence vs. decoherence is ap- A1 and A2 can be distinguished, since B2 allows for cells in state A2 to
proached in our hypothesis, we note that quantum coherent effects proliferate and undergo clonal cell expansion, while cells in state A1
have been observed in biological systems, including systems at room remain quiescent. The change from a quiescent cell in environment B1
temperature (reviewed in Lambert et al., 2013). However, the role of to clonal expansion in environment B2 represents an irreversible change
quantum effects in adaptive mutation has not been established. We will that “traps” cell state A2. Therefore, if several cells were originally in
summarize the arguments, made in greater detail previously environment B1, after the switch to environment B2 an increasing
(Bordonaro and Ogrzko, 2013) for basis-dependent selection, before number of cells with state A2 will be observed, as these are the cells
considering cell death and neoplasia from a quantum biological per- whose state is “trapped” or “fixed” through clonal expansion. If, after
spective. the change in environment, cells can be in either state A1 or A2 and if
The density matrix formalism can be utilized to apply quantum only those cells in state A2 grow, then over time, only cell colonies
mechanical principles to biological states. The density operator de- characterized as state A2 will be observed.
scription is most appropriate for biological systems, since such systems There is an essential difference between this scheme and regular
are large and complex; further, their environment cannot be exactly Darwinian selection. In adaptive mutation, selection is implicated at
controlled, as compared to prepared pure quantum states involving, two different steps in two different time scales (shorter and longer).
e.g., individual photons, electrons, protons, neutrons, etc. A density First, in our model, selection acts to generate the “virtual population” -
matrix describing a physical system, such as a cell state, can be envi- i.e., the spectrum of different alternatives (i.e., elements of the new
sioned, for the sake of simple illustration for the “layman,” as a table basis), that are allowed in the new environment. Second, selection also
with a matching number of rows and columns. The basis of a density results in choosing certain “best fit” elements out of this virtual popu-
matrix represents the alternative states of the system represented by the lation. The first step corresponds to the shorter time scale, and the
matrix, and these states label the rows and columns of the density second step to the longer time scale, although as we shall see the two
matrix table. The cells of the table can be divided into two categories. steps are in fact inseparable. One way to formalize the interplay be-
First, we term “diagonal elements” those cells in which the labels of the tween these two modes of selection is the notion of “self-reproduction
rows and columns are the same. Second, off-diagonal elements” de- in imaginary time” (Ogryzko, 1997, 2008; Bordonaro and Ogrzko,
scribe those elements in which the rows and columns have different 2013). In this description, the two steps of selection process are present,

M. Bordonaro BioSystems 178 (2019) 16–24

Fig. 1. Differences between random “Darwninian” (A) and

quantum-mediated directed adaptive (B) mutation. (A) Mutations
are random and typically pre-exist selective pressure. Cells with
different DNA sequences at the relevant allele may have different
survival rates in varying environments, which “selects” the most
“fit” cell-sequence configuration by favoring its replication. In the
figure shown, the “black” cell containing a mutated version of the
relevant gene is more able to survive in the particular environ-
ment, increasing the frequency of cells containing this DNA se-
quence. (B) In a quantum-mediated adaptive mutation event, the
possible outcomes are directly influenced by the environment. An
Operator “X” working on the state space of the system selects
possibilities “X” or “not X” as possible outcomes, and the actual
outcome of X vs. not X is random. Similarly, a different Operator,
“Y,” selects “Y” or “not Y” as possible outcomes and the Y/not Y
outcome can be random. Here, “X” and “Y” may represent dif-
ferent gene mutations, and “not X” and “not Y” represent the re-
spective wild-types. Operators are measurables of the system such
as proliferation or apoptosis in particular environments.
Therefore, in (A), randomness occurs from the beginning of the
process, in that the mutational choices for the possible outcomes is
random, but the choice of outcome (growth or not) is selected by
the environment. In (B), the mutational choice of outcome (X or
Y) is selected by the environment, and the outcome of X/not X or
Y/not Y is random.

now in the form of an opposition between reproduction in imaginary mutation rate, but rather the idea is that the environment determines
time versus reproduction in real time. A quiescent cell is described as the potential state space of gene variants (and cell phenotypes) and only
reproducing in imaginary time, since at this shorter time scale one can those are subject to decoherence and measurement (however defined).
neglect exchange with the environment; hence, the intracellular dy-
namics can be approximated by unitary evolution. Reproduction in real 3. Base tautomerism
time (e.g., after an adaptive mutation) corresponds to a longer time
scale; thus, the switch from the starving cell state to the reproducing A simple example of how quantum mechanical effects can be
cell state can be described as Wick rotation, from imaginary time to real manifested in adaptive mutation is through base tautomerism (super-
time (which are orthogonal to each other). The nonseparability be- position of base isomers), which result in base substitution mutation.
tween the two time scales is manifested by the fact that the conditions For example, given a change in basis (a change in the cellular micro-
of measurement (i.e., what happens in real time) determine how one environment), the density matrix of a cell can contain off-diagonal
must represent the state of the cell before the measurement, i.e., while terms representing interference between cell states in which keto or
it is “reproducing in imaginary time” Namely, the change to different enol forms of guanine are at a given position in a gene sequence. Enol
environmental conditions will lead to the same state of the quiescent guanine can base-pair with thymine (or uracil in RNA transcription),
cell expanded in a different basis. The basis-dependent superposition is introducing mutation. The same principle can occur with, e.g., amino
observed as a definitive mutation after a change in the microenviron- and imino forms of cytosine, with the imino form base-pairing with
ment allows mutant cells to undergo an irreversible change; e.g., pro- adenine. If we assume that the mutant gene sequence in question codes
liferation or apoptosis. The difference between this scheme (described for a product that allows for the cell to proliferate in the relevant en-
by operator formalism) and Darwinian mutation, is shown in Fig. 1. vironmental conditions, adaptive mutants G > A and C > T will be
To summarize, as per basis-dependent selection: the practical observed.
manifestation of gene sequence variants is dependent upon the en- This hypothesis is supported by W.G. Cooper’s analysis of T4 bac-
vironment. Therefore, we assume an environment in which cells can teriophage mutation data (Cooper, 2009, 2011; 2012). Cooper identi-
grow if they have gene variant “X” – a variant that would require fied G and C bases as particularly sensitive to proton tunneling, re-
mutation (e.g. from base tautomerism due to proton tunneling). In any sulting in a lowest-energy state consisting of a linear combination (i.e.,
other environment, cells with gene variant X would not grow. superposition) of G-C isomers (Cooper, 2009, 2011; 2012). PCR ana-
Importantly, many other gene variants would be irrelevant to cell lysis, which has been used to probe DNA quantum superposition in vitro
growth in this environment. Cells with gene variant X will be observed (Bieberich, 2000), also supports our proposed mechanism. A study of
only if those cells survive and proliferate. Therefore, cells with X, the effects of primer-template mismatch determined that G-T and C-A
generated by quantum effects at the gene sequence will be observed, mismatches minimally affect PCR amplification efficiency; other types
and observed only in the “permissive” environment. If the gene variant of base pair mismatch diminish amplification to a far greater extent
does not occur, the cell would not proliferate. The environment “traps” (Stadhouders et al., 2010). This suggests that base tautomerism allows
the gene variant – hence, “fluctuation well trapping” – through the G-T and C-A mismatches to be sufficiently energetically stable to not
physical manifestation of the survival and proliferation of the cell that significantly diminish amplification efficiency. PCR amplification in
has that variant. With respect other possible variants, they may not be vitro is analogous to DNA replication and RNA transcription in vivo;
observed if those variants do not contribute to cell survival. Successful PCR amplification is a “potential well” “capturing” base
All possible gene variants and consequent cell states reproduce in tautomerism (enol G and imino C) that results from the linear combi-
imaginary time (Bordonaro and Ogrzko, 2013). But only those gene nation of G-C isomers (Cooper, 2009, 2011; 2012). These mismatches
variants that confer an adaptive advantage in a given environment are will result in the G > A and C > T base substitutions that are con-
observed; as reproduction in real time. Otherwise, such cells would not sistent with our hypothesis (Ogryzko, 1997, 2008; Bordonaro and
be observed and we would not be able to isolate DNA from the cell with Ogrzko, 2013) and which were identified by Cooper (Cooper, 2009,
the relevant mutation. The mutation is directed because the production 2011; 2012). Importantly, these G > A and C > T base substitutions
of the adaptive mutation is not due to a non-specific increase in the are represented among mutations leading to colorectal cancer, as will

M. Bordonaro BioSystems 178 (2019) 16–24

be discussed in Section 5. formalism, the change in environment due to wounding is analogous to

The generalized theory of basis-dependent selection environment a basis transformation. Thus, the old preferred states of the cell before
(Ogryzko, 1997, 2008; Bordonaro and Ogrzko, 2013) involves more wounding can be expressed in terms of the new basis (post-wounding
than just base tautomerism, and extends to all correlations of altered cell environment), resulting in the appearance of off-diagonal terms.
gene expression and associated cellular phenotypes that are constrained These off-diagonal terms, representing interference between states in
by the environment. However, we stress that the findings of Cooper the new basis, may include superposition of states leading to un-
(2009; 2011; 2012) and Brieberich (2000) clearly establish a physical controlled cell growth. Decoherence will eliminate these off-diagonal
mechanism for the generation of gene variants underlying basis-de- terms, leaving a new set of preferred states for the new basis, including
pendent selection (i.e., proton tunneling leading to superposition of cell states characterized by gene sequence mutations allowing for
isomers, resulting in mutation via base tautomerism). Therefore, even if growth in the absence of contact inhibition (i.e., post-wounding).
other proposed mechanisms require validation, already established Fluctuation well trapping will result in the observation of cell growth of
mechanisms would minimally provide the physical basis for the pro- those cells containing the appropriate pro-proliferative mutation, as
posed hypothetical mechanism. described above.
Another issue relevant for oncology is programmed cell death.
4. Carcinogenesis and mutation, general considerations Although adaptive mutation has traditionally been invoked to explain
cell proliferation, we extend the scope of the fluctuation trapping
Cancer can be understood as an adaptation process. It therefore model, applying it to mutations that cause cell death as well (Bordonaro
comes as no surprise that the “Darwinian” mechanism (i.e., natural and Ogrzko, 2013). Our main argument is that, like proliferation, cell
selection of randomly generated mutations) has been applied to the death is also an irreversible process. Therefore, the mutations that favor
description of tumor progression (Nowak et al., 2002; Gatenby and cell death could also be a subject of fluctuation well trapping in ap-
Vincent, 2003; Kimmel, 2010). However, the possibility of adaptive propriate environmental conditions. Then, like quantum measurement
mutation in carcinogenesis should also be considered. It has long been and adaptation, apoptosis and other cell-death decisions can be also
established that multiple mutations contribute to the development of described by operator formalism (Fig. 1). Accordingly, quantum
cancer. This notion was first formulated in Knudson’s “two hit hy- biology predicts that, like mutations beneficial for cell growth, the rate
pothesis” (Knudson, 1971), and later it has been argued that the typical of mutations or epigenetic alterations leading to apoptosis and other
cancer contains at least four (Loeb, 1991) or five (Stein, 1991) driver forms of cell death can be affected by environmental changes. There are
gene mutations facilitating tumor growth. Moreover, a significant obvious implications for cancer in this scenario, since apoptosis often
portion of human cancers likely contain more than nine relevant driver results from the imbalance in cell cycle regulation that accompanies
mutations (Hollstein et al., 1991). The usual expectation is that these cancer development. In addition, many anticancer drugs work by in-
mutations and their selection occur in a consecutive manner. However, ducing apoptosis (and other forms of cell death).
it has never experimentally confirmed whether two pertinent values:
(a) the levels of “fitness” increase, caused by the mutation, and (b) the 5. Colorectal cancer as a model
costs of selection, required for the “adaptive” changes to be fixed in the
heterogeneous population of cancer cells, match the reality met in the We consider colorectal cancer as a particularly useful model for the
confines of a host organism. Thus, a potential problem with multistep analysis of the adaptive mutation-cancer paradigm, since this disease is
carcinogenesis is that the odds that all the multiple mutations will occur predominantly derived from well characterized mutations in defined
in the same lineage is low, and in theory, tumors should never be de- cell signaling pathways. In addition, both neoplasia and prevention are
tected (Hall, 1995; Loeb, 1991; Stein, 1991). Of course, an additional influenced by specific changes in the cellular environment, such as diet
factor that could be at work in multistep carcinogenesis is enhanced (reviewed in Bordonaro et al., 2008; Lazarova and Bordonaro, 2012).
mutation rates, i.e., the early mutations that occur in human cancers Most cases of colorectal cancer are initiated by mutations in the Wnt
result in a mutator phenotype (Loeb, 1991; Jackson and Loeb, 1998). signaling pathway, resulting in deregulated Wnt activity (Korinek et al.,
However, there are examples of human cancers that do not exhibit an 1997). The most common Wnt pathway mutation is of the APC gene.
increased mutation rate (reviewed in Hall, 1995). The strict Darwinian Truncated APC proteins are no longer capable of efficiently repressing
scheme of multistep carcinogenesis may be putting too many require- the levels of transcriptionally active beta-catenin, resulting in deregu-
ments on the possible mutation rates, selection pressures and cell lated Wnt signaling. Thus, inappropriate constitutive Wnt signaling,
generation numbers required to explain tumor appearance and sub- within a specific range of transcriptional activity, results in neoplasia
sequent progression. On the other hand, quantum selectionism proposes (Albuquerque et al., 2002; Korinek et al., 1997). Many mutations in
more subtle links between cell variability and selection conditions APC have been characterized. A typical spectrum of APC mutations
(Fig. 1), and does not pose such strict constraints on the values of these (point mutations, deletions, and insertions) was observed in The
parameters. Netherlands Cohort Study (Luchtenborg et al., 2004); a total of 978
With respect to basis-dependent selection and fluctuation well- mutations were detected in 665 sporadic CRC patients. Of these gene
trapping, one intriguing potential model to explore is the effect of abnormalities, 833 were point mutations, 126 were deletions, and 19
wounding on tumor promotion. For example, there is an association were insertions. Among the point mutations, the large majority were
between wounding and the mobilization of hair stem cells in carcino- transitions, with G > A and C > T being particularly well re-
genesis (Wong and Reiter, 2011). One simple model whereby wounding presented; this is consistent with the quantum mechanical analysis of
can induce cancer would be through the loss of contact inhibition, T4 bacteriophage mutation data (Cooper, 2009, 2011, 2012), and fits
which would normally repress uncontrolled cell growth and prevent the with a basis-dependent quantum selection method influencing base
amplification of certain virtual pro-proliferative mutations. Assuming a tautomerism (Bordonaro and Ogrzko, 2013).
“quantum selectionist” mechanism for mutation generation, wounding An interesting and useful feature of APC mutations is the broad
would remove the constraint of contact inhibition, allowing for the spectrum of the phenotypic consequences that they can have. Mutations
amplification of mutations through the clonal expansion of cells pos- resulting in very high levels of Wnt activity induce programmed cell
sessing the relevant mutation (Fig. 2). death rather than uncontrolled proliferation, while APC mutations that
In relation to the model discussed in Section 2, the loss of contact result in moderate levels of Wnt activity drive proliferation and neo-
inhibition due to wounding represents the shift from an environment plastic transformation (Albuquerque et al., 2002). Further, treatment of
not permissive for cell growth (E1) to one that allows for cell growth in Wnt positive neoplastic cells with histone deacetylase inhibitors such as
the presence of the appropriate cell state (E2). Using the density matrix butyrate, a breakdown product of dietary fiber, hyperactivate Wnt

M. Bordonaro BioSystems 178 (2019) 16–24

Fig. 2. Contact inhibition and the amplification of virtual mutants

in cancer. (A) An example of general carcinogenesis induced by an
environmental trigger such as loss of contact inhibition. At left,
there is a wild-type cell “WT” and three examples of cells with
virtual mutations associated with the ability for continuous, un-
controlled proliferation. With maintenance of contact inhibition
(top), the mutations cannot be amplified, since the environment
will not allow clonal expansion. However, with wounding, wound
healing, and the loss of contact inhibition (bottom), clonal ex-
pansion can occur, resulting in amplification of mutations al-
lowing uncontrolled growth. Neoplasia results, and this can be
viewed as an “adaptive mutation” to the wound environment. (B)
For large bowel neoplasia, there can be several virtual mutations
of the APC gene, one of which (black filled circle) results in a
moderate level of Wnt signaling consistent with uncontrolled
proliferation. Thus, mutation can be amplified via clonal expan-
sion of the cellular microenvironment allows for proliferation of
cells containing this mutation. Examples can include in-
flammatory bowel disease, dietary changes, mutations in other
signaling pathways, etc. Only in particular environmental con-
texts are specific pro-proliferative virtual mutations amplified and
observed; “induced” or adaptive mutation leading to carcinogen-

activity and induce apoptosis (Bordonaro et al., 1999, 2007; Lazarova density matrix formalism (Fig. 4), analogous to our general model of
et al., 2004). Therefore, definite correlations have been documented directed adaptive mutation as a quantum biological phenomenon
between the type of APC mutation, levels of Wnt activity, environ- (Bordonaro and Ogrzko, 2013).
mental factors, and the physiological outcome for the colonic cell cancer well trapping model. (A) In Environment 1 (Basis 1), no cell
(Lazarova and Bordonaro, 2012). growth is possible regardless of the mutational state of the relevant
The “just right” hypothesis of APC mutation in colorectal cancer gene; here represented by APC. The environment therefore cannot
(Albuquerque et al., 2002) is particularly intriguing considering the distinguish between the wild-type and mutant APC states, which, with
possibilities for adaptive mutation in neoplasia. This hypothesis starts their associated cell types, can remain in superposition in this basis. The
with the fact that there is a spectrum of possible mutation states (in- “mutation well” is irrelevant in this environment. (B) A change to
cluding deletion) for the two APC alleles of a given cell. Each set of APC Environment 2 (Basis 2) produces a situation that allows outgrowth of
sequence combinations is associated with associated phenotypic out- “black” cells containing the “correct” APC mutation that allows cell
comes in specific potential cellular microenvironments. The neoplastic growth. The environment therefore allows us to distinguish different
“read-out” of “just right” mutation is deregulated cell proliferation, APC gene sequences and their associated states. Cells that randomly
fixing the mutations as the adaptive response through clonal expansion happen to have their DNA sequence in the correct APC format will
of the cell containing the mutations. Quantum-mediated adaptive mu- grow, amplifying and fixing the mutation/mutated cell phenotype. In
tation is particularly relevant for explaining the “just right” distribution other cells, the APC gene (and cell phenotype) will remain in super-
of the mutation hit of the second APC allele. Thus, in our model, the position and each time the gene sequence/phenotype is in the “correct”
characteristics of the original APC mutation contributes to the overall configuration, this configuration will be “trapped” in the “mutation
cell state that influence the induction of the “correct” mutation of the well” by cell outgrowth and amplification/fixation of the mutation/
second allele. mutated cell phenotype.
A related example considers the role of tyrosine 654 phosphoryla- Building upon Fig. 4, and using a density matrix model for illus-
tion of beta-catenin on Wnt signaling and intestinal tumorigenesis (van tration, we start with a situation in which the colonic cells exhibit a set
Veelen et al., 2011). Activation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) by of preferred states in one given environment E0; thus we have a diag-
overexpression, mutation, or growth factor release in the cellular mi- onalized matrix (mixture of states with no superposition:
croenvironment results in tyrosine 654 phosphorylation of beta-ca-
tenin, enhancing Wnt signaling and potentiating intestinal tumorigen-
esis (van Veelen et al., 2011). Importantly, tyrosine 654
ρ= 1/2 |Σ1 > < Σ1 | + 1/2 |Σ2 > < Σ2 | = 1/2 (10 01)
phosphorylation of beta-catenin can synergize with APC mutation to The preferred states here can represent APC gene sequences and
enhance intestinal tumorigenesis; this likely occurs by increasing Wnt associated cell phenotypes (e.g., normal regulation of Wnt signaling and
activity within the range of pro-proliferative levels of Wnt signaling. normal regulation of cell proliferation).
Therefore, the presence of activated RTKs, in the context of a cellular If the cells are placed in a pro-proliferative and carcinogenic en-
milieu favoring cell growth as an adaptive outcome, may favor (or vironment E1, then the old preferred states have to be written in the
“induce”) specific sets of pro-proliferative APC mutations, above and basis of this new environment; thus:
beyond what would be expected from random Darwinian processes.
However, in another cellular microenvironment, one in which un-
controlled growth is not an optimal adaptive outcome for cell, the ( )
ρ= 1/ √2 |Ψ > < Ψ | = 1/2 1 1
1 1
presence of activated RTKs would not favor pro-proliferative APC mu-
tations, but may favor genetic changes correlated to, e.g., quiescence or We now have off-diagonal terms representing superpositions, as the
apoptosis. cells are exploring the state space in this new environment. We can
Therefore, quantum-mediated APC mutation can be viewed as consider these off-diagonal terms to be superpositions of APC gene
analogous to fluctuation well trapping (Fig. 3). We can also represent variant states (physically generated e.g., by quantum proton tunneling
the process of quantum-mediated adaptive APC mutation using the leading to base tautomerism) and correlated states of the cell.
Decoherence then eliminates the off-diagonal terms, thus:

M. Bordonaro BioSystems 178 (2019) 16–24

Fig. 3. A cancer well trapping model. (A) In Environment 1

(Basis 1), no cell growth is possible regardless of the muta-
tional state of the relevant gene; here represented by APC. The
environment therefore cannot distinguish between the wild-
type and mutant APC states, which, with their associated cell
types, can remain in superposition in this basis. The “mutation
well” is irrelevant in this environment. (B) A change to
Environment 2 (Basis 2) produces a situation that allows
outgrowth of “black” cells containing the “correct” APC mu-
tation that allows cell growth. The environment therefore al-
lows us to distinguish different APC gene sequences and their
associated states. Cells that randomly happen to have their
DNA sequence in the correct APC format will grow, amplifying
and fixing the mutation/mutated cell phenotype. In other
cells, the APC gene (and cell phenotype) will remain in su-
perposition and each time the gene sequence/phenotype is in
the “correct” configuration, this configuration will be
“trapped” in the “mutation well” by cell outgrowth and am-
plification/fixation of the mutation/mutated cell phenotype.

Fig. 4. Basis-dependent selection of APC mutations.

(A) Top left. Colonic cell in environment E0 re-
presented by a diagonal density matrix showing pre-
ferred cell states with particular DNA sequences (D).
E0 can be considered an environment that does not
promote either cell growth or cell death. Right. To
describe the adaption of the cell to new environment
E1, we represent the same state shown in top left in the
basis of preferred state of environment E1 (top right) or
E2 (bottom right). E1 is an environment that promotes
cell growth, while E2 is an environment that promotes
cell death. Note that representing the original state in
the new basis for E1 or for E2 results in off-diagonal
terms in the cellular density matrix, which represent
interference between basis states. For E1, the old states
are written in terms of the cell growth basis, with
terms representing cell states with APC gene sequences
that may be associated with cell growth (AGn). For E2,
the old states can be written in terms of the cell death
basis, with terms representing cell states with APC
gene sequences that may be associated with cell death
(ADn). Despite the fact that the original state can be
represented in a new basis, it remains stable as long as the cell is in E0. (B) Top and bottom. After the cell is placed in the new environment E1 or E2, decoherence
results in the disappearance of the off-diagonal terms. We are left with the preferred states of the new basis for E1 (cell growth) or E2 (cell death). (C) The collapse
(reduction) chooses one of the states (far right). This can lead to uncontrolled cell growth resulting from an APC mutation characterized by moderate levels of Wnt
signaling (|Ψ >) in E1 or an APC mutation resulting in apoptosis due to extremely high levels of Wnt signaling in E2 (|Φ >).

ρ= 1/2 |Ψ1 > < Ψ1 | + 1/2 |Ψ2 > < Ψ2 | = 1/2 (10 01) Decoherence would lead to a mixed state, with pro-apoptotic APC
gene variants:
So, in the new environment E1 we have new preferred states of the
APC gene, which can be compatible with unregulated Wnt signaling
ρ= 1/2 |Φ1 > < Φ1 | + 1/2 |Φ2 > < Φ2 | = 1/2 (10 01)
and cell growth. After “measurement” we have one observed state,
Finally, in the end, we observe an apoptotic cell with an APC gene
which can be a neoplastic cell with a growth-inducing APC gene var-
variant and Wnt signaling consistent with apoptosis:

ρ= 1 |Ψ > < Ψ | = (10 00) ρ= 1|Φ > < Φ| = (10 00)

The broad spectrum of various APC mutations, observed in colon
What if the cells was placed in environment E2 instead, an en-
cancer, and the variety of documented outcomes from their interaction
vironnement more conducive to apoptosis? We would then write the
with different environmental (or intracellular conditions), may prove to
original preferred basis states in the new basis thus:
be a fertile resource for experimental systems used to detect the ap-
ρ= 1/ √2 |Φ > < Φ| = 1/2 1 1
1 1 ( ) pearance of mutations in a directed/adaptive fashion, causing either
cell proliferation or apoptosis. We would like to emphasize a crucial

M. Bordonaro BioSystems 178 (2019) 16–24

point. Spontaneous, random mutations that occur independently of same mutation occurs in a context that cannot lead to cell proliferation
changes in the environment and selective pressures (“Darwinian”) will (e.g., absence of growth factor/ligand). If the frequency of the mutation
always remain an important source of genetic variation contributing to is higher in the first instance, this would suggest a contribution of di-
carcinogenesis. What we propose is that in addition to standard, clas- rected adaptive mutation. Potential experimental scenarios involving
sical mechanisms, adaptive mutation may also play a role, particularly colorectal cancer could focus on APC mutation (first constraint) and
in those cases in which a mutation can cause a radical alteration in cell alterations in the environment (second constraint; e.g., presence of
fate in a rapidly changing environment. Therefore, a combination of HDACis, chemotherapeutic agents, cell crowding/growth factor deple-
“Darwinian” and adaptive mutation may contribute to the highly tion, etc.) that would change the adaptive fitness of varying APC gene
complex and multi-variable nature of biological systems. sequence-Wnt signaling correlations. One could then evaluate the fre-
To summarize: the APC example underscores the utility of colorectal quencies of different forms of APC sequence alterations according to
cancer as a model system for consideration of adaptive mutation in “Darwinian” or adaptive mutation models, using the general scheme
neoplasia. Notably, the same concepts can be eventually applied to described above.
virtually any other cancer characterized by well-defined mutations that Second, for apoptosis-inducing mutations, the technical challenge is
allow adaptive advantages in certain cellular microenvironments. It is to determine their frequency, given that the cells are not expected to
likely that as we learn more about neoplasia, and the heterogeneity of survive, i.e., cannot be selected for further analysis. Here, one can take
cell types within the tumor, as well as the role of selective pressures in advantage of the fact that dead cells lyse and release their DNA to the
initiation, progression, and metastasis, other examples similar to the supernatant. Therefore, one should be able to measure the rate of ap-
APC model will come to our attention. pearance of such mutations by quantitative PCR (specific for the mu-
Therefore, the task is to understand: first, whether the adaptive tation) by analyzing DNA purified from the conditioned cell medium. In
mutations phenomenon exists; and second, what could be its quanti- parallel, one could also measure the presence of such mutations in the
tative contribution, compared to the standard Darwinian mechanism. DNA of remaining living cells. By adding the two frequencies together,
one can estimate the overall frequency of mutations in one type of
6. Experimental approaches and implications for prevention/ environmental conditions (those that trap mutations causing cell death,
treatment e.g., B2). The next step would be to compare this mutation frequency
with the value obtained in the same manner from the same cells, but in
In this section, we will describe some potential experimental models the environmental conditions (e.g., B1) that do not favor pro-apoptotic
to test the predictions of Quantum Biology in the field of oncology. mutations. If the fluctuation trapping paradigm holds for pro-apoptotic
They mostly concern the evaluation of adaptive mutations in the con- mutations, one would expect the mutation frequency to be higher in the
text of cell proliferation or apoptosis. former set of environmental conditions, as compared to the latter set of
We will describe a general experimental scheme to accomplish this conditions that reflect the baseline of random mutation.
task. First, by performing a fluctuation test (reviewed in Rosenberg, With respect to the evaluation of pro-proliferative vs. pro-apoptotic
2001), it should be possible to determine whether a genetic variation A mutations associated with cancer, a starting point would be APC mu-
was generated in the cell population before the application of selective tations, which can influence Wnt signaling, depending upon context, to
conditions B1. If a deviation from the Luria-Delbruck distribution is a degree consistent with either proliferation or apoptosis Albuquerque
observed, the next task is to rule out as a mechanism increased muta- et al., 2002; Bordonaro et al., 2008). Environmental conditions influ-
tional variability (e.g., mutator phenotype) due to the stress induced by encing the neoplastic process in conjunction with mutation include, but
selection condition B1. The cells should be left for a prescribed amount are not limited to: dietary factors (such as butyrate), autocrine and/or
of time in a condition B2 that does not allow proliferation even if the paracrine growth factors, inflammation, contact inhibition or the lack
mutation A has occurred. The accumulation of the mutation A in these thereof, exposure to carcinogens, and changes in gene expression due to
conditions can be monitored directly by DNA extraction, PCR analysis, genetic and/or epigenetic changes of other genes, in the relevant cell or
and sequencing. Second, like the basis-dependent selection and well- in surrounding cells.
trapping scheme outlined in Section 2, we can formalize an experi- With its potential to change dramatically our view on cancer, it is
mental approach in terms of two conditions that constrain cell growth. intriguing to ask what new possibilities Quantum Biology would sug-
The first constraint (“A”) is associated with the state of a gene (or an gest for cancer management? For example, given the more direct con-
epigenetic variation) that we would like to follow; and it is lifted when nection between environment and genetic changes than is granted by
a mutation occurs (A1 transforms to A2) and thus cells start to pro- the Darwinian perspective, could there be more possibilities to mod-
liferate. The second condition (“B”) corresponds to the state of the cell ulate and affect the outcomes of cellular “proliferation or quiescence or
environment that constraints the cell growth regardless of whether the death” decisions? Could, for example, by choosing a “correct” en-
constraint A is lifted or not. We assume that environment B1 will not vironment, cells be more directly guided towards less tumorigenic
allow cell growth regardless of the cell state, while environment B2 will outcomes? Could in other words, mutations leading to cancer be pre-
allow growth of state A2. Thus, only one combination of states A and B vented by modulating the environment? Or, if these mutations have
(namely, A2 + B2) can lead to cell proliferation. already happened, could we force these cells to undergo apoptosis by
A general model to evaluate basis-dependent selection in non-neo- inducing additional mutations or other changes? To the extent that
plastic, non-human mammalian cells, using proliferation of mouse adaptive mutation plays a role in mammalian cell physiology and in
embryonic fibroblast cells, was previously outlined (Bordonaro et al., carcinogenesis (which needs to be empirically determined), altering cell
2014). How one can apply this experimental design more specifically to phenotype through such mechanisms would be a rapid and direct ap-
the oncology context and do so in a manner generally applicable to proach to achieve therapeutic objectives, in addition to the slower
different cell states, including apoptosis? We will therefore briefly re- processes involving selection of pre-existing random mutations. An es-
view what could be done for two types of relevant mutations in human timation of the relative quantitative contribution of adaptive mutation
cancer cells: proliferation-inducing and cell death-inducing mutations. mechanism would be essential to predict the efficacy of such ap-
First, the mutation that corresponds to the transition from A1 to A2 proaches.
could be an activation of an oncogene or inactivation of a tumor sup- The new perspective brought by the adaptive mutations mechanism
pressor gene, and it would allow for cell proliferation in certain con- could also force us to reevaluate certain drug-based therapeutic antic-
ditions, but not in others. The state of environment B2 could be pre- ancer strategies. The fluctuation well trapping model requires that cells
sence of some exogenous factor, such as a growth factor and/or cell have sufficient time to explore the space of possibilities (Ogryzko, 1997,
signaling ligand. This scenario can be compared to that in which the 2008; Bordonaro and Ogrzko, 2013). Thus, to prevent such a

M. Bordonaro BioSystems 178 (2019) 16–24

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