Joshua G. Baga Bsa 2A Prostitution

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(Reflection Paper)

According to Wikipedia Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual

activity in exchange for payment. Prostitution is sometimes described as sexual services,

commercial sex or, colloquially, hooking. Prostitution in the Philippines is illegal, although

somewhat tolerated, with law enforcement being rare with regards to sex workers. Penalties

range up to life imprisonment for those involved in trafficking, which is covered by the Anti-

Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003. Prostitution is often available through bars, karaoke bars,

massage parlors, brothels, street walkers, and escort services.

Many people are pro in terms of legalizing prostitution and many people also against the

legalization of prostitution. Those in favour of legalizing prostitution claim that "Sex work is

work. This simple yet powerful statement frames sex workers not as criminals, victims, vectors

of disease, or sinners but as workers. Sex work is first and foremost an income-generating

activity. The International Labour Organization (ILO) estimates that sex workers support

between five and eight other people with their earnings. Exploitation and unsafe and unhealthy

working conditions exist in many labour sectors. Work does not become something other than

work in the presence of these conditions. Even when performed under exploitative, unsafe or

unhealthy conditions, sex work is still work." While those against claim that “Prostitution is not a

regular consumer transaction, it is sexual abuse. The buyer's disregard for mutuality, and ability

to treat another person as a sexual object, are fundamental to the act. It is violence against

women. Responses to the sex trade which have attempted to skirt over this inherent harm, to
sanction it as legitimate business in a bid to quash attendant harms, haven't just failed they've

made it worse. Demand for the sex trade is not inevitable. The sexist attitudes of entitlement that

underpin it can be tackled. But that won't be achieved by state sanctioning this exploitative

practice in a hopeless bid to contain the dangers associated with it. Sexual consent is not a

commodity; sexual abuse can never be made safe."

Another claim of those in favour of legalizing prostitution in terms of human trafficking

is that "Criminalizing prostitution makes sex trafficking more likely. One widely recognized

consequence of prohibition is the formation of cartels, which in a black market are more likely to

use violence. This violence drives some producers out of the market, leading to higher prices and

large criminal enterprises with monopoly power. Instead of breaking apart sex-trafficking rings,

prohibition increases their profitability, making trafficking more appealing to criminal

enterprises. While those against contradict this but claiming that "Models of complete

decriminalisation and legalisation of the sex industry increase trafficking inflows by fostering

demand for the sexual exploitation of women and girls. Legalisation or decriminalisation of the

sex industry is often touted as a way to weed out organised crime in the industry and reduce the

associated illegal trafficking inflows. However, evidence shows that

legalisation/decriminalisation only increases flows of women trafficked into the industry and

provides a legitimate front for organised crime, while at the same time reducing police oversight

of the industry."

There might be some benefit of legalizing prostitution but for me prostitution should not

be legalized here in the Philippine or in any other country because prostitution is an immoral act

not only to those who owns the business but also to the women who work as a sex worker, it is

immoral in a way that they should not sell their body to other people because that makes them
not human anymore. Another is that legalization of prostitution may increase the case of STD

because even though women engaging sex work are tested for STD still the result are unreliable

since the test do not partake every day for which those sex worker might not be tested when the

time they have been infected of STD.

In the video, it tackles about the different website which you can access for sex. This is also a

form of prostitution and human trafficking. The man in the video is against this because it affect

a lot of people especially those who access this website because it allows the website to access

all information about you including your personal information and other information. I am also

against this, and that kind of website should be ban because it is very dangerous that people you

don’t know have access to your personal information which can be used for crimes. Over all, for

me prostitution should not be legalized and website that is in a form of prostitution should also


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