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Abayata, Christopher D.

The project in this subject, Water and Wastewater Engineering, mainly focuses on designing
the diameter of the pipes of the combined sewer system along with the pipes for the
stormwater. Our professor, Engr. Carol Grace Alcid provided us a Site Development Plan,
which is what we need to design. As usual, we had one meeting in our subject that we were
able to share our ideas on the project. Our group leader assigned tasks for each group
member. Just like in water resources engineering, I was allocated for the computation and
design part. At first, I was hesitant to accept that specific task since I have a lot of design
projects in a different subject, and with that, I don’t think I can fulfill what they assigned to
me. But knowing that they have no idea about the project, I accepted it for the sake also of
complying and passing on this course. Gladfully, two of my groupmates were also assigned
on design and calculations, with that the workload I think I have on this matter has decreased

On our hydrology subject, our professor, who is Engr. Alcid taught us on how to compute
and design the pipe diameter for stormwater. She even gave us an assessment of that time
concerning the topic. Luckily, we have a copy of that assessment that is very useful for doing
our current project. I recalled what our professor taught us, the things to consider first, and
the actual design process. I even asked some of my former classmates, and when all items
are set, I immediately started the design procedure.

From the site development plan, I assigned the water that will flow in each household and
on roads to where it will go. There are certain cases that I’ve had a hard time on the decision,
but my classmate helped and corrected some of my assumptions. Having the updated
assumption, I created a program in excel to quickly calculate the diameter for each pipe. The
challenge that I encountered is the transferring of flow from one drainage to another. This
will have a significant impact on the design if the distribution of stormwater is not correct.

After finishing my part, I tried to look for other groups and compare my work. But I can’t find
a person who is willing to counter check the results of our project. I know to myself that I
followed the right procedure that has given to us, and with that I am somehow confident with
my work. The remaining tasks is done by my groupmates.
The project, made me feel or experience other things. We were able to apply our knowledge
on the concepts that is presented to us. This also serves as a practice to us on our critical
thinking skill and problem-solving skills.

Overall, this design project is very helpful to us. Thanks to this, we were able to recall some
of the basic concepts that I think would be significant in design, board exam and in
construction industry.
Celis, Ma. Gabriella E.

In this semester, I was able to study waste water engineering. We were given a project about
pipes, in which we were to design the pipe diameter to benefit a whole community of people.
This was quite similar to our project in the subject Hydrology. Here, I learned a lot of new
things are very important in our field. I was able to find out that background knowledge of
hydraulics was also important in understanding this course subject.

In this subject, I learned quite a lot. The objective of primary treatment is the removal of
settle able organic and inorganic solids by sedimentation, and the removal of materials that
will float (scum) by skimming. Some organic nitrogen, organic phosphorus, and heavy
metals associated with solids are also removed during primary sedimentation but colloidal
and dissolved constituents are not affected. The effluent from primary sedimentation units
is referred to as primary effluent. In many industrialized countries, primary treatment is the
minimum level of reapplication treatment required for wastewater irrigation. It may be
considered sufficient treatment if the wastewater is used to irrigate crops that are not
consumed by humans or to irrigate orchards, vineyards, and some processed food crops.
However, to prevent potential nuisance conditions in storage or flow-equalizing reservoirs,
some form of secondary treatment is normally required in these countries, even in the case
of non-food crop irrigation. It may be possible to use at least a portion of primary effluent for
irrigation if off-line storage is provided.

I also learned that primary sedimentation tanks or clarifiers may be round or rectangular
basins, typically 3 to 5 m deep, with hydraulic retention time between 2 and 3 hours. Settled
solids (primary sludge) are normally removed from the bottom of tanks by sludge rakes that
scrape the sludge to a central well from which it is pumped to sludge processing units. Scum
is swept across the tank surface by water jets or mechanical means from which it is also
pumped to sludge processing units.

I also discovered new terms such as screening, which is to remove large objects, such as
stones or sticks that could plug lines or block tank inlets. Another is grit chamber which
slows down the flow to allow grit to fall out and the sedimentation tank (settling tank or
clarifier) , some sort of settleable solids settle out and are pumped away, while oils float to
the top and are skimmed off.

Secondary wastewater treatment is the second stage of wastewater treatment that takes
place after the primary treatment process. The process consists of removing or reducing
contaminants or growths that are left in the wastewater from the primary treatment process.
Usually biological treatment is used to treat wastewater in this step because it is the most
effective type of treatment on bacteria, or contaminant, growth. Secondary treatment
processes can remove up to 90 percent of the organic matter in wastewater by using
biological treatment processes.

All in all, I found this course subject to be very informative, since most students usually
undermine these subjects as irrelevant.
We the Civil Engineering student conduct a project that can solve the pipe design for storm
water and design for discharge of combined storm water and discharge for sewage. We used
Microsoft excel, it can compute the design pipe and we just input the data and make formula
in every cell that in the end can solve the diameter in each pipe. Excel permits users to
arrange data so as to view various factors from different perspectives. Visual Basic is used
for applications in Excel, allowing users to create a variety of complex numerical methods.
Programmers are given an option to code directly using the Visual Basic Editor, including
Windows for writing code, debugging and code module organization. Storm water, also
spelled storm water, is water that originates from precipitation events. Storm water can
soak into the soil, be stored on the land surface in ponds and puddles, evaporate, or runoff.
Most runoff is conveyed directly to nearby streams, rivers, or other water bodies without
treatment. Storm water is also an important resource as human population and demand for
water grow, particularly in arid and drought-prone climates. Storm water harvesting
techniques and purification could potentially make some urban environments self-
sustaining in terms of water. Sewage is a liquid and solid waste carried off in sewer and
drains. An outfall is the discharge point of a waste stream into a body of water; alternatively
it may be the outlet of a river, drain or a sewer where it discharges into the sea, a lake or
ocean, outfalls are locations where the storm water exits the facility, including pipes, ditches,
swales, and other structures that transport storm water. A combined sewer is
a sewage collection system of pipes and tunnels designed to simultaneously collect surface
runoff and sewage water in a shared system. This type of gravity sewer design is no longer
used in almost every instance worldwide when constructing new sewer systems. Modern-
day sewer designs exclude surface runoff from sanitary sewers, but many older cities and
towns continue to operate previously constructed combined sewer systems. Combined
sewers can cause serious water pollution problems during combined sewer overflow events
when combined sewage and surface runoff flows exceed the capacity of the sewage
treatment plant, or of the maximum flow rate of the system which transmits the combined
sources. In instances where exceptionally high surface runoff occurs (such as large
rainstorms), the load on individual tributary branches of the sewer system may cause a back-
up to a point where raw sewage flows out of input sources such a toilets, causing inhabited
buildings to be flooded with a toxic sewage-runoff mixture, incurring massive financial
burdens for cleanup and repair. When combined sewer systems experience these higher
than normal throughputs, relief systems cause discharges containing human and industrial
waste to flow into rivers, streams, or other bodies of water. I learned that using techniques
such as Microsoft Excel software we can solve the problem easier, correct and save time.

Leaño, Lorenz Gabriel T.

As the semester comes to an end, another chapter in life will open and another opportunity
will lead me to my future. It’s either I will make it or not. But either way, I know to myself
that I’ve learned many things from my professor, Engr. Carol Grace Alcid. I would like to take
this opportunity to give thanks to our professor who do a lot of things for us to learn and
enjoy at the same time the course water resources engineering. The knowledge she share
with us helps us and make it as our stepping stone for our project that to be submitted to our
professor. We stand and unite as one for us to be able to make the project work easily. Every
one of us was given a part of our expertise. I, as a researcher, spends a lot of time searching
for the best solution and concept for our project. I have read articles that can help in our
project. I’ve also search for the different types and sources of error that we can encounter in
the process. And as the process goes by, some of the errors happen but things just happen.
Luckily, it is just a minimal errors and won’t affect much in our project. In addition, I also
contributed in our excel program. I have checked every inputs and make sure every units are
correct so we won’t have a problem. My colleagues are great and resourceful. The will to
finish and pass this course helps us a lot in the process. Everyone contributed well and I
salute to them. We learn more as the day passes by. We are extending our capabilities and
knowledge in this project because we are inspired by our professor to work well. We have
reach the outcome we want and the output we need. Our group is now ready and only wait
for the final examination to be held on October 18, 2019. We hope that all of us will be able
to pass this course and see each other around and maybe become classmates again in our
future courses. We not only developed our skill but the solidarity and camaraderie also
become stronger. I would like to take this opportunity to give thanks and extend my
gratitude for our professor who helps us a lot and make us a better student. I hope that this
is not the last time we will meet and I hope you may become again our professor in our future
courses. The knowledge you have shared with us will always stay and become a part of our
future success! May the Lord always bless you and may your career bloom and continue
sharing your ideas, knowledge, moments, and joy for your future students. I have witnessed
how wonderful to become your student and will always treasure the memories in the room
we have considered as our second home for the past months that pass by. Again, I’m Lorenz
Gabriel T. Leaño, 4th year Civil Engineering student, saying goodbye and Godbless!
Nacu, Divina Grace B.
We have started to design a pipelines in Waste Water Engineering. We have also conducted
a research on how can we produce a better pipeline in accordance of demand. The initial
design of a piping system is established by the functional requirements of piping a fluid from
one point to another. The detailed design is decided by criteria such as type of fluid being
transported, allowable pressure drop or energy loss, desired velocity, space limitations,
process requirements like free drain or requirement of straight run, stress analysis,
temperature of fluid, etc. The supporting of piping systems requires a significant
engineering, design, fabrication and erection effort. In some cases, special structures (like
structural T or inverted L, cantilevers, U portals, pedestals, etc) must be built solely for the
purpose of supporting piping systems.

A pipe can be defined as a tube made of metal, plastic, wood, concrete or fiberglass. Pipes are
used to carry liquids, gases, slurries, or fine particles. A piping system is generally considered
to include the complete interconnection of pipes, including in-line components such as pipe
fittings and flanges. Pumps, heat exchanges, valves and tanks are also considered part of
piping system. Piping systems are the arteries of our industrial processes and the
contribution of piping systems are essential in an industrialized society.

The magnitude of piping required in a typical chemical process plant. Piping systems
accounts for a significant portion of the total plant cost, at times as much as one-third of the
total investment. Piping systems arranged within a very confined area can be a added
challenge to piping and support engineers.

We have to consider such factors in designing a pipeline. There must be a considerations and
standard. The fluid flow equations and formulas presented thus far enable the engineer to
initiate the design of a piping or pipeline system, where the pressure drop available governs
the selection of pipe size. (In addition, there may be velocity constraints that might dictate a
larger pipe diameter. This is discussed below in the section on velocity considerations for
If there are no codes or standards that specifically apply to the oil and gas production
facilities, the design engineer may select one of the industry codes or standards as the basis
of design. The design and operation of gathering, transmission, and distribution pipeline
systems are usually governed by codes, standards, and regulations. The design engineer
must verify whether the particular country in which the project is located has regulations,
codes, and standards that apply to facilities and/or pipelines.

It is not intended here that a full mile of lower-stress pipeline shall be installed if there are
physical barriers or other factors that will limit the further expansion of the more densely
populated area to a total distance of less than 1 mile. It is intended, however, that where no
such barriers exist, ample allowance shall be made in determining the limits of the lower
stress design to provide for probable further development in the area. In addition to the
criteria previously presented, additional consideration must be given to the possible
consequences of a failure near a concentration of people, such as that found in a church,
school, multiple-dwelling unit, hospital, or recreational area of an organized character in a
Class 1 or 2 location. If the facility is used infrequently, the requirements of the following
paragraph need not be applied.

Pipelines near places of public assembly or concentrations of people such as churches,

schools, multiple-dwelling-unit buildings, hospitals, or recreational areas of an organized
nature in Class 1 and 2 locations shall meet requirements for the Class 3 location.

The concentration of people previously referred to is not intended to include groups fewer
than 20 people per instance or location but is intended to cover people in an outside area as
well as in a building.
Romero, Anjela B.

For this course CE503, Water and wastewater engineering, a design project is a requirement
of this course. First of all, this course introduces the students with the concept analysis and
design of sewerage systems. It also deals with its actual construction and operations. It
discusses the principles and techniques of wastewater treatment as well as its proper
disposal. The students are expected to design wastewater treatment plant which would be
grade for a final requirement for this course. Moreover, this course aims to develop the
students‟ specialized knowledge in the analysis of water and waste water. It also aims to
develop their analytical and design skills in the construction of wastewater treatment
facilities. It enables the student to solve complex problems dealing with hydraulics and
wastewater engineering. The design project is done by group. The project is to design all the
pipes for the given subdivision or community sample. Also, to calculate the total discharge
for outfall 1 and 2. The design of sewer must be combined sewer system for a community if
the total population is 75,000 and the total are is 175 hectares. Assuming the water supply
has a rate of 371 LCPD. The first thing we did was to create a drawing presentation of the
area for the site development that was given. Once the complete analysis is available it can
be compared with the desired water quality or the treated effluent quality desired. Then all
the computations for the septic tank and sewer pipes are computed. We also have to consider
such factors in designing a pipeline. There must be a consideration and standard. The fluid
flow equations and formulas presented thus far enable the engineer to initiate the design of
a piping or pipeline system, where the pressure drop available governs the selection of pipe
size. Also, wastewater is the water supply of the community after it has been used in a
variation of application and which now contains constituents that render it unsuitable for
most use. Untreated wastewater contains various of pathogenic microorganisms that dwell
in the human intestinal tract. Wastewater contains nutrients which can stimulate the growth
of aquatic plants and may contain toxic components that can be harmful to humans. Thus, it
is necessary for the immediate and nuisance-free removal of wastewater from its source of
generation followed by treatment, reuse, or disposal into the environment. It is necessary to
protect public health and the environment. Moreover, Wastewater engineering is a branch
of environmental engineering which studies the basic principle of science and engineering
applied in solving the issues associated with the collection, treatment and reuse of
wastewater. Furthermore, The ultimate goal is to protect the public and environment health
in a manner proportionate with economic, social and political concern. As the semester
comes to an end, I would like to use this opportunity to show my gratitude towards our
professor Engr Alcid. I am grateful for all the knowledge she has shared with us. To all the
hard work she showed and dedication to teach us about this course.
Valdez, Vanessa Mikaela R.

In this project, I have come to realize the importance of a good drainage system. First, it
prevents water accumulation. This is the most important use of a good drainage system, it
allows the free flow of water and in most cases prevents accumulation that can lead to
flooding. Drainage systems also prevent the accumulation of stagnant water, which can
encourage mosquitoes to breed. Second, it reduces the occurrence of soil erosion.
Accumulated water over time can lead to soil degradation which brings about a muddy
ground surface which in turn will result in soil erosion. And lastly, it guarantees a healthy
living if properly managed. The regular maintenance of the drainage system is very
important as it will continuously wave any possible blockage that may be caused by eroded
sediments or not properly disposed waste. Without proper drainage, homes can easily
become damaged or flooded. One of the best benefits of having a drainage system installed,
inside or outside, is that it can help prevent water damage and structural issues. Without a
proper drainage system, a streets and roads are more likely to flood which can cause water
damage to the surrounding area. If the mess is not cleaned up immediately, mold can begin
to grow which can cause a host of adverse health effects, including respiratory problems and
fungal infections. Water damage can also cause structural problems to the foundation of a
home. Concrete begins to crack and crumble when it has been exposed to water for
prolonged periods of time. Additionally, wood and drywall can rot away leading to the
infestation of pests, like termites and carpenter ants. One of the best benefits of a drainage
system is the preventative action taken against the problems water damage can cause.

One of the largest sources of wastewater is that which comes from homes and industries.
Wastewaters from homes contain human waste, food, soaps, and detergents. They also
contain pathogens, which are organisms that can cause diseases. In this project, I realized
the goal of wastewater management is to clean and protect water. This means that water
must be clean enough so that it can be used by people for drinking and washing, and by
industry for commercial purposes. It also must be clean enough to release into oceans, lakes,
and rivers after it has been used.
This project encouraged team work and time management. Working together because we
set aside our differences and work together to complete this task. We split our works evenly
and set each member a deadline. This project also showed us how to better handle our time
as we finished it before the deadline.

While doing the project, we realized the sources of errors. Human error can be viewed as a
minor aspect. There may be types of human error that occur during data collection. It can be
an error in transcription. This occurs if information is incorrectly calculated and written. The
second mistake is calculation. It happens when you put the wrong formula in your excel.

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